CAfiOER CURED , AND A LIFE SAVED By tho Persistent t'3e of Acer's 8srsaparil!a "I was troubled for years with a sore on my knee, which several physicians, who treated me, called a cancer, assuring me that nothing could be done to save n;y life. As a last resort, I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaj.arilla, and, after tak ing a number of bottles, the sore 7V ' -V began to disappear and my general health improve, I pursistea in tins treatment, until the sore was en tirely healed. Since then, I nse Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally rt3 a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in deed, it seems as though I could not keep house without it." Mrs. S. A. Fields, Bloomfield, la. The Only World's Fair Sarsapariila. Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver. THE $ OJ LLV' SoiipiiMlp I UI34 586 8 9IOStl 3l9ll? 14115 I6l7jl8 20I2II22123!2425 Qambrinus Beer, -HAlF PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drlnkabl Liquors and Smokabla Ci art. Call on Ted. Astoria's K.iutls All arrani-emeuts Hro rapidly being eflVoted for tba rei-uttu nul tlruiuen' touraameut aud (or the etitrrtainiuent and ootufor, of the lnr number of vinil ora who will oorae from abroad to partic ipate lo bdJ enjoy the festival of .-porta oo water and on laud. The programme baa beeo arrarjaed, tbe prize aim tuored aod everything ia in liipshiipi, and a grand iucoi n fa aaaiired. The prt-ta com mil tee aro exteudio,- lovitalinni to tbeir brethren tlironi,bo.i tbe Northwest, anil it ia aafe to j that tho Drna of Ailoria will to it that the "boy a" an cot ueulectrd during their atay. Aatorian. When your ttomach begioa to I rouble yon. it Deeds help. The belp it needa, ia to digest yoor food, and, nulii it get it, yoo wot', hare any pence. Stomach trouble la very distressing, vary olm ti ll ate, very daogi-rou. Many of tbe moat daogsrooi diseases !,-. o wi'b aimpla indigestion. Tbe roaaoo la that lt.di.-ta. tioo (m.f diuest on, nof oonriabment) vakrn$ tbe system aod Hilts dikoaaa germ to attaek it The antidote la Hbaker Uignativa Cordial, ttrengtbeoiug, oourlsbiug, carative. It onrr Indica tion aod reoewa atreogtb and bealtb. It doee tbla by alreagtbooing lb tomcb; by helping it to diget your food. It novruhet yoa. Bbakrr I)igell Cor dial ia made of pnra tierba, laoU and loe, ia irfretly barmlraa, and will oortaioly cars all grnaine t"tncb Iroiible, HdJ bv drn,igiiU, prif 10 anta toll 00 per bt tie. NrrtH Ua f!. I waa trrmnn, irr,. Irritable and aroea. Ktiii Cl iwr It wl Tra baa maJe ma well ao4 Lappy. faa 11. B. For ea'a by Write Warrra. Moaiua ham. Lat Uoaday at Hatla, Ttnpa waa third in a ad fur!.. on dtli, the raoe ba in woe by CI .1.1 Hngln 1.15,'. Oa Tor ly Jiaby Hu b wa a (! farloag (ti In t C'. tirotrr aa entrril In tti ra f l.nt fativd loierere le. Tin I'.r ton tie ttr-fr!oiig db ia QM la'i fl'fnrit.g a)ab Orovrr waa atc-'ft 1. Ihe lui ttag Wi.a by (Jilclilr 1 I '". 5 I'a-il ,?' WoO a kali l! daali (.11 ! ! aitb fia I er f t at 1 li I r. II. If J. T m 0 t 1'ilia l S I I an. rd'e do t'4 or e -t-a'tt ti a. Tby n'f ttfmt-e '. !'' ' " r It t La B'-a " i ' r t 'f '' i i : ' j U a. ' '" " t. I T ' I 1 ' 1 w - a r v.".v.:'jii- :i- -r jr AYER'S mm A VIA a"- aajava.. Here and There: Henry Tbompeon and wife are in town today. ' Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., baa wood for sale. 37-tf. 0. E. county. Eirkbam is over from Grsct Ed. Doherty Weduesday. Geo. Noble is oreek rauch. was np from Alpine on in from bis McKioney Rev. H. F. Dennis is down from Coy. ello, Wash. Joe Banninter wns down from Hard mun yesterday. Buy your tents and camping oulfi'e of P. 0. Thompson Co. ' 2t. Frauk Lee got baok Tuesday from a visit to ibe metropolis. C L. Pftdbarg and Mat Halverson were iu Heppoer Tuesday last. Genuine New Orleans Molasses for sale by P. C. Thompson Co. 2t. G. A. Taylor, representing Glnsa & Prudhomine, is in town today. U. M. Grimes is up from Tu Dalles on tbe lookout for beef cattle. T. J. Allyn is 115 from lone to attend the funeral of tbe late E. G. Sloan. Rosooo Hhftw and Ves Ifintou canm in from Iiong Creek Tuesday with wool Drink the celebrated J. H. Cutter wbinkey. On tap at Chris Borohcrs'. Asa Thompson and father, Oscar Thompson, are over from Butter oreek. La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ure. o. (J. Hnilth, salesman, Heopuer. Henry Heppner returned from a busi ness