Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, August 04, 1896, Image 3

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By the Persistent Use of
Ayer's ;
5 .wsaparwa
"I was troubled for years with a
sore on my knee, which several
physicians, who treated me, called a
cancer, assuring mo that nothing
could be done to save my life. As
a last resort, I was induced to try
Ayer's Sarsaiarilhi, and, after tak
ing a number of bottles, the sore
began to disappear and my general
health improve. I persisted in this
treatment, until the sore was 'en
tirely healed. Since then, I use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as
a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in
deed, it seems as though I could not
keep house without it." Mrs. S. A.
Fields, Lloomfield, la.
ThejDnly World's Fair Sarsapariila.
Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver.
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar !
rs. Call
and Smokabla
on Tad.
Propoaed Bull Game.
There it some talk of a base ball name
between the "futs" aud "leant." Such
heavy weights as Drs. MeFatil and Mo
Hwordi, Tom Durbnra, Ujo. Conner,
Newt. Wbetatone, aud the 0rttle't
editor are tuppotrd to be tbe kind of
timber neoeaaary to "do" tbe "leant,1
who will be represented by notorial like
Geo. Fell, Jake Well, Tom Buckley,
Dave Dnnuen and W. . Brock. Store
cards with tbree columns for each half
looiog will be printed to ILatoo player's
eoore will be crow Jed out.
MuncU, bone, avoirdupois, solrnoe
and generalship will enter largely into
the propone J matob. No beverages will
be alloweJ to rcroulu on tbe grounds
during tbe garaa any longir than it will
take to drink them. All will pleeae
take notice.
e m iM , a
Hlx wrrkt ago I tnlTerrd with very
aevere cold ; waa almost enable to speak
My frirtidt all mliJ ma In consult a
pbyeioian. Noticing Cliaiubrrlain't
Coouh lUmedy advertitvd in Ibe Ht.
Pan I Notkt Zdtaflg I procoi-d a bottle,
and after taking it a abort while waa to
tirelr wrlL I Dow most bratlily reoon-
nieiiil this rvtnmly to intone uflerlrn
wnb a cold. Wm Kail. Hy Ae
Ht. iant, aiion. For aale by Comer
fratrraallsai al Har4aaa.
On Haturday bight, Angus! Nth, J. L
Mitoh.ll, o( t'oriUnd. Dep. Hop. Corn
maud of the orJrof lie Kolgbteof
alaevabrr. aMxnipatiir4 by tvrrtl 8ir
Knlal.it .( .lMnr Tnt, will viit
llatdmau, b. a lr. Mlicbvll will d
liver an aJ4ft on "Ffatwaaliett. " Tb
etlifbt of Hal i art of tbe enoely .Urn I
aol fad U el tend. Mr. M.ielioll wti
earvlv loiri tlim. Ldo t m )! at
grtitlrrura a'a iavii'J, Id mrvling bleg
free to all. Tte a l lt atll Cowmene
rrnmptly al 1. n. a ')m4 eiegto
will be svtJJ tf p"ilU by the vlnil
log Hir Kalgbie.
t ? rr4,
health and ewl lrtb eref., by
W.ilob'e Ctb Hdy. Price W
Mt. Nl Ibjwl f fee. Vof tae by
VteiieA Wra.
KMy Ai4t
Lt H inUy m IVrry Ht4f a4
(wily e thir wtv I t ft.it. b,
r,mi.t J by M-e M II J-bewe. bf
lrUil4'a W, A Kfk'ecWM
ebivea la all He ! a ttrtu frukle
e4. ranmaa; ay aal elUif Ibe
wf.S. A I '"' t ! tari,
l ff. ktt t i ll tt.ill ! M't J Mo-m
feoivie tUe w..it ift.
-J? It
"k K'M'b la T m "-
IM tu I w.v-r a
m titf r..i .
aa Ikt t.l I, .-). ' ' '
t M' i I "
t M ill !, IUf
itb Ay I i.U.
1 f tf'
I t.j i-n I
' 1 1
Here and There.
R A. Ford is baok from the moao
taiua. The Heppner Transfer Co., baa wood
for sale. 37-tf.
Viooe Kelly
waa over fur freight last
Saturday. '
Tom Marlatt is having a tussle with
Jerry Brosoan waa in from Batter
oreek yesterday.
Jack Murray acd Jas. Doherty were
in town Sunday,
Art Minor and 8. S. Hornor are in
from Ditch oreek.
J. H. Kolmao is back from a tour of
the upper country.
Flarriflou Hale and wife were over from
Rhea creek yesterday.
Jay W. Shipley waa dowu from the
mountains Friday last.
T. R Lynna returned Suuday from
bis Grant oouuty trip.
Prof. Z. M. Parvin, father of Mrs. J. N.
Brown, is up from tjalem.
Dr B. P. Vanghan and fumily left
yeeteidoy tor tbe mountains.
Sunday Sam Stevenson, Homer Depuy
aud others left for Teal springs
M. S. CarrigAll brought in a flue load
of Butter creek fruit yesterday.
