REPCRLICAN PRESIDENTIAL TICKET. For President, wiluam Mckinley, Of Ohio. For Vice President, GARRETT A. HOB ART, Ol New Jersey, a For Presidential Electors, T. T. GEER. of Marion County, 8. M. YORAN, of Lane, E. L. SMITH, of Wasco, J. F. CAPLE3, of Multnomah. His Lip Gone Excessive heat in Australia is causiug much suffering and a great many deaths. The battlo-ship, Philadelphia, is at Portland for a few days. No doubt it is worth seeing. Wben tempted to rail at the hard timet aod complain of poverty, remember the Wnrda ftf DarRAM I'Pnwarfw im nnrtnm M. M. Nicholson, who lives at the ..... T . ... ... .. . . I fortanlA. na I nan ftaatifv tint nina limM corner ol Cumin ana Anderson ijts.i At- ... . ' ' lanU, Ga., had a cancer for years. on i en tee oest ttiioe mat can Happen It first appeared on his lip and resent- to a yoooe man ia to be tossed overboard bled a lever Duster, dm spread rapiaiy tna oompelled to auk or swim." There His father and nncle had died from othmg better tor a yonnn mm than Cancer, and he sought the best medical to be compelled to rustle for a living, aid in different cities, but it seemed im- It makes strong, reliaot, capable men possimeiocnecK ine oisease. ocverai ,be kind onr coontr. needs.-West Side v.1 x n vk j a a vu uwu uia a,vu for years until the partition in nis nose ana nis enure up per lip were eaten away, au treat- The clerk of Gilliam county has voluntarily done away with his deputy. Good shot! Our county clerk should follow suit. Oue next legislature will be ask. ed to reduce the legal rate of in terest from 10 to 6 per cent EveD some money lenders are ad vocating the change. Ex. The Gazette will positively con duct its business on a cash basis after Aug. 1st. It does not doubt the honesty of its friends but it cannot carry them and keep "above water." Chairman Taubeneck, of the populist national committee, fears that his own delegation, that of Illinois, will go against him in the proposal to endorse Bryan and Sew- all. It looks now that an endorse ment could not be reached. The East Oregonian is talking very loud for a paper that switches every time the wind changes. The East Oregouian has changed in a few weeks from a gold standard to a silver paper and its arguments are amusing. It could support Bryan and Sewall without stultifying it- self, The chances are that there wil be another political bolt 1 hia week this time at the populist conven tion at St Louis. The middle-of the-road populists do not like the idea of their party going over bag and baggage to the democratic camp. They argue that a populin canuot expect anything even if they should help elect Bryan. The democratic party fooled the people in 1892. If the people want to double and quadruple their mis eries they can submit to being fool ed for four years more. "Four years more of G rover and clover" would be angel io compared with four yoars of liryan, Tillman ii Co, Union Republican. PRESS COMSfcKt A good republican it One that believes that the republican party is the safest ment having proved with wbioh to entrust the affairs of the nation, who believes that its politios generaly are right and that its errors are futile, he looked upon death as the onlv relief. I L L . 