NOT A SICK DAY For Over Thirty Years! EZSTJLT OF USING AYER'SPILLS "Ayer's Cathartic Pills for over thirty years have kept me in good health never having had a sick day in all that time. Before I was twenty I suffered almost continually as a result of con stipation from dyspepsia, headaches, neuralgia, or boils and other eruptive diseases. When I became convinced m ," W . fi f pw that nine-ionihs of my troubles were caused by constipation, I began the use of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisfac tory results, never having a single attack that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wife, who had been an Invalid for years, also began to use Ayer's Pills, and her health was quickly .restored. With my children I had no ticed that nearly all their ailments were preceded by constipation, and I soon lind the pleasure of knowing that with children as with parents, Ayer's Pills, if taken in season, avert till danger ot sickuess." II. Wettstein, Bvron, 111. AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. 'Ayer'i Sarsaparilla Strengthens the System. i n r .- j . W ( , . mmmi iiiiiSi 5l67iS9IO!ll !2l3 14p5!6il7p Qambrinus Beer, w.HALF PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drinkable Liquors and Smokabla CI ars. Call on Tad. J. W. frauukk DeaU. Wednesday at 1:30 p. m , J. W. Crad diok passed from all Hardily tnlTdrin,?, at the resnU-tii'e of Lis son iu-law, Win, Gordon, of lleppner. Mr. Oraddii-k had ben beilf list for abont Iwo weeks, tbouKb had been ailing fur toruft time pint, lis had been troubled with rbiiiuiutism and pulmonary d; Men I lies fur year. Mr Oraddiok wa nearly 61 years old at tba time ot bis death. lie was an old aoldier an 1 a member ot tba O. A. H , no doubt laying tba (onodatinos of dUetsa while serving bis eouutry. lis lea?M to dauubter aod three sous to uioaro bit loa. One dnngbler, Mrs, Won. Gordon, real .11 at Lletpner, two sons in tbe Eitfbl Mils country, one daughter and oas t o near Mil too, Or, Tba remains wi re Interrnl in tbe Dardinao cemetery yesterday. TkUrrh raat be ar4 with local applications, as they e an Dot fesob the aeat uf the disease. Catarrh it a blond or eotittUnlional disease, aod io ordrr to core it jou must ttka internal rstnpJies. Uall't Cstarrb Curs is taken lolroally, an J arts dtrcotly on tba blood sod moooos snrfanee. Halt'a Catarrh Cora it not quack medicine. It was presorlbed by i of the tiest pbrticiant io Ibis eountry (r )rars, and Is a ranlr prescrltlon. It is eimtsdiif the beet too Id knnan, Combiord with lb beet blood pariflora, so'ing dirertly oo tbe m noons swfacea. The pntrri rombloa lion of the twu Ing-re.lietiU la wbst pro dnrwesarb wonUtial malts Id rariaf eelsrrb. Had lor llirnmiU, tt. t. i. Cumit k lo, i'rora , Tnlcdl, Ohio. K dJ by dfagijuis, prira 7i tvtita. It Mlea Al. (lllllll. eottntj's drfaotl log slit. IT. U rrport'd to bata taken paMtue fur lIrii.-. Its brdmo foqo.J Ibst bit tnn ,fci;efly ta plaeed la bU ifVa asm, an I I t fans ia tbsname of Lie ton. (' wfe sot eat tt Ll arrrat, bm It is pMisbte ts will Dot bs entwM, IU Iwl ao oa teair at Atlri4, (.-raqtmbly n roatst wHta Vrwt -Km'u t. M MiMfMw hf I mlisii., Cieita ia, Iif f!l w in? hi,.l'.i,'s im m i a t"i' fa, t;ttt'.a t y ttrl, tM ti'fd, t.o Mi fare. P IM ' n 1, I '! " f1 rr !.. '.: t , tl If ( W ! k.t. tKf t "Ml ' M IM W lk U a llf ! ! .! . ! Ail4 ea'f at ihm WH.t.f f !.. I ttb I ii I U1' tl f ' I ' t ( ! ''t. t kbttxh a I. trie frjr. mm Hefeand There. Ed. Doberty was in from Alpine yester day. Ben Purker came in Tnesday from the mill, Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., bas wood 37-tf. for sale. Andrew Rood dropped in Tuesday from Hardman. Waldroo Rbea left last nurht for Port land on business. Jag. McCarty wag over from Butter creek this week. Frank Vaughn was over from Eiebt Mile Wednesday. Dun Morrow oams in Wednesday with Lo dr Creek wool. Mrs. 'Gene Freeland has returned from her lone visit. L. Blnraentbal returned from Portland Wednesday morning. Buy your tents and campins outfits ot P. C. Thompson Oo. 2t. D. C. Cohoe and wife oame in Tues day from Moaumeut. John Huees bas been on the siok list for several days past. Assespor eleot Petteys is up from bis ranch Dear lone today. 