Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 24, 1896, Image 2

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For President,
william Mckinley,
01 Ohio.
For Vice President,
01 New Jersey.
For Presidential Electors,
T. T. GEER, ol Marion County,
. 8. M. YORAN, ol Lane,
E. L. SMITH, of Wasco,
J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah.
Gen. Geo. W. Jones, one of
Iowa's first U. S. senators, died at
Dubuque Wednesday.
Coavratloa News. 1
Tbe populist national convention
met at St Louis last Wednesday,
with Senator Butler, of North
Carolina, as temporary chairman.
Little business was done outside
the appointment of the various
committees. The convention seems
to be in the hands of the Bryan
men, but if he is endorsed a for
midable bolt will occur. Late re
ports indicate that Bryan may be
endorsed, but it is sure that a pop
ulist vice president will be nomi
nated. There is a great lack of
harmony and in any event a large
faction will be displeased.
"Yesterday it was wired that Sen.
Allen, of Neb., was chosen perma-
The Gazette is in receiot of the Pent chairman and that the com-
annual catalogue of the Weston miuee on piauorm eieciea uen. .
school. Eastern Oregon is proud R Weaver as chairman of that
of her college-the only state in- coamittee.
stitationof the kind east of the Au endorsement of Bryan under
the circumstances is not what it
was conceded to be several weeks
This iB how McKinloy feels to- ago.
Ward the American people, accord- Great Oak From Little Acorns Grown,
ing to an eloquent supporter: la a line from tbe trite old verse we used
"The elorv of this countrv and the to rcoite in our soboolboy days. It has
I a i
welfare of its people are the touch
The Burns Times is now the
property of Byrd Bros., of the
Herald, of that place. Succees to
Crude Petroleum la the Orchards
of Los Angeles.
a foroible application to tboae email ail
ments which we are apt to disregard un
til they reaob formidable proportions. A
fit of indigestion, a "slight" attack of
ooDBtipation, it is assumed, will soon
pass off, bat is very apt to get worse,
stone of his principles and his con
duct." In A speech delivered at Atlan
tic, Iowa, on August 28, 1894, Mr. and in the meantime is negleoted until
Bryan said: "I do not believe in -Umeni Wines ohronic, and then,
. . , rr e .., ., i( not entirely eradicated, is a oonstant
stopping tariff reform until the ,
"v t annoyance and menaoe of worse oonse-
the last vestige of protection IS qaenoes, for diseases, recollect, beget
eradicated from legislation." Re- 0D pother. H mn w,1B"r, 10 re:
b sort to a course of Hostetter's Htomach
member this. Bitters at tbe outset of tbe malady than
to temporize with it at tbe start. Be on
T . i .i i ,i ti i iimu wiiu ainBO, or it mnjr uuur you.
i io cvmouk iuoi, rnoio mi. "" Malarious, rbenmatio and kidney com
n. vfirv Rhnrn fitrht and a bolt at St. plaints, dyspepsia, oonetipation, bilious-
t mi ii- - t -ii ness, and nervousness are all disorders
Jjouis. . Ane Beiecuou ol uuuer, rapl(1 Rrowtbi Bnd ibonld be "nipped in
of North Carolina, for temporary the bad" by timely resort to the JtJit-
In Moment of Desperation an Owner
Begin to Bore, and the Result la
Something Astonishing to Him
self and Neighbors. I.
Indications of oil in and about Los
Angeles have been, apparent for years,
and a lew instances are on record of
enthusiastic prospectors who sunk
wells to the depth of from 100 to 200
feet, and actually succeeded hi securing
an occasional barrel of crude petro
leum. The first cable car line was built in
Los Angeles in 1886, and it was natu
rally conceded by investors generally
that a piece of land close in on the
cable line was about the biggest card
in their pack. This particular section
of town is made up of a series of hiilH
crowded along as closely together as
a prairie dog village, and just about as
available for town lots. A local real es
tate dealer acquired some property in
the much-valued region, and then for
several years tried vainly to sell out
at almost any price. Finally, in a fit of
desperation, he decided to bore for oil.
This was in August of lam year.
Discouragement and ridicuip met hint
on all sides, and when 1,000 fo.et lind
been reached without result, his "wild
cat" scheme waa the ta!k of thn town
Then something happened. Sudden
ly, in the dead waste and middle of the
night, a tremendous burst of oil and
gas shot out of the drill hole, flumj
every portable object in its pathway
high in the air, literally scaked tbo
men in attendance, and saturate the
region roundabout with the grimy,
ill-smelling substance. Dismay reigned
supreme, until the owner cf the well
waa enabled to turn the enormous out
put into a hastily-constructed tank.
