NOT A SICK DAY For Over Thirty Years! EESULT OF TJSIKG AYER'SPILLS "Ayer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty years have kept me in good health, nerer having had a sick day in all that time. Before I. was twenty I suffered almost continually as a result of con stipationfrom dyspepsia, headaches, neuralgia, or boils and other eruptive diseases. When I became convinced that nine-Kinins of my troubles were caused by constipation, I began the use of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisfac tory results, never having - a single attack that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wife, who had been an invalid for years, also. began to nse Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly restored. -With my children I had no ticed that nearly all their ailments were preceded by constipation, and I soon had the pleasure of knowing that with children as with parents, Ayer's Pills, if taken in season, avert all danger of sickness." H. Wettstein, Byron, 111. AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer't Sarsaparilla Strengthens the System. TH E - .! n i 21.11,1 i'5678 9II0III 17 z t i r t r i rra 1. m m m m m Qambrinus Beer, .wHALF PINT BOTTLES . City Hotel Bar! Drinkable Liquors and Smokabls i CI ars. Call on Ted. luaana yn at Large. Charier Qroon, who bad been io tbe ioiaoe atylain aincs Int sprioK, eattaped from tbal institution about tiz week go and got ai far aa Portland before be was pprebeDdaU tod taKeo Daoi Dy a Portland ofllcial to Haleni. Shortly after be made Lie esoapa nirKio and lit out a-foot aoroM tbe monntaini tor home. About tbree ek. ago Charley was aeea at tbe DencbuW river in Waacoooootjr by a drummer, who lol l io Tbe Dalle, thai Grori told bim be bad escaped from the asylum; that be lived near Condon and wa going Lome to kill Lie wife and burn tbe toa o of Ctn&oa. Mra (Iroea and our citiama receive! Ibis informa tion two werkt auo and bate Idwd on tbe lookout for bim er eitice. Lait week bia brother, Ad, and John ItUbnp went off r to tbe Iechiile on tbe bunt (or bim, but failed to flu. I any traca of bim whatever, and the nppoeilion It tbat be Ml into tbe riyer and wae drown, ad. Ue may turn up yet, bower. (lit easy eeoepe twioa from the aiylum and no effurt made to capture bim proves tbat its o (line re ais more iutereeled la d'ewing tbelr aneamed talari tbn they ars in attending to tbelr duties. O lot. ta lb Tend I !!" I out ot 'Ul. The rr al looking giis U it a treat Io tl lli wheal, Tb melon nn the vine The bora of alenir'e In lh lati.1 Bui lb born lot ahm ifh It alnnlng U aivl a rtmmlng laa Of -frjt'i "Uamut! Ura." Hold only at tbe Iteltedere Hatoon. fal t a4r K-e ' Laet frtdsy Henry Ure rams ia and war out a warrant for tbe arrt of Joseph Caseday. rbergirg Mm Hb aa SMS'ili with de lly ae.p- o. Green's f eraioa of the I ffir was tbat while be eu.Stig la V m There daf evening of lt week be Bl Caoejay Barwbatia kna as tl,e X!l pi, ad tbal ('.!y. with"! aiy wamlri drew a revolver d Of l at litre Ulne, shot takit fT el ia Lie Loe' Mp. Oa lb other Ul, rMr unit d.ffefeal etory, sating tiel wba be el Oreen be wae urn Ls n.,er ging to kte grain (I'll He ak4 iiea at. lie , I bees la!klt In tie 1itl.f, bet ke bal I-(Mile bim d-ln so. V Urn' t li "N d'w a f "! l 4 nreJ aa IVIn, aMU-at as tffeel He, CeJy. Iba Jrw b retlter and Bred at Ott, and the leo tne1. CUj (4 ei li , aal as in lt ? II f i aeitt. Mi Mm : Here and There.. - Joe Woolery wag up from lone Satur day. The Heppner Transfer Co., ban wood lor Bale. 37-tf. Ed. Day was in from Batter' oreek Friday last. Johnny Ayers was iu from Little Bat ter creek yesterday. Bay your tents and camuiua outfits of P. O. Thompson Co. 21. Lee Eilbourne droDDed over from Gooseberry yesterday. E. Campbell, of Rid ere, was in town yesterday on business. The family of T. R. Howard left yes terday for Jones prairie. Morris Maok was over from Lone Creek the first of tbe week. Lnov Bros, started a shipment of stock Eastward last week. Ben Poppen aud family were down from Hardmau yesterday. Wiildron Rhea ret urned Sunday morn iug from a visit to Portland. Genuine New Orleans Molasses for sale by P. C. Thompson Co. 2t. Geo. Noble, Jr.. and Os Wells cot