1 . t. L i ' 1 1 L .. ' 1 ' Home one re- uo cviiiy imenuuu; luui ii is lue yainui- commended S.S.S." ic party whose record proves its worth. . say s, ana He also believes thst in supporting the a few bottles afford- ... . . , , . led some relief : thus nominees of the party, be Is subserving encouraged I con- his own individual interests and the tinued it, and interests of the whole country. West it was not long De-1 Side. lore me progress 01 the disease seem ed checked. I persevered in its It is impossible for demoorata to use, and remarkable as it may seem, I divert the issue from that of protection Via. tiAn, liftt C Q Q la tnn mncr 1A. markable remedy in the world, and Perfectly sound on the money question, everyone will agree that the cure was a as is the St, Louis platform. But be rep wonderful one." resents first, no matter how thoroughly A rtMl rilnnd IXPITiPdv.. he also represents sound money, the idea o tt j a it of such protection of our domestic mar- fmpf ia in r A rtlrtnrl inn IT 10. fnllv 1 to expect an operation to cure it S.S.S. kets from imported produots of oheap (guaranteed purely vegetable) is a real oreigo labor a? will enable our lactones remedy for every disease of the blood. to run on full time, and all the working CLOSING OUT SALE! We invite your attention to our Immense Line of Summer Dress Goods of the Very Latest Styles. Our Salesman, Price, who recog nizes no cost or value, will offer these goods Away 3elow tie Regula Books mailed free; address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. O. It. & N. REORGANIZATION. McNeill Elected President-New Board of Directors. From the E. 0. The Oregon Railway and Navigation Yours for Cash. HON. HENRY B. RUSSELL'S LIVES OF Mckinley and hobart. Ah THE timo approaches for holding the St. Louis convention, it becomes apparent that there is a lack of harmony in the populint ranks. Thero are three factions, namely: TIioha who favor straight endorsement of Bryan and Bewail; those who want a fusion on tho floctoral ticket; the "middle of tho road" toys who want no furling with democrats. It clear that there will bo trouble. people of the United States to be paid the best wages they can earn. Such protection will solve the problem of hard times more effectually than the discuBS- ion of the silver question by politioal demagogues. West Side. Those who attended the state fair at Salem last fall will remember W. J. Bryan, dem cratio presidential nominee, sb the person who delivered the $200 is now thoroughly reorganized. Friday speech during the close of the fair. morning a meeting of the stockholders Union Republican was held at the company's headquarters in Portland and the following directors Those patriotlo Cubans who are so eleoted: 0. 8. Fairchild, of New York; nobly straggling for their freedom ought W. W. Cotton, Henry Failing, H. W. to be happy now if the publioly express Uorbett, W. M. Ladd, (J. II. Lie wis, W, ej sympathy of the United States oounts li. Ayer, A. I Mills, fc. B. Spencer, iu. for anything in their straggle for ind MoNeill, J. Q. Wood worth, W. H. Ken- pendence with the Spaniards. Union nedy, all of Portland, and Miles C. Republican. Moore, of Walls Walla. me newly elected a ireotors tnen held a Natural Beantlfler. a meeting and eleoted the following KmY fjloyer Root Tea purifies the officers: President, E. MoNeill; general blood sod gives a clear and beantiful auditor, E. 8. Benton; treasurer. Ueorge oomplexion. For sale by Wells & War- is Witi.inotni. ren xue election or Mr. Mcaeui, wnoasi An Injunction Suit. teoeiver and general manager, has vmm the l. c. Eagle. bandied the propertv in a very efficient The Eagle is informed that trouble it is the object of this book to give a manner, was eminently satisfactory lo prevail iu the camp of the Blaok Bntte 0,ear ,partialf Brjtuentio, and complete the members of the pnrohssing commit- mines, and if the injunction is granted ... tee, who are blsblv nleased with his it will manlr In tvino no the famous services. That be will manage the Black Butte mioe for some lime to