Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 21, 1896, Image 3

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C. H. King, Water Valley, Miss., cured by
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"For live years, filtered untold misery
from muscular rheumatism. I tried every
known remedy, consulted the best pliysf.
clans visited Hot Springs. Ark., three times
spending iooo there, besides doctors' bills'
but could obtain only temporary relief. My
flesh was wasted away so that I weighed
only ninety-three pounds; n,left arm and
leg were drawit out ol shape, the muscles
Here and There?
Al Roberts' baby bod, Eddie, is ill.
The HeppDer Transfer Co., bas wood
for sale. 37-tf
W. E. Brock returned
lat Sunday.
Jas. Doherty was in from RUnV
unday last.
Heading is under
oi tne county.
Cbns. Inerabam
root Portland.
neing twisted tip In knots. I was unable to
dress myself, except with assistance, and
could only hobble about by uslii a cane. I
had no appetite, and was assured, by the
doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at
times, were so awful, that I could procure
relief only by means of hypodermic injec
tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged
In clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but these
gave only temporary relief. After trying
everything, and suffering the most awful
tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsnparllta.
Inside of two months, I was able to walk
without a cane. In three months, my limbs
began to strengthen, and In the course of a
year, I was cured. My weight has Increased
to 165 pounds, and I am now able to do my
tull day's work as a railroad blacksmith."
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla".
JLYMB'S FILLS cure Headache.
!i!l!8 9!iosii
I'.. .". 1 Lili 1 M lUr II
m Bus i,u
ri ! mi m oi
ii tf'-l I:. . II I1....3
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
ar. Call
and Smokabla
on Tod.
Ptrhups too Late.
Those wLo have not already sold tbeir
wool, may, perhaps, have reason to regret
tbeir proorastioatioo. Tbe buyers at
Btppner, and we understand at all wool
points In the country, bave been oallad
io by their employer. Ibe reason a
aitftied i that there at present exists
much nooertuiuty as to tbe result of tbs
Dreseot campaign, and that nnder tbe
oiroamstaooea it is Dot safe to make fur
ther investments.
It ia stated thai it tbe popnlisls and
himetallists hoold endorse Bryan and
Hawaii at riL Louis not another ponod ol
wool will be bought this teanii. Tbe
huainasa interests seem to bave mure
confidence iu republican management of
Luae Rock Fire.
On last Wedoesday ery destructive
Ore visited Loos Kik, destroying Jaok
Andrea' hotel, tbe two blacksmith
shops, one barn and nomeroos outbuild
ions. Tbe loss is mi i mated from 14 000
to $10,000. Mr. Andrews lost tverylhlog
he bad and is the prim ipal loser.
Tbe fire was an acoideut and this paper
la informed that a small boy sua a lew
match was tbe paoae of it.
Tbo OsSfils uprwea its) sympathy
for tbo lowrs who oao ill afford It at tbis
A Caatla..
Wt, tbs nndorsirfnt-d. hereby ehalleois
any bios meo in Morrow S"Uo'y to cross
bats 10 Rne of baas ball, to be played
on tbo Iieptioer gmnn.ia.Sniurday, Aug,
1st, commrtcitig at 2 p. w. The hmt
tide to (art-tab sopp f ir txilb oloes at
tbo ooclneion of the gam. It fib alde
to cootribote qiallf to the espouse of
ruratabiog balla and bala.
!au Km, M. . Iloasta,
J. W.IIohk, N. Mt,
II. Mikus I' Mtic.
II. T. l'.i.T, V. Cu roao,
t. It. Human
Umm4 Wars fur llrrl a.
The two candid iir far rtainvd f
prMileot wight BiVs oi.Iy a few
spls Ibis ar and tl.ry ongbt to put
some tbmht op- lbi lo advenes,
UeaoM bulb. ab'O rail I op.o !
laree Urn a day. "
plw. satirwa. !! . bef bate br
1.4 there ! eitoMa, lnlrrd
motig ft many wii o. T.'r
Svr a bit n" ' l'i'd
Msioe who eool'l k f.fi-o or ti.ty
. epecbe 0 day d ,bl
Ihtftg. arl t p Ula b "
Ibriiosh. Ihst oaa I-" i " liri.
He oja te 0 f f " '" '' ,b r'
eat "tat ih t-ao w,l trrt
Sjpnn trt -ti ih '- I'-allO
will b tb i'pl' b oi l d-ifto" be
Brat oatopaia. bi al rt,Uf,
aa b i k Ib'tti fit la oil three
or fuor lt.ir.ga tha C"t ib iby
mm !' at t.tTt' t' ihr-TfM"i
that y dl a- e Uto cae w.4 toe
aiMf(Mf. atJ Ihallhabnsh"-
wn m-t r t ! Ir"
ray in various parts
returned Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Vurnz are viaitinu
ont on Eight Mile.
Wm. DdllolaHB. of Hllttpr nrpnb.
in town last Friday.
Arcbie Vasev. ronrpsentino fl. H n.id
& Oo , Suudaved in Hennner.