Mrs, Sam Franklin lfft on yesterday's
stnge for uer home at Monument.
Luther Hamilton waa down from the
Willow oreek sawmill last Saturday.
Drink the celebrated J. H. Gutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borohers.
An tone Rin ire was up from Portland
Sunday, remaining over till yesterday,
Frnnk Elder and Leslie Matlock spent
few days iu the mountains last week.
La Grnnde Marble Works, La Grande
Oro. S, 0. Smith, sidesman, Heopner.
Jas Nibly suicided Bt Baker City Sun
day last by cutting bis throat from ear
to ear.
The ornp of huokloberrieu in the Bine
mnuutuins this year is tbe largest ever
John Murphy aud
Willis Jenks were
Friday and Satnr-
over from Grant Co.
day lust.
Mrs. Prater, of Webb City, Mo., is visit-
ng tier sister, Airs. 1. u. Matnewg, or
W. R. Irwin and Waldroo Rhea and
wife baye loioed the city of teuts np at
Ditob oreek.
Miss Alta Rash has returned from
Portland where she speot soveral woeks
visiting relatives
Hon. E. H. Thompson, representing
The Bridal Veil Lumbering Co., was in
Heppner last Saturday.
People are etill going mountslnward.
but no donbt it is quite cool up there
since tbo shower yesterday.
Silas Wright and Al Florenoe both
report an abundauae of grasshoppers out
at tbeir respective rancbee
The great ball game between the "fats"
and "leaus'' will be worth seeing. Tbe
date bat not been agreed upon.
las. jnlinon and mother were over
from Butter oreek Saturday, While in
town be bad a narrow escape from
Lost On the ttreett of Heppner. a
gold watoh and cbin. ' Finder will re
ceive a reward by leaving same at Ibe
liazttle nttice. 2L
Mist Minnie Myers baa just arrived
and it prepared to do fasbionahle dreat
making at reasonable prices. Parlor 20,
Pulace hotel. tf,
Geo. W. Smith wat no from bit
Lexington ranch Ha'nrday. Hit grain
will average ten busbela per acre tui
settHon, be luniks.
E. O.: John Richie, who Uvea three
tuilee below Pendleton, it tbe father ot a
o-months old boy who baa 21 well
formed lingers and toet.
Dandruff formt when theglandt ot Ibe
kin are weakened, end if net lee ted
balduete la sure to follow. Haifa llair
ltnewei it tbe best preventive.
11. U. llatt. the lontorial artist, oao
be found at hie parlors, Matlock Corner,
where be will dispense at popular prioee
haves, shampone, hairoutt, etc,
Any inventor in Eaatern Oregon who
desires the eervioea of an attorney in
Wubiogton. D. O . will find it to bit
advantage to call ou or add rest tbie pa
per. 6tf
A terrible railroad aooident near At
lantic City, N. J., canted Iba death of
early 1X) prop!. Tbe Reading eiprree
craabrd Into a Pvnntylvauia esourtion
train al a eroeeiog.
Pur S-'lfiO I will all a Oral data, bigb
grade, high arm teeing marblna f uarau
twd lor 10 yeara. ror fnrthr partica
Ura call on or ad J r eta, Ji. A. Icb
Islington, Oregon. 8H-tf
Grant Cj. Newt; I. Jewell baa die-
po-d of bit 8ilie valley raacb le I'hil
Mvleclito. rrenk la out Ibere tntklo
hay, and eipecla to reside Ibere wll
bit family later on.
Tbe road from Utppner to M it obeli
known iiMrllv aa the Ptrttti crak
roa I. la eompleied u(Holnlly to enable
learnt lo g"l over all right, tbougb the
ork I nut entirrly Bntsbed
Rural Hplrtt: FecrvUry Todd, of Iba
Mpkne racing aMoeiatme, baa eeeared
Iba Uaral Hfirit Hukee, ebtch 111 be
run aa Ibe Cxi day tf iba Bfeliag. 1 bit
ill b In ireaUel 3 vtar old roa of
lb eaD,
Hob. It. I;i'kn. dllarlnr of ialec
l rvaaa lrtb dwtrtet et Oreg e,
W lilt!ln and Alka, MtmsiiuM
tt.e f wily of the Ui K (I. ttinaa ne
tbtr b"iutd Irtp 1 Tbera.ly,re
toroliitf lo Purilaod wa Friday.
CbarUy ion. tbe wll keaea -ulj-
tiiorr" la Ibe tooenrial line, baa agate
bvald la llppnf, btvtrg potrhd
(re Ulhe' ebop, Minnf baitdlnf
npiiie tbe rlly Iw.Ul C'barley will
a iff" ! a rail be le loa n.
If any otl tlftflbr 4oa nol b-
lir ! lb ptf b tboaid hal
e-.i,Mf tt.tlt.ing pvoa h iia
by It I ol etiea4. W e heve adopt-
J rale eb cb mart foUoe la
.f 4f u pftj rK "bat4."