At first a universal wave of indigna
We invite vour attention to our Immense
Line of Summer Dress Goods of the very
Latest Styles. Our Salesman, Price, who recog
nizes no cost or value, will offer these goods
3elow the Regular Mark
Tale a LooK at Tlese Goods,
You can find a Bargain ir) tten).
tion swept over the community which We have a Large Line of Glassware, Crockery and Tinware that we are
chairman, was a victory for the middle-of-the-road
element who are
opposed to the endorsement of
had in the passing of yeare taken up
its abode in this region. It was out
rageous that olfactories of the peo
ple should be so violently assailed
their very hearth-stones invaded. It
was furthermore declared that the well
was a menace to health, und applica
tions to abate the nuisance were made
to the city council.
Then there was a great calm, which
lasted exactly 24 hours, after which
closing out. Don't buy these goods till you see our prices.
Yours for Cash.
In A speech delivered at Atlantic,
Montana Haces.
Ud in Montana. Orecon horses every adjacent property owner with
r, kJ $1,500 in hand or in sight began topre-
"""" pare for boring. Innumerable agents
selves. now appeared on the scene, eacrer to
Last Saturday at Anaconda Tam- furnish estimates on reading, casing,
la., August 28, 1894, Wm. J. Bryan pa won the sii-furlong dash, while Lines, boilers,' or .and pu-ps, while' you
said that he did not "belive in raui Jones, tne neppner con toon waited; to take your measure for oil-
: :. r ..t;i , loot in thA hnva nn t ia fivn onrl nno. I'" ovenum; io move your nouse.
bioppiuy ihuiihu.ui.uw ""' ... ' Oil companies and oil exchanges are
vesticeot protection IS eradicated uiiivu into. being organized and reorganized al-
f rrm Inm ulntinn." flan von sun. L&Bl Monday at JJutte tne nrst most daily. Two pipe-linea are com-
i it.- t.:A . mon (laVa ramnff-Red H.. Lee Cald. Pleted from the fie!d to the nwy
jjuii, wm nuu ui. a m.u - o ---- - , - - tracks, one having a 32,000 barrel stor-
tlont r V6 WOW noi. I nuuo uidv, uu unu muo uou i nge latin, anu tne otuer with a cu-
in 0:482. with Tin Ear. the Keeney lw'ty of 35.oo barrels. These lines
There are over 400 wells In actual
Mn. Bryan, in a burst of "elo- animal, second.
quence" in the course of the speech Uregou racers are pizen most operation to-day, and the drilling is bloodshed.
Unit pave him the nomination, anywhere. They usually net their profrrewmff rar,diy. u hat with the The trouble
said protection Lad slain thous- share of the purses,
ands. The Sulom Statesman
i.uu,u: .1 ... U.t 4..U .ff None Bat Ayer at tbe World s Fair
Blood in tbe Hood.
Today J. A. Bardell and Henry Wade
became involved in a controversy down
on Main street, near Smith's furniture
store and oabinet shop, and both wax
ing warm, Wade got out bis knife and
Bnrdsll dag np a big pistol that wbs
only one size smaller than a cannon.
Tbe trouble ended there without any
A f- sj til- At 1
an mn l,on in F.nufnrn flrnn ' orPn..a .Djoy. me eitraof
i w ! t i i. dlnary distinction of having beeo the onlf
o.iu m uBiii.-Kvuu uu..iiB wo post blood parifler allowed , eihibit at the
three years? World'e fair, Cbiosgo. Manufacturers
of other aarsaparillaa aongbt by every
TnE deniocratio platform adopt- mean to obtain a showing of their goods,
cd at Chicago condemns the U. 8. b,,t "' w"8 M ,,,rned uml8r tb
i.s,.i.ut l'Plition of the rule forbidding tbe
. , . i , ., , A. . " entry of patent niedimde and nostroms
body ID the land; it COOS back tllir- The .Ik0ihk.ii of the World's fair eutho.
ty v oars and reviews the old claim. ln 'f"r,,t1 Ayer's Harsaparilla was V consumcr..-llarper-a Weekly.
