REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL TICKET. HON. W. J. For President, william Mckinley, Of Ohio, For Vice Prealdent, GARRETT A. HOBART, Of New Jersey. For Presidential Elector), T. T. GEER, of Marion County, B. M. YORAK, of Lane, E. L. SMITH, of Waaco. J. F. CAPLE3, of Multnomah. BRYAN WOOL. AND FREE SHIPBUILDING UNDER DEMO CRATIC AND REPUBLI CAN RULE. democratio commissioner of navigation's last report, that for the fiscal year ending in 1895, shows some rather startling figures of shipbuilding conditions under would not benefit him if democratic ana repuoncan ruie, The wool crop last year was val ued at about $70,000,000, while the value of the corn, wheat, and oats raised that year, without mention- ing the other crops of the farm, amounted to $1,582,184,206. Three items of the farm amounted to twenty times the , value of the wool clip. Hon. Wm. J. Bryan in CoDgress, March 16, 1892. This is a sample of Mr. Bryan's economic ideas. U what avail was it to the farmer, that his wheat corn and oat crops were worth twenty times more than his wool clip if there was no profit in the amount produced; it could be multiplied twenty times more and BRYAN flSfl CITIZEN The Omaha "Bee" Man Tells What He Kows About It. which iB worth while here record ing. During the administration of Garfield and Arthur, preceding the first administration of Grover Cleveland, the total tonnage of all vessels built in the United States amounted to 1,053,672. During Mr. Cleveland's first term the tonnage of all vessels built aggre- there was not a profit per bushel. It is the profit, over and above the cost of production, that the farmer as well as every other producer is interested in, and not the total val ue of the product. The wool clip in 1891 yielded a profit to the farmers; they had something over and above the cost of t aising the wool, their sheep that year were worth $2.51 per head, - j enoftis i -I--- I ' guieu utu vto.w o uIOBO $108,000,000 in all. In 1895, with W 4A per uuu , flol cjjp yalued at $26,000,000 jBtrauux, ut ,jmu . , qaite a drop from the $70,000,000 tonnage 01 an vesse.s duik id trie ,f im gh ieft were worth United States rose again to 1,094,- L, r nAp . . , lAafltVini, a 192. being an increase in the $1.58 per head and less than $67,' 000,000 in total value. With the value of the flocks reduced from $108,000,000 to $67,000,000, the amount of construction over that built under Grover Cleveland's ad ministration of just 74 per cent. During the first three years of Grover Cleveland's second admin Istration the vessels built in the TT:i J Ci.t tJ AKA A'C I ' 1UU1KU0" bbb-'u heed the "Boy OratorV pleas in .. . rn. , .. . this campaign for free-trade and track urnnl TTia rtrrtr-tViaoiaa rif three years of Benjamin Harrison's . '., , . . administration or a fall since the wooi have not materialized. Falee republicans lost control of the u A . .,u , . nrnnnota muor. with nnrJ ranarvririna gUVOlUUiBUl, UL "J ytll KHUk Dom Not Figure Loftily is the Light of Ex act Criticism Rather a Mediocre Mas. New York, July 15. To Edward Roeewater, editor ot The Bee: Will you greatly oblige the World by telegraph ing as a candid estimate ot Mr. Bryan's ability, cbaraoter and oonviotions on other politioal questions as well at silver? Apart from the silver issue, on which the World shares your views, what klDd of an executive would Mr. Bryan make? Did be take an active part in the man agement of tbe World-Herald, and if so, bow was bis influence exerted? As an editor and lawyer how does be stand with respect to corporations? Wbat sort of practioe bad be? Wbat legal ex perience? Is be generally regarded in Omaha as a man of sound judgment? Please remember that tbe East knows nothing about him and is exceedingly interested. We should like to publish your dispatch signed. Tan World Omaha, July 16, 1896.