E. McNEluL, Receiver. TO TUB GIVES THK CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA. Spokane MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RY VIA Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City g FREE 3 g ff I rt 00 worth of lovely Musk tor Forty - a- 1 1 1 Cento, consisting of 100 pages v r ' ' w full sire Sheet Music of tlie mw latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular 3 selections, both vocal and Instrumental. gotten up hi the most elegant manner. In- -.i eluding four large size Portraits. m CAKMENCITA, the 8 pan I ah Dancer, -I f5 PADEREW8KI, he gnat Pianist. rS -- ADEUNA PATTI anil -j Sr: Awvwf seuqmah cutting. rS y DKIH ALL ONDBR. TO THE NEWYORK MUSICAL ECHO CO.r a- Broadway Theatre Bldg., New York Qty. CANVASSERS WANTED. The regular subscription price of tbe Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and the regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Orearonian for $3.50. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to rh- m FA LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- ent business conducted for moderate Ftte. our Office is opposite, U.S. Patent office; and we can secure patent ID ks tune Uutla UiOit remote irom nasniuKiuu, ... Send model, drawing or photo., With descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of; charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. , a pamphlet " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in' the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Office, Washington. D. C. REFUBLIGftN PLATFORM. Full Text of the Declaration of Principles. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. GET THE BES1 When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine lo not be deceived by alluring advertisements ,nd be led to think you can get the best made, ini'st finished and Most Popular For full details oall on O. R. & N, Agmt ta Ileppner, tr address W. H. BTJRLBUIVT, Gen. Fans. Agt. Portland. Obbqon. QUIOK TITVIE I TO San. Ironolsoo And all polnto In California, via the Mt. Bhast route uf the Southern Pacific Co The ar-at hialiwaT through California to all point Kant and South. Urand Hoenie ItouU of tho Paoiflo Coast. I'ullman Unflet Bltwpers. Beoond-ela-s Bloepers Atlaohed to eipr-as trains, allordini superior aooomaioriaunna for soonn-olaM pa-seng. or a mere Bong. See to It that roa buy from reliable mirau acturcrs that have gained a epti tat ion by honest and sq uare loaling, you will then get a iewing Machine that is noted he world over for its dura )ility. You want the one that .s easiest to manuge ana is Light Running There Is none In the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, benuty In appearance, or has as many improvements as the New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alllte on both sides of needle (patented), no other has it ; New Stand ( talented), driving wheel hinged on adjustable centers, thus reducing frictioa to the minimum. a ror seoonn-oiaas paa-ana-,,. abiis a r O For rates, ticket., aleauiui oar reservations, WKITt. rUlt liniUl,Mnoi eta,, null nnon or addrma I ' - - oinVi? Lv. Agu.p0?tlra'iid,' Oregon0 THE FEW HOME SEWING KIUCHIbE CO. 0a-i-. Ks. Boemn, Was. rinm iw-s"", . Hil'l H.t,. HT. IjOUH, MO. l)AM.A.lL24a. UaX a'ai',l,t al. ATl.ajnA.Uft. r?1 BA'.F BY mm m am P. C. THOMPSON CO.. Agents Ilvppncr, Oregon. The Republicans of the United States, assembled by their representatatives in national convention, appealing for popu lar and historical justification of their claims to the matchless achievements of 30 years of Republican rule, earnestly and confidently address themselves lo the awakened intelligence, experience and