J MANLY STATEMENT Senator Wolcott's Reasons for Supporting McKinley. I HE IS STILL A SILVER MAN Bat He Wonld Not Vote for a Free Trader to Secure Free Coinage Other lines Equally Important Denver, July 31. Eversinoe the Colo- EtPDBUCAN PRESIDENTIAL TICKET. ' For President, wiixiam Mckinley, Of Ohio. For Vice President, GAB RETT A. HOB ART, Of New Jersey. For Presidential Electors, T. T. GEER, of Marion County, 8.M. Y"RAN, of Lane, E. L. BMITH. of Wasco, J. F. CAPLE3, of Multnomah. WHY IS IT SOt Dealers eay that never before in the history of Oregon has the wool situation been anytbiDg like what rado delegate, led by Senator Teller, it is at the present time. Hereto- walked oat of the republican national fore there has always been a mailt convention. Senator Edward O. Woloott et for wool at some prica lnere Das persistently refused to be interview baa always been money in the past, ed in regard to bis position in this cam- plenty Of it, to advance TO any paign. Tonight be leaned tne following and all who wanted to consign address, giving bis reasons forsupport- their wool. People have held back ing MoKinley for president for better prices in days gone by, To the votersof tbe State of Colorado bat when the time came tbat they The people ot Colorado are entitled to had to sell there were always buy-know at such s juncture as tbis the views era ready to pay .the market prices. 0f their representatives at Washington Now there is no market, no price, amono the orent Drivileces we eniov un 130 buyers, none who will make ad- fot republican institutions are freedom vances. The wool business is at a 0f conscience and freedom of speeob, and dead stand still. It has stucK jf j n,mid hesitate on tbis or any other fast in the mire of financial de- proper oocasion to deolare my belief and moralization the horses have balk- my oonviolions on any pnblio question, ed and refuse to budge an incn. gboatd despife myself even more than A big lump of wealb, represnted j despise those incendiary newspapers DV greai mountains oi wum, uuo u. ao(J hysterical imiividvals who assume the mainstays of pastern Urpcon, is tied up, and worthleps as the sandf of the Oolurobia-.au.UUU.UUU pound of wool in Eastern Oregon towDB alone, and no one to even advance DR. J. W. HILL HERE. The Prtaeipal of Bishop Beott A tart f my I- tervlewed by the Qasette CoBceralns: Thlf Noted educational laatitotioi, aid tbe Well Kaowa bchool for Yoaag Ladies, Ht. Ueiea's Hall. On last Wednesday Heppner was favored with a visit from Dr. J. W. Hill, prmcipal ot Bishop Soott Academy, of Portland, and representing this sobool and the well known young ladies' sobool. Saint Helen's Hall, also of Portland. Dr. Hill's visit was for the purpose of renew ing acquaintance with old pnpils, of which tbis seotinn has several, and, inci dentally, to look over the field for new business, for tbe doctor is every mob a he 1s a tborongb that threat and vituperation can choke ibe utterances of any self-respecting citizen of Colorado, who lias an opinion to express or a principle to deolare. Tk. .,Dti,. i. moat itaf Tn " " " f .III I n I 'LI lIICOII'U IB . L " money enough on it to pay freight tert)ftUot B, bimetalifm at tbe former 1 1 .!... Thiit nts-wal I iromoneiown loamnutfr. ratio wooid, of oourse, be tbe most d is Biorflu iu wbimhuoco m U rHble method of restoring silver as a ton, Hilgine, liaKer i,nv, ui'imi, moDl.y melal. because tbe uisturbance of JJnrkeH, fenrtlKnn, upppner, ten", , hi . bt . ,. w ibeiDBuirnr - t m i T- 1 1 'r l I " " Arlington and ine jaues. i if tion of (ree cninB(,e by ,h8 UDjted 8tatei producers ot tnis wool wouiu use wonld ba Bvoidf di and lhe qaeB. to know "wuere iney are at ,OU M t0 tbe XDortHtion or hording of The above is taken from the East old would be eliminated. In my opin Oreconian, one of the ftaunch "". mwever, tne umtea otsiee aiooe , .. . i?o.t. oould, under wise and oonervative aemocrano lourtmia ui uiin . . . , uregon. ii is n iruiuiui H.COru.