E. McNEIlL, Receiver. TO THIS b GIVES THB CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental a I ft 00 worth of lovely Music lorForty C.ntl, consisting of 100 pages full size Sheet Music of tiie latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular selections, both vocal and Instrumental, gotten up In the most elegant manner, in- w eluding four large size Portraits. GREAT UNION NORTHERN. PACIFIC RY. .VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA CARMENCITA. the Spanish Dancer, PADERCWSKI, the Great Pianist, r3 ADEUNA PAW and 5 seueuAH cuttinb. r3 f a.OIIK.. ALL OIIOIH T g THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO. 3 aw- Broadway Theatre Bldg., New York Qty. 3Z CANVASSERS WANTED. a The regular subscription price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.50. and tbe regular price of the Weekly Oregoman is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year in advance nan get both tbe Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for 83.50. All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions for one year in advanoe will be entitled to rhaanma REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. 8DQAB. Full Text of the Declaration of Principles. We condemn tbe present administra tion for not keeping faith with the sugar producers of this country. The Repub lican party favors such protection as will lead to the production on American soil of all sugar which American ' people use and for which they pay other countries more than 8100,000,000 annually. I liberty. Tbe government of 8 pain- bav-1 I ing lost control of Cuba and being unable to proteot the property or lives of, resi dent American citizens or to eomply with its treaty obligations, we believe tbe government of tbe United States should actively use its influence and good offi ces to restore peaoe and give indepen dence tn tbe island. AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ooean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. our orricc is Opposite U. S. Pate nt Office landwecansecure patent in less tunc tnaa loose . .. 1 Wo.fc.nrrtnn. i Send model, drawing or photo., With deserip ftion. Wo advise, if patentable or not, free of (charge. Uur lee not aue uu patera n scquixu. n mi i r - nuw w vmwu i anuw, : of same in the U. S. and foreign countries Jsent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Orr. Patent Ornct, Washington. D. C. WOOI AND WOOLENS. To all our products, to those of mine and field as well as those of the shop and factory; to bemp, to wool, to the product of the greot industry husbandry, as well as to finished woolens of the mill, we promise most ample protection, MEBOHANT MARINE. We fiivof restoring tbe early American polioy of discriminating duties for the The Republicans of the United States, assembled by their representatives in national convention, appealing for popu lar and historical justification of their claims to the matchless achievements of 30 years of Republican rule, earnestly and confidently address themselves to tbe awakened intelligence, experience and conscience of their countrymen in the following declaration of facts and upbuilding of our merchant marine and principles: - the protection of our shipping interests For the first time sinoe tbe oivil war in the foreign carrying trade, to Amer tbe American people have witnessed the ican ships the product of American oalamltous oonsequenoes of full and un- labor employed in American shipyards, restricted Democratic control of tbe sailing nnder the Stars and Stripes, and government. It has been a record of manned, offioered and owned by Amer unnaralleled inoamusitv. dishonor and icons may regain the carrying of our ft r w f disaster. In administrative management foreign commerce. it has ruthlessly sacrificed indispensible financial plank, revenue, entailed an moreBSing aencit, Tha ponllWinHn nartv is unreservedly eked out ordinary onrrent expenses with SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. R. k N. Agent ta Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Obeoon. QUICK TI3VE33 I TO San. Franolsoo And all point In California, via the Mt, Bhast routs of the Southern Pacific Co The great highway throngh California to all point Kant and South. Grand Hoanio Route ofthal'anifio Coast. Pullman Buffet Bleapara. 