trip to Arlington yesterday morning. Ben Sitiflhoimer and E. -Davis, botb commercial travelers, spent Tuesday in this city. Tbe family of W. O. Gentry and 'Gene Noble and wife are rustioating ont near Black Butte. Larse t assortment of teas in Heppner, and at lowest, prices. At P. C. Thomp son Compuuy'a. 2t. T. A. Meozies, freight aent for the N. P., spent Tuesday nod Wednesday here in the interest of that road. Wool is at a standstill at present in tbe Heprner markets. It will likely be dull tbe remainder of the season. Patronize home industry by nsinn Olympic Drips ; the finest table eprup. Hot sale by ir. V. Tbompeon Co. 2t. A first class oart and btrness for sa'e at Wm. Gordon's feed stable, below the Gazette office. Call and examine tome. Are yon going to attend tho ball gnme tomorrow? It will be interesting. Who will pay for tbe supper is now tbe qnee tinn. Rov. Tbos. Brioly, of Condon, will hold services at tho Catholic church of thin place on Sunday, August 2. All are Invited. Jack Lake has charae of the branch train during the absence of Win. Dunn, who, with bis family, are sojourning at t be coast. Lost On the street of Hepnner. a gold watch and ch'iin. Finder will re ceive a rewnrd by leaving same at tbe Gazette f fhVe. 2t. Miss Miunie Myers has just arrived and is prepared to do fashionable dress making at reasonable prices. Parlor 20, Palace hotel. tf. The Burn people will hold raca this fall, beginning Bent 1 and en.liu.' Sept. 6. Burns always baa a good time on such oocaNiona. Kenb. Hperry, Bud Haney and Joe Woolery, acootnpauied by their familms, pitased through town yesterday on their way to the mountains. Chamberlain's Congh Kemedy cure cold, oronp and whooping congh. It is plensaut, snfo and reliable, For s:ile by Conner & Brock, druggis's. 8. J Freedmao, representing a Port land oiuar bouse, wa in town Wednes day. Mr. Fr. Hiliniin is one of the pio neers in bis line in Oregon. Dimdiuff form whrn the gland of ti e skin aie weakened, and if negleeled, bald lies la sura to follow. Hull's Hair lienower ia the best preventive. G. R. Uatt, the tonaoriul artist, can be found at his pnrloia, Matlock corner, where htf will diapenae prion, shave, shampoo, hairouts. etc. Any inventor in Eatrn Oregon who dairs the ervior of an attorney in Washington, D. U , will find it to hi advantage to call ou or addrea 11. ia pa per. Mf A. II. Ihxwoitb, formerly au attache of the OnS'ite, La void bis li tt-reM in lb Lake Clielan Herald aod b iuglit a similar liferent in the Wnnatobr Ad vauoe. CI) a. Cute, of f.idge. Mountain vlly, i in on bnaini'S t'day. Cliaa. ralaed an eicellent crop of bay thi raon and baa ba I lull trouble witb graaahoppers and iairral. For f :i .60 I will sll a first rl, bigb grad, bigb arm sewing marbtna gnaran tuml for 10 yuara. Fur further particu Ur eall on or aJJr, N. A. iaob, IjPitngtoO, OrrguU. KH-tf . K. Kirk, of Hamilton, Montana, bi lnrcbaad lb alnpk f irrooerlr al lni Kilter tor, near M"fuff.! iringa, and will in a abort tlni i-p.-n up a full aiock ol g-orral uirrcbau lne. Frank Oilltam and I'.fO Ia ., ba k We.lnra.lay from llb freek Frank ie rarriieg a Badly bruiaa.l anil. llira- soil of a III t tar aM,..n In tt.lih Od'tam got on lb nodrf aid of icijiim, Krank rotiid-r ILal ba Is lucky. Charley Jcor. Ih Well kenwn "id l timer" In lb looaortU Una, ba again ba at'd In Heppner, batirg ncbaw4 Oreen Malbowa' atiop, Mm ir tMiildtng i. ..M U i ll; l I 1 Charley will a. r-'iala a rati abeo la l"n. 7Af Mora w t)..t taira by tiffl -t llalaalaal Te ,f fc uhl at I'el.d ela abii real. ling arrrat. Zi'i In-. I w rlran 01 .B ( Owr llep.V t at Teal sprit)! unra ant n fnio 1 Ital b bad mot than b al I ban He. -A H.lirb la Tlm,"-A Ar' ! I'llla La aate.l many Bl of ah kaeaa ; I U mhmm a remr.l; dW L"t l.apili te al h-.ti I, a.,tlit ainwi.ta ate il.le I i lr brj-lic'ed. o t !' fqH, fr HiI', ' laaa-ttMie Hlneaa; berlf te .i l.