REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL TICKET. For President, " WIIXIAM McKINLEY, Of Ohio. For Vice President, GARRETT A. HOB ART, I OI New Jersey. For Presidential Electors, T. T. GEER, of Marion County, 8. M. YORAN, of Lane, E. L. SMITH, of Wasco, J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah. The gold-standard .democrats have decided to hold a national convention 011 Sept 2. They will also make state Dominations where silver men have ruled the roost Cheap mutton comes in competi tion with other food products. Free trade means cheap mutton; it means cheap grain, hay, beef, pork, etc. The wage earner comes in for his share of the depression. ittle over J paid for this material while the sheep end wool industry was protected by th"e McKinley tar- iff. Bra Sheepmen, you will have an opportunity to get even at the polls in November. Every man who in any way whatever makes his ivelihood, either directly or indi rectly from the sheep industry should do all in his power to elect McKinley. Let us restore the the tariff system we use to enjoy, and then we'll fight over the mone tary question. Republicans should not bolt" Bryan's attitude on the matter of protection is hostile to the interests of our state. Our people should bear that in mind. Red S., the Harney county horse, came within one quarter of a Becond of breaking the world's record three-eights, up at Butte, Mont, making the distance in 0:34 J. (Since, Red 8. has equal led the world's record.) The semi-monthly publication, the Oregon Agriculturist, has entered the second year of its ex istence and it promises to perma nently fill the field, in Vhich it has chosen to labor in a manner ac ceptable to its many readers. The Spokane Review, in com menting on a letter published un der the caption of "Three Doubt ful States" says that Harrison car ried Illinois in 1892. The Re view is evidently thinking of 1888. Cleveland carried Illinois in 1892. If the speakership of the nex house of representatives of Oregon should come east of the mountains, the republicans of Morrow county would be pleased and feel highly flattered should that position fal to our representative-elect, lion J, N. Brown, Mr. Bryan wants free trade in wool. Morrow county has tried this and it isn't satisfactory, by a long shot Free coinage of silver is not objectionable to some repub licans, but coupled with free trade and free mobs, it forms a dose that the country cannot stand. The July number of the Pacific Northwest is on our table. It is a splendid issue, replete with illus trations and descriptive matter of the grand scenery of Oregon and Washington. "It is immaterial, in mv iudament. whether the sheep grower receives any benefit from the tariff or not Whether he does or does not I am for free wool Extract from speech of William J. Bryan tn the. House of Rep resentatives when the Wilson bill was under consideration. PRESS COMMENTS. Tde populists iguored Sewall, the democratic nominee for vice president, nominating Tom Wat son, a straight-out populist, for that poHition. The subsequent endorsement of Bryan adds further insnlt to Sowall, and it is not like ly that Bryan will accept The Moro Obsorvor suggests the following: The work of improving the Columbia rivor, from Astoria up, muHt bo taken out of the hands of the government and turned over to a commercial district of Oregon with power (to guaranteo intcreHt on $2,000,000. In no other way will the work over be done. The Oregouiau hitu tho nail on the head for once mighty hard in the following: Everylnxiy cannni think alike, and there will bo some to whoso mind tho tariff quoation will appeal morn strongly thau the money quotation. McKiuley