Clyde Salin? wrh in from lh Hand
Hollow ranch Saturday last.
Mib. 'Gene Freeland is spending a few
ays with friends down at lone.
A dance out at Parker's mill last Fri-
ay night was liberally attended.
Mrs. Hranklvn. sintnr nf Mra .Tnlin
Bradley, is over from Hamilton.
E. Q. Hloan is below for medical treat
ment and is reported as doing nicely.
Drink the celebrated J. H. Ontter
hiskey. On tap at Chris Borohers'
Joe tiakelson and wife were in frntu
their ranoh near LexinRton yesterday
La Grande Marble Works. La Grande
Ore. 8. 0. Smith, Balesmau, Heopuer.
Jack Lake returned home this morn-
na after a brief sojourn in the metroDO-
Emil Sobarff wag over from Hamilton
riday to see about 'he sale of bis wool
Chas. Mallory is winding ud the bar-
veetiug of his hay crop on his ranch near
J. H. Morris, of Fossil, a well-known
blacksmith was found dead iu his bed
Hillnboro IodeDcndent: W. E. Brook.
of Heppner, is spejding a few days in
this oity.
P. 0. Thompson Oo. bave a eood lice
f harvest gloves, at low prioes quality
considered. 2t.
Dr. H. 0 Hinkle. of the National Stir-
gical institute, Ban Francieoo branch, is
cere today.
Ben Popnen and Auirust Nelson came
in Friday with a tine load of porkers for
tne ontouer shop.
Wra. F. Matlook, of Pendleton, has
bought Tampa from Keeuey Bros., pay-
iu therefor $700.
Large sseortmeut of machine ?jfs.
maple syrup and axle grease tor sale by
F. (J. Xhomysou Oo. 2t.
The hoppers are raising some trouble
in Norman Kelly's alfalfa patob; like
wise np at A Wright's.
Judge Richardson bas opened op so
oflioe in the Ayers building, just below
(iuue Noble s harness shop.
Frank Borg intends to leaveoo Thurs
day of titxt week for Peoria, Ills , w here
he will attend a horologies! sohool.
Good quality of bulk roast coffee at
25c. per pound at P. O. Thompson GoV
Also green ooflee at 22, 25 and 30c. , 2k.
(.1 i '
J. S Ingrabam and daughter, Mrs.
Fannie Beininger, have moved to Hepp
ner, occupying tbe A. Mallory residenoe.
Lost Uo the streets of Heppner, a
cap oir ol a biovole pedal rut-trap,
Finder will please return to this ofnoe
8. P. Oarriguea is bnok from the me
tropolis where he went as a representa
tive of tbe A. O. U. VV. lodge, of tbis
Dr. Shipley was called ont Friday to
atteud 8am Geioger wbo is ill with
grippe, up at bis home sbove Wm.
J. J. Harris returned Saturday from
tour of the Hound atd coast. Uo enjoy
ed his vacation immensely, Judging from
his report.
Eagle: Mrs. J. R Simons and dangh-
ter arrived from Heppner Wednesday,
leaving tor tbo AlcUuOeo bot springs
8. J. Elliott and A. E. Bollinger name
in SalordHy from Jnho Pay with J. B.
Kddiugtou s wool clip. They will take
out freight.
Miss Mionie Myers baa Jnst arrived
and is prepared lo Jo fashionable dreaa
making at reasonable prioes. Parlor 20,
Palace botel. If.
Union Republican: Repreaeotativo
Brown of Morrow county is this osrly
spoko of as a osudidato for speaker of
the next bouse.
Chamberlain's Uongh Itemed v cures
colds, croup and whooping onngh. It is
pleasant, aafe and reliable. For sals by
Conner A Brock, draggls's.
Miss Brown departed last ovsning for
Portland wbero she will J iio ao outing
party for a m ioth s vacation to tbo
mountains aod at tbo Ooast.
Il aflliote l wllh scalp disease, bair
falling out, aod premature beldoree, do
Dot o grease or alcoholic preparations,
but apply Hall s Hair renewer.
Th man who was bar! ont near Park
er's mill was Chaa. Wlrgaod. of Arlitig
too. Tbo injury proved to be a dialoca
lu.n of the aim at Its olbow.
The Palace bolel bmlJing wao sold
ImI Haltt'day at sheriff's sale for III,
illll Tbs properly ooat over 1-10.0(41
1. W. Morrow was tbo paroboeer.
The OasHle la tnfrtn4 thai IUv
Itrnry Hsanns ranoot drliver thoirr m'
lr Iretnro at lleppoer oolog to tbo III-
aes of Mrs. lUsmos al tbs seaside.
O. B II at I, tbo tonaorlal artist, eaa
be I iuti J at hia parlors, Mallwk ooreer,
her b will dietiae at p"pnlaf pric,
thavea, sbantHia, balraala, etn.
John R oys Inform tho Osteite thai
Ihi grMMbo tra are Vrv ba t op atx-ut
lia rtrnao. I bis oomHainl la prH go
oral frm all parte t f tbe Ooaoly.