- - , oouflden0(l o( .,, tion of the disastrous condition, glasses ofoor people opeo its mints to end coming from such a source tbe unlimited coinage of silver and soo rnmVa with it rreat weicht B8 a oessfully maintain tbat metal at a partly .monf A It hnnrrh " 'i iuubuu- r o d 1 iinllv nf nlliAr naLlfina nf Ihft wnrhi. lJiir. it r . A. .AAMtinMlst Aalra ' me cast wregou.uu BCOiu.uB.j, . h f bUc Why BUCh a condition exists, it io the senate I bare always held this knows the answer as well as any- view. My vote on all questions affecting Had it not been for the part ' ourrency bas been identioal with UA U nawan.n,r. nd noliti. 01 0,b" ieo"ori usnany inown as "'vu ' "-I'-r- I--" .Bn.tnr.. ar,. .h,l. mv nlteranne. oiansm influencmR the people to ln .. m, nolh... . . I T vote into power a Iree-traae a em. bten M ffjqent or as long as those of ocratio administration, there would others whose views I share, nevertheless not be this concestion in the wool " snbjeot is clear and troops, under sanotinn of law, saved fur ther bloodshed and destruotion, and thereby deserves thetbanksof every man wbo values our liberties and believes tbat the rigbta guaranteed ua by tne constitution ought to be guarded against lawlessness of every form. Tbe recent travesty at St. Louis, tbe populist convention, baa but illustrated tbe elements which naturally gravitate toward the oandidacy of Mr. Br) an. Every oranky quirk, every incongruous aod lodioroua and mis-shapen idea which tbe wheels in tbe brains of men oould evolve, bnzzed and whirled through days of talk, bot tbe net result way Bryan. Government ownership ot railroads, tel- A.Artk nnjl (.lAnkiinA linBB fnitintlVA Qnd I . ' " reruu,. . business man just as referendum, silver money and more mon- edn0Btor ev, bad tbeir advocates, ana at tne ena, on aesurnces tbat all who voted for Bryan would be equally recognized, Mr. Brvan was tbe almost unanimous ohoioe of tbe convention. "Because, therefore, I believe that free coinage will come through the tffjrts of the republican party, aod because tbe democratic and populist platforms, ex cept on the money question, are odious aod hostile to the welfare of ouroouutry, I shall not cast my vole for Mr. Bryan. "I hold my commission from the re publican party. Many of its members, including some of Its leaders, in tbe ex ercise of tbeir j idgment, have announced their infentiou ot leaving tbe party. I shall stay. My loyalty to tbe party which bas honored me is entirely ooo sistent with my loyalty to tbe highest and best htereats of tbe state I repre sent iu tbe senate of Ibe United States, aod I know no reason wby I should abandon my party or desert its colors. There is in my mind do reason wby it was Dot as muob our duty to vote for Weaver four years ago as for Bryan to day. The Omaha platform declared for free ooinage and was no more objection able than tbe Chicago platform; and Bryan Is youcbed for by leading popu lists as being 'as good a populist as