. asaii I ii'asi 111 II '1 1 1 mil rnirriT n a E. McNEli-L, Receiver. TO THB GIVES THB CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental 5 XI J&Z- JLlf Xl ( OOP worth of lovely Music for Frtv--g sw 111 , . Cents, consisting of no pages -V full site Sheet Musk of iiie-. aw latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular 5 selections, both vocal and Instrumental. - .VI in 1 mo: selections, both vocal and Instrumental, rotten ud In the most cleeant Banner, In- eluding four large slie Portraits. mm QARMENCnA, the 8panlth Dancer, 2 PADERIWSKI, the great Pianist. ZS 5 ADEUNA PATH and Af7T 8EUQHAH CUTTtNQ. 3 AU. OHDKMS T THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO C0.3 Broadway Theatre Bldg., New York City. e ' CANVASSERS WANTED. GREAT NORTHERN'Ry. uVIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RY, VIA Denver OMAHA The regular subscription price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.60 and the regular prioe of the Weekly Oregonian is $1.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both the Gazette and Weeklv Orecon an for 83.50. All old anb senbers paying tbeir subscriptions for one year in advance will be entitled to thm. St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers learn Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0.E.1N Agent ta Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland. Oreooh QUICK rXILVEXJ t - TO San Francisco And all point In California, via the lit. Bhaata rout 01 me Southern Pacific Co The arrant hia-hwa through California to all point KMt anl Month, uranri Bonn lo rumte OfthePaniAo Coast. Pullman Buffet bleepere, Heoond-olass Hleepere Attached to express trains, affording superior aoonnmodatioD for SAOoml-olHM Dansenffere. For rate, ticket, almpiug oar reservations, eto.. call npon or address R. KOKHLKR, Managnr, E. P. R00EK8, Asst. Geu. r. r. Agt., rortiaua, Oregon m am -TO THB- EAST AND SOUTHEAS' VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Through Pullman Palace Hleeprrs. Tourist HlrKiirra and Pre Kui'llnliif Chal Cars UAILY to tliloago. Many hours saved via thla Una to Eastern Points. Haveau. and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-; cnt business conducted for Modchatc Fit, i Oua orricr. i Orr-osiTr, U. S. f atcnt Orricr. and we can secure patent in less time than Itat remote from Washington, Send model, drawing or photo., Vritn descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. . " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Or. PATtNT OFsicsjaAsjMirtoTOt REPUBLICAN PLATFORM. Full Text of the Declaration of Principles. GET THE BES1 When you are about to boy a Sewltiff Machine lo not be deceived by alluring advertisements md be led to think you can get tiie best made, inest finishod and Most Popular for a mere song. See to It that 10a Dtiy trom reiiaDie manu- acturers that nave gained a Tputation by honest and square lealintr. voti will then ect a Sowing Machine that is noted :he world over for its dura- bility. You want the one that is eusiest to manage and it Light Running There U none In the world that ran equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness or nniun, Demur in appearance, or has as many improvements as the New Home it has Automatic Tension. Double Peed, alike on both sides of needle (patented), no other ha it ; New Stand ( patented), driving wheel h need on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to ine minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARC. THE HEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. Omnia. Mim. Bohtoii, Mass m Vmnn Bon ah, . T .