UNTOLD MISERY , FROM RHEUMATISm C. H. King, "Water Valley, Miss., cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For five years, I suffered untold misery from muscular rheumatism. I tried every known remedy, consulted the best physi cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times, spending 81000 there, besides doctors' bills; but could obtaiu only temporary relief. My flesh was wasted away so that I weighed only ninety-three pounds; my left arm and leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles Here and There".""" "--HE btatb central committes. being twisted up in knots. I was unable to dress myself, except with assistance, and could only hobble about by using a cane. I had no appetite, and was assured, by the doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at times, were so awful, that I could procure relief only by means of hypodermic injec tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged in clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but these gave only temporary relief. After trying everything, and suffering the most awful tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsapai'llla. Inside of two months, I was able to walk without a cane. In three months, my limbs began to strengthen, and In the course of a year, I was cured. My weight has increased to ICS pounds, and I am now able to do my iuii aays woik as a railroad blacksmith. The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. AYER'S FILLS cure Headache. THE Kdkr,tt i lis $UJILV mm mm 516 I7I8 24'25 Mfffffl Qambrinus Beer, wHALF PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drinkable Liquor and Smokable CI ars. Call on Tad. ChM. Wallace llrail. One nl iho pioneers of Morrow eoauty, Ghas. WMll.ioe, paused to the noknowD this morning. Mr. Wallaoe bad been ailing for several day bat was thought to be mnch butler. This rooming, while assisting in milking, up al bit ranch on Balm Fork, be suJdeoljr dropped dead. Hia sudden drinise is attributed to heart disease. Mr. Wallace was born in New York in 1821 and was therefore 75 years of aire at tbe lime of bis death. It tbe East be was married to Mies Msllory, sister of Hons. Rnfus Mellorr, of Portland, and A. Msllory, of California. For many years b baa resided oo this ooaat where ba was universally respeoted. The Heppner Transfer Co., bas wood for eale. . 37-tf. Adsoo Wright was in from Rhea creek yesterday. Harlan Htaoton was over from Eieht Mile Tuesday. TJoole Tom Seott was over Tuesday from Galloway. Ed. Turk was over from Lone Greek yesterday and today. Frank MoFarland and family leave to day for Teal springs. Floyd Thomas is stopping out at Chas. Wallace's plaee this week. Tbe exodas to the mountain resorts will begin in the very near future. Drink the celebrated J. H. Cutter wLiukey. On tap at Chris Borohers'. Ben Steevers and John Keeney have gone over ii tba Greenhorn to prospect. La GrMnde Marble Works, La Grande Ore. S. O. Smith, salesman, Heopner. Bon Foppen and wife and Allen Boyse were among the Hardinan visitors Tuesday. KpV. Howard held services on Rhea oreek last Sunday, returning Wednes day. Uncle Billy Gilliam dropped over from Rhea creek Tuesday. Uis crop is doing very well. W. F. Furnish and E. H. Clarke, of Pendleton, were over Tuesday on wool business. P. 0. Thompson Oo. have a pood line of harvest gloves, at low prioes quality considered. 2t. Large assortment of machine oils, maple syrup and axle grease for sale by F. C. Thompson Oo. 2t; Frank Hale, of Butter oreek, aod his cousin, f rank tlale, of the North cork were in town Tuesday, Mrs. Will 8pencer arrived from Salem yesterday morning where she bad been visiting the past month. J. E. Lathrop, city editor of the E. O , is over to spend his vacation lu Morrow county. He will be absent a month. Good quality of bulk roast coffee at 25c. per pound at P. O. Thompson Go's AIbo green ooflee at 22, 25 and 30c. 2t. Lost On the streets of Heppner, a cap oil or a bioyole pedal rat-trap. Finder will please return to this otnoe. Miss Minnie Myerfe has just arrived and is prepared to do fashionable dreea making at reasonable prices. Parlor 20, Palace bote). tf. Ed. Ashbant(h and Judge Cliff Jones were among Eight Miles visitors Tiles day. These gentlemen are beadiug their crops at present. Grasshoppers nre reported as being quite numerous lu parts of Morrow coun ty, doing mnoh damage tu gardens and the second orop of alfalfa. Chamberlain's Congh