conscience of their countrymen in the following declaration of facts and principles: For the first time siDoe the civil war the Amerioan people have witnessed the oalamitous oonsequences of full and no- restricted Democratic control of tbe government. It has been a record of unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and disaster. Io administrative management it has ruthlessly sacrificed iodispensible revenue, entailed an increasing deficit, eked out ordinary ourrent expenses with borrowed money, piled up the public debt by $262,000,000 in time of peace, foroed an adverse balance of trade, kept perpetual menace hanging over the re demption fund, pawned Amerioan credit to alien syndicates and reversed all the measures and results of successful Re publican rule. In the broad effect of its polioy it has precipitated paoio, blighted industry and trade with prolonged de pression, closed factories, reduced work and wages, halted enterprise and crip pled Amerioan production while stimu lating foreign production for the Ameri oan market. Every consideration of publio safdty and individual interest demands that tbe government shall be rescued from tbe bands of those who have shown themselves incapable to oonduol it without disaster at home and dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to the party wbiob for 30 yean admin istered it with noequaled success and prosperity; and In this connection we heartily indorse tbe wisdom, patriotism and suooess of tbe administration of President Harrison. 8UGAJL We condemn tbe present administra tion for not keeping faith with the sugar producers of this country. Tbe Repub lican party favors such protection as will lead to the production on Amerioan soil of all sugar wbioh Amerioan people use and for which they pay other countries more than $100,000,000 annually. WOOL AND WOOLENS. To all our products, to those of mine and field as well as those of tbe shop and faotory; to hemp, to wool, to tbe product of tbe great industry husbandry, as well as to finished woolens of the mill, we promise most ample protection, liberty. Tbe government of Spain bev- iog lost control of Cuba and being ooablel to proteot tbe property or lives of resi dent American citizens or to oomply with its treaty obligations, w believe tbe government of the United States should actively use its inflaenoe and good offi ces to restore peace and give indepen dence to the island. . THM NAVY. The peace and security of tbe republic and the maintenance of its rightful in fluence among the nations' of the earth demand a naval power commensurate with its position and responsibility. We, therefore, favor oontinued enlargement of the navv and complete system of har bor and seaooast defenses. POBEIGN IMMIQBATION. For the protection of tbe quality of our Amerioan citizenship and of wages of our workingmen agaiuBt the fatal com petition of low priced labor, we demand that tbe immigration laws be thoroughly enforced and so extended as to exclude from entrance to tbe United States those who can neither read nor write. CIVIL SBBVIOE. The civil service law was placed on the statute books bv the republican party, which has always sustained and we renew our repeated declarations that it shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wherever praoti cable. FBEK BALLOT. 