8xnd-laas Hlmpeni Attached to nxprnaa trains, affording superior accommodations for senond-elass paaMngera. For rates, tickets, almpiug oar raaarratlons, ate. oall npon or addraea U. KOKH1.KK. Maiinirer, K. P. ROOKE8, Asst. Gen. t. A P. Agt.. Portland, Oregon GET THE BEST When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine ia not be deceived by alluring advertisements ind be led to think you can get the best made, incst finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to It that vou buy from reliable tnanu uicturers that have gained a emulation by honest and sq unro lealtng, you will then Ket a Sewing Machine that il noted '.he world over for ita dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is - Light Running There in oone In the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty In appearance, or has as many improvements as tha borrowed money, piled up the publics debt by 8262,000,000 In time of peace, foroed an adverse balance of trade, kept perpetual ' menace hangiog over tbe re demption fund, pawned Amerioan oredit to alien syndicates and reversed all the measures and results of successful Re publican rule. In the broad effect of ita polioy it has precipitated panio, blighted industry and trade with prolonged de pression, closed factories, reduced work THB NAVY. TT0 i MS rmm p-.ftimmnja Prof. W. H. Peeke, who ed more cases than any living Physician; his success is astonishing. We have heard of cases of so vears' standing: curou oy him. He publishes a valuable) work on this dis ease, which he aenda with a large bot CO V7 NJb mi j :. m it.- -..v.i:- 1 1 nf Vila absolute cure, free to any auffererf xue peace auu eoouri.j ui iuo ""M"""" "h miv send their P. O and Express address. for sound money. It caused the enaot ment of the law providing for the resumption of specie payments in 1879 since then every dollar has been as good as gold. We are unalterably opposed to every measure calculated to debase our cur rency or impair the oredit of our coun try. We are, therefore, opposed to the free ooinnge of silver, except by international agreement with the leading commercial n.rilin nf rhn nr.0ivilized and barbarous and wages, halted enterprise and orip- natioD, of the worM wbioh we pledge I DrBctice known as the lynching or killing and the maintenance of its rightful in fluence among the nations of tbe earth demand a naval power commensurate with its position and responsibility. We, therefore, favor continued enlargement of tbe navy and complete system of har bor and seacoast defenses. FOREIGN IMMIGBATION. For the protection of the qu ality of our American oitizenship and of wages of our workingmen agaiust the fatal com petition of low priced labor, we demand that the immigration laws be thoroughly enforced and so extended as to exclude from entranoe to the United States those who can neither read nor write. CIVIL BEBVIOE. The oivil service law was placed on the statute books by the republican party, whioh has always sustained and we renew our repeated declarations that it shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wherever practi cable. FBEE BALLOT. We demand that every oitizen of the United States shall be allowed to oast a free and unrestricted ballot, and such ballot shall be counted and returned as oast. LYNCHING. We proolaim our unqualified condem- We advise any one wishing a cure to address frol.W. B. PEEKE, F. Cedar St., Hew York Rlrnnfst. ...... , , am 1 m ingest, fmrmfd Snlirt Receiver. Lightest, . Easiest Working, Most Accurate, Compact, Most Modern and progressive For catalogue or information write to .THE JVIARUN FIRE ARMS CO., New Haven, Conn. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable s Gault House, $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. ixoo every month given away to any one who ap plies through us for the most mentonous patens uunng themontn preceenng. W aociire me dw p : ; 7- and tbe object of this offer is to encourage mvrators to 1 TL ..1 .K.i,vhr irftas. At the same am. w. wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT 'S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS - THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as rH" car-window" which can be easily stM op and dowwUhout breaking the "sauce-pan," collar-button," "nutJock, ''bottle, stopper.and a thousand other little things that most anv one can find a way of improving; and these simple mvemions are the ones that bring largest returns to tha author. Try to think of someuuaa; to invent IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through us receive special notice in the" National Recorder,T' published at Washington, D. C. , which is the Dest newspaper published in America in the interests of inventors. We furnish a year s sub scription to this journal, free of cost, to aU our dienB. We also advertise, free of cost, the invennon each month which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousand. f rnni of the "National Recorder." containing a sketch of thewinner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to then attention the merits of the invention. All communications regarded strictly coofiaenual. Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors of American and Foreign Patent , 618 F Street, N.W., Box 85. Washington, D. C. y- Reference editor of this pater. Write or out So-Jage pamfhieU FREE CHICAGO, ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. v., V. s A., v. n. vy. u., and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. RATES DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., C2XXCA.O-0, XXjXj. WANTED-AN IDEAoT thing to patent? Protect .yourWs ' mar Dring you weaim. "vm T " BUKN & CQ., Patent Attorneys, WasbJngton. D. O.. for their $1,800 prize otter. Echo stage leaves Heppner Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Eoho Tuesdays, Tursdays and Saturdays, tfare 82 eaob way. Office, Wells & Warren, Heppner. Ed. Driskell, Prop. New Feed Yard. Wm. Gordon has opened up the feed yard next door to the Gazette office, and now solicits a share of your patronage. Billy ia right at borne at this business, and your horses will be well looked after. Prioea reasonable. Bay and grain forsale. tf. d lV,i 1 TMU. S. GOVERNMENT! saa 1 a r ji aa 1. li u m at III n P I New Home It ban Automatic Tension, Douhl. Feed, olik on both sides of needle i. talented), no other hi'3 it 1 New Stand (patented), driving wheel liinpc:l n adjustable center, thua reducing friction to tho minimum. WRITE FOR C1RCULAR3. THE KEW HOME SEWIHG M5CH1HE CO. rcn r.at r. ny C. THOMPSON CO.- Agents Ihpjmer, Oregon. ? 1 pled Amerioan production while stimu lating foreign produotion for tbe Ameri oan market. Every consideration of publio safety and individual interest demands that the government shall be resoued from the bands of those who have shown themselves incapable to oooduot it without disaster at borne and dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to the party whiob for 30 yean admin istered it with ncequaled sucoess and prosperity; and In this connection we heartily indorse the wisdom, patriotism aud suoopbs of the administration of President Harrison. Till TARIFF. We renew and emphasize our alle- ourselves to promote, and until such an of human beings suspected or oharged agreement oan be obtained, tbe existing gold standard must be preserved. All IS ... of our silver and paper ourrenoy now in circulation muBt be maintained at a parity with gold, and we favor all meas ures designed to maintain inviolable tbe obligations of tbe United Utates and all our money, whether coin or paper, at the present standardthe standard of the most enlightened nations of tbe earth. AS TO PENSIONS. The veteruns of the Union armies de serve and should receive fuir treatment and generous recognition. Whenever praotioable they should be given prefer ence in the matter of employment and they are entitled to tbe enactment of -TO TIIH- EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Through Pullman Palace Hleepr-ra, T.mrlat