-AtMMl. IIX. ST. U)l IK. MO. iHl.l.iS.TUAa. Sam FaAKoimw, i:au Att,a:itA,oa. rot sat r. nt P. C. THOMPSON CO.. AgcnU Heppner, Oregon. The Republicans of the United States, assembled by their representatatives in notional convention, appealing for popu lar and historical justification of their olaima to the matchless achievements of 80 years of Republican rule, earnestly and confidently address themselves to the awakened intelligence, experience and conscience of tbeir countrymen in the following declaration of facts and principles: For the first time sinoe the civil war the American people have witnessed the calamitous ooDseqneoces of full and un restricted Democratic oontrol of the government. It has been a reoord of unparalleled incapacity, dishonor and disaster. In administrative management it has ruthlessly sacrificed indiapensible revenue, entailed an increasing deficit, eked out ordinary ourrent expenses with borrowed money, piled up the public debt by $262,000,000 in time of peaoe, forced an adverse balance of trade, kept perpetual menace hanging over the re' demption fund, pawned Amerioan oredit to alien syndicates and reversed all the measures atid results of successful Re publioan rule. In the broad effeotof its policy it has precipitated paoio, blighted industry and trade with prolonged de pression, dosed factories, reduced work and wages, halted enterprise and o rip pled Amerioan production while stimu lating foreign production for the Ameri' can market. Every consideration of publio safaty and individual interest demands that the government shall be resoned from the bands of those who have shown themselves lnoapable to con duct it without disaster at home and dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to the party wbiob (or 30 years admin istered it with nneqnaled success and prosperity; and in this oonneotion we heartily indorse the wisdom, patriotism and suooess of the administration of President Ilarrison. SUGAR. We condemn the present administra tion for not keeping faith with the sugar producers of this country. The Repub lican party favors such protection as will lead to the production on Amerioan soil of all sugar whioh American people use and for which they pay other countries more than $100,000,000 annually. WOOT. AND WOOLBNS. To all our products, to those of mine and field as well as those of the shop and faotory; to hemp, to wool, -to the product of the great industry husbandry, as well as to finished woolens of the mill, we promise most ample protection liberty. The government of Spain hav ing lost oontrol of Cuba and being unable to proteot the property or lives of resi dent Amerioan citizens or to comply with its treaty obligations, we believe tbe government of the United States should MERCHANT MARINE. We favor restoring tbe early Amerioan polioy of discriminating duties for the upbuilding of our merohant marine and tbe proleotion of our shipping interests in tbe foreign carrying trade, to Amer ican ships the product of American labor employed in Amerioan shipyards, sailing under the Star a and Stripe", and manned, officered and owned by Amer icHDB may regain tbe carrying of our foreign commerce. fOQulDtlOfl a" Tn th Ennr its r cttrb To the Editor : 1 have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use actively use its infl uenoe and good offl- thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently curea sr proor-posiuvc un i of its power that I consider it my duty to tend two bottles m to tnose oi your reaucia oes to restore peace and give indepen dence to the island. THl NAVY. The peace and security of tbe republic and tbe maintenance of its rightful in fluence among the nations of the earth demand a naval power commensurate ith its position and