Tt-U little t.Ma of d(ra e rM
lb muhj ..f ibe ptm: line d lo
..fir bM ! tb atM4i(,t.rtil ba i
Ibe gita eatiMitwr rvt,le II te
i - j t. n ibe ma abi 4-t't pt
rf a a from dMtlH, f-f arbt,
t4tf, H al lae atigtil Im ) a.
"II i. (mm-itrriol, tm mf ju'1jmU
trktfktr II, jreirr rirl oaf
Imtutt mm ( rf bt mtJ
II hlkr hs nr dot t mm fur
fr wJ 1 tUtvt 1mm nrk r.f
SI I h im J 'r" 'a of" (
trrlr,l, tt tt Ik foil Vol
Iff J t M !'., ditf (.
a '4 .-! K
V.'' e . "T-l I 1 1 k
man ot acknowledged ability, Daving
bad considerable experience in tbat line.
He wae owner ot the Salem Poet for
tome time, severing bis connection with
tbat paper during tbe legislative session
of 1895.
Fatuet Briordy will oonduot services
at Condon next Sondav, at Arlington on
Fri 'ay. Aug. 7th. and at Heppner on
Sunday, Aug. 9tb, bhs the Condon
Globe- Aocofding to a teller written tbe
Gazette services were to bave ben held
last Sunday, but it is presumed tbat
something has interfered with the ar
John Rasmus. Diet. Deputy of tbe I.
(). O. F.. of this oouoty, went out to
Hardman Sat, and installed the following
moers of Loue Balm Lodge, JNo. 82:
s. Wvlaod. N. G.: Ben Parker. V. G. :
Frank Ward, Treas. The remainder of
tbe ofHuers will be iustallod in tbe near
Remember only such medioines were
admitted for exhibition Bt tbe World's
Fair as are accepted for use, by physi
cians, in the praotice of mediom.. Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
and Ayer's Pills being inoluded in the
list. Tbey are standard medioines.
W. P. Scrivner is prepared to do all
kinds of blaoksmitbing, horseshoeing,
machine repairing, wagon work, in fact
anything in bis line at reasonable charges
and satisfaction guaranteed. Will putiu
spokes for 30 cents eaob, and other wag
on-work in proportion. 46 tf
Tbe University of Oregon at Eugene
my be truly called the people's sohool.
It aims to give equal opportunities to
riob and poor. Education makes all
men equal. Board and lodging $2.50
per week. Address University of Oregon,
Eugene, Oregon.
"It in immaterial, in my judgment.
whether the sheep grower receives any
benefit from the tariff or not
wiirther he does or does not I am for
free wool" Extract from speech of
William J Bryan in the House of Rep
resentatives when the Wilson bill was
under consideration.
Time will not be allowed snvooe after
July 1st. All persons failing to pay by
the 10th of each month hereafter will be
out ofif.
Hrppner LIoht & Water Co.
Where They Met
McKlnley Bill, with Napoleon eve.
Bays "Bryan let's drink some Linwood Rye;
we meet as friends, my words are few
1 hope thev don't, dear Brian Bore U."
And Bryan says, In a Joking manner,
"I wonder if that's what's the matter with Hanna
That's horse and horse, you funny feller
When I see my wife 1 am bound to Teller."
Then they gravely bewed, and they winked an
And they drank some more good Linwood Rye.
Sold only at the Belvedere Saloon. E.
Q. Sperry, Prop.
For your Protection. Catarrh "Cures" or
Tonics for Catarrh iu liquid form to be taken
internally, usually contain either Mercury or
Iodide of Potassa,, or both, which are injur
ious if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not
a blood disease, caused by sudden change to
cold or damp weather. It starts In the nasal
passages, affecting eyes, ears and throat.
Cold m the bend causes excessive flow of
mucus, aud, if repeatedly neglected, the re.
suits of catarrh will follow ; severe pain in
the head, a roaring hound iu the earn, had
breath, and oftentimes on offensive dis
charge. The remedy should lie quick to allay
inflammation and heal the membrane. Ely's
Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for
tneee troubles ana contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Ivice, CO cents.
LETl Kit M8T.
j Or., Aug. i, 18.
Chrlsteson, Leslie
Kirk. Emlley
Thitiiou, Kev E E
Howell, Bill
When calling Jor these letters nleaw sa
advertised. J. P. Wii.i,uii, H. M.
Teachers' Examination.
the tmriKHM' of making mi examination of
all persons ho may oiler tliemselvrs as candi
dates for tearhen of the ch'Hilxif this county,
f r slate ami life diplomas, tlx enmity sWiooi
iincrinliMiileiil thereof will hold a mil. lie
examination at the court bouts at liej..inr,
uH'nitiic auk. mil,
nauM mis m day oi Aug. it.
JAY w. Hiril'I.RY.