8. J. Dodson, a Portland attornev. was here Wednesday on business. Genuine New Orleans Molasses for sale by P. C. Thompson Co. 2t. J. H. Piper was up from his raooh in tbe lower part of Morrow Wednesday. Drink the oelebrated J. H. Cutter whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'. La Grande Marble Works. Lb Grande Ore. 8. 0. Hmith, salesman, HeDpner. Born To the wife of Austin Yoakum, on Kaea creek, Monday, July 20tb, a boy. T. A. Spray bas opened tjd a butoher shop next door to Unas. Jones' barbtr shop. Sam Meadows bas reduoed tire-set tine to S3 per set, and horse shoeing to S3 per span. T. R. Lyons is over iD Grant oounty on business. He will bo baok about tbe 27th inst. Jas. McCumber and Jake Wattenberg er are back from tbe shearing oorrals of Montaua, Clay Lnce oame io from John Day Wednesday with wool and will take oat merchandise. Homer Harrington leaves today for Portland and will take in the seaside be fore returning. Large t assortment of tens in Heppner, ana at lowest prices. At r. (J. iboinp son Company's. 2t. D. 0. Downer is patting on tbt finish' log to no ties iu paint on E. J. dlncum'a residenoe, id tbe lower end of town. Harry Myers returned Tnesday from bis father's ranob, near Blalock. Crops are seriously injured in that section. ratronize Dome industry by using Olymplo Drips; the Quest table sprup. cor Bale oy 1'. u Thompson Uo. 2t. For first class meat end low prices, T a. spray respectiuiiy asks tbal be may be oooBidered by the Ueppner people Tbe Oregon Press Association meets at Astoria, August 18th, lUth and 20tb, (ne tame time of the regatta meeting. Judge E. Depeatt committed snicido by shooting himself, np at Athena yes terday, Ue was a well known lawyer, Tba derailment of tbe engine of tbe west bound train Wednesday dela)ed tbe up train on tbe branob several hoars, 10m 1nrie bas receives some tampiea olbii pa'ent buckle It looks Ilka it would to be all that it claimnd for It. f. A. Spray bas ftpened np a meat market, neil door to Chas. Jones' barber ihup, and desires tbeatrooagaot Hepp ner people. Mr. Jesse Pollard, of Hois, stopped over on bis way boms from 'Frison, and is the gnest of bis brotherinlaw, lioo. J. A. Brown. T.-M.: F. W.Silvertooth left last oigbt (or Itnesland, U. O., where ba will engsge in busiue, having leased a large hottl at that (.lace. Miif Minnie Myers baa last arrived and it prepared to do fashionable dress making at reatonable prioet. Parlor 20, i'aluca hotel. If. Ben Hwaggart will leavs with bit family tor the tnouutuioa Dell week to harvest a part of tba f icelleot orop of tincklvbsrriet. ItKiilar services will ba flood oeted io tba M. K. cburob, 8'iuth, nundny omI, Joly I'd Hi. Io Ilia evening a praise ter vtct will ba bald. T.-M.: Walter tod Charlie VaoDnyo. acocimpanipd by their cioio Frank, of Portland, have biad away to White Hal moo fr mooth's outiag. Ctismbortkia's Congb lUeaedr eurtt rnidt. ornup aod whooping oongh. It it (li-Maot, ff and reliable. For tals by Uooser A Brock, dragglft. O. D. Ilatt. tba tonaorlal arti.t, oas ba found at bis parlors, Matlock corner, wbert b will diapenat at popalar price, t bares, sbampooa, bsiroata. ate. If tba bair ia falling ont aod taming gray, tbt g'aodt if tba km need tlimo lating audrtiliir food, aod tba bl rtm a ly and ttlmolaol Is Hall's Uair Ileotw r. Any mvtotor ia EaaUrn Orrgoa wbo dwiro the sorvirvs ot to attorney ia Washington, I). O , will And it to bit t Irani to call oa or sddrtwa tbit pa '. 6lf F. 1, nl.k anj faintly, 8.8. Horner and lily, Ha. Mnir and family, Fiaok (Jillmto and family aod Min Magfla llonv.f Ml yatordty f..r Uitob Uark, to rruida Safcral warkt. Mim liarlmU and Master llalpb ltihip rluriid fmra lVodlla Ibis ttuirniof, wbvrw tby bav aojiyad a anonlh't ltl. Tlv wr rAnmtanld boms bv ! Rrla lln, of lftdliba M. M. I;ir ia bent fr littg Crak Sod will aaawt la Ukipg out YA. Wood- tu t u9 liilr f.if tbt I-ng Cmk saw tnsil, This aatil formerly tloog to J. J. I'iIiik. row a rtidat f Call tore la. Ai .1; T;!IJ l.fl Ibt bay 6V.d long i0(lt lb f1rt of the w In lltpnr nm bstinMa. II ahft are d..lg in rri'iniiUi arlh ! I f M -I il Frtl,llf4 lllig fr. Iul tint . Mr I'waanyar, ff rVttbi1, ba so l iU tuliiialtig pitMa.'l; t'uliea fv,n,fi. nit" H. Il It T M. Illrlii,' tn, Nv l-in ft -ifn. iB,M "ii" - K U. Iit,a, 1'aal Wswfiog tr, J'l.a M id lag. ftmUy !! wl-a "old lm.f tn i!. t-r-r; m, h ajuta I .' t -a llt (. bt tiffbiffj O'm a UH ' s''t. Mio-f tta'ttl" I'll ) li.a lj t.l (Urk) a ill aii'x ' a t s.1 aa la tua. Ole Johnson, wbo is at present work ing for O. E. Farnsworth