lives. CLOSING OUT SALE! rr Almost every parent takes an interest in eduoational matters, and with this idea in view the Gazette's representative solicited Dr. Hill for a statement or terview concerning tbe educational stitotions represented by him, and much to the scribe's satisfaction was graoiously granted 'What can you say for publication relative to the progress and work of the schools which you have the honor to represent?" was asked. "As you well know, Bishop Soott Academy has an excellent reputation not oonfiued, I am pleased to eay, alto gether to tbe N irtbweet. We have pu pils from all parts of tbe Doited States and not infrequently we are favored with students from other countries. This year, of tbe graduating olass ot seven, one, Henri H. Jones, hails from Aquin, Hayti. He is a native ot the island, and when he arrived in Portland three years ago oould not speak a word of English, and as a result of close application to bis studies graduated with honor in tbe olassioal depattment. "If any person will take the trouble to look over onr catalogue be will notice tbat we eduoate in one family, many times, every jonog man iu it. Tbis is We invite your attention to our Immense Line of Summer Dress Goods of the Very t Latest Styles. Our Salesman, Price, who recog- b.,... nizes no cost or value, will offer these goods Away Mark We 3elow tie Regular Talc a LooK at Tlese Goods, You can find a Bargain ir) teri). have a Large Line of Glassware, Crockery and Tinware that we are closing out. Don't buy these goods till you see our prices. nut. iif. all on ATpnritinn and in mv mi (id The populists nave not cnangea form8 B si,eDt t4.Btimonial which speaks volumes in favor ot Bishop Scott Academy. market. Pio manufacturer nor speculator is going to put one dol lar iu wool till it is known whether these immense foreign shipments are to coutiuun. There need no one think that the situation will change unions the election of Mo Kinley becomes alisolutly sure. With Kastfrn Oregon's greatest induatry stilled in the way it !ihh been, it is nrepOHterous for the democratic party to aak. for votes from the chief Builorcrs.-lue Dal les Chronicle. Alabama, coos democratic, as usal, by about 2."),000 majority. Dick J land, ot Missouri, has been nominated for congress Again, oESATOn VOLCOTTB letter in this isauo expresses the position o thousands of republicans. Mrt. Uiiyan sneaks in tbe most faTorable terms ot bis democratic friend of tbe vice-presiJeney, but if Mr. Bewail were a republican I'.ryan would rail bim a corpora tion blood sucker ami lieaitleas bauker. Uaker City Republican. Mr. llryan wants fice-trade iu wool. Morrow county Las tried this and itiau't a(iafcU)y, by a long shot. Heppner Osteite. Yea, and won't the tan don wool affocl the value of every man's pn ion? Isn't tbo tariff a "diaboo eat" rot'Caration of tbe money o tb widow ami orphan with dm i no imt-ar mmuia t a latin on wl deoreciaU f vry cold dollar tbat is ut for rlutbiuit?- 1'oit- land Tribune, r at.folcliM ar raaio does not answer anitLinu Kvrry wrsoa wbo is residing iu Kantern Oretfon uirecuy or to directly affected, ai.d imioverUhe! fwpla are in tio bumor to listen to pueilK uonaet). consistent, and the views I bold I expeot al Tur rt Oreu nin tbat tariff on wol would help tb tnaoa furturer only. Tbis it not tru. If a tariff wm ilac! on wool it woul I beln very farmer in Oreg on, in ad litin ti lbo actively rnsacMi tn tb buines. ibe woul will raoa tnnllon ti ba cheap cheap mutton rnirs in cotnpetitio with evrrf !! I-rmluct ratal l lb farmer. C-reili attd bay can not biitiif L"d ific whramul ton, lerf and Hrk ara low. Wly tha farmer is aa touch tbloreal! i ways to maintain. 