is ttil tho candidate of all who Micro in protection to American iudualry Bryan U still tho free-trader he hat always boon. Any buniuPM that put it prof iU, and moro, on the Ixxika wi ran ashore. The Gazette has boo doing that for four or five years, and now it ruust quit or go broke. Our county ia alio being run on the priuciple that booauaa there are almot m largo aswU m lia- bilitioa that wo aro doing first rata. In truth acrip U going farther Ink hind every month. Worthloaa eta are liko tho account that go on bmika tbat are now collected. Thoro tuuht bo retrenchment The keynote which was Bounded foot years ago is still heard above the din aud the blasts from the tree silver trumpets, The thousands of wsge earners from the mines, factories and shops, and from all departments in the business of life, who are daily visiting the Mecca of the repub lican party to pay their respeots to the ohosen apostle of the principle of protec tion to Amerioan industries, oontradict the fallacy tbat protection is cot the greatest issue whioh will enter into the coming battle, in those seotions where tbe millions are the arbitrators between parties. While tbe silver issue does seem to be tbe obief issue in tbe minds of many in tbe farther western states, tbe great bive of tbe east oontnins millions wbo care little for the silver question, but are for protection to Amerioan industries. Tbe workmen know from experience that protection will give tbe nation a revenue to pay its debts, employment to tbe peo ple and better market for Amerioan pro notions. Walla Walla Union. The Oregonian says tbat R. M. Smith, veteran newspaper man of the Paoifio ooast, has fallen beir to $f000 and f of tbe income of $75,000 during bis life. Is possible that this is tbe well known Rocky Mountain" Smith? It so, he's lbs luokiesl devil out of jail. Qlobe mitb's full and right name is Robert Bruce Smith, but be may be the fortu ate individual. . a AmnMM to luo ngurea given in tho publialipd aUtoiucuU of our rounty affairs, . tho county owe nothing if it could collect what is owing it But a the rcoouro. H'H-ar to I f the tort tha throws the couuty djxr to del every year, they aro really worth !. It ttuuhl l refreahic if our county judo would Jitf down ft little into thrso matters and ot en them tip for the info mat ton and sal if action of the pal ha. The lct and hortt route It to t"l un less eiModituree and deputies where cot needed. Tbe whirligig of times brings in some ourious bsppeuings. Wbo would have thought a f-w years ago tbat David B Hill would be tbe obampionof President Cleveland in a democratio convention and wbo would have thought, after Glttveland bud been three times tbe pre sidential oandidat of tbe demooraoy, democratic convention wonld refuse by an overwhelming majority to sudors his administration. Mist. With a duty on wool and lumbsr th raoiflo ooast wonld today be sujoyio prosperity. But ao long as thess two in dostric are crippled, or rather killed by the present tariff law, prosperity need not be expected. Howls it, sheepmen, ilb wool 6 cts. per pound tnetssd of from 12 to 20 onnts? How is it lumber men, with lumber 16 instead of 112 Der thousand T Aod back of tbis comes tbe other industries of Oregon and Washing, ton which are affiled by tbe above price oa our prinoipal products. Cord- wood for ioatauo ft 75 lostsad of 12 23 end 12 50 per oord, and th cutting ot th sam 05 omits instead of 00 sent and t. lo von want continuation ol IhM rekuotions In your labor? If so vol tb Bryan lioit. If not vote for UoKioley and protection to Ibt industries, at least. wbk-b directly effect pockst books. Mist. Jonathan Bourn ha not yet resign ed as secretary of