KlM'i.or. ami Free Uoclliilng Chair CaratAILY to Chicago. Many hotirt sartl via this litis to Easlam rotnta. HI HI Fill! HI Mill -w J with orime, without process of law. NATIONAL ABBITRATION. We favor tbe creation of a national board of arbitration to settle and adjust tbe differences whioh may arise between employers and employed engaged in in terstate oommeroe. HOMESTEADS. We believe in tbe immediate return to the free homestead I olicy of the Re publican party, and urge the pasnsge by congress of tbe satisfactory free homestead measure whiob has already passed tbe house and is now pending in the senate- TERBIT0BIF.8. We favor the admission of tbe remain ing territories at tbe earliest practicable date, having du regard to tbe interest of PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Reberlion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW Qmmmm;iiiiimvmmv2MQ lo th. Doll0f 0, election as the 11 3 I'Al. bulwsrk o( Amerl0(la in(a8trU1 ,ode such law. as are best calculated to se- ,he territories and the United States. All oure the fulfillment of pledges made to federal offlcera appointed for territories To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension, ine government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your pension uuica uum ms hour. rrWrite for laws and complete information. No cnarge tor aavice. tM Sotiwnfr of W IVori in lluilnrm. W A Complete Sat, em;lilng of five j t lllVlik.. UgiVuillHM, Ball flayer. Foot m u.u i'lUv..r ll.iir 1'lHVf.r. 'I'wiinla rlavir S and niey.-le Klder, will tie sent to any siblres upon receipt of 10 cents, lo pay "W-- i Knamiifiillv futurist ftint niniiittiMl. ind ft irrmitfrd Ui tiiiwl uirlM,BU(1 urcfin HutiHhlt n or home, n ....... .-.. jj,. 3 A. G SPALDING 4. BROS.. 3 AVit York Vhleaga nilmUlkia W Q a i i it 1 1 1 1 t t y armour i hipii."'! ,im ik m. Scelleul souvenir of our O years of the athletlo suiily world, fur dull, reading room, olllee or pendenoa and the foundation of Ameri can development and prosperity. This true Amerioan policy taxes foreign pro ducts and enoourages borne industry and puts tbe burden of revenue on foreign goods; it secures tbe Amerioan market for the American producer; il npbolds the American standard of wages for tha i Amerioan workingmen ; it pots tha fac tory by tbe side of tbe farm, and makes tha Amerioan farmer leas dependent on tLem in the dark days of the oountry's should be aeleotea from bona nae reel naril. We denoono. the praotioe in the thereof, and the right of self-govern- f your claim at this present time ? Your 2 time you apply. Now is the accepted ho V(5 rrWrite for laws and complete information. (Tfl No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETr, General Manager, f 618 P f treet, WASHINQTON, D. C. (, D X. B.ThH Company 1$ controlled fy nearly ant thoiuand leading new f 'i paper n the Vnited State, and it gvt ranteed by them. f STEAM HEAT. U1WICHT PINTSCH LIGHTS. I WA.T1CM. cuiCAao. BtauTs or wom!f. R. IV. BAXTER. Otn. Agent, Portland, Orfgon J. C. HART, Agent, llrppner, Oregon . tawaiiM & si. Paul RU Zr iVttornejra tit Ivtixv, AU business attended to it. a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries 1'ablic and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BCILDINO. HEPPNER, t i t OBEOON 4 Eolcnlltlo American Aocncy for4. JDjiX VE? Taot at, SlUP OlSICN PaTBMT. COPvaiONTa. wto. fnr tif.mana aM M IUivii' it I h a to, mi hmm . rn.i-M huma f. ! i" KMI takew-wt I't ! ih. wUw Itf a t ' f ricutific $Mttm fMt rtrm'e M a US par. M VMM il.tl.lir lilurtrM4 ! Illlit aheolt - o ( IL V.l IM fi t mik w i a (Ah I MlNHESOTA-Sa''4 j f O V A VN Y WHITE COLLAR LINE. PfPopuun Magazines Ci FOR THE IIOSS. Glance at this Map Of h (titrarv Mllaaasaa sa4 at Paul Wall- Iaay smi mu U rannwtkmt llh alt lf.nm tinnUl Un. and M Paul an4 waha, aM fvniMnhrt lhal lu Iralnaara llMa4 allh ma, iliAnlil ha ancnrilmi aa far aa nrad pension bnreau, so recklessly and nn-1 jj0BD8) We believe tbe citizens of Alas- justly carried on by the present ad minis- kft iuouij have representation in the tration, of reduoit.g pensions and arbi- congress of tbe United Htates to tbe end trarily dropping names from the role as that needed legislation may ba intelli deaerving the severest condemnation of ent'T e00'- the Amerioan people. tbmpibakcb. We sympathize with all wise and le- oitimata afTurla in leuna and Drev.nt the Uur foreign policy abould ba at all , . to6IDBerM0 nd promote mor- foreiga demand and price; it diffuses times firm, vigorous and dignified, and I avlitjr. genera! thrill, and founds tha strength all our intert ata in the wesU-rn hernia- t it.. .a IL I- la. I t..u ..