'The financial plank of tbe national republican platform is, io my opinion, ar from satisfactory, and those members I the party who believe aa I believe, ill straggle earnestly and hopefully tor tbe fall and comt lets recognition and adoption by the republican party ot the nmans principle of bimetalism, animal ed by tbe belief that the party which on every other great qnealion involving unman freedom and tbe welfare of man iml bas stood for all tbat is uplifting and ennobling, will yet realiie that eontiuuanae of the gold standard means only further Impoverishment and suflVr ing. Tbe platform eontaii, however, a most Important statsmr ot, pledging the party to lbs furtherance of bimetaliaro by International agreement. To the good faith ot tbii plrdge, tbe history of the party on other questions requires the fullest credence; the overshadowing im port an os of tbe silver question makes it oeMaiu to my wind tbat every effort will be earnestly made by the republican party to eroare to Ibis country tbe bleee togs of blmetiliem, and it Is my sincere aoovlolion Ibat silver will again be re stored to its pUon as a money metal al tbe old ratio, and tbat when this restora tion eoms, It will t aoooaiplished Ibrougb tbe action end efforts of Ibe re- publieaa party. Except on tbe money question, do mas io dorado wbo be- llevM in Ibe protection of Ammo so labor antl American products aod Amer. leaa industries, and who love bis cono try, oaa read lhe platform without bearty approval; aod no naa doable tbat M.J.r MeKloUv will brio to bis bigh offloe every qoalily seeded by a presi dent of this great people. klr. Hryea bae beta nominated for tbe prMideeey oo three a'rU plat forois; by Ibe dViaocreUs party, Ibe lxlultat party aod by Ibe silver party. The laal tamed party -tbe stiver party - dors sol dreerve eertoee aobetdMeltoa. Uoel of He MreaUrt wre ptal at Us reeat eoateoHue la Ht Ixuie, seJ Ibe newspapere report Ibe roe tenia ball as twin- leee Ibes half full. Tb deatoeral tc parly aliate4 air. Drvaa apoa a platfom Ibe Ouatc al plabk of whleb te eveiylblng Ibat eualj ! dreired, aed lhe reel if II evertlbing Ibal te, In eny rtpluloa, dvetrable euj boallle Id Ibe Io l real of oar ananlry. 1 dellnel4 eland apoa Ibis pleif.m aod v4e for I tie randiiUta, etea wlin the allurleg fr4ea(e plaak. I aae4 i It. 1 a S bellevef la prnetioS, aed tball ! baa Je ibal blif The eeprvwe oul of Ibe ri4 MUlre le a per aad able Iribeeat; tbe btfbeet Jfllimal Iflbanal la iseecrl.l t wiU S4 kl N eleb It. Th fnvef aweal saesi b nlitd Io pay tie raebtr-f Im, aJ wbeester my ule le r-ld ff lhal np., and I oast four years. It is we who ate ex pected to join tbeir organization. Others may find it a wise experiment, but I won't do it. Whenever tbe coarse of events coald make it possible that I should speak from the same platform aa Tillman or Waite or Iguatious Donnelly, in advooaoy ot tbe same presidential candidate, I know there must be some thing wrong with me. "What we need in Oolorado is less hysterias and more common sense. We have glorious reeouroes, yet in tbe iuf anoy ot tbeir development. We are suffering from the imposition of a mistaken finan cial policy, which it is oar natural and proper desire to see ovtrtbrown as quick ly as possible. We are