oome. MiveB of William MoKiuley and Garret property equally as well in the tutors The suit was brought by Walter Brown, A. Hobart from boyhood to the present there is no donbt. lownerot the DunlaD blacer and Last Mat,, in rrirlfant(i.inrililfint. anecdotes. The reorganisation plan contemplates I Chanoe plaoer mines, and the Blaok .,,, ,ni1 .Tmrin that .ill ..K1 41 . I .11 1 . I. M . , . A ( - . - "Kmg oi raD.ponaiion systems uutte uo. it enj.)inea irom cutting umo- lhe rne charftoter ot the men Bnd eoM iuio one cuuuuuuus iiqo, ana me new er, irom erecting Duiiaiogt on, using ine , . ,Kom ...Miv ... ohuijjhu j rzproia io uhth iuii potsessum water or, or running tailings on euner oi ot lbs entire properly on the 1st of the above named placer mines. August. The cams will remain the Concerning the merits of tbe suit the same, except that the word "railroad" Eagle knows nothing, and it bopes that will be substituted io plaos of "railway," lit can in some satisfactory manner be The articles of incorporation, signed settled io the near future, and tbosen- by Hoory Failing, E. MnNeill and W.W. able the operation of all the mineral Uw iudeu ,od Ooantr, attoroey, how W..U..U, ,ur onpuaiiiiuon u i properties oi ti'Si camp tuai P""'""- h,e oame to enter politioal life, of his, uivi.ieu m.o preferred stori Lmt-As tbe goes to P b, t fa nhanom91 s AnHB.4 tin nft w.n i aiaI ' iu.uwp,u.fu maa com- line inrormuuon is received nai mr. .... .... .mm ,P.n.n4 .;. ....... ...... , .omuni ... isrown oas soi.i i.w piaoer mioiog inir,. , nromInnl DRrt h took lhtm. I . t 1 a . a . a a. I . & m , , I " sr r - - t iu.,.re.errBl., UUUS Mining the . h. nnri, ,... hi. m.,, rTO.-.v uiv.uenup, ii oeo.are.i, io ins eonslderatlnn Doing SoiMU. 1UIS settles .,. hl. hnma .ifB . fnrth. ru smonntofl per cent, per snnum, noe- the injunction suit, snd s lbort. it is tbe most complete and n- cumulative, before sny dividend shall be q.rls mill will sooo be running on tbe h rpoord hj. Bod work ,nB pain on tne onmmon stool, ids etiin- Black Butte property moo stork is to be entitled, sfter the a Talc a Lool at Tlese Goods, You can find a Bargain ii) ti)cn). Mi We have a Large Line of Glassware, Crockery and Tinware that we are closing out. Don't buy these goods till you see our prices. STOCK. BRANDS. While roa .ep jronr .abwjription paid up c e.n keep rear brand in free of oharga. Allyn. T. J., lone, Or. Hone. GO on left hcmUier; oattle nine on left hip, nndar bit on rutht ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row oottntjr. Baint. D. W. and .on. Hore branded D B on the left, hip! oa'tle the win on left flank, crop off right ear. underorop in the left, llange -in Morrow ("-ounty. BBrtholaraew, A. G., Alpine. Or. Home, branded lEun either shoulder. Banxe in Mor- rTamiister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ad B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter. Itooseberry Oregon Hone, branded F B on left shoulder. Cattle asm. on Bronman, Jerry. Lena, Or. Horse, branded 7 jn right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop and right ear upper .lope. Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Horse., J B on right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in "gnmn, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle 0 with dot in nei ter on left hip; oattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Hone. W. bar aver it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left h,Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horae. box brand on right hip cattle, same. With split in '"Borg.'p. 0., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder, CRttlo.same on left hip. Cannier Warren. Wagner, Or. Horses brand. Jd O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on -ight. ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in Rrant ana morrow wuuim Cain E., Caleb.Or Y D on horses on left stifleV 0 with'qnRrter circle over it, on left shoulder. wd on left stifle on allcolta under 5 years: on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. AU range in Grant oonnty. Cate. ChBB. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Omatllla counties. Corrigall. M M. Oalloway, Or Cattle i crop ont nf each ear and nnderbit. wattle in forehead; horsen half cirele C on left stifle. Range "Mor. im and Umatilla counties. Carl T. H John Lay, Or Double cross on aoh hip on cattle, swallow fork and nndei bit n right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant onnty. On sheep, inverted And spear point on shoniaer. nar marii. """"j"" nnnehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half orop m left ear. All ratiga in Grant countv. ' . , , Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, BOon rightshont.. ier: Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square, orop off left and solit in right. Currin.R. ., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, 0n leCoxiflEd. 8.. Hanlman, Or.-Cartle, Cwlth, r, in oenter: homes. CE on left ip. Cochran, R. E., Monnment, Grant Co , Or.--Horses branded oircle with bar beneath, on left .honlder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark, inder slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman. Or.-Horees branded -5 on riffht hip. Cattle branded the same. Also Srands CI on horses right thigh; cattle same Brandon right shoulder, and out ofl end ot WILLS & LOOltJM. is OGL3SHandBUSINSS OREGON It tells of tbe bumble circumstances of McKinley's eBrly days, of bis life as s ooy, of bis yean of unremitting toil, of bis life as s oonntry schoolmaster, of his splendid war reoord with its manifold thrilling experiences, of bis career as a Kt'- u viwuNur Er-m onDTiiun ri run i limu imi.MK Full English course. FRENCH AND GERMAN. BUSINESS BRANCHES. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy. BOARDING DEPARTMENT'" LAMES payment of 4 per cent dividend declared during tbe same year, up to 4 per oeot. per annum, snd, sfter lbs payment of so. h diridends to lbs eoromon stock, all di?idend declared daring tbe year sre lo be distributed pro rata to lbs prefer red snd comtnuo stock. Karl's ( lover Hoot Tea la a sere eure for Headache snd nervous ili.ea.e.. Nothing relieve so quickly. for sale by Wells Yi arreo. can possibly be written, for much of it was penned by bis own band. Be sup plied abnndant material to lbs author, and gave bira aooeas to important data and facts thai bare not been supplied to any other writer. Tbis Is not only tbe best but it is tbs ebeape.1 eampaign book extant. It Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . Hz ERY The Kvcninp; TVlegrsra says ".Senator Hill's sppoiDtment bj triDjHirsry clisinni.n of tho codtpd tioD reflects ft spirit (( roroplrte lisruiouy among tho souuJ-mouojr doniocrsts st Chicago." Tbe lVmlletou Tribuoo answers tbis remark thusly: Yes, and tho fact that lo was turned down no doubt refleitsft spirit of complete bar niony among tho freo-silrer deni ocrats at tbe Altgeld conTention. Major McKinlet las always discliMMHl bis policy on all aubjects with ouUtMikca candor. Tbis country, Lo uncomprotLiaingly d cUrrs, is and mu.t oontinus to U tln paratnoubt cohsidcralion of all mrn, and Iter interests tnuat lo re conizvl as surir to all otbora. A mnu who 1mm eiht of this fact endangers tho Trry rki.tctico