on the Rhea oreek farm, met with what might have been a fatal aocident on last Thursday. While working with the hay fork, tbe boge oable broke, letting tbe beam fall. striking Mr. Johnson on the leg below the knee. Dr. McFanl was summoned to dress tbe wonnded member, and left the patient resting somewhat easier. Tbe Lone Rock E. ot P. kindlv donat ed $20 towards helping Jack Andrews in bis misfurtuuo, while Heppner people followed with about $33 more. Oar K. of P. could help Jaok a few dollars more and never miss it. He will do doubt appreciate assistance in getting bis fami ly onoe more in a position to eojoy tbe comforts of borne. Lost Saturday morning, July 18th. on road between Rhea creek bridge and Heopner, a pocket book containing over $20 in oheoks and bills and also land filing papers. Finder will receive a re ward of 85 by returning same to this offioe or to the owner, James W. More- laud, at Hardman, Oregon. 9 12. 'Have tried others, but like Ayer's best" is tbe statement made over and over again by thooa who testify to the benefit derived from tbe use of Aver s Sarsaparilla. Disease never had ft great er enemy than this powerful blood puri- nsr. xt makes tbe weak stiong. Without being authorized, the oame of (J. R. Howard was signed to the base ball challenge published in Tuesday's Gazatte. As be oan not participate iu tbe game, Mr. Howard requests that bis name be withdrawn. Juok Mills ops been chosen iu bis stead. W. P. Scrivnsr is "prepared to do all kinds ot blaoksmithiog, horseshoeing. machine repairing, wagon work, in fact anything in bis lioeat reasonable obargea and satisfaction guaranteed. Will put in spokes for 30 cents each, and other wag on-work in proportion. 46 tf For 822.50 I will sell a first class, high grade, high arm sewing machine guaran teed for 10 years, f or further particu lars oall on or address, N. A. beach, Lexington, Oregon. 88-tf . For your Protection. Catarrh "Cures" or Tonics for Catarrh in liquid form to be taken internally, usually contain either Mercury or Iodide of Potassa, or both, which ore injur ious if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not a blood disease, caused by sudden change to cold or damp weather. It starts in the nasal passages, affecting eyes, ears and throat. Cold in the head causes excessive flow ot mucus, and, if repeatedly neglected, the re sults of catarrh will follow j severe pain in the head, a roaring sound in the ears, bad breath, and oftentimes an offensive dis charge. The remedy should be quick to allay inflammation and heal the membrane. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged curs tor these troubles and contains no mercury nor any injurious drag. Price, 60 cents. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow County, The Northern Counties Investment Trust, Lim ited, a Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Cecelia Taylor, 8. 8. King, N. B. McBee and J. C. Thomson, Defendants. To Cecelia Taylor, 8. 8. King and N. B. McBee, three of the above named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the first day of the next regular term of tbe above entitled court, viz: ' The 7th Day of September, 1896, and you will take notice that if you fall to answer or otherwise appear In said court on or before the said 7th day of September, 1896, the plaintiff above named, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled court for the relief pruyed for In the complaint filed in this suit, to-wit: For personal decree against the defen dant, Cecelia Taylor, for the sum of 1773.46 with Interest thereon at the rate of g per cent, per annum from the 20th day of June, 1M96, and the costs and disbursements of said suit; that the court shall decree that the mortgage executed by the said Cecelia Taylor to the Lombard In. vestment Company, dated the 8th day of Novem ber, IhMH, upon ilia following described real properly In Morrow County, Oregon, to wit: The South half of Northeast quarter and North east quarter of Northeast quarter (except ten acres In a square form fn Northeaat corner thereof) and Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter of Section Ten, In Township One North, of Range Twenty-five East, ot the Willamette meridian, which said mortgave was recorded on the 15th dav of November, 18mh, In Book "l," on pages II, 12, IS and 14, of the Records of mortgages In the office of