tb republics si at oommitt, nor is b likely to, sins a larg majority of tb republican of tb slat bats onoflJene in bis republican ism and ability to do tluiot work for lb parly. Th bowl that th Oregon iaa aod a fw of tb old rlngtrt ar mak ing against Mr. Bourn ar dirC threat at Mi Kioley and Ilobart I this slat, (. should Mr. Iloaro b re pelled to resign, tb lodignatloa among silver republican wonld I tb party several tbonasod voWe ia th soming Uetlon. Tber esa b e qiestio about tbis. Bet what ear tb lrio tax whether McKinley U elected. That paper is Bsflbing bnt republican, accord ing loll oa statements, aad also a entdiog In Its at Um p to dateal a 'eg- aiar nci'tiin of in party ai in Job loetion. Tbn asaia it is a ll know fael tbat lt Oragoniae baa at all Iiium at hr ta In f atnr of fr Ira.) a, and at diffaraal time to II tiatne baa eply dtoel4 th same. Unw, ha eao it I -a tint I lla support of tb Me- kiaWy llraM or la tariff plaak la th platform? lo-W4 tb repaid- UU centra' oRmilia tjoM pay lb great riatlv oHtiti(g 4i fpvblt ofw M Kiolrv. It would help him to rry Ibt lal -Mist, rrfttrtu-t'liarlea J Ibmin, (li. wmkl, l'U ss; "I bat d Ayor's pill In my family for vrJ years, and bst always fonnd thara th nioal IT -rift at la ih rlif f aiitueni analog from a dianrt!r4 sirab, torpid liter, aod otipid b-iwsi. JfREK TRADE BKVAN. tbey tell as Mr. Wo.;. Bryan should be elected simply because be believes in wider expansion of money. If tbis ere tbe only point at issue, tbe people of the United State might honor bim itb the position of president. But it is not. Mr. Bryan is a free trader ot the rankest type, and is therefore opposed to tbe system that would bring prosperi ty to our country; thai would set tbe people to work and enable them to earn an honest dollar: that would start tbe wheels ot hundreds ot factories now standing idle; tbat would revive tbe wool, the bop and tbe prune business; tbat would make it possible for the mil lions of consumers to earn tbat with which to purchase the neoessarles of lite from tbe producers; in faot tbat whiob would cause a revival of business all over our broad land. Mr. Bryan was in the congress tbat passed tbe Wilson bill and to show bis attitude on tbe question of protection to Amerioan industries we will quote an item or two of his sayings in discussion ot tbe question. Take tbe matter ot wool, he said: "Wool, for instanoe, is the obief raw material in the woolen industry, and it has been placed upon the free list. Whether tbe tariff on wool has raised tbe price of wool to the sheepraiser above tbe point it would have reaohed without a tariff, is a question which has been disoussed rather than settled. Speaking for myself, it is immaterial in my judgment whether the sheepraiser reoeivea any benefit from the tariff or not. Whether be does or does Dot, whether tbe wool manufacturer collects a compensatory duty from the consumer of woolen goods and pays it over to the wool raiser, or oolleots it and keeps it himself, or doesn't colleot it at all, and therefore does not need it, I am for tree wool." And here is some of the twaddle given 1 in 1892, that was believed by our people : "The committee has left not only up on carpets but upon iron, ana upon woolen goods and cotton goods and nil tnroogh the bill far more tariff than anybody can justify, even if it could be shown tbat any protection Is needed at all or oould be rightfully asked." And again be gives a nut to oraok as follows: 'A tariff of 10 per cent, levied purpose ly for protection is, as farasjhe prinoiple Is oonoernea, lust as indefensible as a tarifl of a thousand per oeot." And to wind up with, bere is what Mr, Bryan says of the bill tbat