of bis government, l'mtect it and riot dtroy it should l-e the watchword of every maa who eipcrU to bold high KK'ial NitiDS. I'.i. The flections etrrywbers Lets txvn going republicso on account t f th tariff ioeue sod now the dent. ti relic pf are endafonng to eiiiiinc the country thst the larifl is rt an Imus in this eamalgn, It is th on great juti.u now lKftrs the p'i'lr. loa rsonot make tbs tuais forget tbs troos times tho country Las been e tiTi icbciog tbs i few years as tl.s direct resolt of tbs freMr.! licy of ths dfinocrslie rrty. I'r t"i li H te tl. Ira In 4 UeU" t.w dy aa it was f mr )rrs K-o and I.m tu in e ry riechnej eiete. t'kiusj lUpaHuea, Mliht bTm. V. J. rtrv.n. the demoeratlfl nresi denti.l eandiJate. waa In Tbe Delia laet oi... mr, r.1 nn.lil. .n-l I . 1 .l.i.i i . I" " . "- . '""" N F i Ip- . r . d.r. sets ns no from Port and meh Hn.. th.n .n. ertyoflbs corporate, and no ..I. or h, ,b, c, scenery. 0,her it Bnte handsomely printed, on eaM or lie ra iro.a or leiegrapb line is W LiI, U CI. H.ouoil Md for tbe 144 belter rPr. more durably bound, sod o be ma.1 without lb approval of Ibe ibouseodtb time Lis f smnnssalmon st'.ry. 1 1 aol.l for ery much leee mooey lhao StI.S .r . S II.. . . V M I I v. - -..J.,.., v, uw ..vivrrvy lftaB til it without eommebt or I .nv nlh nnm.ipt.nff lt Ka ''lat a. tork, nor I Ih Corporation lo onnsoli- ,nrI)ru. but the .tor m...l have llnser- Lwi' .. it... W. K.1I-. th.t n. i.i. i. ..ii . .. i- - - - - .... ...... .mo muj v.uer Dnrporauoe ki i ku m.m,,r- . ih. .fternoon mllllnn -Ill tw. r.l.t h.null.l. wi.oouiii.o eppniTBi. . II.,,lrk'a a.BB.r. At lhe I r. IK. nnlV. ..l,tl.,n .n(l.r,..,l k Messrs. Uenry railins,E. MoNeill sod Lm. .. m-i.Io. i,l.tlurma were full of i.vrui.. K.mir .n.t ih. kHm-m.. floe freeb eblnook. Looking at tbera dollar and npwards-l.riog it within Ih admiringly for a moment Uryan said in rt .on of all. Its bigb quality sod its s sort of ssolilmiuy: "Wonder if thai old low price mark so epoeb ia tbs history map wasn't lelliog the trutb."Tli I of .ubaoriptloe books. There t no Lif. tells CbMbk-le. ol tbe C.ndi.Ute " good as" or as low ia prtre st Hon, lieery II. ItusfeU'. rllMM lu author ia dlstineni.bed as on of M IB ' , s r. fcl-.''...'" Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Iut up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? W. W. Cotton r sutboriitd to opes slock book ssd recelTS sobeeriptioos snd ergaslf lb eorporsthm. Mm Hal Ay.ra at Ih. WerM rr Ayer ' Hara.parillatnjnt the eitreof dlnary dislinotioa of mg bees Ibe onlf blood punfl.r allowed ao eibibit at Ibe World's fair, Iftiesgo. Uaoofaelurer of other arsprillM sosghl by means lo obteis s showing of Ibeir good. but they were sll turned seay under Ibe aplfcetna ot Ibe rale forhlddieg Ibe entry of patent medieides end koelram. I b. .li..B of the World's f ir audio. aad lJer e.mpleiel you bet a printed lbg mo.t brilliant J of our day. guaraete oa every buttle of Mhtloh' . . .... .... i.i i u,k ,w . ... Yiuiuer. II sever f.ile te sure Kor A. s per.n.l friend o Utb tb. eamli. date, tl was naturat met be tnouid be sale by Well A Warron. Shoeen a their biographer. Tbe illustration are tu.iely fmm pba Rlwknaa Wee I Talk. Ilua. INnry lllefkmau, eolleclr of I togrspb supplied by MeKioley hiroMlf inter e.l rev a see for the district of sod by member ot hi family. They rttiee la of Ayer' we Oregon, earn up from 1'or Hand tbie are besuhful speeimeus of theengrarer's in err ee Mlloe: "Afer s morning oo effleiel bu.loee. lie leavee skill, All these can be procured at Thompson fe Binos, Lower Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. The eentlemea .re well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook. Gllllara and other counties, snd can av. mime ud Umt In making tbe. sections with traveling men. I'r lies In keeping with tb. times. THOMPSON" Sz BTNNS, The Lancashire Insurance Co. OI MANOIIUMTUHi KNOLANt) 1 W PATTtHSON. 