the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, shall be foreclosed, and the said real property sold and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment to plaintiff of the above named sums of money; that all of the defendants, and all persons claim ing through or under them, or any of them, hall Imi forever barred ami foreclosed of all right, tills, estate, Interest and hen at law and In equity, and all equity nl redemption, In and lo, and upon every part of said real property. This Summons la published pursuant loan order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made alchatnbera, I'endle- on, i manna county, Oregon, on the 2lihday ot July. nr.. r. i.i.i N ft LYONS, Attorneys lor Plaintiff. SUMMONS. I THE CIRCriT COfRT OF TUB STATE of Oregon for the County of Morrow, Lilly M. or nor, Plaintiff, vs. Silas R. Hornor, Ifrfondant. To Ktlaa R. Hornor, Lvlrndaiit. In the name of the Mat of Oregon, you are hereby required lo appear and answer the roin plaint filed agaluai you In the ebov rulllled rauaa on or llorti the ft rat day of tha nest regular term of tha above nulled court, U-,t; Taa Tta aiy of Saptamaar, ISa, snd If yon fall an to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tha court lor lb relief demanded In her complaint, to wit: Thadluo lutlon ol marrlaaa runlrart belwevn plaintiff and defendant, for the rusbtdy of all tba minor children of plalnlllt and defendant, and cost of this anlL This Kiimmnni la aerved by publication pur suant lo an order of ni,hn A. Low ell, Jodie of the above entitled court, made on th I'.thdat of July, l"A. J. N. HKOWS. a. Attorney lot i'lalullff. SUMMONS. IU THK nru TIT rot HT ot or(in fr Mormw i o fr Tin TTt omiir, r. r. kliili,(r, plaintiff, vs r C. ttelnlntar, tVefen.laiil To C. C. Helnitiser, l-l-ii.laol. In the Bama itf th ! of Oreffnn. von am treby required Ia appear and answer lha emit, plaint tied aaalnat ) tl In lha ahota anil ll court and suit, an of tvfota lha (rat day of U, Mat rulaf lo'm thereof, lo all Taa Tta Day at ftaplshar, ia4, atol If ton fall an tn anr. for want tharenf ll,a tlalntllt will lake a decree 4laa.,lvl the merriare hands now eilatinf between you and bialniitf and for plaintiff s rests and dihir it, em. uf this s-ili and l"r aura other relief aa Ui the eo'irt ttiey aeem )net, this autamona la putmahed hf order nf Hon. t.h. a Judge nf lha airi Judl, tat lo.irtrt M the Stale ol Oten, dale-l July .ml, TX Attorney for pulnUrT. NOTICE OF INTENTION. i Ait. own t tmk rui i.m nnr..rt 14 July ft. w Motlre I heret.y len Ihel tt.e foiujelf.f mH eeili.r has aed not!-, ot bet Int.titioe, Wi make proof In auitfct nf her Helm, and ti.el eeH proof win be te4e heffw ft t. freetend, t". a I craitMle.ti.toer, Heppnef, frteeon, ee eptemlr M, law, yir rTHIRIR IxiliraTT. r siT, lot tbe t W , Ta 1 1, R fjl a,. . m he Mej tha r.ltoinf alia sin tn pro her e....(i,i., reiteuc po aoi rutiit.u, rrf aald lend lr John feerwit,. wn fJUrtnn. Frer (tentrt and a R. I'u ran. all of Her-tmer trreecx Jan. f '.k "Tt K.i.i. r. Nurif B Of lnnl.lT OH vmi' i t nrarar nvii that tin 1 (,. as arren. eeied M Oe., .lH.d H . 4ni, rencral' ! rg b-Minee la lb etiy Cv4 tt poe. haalhl) af I ee d..ied Im W . .. ! g 4 a I p-e I ol h is teee m N g wheel I ti,.... I....nee ...t:.t ..l c., ar.d ft ' ii.l' I'aa 4 il. ' i.l i SIM, M n r i that- H.irPwer, Oecj-n, tni a-fth al J l, t-4 m SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCriT COCKT OF THE STATE of OreRon for Morrow County. Minnie Smith, Plaintiff, vt. Gilbert Smith, Defendant To Gilbert Smith, Defends it In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear snd answer the com plaint filed againtit you in the sbove entitled cause on or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: The 7th day of September, 1896, and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In her complaint, to-wit: For the dissolution of the marriage contract existing between plaintiff and deiendant, for the care and cuslody of the minor child of plaintiff and defendan'. and costs of this suit. This Summons is served by publication pur suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made on the 14th day of July, 1896. J. N. BKOWN, 58-71. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow County. Eliza R. Owens, Plaintiff, v. Frank H. Ben pre, Mary J. Benge, his wife, Lewis J. Sehewrlch and Schewrich, hia wife, De fendants. To Frank H. Benge and Mary J. Benge, two of the defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 7th day of September, 18; and you will take notice that if you fail to answer or otherwise appear in said suit on or before said 7th day of September, lH'.lft, the plain tiff above named, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in the complnint filed in thiB suit, to-wit: For personal decree against the defendants Frank H. Benge and Mary J. Benge, his wife, for the snm of $631.26 with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from January 1st, 18114, and the sum of t'iO.00 attorney's fees, and the costs and disbursements of said suit; that the court shall decree that the mortgage executed by the said Frank H. Benge and his wife to the Lombard Investment Company, dated the 19th day of December, 1888, upon the following described real property in Morrow county, Oregon, to wit: the north-west quarter of section No. 32, In township No. 2 south, and range No. 25 Kst of the Willamette meridian, which said mortgage was recorded on the 20th day of December, 1888: at page 64 of Book "D" of the Records of Mortgages in the office of the County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, shall be foreclosed, and the sld real property sold, and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment to plaintiff of the above named sums of money; that all of the defendant, and all persons claiming and to claim by, through or under thcin, or any of them, shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title, eBtate, interest and lien, at law and in equity, and especially of all equity of redemption, In, to and upon every part of said real property ; and that plaintiff shall have general relief. This 8'immons is published pursuant to order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made at Chambers, Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, on the 13th dav of July, 18. FEE, CARTER, HAILEY & AUSTIN, 457-70. Plaintiff's Attorneys. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon for Morrow County. Julia A. Farrel, Plaintiff, vs. Samuel I. (Jerking, Martha A. Gerklng. James R. Nun- ainakerand MariaE. Nun- ainaker, Defendant. To Samuel I. Gerklng and Martha A. Gerking, two of the above-named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint niea against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 7th day of September, 1896; and you will take notice that if you fall to answer or otherwise appear in said suit on or before the said 7th day of September, 1896, the plaintiff above named, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for In tbe complaint filed in this suit, to-wit: For personal decree against the defend ants Samuel I. (Jerking and Martha A. Gerklng ior me sum ni n.i.ou witn interest tnerenn at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from April 1st. 1894, and the sum of 150.0,1 attorney's fees, and the costs and disbursements of said suit; that the court shall decree that the mortgage execut- eunysam amuei 1. Herklng and Martha A. uermng to ttai uimnard investment Company, dated the 22d day of March, 1889, upon the fol lowing described real property In Morrow county, Oregon, to-wlt: the south half of the north-east quarter, the south J5 acres of the north-west quarter of the north-east quarter, of section No. 22, In township No. 8 south, and range No. 24 East of Willamette meridian: and also the west half of the north-west quarter of section No. 13, and the north half of the north east quarter ot section No. 14. In township No. 6 mmm aim range o. m r.astoi uiamettc merid ian; which mortgage Is now owned by plaintiff; which said mnn gage was recorded outhe 2iith day of March. 1sj9. at page 134 of Hook "l" of the Records of Mortgages In the office of the county uiers 01 Morrow county, Oregon, shall he foreclosed, and the snld real nroocrtv ,,M and the proceeds of such sale tn be applied to the payment to plaintiff of the above named sums of money; that all of the defendants, and all peranns claiming and to claim by, through or under them, or any of them, shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate, Interest and lien, at law and Iu equity, ami esMcially of all equity of redemption, In, to and upon every part of said real pnerty; and that plaintiff shall have general relief. I Ills Summons is m iihlthed pursuant to order of Hun. Kteiihen A. Lowell. Jndire of Hie shove entitled eimrt iu.iIm . 