one of 46 states in tbe Duion, esoa tree and sovereign. Within our borders live about one one bnndred and fiftieth ot tbe people of the Doited States. We live in a republic where tbe roMority rules. The vast ma- "It bas always been our most earnest endeavor to procure tbe best instructors. Tbe personnel of tbe faculty of onr sobool will compare favorably with anv institution in the country, and indeed, if I may be pardoned for seeming egotism, superior to most of tbem. Three ot tbe oorpe are Yele graduates, several are from other oolleges of national reputa tion, one is a grataate of West Point, a Xeaobers are expeoted to require tbe use captain io the U. 8. army on retired duty, ()f g00(j English on tbe part of pupils in Yours for Cash. and all are tborongb, competent teacher in their respective lines. The best in structors are none too good for as. "Bishop 8cntt Academy Is more essen tially a boarding eohool for boys, though, of oourse, many boys and young men, residing in Portland, live at home aod attend as day pupils. Oar military dis cipline is wholesome; all matters in tbis line are looked after by the commandant, struction in tbe sobool of the soldier. We have a primary, a preparatory and an aoademlo department, besides classic al, scientific, English and commercial courses; iu fsct we thoroughly prepare II. e pupil wbo desires to attend any col lege or soientiflo school. We bave graduates in Yale, Wet Point, Masa chusetta Institute of Technology, Uni versity of California and Stanford jonty ot tne peopie oi u um.m. Capt Wm A Kimball, D. 8. A. Ret are nones ami m u'S" n.. .o,tt. ... olvun thnmiioh in telligence, and devotea io ine perpemuy ot free institutions. Oar f rest desire is to indnoe a majority of tbe people ot Ibe United States to believe as we believe. The way to tbe acoompliabmenl of this remit is not by vituperation and abuse. Tbe press ot tbe oountry, East as well as West, is largely responsible tur tbe bitter si olional feeling now sought to be in voked. It is for ns wbo do not own or ooutrol newspapers and wbo are not in lbs business ot throwing mud, to remem ber tbat of Ibe millions nt people who will cast tbeir ballots tbia fall, nearly all are as pat riot io as we are, and with on equally desirous that Ibis republic shall live, and not die. The people of tbe East are our brothers; we sprang from Ibe tame loins, we bae a common cono- Iry, a common death and Ibe same dear flag. Tble gospel ot hate wbiob le now being preached should find no fullowiog among eane meo, ao welcome among good eiliaene "We wbo believe la the free einsge ot both gold and silver at utir mints at lhe ratio heretofore existing will secure the adoption of our views when we are able to Induce the mj irily ot oar fellow cill seus to share oar belief; wbea people wbo do no! agree with us now shall be led to agree with ua, not alone because ot our arguments oa fioaoee, bot because our views oo otber great qaeetlooa en title oe to public eooOJenee and respect. Free aolnege will never aome, la my opiuion, oat of lhe jatnbls sod folly of Ibe Chicago platform, oor will II be her alded by tbe cap and belle of populism. "Enwaan O. Woimt" the daily routine of all tbe clashes. In tbis oourse it is urged thai at least tbe first two years ot Latio should be taken, owing to its large use in msoy derivative words of tbe English language. "Muob attention is also given to French and German, and tbe instruction will be given by resident native