-To Tbe World, New Tork: Within the short spaoe of one week William Jennings Bryan has emerged from comparative obscurity to find himself theubject of national solici tude and international discussion and speculation. With bis name on every tongue, bis portrait in all tbe papers, and bis movements and utterances given with miuuteness to tbeobnotry by Asso ciated Press diepatobes and special cor respondents, Bryan has suddenly loomed into the horizon as one of tbe two fore most figures in the great national drama It is not difficult to understand, from these figures, why it is that I hifJ theorie8 Tfa a large majority, ,n tact about all, ft WQrth of fiL oi ine Bmpouiiuers ana snipowners j7jConomi8k ot tne country are strongly repub "Can. VJnnT n'f olt Wnnn that ia nrmnr fen ha nlnvpd rn AmnrirWi average price per head from $2.51 Wonl stage. The story of bis early to $1.58 the average price per life, bis aoademio traioinar. aDorentiee- pound of wool from 17 cents to 9 ship as a lawyer, his forensio triumphs cents, the farmers are not likely to in the ohoolhouse and on the poimoal rostrum, ois career in congress anu in trusion into the arena of journalism have furnished material for tbe people wbo absorb with avidity all that is said and written concerning tbe man wbo oaptivated a great national convention itb bis eloquence and carried away tbe laurel orown for wbiob tbe greatest of his party's leaders bad been striving, The farmers have had the exper ience and Mr. Bryan can now keep With all that baa already been publish ed concerning Bryan's physical and mental make-up, bis babitsand bis asso ciations, the popular conception of the man is vague, and tbs World is there fore well Justified in asking me to supply some dnta for a true estimate of his TnE first carload of '96 wheat to manufacturers are not making up ability, character and capacity for filling 1 T- i 1 a reacn roruanu tuia year came from Walla Walla and Bold for 47 cents per bushel. It ib almost certain that the gold democrats will put a ticket into the field. It is probable that J. Sterling Morton, of Neb., will bo their standard-bearer. goods on uncertainties. the high otHoe to whioh he now aspires Without pretending to nave an inn II. B. Miller.of Grant's ra8s,ha8 ma'er: WDT 'r ll myao:my ' ' I AnnAilnnitiai nf nanmnn Ilia man hava been appointed president of the Leen Bmpl6i Measured by the standard Uregon Agricultural college for of men trn'y great, William Jennings the ensuing year. This appoint- Bryao will scaroely take rank with emi ment does not meet with the ap- wni P01'"0"1 leaders of the democrotio l u.o 1 An. sohool snob as were Stephen A. Douglas, l ,:.a'v uo XV... . John O.Breckenridge, Horatio Seymour, valhs, who say Miller is not an Ane o. Thurmao. Thomas A. lien- educator but a politician, and that drioks. Samuel J. Randall, to say notb he is therefore unfitted for the I ing of Samuel J. Tilden, Thomas F, olacn. save The tariff may be so adjusted that foreign competition with home 1 1 inuusiries win do avortoil or re- Hnrnd' mill tli in nn rf lit fit ln lrna ' V. , t ... t t. .!..: fi-:i i i qunuutju tor iub posjiion man a i. ., chimney-sweep is for r swell society ed; it will not bo done if Bryan is elected, for ho is an avowod free trader. Oregonian. says