1 ' I ill rfli'ot aa fullows: "Avur'i Hurssn- I "
that federal authorities have no nlla is not patent medicine. It doet THE BRAVE LITTLE PECCARY.
right to interfere in state matters; g. of
it demandrt a continuance of free
trade. No silver republican ought
to support such a platform as this
purchase of plants and the cost of pip
ing the oil to the railroads, nearly $1
000,000 capital has already been invest
ed In the industrr.
a nigh as 300 barrels of oil have
lieen pumped from a single well in
24 hours, although 100 barrels U con
sidered an excellent daily average for
the iK-flt producers. The present out
put is over 3,000 barrels per day. Of
mm j,5on barrels are m.ulrej for loral
ooimuiiiption breweries, laundries,
iron nm ste-l works, printing ofllce !,
rte and the Sunta Fe and Tmnlnnl
Itailroud rouiMinU' lM-ing the prinol-
arose over a haystack
wbioh Bardell claims to own and which
Wade has In hit possession. There was
no arrests.
Tbe Ills of WonifB.
Constipation, ceases more than half
tbe ills of women. Karl s Clover Knot,
Tea ia a pleasant cure for Constipation.
For sue by Welle k Warren.
The American Protective Tariff
league has just issued a new, re
viwcd and enlarged edition of that
famous document "American Tar
iff from l'lymouth Itock to Mc- ' n'm tb bet wiebee of allouroiti.
Kiuley." This document compri
nes ninety-nil pages and has lxMn
fire oo Eight Mile.
Cliff Jones inforroa tbe Gazette that
hie barn, blacksmith shop and contents
of both were deatroyed by Ore Iftdt Tues
day. Tbe barn was full of bar at the
time. lWsidei there was destroyed Ave
11 A Very riurky lli,t.r wba lie is Anr7 and a bait seta of work bsroess, fan
iHwpit tils wise. mill and other farm atenaile.
Of the few American quadrupeds for Iblliiiirhrnok A Touoa'l header also
wmcn an nueuigeni l.unter enU-rtaina -. in .moke.
m vn im iiiuuui, i nRnfci. inn nu I .... . .1 1
theCenturv. Although he i. liitl. fl.t. bard blow to Mr. Jone Tbe Are etart-
alded. high-khouldered hog. wild and ! ""0 ,mu boy, armed with aome
uncuueated, yet he Is a plucky fighter matobet.
when angry and like a true child of
business branches.
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy.
"ty ,Sii-
.-a TTS.UM.
en nuns
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
Te South Aaitrtra.
Ileo Ilrnwn left no yesterday morning
io company with W. D. Huffaiso. for
Baker City where be will take tbe ears
for Han Kranoisoo. From the latter
i1 see be will take steamer for Central
Amerioa on Augnet Rtb. Hao Halvador wUJ ""t he (rets mad quite easily.
is to be bis future home, tie earriee 11 lw.r annoys him very much that
anymie should dare to go a (running
aensf. onboanded eaocre in bie veo-l " ?7
lures io the Iropice. If fortane smilee I ln the side of his leather legglns a an
unon him La Intniiila raiaitin Ihaaa I tlliilrll.,n m-I.m T .
iucorHrated in tfco Ieechna of parte before meay year paeeby.-Uorne can do when he U very anffry.
lion. J. II. llalliur'nr. Honatnr Timaa. IUn ka mt at ma t,.u f I I ins siwH'irs has a vrrv wide ranee.
V.. II .-llha Timaa for ll.a ha.1 t.n ...r. i.muu .n.in m KWl nTf f M Af-
..-.u,-u... - " r kansaa at far aouth as 1'atagt.nla. Io
known As) IWuiUeilt Na 5 J atldl - . Tenas he la no longer abundant save in
will be aent to an v addreee for ten . M- ,he ,,,w J,,B,Jr tto lends along the ll be playeJ on tbe Ueppoer
I m U urfnni 1 1 rl rtiUI.U A I IM.. i:m...1- I . .1 . ' . . I . I U I . 1 . Smm 1 .1 n m m .
While 70a aaep roar subscription paid op jen
eankMp your brand in frea of oharga.
tllvr, T J Inna. Or. Horses GO on left
shoulder; cuttle same on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; rang. Mor
row oounty.
Raini TV W nnrl son. Horses branded D B
on the left hip; oa'tle the same on left flank,
crop off right ear. undarorop in the left. Range
in Morrow uountr.
Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 E un either shoulder. Bansem Mor
row countv
nsnnistor, J. W Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter. Gooseberry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; oattle B on the left side.
Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope.
Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; oattle. same on right hip; split in
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in nei ter on left hip; oattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. baf
over it, on the leu snouiuor. wwo u"
'fioyer, W. G.. Heppner, Or.-Horsee, bot
brand on right hip cattle, same, With split in
mBorg,rp. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; cuttle, same on left hip.
V. . TOoot. w n r Or. Horse brand.
9d O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Range in
Grant and Morrow oounties.