-l lit! Aef 1'i.ta. Wm. (I r l-.n I- at lit tt.U fIfw Iha Has'lla ftt , ti Heat an I -aterly f.o a!. l.).a' .d He, . f i tn I ni iiVt"i,f f.,r e.l, . , f. lit J im l.a I o riljift if lill'a at. l rani, .!, sa Ki... I aa hW, A-. -ttntifg S'U a .!) t 1 n I'. I' n a- v J' . t i 'I fa e r . . . f i-r t-t t . I tn a recent issne the G-zat'e made mention toat Mr. U. U. Uunoe aua wira were o?er from Monument. The lady wbs Mrs. J. U. Coo h ran, who b as been an invalid for some lime and who came over to consult Dr. tlinkle, the represen tative of tbe Han Franoisco branch of the National Surgical Institute. Remember only enab me.lii)ins wr admift. d for exhibition at ttm Woii.i'a Fair as are aceepted 'for bj phv.'i cians. in t Jih practice i,f mi'dieint., Ayer's 8urRap:iri!ln, Ayer's Cherry Pectond. and Aver's Pills being inolnded in the list. TLey ure standard medicines. W. P. Si:rivnr is prepared to do all kinds of blacksmithing, horseshoeing, machine repcinncr, wsgon work, in f;ict anything iu hisliueat reiisouahle oharges and satisfaction gnarantfed. Will pntiu spokes for 30 cents each, BDd other wag-on-work in proportion. 46 tf B P G.irrignrts. assisted by others, captured a ratrifniiuka yesterday up near Jas. Jones' place. His snakeehip nnn be seen at Park's plnoe of business. No one yet has examined him critically enough to count the number of rattles. .Ed. Jewett, of Silvies valley, Harney County, passed through- town yesterday on his way dowu to Portland. Mr Jbw ett was once the stage man between Ontario und Canyon City, via Burns aud tiarney. Rpgular servines will be held in the M E. church, South, on Sabbath nex. Preaching in the morning by til's pastor, and in the evening by Kev. H F. Dennis, of Covello, Wash. S. W. Spencer had the nnil of the third finger of bis right h:ind torn loose while playing "catch" yesterday. The injury incapacitates Will from clerical wora at the lnt National. The muoh-talked of ballgnme between Heppner and Morrow county niues will occur tomorrow on the sohoolhouse flat. Game called promptly at 2 p. ia. All are invited. The Gazette is compelled to follow the course planned by it, to commence on tomorrow. Wo have reached the limit aud caunot buy paper and pay help with out money. Wm. Cowins got a blow on the nose yesterday from a baseball thutdimrrang ed the member considerably. The doctor patched it up almost as good ks new. Joe Williams, the postmaster, has further adorned bis cfliee with a brand new carpet aud some puint here and there where it does the nwst good. "It is immaterial, in my judgment, whether the sheep grower receives any benefit from the tariff or not Wlnther he does or does not I am for free ivool"-Kxtraet from upeeeh of William J Bryan in the Home of Hep-re.-entatives when the Wilson bill was under consideration. Where. They Met. McKlnley BI'l, i ith Nupc.leon ore, &iy"Hrftii 1. 1' drink wmie l.inwond Kye; We meet hi friends, lny wonlH lire few 1 hope tliey don't, dear Brian Hnre U." And Bryan fiiyn, In n Jnklm; manner. "I wonder if that's what's the mutter with that's liorsennd horse, on innnv feller When I sre my wf 1 hm'i hniinil to Telier." Ihen they uravely bowed, and tliey winked an eye. And theydmnl some more jro i LlnwniMl Rye. Sold only at the Hcvfdeie Sa!o.n, E. G. Socrry, Prop. For yenritoit ci; jr.- CuUnli "Cr.-h" or Tonics for Citanb i;i Yi-.yiA So; m to ,? tdien iuteniully, u tui'.ly coiiuin clllu-rSb n-ury or lodida of PutasAi, b-th, vl.i. b aro injur ious if toolon'n. C it.irrh is ii local, not a Mood die-iise. causi d i.y s.i. ld -n change to cold or il:unp .-. H ntnris ns tho uamd. passages, hfl.etin .v.o, cat 4 and throat. Cold iu tbe) l.-,.,i 11..:. .n t ..0":t.ivu fl.iw of lnueus, nu 1, If i .. , , y 'jv'.x t d, the rt. stilts t.f (iitra'i v.'i'. i I! .'.v; 11 .vnie j;iiiii in the head, a rairin:? s. ...! i 1 tlmenrs, bad breath, and cf:e:i(inn b.i oli.iisivo dia. ciiar;vi. TlicreinedyHhould hsiiniiktonllay I'lfliuuniatior and hi :il tlienii-nnin'.ne. .ly' Cream llnlm the nekuowlil(vd euro lor thi'jo'i i.nd conhi'm no niernury Lor uty lnj.nh.-iis -J tug. l i i.-e, CO centi. Li; 1 1 tut i.itii'. Jtri:its AnvKiin.KO J or.. July aT, AT Hl.l'J'N till fiini'Iaml. fie l...'11-y. hiir rm ?!l!ti. Vlh tin a Heillnn, ir (iiUIh rl, Mnrtlii r'vrirhi.t, M When .eutll.iK advert li'.. tor Hi' J. V le'l.-m pli-a'i any II.I.KW, I. M. IN the i im i 1 r on nr ur tiik m.vtk of on i 1,, 1 i,,c ( ...ii.iy Mi rn.a, Lilly M 1 nri or, I m'.Mi.i. vs. Wlaa It. li..rnr. la ': .l.i !. TortUs It, li.i fir, iH'fen. a .t. Ill Hie l.ati.f ul Hi,, hi h le nl ilr..'.iti, v.. 11 are hen hy r.'H'ilri .1 Ui a-,ur an. I anxvi r lii.. e.iin. .nlli( lili.l Si-Hi,. t )' In ll.i. .Km- entltl. ii 1 sum mi ir I . I.. 1.. Ilm irl lUynt II11. Inl UilUiar lei 111 01 Hie a.U.e riililU.Uoiiit, lo w I: Ta 7th day ot tcpieintwrr, laai, ami tt y. n full so In answer, f..r asm Hirre.if the ialiili n I I epidy to Hie . - in r, .. deiiiaiiiii'it In Ii.t 1 .,i.i.ui.i, H 1H. , 1,,,,,. lull. 111 ill n erriHe ni.i i,. li.lw pii li,li,iiir and deteii.lii' I. ft 11 n. Ir .1 . 