'li.ilu.p. P.....1 Umatilla county. Oreiron 011 tha l:nh ,! of July, iwrt. rr.K, CAKTEK, IIAII.EY AI'STIN. VtllO. Plaintiff s Attorneys. SUMMONS. N THK CIRf'f'IT COI'KT OF TIIK STATE L of Oregon for Morrow ouiitjr. Clara A. 1'obb, rialiillff, vs. Morris I). ln, l.lnnla Unie.hlanlfe, K. O Hue k num. helle K. Hursuiiiu, his wife, C. K. Unifies, U Hiivhea. her hunliand, II. J. Faust, llanlel II Hrnnn and Hrown, hla wife. Defendanla. Io l.lliule 1,011 and I.. Una-he, two nl Hie alHive natiml rtefendaiila. In the name of the Hlale nf Oreiron. Ton are hereby minimi in e,far and answer the mm. plaint filed aaalnat yon In Ilia tlcnt entliled tilt on or before Hit 7lh day ol rViuemlier l-cei; and yon will Use nolle that If you fall lo newer or other elae a'-ar In aahl suit on or iieiore me aam m nay nl arleinl-r, fet. Hie plaintiff ahoy name,. for want thereat, will apply to the above milled rourt tor Ihe n lh-f C rayed for In the roi,Lliil fld n I hla cull, r-wll: for peraoiial decree aealnal lha defend ant IJuiila Unit, '. A, Hucli- and U Huabea for Ihe sum of ', I , wllh Inlereet ibereon al Ihe rale of a per rent, per annum from Mareh l.t. I" I.I ., HI, like Iniereet Ibereon I mm March let, I -ail. and Ihe mm ol lo 10 aiiorney a le . and lb eoala and dlsburaemenia of aeld suit. Dial tlie court shall decre that I lie rnort- fae ieeiitr. by the aaid Morris l. in and .limle yui in Ibe UmiliaM Inreatmenl In, (any. date.) the I lib day ol February, led, iii-.n Ihe Inline lae drvrihed real prorty In Mor row roomy,, hi ell the ee.l hall nf the eniilh a net Quarter, and Ihe weal hall ol the ooih ra.1 quarter of aer ilon hn J. In lownahip no. 1 in 11 1 11 ani rente ho. reel ol lha ail amelle mertdlan. ehlrh eald aionraae was rerirded nn Ihe l(h day of Nerrh. mi, al pere f.. Hoik "It" of lha IWorda rrf Motlasa In Ibe office ol Ibe Too lily I In Sol Morrow cmnlv tire ,m. shall h lorec-hne.1, and Ihe eald reel t 11, 1 vri y a,, id. and Ibe pr, ol am h eale to applied In th pyn.lit to plellillffrrf Ihe aie named au ma nl moneys that all ol the drfeiidaiit and all pereona rlalmlnf and In claim ly. tlimnyh of nnder Ibeni or anyirf them, ehell tie lorecet leirred ld forerU-) ol il rUhl, line, eauie, mtcrret and lln, al law end lneiiilty, and eeiaiaisy ot all equity of reemptinn. In. tn and n- eery rt ol eald teal prorty, and that plaintiff aball hae.n erel rrllel V l,a auin irons U bubll.hed pitreuanl tn order erf linn Mepbea A lie.H. J..le of Ihe entliled cwurt. male al 1 bamira. l i,.liou, I maiiila rciunly, lire ,n. an th lh dafnt iuly. Ia r It. CARTER, lUfi rr At Ti. ?u I'ialnUfl Altnrneya. SUMMONS, IU THE riRCI If tol NT OF THE ITATE nl i in-. o ihe i nvnty al Morrow, F. i.riiia, I leiuiiit, a f a fed. Ilelecidarit. Tot a ,Mft,H, -l.r..1.n In Ihe nate nl lr,e etaie arl frregioi, fow are hereby reouire.1 In eppewr an-t .eer tr,e row, plain! tied aaiio yo le Ihe a',. eoiiiied i iiw on of tfnce Ihe grca day ol Ibe neyf I iar term nf I lie rn'Ml-! c.r-nt. to ell Taa ?ia r aegiemier, lata, j nd If yon fall en tn raer In want thee, ol I plaintiff 111 appiv to tbe fmrt U4 tl.e I den.eo.ted In her e.ot..eiol. In wit 1 fee 4i nlutlonof tbe Wiircie ecitect etieitcg t I. m,. plaintiff and 4iecdet, m-4 Iu cieu ' II, ai ill, , lint Nncvrti I aerved by F'ibit.ei,,e b'.r ' nt tn n WC'teV o ee, ben A I ,1 t ',' r ; '4 lb . ilie twurt, meyte r. l e . u 4af I Jiy, J RN'.W , ri, A'b-c'iey loy I .ait.ti T AH p n.41 .f t ,1,, c, t tec d'l m a i e il O.I . I . I ' I I .,!, HIlMll .i H ei.i to I Ittmm. SHERIFF'S SALE. OTICB 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER .4.1 and by virtue of an execution issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, on June 16, 1896, and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and entered In Justice court for the Sixth district in said county on the loth day of June. 18H6, In favor of M. D. Hayman, plaintiff, and against E. Campbell, defendant, for the sum of Forty-two and 40-100 Dollars and Ten and 30-100 Dollars costs, and a transcript of said judgment was filed with the county clerk of tbe county of Morrow, State of Oregon, on June 16, 18U6; and, whereas, 1 have levied upon the fol lowing described real property, to-wit: The south-west quarter of section two, in township one, north, range twenty-five east. W. M., be sold to satisfy said judgment, cost and accru ing costs. I will, on Saturday, the 15th day of August, 1896, at 2 o'clock P. M., of said day, at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of said E.Campbell iu and to the above described prop erty at Public Auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be ap plied to the satisfaction of said execution, at torney's fee and all costs, and costs that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated July 6, 1896. 