Cain.E., Caleb.Or.-Y D on horses on left stifle
UwithanHrter oircle over it, on loft shoulder,,
and on left stifle on all colU under 5 years; on;
left shoulder only on au nomse ra
range in Grant oonnty. nM,
('ate. Unas. n Yinsou oi u.,
H C on right shouldpr; oattle same on right hip.
RanRe Morrow and Umatilla opunhes;
Oorrigall, M M, Oalloway, Or-Cattle orop out
of each ear and underbit, wattle in forehead;
homos half circle C on left stifle. Range Mor.
ow and TJmafilla conttieB.
rr u .Trthn 1 inv. Or. Double oross on
acli hip on catt'e, swallow fork and undm bit
in right ear. split in left ear. Range in Grant
"onnty. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Ear marko.u ewes, crop on left ear
punched npper oil in tibmi
riKht and under half orop W left ear. All rangs
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, OOon rightshonl.
inr: Cattle, sameon right hip; ear mark square
orop off left and split it l right
Currin, a. I., uurriuoyiiio, v
leftstiife. , . ..i..n- nuu
Cox Ed. B., nnniman, w. voth, v
K in center: horses. CE on left ""P.
Coohran, R. E., Monument. Grant Co , Or.
r. u. '.ij niio with bur hmiwith. on left
I shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope notn ears anu , . .
( hapin, H., naraman. vr.
.i "Ct f'utt.le hrauded the same. Also
hrands CI on horses right thigh; cattle Bame
hrand on right snouiuor, m ui.
HS?f5''.- vj iw a11nwav.Or.-Cottle.RDon
right side, swai'low-fork in eaoh ear; horses, B D
Eyhrns, Douglas, Or.-Horses branded ELY
on left shoulder, cattle Same on lefthip. hole
,rEmerV?C.' B.. Hardman Or.-Horses branded
t reversed C with tail on loft shoulder ; caU
tlesame on right hip. Range in Morrow oounty.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or.-Cattle, LF on
right hip; horses. F with bar under on right
'"orenie. B. P. Heppner. Or -Horses f on .
right shoulder; oattle, F on right hip or thigh.
t.h h'.nho. Or. Horses branded H,
3 with a quarter oircle over it, on left stifle.
Range in Morrow and TJmatillaoounties.
rlfatt A.B., Ridge, Or.-Oattle round-top
withqnartor circle under It on the right tup.
Range in Morrow and Dmatilla oounties.
Hughes, Samuel, Wagner, Or-F (T F L
jonnected) on right shoulder on horses; on cattle,
on right hip and on left aide, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left Range in Haystack
-tigtrict. Morrow oounty.
nowarn u. . t
with bar above it) on right shoulder; oattle same
nn left side. Range in Morrow and Umatilla
Hall, Edwin, John Day, Or. Cattle E H on
right hip; horsns same on right shoulder. Range
In Grant county. ...
Hughes, Mat, Heppnor, Or. Horse shaded
heart, on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co.
Hnnsaker, B . Wagner. Or. Horses, 9 on left
ihoiilder:oaftle. Hon lefthip.
Humphreys, J M. Hardman, Or. Horses, H oa
Hnston, Lnther, Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on
the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat.
Me same on lert nip. nangn in morrow nonnry.
Jones, Harry. Heppner, Or. Horses branded
ri J on the left shoulder; cattle branded J on
right hip. also underbit in left ear. Range ln
Morrow county.
Jnnkin, B. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse,
ihoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the same.
Hang m KivM Mil.
Johnson, Felix, Lena, Or. Horses. eimlaT on
left stitte; oattle, same on right hip, nadei half
jrop in riht and sulit '.n left ear
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
RNY on lefthip oattle same and orop oQ left
ear; under slope on the right
Kirk, J. T., Heppner. Or. Horses tt en left
hnnlder; oattle. on left bin.
KnmhorlRiid.W.tt.. Monnt Vernon. Or. I L on
settle on right and left siilea, swallow fork in It ft
tar and nnilor ciop in right ear. Horses asm
brand nn left shoulder. Rang in Grant ennntv.
Loftnn, Btphen, Fox, dr. H L on left hip
on oattle, crop and split on right ear, Hnnwa
same brand on left shoulder. Range Grant
Lienallen, John W., LeirliirVw Or.-Horww
branded halflrcle JL connected on leftahnuU
ier. Cattle, sains on lefthip. Rang, near Lex-
Leahey. J. W. Heppner Or. Horse branded
Land A on shoulder; rettl sem on left
hip, waltl over right , Hire slit in right
Lord, Georg. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
4onbl U ool.nertid Homstims called
swing II. on left shoulder.
