Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 21, 1896, Image 4

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    s JK Jftg Jj? Jd? 3
C 1 11 00 "orth of lovy Music lor Forty g
aw 1 1 J . Contfi consisting of loo pages .y
HrlW tfuii si ShHl Music of the-.
w latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular
a- selections, both vocal and Instrumental.
e gotten up In the most elegant manner. In- 4
eluding four large size Portraits.
5 CARHEHCITA, th Spanlth Dancer,
fa PADEBEW8KI, the Great Pianist, ZS
11 ! 11 g Broadway Theatre Bldg.. New York Qty. J
E. McNEluL, Receiver.
TO Til 15
Of Two Transcontinental
The regular sabeonption price of the
Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.50 sod tbe
regular prioe of the Weekly Oregonian
is SI. 50. Any one subscribing for tbe
Gazette aud paying for odc year in
advance can get both tbe Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian for 83.50. All old sub
scribers paying their subscriptions for
ine year m advanoe will be entitled to
St. Paul Kansas City
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-;
tentc-usineBSConaucteaior moderate '
tr..,m nwrntrr lanaaAHITV 11. fi. PATENT OmCE
5 and we can secure patent m less tuns titan those
Irnm Wft.hinirtnn-
Send rnodel, drawing or photo with descrip
f tion. Wo advise, if patentable or not, free of
charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured.
t A pamphlet. " How to Obtain Patents," with
Scost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries
(sent free, Address,
Off. Patent Office, Washington. D. C.
Ooean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
The Women of the United
Outnumber the Men,
Offlrlul Statistics Showing tbe Various
Changes In Numbers, Nationality and
Location of the People In
This Country.
Thousands of Them Employed In
New York City
Social Organizations Which Employ an
Army of l'eoplo to Attend to Their .
Various Wants The Lead
ing Clubs.
For full details call on 0. R. A N.
Agent ta Heppner, cr address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland, Obkooh.
Stxii Franolsoo
And all points In California, via the ML Boasts
route 01 uia
Southern Pacific Co
The great hitrhwny through California to all
point Knt nii'l Mouth. Grand Hoenln Rout
of the l'aolfio (ioaat. Pullman Hnffet
Hlnepers. Second-class Hlxepers
Attached to ezprons trains, affording anpenor
aooominodatiiina for eaoonrl-olswi tiaMengxni.
For rates, tickets, slmpiiig oar reservations,
to, call ntKin or address
R KOHHLKK, Manager, E. P. ROflEKH, Asst
Gon. K. P. Agt. Portland, Oregon
m mm
When yon ore about to buy a Sewing Machine
lo not be deceived by alluring advertisements
md be led to think you can got the best made,
tinest finished and
Most Popular
for a mere song. See to it that
you buy from reliable rnnnu
acturera that have gained a
reputation by honest and square
dealing, you will then get a
Sewing Machine that is noted
the world over for its dura
oility. You want the one that
is easiest to manage aim is
Light Running
There Is none In the world that
can equal in mechanicnl con
struction, durability of working
parts, fineness of finish, beauty
in appearance, or has as many
improvements as the
New Home
It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike
on both sides of needle (patented), no other has
it I New Stand ( fainted), driving wheel hinged
on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to
the minimum.
0biis, Mm. Bostoic, Uses, ts Finos Hon ois.H.Y
Ohii-aho, 111. St. I-oi i, Mo. Ii.tjs,lxia,
Heppner, Oregon.
The population in this country is
pretty well divided between the two
sexes, although according; to a Duuetin
just issued from the census office there
are about 1,500,000 more males tnan ie
males in the 62,500,000 of population.
In the New England and middle states
states there are 45,000 more females
than males. In the south middle sec
tion, including the district, the females
outnumber the males by some 20,000,
While in the northern central section
of the country as far west as Nebraska
the males are in the majority by over
800,000, in the south central portion this
excess reaches only about 200,000. In
the western section of the country the
predominance of the males is shown by
a majority of over 000,000.