45. Co. Hrhool gupt, Morrow Co , Or.
A ol ("ri goii lor the County ol Morrow,
Lilly H. i ortior, I'lalntlfT,
Silas R liornor. IMnudant
To Silas K. M of nor. Del.odant.
in in name oi in niaia cl orrgnn, you are
fteral.v minimi to aniar and antnar th roin
plaint Bled against you In the ! enuilrd
rauw mi or bWorn th Aral day nt tliai.rll
regular wrn ui in aoova auiiuea court, lo-w I
Tke 71b day el September, MOO.
and II you fall so to arn-r. ,.r aanl tbemnf
the plalolltl will apply In the court .,r the rWtef
oci.iaiHifNi in iif.rrotniialit u-tl: Thdi"
lullon ol marrlaga contra t I ! it iilaliitirr
and rteliid"t. lor lh ruaUvty nl all lha minor
rhlldien ol plalnllfl and defendant and costs of
una SOIL.
This summons Is srvM by nnl.llrMUin Mir
uant Ui aa order ol sirphrn A 4atd. Judge o
ine anua etiuiioi ooull, made on the I' hilar
of July, li. J K HKOVVW.
Ml Tt. Altornaf lor flaliilllT.
1 Tit curriTrriiT or th stati
of Orrffia In storm ouulf,
r. r. ihit.-f, ruii.wT,
C. r Helnli.g.f. tartendant
T( f- KolH't.fef, lH-leoUliL
In lb name of the eule nl Ornf on, Tom arc
hrrel.y rui,rel In epfmar and siai- tk mm
fUinl Slr4 anliiat too I the ai.e uiie.
un and soil, oo nt ll..ie the am Amy al IM
net I rtil t'm Ibrr-.l. la alt:
Tfca Tia Day af aaataanaar, lata.
an4 If M (all an In ana ear. ft ami lhan4
Ibe r'al'iltll will lete a ilra 4larftln lha
anarnar nnna nn esiailnff hHvawai y nn and
pialnun iiH I' atalnlld ral ai4 itiehara
tneute a4 lloa soli and l..f so'k ulhar roil'f aa fc
terHri awl aa n )il
fbie nuaamona la s..,h!tha1 t nr-lf nl Him
t1-l.a a L.a.ll. J.lr M lha U Jvlklal
lKki ul Um Mal ut !(, nai-l Juit
I It Mr fr
Tt AIUTif M l-Ulollir,
Notlct of Intention.
I A0 rirrirll at t ,.. nntnnp
I 4 Jane , at Ml-a la kar.l.j eliett Ihal
live Loloeo e aaaaaal wil.. Si4 aa)r
ol kte ljteM,. Ut anal aiml a e fMfl
nf a.a rlaiaa ia4 Ki ai4 aiii K ma4e
a.i.a la anaaif rwll tl at"r rMtaif al
lley-ajet. Utaarn. tl , tja, 0
e-oH ( t.a a K .
Wl emit l IH I" ar tw i fw
itiisi,itii'tMa taa,aa,
SIMM IM ..M..lrf li aetial an ma
tUm'IKmaa taa. VaM mfm tH 1ill (
m ak4 lan4. l
I. a li K Sxlrt tVH M.
t..a. 4 a ti tftt li..,
', II r. lU'H, lUyM.r
riluc t,ait a a 141
1 attsa ttt I ,a orai. l
la I't.iaa I . a f
NirTu 1 1 wssra? .t $ a mt i r a
ta.a t . .t !.. Ifea l.aa-tt
enae) e4 Ih. Il".tl at.4 I ' ' a t. 'tea , I r..
Ny aee4 la h'at hf kallMi I St
I a flaet.'led I f IKewt 'W fHW a f j .
M ItWuif a lJ a alii tt. . l
-uh.lt walw 'h 4a r al Afta aa al
Ik s S aitataawt-. IWa tttt tet tl a etai
A K.litWwtHBUM a., all
It. II ,11, a. .1. IrMtil I. aala
l! a at ..a
I'ltMt'! t tt l-k'- f . !y t.
a a 4- - e ta ate e ' ie.1 .. e t . t
t . a . a a m w . t ue .tat -
9 ' e'a-l t a l at.-.. I f a
tt.t..t ta U to , , 4 i I I. tl. ...1
J I a f i.l . . ,!
of Oreeon for Morrow County.
Minnie (SiQith, fUiutitf,
Gilbert Smith. Defendant
To Gilbert Smith, Defend it
in tne name of the state of Ore iron, y
?rehv required to appear and answer th
ou are
e eom-
plaint filed aKalnst yon in the above entitled
cauae on or before the first day of the next
regular term oi tne aoove entitiea court, to-wit:
The 7th day of September, 1896,
and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
demanded In her complaint, to-wit: for the
dissolution of the marriage contract existing
between plaintllt" and detendant, for the care
and ciiBlody ol the minor child of plaintiff and
defendant and coats of this suit
This Summons is served by publication pur
suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of
the above entitled court, made on the Hth day
Of July, 189o. J. N. BKOwn
458-71. Attorney for Plaintiff.
of Oregon for Morrow County.
Eliza R. Owens, Plaintiff,
Frank H. Benge, Mary J. .
Benge, his wife, Lewis J.