This appointment ia an unfortu nate blunder. Aliller is no more ranks of Montana Itarra. Last Saturday at Butta Tampa won the six furlong race in 1:15','. On tbe aaui dav tha 1 vmr-nl.l hamli. i i I ' mny nuoui, aim euiwrs wear mem- onp, fiva furlongs, was woo by Jim Platforms may bo built, orators itb oratorical powers of a Liab or len Bryao laoks both depth and breadth. Ila is a pnpularizer of other men's Ideas rittber than an original thinker, and has a ontoby way of presenting his s objects to an audienoe. lie is a consummate actor, whose forte lies Id appeals to son timent and emotion rather tunu in argu ments and sound reasoning. Me is a horn agitator wbo never bpaitat to mpln) tbe weapons of tha demagogufs to make a point Bryan's most vulner MOEIiOW COCSTT CLCB Wl!t3. IntertstinK Game of Ball Satarday Borne Uood Plafa Large Crowd. Tbe much taJked of game of base ball bstween two locol Dines, styled as the Heppner and Morrow County clubs, oc curred at tbe grounds on echoolbouie flat last Saturday afternoon, and resulted id a victory for tbe Morrow County or o mntry club. Considerable interest was manifested in the grime by many of tbe citizens of Heppner who were present and at times showed their sympathy in a very demonstrative manner. Tbe game was the result ot a wager that a nine could be selected in tbe city that oould defeat any nine In tbe oounty, consequently tbe couoty nine was also composed of many residents of Heppner and 'immediate vicinity, and tboogh countries, ' perhaps contained more real amuteur players than the challeng ing nine, but many in both nines were strictly novioes, The game was called at 2 p. m, by tbe umpire, Geo. Barker, with the Heppner boys at the bat, and before they were retired bad five scores to their credit. One run was added in the eeoond and two in tbe third. The Morrow Oounty nine secured one run in the first and four in the secoid, being still behind, but in tbe third through a series of bad field errors by the Heppner team acd good work by the opposing battery added 8 runs to their soore and took tbe lead wbiob they retained throughout the remainder of tbe game The fourth oning was a "goose egg" for both, and tbe remainder wns very evenly played, resulting in a soore of 16 to 20 at tbe close ot tbe first half of the ninth when all regulation games olose in the event tbat tbe opposing nine are victorious. However, at the demand of the viotors tbe last half was played out, though very loosely, as tbe vanquished lost all energy, and resulted in five more rons being added to tbe soore. As a result ot a slightly mashed thumb A. W. Patterson retired iu tbe first half of tbe third, being substituted by Frank Natter. Tbe battery work of both sides was very good, as was also tbe workot Ingra- ham, Force and Crawford. Tbe latter, perhaps, made tbe best record, sooring five runs out of six times at tbe bat, be ing left once on eeoond base. Several unearned home runs were recorded as a result of b passed ball at first going over tbe bluff, but the following were perhaps earned: Norman Myers, two, Clyde Baling and J as. McQuinn, one eaob. Tbe soore resulted a follows: 123456789 Heppner 51201812 116 Morrow County.. 