In this district the males nvimber only
109,584, while the females number 120,
808; 51.21 per cent, of the total popula
tion returned in 1890 are males and 48.79
percent are females. In 1880 the males
represented 50.88 per cent, and the fe
males 49.12 per cent. The percentages
of males and females in 1870 were about
the same as those just stated for 1880,
or 50.50 per cent, for males and 49.44
per cent, for females, while in 1800 they
were very nearly similar to those given
for 1890, or 51.10 per cent, for males and
48.84 per cent, for females. The excess
of males over females in 1890 is 1,513,
510, as against an excess in 1880 of 881,
857. In 1870 the males only exceeded
the females by 423,759, whereas in 1860
there were 727,087 more males than fe
males. In 1850 the males exceeded the
females by 483,414. The very large ex
cess of males in 1890 i3 readily accounted
for by the greatly Increased number of
immigrants who have come to this coun
try since 1880, over three-fifths of tho
entire number of immigrants being
Analyzing the results of the distribu
tion of population according to native
and foreign born, it seems that 14.77 per
cent, of the popu ation in 1890 are for
eign born, as against 13. 32 per cent in
1880 and 9.03 per cent, in 1850. The
native born in 1850 represented 90.32
per cent, of the whole population, while
in 1890 they represented 85.23 per cent.
According to tho census in 1890 there
are in the United States 54,983,800 white
persons nnd 9,033,300 colored persons,
meaning by "colored" persons, those of
African descent, Chinese, Japanese and
civilized Indians. There has been an
increase in tho white from 1880 to 1390
of 11,530,920, or 2(1.C8 per cent., and an
increaso in the colored for the same de
cade of 885,517, or 13.13 per cent. For
tho decade from 1S70 to 1880 the white
increased 29.2'4 per cent, and tho col
ored, apparently, 85.00 per cent As
has already been explained in previous
bulletins, however, the increase from
1870 to 1830 was to a certain extent fic
titious, particularly as regards tho col
ored population of the south.
Men Whose SolJ Bimlnoes It Is to
Prevent TUcita
They Shadow Consl-orue-nts oi ooous
from the Time Th y Leave toe
Store Until They Ueacli the
Through Pullman Palace Sleepers.
Tourist Hl-rs and Pros rUrllnllig Chair I
Cars DAILY to Chicago.
firm run rnnnrn
..HlflLLIlU riUURLO..:
'4 ftauvenir of to I ran in Huttnrti. m
A Complete St, ooi;l.tlng of five
llfi llki- liKiiii-.- lln.e Ball Player. Foot V
Bull I'laypr, (lolf Player, Tennis Player
an. I Biryrle Hldfr, will be sent to any m
J address upon receipt of 10 cents, to pay ja
2 rharges. jjj
as 'riLL-M flan ra mrm Kanllltnlv Tierfwt (SI
J bi'itutlliilly ridori-d and mounted, and j4
arranged to stand iioriirhl.and arean ex- dft
J celli'iit nuiiventrol our A years as leaders
f nl the alhleilo supply world. Hiiltnlile
hours saved via this line to Kaatcro
mi. ornce or home.
G 4. BROS.,
11. H'. BAXTER, Gtn. Agrnt,
I'ortlnnil, Orfynn.
J. C, HAHT, Ayrni, lltppntr, Ortyon.
J Scientific) America.
Agency 1or
Jit Vlr TAO MAMCt,
COfTICNT. srto.
FrtlfeInatl'HlaM frv H.witMih rill
9 fur chili, radlng riMini
AVw IiirS I hmtii
Qitlsltl :ii4Ht.if n 3
mitt b SI. (id n
HI a i , al I'mi.., hsw .
CM.lMt htrvi f . tmi.f ilnt. tm A m-H'.
S rT rlrnl taha Iv y. I. I4,mlt
U mUw t a aim Irae U atuuse ta lha
I HftMtllr ri if rtrntlftrt feftr-MP til flk
mmJ h-tst'f tlu-4rsM ht U ltif
n -
"V Mil
"sJ 0 W A "v"
II nil I tried tl
f I worUi'd liliK
''I amotilnff td tmi iikiIh'
"V'Y" fl.ir f t t'm i d
(I pl'-o -t' '. n H' ... n.f tin
i IJI MwatM I'ws'S SMs
w I im.w s.tt-e aM !