baok from Montana this morning. Drink tbe celebrated J. H. Gutter whiskey. On tap at Chris Borohers'. Rv. E. P. Greene will bold cervices at the M. E. ohurch as usual Sundav. La Grande Marble Works. La Grande Ore. 8, 0. Smith, salesman. Heonner. E. G. Sperry sod family, end Bob Wills and family left Monday for Teal spnu(s. Tbos. Briarly. Tunis Swkk and Wm. Starratt came in from Grant county Saturday. . Geo. Aiken and family and the family f Bub Ford left this morning tor tbe mountains. Laree t assortment of teas in Heppner. and at lowest prices. At P. C. Thomp son Company's. 12t. Art minor and family, aooomoauied bv the family of E. Minor, left yesterday tor Ditob oreek. E. G. Sloan is reported from below as being some better, but bis recovery is not at all likely. T. J. Matlnok Bnd family, sooomna- nied by J. E. Lathrop, left last week for Aicuuine springs. Ed. Nelson, of Condon, was ic town saturaty, navms come in with a clothing drummer. Press Thompson was down to Hepp ner Saturday. Tbe 'hoopers ore Dlenti- tui up in me neighborhood Charley B'binson is over from Monu- meot. He will shortly emburk in tbe saloon business at tbat plaoe. Eaule: John Johnson returned Sun day from Hpnner. He sold bis wool dip tor 6 cents per pound. raironizA nome industry py nsins Olympic Jjrips: the finest table sprup, Dor sale by P. 0. Thompson Co. 2t. Jesse Pollard, who baa been visiting nis hroibennluw J. ti, Brown, left Hat urday nigbt tor bis borne in Boise. W. A. Kirk and family, accompanied by MrSvP. O. B org and son, Oscar, left yesterday tor Black butte, Morrow Co, W. W. Smead and family and Jay Shipley and wife have gone out to Ditch oreek to belp swell tbe little city of tents. Mis Minnie Myers bas lost arrived and if prepared to do fashionable dress mskiug at reasonable prices. Parlor 20, Palace bote). tf. Messrs. E. F. Campbell and Geo, Thornton, accompanied by their families are sojourning np at the old Bisbnp A uisbie mill sue. UhamuerUlu'a Uongu Itemed y cures colds, oroup and whooping cough, It is pleasant, safe and reliable. For tale by Oouser A lirock, druggis's. G. B. Ilatt, tbe tonsorial artist, can be found at bis parlors, Matlock corner, here be will dispense at popular prices snaves, suampoos, haircuts, etc, lester.iay J, M Graden started two enrs of cattle and eiuht of abeep for EaMern markets, lie was areompa nit-d by Frank Itogers and E. Minor. Mresrs. W. P. Dolton and J. W Morrow, accompanied b tbi-ir families, left Haturday for Duleb Billy oreek to spend tbe remainder of tbe bested term If tbe bair ia falling out and turning gray, (be g'ands it tbe skin need stimu lailug and color loo, and the bet rem dy and stimulant la Hall's Utir lienew- er. Any inventor In Eastern Oregon wbo denirea the services of an attorney in Washington, I). O , will find it to bis advantage to call on or address Ibis pa per. &lf Tba town council of iteppner sboolJ eaitue lbs oil Uauooei Ore eitiagulab er Io be prepared fur ne aod kept to serviceable endition. At present (bey ars empty and entir! assises In Se ol Ore. For tn 50 I will sell Oral class, bigb rade, btgb arm aewlag tnartilna goaran !m4 for la years, ror further partieu Ura call on or eddree, H. A. leaob. lies Ington, Oregon. 8H-tf. The direelors of Tbe Nt local ban have dile4 to surrender Ibeir ebarter o I gi ool of bnalneee Aognsl let. Tbe U l.lle s Informed tbat the firet Nation!, rf ibis pieo. will aerept tbe deposits aad gnaraatssaama. Charley J one, Ibe well koown "old limT tn lb loneurial line, be again ili in lleppoer, bavirg paeb (Ireea Mstbewa' Shop, Minor bmldln ipnnaH lb rily boleL Charley will appreriat a rail "ben la town. Hve tne oilier, bat like Ajer bnl" m lb euiemenl mad ever as i, r again by tttoe hj teaufy to ib heaefil derive .1 frum the ol Ayer Na'sacarlti. LtMa netee bad are er enemy Ihi powerful blow! part' fir. It nk the weak etiuag. Wm. l ! ba at bis aUUe Jt tielow lb Uai'lt efSne, very neal aa elri Buielie't l4i'' eJJle, i.f Kalm saanufaeinr, eaie fr eb at lw ! Rgq'. It dlle bM tiel f.M very bill aad la prill ae go.t a new. A7".e d'ei'mg iflb a al lie bnul I rail aad elasaia earns bf i It l lo lata. tl. "It it immUtil, 4m fng Jmhjmteml, trhetkir th afceeyt gruwr rrir stag ttrmtnt