14802221 625 Tbe two Dines were oomposed of tbe following players: Heppner N. Myers, J. W. Uoruor, L. Matlock, H. Myers, V. Crawford, H. Bagley, Jaok Mills, A. W. Futterson and Frank Natter. Morrow C uuty Jas. MoQuinn, Clyde Salinp, Wm. Cowins, T. Ingraham, E. A. Force, Jas. Hart, Ed. Baling, John Mo Fee, Ben Patterson and Lee Cantwell as substi tute. The game, all In all, was oertnlnly a very noisy, though good oatured one. Tbe defeated olub paid for a very excel lent obickeo supper that was served at the Pnluce hotel. Another game has been arranged be tween torse two teams tor Saturday, Aogust 151 b. CLOSING OUT SALE! Mar We invite your attention to our Immense Line of Summer Dress Goods of the Very Latest Styles. Our Salesman, Price, who recog nizes no cost or value, will offer these goods Below tie Regular Tae a Lool at TJ)ese Goods, You can find a Bargain ir) ti)en). We have a Large Line of Glassware, Crockery and Tinware that we are closing out. Don't buy these goods till you see our prices. Yours for Cash . WHAT PATBIOTI8M MEANT TO WOMEN. Mr. Donald McLean, Recent of tha New York Chaptf r of the Dannhtn of the American Revolution, Bpraki of Womrn's Sacri fices for Country. sol ? OB out over the queHtion of Ulaokboro, Sain eeoond and Paul Jones I able part is bis slack of moral stamina "aound money," ami yot all the time ,b,r J- Tm, 1 ;0i "protootion to American labor" will atand in the front aa the great issue. The people have o willed itCommercial Iteviow. AN ekfoiit lm been made over in Colorado to lmve the regular re. publican organization endorse Itryan and Bewail, but the state coutral eoniiliM) overruled auch aclion and will utay by McKinley and llobart It ia refreahing to note tbat politics Laa two aidea to it even over in Colorado. (ieuaral Coiey was also third ID a fl furlooge rare, March wiuulog with Mount Hoy aeoond. Tim 1 $2. and Liter indifference to tbe maioteoaoce of publio Integrity. While so far as I know bis private character is noimpeach. able ba has never raieeJ bis voice or oaf J bis pn io denunciation cf flKrat)t abuses of public office or bulrayal of poblio trust, bat, on tbe oootrery, has porrullM tbe taper for whiob be is oaWnsibly the responsible eJitor to gloas ever and defend intwutementtin public My httle boy, wbeo two years of age, was taken very ill with bloody flux. I was advised to nte Chamberlain's Oolie, Cbolnra and Iiarrboe ltcmedy, and luckily procured part of a bottle. I carefully read tbe directions and gave it offlo. groas ofuoial oegliiienoe aud t accordingly, lie was very low, bat rapt colliwioo with jmbho plunderers, slowly eod sorely be began to improve, even ehere the offenders were filiated graJoally recovered, and is now ae into olfloe as republicans. sloni aoj strong as ever. I feel sare It From the proliaeinDal standpoint Mr. eeve.1 bis life. I never ran praise tbe I llrtau may be imaldered a dismal fail- I food It k m I Ho.-Mrs. Llaa H. Hinioo. h " "a regarded as sertous ia "It i immaterial, in my judgment, ichrtlwr the iheep grower reeeivet any lienefit frum the tariff or not Whether he tUm or doe not I am for free irtMd."Estraet from eiweh of William J. Bryan in the Ilouee of J?r rrnentative when the Wtteun bill try under coneideration. When women feel and respond to tbe call of patriotism It meaus much. Wben men go forth to war they go with tbe song "It is glorious to dia for our coun try." There ia the inspiring muslo, tbe good oomradeehlp ia arms, the sense of oootinual action, tbat great flag before them; we women have our dead. We give ourselves in patriotic struggle, for we know tbe bloody footpaths tbat must be traversed to reach tbe end. We give our hearts and souls, while tbe men give their bodies. There ia do great move ment or effort wbiob is without tbe en OoursBement and sustaining support of women. Tbe women are the fosterers of patriotism. Tbe Cuban rebellion would not last a month if tbe Cuban women were