- "- M AlMW
i i . I I I ISM.
r , i , i It, i lis t-a,
UJ- au.. t:iil
THE (MUtt, Wftyf. 0U.
ri t sut s r.i. s4
iHtsj I tmt !..
fsts i sr
twr sV- i - r r m., w $ f.
lasEWsMip1sapa&- - '
Glance at this Map
ofU.sd.lrAtn. Milwaukee and at. Pant Rait
ay and ' Us mnnerlliws with s'l tratiei-
lliwnlal lines and M Paul and Bsla, and
rtmrinWI thai lu trains are Uahled wlthelsw-
tit. H and kealrj b strata, lis e-iulpravnl Is
ulb Klrganl Ruffrl, Library, Ptanklnt sod
alTtlng rant, with (lee r. lining rhslra. I ork
slevidns ear swflk has aa lerlrte mallng lamp.
and lis ttltiln ears are the twet la the wml.l.
nhf lliws are ons-f lhaa this. tit Bone art
hotter. si4 another nfters IMsWe lusttttuue
amxnme-Uitii'S lasaeare aufkrtMit fasM
kw Ih t-.tutaillj nt'tke Mllasusa, t'oapoa
Ik l stmts la etery rslln4 orTi-e am gis
aa lurttWt lnlaalln, of address
C. i. IMiY, tli..rl Aseat,
i W.fAAHr. Tta. Paaa, Af.r.1,
poSTitsa, (as-io.
fine Needles Mixed with Smoking Tobao-
ro t lear Out tho Head.
A Freehold (N. J.) man, named XWctL,
who is an inveterate smoker and an an
nual sufferer from hay fever, which
heretofore has compelled him to for
sake home, friends nnd business and
hio himself to the mountains as soon as
ho began to sneeze, as discovered what
he claims Ih a sure cure, says the rhll
adelphla Ucnrd. "It is un extremely
simple remedy," he suid, "and tho credit
of its discovery must l) given to tho
North Carolina mountaineers. Two
years iif:o when I first begnn to find the
cITivttol the rM cold, 1 too a train
for Ashevillo, N. ('., and found liHlge
rurnt with an olil cracUer away biu-k in
tlm iiinuntaiiis. I!i f ire cold weather
set in my mij p!y "f t ipirs ran out. I
rould not do v.i'.li ut my smoke and
wan obliged to fall I i.i U on a 'cob pipe
and long irreen' totinwo mlH by my
host. I noticed t lint w hen he smoked
he always mixed pine neiillea with his
tobnoco, and when I asked tho rcrtann
he aniweml that It wnt to Vl'ar out his
head.' My head ncedisl florin' out,
the old fellow a tfiuedy. It
r a rharm. When I rame
homo I rrvHimtni'ndeil It t my friend,
and eovrntl who were sufTerlng from
euliirrii d-dnrf that it helped them
ifreiitly. An rntrprWIng t"baeemlat
to uli tt I apokf ftlnut tlu 'euro fot a
supply t pine netille and l-(ran the
ninmif.t turt'of (I'.'nri, rl;sr,.ttin and
a tel. Th
oil la Terr
ir smoke U
di-11 .'-; .i !i liit atimmer I
atavi. I, . .i 1 t'n hiy feter didn't
tot:u r i I t i liin mmplalnt
!! y rertaln lht
1 1 r f uitooo aod
ivh cura."
the 'i !
ij(kr t . 4 iui' i .i
If the servants and employes of any
one of the big clubs in this town were
marched in tlrer-s parade the array
would be a decidedly imposing one, and
the size of tho small army would sur
prise anybody who had not had occasion
to become faniilinr with tho workings
of the larger New York clubs, says the
New YorU World. The Manhattan Ath
letic club probably heads the list of local
clubs or American clubs, for that mat
ter in the number of people who wear
its livery, or r.t lenst Ovjlw money from
its treasury for attontlinar to the wants
of its memb'.'ra M'-re than two hun
dred mon, women nnd boys are regular
ly employe:! in one capacity or another
in the big Manhattan Athletic club
house, and at times the attaches of the
club house number as high as two hun
dred nnd fifty. Thin small army com
prises floor men, hall boys, waiters, bar
tenders, utlcnc'.aiits at the rifle range,
shootirf' gallcrv, baths and other de
partments, elevator boys, bookkeepers,
accountants, engineers, firemen, cham
bermaids, cooks, washerwomen and
Humble though some of these em
ployes are, it costs money to secure
their mora or less professional services
for the club, pnd f.io salary list is be
tween fifteen hundred dollars and two
thousand dollars a week.