has brought us the unparalleled prosperity (?) (?) we were told ot in 1892: "I tbiok the duties all through tbis bill are higher than neoessary, and I favor the bill, not beoause of its perfeo tion, not beoause the duties are brought down as they might be, but beoause tbe bill is infinitely better tban any we now have, and is a step in the right direc turn." These are question for our people to ponder over. It it is better to bave free trade and tree silver than protection aod our nnanoes as tbey now are and bave been tor the past twtnty years or more why tbe proper thing to do is to vote for Mr. Bryan. Valley Transcript. EIGHT MILK NOTES. There will be Sunday sobool at Eight Mil Centre tbe first Sunday In August, at 4 o'clock. Our sobool, taught by Mrs. M. A. Foqua, closed on tbe 3d ot July, after a very successful and satisfactory term. An interesting program of recitations, dialogues, esesys and music was carried out in a creditable manner. We are glad to chroniole the convales cence of Mrs. M. J. Sating. She is a lady highly esteemed on Eight Mile and ber many friends sympathized with ber in ber sickness. We are glad to know tbat Mrs. Brannon (ber daughter) is also recovering. Hot winds and grasshoppers are rapid ly cleaning up tbe green dress of Eight Mile. Fruit trees, in some instances full of fruit, are being stripped of tbeir foliage by the grasshoppers. ' A. Ash- baugh bad a fine prospect for fruit and vegetables, but these pests are taking it all, and others are suffering a 'similar loss. Some of the hoppers are large enough to fly while others are very small so we expect them to remain with us quite awhile. It is with mnob sorrow that we speak of the death of Ernie FnrloDg and we sympathize with his parents, brothers and sisters, but they know he is safe ; he has done with the Borrows, trials and offerings of this life. This is tbe fourth time Mr, Furlongs have been called on to give up one of tbeir ohildren. Great sympathy is expressed for them in their deep sorrow. Ernie, thou wast mild and loveVy, Gentle a the eummer breeze; Pleasant as the air of evening When it floats among tbe trees. Dearest Ernie, thou hast left us, Here tby Iors we deeply feel ; But 'tis God that bath bereft us, lie can all our sorrows beal. Peaceful be thy silent slumber, Peaceful in thy urave so low; Thou no more will join our number, Thou no more our songs shall know. Yet again we hope to meet thee When the day of life is tied, And In heaven with joy to greet thee Where no farewell tear is shed. Tbis neighborhood bad a fire yester day, O. E. Jones' barn, blaoksmitb shop and large thicken bouse, together with ten toos of new bay, being destroyed. Three head of horses were in tbe barn at the time but tbey were tuken out unin jured. Mr. Bellingbrock had his head er at the shop for repairs at the time and it was so badly damaged as to be ot no use tbis season at least, and a portion of Jones Bros', header was also destroyed. Tbe fire threatened to take tbe dwelling for a time but tbe wind changed and it was saved. Mrs. Jones was sick in tbe house when tbe fire occured and had about all tbe excitement she oould bear. At tbis writing she is some better. Mr. Jones feels bis loss very keenly, aod especially tbe blacksmith tools, as be bad accumulated a good set. These people bave the sympathy of tbe entire neighborhood in tbeir trouble. CLOSING OUT SALE! Away We invite your attention to our Immense Line of Summer Dress Goods of the Very Latest Styles. Our Salesman, Price, who recog nizes no cost or value, will offer these goods 3elow the Regular Markl Tale a Lool at Tlese Goods, You can find a Bargain r) tleri). We have a Large Line of Glassware, Crockery and Tinware that we are closing out. Don't buy these goods till you see our prices. Yours for Cash REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the First National Bank at Hepp ner, in the State of Oregon, at the Close of Business, July 14, 1896. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts........ $136,245.91 Overd'ftsseoured and unsecured 5.6U9.65 U. B. Bonds to seoure circula tion 12,500.00 Premiums on U. S. bonds 875 00 Stocks, securities, eto.!. 16,15139 How strange when tbey spsak of the Banking-house furniture, and . . fixtures , candidates for the presidency they oan tw -m NBtir,nKl VmnVa inol tell tbeir ideas about gold, silver, proteo-1 reserve agents) tion and the tariff, but not a word is Due from State Banks and heard of bow wo shall be proteoted from nBR,nkerV '''''IaV'.'J,'.' Lm . , , , . Due from approved reserve agta. the wiles of old King Alcohol; how our nhrk ni other oaeh Items.. Nuns Hot Ayers at the World's Fair Ayer's Harssparilla enjoys the extraor dinary distinction ot having been tbe only blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the World' fair, Chiosgo. Manufacturers of other sarssparillu sought by every means to obtaiu a showing of tbeir goods, but they were all turned away under tb application of tb rule forbidding the entry of patent mediciies and nostrums. Tbe deoimoo of th World's fair autho rities in favor ot Ayer's Harsaparilla wa in effect as follows: "Ayer Harsspa rilla is not a patent niedioin. II does not belong to tb list of nostrums. It I ber on its merits." "It U immaterial, in my juthjmrnt, whether the thrrp grower receives any fiencflf from tlu. larxff or not . . . Whether he fxs r dues not I am tor free woo." Kxtract from sxrea of .Ilium J. llryan tnthe lloue or lien reneutntn-rs vhrn the II tlmn bill u-m under consideration. youth shall see bis downfall, and bo there shall be no gilded saloons, alluring gnmbliug tables and tempting temper ance (T) drinks to ensnare tbe young folks; nothing is beard at all about tbis question. The saloou must go, or our ohildren. Horn dar boys aud girls must be uisde a sacrifice, fur the saloon can no mors exist without boys tban a saw mill can run without log. Fathers, which one of you is willing to take your boy to tbe saloon and any we can't bava th saloon closed, bere is one boy, my boy. Oh no, yon turn away with horrori you can't giv jonr boy. Have yon any more right to give your neighbors' boys? Well you ar doing o. You are giving your boy when yon boast tbat you must drink for your health. Too ar giviog your neighbor's son when you say there is no barm in little social drink. It tber not a man In tb political partus tbat will fight whiskey? Would Dot tb suppression of tbe Muslaaa Harva. On July 13, at Aoaoonda, Qmver was second 10 a flve-futlong dash ia tb titn 1 13. and oa tb 15tb lost, wss flist ia a similar rao In lb sam tims. O July 13, Lark was first in a tbr- igblbs dash; Tin Er second and Rod S. third. Tlm,04V. On lbs lHth lost., la a Ilk ro R iy woo, lUd H. coa4 end No Ear third. Tim 0.35. lK)n at ItutUt. KM H. downed tb talcot ia proper tyl. Oa Tueday July 21, b mad tb tbr-ightb in 0-14 1, la on qarlr of a aorooJ if tb world's reootil ; Lark s-coo J, and sold IHO against Iljoa Rd H. On th f.I lowing Thursday UJ 8. mad tbsthr igbtbs to 0J3I, tb world's record; l'i Kar aoeooj. O Joly :l, at llolie, Tump U report d I hav won th fit aod oa ball lur long to 101't", but III nor likely a mistake aod that tb rac wa otly fits larloos. Un lb 711 Intl., rial lose was rood la a half mil, rua I O.itV'. Oa lb sam data Omvrf l.k third pi I a lit furlong dash, ran la I O ImI Friday ralJoawoaalbr- igbtbs ro arfiot colu. Tim 0 3 Maluals paid !3fiO. Oa lb am dU fit tdtlong was mad by I.uom in Tampa teoottd, (lrtvi third. (.) last rUlarday Dby limb ksooUd tut ixttioiuhtt m ttis Sr aadwaa-ball furl n dash, I I Oil. Tb Halt t vtd!ly fairly tifury li II. Or-" U. ad Ltvr roeaplalBt yo bat a priaM nartkl e ! bold l hbllok it.'uf. It r tail I car Vet i by Wll A Y)tr. 