responsibility. We, therefore, favor oontinued enlargement of the navy and complete system of har bor and seacoast defenses. FOREIGN IMMIGRATION . For the protection of tbe quality of our American citizenship and of wages of our workiogmen against the fatal com petition of low prioed labor, we demand that tbe immigration laws be thoroughly enforced and so extended as to exclude from entranoe to the United States those who can neither reiid nor write. CIVIL SERVICE. Tbe civil servioe law was placed on the statute books by the republican party, whioh has always sustain and we renew our repeated declarations Hint it shall be thoroughly and honestly enforced and extended wherever practi cable. FREE BALLOT. who have Consumption.Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express ana postomce aaaress. ainccreiy, T. A. SLOCTJM. H. C I S3 Pearl SU Hew York. p- The Editorial and Business Management of this Paper Uoaruitee wis generous rroposiuoa. Si'Mt. tightest, Simplest, ISJwEasleSt Strongest, fsaJ4fTa Working, Solid 1 jWJlWtJ Most Top jJ f sJiSly Accur,,te Receiver. i-ffffcy Compact, Most Modern and progressive For catalogue or Information write to THE MARUN FIRE ARMS CO., New Haven. Conn. Cummings & Fal $1800.00 GIVEN AWAY TO INVENTORS. tto.ee every month given wy to say one who sp plies through us for the most meritorious patent oimag the month preceding. ,. we secure me dcw piii -""" and the object of this otier is to encourage inventors to keep track of their bright ideal. At the same urne we wish to impress upon the public the fact that IT S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL INVENTIONS THAT YIELD FORTUNES, such as the "car-window" which can be easily slid op and down without breaking the passenger's back, sauce-pan," "collar-button," "nut-lock,1 "bottle stopper, and a thousand other little things that most any one can find a way of improving ; and these sunpla inventions are the ones that bring largest returns to the author. Try to think of something to invent IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SEEMS. Patents taken out through ns receive special notice in the " National Recorder, published at Washington, D. C, which is the best newspaper published in America in the interests of inventors. We furnish h year's sub scription to this journal, free of cost, to all our clients. We also advertise, free of cost, the invention each month which wins our $150 priie, and hundreds of thousands -t n:.. nf k "National Recorder." containing a sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention, will be scattered throughout the United States among capitalists and manufacturers, thus bringing to then attention the merits of the invention. AU communications regarded strictly conndenual. Address JOHN WEDDERBURN & CO., Solicitors oi American and Foreign Patent.', 618 F Street, N.W., Box 385. Washington, D. C. gr- Reference editor this f ater. Write Jtrw 30-jage pamphlet. FREE. WANTED-AN IDEAoTmimpi. BUKN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C, for their $1,800 prize offer. HI'AJvDINO'H M Souvenir 0 tn Yean fa Uutlneu. 3 A Compete Set, entislstlng of (Its ifj IIMltc tigiiiu.