Schewrich and
Schewrich, his wife, De
fendants. To Frank H. Benge and Mary J. Benge, two of
the defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon, von are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against yon in the above entitled
suit on or before the 7th day of September, 1S!6;
and you will take notice that if you fail to
answer or otherwise appear in said stilt on or
before said 7th day of September, 1898, the plain
tiff above named, for want thereof, will apply
to the above entitled court for the relief prayed
for in the complaint filed in this suit, to-wit:
For personal decree against the defendants
Frank H. Benge and Mary J. Benge, his wife,
for the sum of 1531.25 with interest thereon Ht
the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from January
1st. 18U4. and the sum of .ri(I.OO attorney's fews.
and the costs and disbursements of said suit;
that the court shall decree that the mortgage
executed by the said Frank H. Benge and his
wife to the Lombard Investment Company,
dated the 19th day of December, 1888, upon the
following described real property in Morrow
county. Oregon, to wit: the north-west quarter
of section No. S2, In township No. 2 south, and
range No. 25 Enst of the Willamette meridian,
which said mortgage was recorded on the 20th
day of December, 18X8: at pace 54 of Book"!)"
of the Records of Mortgages in the office of the
County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, shall
be foreclosed, and the snid real property sold,
and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to
the payment to plaintiff of the above named
sums of money! that all of the defendants, and
all persons claiming and to claim by, through
or under them, or any of them, shall be forever
barred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate.
Interest and Hen, at law and in aqultv, and
especially of all equity of redemption, in, to and
upon every part of said real property; and that
plaintiff shall have general relief.
This 8 mmons is published pursuant to order
of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above
entitled court, made at Chambers, Pendleton,
Umatilla county, Oregon, on the 13th dav of
July, 18!W.
457-70. Plaintiffs Attorneys.
of Oregon fo Morrow County.
Julia A. Karrel, I lalntllf,
Samuel I. Gerklng, Martha
A. Oerklng. James R Man
amaker and Maria E. Nun
. amaker. Defendants.
To Samuel I. (lorklngand Martha A. Gerklng,
two of the above-named defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby reunited to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit on or before the 7th day of September, 18;
aud you will take notice that If you fall to
answer or otherwise appear in said suit on or
Deiore tne said 7tn uay oi September, l8Wi, the
plaintiff above named, for want thereof, will
apply to the above entitled court for the relief
praved ( r in the complaint filed in this suit,
wwa: ror personal aecree against tne neleml
ants Samuel I. (jerking and Martha A. Oerklng
torinesumotsn.iv .nl witn interest thereon at
the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from April 1st.
1894, and the sum of I.V) 00 attorney's lees and
tbe costs and disbursements of said suit; that
tbe court shall decree that the mortgage execut
ed tv nam Samuel 1. Oerklng and Martha A,
Oerklng to the Lombard Investment Company,
dated the 22d day of March, 1889, upon the fol
lowing described real property In Morrow
coti' ty, Oregon, to-wit: the south half of the
north east quarter, the south 5 acres of the
nortn-west quarter of the north-east quarter, of
section No. in township No. 8 south, and
range No. 21 Fast of Wlllametto meridian: and
also the west half of the north-west quarter of
section so. 1:1, and the north hall of the north
east quarter of section No. II. In township No. fi
pouui ami rauice io. r.axioi vMiiamftttc menu
lan; which mortgage is now na ned by plaintiff:
w hich said mortmnre was recorded on the 'Attn
day of March. 1889. at pave 1:14 of Book "D" of
the Records of Mortgages In the oHiee of the
( oiintjr l icrk of Morrow county, Oregon, shall
be foreclosed, and the said real nrnocrtv nolil.
ami the proceed, of such sale lo be applied to
the payment to plaintiff of the above named
sums of nu y ; that all of the defendants, and
all persons claiming aud to claim by. through
or under them, or any of them, shall be forever
hsriwl and Inreelosed of all right, title, estate.
Interest and Hen. at law and In euuliv. ami
esKKlally ot all equity of redemption, In, to
and UMn every part of said real i.totwrty: aud
that i.lalutllt sbail have general relief.
This Summons Is t.utillnlieil t.nraiini.1 to order
of Hon. Stephen A. Uiwell. Jii.lne ol the a hove
enlllled court, mad" at ('liaiiiln-rs, I'eiullelon,
I'uialilla county, Oregon, on the l ull day ol
July, !".
i'o .O. I'lalnim a Attorneys.
of Oregon for Morrow utility,
Clara A. Cobb, 1-lalnilfT,
Morris D. Long, I Inula
U.ng.hl" wile. K. ( Hm k-
nit 111. bell R. Hu'ltniiui,
his wile. (J. K llns he. k
llnelm. her hualnd. II.
J. faust. I'anli'l H Itrown
and llroau, bis
lie. lhfendanu.
to Untile iii and L Hughes, two of the
alNre.iatnf iieteiidatita.