11.1, ,r nil. l.i-11 of p ainliil si, 'I ill lendai.t, .-.-I. (, Ill's snit. 1 tiis i-ti'rlliiirs Is s. rn".) t.y Mit,Ui--4t!iii .uf. lanl m an onlor i. eie,i,en A I-., n. j.,,ito ., Ine i.n eii.,1,1: I luuii, m,.iie i.ii inn l iii! ol July, !.. J N ii(inv. V1. Alt,,r,i Inr l isimiir. Sl'M.VttS.1. IJt Tir. I ;ti - r i-r.ITT of lr.,., ,,f M..rri.4 1 . Tilf. M tTK 1 ' oiil.l r. r., i'i,.ii,i,r ' C K 11.i1 -t-t, (. ! T'i t. (. i..'im, 11,1. In Ine iiMm t.t lit., s'ii .,( (ir..i, v.,!, t ""'f r- ire. I., at i-r t - . ., i,f tt, , ,.,. I'laiHi (it.l (r,M ,,, i, 11, n ,,,u ,, 1 "M and ill l.n l.r I- !,,ir tl.e a. f ll II hell r?nr b'm in. u-'t 1, 11 Ta 7I Day ol teHlr. IfljU, ami If y-tl tall In al,o. I..r oei I , r- .1 Hie ,ali 111 a ill lake .. II,. 1 mw lr-l ti'iw i lnit, lMl.ii ., ftr. (,.l.,l,.l , I I,.. . ,1 . a , I '-'"I ' ,11 a.-l I I 11 n ulber r.ii I a Ui III' .....It net SV-. it, I Ihi .,. 1. no. U . I -I'shel ! IK If i.f linn, "Hi.-M I " i J i.4 ..( II R-h J.,.', ,i l--lii. I if l. e!e ul liLsuft, J., if , i. w 1 I ft A". r.i. r f.,i ,i, hit. Kotxi of tn'.vntwn. I ami on i. r at t i.ii iM.r. i J-.... . S..I. . it I.. ., t . lllf'.'. li e (.,..., ..' l.i. ,11. I 1 1. 1 . U(,.ft II. ! 1 -.rr, : , !,. I tit. I'- I I ... ..( I I .-. ( . . l .. Ml,, . 1 A u ( ' l . ! , .f , 1 rt i (. . .i 1 i. t-- II 1 M M li.l.I Sf. -( IM II, iSif le 1 ,U . -I; t.l M ,1 i ' I t I. I- r alt. I a J i n a n r. i M lit 11 ni ie 1 - mi tin I , m. a. . , , . 1 , , 1 . ' I I-.. I f N iitt r I H I e I !1 ' a I I I 1 e S .at ' 1-1 i. air t a I- .n Hi 1 - In I a It a -, I , ,-., I a a . a . -II... i. -1,, t SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCl'IT CO CRT OP THE STATE -a. 01 -ureKiin ior .norrow uounty. Miunie Smith, I'luiutiir, Gilbert Smith, Defendant. ToGilbert Smith. Kefenda t. In the name of the Slate of Orecon, you are uereny requireu 10 appear ana answer the eom j.liilut filed axainst you in the abive entitled cause on or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: The 7th day of September, 1896, and if you fail so to answer, for wa-it thereof the t.lniniih" will apply to the court for the relief demanded iu he.- complaint, to-wit: For the dixsotutinn of the marriiise contract existing between plaintllf and deiendaut, lor the care and cus'ody ol the minor child . f platntiU' and dei'endan and costs of tills suit. This Hummona is served by publication pur suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, J udge of the above entitled court, made on the 1-ltli "day of .Inly, IS'.Ki. J. N. BROtt N, 455-71. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow County. Eliza R. Owens, Plaintiff, V8 Frank H. Benite, Mary J. lienne, his wife, Lewis J. Schewrich and Schewrich, his wife, De fendants. To Frank H. Benrte and Mary J. Benge, two of the defendants. In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint liltd against you in the above entitled auit on or before the 7th day of September, lftw und you will take notice that if you fail to answer or otherwise appear in said suit on or before said 7th day of September, lK'.aj, the plain lift' above named, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in the complaint filed in this suit, to-wit: For personal decree against the defendants Frank H. Benge and Mary J. Benge, his wife., for the sum of ffttl.iid with interest thereon t the rate of a per cent, per annum from January 1st. 1HIH, and the sum of $.r0.00 attorney's fees, and the costs and disbursements of said suit; that the court shall decree that the mortgage executed by the said Frank H. Benge and his wife to the Lombard Investment Company, dated the 19th day of December, 1HK8, upon the following described real property in Morrow county. Oregon, to wit: the north-west quarter of section No. 32, in township No. 2 south, ami range No. 25 Esst of the Willamette meridian, which said mortgage was recorded on the 20th day of December, 1SSS: at page 54 of Book "D" of tho Records of Mortgages in the ofllc.e of the County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, shall he foreclosed, and the said real property sold, and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment to platntiu" of the above named sums of money; that all of the defendants, and all persons claiming and to claim by, through or under them, or any of them, shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate, interest and lien, at law and in equity, and especially of all equity of redemption, In, to and upon every part of said real property; and that plaintiff shall have general relief. This 8 mmons Is published pursuant to order of lion. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made at Chambers, Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, ou the 13th dav of July, 1H. FEE, CARTER, HAILEY & AUSTIN, 457-70. Plaintiil's Attorneys. SUMMONS. IN THE HRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE or Oregon fo Morrow County. Julia A. Farrel, I laintill', vs Samuel I (Iprlilng, Martha A. (ierklng. .lames R Mm aimikerand Maria E. Nun- To Samuel I, ilerking aud Martha A. Gerkii'g, iw.iui mo niiiivu-iiaineo oeieuosnts. In the name of the Slate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com tihilnt filed against you in tbe above entitl-d Bin. on or iieniie me m nay oi September, wiv and you w ill take notice that if you fail to ans ict or otherwise- appear in said aiiltnnor before Hie said 7th ds v. of September, mini, the plnlutlll above named, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled court for ttie re.lef leaved f rin the complaint filed 1. this suit, to-w it: For personal decree ngatnst the defend ants Samuel I. (ierklng and Mirtha A Oerklng fur the sum of fi:i7 Ml with interest thereon al the mte of s per cent, per annum from April 1st, 14, and the sum of Jjoni attorney's fees, and Hie costs and disbursements of anid suit; that the court shall decree that the mortgage execut ed bv said Miniuel T. (ierklng and Martha A. (ierklng to the Lombard Investment Company, dated the iHd dav of March, 1h.hh, upon the fo'l Inwlug ibseillied real property in Morrow con ty. Oregon, to-wit: llieainnh half of the north eat quarter, the smith J.) acres of the north-west quaitcrof the imrtli-east quarter, of section No. in townslilp No 8 south, and range Nn. Ill F.ast of Willamette mertdlan; and also Hie wi st hnlf of the mirth-w est quarter of c tliin No 1:1, and the norlli halt of the north. C4t quarter of section No. 14. In township No 6 until and rmge No 25 Kastof WlllaiiieitemerM bin; w hli li niortgHge Is now owned by plaintiff; w hich said nior'giigi. was recorded on the 21HI1 d ij of Man h. Inv.i. at pnve i:u of Hook "II" of the Heconls of Mnrluagea In the ollice of the (11. inly ( link of Mnrrnw i nunty, Oregon, slmll lie and the suld real property sold, and Hi.) pHH i eds of such sale lo be applied to I lie PS v mi nt lo plHlnlllf of Hie aliove named s'ons of 1 ; IhKt all ot the dclcudaiita, ami all persons ebiluilng and lo claim bv, through or under them, or auv of them, shall be foreer barred and foreclosed of all right, till, estate, inter. t .111. 1 Hen, a Uw nl riniliy, and e.Ci hi:ly of Hl equity nf reteinilliiii.' In, In nut Uin every part of suld real piniH-rty; and Unit i.lnliitld shall liae aencral relief. 1 ids s.imiiioiis Is iiiirsoaiil In order of II. hi Stephen A. Uiwell. Judge ol the bIh.vs i ntltled court, made al ChainlHTS, I'eii.lleion ' "' nty,, ou tliu l llliil.yul July, H i:, CAUTKIt, 1IAM.KV A At HTIV. 4'' '" 1'laltillH i Altorueia. SUMMO.W. IS TIIR Hll( TIT 1(11 KT 'r TIIK rTATi: 1 i. iirrnii fur Mnrrnw ittiuiy, Clara A. I1.I.I1, l lalnlln", 1 s. V.irrts Ii. !m., Ilnnla hl v lie, I". 0. . 1, k 1111111, Ib ile K. Ilm kinim, bis ll". 1 . K lli.nhii, I.. II nehi her h'it.i.., . J. lanst, ImiiIi I II llnmn i . liriian, ia w'.ti.. tli.' In l.lniiii. .i,g and l llnElii, two of tl.e aim', c !.-,,. . .l.'fi-ll.lsuta. 1 11 the .f II, e eiaio nf Oregon, you are lienl,) f. (..ii., ..i,r and ansa er Hie nun- plaint .lll.l i-slii.! y,,i l, .,r. .ilt on or l 1. .11. 1 in. ;m ,ar of ,u.ii,i-t. i- . and you ' l.. m.tlin that 1 imi fall lo ai.sai r or i t.i r Ise SI. li ar In aal l a. ill 1 I I Hure H e Hli Jlt ,l.v ,il h, pli inU r. . ,, II,, I .1 iniiu aiH..e im..i-i, (r aul Hiermif. ill I I t In Hie IiT I.HHeil ennrt fnf Hie rv-t..j f In the 1 i..,,,lalnl Bin) In llila sutl, I . II fi.r iirlannal .In tra analtisl Hie iti-lrM.l' ail's l.iiiiile l.nitT. C, . II ili.- an, I I, H.inliiai p. 1 lo- a 1.0 ..I , I M win, i,lrr.l tl,i.rr..ti al n.e iie nl a ft rent, -i antimn from Man h l-i. I (.'I a Hh IU. Inl, real lhi.m,n i,,n ( ''. Ii 11 l-'l, ami the snn nl 'hii all..tnr, t a. a... I it,a r-aiia ati'l nial.iirartnei.ta nl kal.l .111. l'ie r.t.irl tl.tll i,-. r.