teaohera. It is tbe aim to teaob tbe pupil easily to read these languages at ligbt aod to ao qoire correct pronunciation ot words; in short to become sufficiently profloient in tbeir use tbat they may be ot prsotioal benefit. No extra charge is made for in struction in these languages to any atudent regularly enrolled. "Latin and Greek are also taught by a graduate of Cornell. To tbose who are contemplating entering a college ot higher instruction Ibe knowledge of Latin and Greek is invaluable. Tbe etudy of history, both modern sod an ' One feature of the school is tbat we oient, ie aso given a prominent plsoe io accept b)S of eny sge, aod strongly ibe work of instruction urge the sending of boys before they grow too old and settled io tbeir helots. We surround tbem with good, borne in fliiencps, for onr boarding estahliubmeol is carefully supervised. The location ol the eohool is exceedingly healthful. "Tbis year we will intrnduoe uiannel Mining which we derm ao important feature. "The art department will be in charge of a member of Ibe New York Arl League. Her instructors an numbered among Ibe best known artists ot tbat city. The course ioolodet drawiog from the antique iu charooal crayon or pencil aod from still life In black aod white or paatel; painting io oil aod water Color from nature aod from allll life and ENGLISMUSINESS COLLEGE PORTLAND OREGON ti r J: ;?:i . ry ' ijLsaaf i Full English course. french and german. businIss BRANCH ES. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, telegraphy. BOARDING DEPARTMENT'" LAMES IML IS Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . "Tbe young ladies' school, Ht. Ueleo's sketching from Ibe drsped model. Uull. deserves more (ban passing notice, "Tbe Instruction Io tbe line of musio t aarure yon," continued tbe doctor, will b complete, looludlog both vocal' "and If yonr space permits I eball only aod Instrumental, from the elementary be too glad to give you all poeaible Io- le Ibe advaoced, by thoroughly trained for rant ion f r publication. During Ibe and competent teachers. pat year Ibe eanse of Cbrlalian educe "College preparation will be offered tion sustained a severe lose by Ibe death Iboee wbo desire It. Aod io soneluslon if the former pruepel, Misa Mary B. I will eay Ibal, all la all, 8t Helen's Rodney, but the election of Mies Trb Hall Is a model sobool for (iris and belle Io fill tbat vacant position bae young ladies. Indeed, even Ibe grad- proved eminently eatUfaolory U all la. I aatee ol otber good schools will find Ibal treated. Mine Ttbbrtts la a woman of Ibis is as eitollent InattlutioB la wblob eollreiate and university training, end to receive tbs Dnlaning louche, ae it by virtue of her college drgree aod sub- were, preparatory to entering tbs every etquenl attainments and advanlagee, day walks of life." aa awardel in iNtf a Uo years fellow. Dr. Hill did not bave lima to rem el a ship in Ibe I'aivereity ol reobevlvaeia, longer Ibaa Wedneeday evening when receiving In Ibal inaiiiolioa tbe degree he departed fur PeodMoo. Before ra id t. A., and I'b. It. She bas bed ex- lomleg to rortlaod be will vieil Ibe perlrnee In aumeroos echooU, but ber ehlef eitiei aad lowos of Eastern Offg- coneeeiion wHb Ht. Mary'e Halt. Uurl- oa, Wsablogtoa ead iJeao. legion, N. J., should al leeel give her bills and fvr. Tb suitable preiaralNn fr tbe work rvunr I Hine Ivl tbers bave bw sins epl shadJiKing em.eati.ia le Li . , ML ii,i,h', ti,!L Tbe remainder dealc of dieealery