'It is I !, m j ljmnt trkflkrr tkt sketp onwwr rrvn t nay 'II i.l.,t... 1 1 .r .1 1 in a iMi,t !''"f"' f , , jlla.fW if .e .1 n..f I .i f. r 1U )', "IH l ll Satur.Ut i f" a-.."-y tr.t fn.m if li . I .1 i! iil I if kl 1 " ''' J ft'' W th f.W Y .'' Wtltt wM l CfbU lf lUUa-a j.Jr riaxjrrof'. 3,884.44 1,15935 Notes of other National Banks LAWFUL MONEY SEKRVB IN SAKE, VII Specie 13,818 35 Leaal teuder notes.. . 00 uu 748 28 4,189.41 87.17 700.00 Redemption fund with TJ. 8. Treasurer (5 per cent, ot circulation) 13,853.35 502.50 Total 1196,657.45 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 150,000.00 Surplus fund 12,000.00 Undivided Drofita. leta expen se and taxe paid 22,355 21 National Bank Note out standing 11.2.10 00 l)n to other National Banks. . 637.23 Individual deoosita subject to check 03,963.22 Demand certificate ot depoait 36,451 .69 m v :yfLCv n 11 nit I I h I t 1 1 . n 1 . 1 IV IV A li Dim li ULiamvu. 11:1 . t 1 Ly, w i 1(1 ! If 1 MGLISHahdBUSINESS r.n 1 pr.Fsk at awa iu av wai aui PORTLAND OREGON Full English course. FRENCH AND GERMAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. BOARDING DEPARTMENT'01 LAMES psj Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . Total 1 11)6,657.45 Stat or Orkiow, ) Col'STT OF MoHHOW, ) I, Oeorce Consor, CaHbicr of tbe altov named bank, do solemnly swesr whiskey bnsinos do that the ahov atatomeot ia true to tb 1 Jt n I 1 ' s n 11. it -r "i Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle H orsc awar in a large mnaaar witn lb hard ot-si oi my buuwiih bdu wwi. time.Ti If it would not mak. money a JorXm this mors picnuiui 11 raioiy wonm onng 35th day of Joly, 1H.W. greater poaca, pleasur and happiness with what there ia. Would thai men conld O broQabl to a realisation ot tbis fact, and b aronssd to sooh a deftre that they will put down this greatest of wealth aod torn doatroyers. Flour IliLB, July 22. E. M. a . I FatlLAND, Notary Public for Oregon. Conwct -Attest: a A. Itbea, i. V. Rbea, J. B. Natter, Directors rileat IMIwt IK am rue. hminrn Mointure; miens Hotting and slinging; Biol at clgbt; won by craUtiiiig. If allow.! to coDlinu tnnmr form. biob often bleed aud ulceraUs bomiiig very sor. hwamaa UlKTM oaf slop lb llclung and bl. lag, beats ulcrrlio, and 10 most ease remuve tb to mors At draggwt. or l mail, for 60 eo I a. lr.b)u Hun, l'hlU.IU'hK A rart Worth Eaowlsg. Consumption, La Oripp. Poeouionia aod all Throat and Lung dises ar en red by Pbilob'i Cor. For sal by Wall Warren. All these can be procured at Thorn i on & Binns, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Thiwe sentlemea ar wU aqiiiilntel with Ornt, lUmcT, Crook. Otll lam snd other eoaiiUeS, and can v nonet aud tlmt Id making tbcM (cctloii with tratcllng nan. Prlres In keeping with ths lima. THOMPSON & BrtSTNTS, LrvxaTUKtr, nxmrxa, The Lancashire Insurance Co. OI M A.2MOH1CMTICM. ICNOLAMIl I W PITTERSnS, AGENT. ?jtt. 1 Isa tla World Haas Rail Gana. Th bM ball gam to U playad al Ilepposr ait ttslurdey, al 2 o'olock, ilappor vs. Morrow County, promise to b a very cioitiog leator. A larg aasembly I ipotd aod all ar cordial ly lotitsd ladie. lastlema. bo;s aad girls. Good or dr will b mslotaiad. Tb boyt will appear to tall uniform, Morrow Coooly la bla, Ilepposr la hit, and a tbrward ot th tlrlorioos U r BfCaaall a Kaktitltr. Word ba Jut ooro to Ueppoer tbat (. F. McCohasll. lb hitherto sfflai! gr.adkir ol reoords aod !. I a L,., a u b iva brtbsd- fugitiv fnro j.t.lic. being ao mblr fsat4 t ,,r u prdlct tbt Ih of lodg funds to tb amoaolol from ,,m- mM v. , .1,. 