Mori. M. C Heppner. Or.-Cattl branrled
tirrls on right hip; biinm ismi oa right stiHa.
I'lll Da Not Care.
Till do not enre pntintinatmn. Tin
nnly aegratraiate. Karl Clover Knot
Tea give perlrot regniurity or tne
bowele. tot sale by Wells and arrro
M D oa
Ckallrag Areeptrd.
The ohalleege made by Iieppner
oioe, end published ia Tueedey Issue
of tbe Hssetle, to oroee bete io a game of
. ill t,' l" l I ...w i ......-. ,t tuna Ui fu ID great I grouuua, kmuiui;, a u j . a.,, m y
cetite, AtldrcM . t. "-kemao, en.ee. Karri Clover Ko Tee b bf lh, followiog play
li v iuu w mil a AVii
rut up x our 1 cam r
Arc You in Need of i Saddle
Horse ?
All tbese tan be procured at Thompson & Binnn, Lower Main Street, !4 bipK&U
Heppner, Oregon. &m2!mm''Umnlm,0',Bonmlom
v - T '
Hang in Mortirw county.
Minor, law, tieppoer. rr.-ttla,
nhi hip; buraa, m on ten snnoioar.
Morgan, H. N.. Heppnar, Or. Horan, M )
yn left shnnliUi cattU sam on left hip,
Mitchell. (Iw.Iipw, Or. Horar. 71 on right
bin; oa'tle, 77 on right sid.
Nal,Andrw. 1one lUwk.Or. Hone A N Ann
acted on lft shimldm oat Us nam on both hip.
OIIr. 1'arry, Lassington, Or. f O na left
.l.rn, J. W Doaglaa. Or.; horse O oa let
thonliler; rattle seme on Hglil hip,
Paaraon. Olava. Kiaht Mil. Or. Hnraaa n,..
ter circle shield on left ahonlder sod 94 on Wft
1 . '..., . L 1 I 1 1 . .
(lonral 8cretarjr, 135
Twroty.tkinl Flrwt, New York.
v"..i I n well and happy
a s. s n usiiss,
For isle by Welle Warren.
. . . . Al A
i NtiuiM r it at a waa me pari k. .( r. ie.un.uoa.
plaj tylliy Mr. Hrjran In the. two I Oo lt Tuee lay evening the IX H. (1.
tHinjjreaefg in witch he artrTeJ, htt w reltereoo,of lorc Lo.!ge,K.
U U aeldrna that more than eight or rg f po.jble for Ibem tJ attend.
" miw irr T(-llH-r. I lit liniF l
whrn they were much more trail y ti
flght than niwi bul, like all other dan
gerous animal, they have Irarncd to
fear man and Ma dradly tlrrarms.
Itr V II llnnl.Kik nf f.ntl,wk
will fitul that it waa auffipient tn ot ' ,0'' '""J tlected aUn0g those who I...I In the reeetit ftre
, ,. . . ... .. lomrera. Tbe cooteatloa was qaite well e)r Iber. lie ie oot $!&. ble drug
tamp una a. iMMuguDuura, or vue . ... .olhn.iMm etoek gleg np tn tbe tUmee. Well
not, other will be oboeeo :
Jouh Mi Fia, ED8t.rNi,
K!i Nmu, Ja. UcOi't!,
TuM Ixoa.iiM, W. Coeiss,
Cius. Htakton, Jas. 11 art.
Cltdb Palish.
preaiileucy of the UniUvl Ktatoc prite.L
wagor, boweeer, that, like
t. n i a .... .n
i : i . ... . ."'' i"i""r
i ir(,iniiio r uir-i iv.buo uns tu i toe onioors iniiaued ware: nierimg i die.
man Uii in faror of the LuilJioc Keithly. O. G; K. O. Bloonm. V
oever eay
ror of the LuiUieg Keithly. O. G; K. O. Bloonm. V. O.i
nee of a ctt eoffl. r,Mfc 'i rnWej K r. Vptoi, I'.-.
I. K.otR Arts J. J. Roberta, M. of f.j A. f!'" 7
to cotnmanj the re- ... ., .... . , ' "Caiirn
, . IalUre.it, M. of K. J Floy J Tbom, ,,
an.l maiotainatice of a naty eoffl. fM" Mf r,,u' l" r l01' J'? iT V:JmT, L" V""!0!:
cientUatroncto command the re-1 !....... .1 . - L. -L Oaiiforete Ihra " te m r.l. bote. iv-i.t, iw,.,.