Th l' b-l eO Thno. Dim kmn. pop ,
and J, W. Il-noftt, drm , f r ieirnu
iiveoftiw enooiy wil t d-cule.1 at
lb rr;tilar Isettoo lo Nomlr. j
Any mteoior lo K(rn ()rg'H oho
4mhm tba of oo a4irny la
Wwbingtoo. II. O , will tied II t bis
aJvilae t rail OO of addreo this pa
per. M
1I . Orover aal Baby Both raa
em 4 ia fat raeea op at Aiae.ia, oo,
r ,ettv.lr. the Kh. W b ar t I Mb taata.
I h Ante nde oellrg ia a nsoel aooreao
f ul me.
II ).m ts I' e I'M nKll Bowleg
msetilae lit Walter A. Wnodsf It
M tf l-o l I tbe t-t mnoef oo lbs
oj.I t. O Tl...ap.n (Ul, aro sgU.
( a I at. 1 e- it 2.
1,t Haloedaf IftoratnC, Jotf
r.a t'i IU. 'a ea l.'l la ae
I. i f., O l"fcl t k eoelalatlig nt
l.'ili rifi .! biU and a Ua4
f -i. pi". I ! l-r ni o r
.. t.f i by rttmatnf aati.o ' ll.l
Eugene Guard: 'Mrs. Lucien Parker,
of Pleasant Hill, has been oalled to Port
land by tbe Supreme Secretary of tbe
United Artisans to receive tbe money
due ber from that order. Her husband
was a member of tbe assembly at Ar
lington. Tbe order is 22 months old and
has grown to a membership of 2100, vet
tbis is tbe first death loss to the order.
The Gazette bas been forced to e to
s cash basis in order to exist. Our pa
trons must not consider that there is
anything personal in this move, for it is
the intention to treat all alike. We trust
that no ore will feel offended, and if it
is impossible to longer continae as a
subscriber there shall be no one hurt at
this end of tbe string.
There will be no services at the M. E.
ohurch next Lord's day. Rev. E. P.
Greene will be in tbe mountains near
tbe old Bisbee mill where he can be
found in case of any emergenoy demand
ing bis servioee. He will conduct relig
ious servioea iu the woods near tbe
Hamilton ranoh st 1050 and 2:30 on tbe
George Palmaterre, tbe yono? man
wbo for some time past ban been serious
ly ill at tbe residence of E- G. Hperry,
aod who for a time was thought to be
beyond recovery from an affection of the
lungs, bas so far recovered under the
treatment of Dr. MoFaul as to move lo
The Dalles. He left last evening.
Tbe Gazette has a one sear's tnition
in either the English, Oommeroial, Short
hand or Telegraphio departments of tbe
Holmes Business College, of Portland,
for sale. Any person desiring to take a
thorough business coarse in a first class
oollege should see tbe Gazette before go
ing below. tf
If you would bave an abundanoe of
dark, glossy hair, if you would have a
clean scalp, free from dandruff and irri
tating humors, or if your hair is faded
and gray, and you would have its natur
al oolor restored, use Ayer's hair vigor.
It is unquestionably the best dressing.
The University of Oregon at Eugene is
rapidly becoming tbe foremost institu
tion of higher learning in the Northwest.
Tuition is free and tbe literary and scientific-
courses are equal to the best. Free
information may be obtained by address
ing University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore.
W. P. Scrivner is prepared to do all
kinds of blaoksmithing, horseshoeing,
machine repairing, wagon work, in faot
anything in his line at reasonable charges
and satisfaction guaranteed. Will put iu
spokes for 30 oents each, and other wag
on-work in proportion. 46 tf
To make your business pay, good
health is a prime faotor. To secure good
bealtb, tbe blood should be kept pure
and vigorous by tbe use of Ayer s Sarsa
psrilta. When tbe vital fluid is impure
and sluggish, there oao be neither bealtb,
strength, nor ambition.
Hood River Glacier: Rev. J. M. Dent-
son received a oall from Tillamook and
is now installed sa minister of thi M. E
church al Bay Oity. The ohurch here
will be without a pastor until the meet
ing of conference, August 26tb.
Charley Jones, tbe well-known "old-
timer" in tbe tonsorial line, has again
located in Heppner, having pnrohased
Green Mathews' shop, Minor building
opposite tbe city botel. Charley will
appreciate a call when in town.
Among tbe oountry visitors to Hepp
ner last (Sunday were timer and Y.
Gentry, Pell Simison, of the John Day,
Frank Kilkenny, Tom Gilfilleu and Mat
Hughes. Most of them are in tbe midst
of harvest at present.
The funeral of Clias. Wallaoe, at tbe
M. E. churob last Saturday, was quite
largely attended. Rev. Greene preaching
tbe funeral sermon. The interment took
place immediately after in tbe Mssonio
cemetery, of tbis place.