0fetiB on. lltKM I t.1.000. MsJ.nneIll.saprH-1 Tb om wlU U pUjmi M lb .t b la Cans.!, tb..agb UisimI wbr. ,1 hooM ,i-Moib.r anon- aUiul r uekooas. M -t'onnell wss koowa trywhr big hearted, bonnrabt fell iW, aod lbOit I. ts la diagrac lb (liktl: sjmfaih'i" with hi' o I LI family. It Is said that drink raa4 bis dowefall meats ar mad, la wblcb a tbey will b ssooanrvd. A Xiltral iall. Karl Ct"Vf IWI l pnflfl lb bll aad giv a elr and tnl.fl iaplii.iM. lor 1 by WtllsAWar-f. All a It Ak your physlciaa. yoar dniggist aad tone friaods abnol fttillub'a Car for ltqraptlna. They will tamnswid Ik For sal by Wait VYariaa A pap' ia XI eCl art's Magasin for Augoal will tell, ft tb first time, tb Irs story ot L4id's first meatlng wi'b Plash-. Tbey bmI la th trial of 11 Tima mi, ol b llw. snjooa aflr tmoni aleCofoilrk' ttot right !ittt t TO PTKl'a. W, I. rVUsf ts t rrt a'ad to d all kia ta i4 blaekamittiiag, bitmhwlrg tttarltlu fi fit g, tit ia -ik, I't (a-1 )IUig I hi. It al ttaa l. thai c-a I t'fa i-. fiar I Will J '! in an.,k tut 311 aaeh. aa I felh't jra wctl to t-f't-ttl-'i. tf Jalr tat. AU ba.i(ia fatliag to pay by tb I 'lh uf aacb B Hitt barasftaf Will b tut tf. Ilsrrtsa Ll""t A Wna C. M alt l l'-a. bat ,f'a I'll I: a .t a U ( W n ". 10 ' ti ,0 t"tiily n'i-t 't ilit aaioMt. I mi t lrJ 14 iiir ! I r'u('s, U (M, adf clfSOOJalas tbat wart try bomiliaUbg 10 Liola, a4 asaey U J tale bat bta t-.IJ ol tbeir Biaallng Th rtt fa4lnf it 'a gl by I a. wu-i tr aoeiaUd Wilb t ia t tnat, ni l L.i m j tjiMl.i; tb lr pra . tie, wt4 kio. all pnt Ibt utaitcf Through traiot oa tb O. R A N. will rao via. Umatilla, Walla Walla aod Pendleton. Tbroogb tlpr, first aod eonnd elaa. will mo la ooooeolion wttb tb Laioa racloo. tb sam as berk r. A tbroogb Ural class alepr Tort- land to Ppokao, ennoecting wilb tb first elaas lepr to 81. I'aol, and a hroagb ton rial lpaf Fortlaod to Hi. I'aol. will ran la enanoctioa with tb Urt Northern railway. If Tu a ( n HAsia Lt spring lbs Oaiail snnoonoed tbat It would abandoa tb tredit s;stem en tirely oa March M, wbk-b, to aeartalo tiUet, it baa sarntd oat sicept meg or patraa ber ia Morrow euanty, bsr II was thought w might tlieo lb old rlm. Il ha ba drtnoa strsUd beyond all doobl that w caaoot longer por lb old rra.lil ytm and pay our oVhis as we go. W shall carry ol oar lsUklla, a,cd frnra Aog. lt aeil aa ppr will bl oat atl I bay bats ba pai 1 for la sdane. To this y tiara w shall atrictly a.!be la lb folsrs, csaklng favorite tf booe. Tber I bMblog paraial abo , alter, but daairs to Iraal ! ,,e, so do al ak o to i tb ppr a ta tb asst. bet Mil la aad ltl 0f . oaot 4 assk arrngaqiat an, baa r4tiag lb part. (. E. L. FREELAND, ! C0LUCTI0HS, INSURANCE, -JJJ ABSTRACTS. U. S. LAND COMMISSIONER. Ur4 nilrift as4 final tnfs Take, STLNOGRtfm X0T1RT rtMJCL Jiirnrra. ORricir. n. . D.J. McFaul, M. D. oi'i'ieies At J. M. Htctn't RtuDmct. Walt. Tbom Knn h,m .1... tiu t Moooeaa!, arriving starv day tse4 Mooday aad tarv da? letpl Mqaday. Hbot ta aod bao. mot m tb Itrrwk, tii. I tartar. Ota A Tb (l.t.11. t,M a year's loll ih F.agl..h.tfr,ul.ttbnV u . ' 4aprtmal of Ih ll .lma Coll. tA I'ortUed. .l!f dMg to lak a b-agl 1 ba..aa . timt claa ll' aboulj a ibt O.t.lU b(r gv lagUlow, J te-l-Ml ih tfMt H lpp. a tt a bioyei Htl-to i' II t,,.. r tary la . - , ' l t ' nf t. n.nn ,!,,,. ULf'intnrf In 14mm WVaa( A. II cl I'.fct a I .1 1. a...i ..... . "' IIUlllCU Mil II HH -a (ivl it.ii J,, h ahii.iia i-..,- v.itr.f" " aVn'' i..iet7H.i..r.t.. i:;vHir-r-- I SMaa a