-. that . r. Mi" I I Hie tat.l Mi.rila Ii I . .1.11 )... In II,,. ,,, .11, 1 lii.nal.ti. 1. 1 I ,,11, 1 tit . .Iall Hie I ul, 1U7 nl Irliroarr. ". Ill". I. r I. . ,i,( i. art. led f. l I-f,. tt i, Vl,,r ! I.. r...iiil. III,.,,,!. .u ( ,.. h., ,j ! ll.e null) ..-.I .,.,arlrr ail Hie aiil haif 11I H.e ; "'i'!i at 'I'larlei i.l Ilm, S,, ja 1. ,.,!,,), No I tmrth ei. l S.i r. , i, ,(,. n(, aiM'-He i,.rf i.tlan. al.lih a I I .t.r(a a aa I i...,..,t. i, 11,. ,., ,., Varrh. .i al -a I 1. I (.,. I. ,.( Ii,, li,,., S, ,. !,.,(.,, , I . lli.e ..I the I i.iii.l. I I. tk nl U.,t.,a ,.,,,,,1, ie I 1 I.,..-;. ..., a.. l ll.a aald irai I at (III a pi. .-.-! i, .,. haaleln l ai .ie. In Ilia .-,.it I., l,,l:- ,, ,. ...tri,iiM4l,M ii- l.i-1-ai , thai all lf ll.e .1. ' ,.i. -la and a'l .., g and l.t al M ILL. .,h HI UK .f ll.i., f ,,., I .1 a I l-a I...H.I U.r.-I a.. l I..I.. I a.1 ,A a I 1 .til. tii... fta?a. ii. !! ai-d Men. al laa a- I I . e., ,lit, a -I lal-'f .A all e-mlly i.l f. . i..l.. . In I, .-. I ...... ,..rt f'i iM aal I ii 1 itf , ,,.t it,. 1 j, '..! 1 . ( . fi.i 1. .ii i 1 1 . . ,.. ...! t nni l .1 M . .. ,a..l In 1.1 Irf 4 tl .n -I.,. .... U,ai.l i.lta ia lhaai,.,a r. 1 1 t ,.l ,. , i al 1 l.a-i-..a. I r......., I .11 a ...(. lir..ii, on ll.a I tit ,L i I ' 11 1. ( Atin :t. mti tr at "iii. ' ' I ian 111 ll., in (a. fifitVoXs 1 1 nir i-ii i IT ot 1 t nr iiir mtt a i... ... 1 11 . . ..., u Mnif., r . I . ...!. I I r " I a ..r la- I I'.. I-1 a-1 t . f. . , .. , 1 ii. -1. .J iair.a '..fata ' " 1 1 -! - a.-l 1..M11 l.a , I ' al I . 1 Ii t'.a a'-. a a- ... , "' ' '' " ''! I ..( u a la I . 1 . is. tJ 1 1 a a a a , ,, f ,, I,, a II I The ?l r sWpla-riiaaf, 14913, ' a - I M -i '.-I ..aaf U-t I !,. .4 I a 1 . .1 t a : -a.-- I Ii. II a ... ,11 " i., , a.a? !al t b.t 1- a. ft. I't all 1 Urn ilia a--...,.,.! l.i a,.i.,.,a iH.tia. etla I -4 l I-.. 1 .i. .1' a 1 . a .1. a 4 . ,4 i, ,i l ! a af (o, Wall.. t-... a t I., a i ...... , a I naa.i I,a i.l II a a -J.M--I In iiI, fa at '- l a .. a .- f i , i. !. I lia'.ia a S ! tat I a.i l. SHEBIFFS SALE. TVJOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER .v "'" by Tlrtl,e f an execution issued out of thecircuitcourt of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, on June lfl. iwaj, and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and entered In Justice court for the sixth district in said county on the 15th day of June. lH'si, in favor of M. D. Hayman, plaintiff, and against E. Campbell, defendant, for the Slim llf H'nrtu.tian .t 1,, lt.-ll m ' "....-. nnu -av-iw lUlltirii ailUien and :to-i00 Dollars costs, and a transcript of said ...t..v na incu nun i ne cuuniy ciera OI ine county of Morrow, State of Oregon, on June 1, l-safl; and. whereas, I have levied upon the fol low lng described real property, to wit: The south-west quarter of section two. in townsMp one, north, range twenty-five east, W. M be Sold tn Uritiatv auiH 1,......,..,. . juuR,ucti,, uubib suit acctu- ing costs. I will, on Saturday, the 15th day of August, 1896, at 2 o'clock P, M.i of said day, at the front door nit lannnrl hmi.ul,, unnn..... i . ... Oregnn, sell the right, title and interest of said K. ('Hmrttinll In an.. t. K a ii 1 a. a sanxi , 1,1113 nilHltJ UW1 UJtMl p (JU- erty at l'ublic Auction to the highest aud best bidder fnri-ueh l.i 1 plied to the satisfaction of said execution, at torney's fee and all costs and costs that may vscrue. E L. MATLOCK. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated July t), lim. 4oti-fi7. SUMMONS. N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE L of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. Ralph L. Bengo, Plaintili; vs. Katie 0. RoilffP tlnfpnui.1 To Katie D. Benge, 1 efenaut: I 1 the name of the .State of Oregon, vou are 11 n l v nT" .m (tunnel ' lie CUIII- plnint filed against you iu the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regular .w... v. u.c buuio nuLiticu court, io-wu: Monday. September 7th. IflOfi. and if you fail to answer or otherwise plead, for "" umioui uio piuuuiu wm apply to the above entitled court for a decree dissolving the iiiniKu uunus nuw existing oeiween you ana ".",Di". i" jwuKuieui ngtuusi you ior me costs and disbursements of this suit. Till. 1 L,.. ... . ... i inn Buiuiiiuiis is piiuusnea Dy oiacr or Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge, of the circuit court of Oregon, for the flth judicial district, dated July "d. 1HM. E. P. SINE. 4i Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE J. of Oregon for Morrow County, Tho Northern Counties Investm nt Trust, Lim ited, a Corporation, ' l-lai:!ti If, vs. Cecelia Taylor, S. 8. King, N. B. McBee and J. C. Thomson. Defendants To Cecelia Taylor. 