Mrs. Green Mathews and Mrs. J J
Roberta have returned from Portland
where they went as dolegatea to the
Degree of Honor lodge. Mra. Roberta
aa honored with the oflioe of Grand
Outer Watchman.
of Oregon for Morrow County.
Miunle Smith, Plaintiff,
Gilbert Smith. Defendant
To Gilbert Smith, Defendant
In the name of the atate of Oregon, yi
erebv required to appear and answer th
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
ou are
e com-
cause on or before the first day of the next
regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit:
The 7th day of September, 1896,
and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
demanded In her complaint, to-wit: For the
dissolution ot tne marriage contract existing
between plalntltt' and deiendant, for the care
and custody of the minor child of plaintiff and
defendan and costs of this suit.
This Summons is served by publication pur
suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of
the above entitled court, made on the 14th day
of July, 189. J. N. BKOWN,
458-71. Attorney lor Plaintiff.
of Oregon for Morrow County.
Elizn R. Owens, Plaintiff,
Frank H. Benne, Mary J.
Benge, his wife, Lewis J.
Schewrich and
Schewrich, his wife, De
fendants. To Frank H. Benge and Mary J. Benge, two of
the defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you in the above entitled
suit on or before the 7th day of September, 1K;
and you will take notice that if you fail to
answer or otherwise appear in said suit on or
before said 7th day of September, 1896, the plain
tiff above named, for want thereof, will apply
to the above entitled court for the relief prayed
for in the complaint filed in this suit, to-wit:
For personal decree against the defendants
Frank H. Benge and Mary J. Benge, his wife,
for the sum of $531.25 with interest thereon t
the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from January
1st. 1894, and the sum of t"0.o0 attorney's fees,
and the costs and disbursements of said suit:
mat tne court snail oecree mat tne mortgage
executed by the said Frank H. Benge and his
wite to tne Lombard investment Company.
dated the 19th day of December, 1888. upon the
following described real property in Morrow
county. Oregon, to wit: the north-west quarter
ot section no. ws, in townsnip rso, z soutn. ana
range No. 25 Enst of the Wi'lamette meridian,
which said mortgage was recorded on the 20th
day of December, 1888: at page 54 of Book "D"
ot the Kecords of Mortgages in tne ottice of the
County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, Bhall
be foreclosed, and the suld real property sold,
and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to
the payment to plaintiff of the above named
sums of money; that all of the defendants, and
all persons claiming ana to claim Dy, through
or under thorn, or any of them, shall be forever
barred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate,
interest and lien, at law and in equity, and
especially of all equity of redemption, in, to and
upon every part ot said real property; and that
plaintiff shall have general relief.
This 8 mmons is published pursuant to order
of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell. Judge of the above
entitled court, made at Chambers, Pendleton,
Umatilla county, Oregon, on the 13th dav of
July, 18.
457-70. Plalntitt's Attorneys.
snd by virtue of an execution issued out
of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, ior
the County of Morrow, on June 16, 1896, and to
me directed and delivered, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in Justice court lor the
Sixth district in said county on the lath day of
June. 1896, lu favor of M. D. Haynian, plaintiff.
and against E. Campbell, defendant, for the
sum of Forty-two and 40-100 Dollars and Ten
and 30-iOO Dollars costs, and a transcript of said
judgment was tiled with the county clerk of the
county of Morrow, State of Oregon, on June 16,
in.; sua, wnereas, 1 nave levied upon the fol
lowing described real property, to-wit: The
south-west quarter of section two, in township
one, north, range twenty-five east, W. M.. be
sold to satisfy said Judgment, costs and accru
ing costs, i win, on
Saturday, the 13th day of August, 1896,
at 2 o'clock P. M of snld day, at the front door
oi me court nousein Heppner, Morrow county,
Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of said
r.. uampoeu in and to the above described P'op
erty at Public Auction to the highest and best
bidder for cash iu hand, the proceeds to be ap
plied to the satisfaction of said execution, at
torney's fee aud all costs, and costs that may
accrue. u. NAl LUtjlv,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated July 8, 1896. 456-67.
of Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
Ralph L. Benge, Plaintiff,
Katie D. Benge, Defendant.
To Katie D. Benge, i efenrlant:
I i the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear aud answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit on or before the first day of the next regular
term of the above entitled court, to-wit:
Monday, September 7th, 1890,
and If you fail to answer or otherwise plead, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tho
above entitled court for a decree dissolving the
marriage bonds now existing between you and
himself, and a judgment against you for the
costs and disbursements of this suit
This Bummons Ib published by order of Hon.
8tephen A. Lowell, judge of the circuit court of
Oregon, for the 6th judicial district, dated July
2nd, 1896. E. P. SINE,
456 68. Attorney for Plaintiff.
1 1 1 jp
jajSgg' mm-
g -
To Be
Given Away
The Best
I SmoklngTobacco Made
this year in valuable
articles to smokers of
You will find one coupon in
side each 2-ounce bag, and two
coupons inside each 4-ounce
bag. Buy a bag, read thecoupon
and see how to get your share.