Dot as great and self sacrificing patriots as are the men, and therefore, in tbe ultimate triumph ot liberty in Cuba, the women should be hooored as will be their hu.baods aud brothers and fathers. A little story will illustrate the plaoe tbe flag occupies io tbe feminine mind, Joit before the battle ot Oettjabarg wbea her big brothers were starting for tbe campaign, and she bad beard a great deal of soldiers sod patriotism and tha flsg, a little girl sat on ber graudfather's lap at soneel and watched tbe stars some uuL She was a vary little girl and tbe i ENGLISMUSINESS COLLEGE: PORTUNO OREGON Full English course FRENCH m MO BOAHIIHG DEPARTMEHT'"! BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, shorthand, telegraphy, mm . 1 1 r l vjh a AND GERMAN. W'aM t LEGAL Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . Mil lhiiiN in ouo of lit orator, ical blaU in congress said, "eeak ing for id j self, it ia immaterial whether the sheep growers receive any benefit from tho tariff or not" The aheep growera of tho UniUnl tate,ot whom there are thous anda in the mountain regiona of tho great Went, will make it a material mater to Mr. Itryan ne it November, when they will raat their ballota in condemnation of Li free trade prinoiplea. W. W, Union, Kiur protection plank in the Maaaachuaolta republican stale platform, adopted March 37th, IS'.H',: "Wfibave alaaya given proteo. t in to our hitbuiKhra. In lata B e el - t m . a lrwr Wl ri'j ti w marif ,r ''f e tre tiiw asf ttm fe frr ftri$' t fnm iif lt'.;ii J ll'tm tnlK lli-i tif ,V; rttrnhihitt ukn the II itaxia IhiI tm to, Ur r"t.lf rud-m. (irahamaville, Marino Co.,, sale by Cooeer A Itrock, draggiate. For MaeraWee W III Kaleiiala. Ilepbner Ttnl No. 2.1, Knights of tbe Maeeabwe, are to give a public eoter- Uiomeut ia this city on WedneeJey evening, Angaet 61 h, at the Metbodial rboieh, rhiatb. Tbe public are cordially irvited to attend. No eltniiao rbargee. free la all A Bomber of very inter. eating aongs will be readered ty a elH male qaartelie and ao adJreee oo Fra- lernaiiera" will be given by iVputy Hupreote Cottimaeder J. L. Mitchell, of rortlaod. Allogelkaf a pleaaaol BVrO teg la aaao'etl. Tola le Ibe Oral oeeaeioo this order baa aiiemi Ud t paMloly ea terlalo tb4r ffioJa an J they hope fur a large alteadaaea Iadw are especially iovtt4 to be p'KM-tt Free to all. Mallit e IHoa. bave Baute.1 arroae no the eaal aide if Mam eirevt, to the building formally otfenpM f the (le ealm, Tb'f will be pleased to a. tlietr old raetnoMtrs. If our hiM.)tii'ta. No believe the lima taa ritn to retain Ui the nlicy of VValitiiKtin and llatntU t n, which, by dim liminatitig da li.e in favor of American ltUui, aecurel W jer cent of our carry in, trade to American ehipa, and which, if bow rraUxed, wviuld again revive our ehii j ii.ji aud ciuaa American ffcihta bi I pal 1 to Ameiicane," 1L tre,;.n rrpubli.'an tt' I tt( .f in enutaite,! a eimiUr plank. tbeae parte. While be has beeo nominal editor ot tbe Omaha World-Herald sinew September 1, 1"U4, be baa la reality been a mere journal let id figurehead. Hie a ante baa beeo paiadml at Ibe bead of the weekljr editioo to draw freeeilver deluaiouiila, but was e.Ko lakeo out of the daily and baa out reappeared. In atea l of devoting time to the paper, be baa beeo traveling about tbe eoonlry five werks out of en as Ibe paid champ, ioi of the lliaelatlie league. Ae a poliiielaa llrvao baa diaplajed bo orgaaising abililv. lie ie a f J alQmp a (wader and ttfeeiive eafflpainer. Hot thai Is all. If be bae any eieealive capacity II bae Bol el