Is different pail nl of lhe faeottv ieelade tradnaie from I the eountry la wbtca Cbanttmlain'e each IttstilutMoe e Veeeer, Maliti sad Colia, Cbole'a aod Diarrhoea Remedy Cornell need wit b perfeel eeeeee. Dyeen- Hne(Hkof Ht tlclea'e 1111 la well lry, when epidemic, Is ainx-t a severe keneo and nede a lelrduetlMi to end daegemoe ae AeialiS sbeWra. tler innrrealera. It i lhe alia to give girte I of of Ibe beel tf.rU of Ibe Boel skilled ead ynneg tbekiodof lu at roe lino phiairta bave faiWI locbefk He ravag f.i .btenria eollrce. idei e true itewj, wo-ev-r. Tke Vkakm are a Hafey (any II le said, but lhe ehakar wh abakee be caneebeean'l help It le by no m-aos a barpy Indlridual. Mo sbaaee lhe pernn troubled with aeiverleg ead fullowe.1 by no lee a pieu, namely. I.nrning fve. whicn I lollnwed by a tri-l'lloe ba'b Ibal leave the oob.p pv seffaeer "a week ae a cat," a ! Hf.irteeale simile, by tbe way. ae Ibe eat, fr He s is le a partieiilarly mn--lr animal, t'n.lef lb en.iv tirciini ! vital eianiln I a m nA Bp ttbl will reeiprie I'T lliieier'e Htomacb tillre. wbteb eradict mala rial rfiar In every hum end ri.ie H terrible rvaa Bp" Ibe litrm. raegeaseol M Ibe live laie acc rnpa aie Malarial dirJer- Te Ibe rli f Ihl enwplalet, aa wl aa enbelipaltn end d)rie,lb Iniirr le a lif.ly Raf ted . l tRIaatNoi and trt-.r-aetblell Mr kl.leey Imat U, srltr rbeematiem ' neera'aia. A ll.ele fll Ibrew lin.e t dy. "It it immtttrtil. la mt jtjmrU ti kttk'r fA e oroirr fcM-s nf ht.rtt fn.m l Licif vr nl ... . ...... i. ..i.. i. k.n it Ill ktlhtr ht ilr or .1 r I am it ..1..1.1i..,...l.1i.i.L.-,k..7r ar-W-fewc fnm ;rk of I iiwi . - ... ( ,-l7lt-, jr4 I f f. "f 'P rmlttw ra m wa fui t rotectinn a anv ir. Hot pro tection ahoul i bol sbD M oetor. Tbs real repaWteaa aa- w,l. f..r ever aclloa baa iU kne ba aelhf etefnl af eitrev- it,Ufe.U lbo If mlinMCtlf .and lfca.1 dllaa be ewvtiff I S rt.rrtr.i I lhalhiM Mr cwnL aa elaiMl I keftW fca b netrae. Wbea. rnaet sell abroad can U aold to "walks eg, tba aley stnleal tlioM abo Leln ti lcQaa a filca gw byad wlrd, aad laa. bti h-m Hrfati'a fr trad, 't b wet b leg "(Wd and Ul iu,.'e a.. ti'tet ili.ie. a'.l Ie 1 4 .lUie i-t p"l'l ! ; y im c t ! latitoi of ti e t. fc. ai .te-noe.! l !! mUi H l r cud. Mm altti (he frr In e ff ilrs aad lleg. tn Do You Want a Rig ? ) Don't You Want a Place to Pnf nn Vnnr Tbnm ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All tbeso can be procured at Thompson A Uinns, Ixwer Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. ThfiM sntlnwn are tl arnnlnlMt llh f.rant. Ilamey. Crnnk. Oltltam and otber eountUe, and co nniwy ad time la makh.f Ibew Mrilons Itb lrlln naa. trim la keeplnf alia lite time. THOMPSOlsT Sd BTNNS, uvzaTunr, xtrrnrxK, The Lancashire Insurance Co. Ol MANCIIKMTKMi ICIOLA.N i W riTTtRSnX. AGENT. " - 1 - " . necary bae cored Ibe .Utre,!. but I aey ! i give tbe b M fcau ar, -tt h, tlwt fB( tnairartloa and ecboiariy item. i n.liiina. wbieb prove Utah the ll eernrrd nber. anedirin la Ibe world o bowel The ecbmd pp.ea Ibie year a kindet- P-- Kor .le 17 (r a If garten. a Ibis baecb of tnatnctija I rvallv aeciy I f.i a Ba f-ooda- Hi) bee be Pae. bile lrk Bhnn al ferry Cn In abich lotmildesep.ii.rnx4.rn ytIb.BI , ,,,,,41 nbb edurall-.a. Tbe r- . 