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at La Grandb, Okroon,
June Kith. 18'.)8.
following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before County Clerk, of Morrow County, at
Heppner, Oregon, on August sth, 186, viz:
Hd. entry No. 4640, for the NW 8ec 20, Tp 4 8,
K Zft 1. VY M.
He names the following witnesses tonrove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz :
Luther Hamilton. Andrew McKenzle. Freder
ick Thomas, Robert Dexter, of Heppner, Or.
4o-oa. a. e. hilsuin, Register,
mi ill i a
m i wange in mm mi h
ED. 11.
Frederick M. Branch, speoial auent ot
Tbe Linaasliire In. Co., nf Man oh ester,
England, reaming al t'ortiand, Or., was
in Heppner laat Saturday oo business
connected with bia company.
For 822.50 I will aell a first clasa, high
grade, high arm sewing tnarhlna guarau
toed for 10 years. For furtbnr particu
lars oall on or address, N. A- lioacb,
Lexington, Oregon. Sn-ll.
of Oregon fo- Morrow County.
j una &. rarrei, nanuin,
Samuel I. Gerklng, Martha
A. Oerking. James R Nun
amaker aud Maria E. Nun
amaker. Defendants.
To Samuel I. (Jerking and Martha A. Gerklng,
two of the above-named defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are
nereoy required to appear ann answer tne com
plaint tiled against you in the above entitled
ult on or before the 7th day ot Pentembcr. lH'.Hi;
ana you win take notice tliatif vou fall to
answer or otherwise appear in said suit on or
before the said 7th day of Beptembr, 1KM6, t he
Dlaliultt sbove named, for want thereof, will
apply to the above entitled court for the redef
prayed I r in tne complaint nicd l i this suit,
to-wit: ror personal oucree against the defend
ants Samuel I. Gerklng and Martha A. Oerking
lor the sum ot sil.i7.80 with interest thereon at
the rate of s per cent, per annum from April 1st
1K'.I4, and the sum of t50 01 attorney's fens, and
the costs snd disbursements of said suit; that
the court shall decree that the mortiraue exeeut-
ed bv said Samuel I. (ierklng ami Martha A
Gerklng to the Lombard Investment Company
oaiea tne a nay ot siarcn, iit, upon the tol
lowing described real property in Morrow
county, Oregon, to-wit: the south half of the
north east quarter, the south S' acres of the
north-west quarter of the north-east Quarter, of
section No. Yl, in township No. 8 smith, and
rnnpa No. 21 Kut of WillMnutto meridian) And
also the west halt of the north-west quarter of
section No. 13, snd the north half of the north
east quarter of section No. 14. in township No. 6
south and range No. Kastof Willamette merid
ian; which mortgage la how owned by plaintiff;
which said mortgage was recorded on the. Aitli
day of March, IW. st page M of Hnok "IV of
the Records of Mortgages in tho iiHice of the
County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, shall
be foreclosed, snd the MM res nronertv i .
snd the proceeds of such sale lo lie applied to
tho payment to plaintiff of the above named
lima of money; that all of the defendants, and
sll persons claiming and to claim by, through
or under them, or any of them, shall be forever
barred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate,
Intercut and lien, at law and In eoiillv. and
esectally of all equity nf redemption, In, to
sud upon every part of said real pmiHirty; and
that pUlntin shall have general relief.
1Mb Hoiihuoih Is Dub Ished pursuant to order
nf Hun. Stephen A. Lowell, JiuIkc of the above
entitled rourt, made st ChainlM-rs, I'enilli lon.
I mat! la county. Oreiriiii. on Ilia I llh dav of
July, 1-eil.
4o7-70. i'lalntltl s Attorneys.
Now tha "Candidate" Is out ot date.
The crops are looking flue;
It Is a treat to view tha wbeat,
Tba melon on tha vine.
Tha born of plenty's In tha land
But tha horn for which wa alcth
Is a winning lass and a brimming glass
Of Hperry'a "JJnwood Rya."
Hold only at tba Belvedere Saloon.
Notice of intention.
J June 30, im. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice
of his intention to make dual proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be . made
before the county clerk of Morrow couuty at
ueppner, uregon, on August , us'JO, viz:
Hd. entry No- 7281. for the E'4 BE" Seo 19. NEU
NE(4 fcieo 30, SW)4 Bee 'O, Tp 3 8, R 28 K, w
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upou and cultivation
of suld laud, viz:
L. A. Florence, John Heeler, Thomas MoCul-
lough, Normau A. kelle ,of Heppner, Oregon,
4l(io. B. P. WILSON, Register.
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wholesale Slaughter Prices !
All wooleii goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. (Jail and see the stock before it is too late.
Notice of Intention.