. . . ... leuereon, ai.oi gioyj inn .. n,-,i.i tmm l!,n.l. HAait. R,m..r lha toais beoblaol theeoeitt
gpocl ol loroitfti nauona, ami Ibe al at A. t Oils ralter .. L U. aod E. B. I v.a.l.l,.. .. oil fifed of Ihck. ha. .. .., it'. .ma ... ,k. l.
j ran naT neiuonrne, u. u. io.aiia nun ee loreman on i.te raoen. . . rutIC- c yr. J. 0B M,
fully jaetifiivl the Ctirrcctneee au.ll - ' I W. oJ.y end el tbe reelJ.ooe of T. II.
ttriitim of that Ixieilioo, There kwth a tvj rATMOsa, TtH.mPB rnn etage ltw.n nudoa Wedaoedag eveninge. After
" I "' I llatinhal sVI . . enmea ekit ese I
hare) lr-ti aeeral limra when Tim will not be altewe.1 antna. afl.r 1 .1.. '.. u.-.u. Vi Mepeodrng a ! boure tn eoolal iar.
theetrrncthof oor tatf LmIi-d r1'.' All -er.,.n. failing to pay by d,r neepii.oo.Uy. HU.Uat an l el.rsp. ewre. tbe mrry eojoym.nt ee.kere
ibe eirrnn ot cmr nary ua imh d h- lUB ,fc.h mm,b b,r,afw will be .t , u tbe lafrmr. 0o A etigtil la ar tbe e,.Umoiiy of the algbl
larnr-me principal icu.r many em err Unk, a.et.te. b, Mfon.liog
I 11 tjetiirni f I,.nl aW W aa la I I m
lheto-in precnlio war. Mr.
Itr.sa Mnihl Lis sahMKr.!.. . 1 oi foeif w irriwee r
j .,,,....- i. o o. r MsiuiM. i.i...,i. i.n.u i
.... i - : it . i " " .... , . .
ureo iuf u iu- " Willewl!ge, He, M, I. O, I). rol cbew II. iedigi. te a d.ag.ro
aifl wlieo our tT waa more tLao thM pie-, tbratwn br tepntr OreeJ airkar I'rsfer tr tfeie tl
Tk Brat foegk Cere
I Hhllob'e rare. A negleoteJ eoogb
ie dsttg.roue. ntop It at ooee with
Hhllob'e Care, Fur sale by Welle A
Thr gentlemen ar welt acquainted with orant, Harney, rront. oilllam and other tountlce,
and ran aav money and Urn In making th section with travsllug men,
t'rice In keeping with lh time.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
1. ..-m ffMl.e s. lf a. . .
wk Il k eitinactll o left ahonlnWi oattla
mon ngtil Mp. Iianaa, Tnt nant.
I'irwr. J. II.. I.llnjrt.m. Or.-Horaa. JK ...
sorted m Uft .hooUtari oatUa, same o lof -Id.
niter bit la wh oar.
t'ottr. A. ( ., lone. Or.i hnraa diamond P nm
snoalnW; eattla, J ti J mafrl, oa Dm
aft hio. uppor slop la Uft ear aad alio i ik.
Bond. Aoitrow, Hanlmaa. Or. Rnraaa, aoaaM
rMwtih qoarter-riroW ovor it o loft otln.
Kn.h Hn Hrppoor. Or. Httnm bmto4 I
. ... , , . iw tmn hlD
nop ofl loft oar and dowlap oa oark. "-pp. U
Tbroogh treint oo tbe O. IL A N. will
ran via. Cmatille, Walla Walla and
ProdMoo. Tbroogh aleepera, Aral aod
eeenml-ela, will ran Ie eooeeollnn wltb
the Union reclAa, tbe earn ae berelo
fora. A thrnngb first ol eleeper I'orl.
land Io fiptikaee, eooooctiog wtlb Ibe
Orstelaae eleepsw Io Ht. I'eol. and a
through lonrtal eleeper Portland to HI.
IW, will ran Is one sect loo with tb
Oreet Northern railway. tt
lertilr-f.to tesarle wraVrr tlan ill MmU' J"h KeeaiM, duly aaJ Bbakar I.gtv CvtJieJ f eroe it That
. . I s.ohI.U I.AI.1 o. 1 . .I..I.J i a a . a.
iet.Kly, l-y optieiD(; the elreugtb. toe ...eg ao4 snort lea.i -e.