- Hh Hall I'layur. Toot v Hall I'laver. (lolf I'layi-r. Tenuis Haver and Hlcyele Klder. will lie sent In any JfJ address upon rmvlpt of 10 cunts, to par jjf charges. Q Then flgurns are absolutely pirier't. W hoaiitlfully rulnri-d and mounted, ami H arranged to stand upright, and are an . SB eel lent enliven I rnf our M years aa leaders of the alliletln supply world. HiiiUhle for club, reading room, nMlce or home, A.G SPALDING 4, BROS., A'rw lor t'nfrneo i'hlMelukla Q m it 1 a tnistsmtMiuQ STEAM HEAT. LrOWICNT PINTSCH LIGHTS. HATICM. R. H". BAXTER, Om- Agrnt, I'orlland, Oregon. J. C. HART, Agrnt, lleppnrr, Ortgon. ClIIOAOO. IwMte & St. Paul R'y J Solentifio American Agency tor M1 J VL Ttaot , ilCJ7 OttlOK ATtNT. FINANOIAL PLANK. Tbe republican party is unreservedly for sound money. It oaused the enact ment of the law providing for the resumption of specie payments in 1879 since then every dollar has been as good as gold. We are unalterably opposed to every measure calculated to debase our cur rency or impair tbe oredit of our coun try. We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free coinuge of silver, exoept by international agreement with tbe leading commercial nations ot the world, whioh we pledge Dr80tiCe known as the lynching or killing ourselves to promote, and until suoh an 0f human beings suspected or obarged agreement oan be obtained, tbe existing with orime, witbont process of law gold standard must be preserved. All national arbitration. of our silver and paper ourrenoy now in We BVOr the creation of a national circulation must be maintained at a board of arbitration to settle and adjust oaritj with gold, and we favor all meas- the differences whioh may arise between area designed to maintain inviolable the employers and employed engaged in in- PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable We demand that every citizen of the United States shall be allowed to cast a free and unrestricted ballot, and suoh ballot shall be counted and returned as oast. LYNCHING. We proolaim our unqualified condem nation of tbe uncivilized and barbarous i;Gault House, naatlv I ' CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. & 8t. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. it C, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. K AT JEM a.OO I Kir DAY Cor. W. MadiBon and Clinton Sts., CKICA&O. XXjXj. Echo stage leBves Heppner Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Echo Tuesdays, Turadays and Saturdays. r?are 82 eaob way. Offioe, Wells & Warren, Heppner. Ed. Driekell, Prop. New Feed Yard. Wm. Gordon has opened up the feed yard next door to the Gazette office, and now solicits a, share ot your patronage. Billy is right at home at this business, and your horses will be well looked after. Prioes reasonable. Hay and grain foreale. tf. aiaiaiaaiiiia1iiAi i7sc!i :m7mhim) S run tariff, We renew and obligations of tbe United Utates and all our money, whether ooin or paper, at the present standard the standard of tbe most enlightened nationa of the earth. AS TO PENSIONS. Tbe veterans of the Union armies de serve and should receive fair treatment and generous recognition. Whenever praotioable they abouldjbe given prefer- I ! . I - f 1 , ,1 emphasize our alle- eDCB 10 in" n,""er "'P'"'" "u gianoa to tbe policy of protection as tbe tbe' ,re ""i'1"1 ,0 tbe Motnieul ol COPVRKjMTB. ertoJ Fiv tflfxrntattnej an4 t Mamttaa-S arvltas,. Hi a to mi tuMxi'WAt, haw V". fl4fl tmtvaa fr ftvniritif wttla I. Amrii-4 t9t raet USfM mil ti, Hi la I'fiHishl tvtme tM ikiUw) tisaxos gl,.a Ine ol LfcaJj. la Ua f titntific awtican laif pat etmlattnej f ana ariaMJSa fair, ra M m, t ,t 1 1 1, - , ai.fma ttM a a,i o w a rYn terstate oommeroe. HOMESTEADS. We believe in tbe immediate retnrn to tbe free homestead rolicy of tbe Re publican party, and urge the passage by oongress of tbe satisfactory free homestead measure whioh has already passed tbe house and ia now pecdiog in tbe senate- TERRITORIES. We favor the admission of tbe remain ing territories at tbe earliest praotioable rlaln. havino- An reoard to the interest of I I 1 1 1 . 