ED. R, BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman,
Gilliam & Bisbee
lj June '21, lM'H'i. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has tiled notice of
his Intention tn make final proof In support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon,
at neppuer, uregon, on August i, i'.n, vu:
Hd. entry No. 7BI7, forthe 8E 8W See 19. EU
NVV J4 and NE!4 Bee 30, Tp 4 8, U M E. W.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
Of, said lanu, viz;
E. V. Watklns, Robert Watkltn, A. S. Burch,
A. J. McKenile, all of Heppner, Oregon.
Si, Register.
Notice of Intention.
J June '.'4. IK'NI Notice la hereby given
that the followlng nsined settler has tiled unties
of his Intention to make final pnxil In supHirt
of his claim, and that said proof will li mads
before J. W. Morrow, county clcrs. at lleininer.
Oregon, on August s, Imsi, vis:
Hd. K. No. IWJIl, forthe K'jNWi,HWU NWU
ud NH i, M.M. :f. Tp'i N, H -Ji K.
He names the loiiowlug witneau-s to prove
Itcotitliinowa residence upou and cultivation
f. said land, vl.:
I I. VaiitVliiL l off ll.iltt.tin ft..t,.n T 11
Mathews, W. H. Klnley. Arthur Andrews, oi
lialluMsy, Oregon.
4V.rk1 HcKlsU-r.
Was K r Called O Hrysa.
Rev. Q. W. Eagfln tars Ibera la no
trulb in lb story lb at Nomioea V. J.
Bryan went by tha Dams of O'Brysn
bafor ba remoyad to Nebraska. Tba
story ! tuld tbo Orfgonlso by J liar;
O'Dryao, a Portland inaaraneo aetit,
bo tries to prova ralalionshlp with tba
presidential eaodidata.
Itov. Eagso says tbat lh father of W,
J. llrjao ss Julra Hllaa L. lirjraa hn
muratad to Kaletn, Illinois, from Vir
giuia about 1837. ba ba was t a
vouoff man aod aiuttla. Ha and IUv
Kairan wora cloaa friemls aod Oeiitbbora
aod no ooo avar bard of bia family bas
ing twwo eallad O'llryao, allboogb it
tniii tit bava boati tba eaa 150 yiars ago.
A Ga4 I asa.
A floa Bores a lilo business to trada for
alip. Annual salsa lVt10M. No
buildings, Adlrrss,
tUaura Horr.
Ilamptoo llooaa,
7 9. Halt Uks City. Utah.
A .f fircgoa ..f U. ( "ut.ij of Kill turn,
Uiif M i.nriMf, l latnurf,
Silas R Hntnm, Mdatit.
tn atlas It H'tlin.f. r(x itdalit
M " (mai.t lbs Mat .4 Otfm. to Sn
Hrff ri'tra4 In rnvtmt awl ao' U. e.-a
ialtit file! aal'a4 In tit mntitim
rauaa on nr net' to arvf nay ft irta
(guiar urat of las uuiiadwnirt, u I
la Tta slay of atsaar, la.
and f imi tall tn sn aif. ! aanl ihafa4
(.ian.iiS alii appir !' ra e-.url t. ia mM
Smai.dd q affri(tt'iatiil. w if Ta4ia.i
luliol. rW snarrta riulfa SwlaaaA tal-lif
at1 nffwlal. lla i utt.t m a I Ifta a.lmif
elMt-aa ui .aintlS aod lUlaudaal, and nrnttal
1 hla aists Is sra4 by tmUlratlnii Mf
SnaM S" sa f aj.han A l.. i-i-.ra nf
Ifca ana anuU4 tuolt, saaO an tha I"n4aj
at in y, iav J a H'ni
il :l Atb.ftaf lor I ali llT
of orenon (or Morrow iiinlr,
Clara A. Cobb, FlatutlfT,
Morris It. Long, I.lnnle
Ixing. hla wile, K.O. Hiu k-
mini. Helle K. Hurknum,
his wife, C, K. Iluahn, I..
Hushes, her husliaiid, II.
J. Canst. Daniel II Hrown
snd Hrown, his
wife. Defendants,
lo I.lnnle ln and L. Hughes, two of the
stMive-tiained i1efen4anta.
In tbs iiainaol tha Hfate of Oregon, you srs
herelijr re.iulrd tn spprar and amaer the com
plalnl ninl svainat you In Ilia aln.va cntltlnl
soil on or belora Hit "th day ol Hrpirmta-r. ttn.;
and ynu will Uke untie thai II foil fall lo
suawrr or ollierals appear In aald suit on or
llora tltr aald 7th day nl Hrplemlier, IwM, the
l lalutld alaiv named, for want (hereof, a ill
apply to tb aim's entitled rourt for tha n I let
rare.1 for In Hi rnmiilalnl nied III tl.la suit.
to-all For prraolial ileerea agalnal Ilia defend.