The Manhattan club, which probably
comes next in the length of its salary list,
employs between one hundred and forty
five and one hundred and fifty, and pays
them something over one thousand dol
lars a week for attending to the club
house and the wants of the men who
keep it a-going. The present. Manhat
tan Athletics club house is comparatively
a new thing, and naturally many, if not
most, of its attaches are comparatively
new-comers. But at tho Manhattan
club, which is one of the old club insti
tutions of the town, many of the help
have grown gray in the service. The
venerablo female housekeeper, for in
stance, has put in a couple of decades
keeping things in order for the Man
ha'tanitcs, and a dozen other employes
have been with the club for a tlecade or
more. There is one detachment of the
Manhattan club's employes whoso very
existence is probably unknown to nine
tertths of tho club's members. Every
one of this detachment is of tho fem
inine gender, and every one is likewise
of the color of the aeo of spades. The
women in question are the houseclean
ers, and put in their appearance at the
clubhouse about sunrise, make things
lively for a couple of hours, and disap
pear before the earliest member of the
club has ehaken off the embrace of Mor
The Union league also hi.s a big staff
of employes, an may be imagined from
the fact that it spends nearly ten thou
sand dollurs every ye:vr i.n providing
them with livery. Tho New York Ath-
letio Is another club which (iocs a
large business inthe way of employes;
likewise the I'nion club, the New York
club, tho Lawyers' club, and half a doz
en other clubs on the sume order. At
most of these clubs employes of a dozen
or moie years' standing mny still be
seen, and, in fact at any of the first
class clubs it is the rule t retain the
doormen, so long a-, they In-have them
selves, in order to have nt least a couple
of servants who mv familiar with the
faces of all the member,. The Universi
ty club, of coitn-' has un immense
retinue of servant:), but, us the rule
there seems to bo to have a "i-liako-np"
once a month or so. not more thnn lml f
a dozen nld-timo ut la hcu of theciub are
to be seen ut tho club house on Madison
avenue nowadays.
At the really f!rst-cl;t:.s claim nn en
deavor Is miido to secure as servnntk
on'y MTvi'ig iKMiple w ho have had ex-
pencil in private families or other
UritiliiHS dub's but at some of the
clu'w almost fvoryUaly who responds
to the lioiine coinmittV advertise
ment Is taken on I ilth nnj given a
hnn t don thn club livery. The
Lawyers' club I.i a notable fxi option to
lulof the bint huiikhI order, the at
tache, of that Institution bi-ltij particu
larly well tru' nol an I diwlplin'il. Al-
imfrt -v ry ono'-f them has keen korrlce
In tlm belt t oho-a of Now York fami
lies ii", I every one of thorn thoroughly
nndcrd jmU I.U phi . There Is rarely
r nrvt r tiny tuinpl ilut of Incivility or
lack of Bt'.ci'.'.ori on the part of the
M-rvaiiti ( tho LawyrrV cln't, and that
f.tct, por!i;ii, aa rti'n-h as anything
ol, aii'ovut ) for thi rt'rwiio populari
ty of t'o" t-li-.b. .V. toe trior protntbly
l;,!t tli'iin-an.l tn ihotiMoid people
1ml fitu'loyment In the clnl of this
While in conversation with his at
torney the other day the head of one of
the largest wholesale dry goods houses
in the city had occasion to refer casu
ally to tho variotis classes of men
whom his firm found it necessary to
employ, says the Chicago Herald.
After citing salesmen, various Kinus oi
clerks, credit man, cashier, book-
keeoers. etc.. the head of the firm add
ed, "and shipping detectives."
"And what?" asked the attorney, as
though he had mk understood the term.