19- (1 1S1IIIIUIIUII VI A Aim IT9 CTJHJJ s To thb Editor : 1 have an absolute remedy for Consumptioa By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. Sr proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to send two bottles free to those of your readers who have Q?risumption,Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express ana post on ice aaarexs. anaxreiy, t. A. SXOCTJM, M. C 183 Pearl St., Hew Tort. star The Editorial and Business Management of this Pi vex Uoarante. this generous Proposition. MERCHANT MARINE. We favor restoring tbe early American polioy of discriminating duties for the upbuilding of our merchant marine and the protection of our shipping interests in the foreign carrying trade, to Amer ican ships the product of American labor employed in Amerioan shipyards, sailing under the Stars and Stripes, and manned, officered and owned by Amer icans may regain tbe carrying of our foreign commerce. FINANCIAL PLANK. The republican party is unreservedly for sound money. It caused tbe enact ment of the law providing for the resumption of specie payments in 1879; since then every dollar has been as good as gold. We are nnalterably opposed to every measure calculated to debase our enr- renoy or impair the credit of our coun- Daiiot Bhan De couuted BDd returned as try. cast. We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free lynching. ooin,ge of silver, except by international proolaim ouf anqa9lifled condem. agreement witn tne leaning oommeroiai naUo0 o( tQe unojviijZed Bod barbarous nations oi the world, whioh we pledge or80tice known as the lynching or killing ourselves to promote, and until such an 0f boman beings suspected or oharged agreement oan be obtained, tbe existing with orime, without process of law. gold standard must be preserved. All national abbitbation. of our silver and paper ourrenoy now in e jftvor tne creation of a national 5 rf?fjfe Lightest, Simplest. PJIkEaslest Strongest, Q Working, Top vil fit If J Accurate Receiver. Xjf.jasaP Compact, Most Modern and progressive For catalogue or information write to THB MARUN FIRE ARMS CO., New Haven. Conn. $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. $150.00 every month given away so any one who ap. plies through us for the most nicruonous paimt rtnnsr 1 the month preceding. . We secure the best patemU for our clief , and the object of this oner is to encourage mvtnto keep track of their brisht ideas. At the same tuns wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT 'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the "car-window" which can be easily slid and down without breaking the passenger's bas, 'sauce-pan,' "collar-button," "nuulock," "bottle. stopper, and a tnousand other ntue tninrs irai o any one can find a way of improving ; ana these simple inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to thf author. Try to think of something to invent IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEM? Patents taken out through us receive special notU s. the " National Recorder, published at WashingQn, D. C, which is the oest newspaper published in America in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year's sub scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month mhtrh wins our lcO Drize. and hundreds of thousands of copies of the "National Recorder," containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of nis invention, will be scattered throughout tne unitea amies among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to then attention the merits of the invention. All communications regarueu guicuy evuuuuuwu Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patent. 618 F Street, N.W., Box 385. " Washington, D. C. ; Kfjcrcnte editor etnts paver, tr tiujot m jo-ftage patiiphict. FREE. We demand that every oitizjo of the United States shall be allowed to cast a free and unrestricted ballot, and suoh Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable ? Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. & Bt. r v. & A , r. r 1. w. x and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. RATES S,oo FBR UAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., WANTED-AN IDEASSfS. thine to patent ? Protect your ideas ; they may Drine you weaitu. "nw " .Y" IUJHN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. 0 for their H.800 prize offer. Echo stage Ibbvps Heppner Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Echo Tuesdays, Tursdays and Saturdays, fare $2 eaob way. Office, Wells & Warren, Heppner. Ed. Driskell, Prop. New Feed Yard. Wm. Gordon haa opened up tbe feed yard next door to the Gazette office, Bnd now solioits a share of your patronage. Billy is right at home at this business, and your horses will be well looked after. Prioes reasonable. Bay and grain forsale. tf. oirculatiou must be maintained at a parity with gold, and we favor alt meas ures designed to maintain inviolable the obligations of tbe Uoited States and all our money, whether ooln or paper, at the present standard the standard of tbe most enlightened nations of tbe earth. board of arbitration to settle and adjust tbe differences whioh may arise between employers and employed engaged in in terstate oommeroe. HOMESTEADS. We believe in the immediate return to tbe tree homestead 1 olicy of tbe Re publican party, and urge the passage by oongress of the satisfactory free Till TARIFF, in tbe senate- territories. We favor the admission of the remain- -TO THE- III VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Through I'ullman I'alsi'o HlvrMr. Tourist HliH-pirs and free) Reclining Chair Cars DAILY Ui Chicago. AS TO PENSIONS. Th varans of the Union armies de- homestead measure whioh has already .... , . . . . passed tbe bouse and is now pendiog .ml lwiiil1 ranaita rate Iraatmant I r I and generous recognition. Whenever practicable they should be given prefer- I ; - . 1 . a 1 . A 1 . . . . I Hniu III lilt III Kl I IT 1 1 1 l-lllllllll III flit B 1 1 1 1 I ws renew and emnnasize our al e- ' ' . 1..... .i..u. 1 Cl3X3immmM!MKnXV&aamG i .. i thoy are entitled to the enaotmeut of L t : , . ... .. . wjr 1 fcriauuo iu iuo yuuuj ui uiunuuuu no tuo i i nate. OBVmkt UUl regaru iu ill luscious u. i HIAI.UIN(VM MM t, i,. t.at I.I.IJ Ia I ' . 7 .,.... bulwark of Amerioan industrial inde- ouuu " the territories ana tne unitea owes, ah pendenoe and the foundation of Ameri- oare the ,u,fl,,ment ol p,e(le, roade t0 federal officers appointed for terrttories I it 1. 1L. Anm 9 ll.a AnnwaetfU I astisxnlrl VlA BlnlnntMii ffnlTl VOn si fill A rAfii- ... .wa a ft ti1 S.SUH..UHI ffli f 1 iUFLli IU ftllO UOI1 UOV Ul tUB WUU 9iJ m I wUUUIVA w aww- cm uifiluicui inn 11.U.H.11.J, iUlDl j...l.. .4l,..i.,l,,f.I,lf.,n..e. i ima,i- r,ii.. .,.. r,,o- P". denounce the praolioe in tbe . . ' " ... . . . , . . . , pension bureau, bo recklessly and an tliinta anil annnnrafTfia tinma inilnaf r anH I " 1 ' Dnts the burden of revenue on fore i if n g,K.d.; it secure, the Amerioan market ,r,,0D' of reJaoi, 'f 0DS congrew ol the United State, to the end Iranly dropping dbibm rrom iue role at iuui oeeueu ihkihiouu iui uo iu.01i- deserving tbe severest coodemnation of eDU' euaoieu. is) Soumir of 0 Yean in lluttnett. A Complete Set, consisting of five Hall l-lavt-r. (i"U I'lsvi-r. Trmils t'layer J! f snd Bli yrle Rider, will tit t any sddrraa upon receipt of 1U ceiiU, to pay J cham.