ants Uoiila lm.r. 4. Hughes and I. Ituha
lor the turn of ti l a with Imemt Iheri uiat
His rata nl s iwr ernl. wr annum from Marrh
l.t. imv l,'l an with Ilka Inlareat tl.eie.oi In. in
Man h lat. last, snd Ilia sum ol 0il attnrner s
leea. and Ih nana aiwl ituimraameiiia ol aald
nit, thai th ennrt shall deerr thai Ilia mort
tag a mi tad I, Ilia aald Morris II. litig snd
Llnnl 1-oiif Ul Iha l4'iu'mf Invaatmetil oin
Hiiiy, daUnl Ih I.Kh day uf February. Iwi, niam
iha toiina lug oi-ai-riji real tiroMrtf In Jaor
row roniily, Orrson, lo lt iha ea.l half nf
the aoulh veal .iru.r. and Hi a eat hall ul Ih
aoulh real quarter ul set-Hon So a. In l.,ai,ilil,
Mi north siil ran s. m .al ol th t II
lamella meridian ahl.h aald murtsag was
rer-iif-led mi tha lih dar nl MarrH. 1 i al la
ui l n-ais " ot tn Bi-eor.n t,i M,irtaaea In
...w ,'.,, w . n ii,., initi,,, hb in H'univ eon iii .
lireaun. aha 1 1 t lotartnaxl, aod Iha aald real
t.ru-rir a.. 1. 1, sud Hi r...li i.f sm h aala lo
Ik applied In Ih y n.eril kl plalnlltTof ll
aiaita naniaii utn ot tniirvi that ail nf Ih.
defendants slid sll paraons elalmloa and In
eiali liy. Ihmiiri nf under Ihem, , any ol
them, ahall h lole.al lianed sod f.tte .-t o
s.l rtshl, tltia. lal. Ilibifeal and lieu, al I
and In a-iuily. and a-rtiiy nf ail anolty nl
rteniMiiin. In. In and Mem aver iart id aald
real .r..i-njr, and thai pialullA ahail b sa
rl frlli.f
1 hia annimmi Is fmtillahad huisuant la nrdei
of Hon atapiian A ly.aeit Ju.(a nf the !-.
anlitiail eiMirf. niaila al I hamlets, rendietun,
I watma raiinty, i-.in, oa Ihs lth day hi
rri,isi(s, nu ri inut,
t7 Tu I'lalnllA s allolnaja.
Notice of Intention.
t iunortru's iTiiiiiniiiii imvunH
I 4 June le'sl. Notice Is berehr given thai
he following named settler bas llled noileaof
Is HiU'iitloii Ui niak llnal tiriNil In smiimrt nl
Is claim, and that said lirool will lie mads
iMUore r-. I. rreeiahU, I omuilsaloner ol the r.
Circuit Court, al JleMincr. orrsoii. on Julr
sun, it'Jn, i
r i.ixils v. w atk I
Hd. T. No. 4i, Jl lor tha NWU Bee. II Tn. a ft. R
He name Ih following wltneaae In nmvs
his eoiitltiiinns n-sldenia uihiii ami cultivation
oi sain latin, vis:
lieorge hiierry, llntiart Hestar, Ja k MrKan
la snd David A. llerreil, all ol lleiuoier. Or,
B, F. Ml Mi IN.
i'OSO kegister.
mmrg or iioli Tin
V'OTt't l HaT CIVM TKT Tltg
araaafiaaSI ea. f-ad nf f.i
m SI i . a i.t H siofean 4-ai a r"' l
Sn, S. . la tna tlif nf H'l'ffc' Na l la
ilf iai itit..it in o Si t s.ai s n'la
ll ,1 ui .uimi i--. rf g tftair wl.i.l
i. .-l-.-.a li. ii. a al a, il' S'.
aas a.t ti.4 ., .( id t '
. i t n ta.
..t4 at Mra, !... ia h 'Hal
!, teas s a
in tin nifi it ot at or tin ptatk
I M ' e.i lot ha i uvnlr l Mirtfi.,
Via liilS.o, Fiainutt,
t' a flflfn. Mfar4an
To L ti'lrhn. lofannanl
In t h nan.e of in iaia ni fireaon, frtf ar
Kaial f ra-i.irad to af'tMal and anaaaf Iha e
bialnl aiail aaln4 In Iti aii ati .d
i.m on m iK'l.ife Ilia Siat day nf O.e a.ti regit'
tar Ut nf tna aiai.c ar. Hi.I rnnt. W. II
tft Tta ay al MpUfriswr. la.
and H ful fall an In ini.if. In le i l...f
I 'a btacmlff vlll Sfil to tha noift lof II 11.
Samamlatt n aar I im.lainl. Ui all Ifef il
iiiitiin nf II. a rnarii enelraxl fitouf 1
laaan I .alllllS Sa4 4rtu4l.l, Sn4 nf ul
lis i a.. '.!. taaer.iil If i,i.;i.aM" k
f.it In aa nfdar nf at.lii A liaao, Ja'
t i taa slma ai.l'Uaii l.t ft, l.l-'l M II a M
4a fj.ll. l J h'a
Ti. AtlniMf M riaitti
rVof!ce Of Intention.