"Shinning detectives," replied the
"Well, that's a new one on me!" It
was also new to the Herald representa
tive, who was all attention.
"There's nothing strange about that,"
said the wholesaler, "for the shipping
detective is quite a new thin Few
houses onlv the larger ones have
cause to employ them, and the house
that does usually keeps the 'matter as
much of a secret as the coudition of its
bank account."
"What are his duties?"
"Principally to shadow consignments
of goods from the time they leave the
store until they reach the freight depot
and the railway company becomes re
sponsible for them by accepting and re
ceipting for them."
"A sort of watch-dog on the team
atcr?" "Only in part. You see we ship a
great many small boxes which fre
quently contain hundreds of dollars
worth of goods, Buch as fine silks,
eatins, rich trimmings, etc. Often the
wagon on which these boxes leave the
Btore passes through alleys or narrow
and unfrequented side streets. 1 need
not remind you that there are scores of
of very bold, dexterous thieves in cni-
cago, as well as otner oig ernes, wno
are constantly on tho lookout lor op
portunities to nip anything whatever
that can be turned into money. Many
expensive experiences with these peo
ple have demonstrated that they keep
themselves remarkably well informed
as to the more valuable shipments made
by wholesale houses. In former years
it was an almost daily occurrence for
wholesale houses particularly those in
our line to have small boxes of fine
goods boldly taken from the wagons in
broad daylight while going the com
paratively small distance necessary
to be covered between store and freight
depot. Only a few years ago our firm had
three such boxes stolen at a cup irom
one of our wagons at two o'clock in the
afternoon, while they were being carted
less than four squares, l.y a descrip
tion which was furnished of the thieves
by a bootblack we caught one of the
three bold laddies and sent him over
the road, but we never recovered the
(roods, which were valued at over three
thousand dollars. This was but one of
several such losses. Now we have men
that do littlo else than keep their eye
on goods from the moment they are
placed on the transfer wagons until
they are safe within tho responsibility
of the railroad company. And frequent
ly it. keeps them dodging very lively,
for thev. of course, follow the wagona
afoot, going along the sidewalk, ana
keeping a sufficient distance in the rear
no as not to attract attention
"Another duty of the shipping de
tective for whom some houses have a
different name is to prevent, so far
noKsible. the theft of consignment ad
dresses. There are firms doing busl
ness In this and. I suppose, other cities.
who employ men to lay in wait at vari
ous times and places and copy mo ad
dresses on boxes of goods which other
firms are sending out. The object is
nlaln. namely, to have their salesmen
coll on the parties later on and try to
iret their trade. The shipping detcc
lives employed by us have caugnt
several such tneaks, but notwlthstand
Ing they are guilty of plain unvarnished
thieving, yet all we can poasibly hope
to do in the ma.er la to drive them
away, or, when we catch them at it,
irive them a kound basting. Of course
they will never reveal the name of the
firm they are stealing the adiiresaes lor,
and this makes it Impowdblo for the rep
utable houses to publicly expose their
dokpiesblo masters. Such hireling are
usually blacklisted clerk irotn ovner
cities and they hold their dishonorable
lobs but a short time. Anyone nouo.
. . a a at - a a.
Ing the load Ol ixixeo gooua vuo are w
be seen nrxm the principal downtown
ktreet at any hour of tho day will ob
serve that aa a rule the addresses are
not exrwiaed. If they are, th boxes In
all nrobabllltr represent imports In
stead of eximrt. A strk't following" of
niacins' oi
rna V.IUrmai ef XtHetme
Prof. W. H. Peek, who
makes a specialty of
has wan-
fa out
doubt treated and cur
ed more cases than any
living Physician; his
success is astonishing.
We have beard of cases
of so years' standing
c u re u oy
him. Ha
publishes a
work on
this dis
ease, which
he sends
with a
laree bot
tle of his absolute cure, free to any sufferer,
hnm send their P. O and Exoress address.
We advise anv one wishing a cure to address
Prol.W. H. PEEKS, t. 4 Cedar St., Hew Vera
Most Modern and progressive
For catalogue or Information write to
New Haven. Conn.
tuo-oo every month giren awry to any i??-
phes through us for the most meruonoui pa -a
UK month preceding. . . Blmt.