1GEST. -JL!i-ijvv5,riri Tbroogb train oa tbs O. R. A N. will run tie. Umatilla, Walls Walls sod Pendleton. Through sleepers, first sod eeennd clae, will run ia connection with Ibe Uoloo r.rlflo, tbe msx a herelo fnre. A through flrst-olae sleeper Tort land to Hpok.oe, eoeoecting wiib the Bret elaee eleepe to ft. I'.ol, end a through tourUt aleeper rortlaad lo Hi. I'.ol, will run ia connection with the (Ireet Nortbeni railway. If rill te sol s atenl tn.lioloe. It ,l,we eot twlo.g o the I..I of Stwtraui. Ill here oa He mettle. " A H.yaill4r About sli o'el.nk 7 m er day mnreleg Ibe R rear old ea of iam U Kreemas met s vMnt sod a I U death. Th. Ixy ba.1 lea eeel eat u leltw a rail and while .i eeg.e4 bi fu bee.m ettleegleil la the roe, eee ed ef el li b ee lied ar.uo. Ih smiu.t' keek. Th ealf et.riej u res, draggieg the ! lotos wire fe-aee. He wee eut I m.oie4 aed dwd M.e a ( htsk. I.a wuld be fi.m.t.ej. 1ie foa.ral will i.k. . i . i i. .,..-.i..... l'tl..b'e Cere for sod ll r-fofit. W M " I,, ... . ,1 -T. .kl. ... I L. 1L. .1. . I l.wii.niiini i nT .wveiig iniv.ninnvipw er in. 014 an 4 IV osleby VvelieA ttsrtea 1 wt U ksoee fl-et of A. I) Worth lotion A Co., Il.rtford, Cna.. who wat.1 utu M.ll,. Urn. . 0U erroeeea .e where lot II. and aha. 1.1 u Ibe eeel side "I Me.a la U .-.., . ik. ... ., . , I...IJ... 1. e.,l l 11.. it.- Ml isaraal- of Ibe tii-eileeee f !... th be tlMd to m Ibetwlome. Alt-ett Wrigt.l eb fur ingot lOorl.ik f. (). .Lik raree. health ssd seeel eevared. If HI.Hob l.lerfb Remedy. 'im bO emile, Ii Wt-'t fit., rneaaiah. Ibis eeaiog f. lleppeer to spend Man-1 W do Sol know wbes 641 pug b d.y wiib bi Umily. Asked about the gives a more g.noioe pleaeare. If we political .ile.tioo IB I'ortl.od Mr. Week- (e.k warmly ef Ibe Snok, It Is ber.uee maa declined to emreee a eplnioa or it richly d. eree it. II te sold only by give bi tt. of the tutt"U, rtaiinlng ags. and I meel'sg with BseoorniiMi ll. I th buteei ol Lie efSae renr.d . Agent who iotrwluee s work I k. i mai'b of hi timo Id. I b poilrl; lth ought to It eofdl.lly Welcomed. bee Sot B momeot lo detule to polities. We bollete Ibe be. I v.f to keep on I I -.ter oa be mar Ukes bted is the B.M. ! bHka is by lotroduciog goK one., IbeiiiQ 'h, end ll.u mark el),euld aad a belter oae lhaa lbi be never be g.MB la tb shape of aa lotertlew i I boea broeabl te our anliee. It w s bigh 1 em s demortet"- K. O. I ! b k, nobty illetlr.ud, aol eld el B te.lVrUiqsly low brke. Tut II into ail a '. 4 it your bcaM, It will be reed ever sod Ak soar fdt.Kiee. owr dregst eed bf t4d sad yoeeg, with pleMor. Wei . A Wsreea. Vim t to r?M. Tint w.'l r-l Ke i!ee I tftrr in'if M. A l ).. f.ili.f ih I e f 1. rt Ih beti.fur wiil be eel li.evei Lies A W.tta IH llmr o4 ftaste. II II Sate. live. I very ! lliMxi' U id ee irf (! Iie,, t".-M" .. I erJ er 4 I t lleffoef , Orf TO A CArlH SSI8 LmI spring IbsUaseile announced thai it would abaodon tbe credit srstem ro tlrely oa March 11, wblrh, lo asertalo riUot, it be Sarrte4 oat eicept amoeg our palms here la Morrow county, here II a Ihougbt w might eontiese the old Si.tem. Il bee bees demoa- tr.led Lerood sll doul.l that we eassol longer pur. a. lb eld credit ytu sad ly our dttt s w go. We shall eerry out ear former latvstloea, sad from Ang 11 so seper wilt be eeel oul uoleM tbey Late beea for ia sdveaee. Te lh.e ).im we shall elrtelly a-lber Is Ibe future, making feeonlee of koee, There ie oolhl.g p'eoal sbnat Ibi. mMer, bi we deair to tree! sll alike, so do sol aek aa to eead tbe p.p- se ia the, but call Is sad itle yor ee- uaat sad make srregOMote It - tiene reeeiviag Ibe fH-of. 1 ei Vv ". A r Wetlh k..IW ('.ni 1 fil e, I tin, , '.nu.nia l.l. 4 t' !' liet an I l.i.rf -Un ... Miiu Cere tuf e'l I f :.. . U' 'r. t ,,e :. . 