456-67. - SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. Ralph L. Benge, Plaintiff, vs. Katie D. Benge, Defendant. To Katie D. Benge, efemiant: I:i the name of the State of Oregon, you ere hereby required to appear and answer the com plnint filed against you in the above entitled sulton or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wlt: . Monday, September 7th, 1896, and if you fail to answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for a decree dissolving the marriage bonds now existing between you and himself, and a judgment against you for the costs and disbursements of this Buit. This summons Is published by order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the circuit court of Oregon, for the 6th judicial district, dated July 2nd, 1896. E. P. SINE, 456 68. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice of Intention. Land Office at La Gsandb, Orroon. June soth, 1896. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has tiled notice of hiB intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk, of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on August 8th, 1896, viz: ROBERT D. W ATKINS, Hd. entry No. 4640, for the NWli See 20, Tp 4 8, R 28 E W M. ' He names the following witnesses tonrove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land, viz : Luther Hamilton, Andrew McKenzle, Freder- tck Thomas, Robert Dexter, of Heppner. Or. 454-65. a. f. niLauJN, Register. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, J June 30, 1896. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made oeiore tne county ciera oi Morrow county at Heppner, Oregon, on August 8, 1896, vU: JOHN CLARK, Hd. entry NO' 7281. for the E BEM Bee 19, NE NE Sec 30, 8VV J 8WJ-4 Sec 20, Tp 8 B, R 28 E, w in. He names the following witnesses tn nrnva his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: L. A. Florence, John Bceler. Thomas McCnl- longh, Norman A. Keller, of Heppner, Oregon, n. r. niLaun, Register. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREG J June 21, 1896. Notice is hereby given REQON veil that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at iieppuer, uregon, on august i, inuu, via: FREDERICK R. THOMAS, Hd. entry No. 7317, for the SEU 8W Sec 19, TM N WJi and SWJi NEJi Sec 30, Tp 4 8, tt 28 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vis; E. C. Watkins, Roliert Watklns, A. 8. Burch, A. J. McKeuiUe, all of Heppner, Oregon. B. K. WILSON, town. Register. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THK DAU.E8 OREdON, Ij June 'J4, IH'.rn Notice Is hereby Klven that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make filial prool In support of lila claim, and that said proof will b made befote J. W. Morrow, eoiinly clurs, at iieppner, OrvKoii, ou August H, Im.x;, vis; AMI A U. llAinilOl.OMF. .V, Hd. r.. No, fiNOT. forth K'j H, RWU NWU and N V1 HW'. H ,Vi, Tp il S, K W K. He nanus the following witnesses to prnv his eonlluuoiiii n slileiice uhi and cultivation of. said land, vli: I. I, Venn Inkle, nf llenner, Oregon, T. D Mathews, W. H. Flnlcy, Arthur Andrews, of dnlloM ay, Oreeou. JAR. P. M'MIRK, '., l lU glslur. Notice of Intention. J AND OFFICE AT I.AORASHE, IlKEOOH, 4 June IMat. Nolle Is herebv given thai th following naind aetllrr has A led nollcaof hi Intention In make final proof In aiipKirl ot hla claim, and that eald pnaif will he mad before h. I, Freeland. t'nniiulaaloner ol th I'. H Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, nn July eon,, tic Kl.tHIIA C. WATKINrl, Hd E No. i,ju lor th NWI, Hee. II Tp. 4 R. R a K. W. M. II name Hie Inllnwlng wllneaae In pmv nia coiiiinunua mineiic umn ami 1 ultlvallon of aald land, vis: lieorge aierry, Itnhert Icesler, Jack MrKsn- lie aiol iiaviij a. Ilarrnn, all of Heppner, or, II. F. Ml IX IN. Hrg'sler, Notice Of Intention. l.nauOrriig at Tag Iiu s. Oasoon, June ath. Ire NOTHE l HRRFRV IVF.M THAT THE followlnc-named settler ha filed nolle of his Intention p