1 I l J A - I ' " I bulwark ot Amerioan iodostriai inde- ,uon ,8W " De" 08,ou"l"'u ,u B,r tbe territoriea and tbe United State. All pendenoe and the foundation of Ameri- oar lhe Iu,flllnaent of pled"" made to federal officers appointed for territories e.n r1.,.lrnmar,l ,nA ...it m., j. ILBm 1U Kl UBra OBSOI IUB OOUUirv . guoiHU UO eieuitHl iruu. uuu.aau. ' - i , .... j .i.. .:. i.. .! . true American policy taxes foreign pro- W. denounce ,h. pr.ot.ce In b. - . ducts and enoourages home industry and F ' 7 tioable. We believe tbe citizens of Alas- pnts the burden of revenue on foreign M"' OBrrlod 00 by ,be pre,eot amtnl" ka should have representation in the goods; it seoures ths Amerioan market r0D. ut reauoitg peosmn. aru,- congress ol tbe United mates to me ana for the Amerioan producer; it upholds the American standard o( wagea for tbe Amerioan nrkino-m.n it nnls th. fan. h Amerioan people, lory by the side of tbe farm, and makes 018 WBiiaii policy. ths Amerioan farmer lees dependent on Our foreign policy should be at all foreign demand and price; it diffuses times firm, vigorous and dignified, and general thrift, and founds ths strength all our interests in ths western heroia- ot all on lbs strength of eaob. Id its) pliers carefolly watched and guarded. leasooabls application it is just, fair and Ths Hawaiian ialauda ahould be oontroll impartial, equally opposed to foreign ed by lbs United States, and do foreign Amerjoan industries control and domestic monopoly; to seo I power ahould bs permitted lo ioterfers opportunities, tqaal trarily dropping names from the role as that needed legislation may bs intolli- deserving tbe severest condemnation of Uutly enaoted. 1 TM U. S. GOVERNMENT 1 Cf is 1 PAYING MILLIONS I A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension t ma you a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW t To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it ft?) to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present fc) fi your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the i2 time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. rm. fyWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. vgJ (TA . No Fee unless successful. W7 jj The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, .) 618 P f treet. WASHINGTON, D. C. f) JT. Ji. This Company U controlled ty nearly on thousand leading new papers in the United States, ami is guaranteed by them. (aj TEMPERANCE, Ws sympathize with all wise and le gitimate efforts lo lessen and prevent tbs evils ot intemperaoos and promote mor ality. RIOHTS OF WOM EM. Tbe Republican party is mlodfal ot ths rights ot women. Protection of inolades equal pay for equal BEPPKER, Attorneys tit Iaw, All busineas attended to in prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDINO. OREOON W"i4 rAialMtlf l.iMvlratatl, St,, tMfllial aaaa a i I.I la, a,llh.ait II, Martt svari ei aii miKi It ansa IS I tH.da, daw tutSlUf, A44K I "I I Innin.n Miri7mcc for m Hoke. FRANK LESLIE'S OOPULAR il MONTHLY Cail.llsall t fMftaol Vlaa.e (aAa, ' .ta4. a l lie Mtt Vaae ml b Halt-. 1 t'al .-4 t'lsK-.laae litaal,. ma Mai llttHf SAatla. e4 I ' imtto !.. HM M, la) AsmtKA a) I 11 IWi f iQsl'a's Flsasant Hcurs r,! "CY1 ANO CIRL8. . .i !. .