-S. m Tlii-iw figiirfi are alHMilutely perfwt, f beaiitllully i'iiIiiVimI and iiKiiiutrd, and arraiiKi-d In stand iiprmlil.aiKl arean ! celU-iit souvenir of unr Aiyi-eraa leadi-rs uf the athlidlo supply world. Hultalil B lor club, raadlng room, olllce or home. 3A.G SPALDINCs & BROb.i t1 Many hour, s.v.i rl. this line . EU'rn Q 1 1 i A I M t ft' S.M. f. Ji Itil idiiia. meat sbontd be accorded as far as prac ticable. We believe the citizens of Alaa- justly earned on hy tbe present atlmini.. . ihonW ntve representation in the tor the Amerioan producer; it upholds the American standard of wages for tbe American workingmen; it put. ths fao tory by tbe side of tbe farm, and makes the Amerioan farmer less dependent on 1 TM U.S. GOVERNMENT I fift ...is... f!) I PAYING MILLIONS I A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it W tn vnn amt is wllllno- and Anx'ous to pav. Why not present fe) 1 your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the gfi 2 time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. rt fT-Write for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. VU No Fee unless successful. PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P 5treet, WASHINGTON, D. C. JT. H.Thlw Company U controlled ly nearly one thoutand leading newt- papert In fae United matte, and is yw-mnteea oy litem. STEAM HEAT. I.OWItMT PINTSCH LIGHTS. 1A.T1CM. R. H'. BAXTER, Cm. Aumt, 1'ortlund, Oregon. J. C, II ART, Ayent, Ilfypnrr, Orrjon. CIIIOAQO. muwauKeB & si. Fail R'u T1HPBRANCH. We sympathize with all wise and le gitimate efforts to lessen and prevent tbe evils of intemperaooe and promote mor ality. HI0I1T8 OF WOMEN. Attorneys at Law, T Scltntino America! Aotncy fof Jr V Vxi Td snaiiat, Claicn sATaaT. L COr)IOMTa. SMoJ a.ff,...ffwait--a)e't f M.wi'-.-s ,ns, Ml si a in i l .fti .,. hsw (M.l.t iti f. w-iirMitf Hla la 4mf1ra r,f f..ftrl laal I , ! . M-rt,.l,l b-f 1 ,ul-.H' t. a fc- l..sl, IMUiaalM la ib fficnlKif tnctW;w la'iHi-ntiH ij,, rtiaaprt Hi rha i.ftrM.,fttr ll.rto-l IMlr lltftt.nS Ow-H tm nl-l II. t tHla ri, m.wifa A Mim ajt'Sl A i,V MasA Sal iHtala.M Dir. Aoui: MlHNESOTA- ''a v SIlSHIKtl',1 '", The Republican party I. miodful of tbe right, ot women. Protection of tnolo.de. equal eqaal W. BEPPNER, the Amerioan people. oi'R FoitF.ioN policy. Our foreign policy should be at all foreigu demand and price; it diffuses I time, firm, vigorous and dignifleJ, and general thrill, and fouuda the strength all our intertits in tbe western hemis- ofall on the strength of eaoh. In Its I pbere carefully watched and guarded. reasonable application it I. Just, fair and Tbe Hawaiian Islands should be control!- impartial, equally opposed to foreign ed by tbe United State., and 00 foreign Amerioan industries control and domestio monopoly; to eo-l power should b. permitted to Interfere opportunities, equal pay tional discrimination and Individual with them: the Nicaragua eaoal .hoald "r P'otectioo to tbe bom. favoritism. W. denounce the preaent be built, owned and operated by lb, oi th. admlsioo ol women 10 wider , I .... . . .phere. of osefuloes. and weloom. their demooralie tariff a. aectiooaL tnjorloo. Uoited Mlates; and by tb. porebw. of , , . . to publio credit and destructive to busi-1 tbe Danish Islands we should wear, a Dmoeratio and Populist mismaoagemeot nrss enterprise. We demand aoeb I proper and niucb needed station in tbe and misuse. ..-Kut..irr- 1 ,.. -1.1..1, ttWIn,l,r... H..eh are the nrinclule. and Dollcle. Leafing Alder Street Dock. Portland, for Alorla. llwaoo. Long Beseh, Oceaf - ' lark aftrl Naheofta. Ihrenl SnntiMtian m th I waan aUamara anil rail come Into compeiitton with Amerioan i'be mtasaoie. lo Armaula bav. aron.- of tb. repoblloao party, liy these prtn-1 road; also at Young's Bay with geasbor. ltailroad. . for All business attended to ir. a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notarie. 