. In the name nl the mate) of Oregon, you are
herel.y re.iulrd m aprar and anaaer the cunt,
plain! file.) avalna) you In Iba ataiva enllilol
soli 011 nr If!. ne the Tth day nl ariHrmler.
and you will lake n. ll.e that tf ton tail In
aiiatarrnt other alee apn-ar In sail) suit iiin.f
lefor the aald Jih day nl Hrleml.r, l i. the
loaliiiin aiMiva Kalne.1 i,,r a ant liierml. ail
apply In Hie atie enllllnt rnurt lot Ihe rrlM
oaed lo-n the rnmplaltit Slnl In tbla soil.
0-0 II: fnt tra.oial derrae aaalnat Ilia dnleml.
aula IJotile Ume. :. . Ihisheaaud I. Iluahea
lor the sum nl t:i aA alia Interact tbereon al
lha rate H pr r-nl, t annum fioto Umh
II, I. I allh Ilka llilrteri Ihernin IB.HI
Man a la, l"l. and Ilia aura of 1 0111 sllnrney a
irea. ai'l ina eeiia ami nlai.uraomeule ol aald
soil, Ihal the mnrt shall d"-rea Ihal the mint
ae ternted ,y he eald MorHa l. Isrtif and
Mnllle long In ll.e Knntalld IiOMIltirnt loin
pal'f. dated Ihe lh day ol Cehrtiary lea). li-,n
10a 1.. noa lag a'ai rtlaxt real iM.a.rly In M
mar moult, le.in. In a ft lha eaet Nail nf
ll.e eoulh are! qoarter. end Iba (nt hall ol Ihe
amlh eael njuarler nl aa tu.B an J. In Ion nslilb
r . main eoi raiiff an r aa in tne nil
lamella meridian, ahak aald uo.Hsaee a ai
Iw.etM nn Ihe ;th day nl MarrH. ai. v
I u. l Kk I' ol Ihe Nenx.ia . Mtiriaaa In
Ihe oBv a 4 Ihe I tntnlt I lerk al Morrow r,i,nly
iiraann. aha I ha h.te. and ll.e aald r. a
iaitt a..i.. and Ihe f.aoa-la nl ao. h aale lo
he at-t'Oi-d In lha aamen .talolllTi lha
alette named aina i awtnar; IKel all nl Ihe
lieo4anta and at kefaiH rlalmlog and In
rlalnt hy, Ihr'nifh ne al4r lr.tn irf aot l4
Ihem el.ell Im lofevef letrraH and . .far .ae. nf
ail nettl, lllia. eelal. n.lafeal a4 Hen. el I
al In e illy, and ee. lal.y all eioily nl
Ieteae4tn In. U an4 HMt every aald
taal .i .rlt, awl U.al oalnlia al.a.l kain
eral r.lel
Ihla hiaauaa la i..,l,lttl,ed tHurs'ianl In nlef
ol II. -n Meahea A Uat.l Jwle ul Iheaiane
enlillaMf rMt,.. made al I he.ttt.era, 1'en.llt.lttn
I n la ctooitlt, inain, aa It. a I'lli la m
jaty, 1 a
tu, raatrn. lunrr a At Ttn.
to- . an.ua a aib.rnaia.
In inn imd it mt ir nr thu tit
"I itrtynn .rf ll.e 1 tntblf rf Mu'luW,
ia ln.a, -.a,allf.
I1H yM'l
t LtflH.H, f ia. !.
K a i
tm wpfm f ) cr
If fan f 1 iitm n-a)
i r.a tm ' -a fl ! 4f - t, f
j Tfc lit, r f lopitmhf, l,
j 4 I' f' M av. A t ff..- J
I ..: lUi t f l. t imH t4 f Ks fm 14
j (.i tUftflt Nf Ifav !
t7 k 'rtr :tfrHY r.Uh tHlt fill
4 a, M ' Ahw. I.I, ,, '-.. - -a a ,,.- -a .,
' j I'.rn t i aililti.
1 1 ti t tot .. m N in a', aVr,Tta,
taaa '
'" II .-. ' a I..-:... l y 'laaata .ena-a t
I -ar- !... t .. 4 tn a ,m tl ... -i . - ... . ,,! a - I t , . a oa- ut
. at a , ot i. . 1 .1 n.. ti.t.. , h a i I . "t
I . a i i'tl. til, Mli .....f i till, . ... ft. a. M. t
i "
.IV and by virtue of an execution Issued out
of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Morrow, on June Hi. 18, and to
me directed and delivred, upon a judgment
rendered and entered In Justice court for the
Sixth district in said county on the 15th day of
June. ln, In favor of M. D. Hayman, plaintiff,
and against E. Campbell, defendant, for the
sum of Forty-two and 40-100 Dollars and Ten
and 30-100 Dollars costs, and a transcript of said
judgment was tiled with the county clerk of tbe
county of Morrow, State of Oregon, on June 16,
1; and, whereas, I have levied upon the fol
lowing described real property, to wit: The
south-west quarter of sectio.: two, in township
one, north, range twenty-five east, W. M.. be
sold to satisfy said judgment, costs aud accru
ing costs. I will, on
Saturday, the 15th day of August, 1890,
at 2 o'clock P, M., of said day, at the front door
of the court house in Heppner, Morrow County,
Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of said
E. Campbell iu and to the above described prop
erty at Public Auction to the higbnst and best
bidder for cash in hand, the pniceeds to be ap
plied to the satisfaction of said execution, at
torney's fee and ail costs and costs that may
accrue. E. L. MATLOCK,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated July 6, 1896. 45ti-67.