8. 8. King and N. B. McBee, tnree 01 ine auove named defendants. In the name of the Statu of iireirnn. vnn n hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, via: The 7th Day of September, 1890, and yon will take notice that if you fail to answer or otherw ise appear iu said court on or before the said 7th day of September, lWKi, the plaintiff above named, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayea ior in ma complaint tiled in this suit, to-Ut: For personal decree Renins!, tho ib.fon. dan", Cecelia Taylor, for the sum of 77:i 4ft with interest thereon at the rate of 8 nercant. nnr annum from the 20th day ot June, lstW, and the costs and disbursement of said suit; that the court shall decree that the mortgage executed u) me ainu vccena i nyior io me unutiard in. vestment Company, dated theHtndayof Novem ter, tfiSH, upon the following described real property in Morrow County, Oregon, to wit: The South half of Northeast quarter aud North east quarter of Northeast quarter (excep. ten acres lit a square form In Northcaat corner thereof) and Southeast Quarter of Northwest quarter of Secti-.n fen, In I'owtish'o Ono North, of Range Twenty. five East, of the Willamette meridian, which suld niortgHge was lecorded on tho lfith day of November, 18. iu Book ')." ou pages 11, U, 18 and I I, of the Records of mortgages in Hie oillce of the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, shall be foreclosed, and the said real property sold and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment to plaintili of the above named sums of money; that all of the defendants, and all persons claim ing through or under them, or any -.! them, shall be forever birred and foreclosed of all right title, estate, Interest and lien at law and in equity, and all equity of redemption, in aud to, aud upon every part of said real property. This Summons is published pursuant to an order of Hon. Steuben A. Lowell, Judge of the aliove entitled court, iiutdeatchauihera, Pendle ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, on the ''Ith day of July, lD'.Ki. EI.I.1S .V LYONS, '" i'i Attorneys tor HlalutltT. Notice of Intention. I AND OKKtCK AT LA . ft A N 1 K . OREOON J JiineVI, lwsl. Notice Is hereby given that the fiillowlng-tiained settler has II led notice of his Intention tn make Unal proof hi support of his cliitni, and that aal. I proof will be made be fore County Clerk ol Morrow county, Oregon, at Hepi r, Oregon, on August I, Ins;, vi; FREDERICK H. TIIOMAH, ltd. entry No. 7.SI7. for the HHSi Wl Sec III. r.'i N W ! ami HW;4 SK'i torn, au, 1 p t a, it 2 K. W. Iff) names Die fnllnwlng witnesses to prove his continuous resilience uimiii and cultivation ol, suld 1 ii i . I . vis; K C. WHtktns. Rnlaert Watklns, A. R, Burch, A. J. Mi kcutc, all of llcppucr, (in gnu. . K. W IIJOV. -' Keglsler. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICII AT THE PALLET OKK'ION, J June '.'I. N.iliie Is Imreby given thai Hie fiillnwlng. named settti-r lias tiled II. .Ilea of Ills liili-iilinu in malia Html pr.ail In s.miH.rt nf Ills claim, and that aald pt.x.l will la. mad helm J. W, M..rniw, rn. ml v i h al llcppucr lltcgnll, on Annual K, K al. l: ' AI.HA 0. BAHTIKILOMF.. ltd. K No. r5. forth K'i KH'ia.HW'U NW'U and N W . , Her .f,. I p i S. R i. K. He names lb I.. Una lng allin-aaia In .mv his rniiltiiiniiia ri-aldi ni e iik.ii ami i ultli allnli nl. sahl land, vis; I I. Vanw InHe. nl Heppner, On-rmi, T I) Matbeaa. W. II. riuliy. Arlliur AuurrWa, uj (lallnaay, Oregon. .Art. T. MimKF., '2 M Hcgisior. Notice of Intention. Lain Oi rn a at I. (iaii.s. ihhdhs, J'lli III, Ie1 VT( R la II F H I R Y filVI M 1 II AT 1 HR 11 f . .11. .aa 1 1, k iiame,l aa-IHei has f.le. imllraut hla I . iiiMhe nual pr.H.I In auplxirt nf I. la I -l in. and II. ai aald .i.. at III laa ma t- a Inre V.. I. flet land. railniillaelniH-r I' H I In ..II i aiurl at l.- pin-r, Or ij..ii, on August l illi. si. la: Tii'tMAH on IM entry n M M. f..f the JCi xru, ai. SB', and al l fa WV. tw 17. 