oiamfeeted lUelf, He bae eer bld any eieeative pnat. lio and baa sever had ao opportunity to etarrlae any faeally ba may peaiblv p.aae io lhal difeli 0. Tbe tml bneiaeee meo of Omaha, regar.llewe of parly, )k oim bim a a n of Imtia lure ji.lgmenl who wihiIJ eoeat.tttte aa eit'a litf.rtO rtk m bal of iba na liona! g eraoMot. I- ltria. Waat4 Hele. 1 weal a rl worker ia every loea Ihreagboal Ceateta Oeg 'B, U rpreee Ue Kaigbievl MaeeatM Taia talks Sal Uigeal f ia'el ba fliafr ordef la I t'. H ai l S".ani taty fat i wg a .i g'H.J wmkef. A I ', J. U Min M'li. "II i$ Imm.irrri.W, to my ju tjmeit, m htthte the therp gmtr rtetntt anp frm Ih htrtff or m-l , . . II ktlhre ke or ( I i frr tr, ij " - t Intet frmn o II ii'oim J lirpan n f lit it H'ft rttrnl.itii tt m ken the II i'n l td .u afr fni.fruf o , ibal for McKlBley. rrnm tha ftalem HUleaman. There having beeo mnob speeulalioo relative to the part tbat United Htetee 8oator Jubo U. Mitchell would take in tbe running preaidootial campaign, tbe aat was nnusual to ber Htatremao, a short lime sine, addrreaed "Why. grandpa," sbeeiclaimed, a letter Io the senator tt qoeatiog ao ex- I tr tboea lights?" preamon from bim oo Ibis matter. Tbe "Tbe stare, my dear," ba answered, following diapaUb received laal bight, "The at are T Hut where are the ttierelore, is self eiplauatory : slripeeP "Atlantic City, N. J., Jol ti- She waa a flltlog daugbterot America, prot liijlrearlrortland Dot later tbao for tbe stars and stripe could not be Augtiat 15ib, and will do all in my power separated ia ber bear!. From Womeo to bold Oregoa io Ibe republican column. Who Foster Patriotism " in Dvuioraefe M n is, m i bat I ciobo make any arrangements to speak ontll after reaching borne. (Sign- ed) Jobo U. MilobelL Magatiu for Angoat. Sines 1378 tbers bavs bseo alas epi demics of dieeslery is differed psrls of Kaelal Ayersatlke Werklsra.r ,0- oonm,, a blch Cbambsrlaio'e Ayer's Haraaparills enjoys Ihs eitra.. Coju Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy dlnary diaimetioB of having beeo tbe only was need with perfect soceesa. Pyseo- blood purifier allowed ao eibibit at Ibe wry, wbeo epidemic, Is almost as sevsrs World s fair, Chicago. Manofaclarers and daeg.roos as AaisUo sbolers, Ders- rf other earaaparillas sooghl I y evry tutors lbs beet eflirts of tbs flftoet skilled r.7n .. . .V." ,D"r .T' fh.ici.os b.. f.iW its r.. applk-aiioe of lbs ruts f.rli,l lmg tbe entry of paietil melisdei anil lioatrema. The ilefMioo of Hi World's fair soldo rittes Io favor of Arrr'a Haraaparills was In effect aa followa: "Ayer's Hufaapa rtlla m bol a palrnt nmjiolne. ll ilore nl tlg o tbe bat of anelrom. Il is here oo lie meviis." ee, this reosedy, bsssver, bae cured tbe B)et malignant saeea, bolb Of ebildres and adults, aod aoder lbs most Irt log SoediltoBS, wblcb proves il to be tbe beet maJu tos Io tbs world for bowel eo plaiuta. For sals by Coer A lirosk. , ). Huff I'd Was d0 fl" CM Mail ek' Miloall Caajuo lut h yesterday. 1 1 a tih frani Teiaa. Ileppoer ple will remeaibwt F- L laiowbooasa partner itb IW is ,b" 'f' lbs paiotisg kosiaess ber a few year ag He was kooao g-neraily a "Freak" Faia. Vf "l is eaas sod Faia leat4 Ib Tbs lul'e sod from there went Ik Telaa. A day of eo ago tbs Ults r eivrd a letter fffOt Mr. Fo and froo it this !