mm ! Iiirtf or ef , . , , . U kelktr a . oe rf.e fr It i fioMI J. ry, IS I've llaut ff H'p rfi'ifM' th It i.'eis triit ws Recent bicycle rsoing at Pendleton as attracted tbe attention of severs! heelmen in Eastern Oregon, of local reputation as fast riders, says the E. O. Frank Natter, of this oitv, would like a rsce witb tbe Pendleton boys and if tbs arrangements can be made be will go to that city and rnn. Frank is a fast one and will make sn interesting pace for anv of tbe nmatenr racers. At present tbe Pendleton track is unfit to race on but it will doubtless be put in shape soon. , Elsewhere in tbis issue will be found an account of the esoape of Obas Gross from the insane asylum. It be came known to tbe prison authorities that Gross was in Morrow county and last week E. 0. Chapman, an attend ant of tbe asylum, came np and found bis man near lone where he bad scour ed a job at cooking. The man is not anserons though considerably dement ed. He was taken below last night. In tbe matob raoe between btcyole and horse, mile heats, for 8500 a side, at Port land, July 25, John F. Staver. the biov- clist, beat Ohehalis. the pacer, two straight beats, in 2:02 and 2:03 2 5. Ktaver had the pole and was paoed by H. Ternll and hi. is Freeman, on a tan- em. I hebBlis paced the first beat in ;09; seoond, 2:08. "It in immaterial, in my iudament. wliether the sheep grower receives any oenep,i jrom me larxjj or not wnttner tie aoes or aoes not I am for free wool "Extract from speech of William J. Bryan in the House of Rep- rexentatives when the Wilson bill was under consideration. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the National Bank of Heppner at tieppner, tn tne state of Oregon, at the close of business, July 14th, 1896. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 8 80,06135 Overdrafts secured and unse cured 7.874.31 D. S. bonds to secure circula tion 12,750.00 Stoohs, securities, eto 5,984.53 Bankiughoune, furniture, & fix. 2,509 30 Due from National Banks fnot Reserve Agents) 4.495.59 Due from state banks and bankers 3.471 J 1 Due from approved reserve agents 2.005.45 Cheoks and other cash item. . 196 54 Notes of other national banks 185.00 Fractional paper curreucy, nickles, and oents 14.00 LAWFUL XONIT BSSEBVB 1M BANK, VIZ: Specie $2 636.05 Legal-tender notes . 300.00 2,936.05 Redemption fund with U. S. I rensurer (5 per cent, ot cir culation) 562.50 Total 128,6ia73 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in ....... . $ 50,000.00 Surpltiefund 10,000.00 Undivided proHU, less expen ses and trnes paid 268 22 National bank notes outstand ing 11.250 00 Uue to other national bioks 67 77 Dividends unpaid... Individual deposi's 850.00 88,183.33 13,039.41 subject of de- to oheok Demand certificates posit Total 1123.613.73 State of Orhojs, ) County of Morrow, J I, El. It. Blbup, Cashier ot the above named bank, do solemnly swesr that the above statement ie true to the best of my knowledge and beliff. I'.d. K. Uisnop. (Javier Suborihed a id sworn to before me this 25, u day of Ju'y. 1306 , Otm Fattsiisow, Notary Pnblio for Oregon. Correct Attest Wm. Penlsnrt, O. E, Farnnrorth, P. C. Thompson, Direotors, SUMMONS. Ttt TtIK CIRCt'IT COITRTOr THE STATE J cit Oregon lor Marrow County, The North rn O.iintlii In vest in nl Trutt, I.lm tied, a Corporation, flat :iliff, vs. recellalaylor,H.H K Inc. N. II Mi Hoe snl J. C. Thomson. Defendant. ToOreli Taylor. K. a. King nit K. H. lIcBoe, inree ol Hie inite namm di'li'iidanu. In the nam ol the MUI of urecon, you r hereby required Io pprar ud answer the com plaint filed li it Tim In the atMive entitled nil on or heliire the ftnldar nl liie nail rrt ular irrm 01 in sii uuuii court, vu: The 7tk Day el September. IA0O, tid vou lll Uk notli-e lliat If von fall Io answer or ottierw lie pHr In an l1 court iu or lM.iiireinIH7in day nl Hrpb-mtwr. w., the plalnltR alKive liame.1. nr want thereof, will Plly to the almre unllilfd eonrt fur the relief ,rjKl mr in III einilaliit Sled In Hit nit, U lt: For iMTMinal divrre ualiial Hi rt, Ini. daiil, Crll 1rlir, lot lb a,im c( 171 4.S with Inle'eal ihrrmn at the rala nl S ef rent, per annum from th JUh day ol June, (, nd Hi ent and (1ttnirrmiiita nt atd anil, Ihal