1p . H. V. ie . W M II usinea lb Inllnaliia alli.raara pmi-a hi rfiiilliimiiis iral laiH a main ami cullltatliiB nf. aald la-id, (It Alr.aii lif I mneil. I'al K-llebar. Mika K elan aii't Jainaa Jnlinaain, all t.f lirpnia.r, niai-iin, . B f . Mil, IN K.-f.'.er. Notice of Intention. I ami orru r at tnr DAtir (inti.ot. I J J.ine II.. Si,a ,at.l.T tl-af Hi Inllna III a,ae-l avllles ,a le4 na Ii. nl ha-r iila.,li,n 11 naaS fat al pfieif In .ti .. .,1 l.i-f alt., a'.d Iha' aal. I ,l.,l al aa ...l-la . I. rir i.. a I .,,,.n laal.i.i. r. al ll.p i,.r u, ,.,,,, u A-.f Ilia. l-s ill lttan4N4 a i tt ii i r . ill lluai. lal Mil. I (a deaeawaal. ft t t. VXI. iaf III an U. HJMJ, tt. T I , H 1 V M IU ..'1... I a ,li.i aa.a n frliaat I. ef ittnaana la.a n. a ie--I an I r la ilil atfan nl. aald land. Is A I M.-av arf IU tt" ' Us, frank l.nla id fia.ii Hi. ami. tA I Of , anal Klaal4 II. M.aii'1, nl Latitial'tn. in jAa, r kl'nait. ' H-slalar, J TICK OF I X 7 Til s7 rAll orri' R AT ,111 fUtlka fiftr i". at I'.'lll. I" rl.e,.n IUI Iha l..,laM. arillai hal f'a-f laaalaa nl I. l-l ( faia ..a.rf n a.t.f.rl l. i .al ai, i.4 Ii al aal I all la. Mala law. aa . . ftimv I a I ma, an leal'r., a II a -.i,af , IHrfiii. aa aa-Ha aa.laa in, aas,t a is i nun sr ,tt I t y. IM f.:. .r ll.. aria Uw at, I s M tfM a a .a i a.n (l. fn.r!- a 1 1 In a.i..a .li-,, . .a a s-rt laa. aaa- .il.all'aa l aa l-l I. , a It J, I, , at..n t fall.-a, aa. t I .aril a ,nl riaaann 14 ( la. a I ta l-ra. lla.,, Ja ( M eiNf l ..aa.. Notice of htmlon. I ali I If . at I t HttSI a Hasina j-aa .-n aa, Nnfti f ta iimiV fatr tint iMC I.. ,,ia I a.a-a-a-1 aaH-af laaa f la 4 faaaM al I la I- '.-ii-. I.. a.a a -1 p-l-a la e-. I a a aia a.. ii al aai-t I a I.l laa aaa-a i. i . i . i a.1 a ' a . . , if ll'llaiaf.iaaa., aaj aaiaaa. laaatla I !! t ! ati al you Nothing BUT THE genuine: HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THBHHS Been a CAS.nge in Business All imil I ED. Ii. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at W lA Wo a QloiiA-l.ln.. Pni niiuivouiu uittimiitDi 1 REGARDLESS OF COST. All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost. Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. FRANK M'FARLAND, F D R RIHOP Prnn Manager and Salesman. U ' n DlOnUr, rrOp. The National Bank Building. Heppner. Ore. Gilliam & Bisbee We are not small men, lbs. We are small men, Xs. we are not tiiuapt Wats It llewoil But when the people of a'l the surrounding country are Iu need of a a Hardware, Tinware, Croekerywurn, tilaasware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Barhwlre, Cumberland Coal, Gasa ami Water lM.e, l'lpe Killings, Btovei and Ranges. Wagons, Backs, Buggl. s, Vai:oti Material, Hardwood, Axe, Hammers, Saws, Sledges, Wedges, (Inns, Tlstols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, ran lteware, l lows, Harrows, Rakea. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllers and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call aud Examine our Goods and Get Trices. We have Ooon Hoods at Kaia Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chep John Trices. GTX.LIA.M & BISBJUni, MAIN STREET - IlKPPNElt, OUKQON THE PALACE HOTEL UAK, J. C. J30RO.-I35'RS, Prop. ' i Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. T. R. HOWARD DP.AI.1S IN CiKOCKUIEaS, GKNT.S' Stockmkns And Wants He will malo tt aa object fur you to trada vtith him as Lin prices am rilit, ami all y.xxU tlmt ho Iiainllea arn of the Tory beat. Stork o.n Main Strkkt, Nk.xt Door to City Drug Stork, Jleppiior, Oregon. w(a.(loC. a Van I fn. o.a.r to t l ll.itat, Hus everything in tho lino of Fresh Groceries, Cnndies, Nuts, nnJ also keeps Crockery, Lumps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty, If PRENTISS ; mm : PILIS VfHiro HOUX I) to Tului MCin. ex jiu.pi ciGar you will And one coupon Inside each two ounce bag and two coupons inside each fourounce bagof Blackwell's Durham. Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of valuable presents and how to get them. FukNISUING GoODS, SurrLiKaS IiTc., Your Trade! i IE V t, l II I ft . I- f I fil'ie l I tv. t J t I ' IH I ! ( ( e. .. : a"! . an I ; , ( : f j a f a I I t. 1 .1 :. .' I . i t 1 . 1 1 lii , I '.. , ... ' I 1 i 1 la f ' .'. ' 1 U t II Hll,s t. a I ' ' ; I .1 tiff M artaaaj tlaf Walt C ) " .' ' ' I I H i a Ha Vi'Ml U, III. ta aatma, Col. . asail ctWriilitfa) I l-a-aa J , la m u i ' a. . ia 1 M S a a t aV 1 aJ ,1 .' aal I i , , . . I'-n 1 I a I, a I . . H NiOaal, I avaia a IWaart a r iij, aas .sM