" I er?l.eB. levevt tt'ewt e.M. I . a. otkawl.. o I aJ a a. . a . . . . a i
miltfof Our naty, on the KnOtl,l Themtet.-lkeew.ale.1.w,rH,ll1eL,-...-v v- .1..
that it M Ihra etrofig enough, are ae Mb.we: lbrle IWebore, S. (Lileomfort eltof eatiae. k.-larb.. k.art
It ia eurh lLir m three, and Dt I. lle. V. U J II. Ltebleothal, Tre .j bare, diuioeoe, a.i.ofTesiv bro.ik.
I latitulitiotia Iwrl,e tlelirerrvl l Kp. deJaetarj t L. Van Uognor, weakaoee. feeer, J.ne.llo, flsle
I fit i. tl. .. e . ao
miBBin, nsoiMi aforgesi, iv r. tMe, le el p.l, In iiabllitr, c m
N. 0 Al Fl.ir.er, U f. of N. 11 A. J eUnettoa, t Ye. yo bat )jigMl-
I HWeeseon. i ej, ,4 V. (I lf fl. f. U'ti. T eor K. Isks Hh.k.r ,g-liv
I Vettghen, I. H. t4 V. tl., fbee. firy, ! for Jul. The -Ji.l brU anj pl.i.
; UsUe (UerJ. ef wbleb Pbakef Dletif I' .ri.J t
I tHSmotl Bl.lS) 14 ditfo loo f J la leaf
Hsth.oelirneti.ee eenv.-t ew j vt,.Wo.-ti : ti.io M .ttorgH.e tr
lb ot e. le t4 Mailt ettoot, in tl t ro-h U ) yer et-aa. k t. ir kg.
tun) l,ig f.'tiootlf i.-t. ,. I tu (l.na pare 1 I k p It M,akr Ig..t.
!... Ihrf will be tla.g In eo lial t f y drgile, I'tte I t
It 04t vii re.Was.ts, t eeote te II t) fe wvUie.
iu e'uof oue t.'Uf ana with uf
iuc gMi(ur, wbii h tlemotietrate
the t ahl re t f a man, Mr. lifjrao
iHiuhl btit t-e lr preeiJeot on
hie recf! it btatlrr whateortof
a j'.l' nn l. bal (. He
s.u.j ly tu i tip l i the prretih'btitJ
Tbe pieeet were well
reaJr4 end highly arfrteiateJ by
lboe wba wore favored. All report aa
e)'i)Vle H ue.
FfTf AU-Cb'!e J, lUMtth, Olive.
tMki, Col, : "I bee es.4 Ayet'e
pule tn sny family for eovorel yoam. and
bete eloato bxtnd th.nt the Bio. I .flort
nal tn the rlkf ef attrn.nte en.lng from
a dieorderort l,rnarh, trpl4 ller. aad
enoetipeted b .l.
Tbe (l.ctt. has a oa. 1 oar's lnti
In ettb.rihe I'.ngl sb, t 'oll. hb.xt-kaa-l
or T.I. gr.pl. U it aftnion'. ! tbe
llolmoe Ilo.irt.ae t'oltog., 'rll.li,
f. .i AT p il-.li lug td lake a
tkeugb be.ieoo eoqr a Q..t gieoe
e-iJU. .h'.aij eoe lh.llsi.it. boiareg.
e(tl.w. tl
lead Piling sag final Proofs Tti.n,
atJCTTirxja. oaiacir.
Lael epriag tbe Osteite oononooed ibet
It woalJ abeadoo tbe eredit yetere eo
Urcly on March 11, which, to a eerteio
.toot. It bee earned eat eie.pt among
oar petroae beta Ie Marrow eoooty,
here It wee tboagbi we might eoollaae
the old eyeiem. Il bee beea demoe
etreted beyond all 4oabl that we eaeaol
loogei pare tbe old creUl yebrn aad
pey our debtg ae we go. We eball earry
ot oar f.xmor taUntome, end fmea Aog.
.t o.i I 00 paper will beeooleol neloa
th.y kav HeoB paid lot Ie advene. To
Ikie eyt we shall etrietty .lbr la
tbe fatore, teskieg feforitee ef eoae.
There te etbig ara.al a boat lb I
matter, but we doslre td treat all alike,
, dd not bkHH aood tb tir ae la
Ibe ta. tut eell la aad eotile ywar ee
gaoat eel rke art n-ni'bl lv -e-lcn
riv)Bg Ibe papot. If.
II. tr..'. ,4 II., J t or, a
a bwele pol.l -rat Map.
oap (I of
riaJr t.l ista-a W tb efT.ee. j Worrta.