We secure me o-i i . ,'
and the object of this offer to eacourage "ojr."
keep tracWof their bncht ideav At the same urns w
wish to impress upon the public the fact that
such as the "car-wiodow" which can be easily sTiJ up
and down without breaking the passengw s back,
"sauce-pan," "collar-button," "nut-lock," ''boule
stopper' and a thousand other little things I that most
sny one can find s way of improving ; snd these innpie
inventions are the ones that brin g largest returns to the
author. Try to think of something to invent
Patents taken out through us receive special notice in
the " National Recorder' published at Washington,
D. C, which is the Dest newspaper published in America
in the interests of inventors. We furnish a y ear s sub
scription to this journal, free of coit, to all our clients.
We also advertise.free of cost, the invennon each montti
which wins our $150 prize, and hundreds of thousands,
of conies of the "National Recorder," containing .
sketch of the winner, and a description of his invention,
will be scattered throughout the United States among
capitalists and manufacturers, thus bnnguig to their:
attention the merits of the invention.
All communicauonsregaraeasmcuycouuu""-"
Solicitors of American and Foreign Patent.,.
618 F Street, N. W.,
Box 385. Washington, D. C
1- Reference editor of 'this fitter. Write Jor em
S&ifirtfe pamphiet, FREE.
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
trif hlnck west of the Union Depot of C. B, &
Q C. M. oi Ht. f., U. 1! A , r. ri. y. oi v.,
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
RATES a.oo I' 12 1 13 AY
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts.,
BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington,
D. 0.. for their $1,800 prize ofle.
Echo Btnee leaves Heppner Mondays,
Wednesdays snd Fridays. LeavesEoho
Tuesdays, Tarsdays and Saturdays,
b'are $2 eaob way. Offioe, Wells k
Warren, Heppuer. Ed. Driskell, Prop.
New Feed Yard. Wm. Gordon has
opened up tbe feed yard next door to
tho Gazette office, and now solioits a
Bbare of your patronage. Billy ie right
at borne at this business, and your
horses will be well looked after. Frioes
reasonable. Bay and grain forsale. tf.
'4 ()l
To persons who served in the wars of the United Statesor to their
Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a j
relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars
on whom you depended for support ?
To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new aa
law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it W
to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present f3
your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the
time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. ass.
fyWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. UV
No Fee unless successful. w;
The Press Claims Company
PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager,
6i8 F ftreet, WASHINGTON, D. C.
K. B.Thtl Company U controlled 1 1 iwarfy one thousand leading news- VJ
fi jmjiers rt the Vnited State, and it yuvrantretl ty Uiem.
vti - . -- r r ms.
tit Ivftw
All business attended to lb a prompt and satinfaotory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
Columbia River and Put Sound Navigation Co
Leering Aider Ktreet IXck, Portlsml, f'-r A'tnris, Ilwseo, Ling Beseb, Oceaa
Park aod Nahcolla. Direol eonneeiion with Ilwseo steamers and rail
road; also at Youog'a Bay wlib Hesshore Hsilrosd.
Leaves Portland T A. M. Dally, etn-pt Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. M. Daily, scent Sunday.
Leaves Portland I P. M iHilly, esmfd Sunday. Saturday oluhl. II p H. leaves Astoria Dally a
tr f eslvevslef'kHs.ea
tf ll'OsS lke reef taeattlf bj
kleS eloeyt see4 to k sWawea.
Tfesea taea eeareea Ike tseslslal aat
Ms el
as t a yes 4 eW k f f as 1 1 ' y wt
tisrtru a
P ism T.V.t i ri.a, ke a ke
IM I H -. .,
Slraage Crvallaas t Old Time
4 Meglrlaaa.
t'pon the authority of aevrral pn
sacra In lii,.ry e are h ad Ut U li.