(Ht )!tl,rn,tr'ai I . la.n l 1 PI y. ( UJ- A.LS-ivc-rTIA I urn auure. hcppur. oh. '?. t .atia r .rrl ,s tl H t UtnalM, tut ! M ' . . . - . . at . . - aw, a a mil Mini iniiiii " - - - - iitA ! aMie aana so. Glance at this Map s OttheChleafA. Mllwaukeo'arui M. rant Rait- s and nato Its ronnivllon with all Itatieroa linenul II n and Kt fsnt and waha, a4 rsmamlx-t that It train at lhM with ell, titclty snd hMtrd b? eUaia. It niulpia.nl U uaits. glrgsnt Huftt, Library, Vmoalns and aiaaplng ran, with frre rerllnlnf rhalrt, (ark lavftns ear berth haa aa elartrte raaullnf lamp, sad It dlnltif ears are ths Ix-al la tbe wot Id. tnher lltM are) Iim thaa thl. but ot r bsrt, and ate dinar orTar th.atair luiurtim arroeaaMiitatluoa. tbaaaar) eurllrleiit naM . tl.'pilarliy ol"Tb MllstaukM." t'oepos) Ikt.taiaut In et.ry ralln-sd elnre will give yo futth.e laluranattsit, or aytdraes C I. IPI'T, (lenetal f.l, J. W.rAHRV, Tree. rs. Ai.nl, roSTlts. OasaeS tiooal dipK-rimination and Individual ith them; tbs Nicaragua canal should work sod protect loo to tbs boms. Ws favoritism. Ws denounce ths present bs built, owned and operated by tbs f"0' tn mIoiUIob of women to wldsr . , , . , , ,. , . .... . spheres of osefalodas snd wslooms their demoorstie tariff as actional, lojnrloua United Htates; and by tbs purtbass of I yirvivi sat luas aa www e st "aaiw w-was)"" w awai to puoiio creaii and desiruciif s lo bust- ins Daman isiaous ws snouia secors s n.mnarMia ,nd Poouiist mismaoasemeol i i - - oess (Dterpriss. Ws demand snob pror and tnuob needed station in tbs 0J misuse. tqoilabls tariff on furslgo lmMrts wbit b West Indies. I Buoh ars tbs principles and policies corns inlo competition iib Amerioan Tbs maMMtsa la Arm.uia bats arons- ot lbs repablioaa party. By tbess prin- nrrKlnrlaa will not nl. fnrnl.h a,t avl IK. ,t-n avmnalhe and lust Indlflna, biJ, " Ibess DoikisS ... a i ii. ws will put Into siecnlion. Ws ask for qusts r.r.no. for tbs necessary si pen, lion ot tbs Am. ricao peopl-, and w. bs-1, 0oM.Jr,u odgnJ,Btot lb. sm ot lbs government, bot will proisot lisva tbs Coiled Slates should eisrrias B.i0Mj D0PU. CoofiJenl alike la Amencaa labor from ths d.gredstloo to all tbs ibflueses It caa properly sisrt to ibs history of oor great parly and la tbs tbs wags level ot other Isods. bring lbs atrocities to so sad. Ia justice of our causa ws pnasaat oar plet- Ws ars not pleJg ad to any partkoUr Torkey American rseideota bat a bssa M1 oor "watss UtbslaUas- euraaue iuii vue eiagiiua win ni 1 i. in in i i i .Aiiimiiin Kirnrnnn ' nvn m nn uuiuiiiuiaiinu oraiinn V VI VII Co scbednUs. Tbs fuestioo of rates Is a exposes! to ths gravest dangers and I victory lo Ibs Rpoblicas party aod practioat qorstloo to bs governed ly American property destroyed. Tbsrs p.,. ,b ppb of tbs United conditions of the tlnieaodof proJaollm. and sverywbers Amertrao cltia.os aod tttales. Tbe f oling aod anoompromiaiog prlnoi-1 Amerioao property mot bs absolotsly pis is tbs brotsotiua sed develoDOMnl ol orolroted at all basards aod at any eosl. DISEASE OF THE IKIX. - - i WHITE COLLAR LINE. IT ivnr n u n mm Steancri THLTIIONE, BAILEY GATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE Lesviog Alder Street LXk, Portland, for Astoria. Ilvaeo, Long Beach, Oan Park and Nabcolta. Lhr.ot eono.otion with Ilwacs eieamers and rail road; also at Touog'a Ray with 8eeebrc Railroad. Lmts Portland T A. M. Daily, i-p Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. . Iatly, eirept luadar. UAILiBY OATSKEIIT Leaves Portland I P. U. iHUf, eio.pt Snndaf. r-turder nlsht, II P. at, Utn Astoria Pally s at i A. M., etr.pt Sunday and Munder. ruindaf Blfbl.J P.M. OOHAN WAVE Lmth Portlaod snd runs dtrsvt ta tlwsro, Ttwotav and Thursdaya! a. M aatarrUy al I P. M. Leaveei ilaers WedttMdaf and Prtday lil WA. M. Oa inda nigMat p. M. hrpl tVltd It Riibd Ibikiiot Evlk Ealfi Free tf Tot SaMy,apM4. Comlnft, PlMsuro, Travel oa the Telephone, Bailey Oalaert and Ore Wars. I Aaa I, -J , t i ie ft 1 i r, t. , I -a. f . at $ TSwaarUevaleftMeiTWsiSS IS kllV'IsTtt $4 flMsff f9Mstas Ties' IliMOets tkel f retav feeatHy at Met alwere ssewl M sessreeV, TsaM tr44 uarM Ike tamAital HI of RIpawTabulcs 4 iar4 wti aay aeevlsealy sews btMtraiA ant .. t if TiWh PH, eewes s t lit n.