A Oro.1 or rvoaortgUoe
It ! Ii!.l f"i 1 ttu 0, eol II I
ttrv. ln-r a. I biw.l tro.,t.lo rervd
t K 'l . (lovot K Ml Tre. far ele by
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
At J. m. Htccn't Rtsicmct.
M'itow and adjoining anoiitiaa.
Uoxiof, Andi
UsiMtna, Or-Rora..
rwoHior, vobi BUH
brandod A H oo ruht
.Inil ovov brand 1 oaUi (aaa oa rigbt kin.
Horoa. Wm. II. laurrniUx Or-nR nJaM(
with qaartor virrlaovor l oe oalUona n-t.. 1
and rrii ofl! rWrhi oar and ilil la Uft.
am. brand on Wft .hooldor, Uaoa la k.JTT
(rut and liilliaca Ooontaaa.
lUrt. i. W . HniMM, Or.-n
loft sboaidor. t'olU, O oo rtgbt bib.
10 a
rtauc LAltD AIJt,
t'HS ev.vss f.taa Ovrt. . I
tas i.in. (,,
Norn a i ttraiav i.i tt i rt a
S4.IW. of tt..fu. Il, f h. .rtBtka
oi.'Oot ol ttta ,noral toad OAr. ao-Lt aqihno.
vooiod la kio lr aoriino I a bo.
ol . a. aooodod Kf th. or I n fm, .ftn.
od r.Mo.rf m, las o. ol) Rboo4 Io f't al
p..Kii o.. oo Ik. nt e.r o i.f iri - .1
th I. woi omHii al lh. anof ol 11 o that I
4 M . lh. I..u... ,. t M land, fcv wll
t. bS akltk.aM,MTa,RMg.nHitiO.
la an or.
Aaraodatl shmh .l.loit.g ad.oro.lf
ho,.dorr1lo1 Hull sro ad. Mod snli
riaioiala ihi. oNt' oa or not.Mo l a. d.f -
doxfoaiod W Io. Mooomaoil ol okl
otoMowolli.lrrusioi.olil k lto.t
ja r M...r e-fio
llo4 Hit eta. 1 as
Kn,Iht W. , IM-txvor, Or.-M.troasakad-l
I H mi loft otln.-, om(I.JHi Uft tZjl
fork la n .hi aar. aB.Uvt.il la Uft. ""wiow
hais Ttxo), Uoppoor, .-Horaaa, g ls
Uft a. Ok oolJ. ouoooa Uft k.o. r
savor. IkdMrt. tXoMloa. Or Taltl.
fM bio and B a rlbl oKn,WUr bnrmoV M
n.hl thoiiUov Ha la Mvn, orm,, '
HT.it lt . (too... ill.. t. Hmo brands
N I l-Ur, .t. -m. UfTaKTLw
H.siroa, JaRMO ktUltm, IH.( bnroos braoAoi
iMa Uf oh.mt.Ur' ooltU Ui. asna, aioa r T,
Ho- w ia r.w and nlliaoo.r,i.Zr
mhona. . A., Harrf-oaa, OrH Uooo M
nw otiBo, rout. Mia.toJ L oa lh. rtM ai.u
rf voi , atr A. J-llnoor Or o
aa nl biri oilw...r la uft oar. "
wat. (I. Hrftw, I if .uL aa
Uft otwoi.U loaiilo. m oa Uft (ia.
et-n. K l, MnoM. !, snu W P
Ml km. mt ug r,,t, aod n4Wi . ul -'
"o-l bwooj W I no Urt ah,l,u '
lh.rt"0. J A Hnt-oor lv rtnoaaa-loo
Io oUmM-vi nottio awH uT-."
oW ut T-'t-"t-M , (-. Uft
Taroov H W Ww fW -eJ) aat-Wol T
Ion o-,ui-, . u ., mmim mm oa Uft ail
.'h Ot.1.1 IO OM
TWlo. M. It.. r. Ov-It,wo. boaoAJ
ta-U.v4 It T, l-o. ITli! H
T " "M -"-wiU-,euoe i tl
WaihviWo. Woj . N.oor ru. It m m
oo O. Ui oWwdor, wu mma ! v- '
or"T- UT ow and rM oat Arr
.w -...
"r..- - -wTr.
, w w.m aoon awgM t-m O-wW m,t ie. .
Vamed-An Idea sH l-
p' Om fmt 1 '
O-. & Swum
aod aM
Wlord. lln vMo, 1- - M ii r-r
a - ' i..oo oo in oia, " -
r'.'.tr.' kK -' d
o 4 A i .,, te. eat .
., r.eao4 n.e d a " ( ' " f A A
. .1