1'oblic and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL HANK I1U1LDINO. t t i ; 1 WHITE COLLAR LINE. n 1 1 iv in in 1 it iflimiiia . KivCT ann riirnitNiiini m VVHIlll'Jiv asaiva iwiu ), III 11 lll'll taaa. V V P V MllVt aV v I tarn V u u Stenncrs TELETDONE. BAILEY G1TZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. OREGON 1 of lb republic.) party. Bf ih prio 1 I :! l. : I &.J ssV.. aKn.Il..Ia W " frni.b ad. edth. deep sympathy and Jus. lodlgoa- '""'JZ quale revenos lor tb. oeoeMary ripen lin of lb. Am--rioan people, and w. b k. . oonsideraU iodgmsot of lb. ) . . rt1 ff of lb. RMveromsot, tint will prolecl itev. in. utiliea oisie. snouia eierxis a ekQ djuU, DjoQiant alia, lo Leaves Portland P. M lolly, escpt Hnndsy. Haiurday nluht. II P M l lVrVL.t I. i.s.... at., j i-.!... .11 ..-... II r,,r..,l. ...r. l B, .,.! narte and In Ilia I elS.tj A. M., esrept Sunday and Monday. Sunday Bight, 7 P. M. vr i ... . . . . . .... -i.i- I OOBAPJ WA.VD litee. airooniM io ao enu. i0 i .. , . r . ,r . ,, I Leases Portland and runs dlrwl lo llwaro, Turwlay and Thurwlay at S A. M. aalnMafalir.lt, HHD I rorm aoa oor oaoaiaaMw is iat nni ss- Lar iiac wednawaay ana rrtday at 7.JU a. . uu Sunday D I. 'it at S r. M ift.ift.ua iifti I ha aiMtinn will dtidst I . a i r. .. . . I 1 . ft J ..4 " iHlh.-M.-a. MII.W and Ht Panl Rail- .odikiumss. ID. queanoB of fate, is a I vipaeii .u .- u.u.r.. , (h R-puWlcM p,,,, MJ . i , .i ... 1 1 . . , .ii a I iuo wage i.vei oi oiner leuiia. i uiiu OldlltU tU llllb IVIUp W. ar. Dot plcdgeJ to aoy parti. ular Turkey Amerioan resident, ba. TZlljZlPXXOlVZI Uaves Portlanit 7 A.M. Dally, sir-pi Holiday. Leave Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, siecpl Sunday. DAIIjEY 3r A-TOiVlTXT travM Astoria Dally a Bajpe Cbfclcd lo WxUmi DcstititioD Bulb rVitiri Free of Expfuse. PflPDUB MAGAZINES FOR THE HOME. .yai..ltit.iisf"m--ii.iiiiihBiMmiari. praoHeal qoralioo to b governed by American pfopwty deslroyed, I luminal ll nr. aim m. I ail ana "". "m i .... . . , I i - . . .-j MuIm. Ih.l It. lr.ln.ar. 111,1-4 with I COwullloo. VI IU. Illtl. .Oil ol proaucilui . eoa evfry ner. m.i..u s,...r.. . ft. t. Ii. - ..A L.u 11 1.. BiftftM lift mi ti I rtftl.nl t. I Tk . , . - a - . .' - . ' .1 I ft hn ... I t fttnlnt.l. - , . r - i ii. ruling ana nuooaiuniaiieina; priori- i niui-n.'aii s.is . . ( . .,.- a arm no rttc ctrrw I ..,...). fin. m Huit.L Llbrair. ...kls .ml I r r . DISEASES OP THE aftl. l-.lng rata, stub tr. iwllnlnt rhalra. rark V' !'"""' umii'pisnn ui i ynrn - " - - -- i -y)t lnieiu IU liing ana smsning inc. Thof. pronp-ritylo th. paopl. of lbs United I for 'P1' Comfort, tt-a-ur., Tr.r.1 on th. T.l.non-. rUllry O.li-rt snd Oc.n War. I Anierloi. labor tod teduatry. Tbe mf ,tL aja i , FRANK LCSLIC'S OPULAR a a s v T rwi a w r A mUANlIlLUY ....i-, , . d H.ia i rwir Mi t-w . ,i a4 f b-fti,. i . .Hi aM , , m I ....... a.,t. m4 (hft,4n. IVa a- " A a 1 1 I ll.lMM, r-; I crlla's Fleasanl ilccrs . H3tl ANOCimi. , , . n...' ftat1t ... I . i. ta- i a lit OUUtl. Hifi'l'.liflH. r.,.a I .... P"- "' S'U' r i '. fi.,.. ii " ..., .ia.l I-. l.'1 .! I exsA ll f lnl. m AM Ihsl hasM In Iha) antisi. Iinh-tlln-aar. Itr Ih.a Ihla. bal aon. ar. I uantrT demand, a right MttUment Sod I ,h.H1f, an4 w olhf of.rs Ih. atv laiuftou 0.g jj mt0$ ftm I rftomt-.ftl.U.H Th-war sim l.nl ivuihl 1.4 Ih tiulat1i oflh. Mllaaitka.' Coapna ibkriaiMU la rv raiiMftut altlr III sit I tM nraiTTr ..mi ttiithftt Ihlnrnaltftria. D al.l I ' ' I ft 1 1 a . . - I . . L I i l 1 tlitiV. lln.fJ Aa.nl. I ' ' J r . v t... I ... A.ni. artangrmeol. ....!,. IM r His last rvati , oasuoa. I lUpubltoao adrnlBlsU atloo was a Halloa al .alamilf and d.msnd Ibeir reosw al and sileosUm oa .orb t-rtns as will qaaltMoor lr.de with oih.r naitnos, rioi f-lrlollnS ohlih now fUtrnrt Ib.sal. of Aru.rkaa prthluets In port, of ilbe( .UBlrtr-s, aaj aar. enlaf.rj maik.lsl.r the prodael. of vat farms, fiMtel sad larl.m--). l'roi-rl"ii anJ reeipmmly are tola s-ar-af Ilpotilissi policy, aft J (4 aaaj lo band. Ih-oteli. rnle baa t-salMoiy .irneh down bnttt, a4 tti m.tt W rlabUah4i 'oelK ff ksl prod.; Iieo adiniMtttn for lb erMarl- of lif. obisb wo da mi prt- Mow rob poc-Tirwt T ftftftftf-.raUv.valB. .tiftftft. lv.aAs Is ta-wo . mm .srssaa. Iter IttMa'.i. that ..