lli pnurt ahall derre Ihal the mortiage einritinl by III ell ( rlla larlnr ut the Loml-ard In. vaatmi-nl lomiiatiir.fUlmi ihi. Mil dar ol Novem bar, le. upon the following riearHbad ml mwrir In Morrow ( ounlr. Oreeou, to wit: h aoiifh hall ol Northeast (iiarwr anit Nonh aat quarter of 9torlhel q'laru-r (etvpt ten rrwi la a aiinar lor in In aorllieaal rorner Iheretit) and ftotitheeat quarter of Norttiwnl quarter ol erlioa Ira. In townhlp On Norlh. ol Haute Twrnif e f.aal, ol Ilia tS lllametla nertlian. wblrh I4 nurlnt wa fwi.f-M on the 1Mb da ol November, lie, la (bail "tl." oa paeve II. It, IS aod It, nl Ibe kerord ot mort(ar In lb oitnw of the County I Ink ol Morrow t'oiinl. ftntfofi. (hall be InnrM, and lb aald rwl prupeHy i, and lb prurwla 01 turn aai 10 l applied 14 I lie paBinl lo rilalollSof Ibe ahoe oamad iima of fenoheri hal all ol lb 4lilanta. an4 all p-r.i,trliia In Ibrmith nt uidr Ibeoi. of an ot llina. hall I fomef b're4 and lort bd nl all rtgbt lllie. eaiat. nUrwal and lien at bkw en4 la quliy. im) all tiilv ol rvlataiHIon, In and In and upon every pari nt aald real propart. Tht atimaaoii la published pnrsnanl In aa ot'lwt nl Hon Mepbaa A l.wll. io.le nl lb av aniliia .rt. atad albamifa, t'an.lla t"fl I ma'liia (uulr. Ulvt 'ii. a Ibe iib itar o July, l. l,l.ia i.i ii AlliMaer luf 1-ialMtllf. ;t Hl'MMUN.H. IU Tltf ilttri IT fl T rr ttl MTI ol magna l" ' "t ol MuyptW, Ully M t.ofr.of, I ialoiHl. ta atlaa N. Hfrfnof. rln4anl, Tn aiiaa It Hot ., M.frnt la II. met i4 U etatw ol oergnti. n era ht t. f-,tlrwt la apiwr an4 Mtt Iba mm plain! ilel al ffmi In lha twt antillMl i ,m o of lwf..rv ihm nay nl Ibe t I liiar lafia of lb al enUilaHcown, la I TM m at aeplewiber, !, an4 II pw tall an ba itntt b-r wan! Ibetwil ka ptainii will w- r U. lh rant bw Iba eriM ,..r,.-l w -.wi,.lit U. wit TMitlte. lt'. nl WMtrta M.nltwrl balwaww .iaillt a 1 nlnna, b th rutMr mI ail lae w,inw ttiitiliaa d p alnlil a'" aXaa-taet. u4 etet ol i,t ami Ibia NaeaM I .rtarf by tMlttw p-ur In oe m wpfa A iaatil. hf 4 la t,yti4 fMrt. atae w r-e M'hlif a I. AltM tn I -.oiNitf HUUUoSH. W TltF f tarl tt '. ? r.f Tttl FfAtlt 1 i t M i nif , f. t. fcetntngef, Fialatlf, 1 f r pelnleyet fw4e T I ael.-eee efennal- a lha ke- "4 the ata si rie.iw, lea at p , ee-,uld Im at-iaaf -d '- ibe ro ptaml d eralr-et lew la U. v a'l .ed ewt a4 ,ti mm ti Ult lha - 4t ml lb aeal t i-ar imtm4. b all TM Tl tay at NiliaeH, iat. n4 If te fall ba enawe n wa betw4 SUMMONS. IN TBS CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow County. Minnie Smith, rutnttff, vs. Gilbert Smith, Defendant To Gilbert Smith, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: The 7th day of September. 1896, and if yon fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in her complaint, to-wlt: For the dissolution of the marriage contract existing between plaintiff and deiendant, for the care and custody of the minor child of plaintiff and defendant and costs of this suit. This Summons is served by publication 'pur suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 14tli day Of July, 1896. J. N. BROWN, .458.71. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow County. Eliza R. Owens, Plaintiff, vs. Frank H. Benge, Mary J. Benge, his wife, Lewis J, Schewrich and Schewrich, his wife, De fendants. To Frank H. Benge and Mary J. Benge, two of the defendants. In the name of the State ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 7th day of September, 18: and you will take notice that if you fail to answer or otherwise appear in said suit on or before said 7th day of September, 1898, theplaln tiff above named, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in the complaint filed in this suit, to-wit: For personal decree against the defendants Frank H. Benge and Mary J. Benge. his wife. for thp sum of $531.'2S with interest thereon t the rate ol 8 per cent, per anum from January 1st. 1894, and the sum of $.'M.O0 attorney's fees, and the costs and disbursements of said suit: that the court shall decree that the mortgage executed by the said Frank H. Benge and his wife to the Lombard Investment Company, dated the 19th day of December, 1888, upon trie following described real property in Morrow