J. 0
of Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
jmipu u. neuge. riaiutin,
Katie D. Benge, Defendant
To Katie D. Benge, efen ant:
I the Dutne of the State of Oregon, voti are
hereby required to appear aud answer the com
plaint tiled against you in the above entitled
suit on or before the first day of the next regular
term of the above entitled court, to-wit:
Monday, September 7th, 1896,
and if you fall to answer or otherwise plead, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled court for a decree dissolving the
marriage bonds now existing between you and
himself, and a judgment agaiiiBt you for the
costs and disbursements of this suit
This summons is published by order of Hon.
Stephen A. Lowell, judge of the circuit court of
Oregon, for the 8th judicial district, dated July
2nd, 1890. E. . SINE,
450 68. Attorney for Plaiutiff.
of Oregon for Morrow County,
The North rn Counties
Inve8tm nt Trust, Lim
ited, a Corporation,
Cecelia Taylor, B. S. King,
N. B. McBee and J. C.
Thomson. Defendants.
To Cecelia Taylor. 8. 8. King and N. B. McBee,
inree. oi tne aoove nameu ueienaattrs.
In the name of the State of Oreiron. von are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above entitled
suit on or before the first day of the next regular
term of the above entitled court, via :
The 7th Day of September, iS98,
and you will take notice that if you fail to
answer or otherwise appear in said court on or
oeiore tne saui vin aay ot September, 18, the
plaintiff above named, for want thereof, will
apply to the above entitled court for the relief
pmyed for in the complaint tiled in this suit,
to-wit: For personal decree against the defen
dant, Cecelia Taylor, for the sum of 773.45 with
Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum frm the 20th day of June, 1896, and the
costs aud disbursements of said suit; that the
court shall decree that the mortgage executed
ny tne sam ueoeiia Taylor to the Lombard In
vestment Company, dated the 8th day of Novem
ber, 1888, upon the following described real
roperty m Morrow County, Oregon, to wit:
'he South half of Northeast a tiarter and North
east quarter of Northeast quarter (except ten
acres in a square form in Northeast corner
thereof) and Southeast Quarter of Northwest
quarter of Section Ten, iu township One North,
of Range Twenty-five Fast, of the Willamette
meridian, wnicii sain mnrtiraee was recorded
on the 15th day of November, 1888, In Book "D,"
on pages ii, it, in aim h, oi the Kecornaoi
mortgages in the onice of the County Clerk of
Morrow County. Oregon, shall be foreclosed.
and the said real property sold and the proceeds
of such sale to be applied to the payment to
uaiuiin ot ine atmve named stuns nl money;
hat all of the defendants, and all persons claim
ing through or under them, or any of them,
shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all
right, title, estate. Interest and lien at law and
Iu equity, and all equity of redumption, In and
to, and upon every part of said real property.
This Numinous is published pursuant to an
order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the
above entitled court made at chambers, Pendle
ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, on the 24th day
of July, 18. ELLIS A LYONS,
4IM-7& Attorneys fur Plaintiff.
Notice of Intention.
J June 21, lH'.ai. Notice Is hereby given that
the folloH iiig'iiaiued settler has tiled notice of
bis Intention to make tlnal proof In support of
his claim, and that mild proof a tll lie made be
fore Coiiuly Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon, on Augtiat 1, iNjil, via:
lid. entry No. 7:147. for the SK1 SWvt See 10. EU
N W;-4 anil 8W;.4 S K' Sec an, lp 4 ti, H at K.
lie names the following witnesses to Drove
hlspotiiliiuoiis residence unoii aud cultivation
of, said land, vis;
K. C. Walklns, Knhert Watklns. A. B. Btirch.
A. J. Ui KeiKle, all of llenpuer, Oregon,
4VJfi.l. Register.
Notice of Intention.
i June '.'I. Its, Not Ire la herel.y given
Ihal Ihe follow log named settler haa tiled nolle
nl his Intention lo make final proof In support
ol his claim, aud that aald proof will Imi made
IM-Ioiaj. . Morrow, roiiuty clers, at llctipuer,
Oregon, on aiisuai a, iirai, hi:
A 1.11 A (. BAKTIKlUlVE.
lid. f. Ko. fc., fnrtha Y.'i fl Wi. RWU NWU
aud N Wta HW. Her x Tp 1 N, R a, K.
He names Ilia lollowlng alloeaa.4 lo proy
nisroiiiiuuoiia r.-aniene uimiu ami cultnallon
01 sam laioi, ir ;
I I. Van tinkle, of llet.nnrr. Orraott. T. II
Mathews, W. H. Klliley, Arthur A lid raw a. ul
(tallow ay, Oregon.
4 An. r. Ml "IU F,
I'u' 6.1 Kegl.ter.
Notice of Intention.