1 1 vl alio urita t.' 1 i;tin r nrrrst ij t tfmt.., T J I lak. I . r. u re . ' r I I ttrm 1 E. L. FREELAND, COLLECTIONS, FFJ1M INSURANCE, ABSTRACTS. U. S. LAND COMMISSIONER. Und niliifs .nd rttied Proofs TUea, STLNGGRAFUER. JiOTiRT riBUt uxrrKzn. ccrr. D. J. McFaul, M. D. oi'.eieie 1 Ar J. M. Htctn'i RisioiHct. . 1 . -i innr, hr).'.f nrM4 t at., hr n H (- , Mai . . amn.1 IK. m,, , 4 '"'fV M. I a. am , nsuc L0 S4U. ('.ITS. MlTtl Li. Otri, a 1 voti. 1 14 nr.r.;" 'r'V'tV.nV;,'. I' rt lniw.fna lr.,ia (ha HaM tlo u,. Il.n.r.1 ,im a kn .vn -1, . i T LT , """"l " It itel 4 i . Ih NOVna.n. Inrl nl I..l . .. In."; V&hl K T ' M .1 aeeaM. Uln.ln. 4vi.t im i-..MM ia aia 4vta4 to .mi "e la .a 4.a.4 ih. imumw,! rt at4 aua. vwn a ll M .4lt Ja w-.i.r ei 1 1 . 1 s a H, !-.. riH tiif eta. !- i r. io'.. W M fiallnwnv. Or. Cattle. R D on ight eirte, swailow-f ork in each ear-, horses, B D Ely Brne.,Donglas,Or. Hone, branded ELY -in left shoulder, oattle Sam. on left hip. hole ; in ri(rht ear. . Emery. C. 8m Hardman, Or. Horse, branded i I reversed Cvrith tail) on left shonlder 1 oat. lesame on right hip. Range in Morrow oonnty. ; Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattie, LF on 1 iuht hip; horses. F with bar under on right bFloreno., 8. P. Heppner, Or. Horse., F on. right shoulders oattle, F on ntrht hip or thigh. Gentry, Elmer, Eoho, Or. Horses branded H.) with a quarter circle over it, on. left stifle Range in Morrow and Umatillaoonntie.. i Hiatt A. B Ridge, Or.-Oattle, round-top 6 aith quarter oirole under it on the right hiJ Range in Morrow and Umatilla oonntie.. J Hughes, Bamuel, Wagner, Or- (T F J jonnected) on right shoulder on horses; on oatt h , in right hip and on left aide, .wallow fork i -ight ear and slit in left. Kanga in tlayetao j llstriot. Morrow oonnty. I rt- TT I Howard J Li, wauoway, ur.-nmwi -f icnw with bar above it) on right shoulder; oattle earn, in left aide. Range in Morrow and Umatilli '"HalVfEdwin, John Day, Or. Cattle E H 01 iaht hip; horses same on right shoulder. Rang! ' n Orent connty. ... Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horse, shaded leart on th. leftehonlder. Kram Morrow w. Hnneaker, n , Wagner, (jr. norses, on len .honlder: oaltle. on left hip. Hnmphreya, I M. Hardman, Or. Horse., H on Hnston. Luther, Right Mile, Or. Horse H or Che left shonlderand heart on the left still. Cat i 'le same on left n.p. nange u morrow noonty Jones, Harry, Heppnw, Or. Horse, branded H J on the left ehunlder; cattle branded J na -ight hip. also underbit in left ear. Rang, in Morrow connty. Junkin, a. M., Heppner, or. none., none. hoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, th. sams. lnge KIhtMlle. I Johnson, Felii, Lena, Or. Horae.. eirel.T on ' 'eft stifle; oattle, same on right hip, nader halfi vnrt In ri. and ei.lit '.n left ear I Rnny. Mike, Heppner, Or. Horae. branded1.. KNY on left hip oattle same and orop off left.T Mir-, nnder slope on th. right f Kirk. J. T., Heppner. Or. Horse. 69 en left f Knmharland.W.Q.. Monnt Vernon. Or. I l.ui oattle on right and left side., swallow fork in lf ar ana nnoer Clop in ngm ear, nones sat brand on left shoulder. Range in Urant oonrl Loften, Htephen. Fox, Or. H Loo lft B on oattle, crop and split on right ar, Hon. name brand oa lett .honlder. liana (irrt oountv. . . . 