I.tsu tit III g ST i Ng llAU.S, OssooH,
Jun alh. !.
i loUnwIng named settler has Bled holli-a
nl his liiienllon Wi maka Dual priaif In sui-imrt
I nil claim, aim lhai aain pnaif will ha mad
Mtora I otihty ( lark nl Mnrrnw f imtily, Ofgiti,
si neppuer, wregon, on July is, israi, vis:
Hd K No tr.r. for Iha VI H v. iVc. 11. and
K'i HK.ia. Her Ji. 1i 4 . K K.
Ha name Ih lolinalng a Itm nil to nmvs
Ida miitlniHiua reaidciie upon and sultliaUuo
ul aald land. VIS
Aithur Helena. (His siianef. Mam Adams,
Henry lloaall.all ul itsraman. iifmoii
4i: hi lugiaier
Notice of Intention.
,i at) (rrn g st 1.4 (isiatis. fiasuna,
Jon ih. Iiei
NoTH r. ia iirnrHV rnvm hut ih
lolliialug nam. aetllet haa (la hollr i
hla Intention I niaae filial t-rieif In supmff e
hlarlatm, and thai aald tirTiif will h mad ha.
fa F. I Feeland, e.iniinlaaliiiief I', a f Iffrnl
onrl st II' ipner. Iifrfn, ua Ausnat I'db, i
THOwAS) tlllfll I Ff,
II 1 entry Sn la, f..f t,a u r .. M, fif
,.iH,Sl,ai;,l.H K7i M
Ha Himia tha follnaliii wltneaav 4n gifnv
hla rniitiiiiniii ffeahlaoc sfwq and tullltina
in. aaui ia"i, ii
Aieiander I niiwll. Pal !tal.ar v ii Kan
Slid J '!! J.ihliaiilt, al nf fei'ina, lliaanin.
M4. a, r uj"i Kief,
We are not small meD, Bbs. We are Bmall men, Xs.
we are not tne Largest nuts in ine voria i
But when the poopls of all the surrounding country are in need of a
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery wsre, Glaaswsre, Wood and Willow ware, Kails, Iron, Barbwlrs,
Cumberland Coal, Oass and Water Flpe, Plie FlttltiKS, Htovcs snd Ranges, Wagons,
Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axe, Hammers, Raws, Bledges,
Wedges, Guns, l'lstols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran
ltewsre, flows, Harrows, Uskes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bottlers
aud Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and- Qet Prices.
We have Goon Goods at Fxta Trices, snd Cheap John Goods at Chop John Trices.
j. c. uonoriisiis. Ppop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Gkoceriks, Gf.nts Furnishing Goons,
Stockmens' Suiti.iks, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade !
He will male it an ol ;. for yon to trniln with
biro ai LU ricoi are right, ami all cuotli Hint he
handles aro of tho vory btt.
Stork on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
Iloppnop, Oregon.
U WW SB W astTsV. Wa- Jm. m, JLm.JJ.
aurcaanf lu ( a Vsa Ituta. Halt d f ia t It ll .t. l.
Hos everything in tho line of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, ond also keeps Crockery,
Lamps und Tinwnre.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty,
Notice of Intention.
ami orrn t ih ii i s tmr-.ii
J.ma . Il l..li' ia raat.lt sla
H al ii, a .. !..! aiH aHtlaf saa It - na
Inai f baf i.lt.ll. tt taaba S at r.d It. ...'
! fd kat rlaiHi. "d H at i im
..a.t u.. rt , r.,ahdE t a tf ..wi 'Mpft.
a. st M'Wt. '. Ink, tt
nsaasa a nt mis.
ISlla at twuii.l.l s 1. 1, ilaraaaa
II I On asji, .tt,slu, -.. ) Ta, I H ,
It . W X
ai.a tmm tha litM'lat. ttnaaa Sn
haf ...t.ii. ... laai't' ii up..i sid rUlf aiktaj
nl aald lar1 tl
a 1 S.il. nl Ht't"e t , fa Imll
t,d r.auS l...'ad, ul .., tl , K I a aid
U iiiaad, ul lal.i sl'.a.
r .
S it ilar.
noon WAsrr.t.
iit ri. t-t in. m rrivtn
al IHa a,. f. t,. i I i s ..IH J;f
.1 t IT M ,. i..a ti. i. H
.....!.. 1 . fc l S as l-l.l, ..w it I a..-l
"' i '! , i It aa
Elt !
Youro HOUND o f'jik..M
('raa ft, a all flii'n. a.-,. H
4..A .
!!,. at a an t Vt.Uri tl.a lr
nf (, - '
WML nt -
Atf.ot M f
r.sr'ittitis f I ti Mi
S' ,1 ( f II , aU Sti.U ft ) I
14 f I . a. a . a lit l ( t 4
I 1.1.:. i Ml I 'It Kl, U .
isaa I aa ', lali
II I al l-.il J lit
ib a il 'i.
t - ta- - a I I
V Mll-S
I la I ., ' l .t a ' i i l, ! .,
. a w tsal " '
. C o ' ", H.
11, at M4ee, O V II
ai r is a a
It ira 1tH