(ie, M Shalt, .. ass-asa aaic t H.4 Aratrleaa labor snd IsduslrT. Tbs eoontrr demssds a rigbl settlement and tbea It wants rest, ta kKirawriri. Ws bsllevs tbs repeal ot Ibs Nctproei ly art at .meals a.gulialed by Ibs last IWpubltcao a.lmiataltatloa was a aslms al saUtnitT and s demand tbeir r.nw al a1 tension oa sorb terms as will qoaliseoor Irsds with other astPiss, rsoMtvs rvolflcltoos hkb aow obstruct lbs sals of Aiuerrcaa produeta la ports ol olhef sooolt i, anJ shears salarged arketsfor tbs prvdaeUol osr far s, forests as 4 ls4tor. PioiM'tios an J r prnty ars lis BMaasafeS ! lUpsbliraa poltry, a4 go band la k4.4. lWsjoetiis rals sas ratklesalr etntfk doa bma, asd blb aisat bs t eslabliabd; totelioa f f bal s prd a M t rs adwisoioa tut tbs aeteri4 of lifs wkaeb ws do sol pro s' a, rvrtpfwetl SgresstBwst at B)taa IsleftstS ablet) is rpe tsarkets la re- onaoa Docrama. Ths Intrnes lulling snd smanin inci- iVrnt to srss-ma, Wlter, sall-rl A ..-a f ll.a ,11. La Irla vs rsaassn ins aionros oosirtns ia ,,..-. ttswaUrUla'i it flla.t ..lant an.l wa raafTirm Ih I Uintmeul. M any Very Md rtgus ui so vaiw niiwe I ,(Tuirnt iUulnf pil arid B tarorlU rrrr dostrtos tSeH bt reeojisa- lo tbs as t.r ere Bipp tapP. , . . . , ., Main, fmt tiUA and hroiw snrs eym peaisoissy aw iosb eia or iricuat i aals try dmaaliets at twois per soa. lourveauoa ia saw oi turope., es-i - C.H Cs4IUi rswtVra, tVy Sroaobmeel. I sr. jial hat t hrrjiUK.a In tavloiliy 1 W. shall aotb. laftf.l a. J .ball - I .a. ea.la. ts- rsaa-A 4 IImmI 4rtl.Af(AlA I i . a m m.UAmm m v I " Vf V"" sv-w "wa a wa w B B) -w v re iw, w w ta w r a) ag sr'x.s mm loos of any Earopea power la Ibis PUT uuvvrs AS A HOSHR. beraU) bare, bat tboes foiM..ldiii i.m4m Apm J " 1 I.N,.. Wlivang llilrv went strroevd Botrmiy l '' J " ' tveot- ,1., mi oa tbs t ajar 1 Coming Wh Sal ithdrasal of r.ftao r,e .iurlarrl t r tbe rrUr ah.ps , . . it i . .. ., .1 frt fir tbs twnBI of oVatitots Osar- tm lbs b.l.,.U,S asd lK S,m VW lom.r, ial aaloa of all Eg!ta plir pans ol ! Adv.rtiarr lie read a tmratwr of bi II,. r, atir,.nl by fr cioa.t.1 of Its la- I-. 7 I - i . I A .uMkJ. hMamt SfelllA thai I rri'il VJ -v r.- -- kablUsts. ...Mua nf ia r sl-li4 tostlaa- n.a la tbs tmat row. The Lillrwintf ne.rli n.4 btea tbsra ana arasnini incv aa mm a as I 1 1 I gggg Its Un kliliile tL It Is swiually For tho Curo oa Liquor. Opium iii Tobacco Habits ll Is toraled st KaWat, Orefwa. Ths Husi DHtnttful Tom on (As CVmuI ! Cell al Ike O .irrte mmr lof sauttrqlare MrwtlyeaaMewuai. 1 raeiai.ai prl.sui a sure i ear. rt4i Bt.rTi), i lbs boar of sskievirg ihlr ews r... it. k.a r aaLl.... i. ... uu ram la tha anv-hing mom: . i i .s. , - , , , ' lasy. Artr. what was tialtkap s laj.jo.tw.f, U lople of tbs t'U4 .iBB, tM r-sd lbs verwr MlaUs kat MaardsvJ ailh aitsralbs lbs -Aw. that a W UoS iiJ-bs S iU jstragarUasI s4ker America p-pl. la JZZ V IV.tlK! I nra Imv Pnt pea saarkets Is eiU. trss tUt.le-i tmaa Csfntwaa aaiaa- tsMf4 ts wm a lurry bspai4aa rrnUio bsiUs djsstl kJoeUy U. U aah a Mb i-f aa4 abtdisg j U't a rHWr " a4 Irs 1, a4 tmt ata'k.t ,arl it tv.Mts bsill f it.. CtKt eVal aaf' ! Rt1f. sxw. f,f auraalu, tteprrity tinil ls sp . f- ( alfi .te e.tl rta.Sly as I e pWi r,l a fl'y H t ISat a rasa lis biaa . . ..a ..... . ... .. ... .Kama'.aI t kiwi 4V M a rwvn " jttaatrej asi aaos ae iten r ear . auu war ti , pM ( Pq 14 l.e tail -ftj It Is W V4 Us iarla. twsas si Ustt 4is.t4 ss fw j pwetvwi. OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS .TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers .it n great finnncial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a ar I matter of business c nnu t sell it. Thk pATTkkwiN PubtiamNG Co.