make final proof In uprt of hla claim, and Ibal aald pneif will be mad hetnre I oulily I lelk ol Morrow Comily, Oregon, l nrppner, iiregon, nn eiiiy ia, 1 eel, tu ; JAMF4 W. MoMFI aNn. Hd E Nn. 1, lor Ihe aw w, Hen. It, and K' ar..h. i.lp 4 a , H K II heme lb following wllneeae tn pons hlecniitiniioiie reel, I.Ik upon alel cullltallun id aeld land, via Arthur eleven.. I'm la Hban.r Dam Adam, nenry ni iiaraman. nren JA r, M'HiKE. 14 M Reg later. Notice of Intention. l.i SB Orrn a AT I. (isal,s, Oaaoo J u irti ynh lee oTn r i ii frf ay nut mi lol lowing name.! eHlet bea fllen hollreuf hla loterillon t i mebe Hnal poeil In tipport ol I, ! ri.loi. aii'l thai ael l (.!-.( will t4 ane-le le fore r. I, rreeiaod, rcmmlMlon.r I a Ircull our! al llc ,o..r, Ore(..n, on Auguet l.oh, lJ, via; TII'iM Af til I ril l K "t. IM entry No Met, ..r the Nu r att h n l N n. ip i . a w r, M He Heme II, ..ilnwng wlliueer In prnv r i. coniiiiii,..,. reel ienc upon i., ruillcaUoa ol. eail lann, vn A c..i..l., I moetl, r.l Mik Reney il-! icw ' oeo, e ' I oc f.'Oec iire.n, 4 ck R. F, Wlleil, ht,.lcr. Notice of Intention. I AMI IIFFtl If AT tHK l' I I Fa 14 J I K .'l.e n.cel.t (lie I i.l tl.e lollonlng ned eelll.r te !e4 I' nt lef ,le,l.,n tc cceSe aal 4'eW In ti tct .4 a.c c .liin. i.i aeld .o I n il I le K . f rvw :a4 I t crtee.le.loo. t, al ll'ti" I ne.. -f. urn Aug llifc, lee , it atNt4 A t-'it- it I tr . It ic Ale.atxUt IM kie. leeed, It -I i ,l, lc the u a-e, ti, T I " , H t. . M c.e hh f..n..g iii.,. I., p.,,. tici rf.i,iini,ii.i feeetenc . -n o-l c u i 1 1 a i loe fcf. aaM lecl. .1. A I M- c4 l. 1 1 (r , Frank Ic.-ile HOO II AST f it. s ttvn rr,r-ji nt t i rivii l l.e e . ol th I I , . el I e I i- ;... i i - c i r t i . . i, 14 ,1 II ,.-l e -.-I In naf l Li t l .! e ii. a p i,. , ,,i . I I,. I , I k.- , I a t ' ' tm ' ' " a klslM dial , I "n 'if Jt4f , a. The highest tobaccos is "Just as good as Durham." Every old smoker knows there is as good dad! SsiMatin You will find one eacn two ounce r LWL V pons insiae eacn lour ounce bag of Blackwcll's Durham. Buy a bng of this cele brated tobacco and read the coupon which eives a list of valuable presents and how to get HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THBHU'S n hi I seen a unan ED. 11. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the Wholesale Shifer REGARDLESS OF COST. All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, capB, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment Call and see the stock before it is too late. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. ED. The National Bank Gilliam & Bisbee We are not small men, lbs. We are small men, Xs. we are not Largest in tie world . But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of . Hardware, Tinware, Crorkeryware, Olasswaro, Wood and Willow ware, Nalli, Iron, Barbwire, Cumberland Coal, Oass and Water ripe, Pipe Fittings, Htovea and Ranges, Wagons, Harks, Bugglet, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammer, Baws, Bledgcs, Wedgea, Onus, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran iteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Botllers and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Trices. We havt Good Goods at Fia Prices, and Cheap lohu QooU at Chep John Prices. G-IL3L.IA.M & 13IS133i:ii;, MAIN 8TKEET - THE PALACE J. 0. 130ROI Keeps the Finest Wines, Licjuors .and Cigars. T. R. HOWARD Dr-iALrt IN Groceries, Gents' Stockmens And Wants Ho will malto it an olort for you to trade with bim m Lift pricci are right, and all good that lie lianJIfR are of the very tVht. Stok Main City E ON TO Iloppnor, Rurreeaor lo T. B. Van Ilnyn. Rett dr In I lly Hotel, Hns everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinwurc. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty, II u WIT 1 1 , BjaaraM.neejsle.aJ Youro HOUND to Tnko MOm. Lcnvi-j No Conlipaliont-. -,..V, I n M, l a all l i ,.,, Ho a lie 1 .,', i, vri'Kf ni a t.i I tn in atioii. ei.ii i. , ... ,, vl ji ia, i'i r U i claim for other none just as acco coupon inside Dag, and two cou' tlietn. gi 0- stock is being disposed of at R. BISHOP, Prop. Building, Heppner, Ore. I1EPPNKU. OREGON HOTEL BAU, - I35 IIS, Pi-op. FuRNisinNr, Goods, Suitlies, Etc., Your Trade! Street, Next Drug Store, D OOR Oregon. : man tweiOs Husfa ill toil! rices I BIFB PILLS I Ma ' . f t a- .1 I i.i..iiM MiMi ai, a. Has IMfi0, 1 VI. ' r 4