I.asd Orni a at La Uasana, Oaauon,
June .tiih. aM
11 folloa log named settler haa ft leal hot Ire ol
his Inteolloii 1 . ma a final tineif In an "rt nf
hlsi laim, and Iba1 aald prmtl will la ad a tat
lot r, I. f rerland. niminlaaloiier I M lirrull
I outt al ilrnfoier, Orrgou, ua tuiui 1Mb, I Ma,
TIIOV An (ill.ril.I.EN,
lid. entry In ft I'M, f..f Ilia KU UKU. Wl Mr,
and .a X W "w 17, 1 1 1 N. K t. y M
Ha i.aoii-a Iba lollowlng w llneaaea to prtiye
hlsroniloiioiis reatdtma u-to ami cultltallon
ol. aald land, all
Airianler 1. .111.11, fa I K'llflisr. Mike Keney
ant 4 allow joniieMll, ail rl nrtipney itrewnn.
4lu, H. r. WliOll Keglaler.
Notice of Intention.
I AM" firm K AT 1 UK tAl I ra flRTi.W
1 4 Jon I. Noilie la herel.y atten
Ihal lha lollowlng named aeltler baa 11e4 Wo-
llta nl her Inietitutn In make Ana! ftirwtl In ana.
a-.ii 01 her nana, aii.l ihal earn pnail will
ntatle lieinfa t. U reelaod. I' a I om nt teal. m
I. at lle..ner. Oit-aou, on A 'IS Ilia, 14, !
M il ul Aleaaltdat all' III. la
II I r. No ll. loHI.SnVae,ll,Tp. 1 K
R . R , M
al.a i.ait.. II, fallowing wlloeaaew In ftrtnr
1 . 1 i.M.i.a laaeleiw n-.b and cullli ailon
in. an iaoi.
A T M' ay nl ltt.nr. (it , rar, I no I.
a... I riai.k II .l.aii l, t.l ..i., in , aiel Rdaafd
Holland, ta) lli.f..B. nr.
jA.f H'lHlt
AM t. staler
No Fciv or is r A.vir 7o.v.
f if iirrt' at Tiir tu
t is naitiioM
I J i'III ! . alta I herel.y fit
I herel.y sl'ea Ihal
.f nnel ti.f It a a.,1 wtHIa nl
i er.a S.i .ft4 in tftirt
Hal eald (.'! will La wa
M( f Inmvm, & m yAttmoltmi .
.ef fo. iitn.iri i i(f.( ttym 4lt4tM,
M, Wt. i ! .fvm
tt T't-ta
J $m is
- r ImC verv
You will And one coupon inside each 2 ounce bag and two coupons inside "ach 4 ounce bag.
Buy a bag, read the coupon and see how to get your share of 1350,000 in presents.
fa a fas kMm ill kill
UJjmm aj a
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., aud the stock is being disposed of at
All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too lute.
Manager and Salesman.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Gilliam & Bisbee
We are not email meri, 3bs. We are eraiill men, Xs.
mint te Largest rnercnarus in ine vvona !
a a But when trie people of all the surrounding country are In noed of a a a
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware. Glassware, Wood and Willow ware, Nulls, Iron, Barbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Oasa and Water l'lpo, I'lpe KtttiiiRs, Htovca and Hangcs, Wagons,
Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Ao, Hummers, Haws, (Hedges,
Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Orah
lteware, Hows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tuba. Wash Bulllers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
SbouU call ami Examine our Goodd nml Get Trices.
We have Good Goods at Faib Prices, and Cheap Tohn Goods at Chep John Prices.
iccps the Finest Wines, Licjuors and Cigars.
Groceries, Gents'
And Wants
He ill rnako it an olgVct for
hi in as Lin prices aro rilit, ami
band! on aro of the very ...
Stork on Main
to City
imwaaut u r. a Va Ihijn.
Has everything in tho
Candies, Nuts, und also keeps Crockery,
Lnmps find Tinwnro.
Stock is Complete.
F1II1SS : I1IH1SS : FIffi
Youro HOUND In 'I'nknMm.
Leaven No dm' tip.it,
('ta i, ait I' a all I', I,
a? tm
I m It ..ti
I'l f'l Is ( I- t.
R. BISHOP, Prop.
1'uunishing Goods,
Suni.iKs, ILtc,
Your Trade!
you to trmlo with
all h xk! tli fat he
Stri;i;t, Next
Drug Store,
Hmt d'.r n I'll Hotel,
lino of Fresh Groceries,
Notions a Specialty,
tin, .v;
t. H t I' t t
at M t'.t tl it-l
N ii r I l.-' . a.t I I m
I .. MI- Ml M At, ',
Ii ta iMift, t al.
e b
ia,Ur '
I .!. t li. fi 1 1 H i
, Ul, il.Wt.l M bsase-aaft
t it 1 1 1
w r i Itg II. a: ... ..
Iu4 J taa. I'm a ,
i . t l . , I ta lit
a l,ai, ktjia.
. o,!,!),!! 1 . ... It Mil ,a t ltil-r.i
tm a4 H tl. Mllva a. ' Mat AV t