thai f.uiKMi TiLarta. niiiwl'lana and
aairob'en lia o-natrtii t.tl n.. ,-
than kl brarn. hurnan-aiiapid hra.U
(hat piMewl all the f.niltlm l
Sienh. lha tlrt tf thra naa Die w..rk
ff M-inli tirrlx-rt, ta ho kflrrwanl v
rame p..j with the lllle..f hl,-. ,- It
The head U said t have pr-v'.L t,-. thai
tlrt (k.nild I - e an I that h
w mi 1.1 not die null h I14-I aald n4a It
Jrniaalrm Afl. f h frt part .f thr
pr.phery had l-i- fulfilled and he had
plan I lie partal tlsra po h! hra I Im
ri.yr. ! live f.rrrr Vy ai.-vring
eiear of JeruxaVm hll" aarlnf fia-w
oe day In a small rhun h In a u!irb
of U..iie Jl..lrr waa U!.n viltii a
au.l.lrti V if, K ii' iiif lltni ),, cn.l
rar. I. a.li,, f, muf If the
he h kal atty apm-tel name. U ii,j
Ihf rttMxl that It h p-imiariy ra'lnl
-Jrtwvtlrm he 1 1 w. his rjrs ai. t .a.il
ithin an b r
The av ti ' lti. spraUIha hra.1 '
h..t .y . ;..lrt i.nt,,!
n lutian bi.h h mi ln in l i f
lanlt. (., ti ',, rar n;an.;.t
Tha mtr4 ,.t,tt t-eo(Sre
n't r.f IhlHy j,r" UU ta the pri
of h kr fcf.r, ,lrrlus Ma.'aua.
wh.1 was t fn I year I !A
I'fiaf lla vm, In 1 r- In I r. Is r!
IKa rvwbt ..f kkrtnf mi-ta a K I I i
lma ii h e.it(ani'r r. ti-l Ik j
SW-U' " ), nctaa, ,im ,. .,, t
putt " 1 ,, ,f ,...- 1 ' '
I S'l . Ho !', .1 f hitl i
!irt t A r-l.-'l !. j ' .f
r ! -1', I i4e ilum . ill) a i. ,.
t-xf,l ILstut,,,. i: l
Jm Try If Itile a ory It lleally ru4 m
a-ira.irir irniav.
It la a fart not ri-n,rallr known.
DA5S. I.avs KUnee. that if one holds bis
, . t i - .
It liar da I oreatn nsK ores ami norm is ran
Tinmlli-il vtltli linp'inity. 1 Im rk.n lx
etirnea atiii priaif, a til by hoMlng the
ltiMi't by Ilie f.Tl mi l fflvlnir lire full
iUvrty of action ymt 1 1 iw r drive
her errapon airaiiv t t!.e Imnrnrtrable
aiirfate nith a f.m'e t',;,t llf'.i her br-nly
at every alroUe; but let Hie aiualteat
quantity of air sh from Hie luns
and the alinf will j-iirlrale at onoe.
I hsvs never seen an e-eptl'tn to this
in twenly-Ove year oUwrvation.
I have tauirht young ladies n Alt Very
b-ll. le han-ls to abmih lh'tr frirmla
hy lha performanee of this f at. and I
saw irne aeterelr alutijf a to rrrir
lli art !- of a p!) t-tait. through
lautfl.iurf at a Hty tvmnrk of hrr i
rf, f-terrMIni fiat Unphln.f fijulrel
brrath. I'oe a tiwry in eplatia'bn I
tm In I.i Ulicve !iat hxldirtif the
hrrash oatliallf rl-iw the p-irva ! the
Uln. "My ep-tiiiM-rit In Ibat diree-
Hon hate n-l l-1 etart rli"ui,'h ti ls)
fany t .,1 flo value, l-tit I Bin sail
ftH that It very arnaibly afTrrtatha
eRMitt of Inarttftihie prpiralUin.
at SUA. M., s see pi nunday and Monday. Sunday Bight, 7 P. M.
autrdar sl
Pirn. Chcflfd ts Eulroii Ptitititioa Both Bfirkfi Free tf lipvt
fat Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel OB the Telephone. Ballsy OsUert snd Oreaa Wave,
thla rule retrsrd n the
t.,.. m wainma la enforced by nearly 1 1 -eaves romenfl ana ronsniiwt to nwamt. rues iay ami inuriayat a. n.