-fnt1a M.lAa4 aan.l Ml Si .! aa.l o..u on .u. ..rrUg.Ui ..nu. so ... ...... Kepublioao party ia mindful of reasonable application it Is just, fair end Tha Hawaiian islands should twcoDtroll. ,be fl((bu of womBlli pfoteolon of impartial, aqnally oppoaed to foreign ed by tha United Statrs, and no foreign Amerloao Indaatriet includes equal control and domestio monopoly; to see- power should ba permitted to Interfere opportunities, equal pay for equal tiooat discrimination and Individual with them; the Nicaragua canal ehoold work aud protect mo to tba noma. Wa .... .. . L L .i. ,ii ,u- favot tha ad in la ion of woman to wider favoritism. Wadeoonaea tba present ba built, owned and operated by tba u(alM, weoom, beir deroocrstio tariff as actional, lojurlona United Htates; and by the purchase of 0 ortion in reaeuing tha uoutry from to publio credit sod daatracliva to buai- tba Danish Inlands wa should seeare a I Dumooratlo and Populist mtsmtoageraeol seat caterpriae, Wa demaod eoob prof and much needed station in tba and misusa. aaltabla tariff on foreign Importa which Wtat Iodiea. Hocb ara tbe pnnclplea and policies Leaving Alder Street Deck, Portland, for A.loria, Ilwaoo, Long Beaeu, Ooeaa " I ... . i. . ti.it.. tte maa.aoiM in Armenia have arona- repnoiioso party, uy weaa pnn- I .1.1.. .l.wl. . n.l k. K.tltA prodocta aa a III not only farni.b ade- th. deep sympathy and just loJigna- oUo.. Wa aak for qaata ravtnaa for tba oeoeaaary ripen- tion of tba Amerioan pipla, and wa be- lf- b Oom,ijf,t, Jodgmaat of tba aaa of tba govarameot, bat will protect tba United Stelae should ivi Amarieaa paopla. CooflJaot alike In American labor from tba degradation to alt tba iofln.aoa it ean properly tiart to Iba history of our great party and la tba tba wage Wval of other landa. bring tha atrooiliaa to an and. Ia Jn.liea of oor osom wa pnot onr pl.t- ... . . . , ii. ll form and oor oaodulataa la tba fall a- Wa.r.notpledgadto any p.rtical.r Tarkay Am.riaan midant. bat. be.. wU, Mog sohKlalaa. Tba qoeatton of rales ia a ba graveat dangers aoJ -in,. i(i ih, Raoobliean oarty and n i l'li' in in i t mhium ivcrann 'iimmiiihi in VVluiii'Jiu nil vi viiva a v .III! Ita. V V IVUUIIU . 1 -A I ltaV u u Stars TELEPHONE, BAILEY GiTZERT AND OCEAN' WAVE. npotinn IUUI1 Co FRANK LESLIE'O -v rMii Tf A n HUrULAM MONTHLY i I a4 "f it.-1 II id m wm , w - . aJ-. i'a i". HAlcslii'sfkasalKtcrs r flTOTSANflClaitt. - f it 4 .-iAi.L4ia-tW.t f. I tl 1 practical qoe.lloa to ba governed by conditions of tba lima Bad of prodaetiui , Itlrti, 4 araj.1 N tumm. IH 'il.al It Tbt ra)Bg knJ naomprom'slbg priori. ura. flrsaal Bl.4. t-ltrf.ry. nkl ae4 MHf "it. with ft, tarltolnt rbalta, rack pi" " iwowwa; aaa u.Tri"iiraroi oi tit.n( ear rk kas aa .l-irw rlln Ua. American labor and laduatrv. Tba t-1 tia illnlng rare a tha h la ike wofl-t. I mkM iiim are twtr ikaa ikia. kat at. Oonotrr damaads a right eatllemaot and I sHirtr, aa4 aa Hbf frt lial latqrltHis I ii.,- u WBiita ral amHBtnnt.lluna Thnt ara .im in rat hitUi.