1 Lieoallen, John W Lev lie"" Or. How I hramlxl halfirole JL connected on left shut ..I . l.k LI. I . ier. uiua.amt VDWiniui niuii, par ncton T Leahey, J. W. Heprner Or. Horae. br.nd (. .nd A on lft ehoulder; nettl. earn, on let hip, wattle over right eye, three slit, in righ ear. 1 Urd, fleorg. Heppner. Or. Horses hrandea donbl. U ool.neetid Hometime. oalled . swine H. on left ehimlder. , M.rls. M. C. Heppner, Or. Caltle brandec eircU on right hip; horae. earn, on right slid. Range io Morrow eonnty. Minor, Oacar, neppnar, Or. tettle, M D oa right hip; bona M on Uft shonlder. Morgan. H. N., Heppner, Or. Horse., Ml on left donlilo. rattle sam.nn laft hip, Mitchell. (War. lona. Or. Hursea. JJ oo right hio; oatue,71on right aid. . Nml. Andrew. Lone Hook. Or. Horae. A N eon aerinl 00 tuft ahonlder: oat tie same on both hi.a. Oiler, rerry, Letington, Or. F U oa laft honider, (ahorn. J. W Doogl... Or.i horae. O oo let shonlder; rattl. eame on rght hip. Peanon, Olav., Eight Mils, r. Hnraaa, nnar ler cirri, thl'ld on left aluialdar and M on Uft hip. Cattle, fork io Uft ear, right oroppad. M in left hip. Range on Eight Mi la. Parker A (itaaeon, llaidman.Or, HoratelPoa .ft shnnlrler. Pll-r. Krrt, tenlngton. Or, Hnnw. brand, d WK (L K ennnaoiMl) on l'ft aboalilar 1 oatile tmi 00 right hip. Kanga, norma ooanre, i'.pur, J. II., Iilngum. Or. Hni-Ma, jg am. erted ot left ehmililari etle,aaiBeoa laf klD. trrmr bit lo earn ear. Petty.. A. ('.. lime. Or,! horasa diamond P oe hiK.l.lw; cattla, J 11 J ouatMeted, oa th. eft hip, tipper Unf la Uft ear aad alip la the right, Rood, Anrlraw, Hardman. Or, Hnraaa, snoare enae with qoartaetrnl. ovar it oa left afifta. Krnh Hr, Heppner, Or. Hnraaa lratod 1 IL. .1 . I. . I 1 . . . I . V . . """TV '"i voa wi hip Top on laft ear aad daalap oa ear k. Hang. La tliwvnw aud ailj-ilnlngomnttia. rUanay, Aixlm, Lntngles, Or. Horae. branded A R 00 right, Vao( qoartar Mnia over brand 1 eaula same oa ngl.t hip. Beige nrrow erjrtr. Horse, Wm. H. IMnrrltla, Or-nn eraaaeu., nth qaartareirrlaavev Utp oa cattle no rLghl hi. andenipnfl right ear and split la Uft, " -rr aune brand oa Uft eaoaMar. Uaaee te Marrow Urant and eoantiea. llvtia.J. W.. Iiv.aav. Or.-Honeeb in Ufi.laloae. taitia, oa right hln. I Wmlghl W. ,. tT.t-t.ew, Or,-Horaa. aKatMl I H oa Url alirU.MliL. J M ne Uft bin. .wallow fiak la n.M er. mnmUt I. laft, hrp.1Va..MiDrea, Hnraaa. A P aa Uft kipi eatUeauMaaUflh.i. myata, Rot-rt, Ioalaa, Or.-T.iU. "T oa rlM hip and H na right ahrmUUe U-raaa'S oa rtulil .I....1I.U. Hanga la Morrow enanty ' M-nith Una , Hoanavtll. . Ilrma, brada4 HJL. nal.Ur s eatlla. .am oa Uft aJvwi.Ur, t'" "1"',..l Uavaa hraad IMoa lft ahnnUr- U, aat, aaa, m wklla. har. ka S.aT..waadH,jwa.wat, Htaiana, , A H.Mnaa. h,mmm M.oa rteM eil.t H.-ia.l L ae Uw right eala "". Mia A. J - Ht-pnt. Ur.-Hl aitia. M a right hit 1 eait.w..ak i. ).rt aar Haagaari. (). W.. Hep.aar, Or HoraM. 44 aa Uft a.lda.teatla, Mae laft kin "tarry . t. Htnmt. Or. ( ,nl W r aa Uri a.p.rn nt, and an4Wt,i. Im Ufi -4aUip, Um WfaWl aaaMa TVi. i A., H-tnner. Or.- H.xaaa. I aa i.lHrr, eaU. 1 l ainajM r-l"-V',---l----a. CaeUn Tar W. Inie rv.-ana ntlJ J a.-h anlit Hi Waaan. "a mt ai !". H. a.. na. Or - B l4 " J t-ft ."ai a hJT ar.W... H.T. Ill.: Ita HIM a--! a rteM en". -wae m rtM Ilhev1ga, Wa H-rt-ee. tr. It ,r, .. n oa 11- U. .,iH, Mm TrTk. k. W.tana. y . Oalaa. a ft.. . uaa IW, Mea aanaa. W H l aUa. Ar-TaHU W aaai H-aaas aaaia brand I aa Ui mi . . . k-wtawtr. "wale ata.rlary, Nafea. eea rt ,,! aa u.'t -llT Saraltaf, aea rt ,,! aa .kruw aa4 Ui kVJ alia 1 I 1. . I ,iimi r.s, Wanted-in Idea SiHH?i iea