DOes OH waifona IS enurroeas vj J n., Mliiea,la and rl,lav at 3 JD A II. Un .unit.. nl.M
all the hotiaea and r tar towara " - - - - - . -
sruanilns? airalnat ihe elaaa o( thieves
Last mentioned."
The Inletuss iuhinar and smarting InrJ
dVm m e -arms, teller, sall-f hentn, knd othet
diseaar vftlia tkin M instaniiy msr
aotdvina- Lhsrnberlain's F) sad
UintmetiL Many "try bad osaea fcsre brtt
prrmsnetilly enred hi IL ll U jnally
ellk Vnl for It. hlng piLw and a favorits rm
e.lf snrs nlpvlea; ehapprd bands chll-
blalrw, froet tiiwa, and rhronM ante tree.
lot sals by druggws at osnu per not.
Try ir fadr! Caadltlan rawdera, tht
tea lu hal a hoete nebi nhen la bs-l ernd
.. . . i
una. I oiih litaoa punner ana vsnuuugw.
Pur sat br Cnnser A Hmei, dron We
rer yosr rrotee iloa.-rirTB e
Tims t CaLa"h la I 'J 'J ' UV
tntfttaily, axual'y rtaa eitL'f ataemry of
l-b-U I'xiaaaa, l Ah. Wlurk ate ll J 4f.
L'a if tiltvfg ukn. Caianll U s l-ej. svd
a U J 4 eriaae.ia wl I J anl Us eKaoe ta)
4 li itwpSMlW. ll lb U. ka 1
tftWHft, f;ri ry, eas ka I thr a.
('44 a the r el Ms U iwiva f t4
tv-eye. an-l. If f-v f kc jl Vt. th fm
j d's tt ia'tt wt.l w pa. a la
ll-e V-e,t, a eii a l ll I'-s awra, 14
tfH, e i'.ii'ihMt an 4mti et .
t sas Te fe-l y I l.si k l a?'af
I' $ri a a.l Ul lWarw,(,-i, I It a
(''was IWIms la ls.e a. k n. U1-4 tr I
t"--,i Ua ab4 KtU j knvwf
H Is Ike treetVs llsMI la
a Mtaete's Tleaa.
It la rathrr diamuraginr to know that
If one should rra m re h- mrs a day
than the average AtM-ri an ta able to
spend aw ay f-xn bulnr, ha wronhl t
able to read only a frw of the Ub
that are rvally erartb rending.
Mr. ttlsxtaUine, vwovr, ta n-.t tt t
dlanmrscrd by IhU knn leilg-n. lie
ft apo ih prttw-ipin that lha only
way 1j gv-t any rraling rVine ta to rat
la a ltn of eratlns rwntly
tranalslevt, lr, .l!in(frr kl I: "I thinh
It was ta the year Ull that I rn. m'n r
bis tf'Iadatone's) paying art a lit at
kiio'chn-k la Ilia evening. We began
talking on r!u-l asxl th LifV al sab.
i ), and bntk twran an eagrosaod
lib IK fnvrail-n t'.at It was two
la tre vfwing wbea I left (' rTn to
fWh a lk; f"f sny bleary tmtriag
r the niiirf la ban-L t rttrMl witU
It In a f m'ntftra an t f tn I Jir
I, ;.',. t.o nWp In a ! i r4
ilittsi-al if b t at (rn t a
pvltv-lpleof Vmnj I i.c ilur;?
n- istry a '!. Anl tils
h Keeley kite
j For tho Curo Ot
Liquor. Opium it! Tobacco Habits
It Is bsreJed sl kale, Orefoa,
I TU itt Vuafikf Totra on t k CWsf
i Call el Ike O.tsvta er Inf aamealers
Mt llj tottadatiUal. 1 raMSMal yrltaie aa4 sr
OF . . .
dvcrtiscrs at a urcat finni.ci.il .orn.
niiMncs and as .1
m:11 it.
AlTKkMiN 1 I'lil.lilllKC Cn
It to Ad
fice. You nerd it in vour
matter of lnisino we nuit
a in a
I ef lwtrt r4. i n, it
( las f4s arsn ll tea Its r