-rtafrot'Tfcklllaaul," raaa ibs.U la er rallr4 PraalUr ' iaiir aVK tTf . aa lurthaw itiftrmaUft. et avMfWMi I I it i . , a.aa- i f , i.. rari w wa racipmrn t.m. r.i T, ir... ha (..!. ' "" tal4 by Iba last foam, osaaoa. lUpabliraa aJniaialratUtn was a nation. al calamity and wa tWaaaad tbair rrnaw- al aed llM.Ua oa aark tra aa will aaliMar trad with othar natlnea, r.otota rltielitts abkb ot.t'irt tbacalaitf Annwtt prudncls la ports of lbr aoeatnae, aad ara aalarg.d aikataftr tba pro4ataf oar farms, furaata and larU-r wa. r(isrk aad ripfy ara tela BaMra af lUpaUaran t2kf , and go bead la band, Ikaaaral rata baa raiklMair airaob down bib, aad bth meat ba ra tabli.bd ; p'WaalkHi ! bal a pr4aa a a.lsiaia f..i tba Park and Nahcntta. Direct ennneciinn with Ilwaoo .learners and rail road; alto at Young's liay with Heaahora lUilroad. THIjIlPnONIJ Lmtm Portland 7 A. II. Dally, eicapt Sunday. Lmitm Astoria 7 P. M. Dallr, (ir.pl Sunday. X3AZXUBV OATSRIinT Uarta rortland I P. M Psilr. n.l H.in.t.r. eaiunl.v nlchl. II P M. Imth Attorla Pally a alt i A. M., srl dunday and Muwlar. aiiitdaf nlslit, 7 P.M. LaaTa Portland and run. dlrm-i In 1 1 warn TnU. and Ikumlaf al t A, M. Saturday at I P. M. Imth II ara Wrdnflaf and m.lajf at 7 al A. M. Ua Sunday ni il at t p. M. Bat Cklf4 la Eiilmi Nklioi Bull) latin Free of Eiprw. Amtricaa proparty detroyI. Tharc proaparity to tha paopla of tba Coiled I for Baf.iy, pad. Coialtwt, PVaaora. Tra.al aa tha T.lrpnona, lUlUr Oaian aad Oraaa aa. sod avary abara Amarlrsn rllitcBt aad I Mtalaa. American properly mot b abaolately prolrrUj at all hatarda and at any coat. MOHaol DOCTaiMB. Disr.Asr-a op tiie ski. Tba lnifn lulling and awaiting Ind-1 rfu wtit fur iti bint l-iwa and a fcvm-lia run- Wa ra-rt lbs Monro doctrine In it fnltaat ailaat aad wa raafflra tba right of Iba CaiUd HlaU lo vita Iba IK'TL doclrlee '(fee by raapandiag to tba an .tv f..r ann nipfi; rtiari-d baada. cbil . . . . . ... , ... )aina, fit bit, and rhronia tor ta. paata nf aay Amiw.B la' or frtandly Kufw bf drttMU( 25 ei par boa. a t .al. i t ..aa i P lllAl .A m a. sBiaav I awaaaaaaaaa eroaebntaat, I anjiwlahatah'ewrwUhrniaUlnmiU- W thaliB4b laUffarad aad shall TtK- tkaal jurifcrr and vamifuga. not lelarl with lb tiatieg poaaraa- ' r Co lrr, draggUts iona ol aay Karnpoaa powvr la Ihisi i&tirg trtti Iflg IflSl 11 6 Liror.Opium ul Tobacco Habits thulmanl. Many Vary bad Oa- bar ba M,f,,J """j p.nn.nrr.tl mrvd b It . It U aqrially f " Th il A IfMMf ! foirn en (Kt Cboat Call al Ik Otiarra Mra tnt aansmta ai.w ill wat-laatiai. Traauaaal arl.aiaaa sar i .ara. rut Qnit(. ntpw on. f..,i l.j. a Pft w..a.ta umm, M aaa f aa. ta at at. fsiil I .Mitt Pit. ..af ! Tt .u,., a.a-nk kaaata aa tf,,l t MlB t Mw I tkay tttwoat that . fiaafWy la plat atwasa aaaat M k. aaatraa. .. Vkaat Mfa a k.alal aat lyaf RlpnsTabu!cs 4 ant aay yjaXaWy trtcr .. pif.Mtt.MMt p..a. tataMaaba W rt(taa, ky a-.it, .S frin p t niCAi la 1 1 rm Ha ftl bamba, bat tbna p.arobS nin.l a, on any p'tt, b niaJsL Vt bafullf h t futnard t ll evaol- al llbjraaaj rf Cmta p..art lrnt Ibia b.miapbm aad la lh alUmtt ti of ail CgU.n prating pane of lb Cail(tftt bf fra faaaael of it In-babilaeta, Aa.rrkUia la tiwia AWwt S. rra.m la Franc ar markad aa actarrhtaU. and ar fn Uni ty waichrd by th pivllf nf tha rWut Cnmpeaa cminlrtpa. anr4tf La Vara, of Ihm 6o ar Frafli aad l ar frtral'T. Italy lNnllnf altb f.Ulowvd t y KwiiMtland with IM. tarmaay and Raaal wllb Ita aweh. Anuria and Iktfiatn with a wwh. A rgarl twiriiWti, ah.r-mar, r r-tr and nay lawrt of all aik fam'Hkh larg pntprtrtWm nf th anarvhtat. wbil th d abated pyrtfa. aUttt banlly art. nan taUora and pfiaiera. Il4 at ha are and far mra, lualiaa riath aad babara. and rrara w!ira and prm witbt w4 Vna tiea tnd aaor t Baaevby etaa aamrtrrxa. Fmm b boat nf abtavmg I half a naaatla of life Wbiib wa do ! pro- j t4-pJa tb in(4 nf lb CalUd d. ilral arat ad matt baa rif ll Hb trmpalbr tb laUfMla bUb gala makaia la re ! f f U mi cba A at ( lr to r tn l.t ti ibar. ' fra tbamaalw fmta F '"! - lhn of 0,"f iwt. Tb . . . . . L ... , . , , , n ana difff fra ail tfc or ta rmtaritan iMi.Ma ap .mti tt.i.'y ( ". " ' i' hu a tii. tit tb wrt ier Bad trad. ! r ak.t i iaUraatl?- t b.Hl wl H C!aa atairjia fa al.tt aaha . . . ., , , I . , , . ... . . , prf rnl. M.if-aWt m. Bad V -" j "' J hp i r"r-. e,.a,r. npat. r.wi nga Irat aad fleia a alU4 f f t ad t bat t-f f il f tb fait hm t4tl. itar!a, l..fra t Ibtif datftsto! rtlwMiJf j OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE A HE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at .1 great financial sacri fice. Vou need it in your lnnim. and as a matter of Inisinc-s we muft fell it. T111: r.nt.KiotN rviiu&mo Cp,