county. Oregon, to wit: the north-west quarter oi section rso. z, in lownsnip no. t soutn. ana range wo. lst ot tne Willamette merldlnn. which said mortgage was recorded on the 20th dav of December, 1888: at paire 54 of Book "D" of the Records of Mortgages in the office of the County Clerk ot Morrow county, Oregon, shall be foreclosed, and the slid real propertv sold, and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment to plaintiff of the above named sums of money; that all of the defendants, and all persons claiming and to claim by, through or under them, or any of them, shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate, interest and lien, at law and in equity, and especially of all equitv of redemption, In, to and upon every part of said real property; aud that plaintiff shall have general relief. This 8 mmons is published pursuant to order of Hon. 8tephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made at Chambers, Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, on the 13th dav of July, 1896. FEE, CARTER, HAILEY & AUSTIN, 4o7-70. Plaintiff's Attorneys. SUMMONS. IN THE riRCCIT CODRT OP THE STATE of Oregon fo Morrow County. Julia X. Karrel, llaintltt', vs. Samuel I. Gerkin(r, Martha A. Qerklng. James R Nun- amaker and Maria E. N uu- amaker, Defendant. To Samuel I. (terkliigand Martha A. Gerking, two of the above-named defendants. In the name of the Htateof Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 7th day of September, lHiHi; and you will take notice that If you fail to answer or other wise appear In said suit on or before the said 7th day of Heptember, lx, the Planum anove named, inr want thereof, will apply to the above entitled court for the re, lot pravea i t in tne complaint mod ri this suit, to-wlt: For personal decree mini in t the defend ants Samuel I. Clerking and Martha A. (lurking mr tne sum oi .;) wnn interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from April 1st, ikh, ana tne sum oi 0,1 attorney lees, and the costs and disbursement of said suit; that the court shall decree that the mortgage execut ed by said Samuel I. Oerking and Martha A. (lerklng to the bombard Investment Company, dated the 21 dav of March. lx9. upon the (ol. lowing described real property In Morrow coti"ty, Oregon, to-wlt: the south half ol the north east quarter, the south acres of the norm-went quarter oi the north-east a uarter.ol ectton Mo. il, in township Nn. 8 smith, and range no. r.ast oi wiiiaineite meridian; and also the west half of the north-went nuarb-rnl suction No. l:l, and the north half of the north east quarter of section Nn. 14. In township No. 6 ouin ana range no. ' r.ast ot W illamette merid ian: which mortgaae Is now owned by nlaintliT: which said mortgage wa recorded onthettith dy ol March, law, at page 1:14 ol Hook "D" nl the Hecords ol Mortgage In the ortice of the uoiinty I lerg ol Morrow county, Oregon, dial be (orecloaed. and the said real nroncrtv ol,l. and the proceeiliof such sale tn be applied bi the payment to pliilnlllt' of the above iiamnl inns nl money : that all of th deleudanta, and all penuina rlalinlng and tn claim by, thrniigh or under them, or any of thrm, ahall lie forever barred and foreclnaaHl of all right, title, estate, Intcrent and lien, at law and III eoiilly, and ee'lally of all equity nl redemption. In, U and iiihiii every part ol said real property; and tbat plaintiff null have general rellel. Tht Hnminoiis I publlihrd pprsiiaul In nrder of Hun. Htcpben A. Ixwell, Juilga ol tbe almve eutllliNl court, made at Chaiubera, t'eiiillelon t'niatllla aonuty, (iregoii, on the 1 lib day ol July, I". PKE, CARTER, 11 A I If Y A AI'HTI V, C,7 70. i'lalntin s Attorneys. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCI'IT rot'RT Of THE of Oregon lor Morrow ouiily, Clara A. I', t lalmllT, va. Morris II. 1ant. l.lnnl Unig.hl-wile, F. O Hoi k nuin. Hell K, Hurknum, hi wile. C. R. Moahe. I.. II in he her hntod, II. J. Fauat llanlel II brown and Itiown, bia wife, th-lenduta. STATE To Uiiiile lnig and L Hiighns, two of th atm. uanie.1 nelaiidaula. In Ibe name of Ibe Htale of Oregon you are hereby re,iiiirv. in appear and answer tbe com it plalnl niel agalnat ton in the above mini nit on or betore lh 71b day ol Mrptomlirr. ! aud you will lake hot lea that II you tail bi anawar or olherwtae epfar In aatil nlt on or bvlor lb aald 71b nay M br.t mlr. !., Ihi plalnltri above named Inr want thermit, will apply loth ! anlltlrd roort lorlharellH prayad ln In Ib rnmplalnl rt lxl In Ibi (nil. tn-wit rnr wrenoal dei rtw aall lb rtteiii. nil Mnnla lng, r A. II nlintM I, Hogbea I lb um ol IT t M Willi lutareai Iberooii at Ibe rat nl a par rent. wr annum lr..m Man-k Itl. I.. . V, aim like mureal lliarom Iron Man h Ut. 1I, and Ibe nm ot low allot ut nn Ilia pail ant di'iretnanla ol aald oil. II, al l ha rou ri ahall d-rerw ihal lh nv.rl. r e-iit. ay lh aid Mrrl It, I nog mtt Moiil lJn In Ibe lotilM Invawttneol (ma pany. date.1 Ibe iMh day nl February twei. itt.n Ui loimwiae naartiued real properly I enmity, liregt.n. lowtl lb ! ball nl lb amilb weal .,i.ler and Iba weat ball o lh wmiIH eaal qnarlef nl ewrllna bo m In ItiwMl.ip o I nurlhnd ranee bo. r Kaal ol the at! amelle Wterl'llan. wbkb "all i"fle aa nraplet on II, I lh da? nl Marrb. I"' al ! . V. -U'-ot lha Herwla 4 e)..rt.(. In lh nfbrw t4 lb I tmhtt I iethol M'trtwt ly, (tre(n. tball he Linrkant. and Ine aald teal t,tiy .i. and Ine pteia t4 an. t, aala lo applied lo ia paeanl Ut piaintiaot lha aiet nane.l atitn ui e.'H.ey, Ihal all of lh drtendaal aod all rtaiMilog and lo lea l.y. Ihr.ib of i)iifi.f them t.r ht. Ihen,. hll ha li.fetef tarred and I'WwMeM nl a'l ri.hl. una. ralala lolereel and Hen. at la i-1 !' e.,ullf . and eaiortaiiy 4 ail null nl re-lempts.n. In b and yi.n eet r pari . aald teal ....,rt., tu4 tun I piainli al.a.l ba gea atal fetlel 1 lit anwouna I tKil.llened pntananl lo ntdl ol Hon 4ephew A l.wil, ia.tge ot Ike alet anllie rnrl, n.te al banttea, rVtolietna. I tnaii a rnunly, l , ua lb Ma day at "'''MR. TAittH, ItAltFT Al Tt. Tw. I'ialHUa ail"tu. ). srnuos.. In imb nan it ri at ir tht tt 4 .... p,t o nt al Mofow, II. lr.,, l .slhlif. t I a ffla. fte'lal fa ir a H,nf 1.1 i.,t la the e d U.a etale tw fttewn, fftm m't be.e f r.lre4 bi appear d ..aeef Ibe ptir.l .e eei"4 f-.t la Sa e,il',t ,eJMOif t.oj It.e I 4r"4 I a we 1 1 teg t lat e'NI ol I,, iVnf ..ijt- f.rrt, . w t Tbe Ilk y al ftealeatk, Uaa. and l yw 'all e ia Mae few waal be.l t.a p whl apt. V lh tl In I e teitel 4ema-ted la kef e. -t al-.t tMWIt 1' e A a.itfrii el Ot w riy e.-lreef lltii.f la leeaa ptajntif d ee4aal, 4 eaual U ( 1 1. aaae a .! If k-vMfw.tnw h-,f a-f be aa 4ef M ae,.fcew 4 lwaa, l-.4ea lae a'e-.a -oi.ed -''!, m4t . n a !, 4a I Jiy. J a ' m l. A I bf r a i,t SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER nd by virtue of an execution issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, on June 16, 1896, and to me directed aud delivered, upon a judgment rendered and entered in Justice court for the Sixth district in said county on the 15th dav of June. 1896, tn favor of M. D. Hayman, plaintiff, and against E. Campbell, defendant, for the sum of Forty-two and 40-100 Dollars and Ten and 80-100 Dollars costs, and a transcript of sa!d judgment was filed with the county clerk of the county of Morrow, State of Oregon, on June 16, io;; mm, wnereaB, i nave leviea upon me fol lowing described real property, to-wit: The south-west quarter of section two. in townshin one, north, range twenty-five east, W. M., be soia io sansty said Judgment, costs aud accru ing costs. I will, on Saturday, the 15th day of August, 1696, at 2 o'clock P, M., of said day, at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of said E. Campbell in and to the above described prop erty at Public Auction to the highest and best bidder for cash tn hand, the proceeds to be ap plied to the satisfaction of said execution, at torney's Ice and all costs and costs that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK, Sheriff of Morrow Countv, Oregon. Dated July 6, 1896. 456-67. BCMMON8. IN THSo CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. Ralph L. Benge, Plaintiff, vs. Katie D. Benge, Defendant, To Katie D. Benge, efen.iant: I ' the name of the titate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wlt: Monday, September 7th, 1896, and if you fail to answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for a decree dissolving the marriage bonds now existing between you and himself, and a judgment against you for the costB aud disbursements of this suit This summons is published by older of Hon. Stephen A. Lowt-U, judge of the circuit court ol Oregon, for the 6th judicial district, dated July 2nd, 1896. K P. SINE, 456 68. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Intention. Land Officii at La Gbandk, Orkoon, June 30th, 1896. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk, of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on August 8th, 1896, viz: ROfiERT D. W ATKINS, Hd. entry No. 4640, for the NWU Seo 20, Tp 4 8, R 28 E WM. He names the following witnesses to prove hit continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz : Luther Hamilton, Andrew McKenzie, Freder- ick Thomas, Robert Dexter, of Heppner, Or. 4M6o. a. r. yvilsujn, register. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREOOW, I J June 30. lHUti. Notice is hereby eiven that the following-named settler has tiled notice ol his intenlinu to make final proof in support of his claim, ami that said proof will be made neiore tne county cierg ot Morrow county at Heppner, Oregon, on August 8, lH'.Hj, vis: JOHN CLARK, Hd. entry No' 72S1. for the Et4 BEU Sec 19. NEV N E4 bee 30, BW SW Seo 20, Tp 8 8, R 28 K, w i. He names the following witnesses to nrove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: b. A. Florence, John Heeler. Thomas Mccul- lough, Norman A. Kellei, ol Heppner, Oregon. 4.l-ti.j. B. r. WILSON, Register. Notice of Intention, T AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON I J June 21, IK'.Hi. Notice Is hereby given that tne loiiowing-nameu settler has tiled notice ol his Intention to make tlnal proof In support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at ueppuer, uregon, on August t, invo, vis: FREDERICK R. THOMAS, Hd. entry Nn. 7:117, for the SE SWU Pec 19, TM N WJi and BWJi NEIi Sec 30, Tp 4 8, R 28 E. XT. M. He names the following witnesses tn prove his routliiuou residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vis; K. U. Watkins, Robert Watklns, A.S. Burch, A. J. Mi Kouzle, all of Iteppner, Oregon. B. V. WILSON, 4W-M. Kegiiter. Notice of Intention. f AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON, I J June 24. l"'Hi Notice Is hereby given 'hat the following-named settlor has tiled notice ol his Intention lo make dual prool In support in in ciiiitii, auo tuai nam prooi win tie inane befmej. W. Morrow, enmity rleri, at Heppner, Oregon, on August H, !'., vis: ALII A 0. BARTHOLOMEW, Hd. E. No. VCD, lor the V.K NWV.HWIa NWU and NW HW, Kee Tp 2 N, K 2i, E. He name Hie lollowlug wltimx-a In prov hi contliiuoi, realdi'iice uikiii and cultivation nl. aald land, vlx: I I, taiminsie, oi iteppner, Oregon, T. II, Mathew. W. II. Fluley. Arthur Andrew, ol Ualluway, Oregon. JAN. r. MIHIKK, Will Register. Notice of Intention. Ltno Orm at La (ixti. Oaguow, Jim :nh. I wet VOTtrK m IIF.IIFHt OIVF.M 1 1I AT THtt 11 lollonln named aettlrr baa ftlpd notU a ol ht Intention I niak final proof In supftorl ol hlaclaun, and thai aald prool will ba mad be lore K. L Freeland. ennimlaaloner II. a Irrnll t imrl al Heppner, Orvguu, oa August l.'dh, vis: THOMAS (111. r II. LEX, li t. entry Nn M'at. for the "FV, Vt'l w hee IT, IS, H e r, M. II tiainea Iba loltnwtng wllueaaea lo prove hi eoutliiuoii r wldeiic uiHin and eulllvatlon nl, aald land, lt Alrtandrr t nrnelt, I'al K-llehr, Mid Keney so l jamos oiiuaon, an oi itei.ptier, un-gon. H I". o. r. n IIjwin. nrgtater, Notice of Intention. I AMMlFFH R AT TIIF. DAI I Fa OMF'iON I j J one jr., i a I berehy glva Ihal Ibe billowing named eelller ha tiled n lb ol ber Intention In make nnal ptnnl In eop. l.rt nl fcer riaim. and Ihal aald proof will Im made tteior F.. I. rrerland. I'. a. ('(immlMlnn. r, al Heppner. Oregon, on Aug 1 1lls. !, ls HAKHAK4 A KIT! II IK, Wll of Aletandet Mil' lit, dei raaed. II I t, 1n, l, for lb PH bee. u, Tp. I K. H It. W M. aha name thatoltnwlng wllneaae In prove he roimnniHi real lriM upon end cullliaUoli ol. aald land. lf A T Maf. of lleppney. Of, Frank liul nd rrar.k Holland, o Of , and Edward HollaiMl, ot LHigoa, Of. JA. F M'xiMF tM a. , KegUier. XOTH'K OF