( gaiters tbe lefi.imali o tbal ail Is BHeaoabisedoso to Ibs'Iae hilar" a'aie, Cr( are pr an I line very bard. Falo Ibibke Ibal be Willeaais bsek Ut Ogio J'il as aa be saa gal bwe. To tbs ol I OfVgneisss Ibers le as plare liks Urrgoo. Feople lav il fr "(llel plane bl SBiel et lb01 SI g!a4 It gl ba. k , ' wtil I U..g-o- A Biauaa. Tb UaMtta, to lbs Isal isaos, staUd tbal Tb Nallobal Bank, of Oeppoer, would go sol of boaiaea oa Aoiaal let Tbs seebier, Mr. Cd. IL Di.b op, informs Ibis paper tbat lb bank will roo rlgbt alag tb ssom as star, bol tbat ll la lbs Ir-teatlaa 10 go into vdua tary lloidalloa abeat Aug. 1. 1,(7. Tbs OkSells t bserfully stake lbs sormlioo. A Halarsl IWsaliBer. Ka'Ts Cleve Ibml iea prinS Ibe bll ssd gives a steer sn4 beeliful soopliion. Fr le by Weils A War reo. r Bats. TV CshfofOio Wloeboweo t Tb Dalle, Fib lirslioo f f asy kind el betae IWt rhasee f tbs nbt parly. Will Uks aWp la trad. Te poitieotar swoer, C ll-bt, Tas I tit. tl l,o, Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? All these can be procured at Thompaon k Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. ' Theae f entlotnen are well arqnalntixl wtlh Grant. Harney, Crook. Ollllam and other count lea, and can aava money aod time In making IIicm am llona Willi traveling nan. frlcea In keeping with the tltoea. Ti-iOiT psoist & Braisrs, livxhtmkt. iirrnrxa. The Lancashire Insurance Co. Ol MANCIIItMTKHi UNOLANI) W PATTFRSnS. WEST. Mjt.h"invprirt Tbroogb traios oa tbs O. IL A N. will roa via. Vmainie, walla walla ami Prodleton. Tbroogb sleepers, firat aod eeeood class, will run la eoooectioo witb the Union rsrlfle, lbs earns a hereto, 'ore. A through flrat-clM aletr Port- and to FpokeBS, Sonectmg llb Ibe Ural elaes Sleeps Io Hi. l anl, aod a h rough toortet alee per rortlaod Io Hi Paol, will roa Io oosseotioo with lb Ureal Nottbera railway. If TO A CANH BAftia Laal sprieg IbeOatelle aoooooeed tbat it would abaodoo lb sredtt ;atm -lirety oa Marrb lt, wblrh, to a Certain tilrnt, it bas earned ont etcept ovsg enr patron ber to Morrow Bounty, hare it was Ihoegbt ws night sooltooe lbs eld cyateot. Il ba beeo d'Oios airaud beyond all dU tbat we eaaaot looger parso lbs ol J cr'il T''m sad paf stir ieMs ss we go. Ws shall Barry sol cor loWstiosa, sod fmoi Ang I at olt BO papr wilt beaeotoolBaUae tbey bat beeo taid ff is advabes. To tbi ejiito ws shall etfirttf albre ia lbs falors, saa k I tg favnnte ef kose. Tbers is aoibisg pts abst ibis aiie, bol ws deairs In treat all alike, o do Sot a k ae to shiI lbs papr as ia tbs peat, bol ra'.I Io sd alile yoar a sosBt a4 taabs arraoaiaU 1 1 e- linos re4viBg lbs papt- I l'f ff a i - - as l !,!) i .ij lit 1 1 a tfitt. ai a ii-nf i ts ttfnt . i teiy I i'le ol hi u. I.'a ia a are . i llt. la a.i e., liaii-' il f rt fii 4 ule I 'ef iloreaMi N"l'ag rviwtes an ank.i. A reel -l a t" t t.f.ll -O, , lf t , t wtl Ualal I 'mi an 1 ,, t MII l'f io U' lS' V ' Uei4 A Waf ft I.. E. L. FREELAND, COLLECT lOkS ISSUANCE, -!f ABSTRACTS. U. S. LAND COMMISSIONER. tend flllnta and Final front T'kea. STESOGRirHER. SOTiRT rtBUd Mxrnrta, caraeir. D. J. McFaul, M. D. Oirgeiete I At J. u. Hicm'i RivDtHct. Walt. Tbomrna mo lag Wtea Hrcpoer aod Monam-ol, arriving every day eioept Monday aad lasviag every day eicept hosday. NborWol sod sbap " ro lbs latertsr. Oooee A Ilroek, ageots. s """"aiiiBeMB Tbs (.a.tte bas a s tear's loite la eilba ibe Fgl.ab, CVaOMf iaj. HborW band M it.partm.txa r-f lb llolmi lU.toee (ll-ge. of I'oftl-sd. f'f eals. An? trea dratrt.g Io uk a Iboe-.tifh boa.swM eooeas is S A'et laa aboold s Ibe Ufur gs. tog b4ow. ,( lb streets of fteMMMe, a a Hotels BlaJ.o4..aaL 1.1 -), Sap rff f r .! oi.l pl.M r.tnfotn IbtooCao. :::sWan!ed-fin IdeaS -1 1 w fo f 4, J V Tl ' lit . I 'Biew, TLtacmarsiatoUiciinmenbsL S1 lel(.,,ti,.s,. 1 I m 1 1 o.i.a A W !. tut by W e.te A Mf. a. an., r.t .