- ftiHy Is ss-i always mtmmi M -e aVsaM-4. i . I.. - L- .a -. . - - a, M... m t ft . ftv ftftftM.. , i.i m i ... f"ftft, . ---- -ivww ..' - Th-M iai iM ... Lai (Mi ll y Ripans Tributes At,ft-f'v4 ..f ft "-.'? tirttNa ctt -.T.W-. rna, H o , t'l .-. mt y Mii. d-nl W Uer, aalt-rh-um, and otW dura.- of Hfl skin at loaundy alUvnl I . . . I I - I L't ... . ... I, . i i amiivma itismuvr ism s r.r. ana ri vi o reasseri io fttinnro uucirin mi , -. - - . . i . . t . . .. iM-raiaivntlv rored If it. It is equally r. . f t.t ,'. : rlgU of tb. UoiUl H..Uoo.i..b. r. .tKTJriH UcTtT dnetrio. iffeet by r-.poo.ling to lb p Main-, fmt tut-a, and rhnwlo owe eytsv D..l.a(.s. A..,io..su. or frieodli Kor -U by dr-s at cwtt pw boa. toUrvaoUoa is of Euro p. a a .o- Try Pr. Cadj. Coadltka Tmiff iht are juM w Hal a hnra. rMts nn In bad fa eroaebmcol. Uki. Toolc, Uwi punier anJ vtrnjifuga. Wo sbal. not t loUrfsr-4 aed .ball fo. Mh by Coosr A Irv.. drnggUt. Dot loter(r. ss lib tb. .listing poa- too ot aoy Koropean power ia ll.i b.oitsi h-fs bat tbo poM-sxloo. ma ant, o aay pr.i.il. b. etUoJesL W. bopvftilljr In k ftKoaJ lo th. evenl- Oal withJrsoal of Put0 pooer. Irota III. tiniit'bi so I to th. o!timo ootonof all E. ghati pektri pail, of ttrwrr..a tbia a-aa- o In the AnUrrtie aa. whilst IbrfO taan anu.uai atann; bf v hal' tlr ta flalmaHl ta W tho Urrt ratrttof UW tnnit rt msvt Is) rotir' tint In l'rtr Hrma-a taho. N Y . we ina.l. r-r-otly. TV. rauk I t1 I . 1. . a uvml wrlffklnsT Ota toda.t.lne. tb. B-pU ol lb Co. 1-4 aj-jor-ftj tn.t twettly C'S p. mo.lv. Htal-o bav. rvgatd-J oilb sympathy the I Aa rairM-4i-f mat-. ro.l-of other Am.fl-a. papU to Tb IrtJi "w-spm )- yaa an rilatll lipt-V. tat r--JS tla Slial i rk Eeelcy Hluls For tho Cxxvo oi Uquor.Oplum iti Tobacco Habits It Is loraMI at Sal-fll, Or-goo, 77it i!it Pi-anfia Toirn on (A. Cooet rail al Ih. Oaierrs tnt -nlm!ars -4(k tiyeaMta4BUat. Ttiaianal itlvalftati4 tar. ear. " OtNIZINS Of THC OttP. It la r-rrt! U bav. rained alll gaUtra In tb Uk rvgU.o at tlnrtata rwa-nily. A LAsMfcblseli tortS weighing aworlv two ihimvfttnd ram imU was roogbtorl t'op lookout, N. C liatort a, arala and a-a IWm. are Ik oltnot by fr- e-a-.nl of iu lo babitaat. CT at,rTI1l. rrotn tU boor of oebievrng tb.ir own tra)tC"lM(iCa,l M.tf. die.; ywtpr'at ,--l n n alual lat.el wbleb fain Ppm maiti.i. I. f.- Inf. ff oaf di-. rnoil.t. t- .llra. j fr- tb.ntwlf-o tfm KMi-an d'elr,s rf .ft.ii..n ba 1 Is np l lor.U. In.it.lf : H"ft. W - wa'eH ni't, .p anl aM ting OuJ lie l, at. I -as-urv iitir . tua-k-t ioUa-! tH bl. batlUef tb. ChI. erta.,r..r.af V Vlrioa la krrfiosf whtl Ha mm ttrsettitary tnjri-Hr)ft. !- 'f lh--1 rti4-f fciavt fn-W OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers .it .1 great finnncial s,icri- ifiee. You need it in your hiiMncfs, .nnd .is .1 ll,ft , 1.1. u I.. I . ft. .Lf. I .. r I . . .a 11 .a 1. .a.taft.1.-. ih frmilf tM.il.ls OB !., KlriU stair,.! . I i.llf aa I "MifaHln. I 1-1,1. n.i.l. t .1. 1 lllilllC I CI IHlMIlCSS L IllU.l C II 11. euo Ir.l. fiad. aa ootM Nr.oi.oo4 ear Ut V.. go oot f lU.folt, th. .ku.l . .f a perm wtw dJ a ... . , ... 4rnt drs'b 11.. pirwdff w. iiMw4 t0' ha, l" f-i f lb-r i-if ojrp (Nl l-wl ,t t.,r,, ' t r TlIK lATTt'.K50,N rurilSIUNG Co,