4 f. lb m. , Bb,Wf diwl)l, hm tafvm time. bM'f.r cBtiferw(ln, rtetb t'(4. Health ed Nek I.Hbs Oaiarta IWas.ty. eeft, by I'fie 6V. ill ai-vki- -i .f Usaeb of loairnfltina are large ead rmmy end aWwIy snaid Tbe sge al nbieb line walk eaghl M tgl ebaald sol tw er fr )eaie. "Ibe rtiy drpartirel at ibietebaid le glva Mot Ilia neeal liliu, Ibe faliy r.'ti eg ibal II le f great Imtrtaere I the ef bilJiPS lb edIMMt strnrtsr. Tb la ebeeta f Iht i'p'ttrl at fMy l lb latett saaJtd la W.alay to -II-. tlMp a'tt eft! lreiMia'e J. .fin. ,,u, ib' i' J t .t"i t. al IliM I it to a ibr 'il-l 'M I t Io l lk-t lb- lt.tM4 lb"W' lletekig a epta o a abM ad while foaetleg dews a bill al a ep! nf 60 sil aa br lb benkelbrewieg bim a dot f'.l lo lb evU rd lie rd ned dkbti bi btd.r. Tb d Md arts put bark la plec aod te owpeay attb Owe ttigg b ram I irliagW. rk ) Ibat Sfancv Uaale ee'.J l be la H iib aa aaeMtrned b4k'M4 a dewablit pall -Ar1igl tUMtd a aii & frMnr 1.k4Ii(I a.I Iblk I ialie R Laal Tneedsy si Butt O rover won lb flv fnrl -og dash with Cbi.k second and rta Ear Ibird. Tim 113. Baby Bulk wa alee tatcrvd la Ibie race, OeneraJ Giy wee eel.'ed In Ibe laal race et Ibal day, a Ore furlong dash, lot failed to eecur a pie. IUby llatb won Wednesday's en tur lag kendkap, Imp. Hata eeennd aod Model Iblrd; lio I U','. "II it immtitrrUil, im aap a.juwaf, n-ke(W fae aaern amwrr rvrwicw IWaeSf mm th itrtff or nl 11 KilKtr ae di.s or a-t nor r am tor frr erwo.- trtntrt from Ifrrh of II 1 Jut m J, liryin 1 rae ron of Htj rrrnttttxv raa Iht II tlmm tnit u a a. It ronttdtmlta. SUM MOSS. Iv Tni narriT nu'RT of twi rrari ol t r-t in ! im ( Mint al Morrow, Ullr M minus, a SOm K Momor. IMMuUnl. to ! b Noiiti, M-n4anl la it.. Hmm ol lha Mi 4 Ota, mi sra br-kt ea.,nlr4 le and win tb em, pialnt Hi-I MslnM fan tn Un alan. nllil4 nw a mf h-l.rt th ara Amfo4 u,hi! rt laf tmtm o ik (Urn rauill emirl. Ia .1; Tbe Tta day ( aiaibf, ls, n It ta lll M to iw.l, oe mn ihrrmnt lb lalnlie .HI apl, u- lh mn tafia r-ltel 4-a.Ht la b- ronplalal, k II k 4laa ttt.n ol la'rtar f owlfa baH. rtalnllg M rtalan.U-1. I.H th fwot si all ba Mlnoe raii4 an oi f alalia ao4 4l4aal. aad eaaia 4 lh a a ilt 1kiMiko!e4Ya4 MMIraMn mr- a .!., at a) t-n A a.., a IK. ai-na aiUlUl loKlt, at nn K Ma Ur aiiir, i kautaa. allarMf lot rWiUf. b saw 4 Help. I at a ttnd mkf I try low breaghl KtM Oe-", to r.t.rbl tKngbistdlfeatai Tbl le lb 2et t fraternal b6laiy ar.if I IhaTJ.II aa4gtaig Very faai (Ktod waga lo good wk.r. A Mrs, J. U Vrti ntu. IP. ft 0MaB , St U ppeet, I "r. See ta Bad wM by tedia)iaa. O !- Ha, fiias aaaa. - f App4'1 1 aktaf HbilobS il la punitive ea, fa eaie by Watle IWiHN, hitr.nirrs sale. om i is rirrrsy oiv ratr rai.ga ' ' t-t o tn aratlMI la.4 t 4 IKa r. fruit oml al tfca Hata a f traaa of ,k- ' Htr m4 .tM. aa Jaaa la, lata a4 la) .a 4lrto aa4 ! - I. rm a 4faa, eawiam a4 wmh la immu t.x im attta iiri I- aaM aa Ika k 4., I" 'a a M It Naf aaa a.atati '- t i ar-l. a-l-iai i lka "" " t--nt laa a4 tm taM4 Ia4 ta 4 a. mi ian fnm al a t.a. Hal mi aa4 il-uat aaa IM alia lha aaat (w mt tm ""' " " aaital tmraa, aa 4aa ta. la a4. Mf-Ja.M.il.M,,min, -ai a.,i r.al anaartt. la an laa .wtk M v'Wa'k... la la laaaafcta i. a mi. at . a -J te r t4 tU , mhs s4 encw- Stra. lb )tb day f Aws. ISa. I a (i-M H.arwHaaV era t1 mmf J IM anH S.., Mvtaa I aa.ia 'J"""- 'k . a4 l-waaal mmU I i - : I a4 w. tk awa 4-a.t aa-1 a al r-k'U t t-m im iM 94tmZ -.w , . aa -v ka a.ta u. .a. my, i.f -4 !! lf..UIa ra rld II. ..' t 1. I', ' a . . I afla a . . a , a a t, .1-1 la ef i I I ,fc . t .4 u, a ma at ... ....a a- 4 t at - i. mii. i enr I'-tV, will bv CaUU IU '' ""'J. th I-- -V T'T;rrrniai-T: " ' - I at. a i t . . . . a . b4 bi Wnab A bt 01 4 1