ISTFNTKiS. m awh otrrtflf at tut till r ha fMW,it tUm foUo lg t.tiM filter hU fii$ ftirlk tt ht MfilM In ftni pt1 In ilfaft Mf illn, t4 Mil pttwt vttl m eft toad iwlo.a F. I- Frew;avl. I. a I .nttmiaetonef e Heppner, lifegoo, nn wp4enlaf Pi. waN ys tATIIIRIK 1-ilimiT. ltd Hn M Iba FFta fbwt H, T I 1. R aba namew Iba billowing WMneeae In pro bet e.rt-tinn.Hi teahlenew ne.a and vullltatnrti ol aald land lt i-.h Pn., ta'ai Pa Moo. franl lienlry aad ' av li'iran. an m pnef in.y.n iia. t. M-aiflF. tl a'.ui.f. rmur I. A bl a ALU 'irtti p, I Niiti a i iiran f4t,fllll4,t j-vm 4 ( ImuA iMan4''l' ti him I -i it A I ft M ! - .IMMMW 0 mi Mil). Me t !. - tt'aa-4 Iek4 tvl4 Wt lKit rt In - &-m f tWI' lh tf ltayKe) t th III I a 4 Mg , rtlk ft Mm . ' N4a-i it r itp It IMH H, .'..., ttf. Voi!'f t Kfrtir iv tin? twi The highest claim for other tobaccos is "Just as good as Durham." Every eld smoker knows there is as good You will find one each two ounce bag, flNUQJL rail V pons insiae eacn tour ounce bag of Blackwell's Durham. Buy a bag of this cele brated tobacco and read the coupon which gives n list of valuable presents and how K. t0 Set HAVE YOU HEARD .THAT THBRU'S ha Changg in Businegs All Ami. ED. R. Uas bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at Wholesale Slaifer Prices ! REGARDLESS OF COST. All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great disoountson hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in faot everything tablishment, tall and see the stock .ED. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. The National Bank Building. Heppner, Ore. Gilliam & Bisbee We are not small mei, we are not te Largest But when the people of all the Hardware, Tinware, Crnckeryware, Glassware, Cumberland Coal, Gass and Water IMpe, Pipe Fittings, Stoves aud Kanges, Wagons, Harks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Haws, gledges, Wedges, Uuns, Flslola, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jan, Grau ltoware, i'lows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Boilleri and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Oct Prices. Wa hava Good Goods at Fata Prices, and Cheap lolin Goods at Chrp John Prices. QILLIA.M & BISBlfllfl, MAIN STltEET - THE PALACE J. C. BOROHERS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. T. R. HOWARD -DKrA-LS Grockries, Gents' Stockmens' And Wants He will make it aa olijVct for you to trmlti itli Lim u Li prico are riht, and all gootlw tlint lie bandliMi are of the rcty Wat Stork on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, Hoppnciis Oregon, iitema) lo C. a Va Ixiya. Hsl dmif Ut C lly Hot. I. Has everything In iho lino of Fresh Groceries, Cundics, Nuts, ond olso keeps Crockery, Lnmps ond Tinwurc. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty, n WITH mm: Vouro HOUND to Tnkc Km. ft Xey Y, X none just as coupon inside and two cou them BISHOP kept in a general mercantile es before it is too late. R. BISHOP, Prop. lbs. We are small men, a. Hants in He WoiWl surrounding country are In need of Wood and Willow ware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre, IlKPPNEU. OUKQON HOTEL liAll, IN- Furnishing Goods, Suri'LiKS, Etc., Your Trade! i's A DOARy lacco i ;isa8f n L BIFID : PIS ! afr ewa feeifKii. A te'ter rt4 f'"s Ullliag t.o I l a-Mt( give Ib lat Ibel Ibe iA ibep b H eiag rf Ibe a.i ' efg t'.'f't H1, I ti. , (I a ill b- i-a lh f le.R lit f t It.U re iKe r I . .t -. il ie It i'e i, it b aeika l-f II ' I J ") ll lakegata, bat wae tihi!y ll aader bna4 tl k I e e, etw-li g ia. la.a -,tMif wt,i lake e eeww 4!a.!" ti.a e'tM leb fcn tl'-l.. fcetween y a d I . -,'! I r - - l ,'- --..e..' . ni i .. e-.H a e4fet eei aa t Ke - ' f e. m J A I I e h. - - M p I 4 l-y ! M lt- - . 4 la. : J . ;e m4 .e a-i. I , . . a li a mi inw. 4e-l Jut I - i. .i it s a 9"i i II fin - I', a . . .. e . .. I I fa a.-aaaM " a I ' j - i I a. ' I I I ! I ' ,i a-e '4 . 1 It I , i. i't f t i t an - t a ' ' '' t " i ui ftr t;s t; Ht . r.. J p. ..e a--4 -a n A'f-t a I I a U I" I a ! lefcf 0 .-I . : .. a l I. I .4 i.l-- I a ete . . . -., i J a A I !- e , fnH ii'a I II t v ? ai 7. , !- J'-i-.i !!..' Hill), Sk , M ,mt Js o f it- b -m at i b k.1 .111 I-) )ia il ! i. w lit . t 1 1 .ua, .