Remedy cures colds, croup and whooping oorjgb. Il is pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by Coneer A Brook, druggists. It sfflioted with soalp disease, hair falling out, and premature baldness, do not use grease or nlooholic preparation!, but apply Hall's Hair renewer. G. B. Hatt, the tonsorial artist, oan be found at his parlors, Matlock corner, where he will dispense at popular prices, shaves, shampoos, bairouts, etc. Any inventor in Eastern Oregon who desires the services of an attorney in Washington, D. 0 , will find it to his advantage to call on or address this pa per, 6tf Henry Cook, a Portland saloonkeeper, shot Mrs. E. M. Marr iu Portland early on Wednesday morning, and then killed himself. Mrs. Marr is not dangerously burl A Letter From Chairman Himch Is to Recent Critieums. Answer Have sou seen the 1800 mode mowing machine mads by Walter A. Woods T It is by long odds the best mower on tbe market. P. O. Thompson Co. are agents. Cull and see it. 2t. For S22.50 I will sell first rlass, high grade, high arm sewing machine guaran teed for 10 yeara. r or further particu lars call on or address, N. A. taacb, Leiingloo, Oregon. 88-tf. The Tins fur BslMlej Cp tbe system is at tbis season. The (Mild weather bat made nnosnal drains upon tbe vital foreea. Tba blood bs beeome impoverished and impure, and all tbe fnnoliooe of the b dy suffer in conaeqine. Hood's rtareaperille is the a-rest builder, because it is tbe Ooe True lilood Purifier and nerve tonic Hood's Pills become the fsvorits eatbartic with all wbo osa tbeia. All deagglsta. fosaell Meelia. Fur the first Hrai la threw ro-inths Hepposi's city eonooil wet last Monday (tight, Mayor M irgin present and all ennooilto present eieept Kigrs and II rnr. Mrhl It iWts and Ileeonler llallock were also present. Tbs usual bills were allowed, besides several small bills. Tbe cnsller of more adequate fire pro tection was dianoeeed, and it sa deetd eJ Ibst It would be a ll.! to ball J sa sng los boos oo tbe il'pnoer properly la the rear f H!imtitlt"!' store, f r tbe rweptlna of one U' frt. Oiotrsel for tmneltacti'in (( same ws ewtflej to J. J. U..bt. and Mr. J.mea. C'ntieil alj 'omr J. Tit 111 mt eee. Gnlaiin eaoe Ihsa bslf the Ills of women. Karl's Clover limit. Tea Is a Jr. rnr f..r f.hsiifeli-n. KofSlet.y VS. lie A Waff. a. tj tlrsy rtrfee. t.e f.r-t f tbe ink from the arena of lh killinf ft Moff t.r vn'U'' Airtiei, osee la Or w I S .O'.tv. T iU'humI as g la a r-et ! nf the II I " tm sat lr,IUlP 1lrl. l". SS tttst a t.nU -f it m M ibfm-i We l M ,mnti I lu rtrfa l lh !i4't. !! tnp Wa a seff wsrtw ae. fit t M I ere. tif1 do Sm4 ire et.tili.-a. TW ssrafat. Kl" Cmvf Tea five ('' riUi i tbe weia. Fee sale by Weil atxl Wsrtesj Charley Jones, the well-known "old- timer" in tbe tonsorial line, baa again located in Heppner, having porebased Green Mathews' shop, Minor building opposite the city hotel. Charley will appreciate a call ben in town. " Joho Zollinger, wbo was shot by an unknown person in lbs Blue monotains several years ago, from wbiob be Is orip- pled for life, iited Ueppoer loesday. John at ill sudors much from bis old injuries. Chaa. Qoodwin. fcd. Hate. Bill HI lard. and Dave Drtuoen are baek from the npper country. Tbey did not goto Montana beraase eerythlng is overdone there and sporting meo with small capi tal bave little show. W. F. rVrlvnr ia prepared to Ho all kind of blseksmitbing, bnreboein(. machine repairing, wegoo work, in fact ant Ibieg In hUlioeat reaaoeshle ebargee end satiefsetmo toaranleed. W ill pot iu epokee for 3) seats eseh, and other wag-on-work to proporlioa. 44 tf To make yonr bneines pay, good health ia a prlras factor. T secure good health, tba bhiod sboald ba kept pare and lgor" by tba as nf Ayer's Hsrsa partlla. Wbeo tbe tial fluid Is import and tltiggioh, there ea be neither health, strength, Dor ambition. Wednesday ls4 takea tbe (ska as b- Ing tba bol teat dsy eter eipaneecad to Harrow scanty. Jnt stif Boon tbe tiiranniMer regleterthl alt the way fmra l to 111 In Ih shade. This is bolter lhaa well, It awfnt warm weather, ao far as tba i iettte a etperteer os. If yon would have an ahiltidariee nf dark. siloMr balr, if yon wonld bars a r Iran e'a'p, free lrm dsadrsf? aod Irri- lating tiOmnra, or It ynor bair is reiMi and grar, and ya wonld base Its Bator at ev.lor reeiored, Ajm s bair vigor. Il Is oeqoeetloeably tba beet dreesmg. J. M. flraden U bark fmm a tar of Ofel eoooty, hating bnofhl S.nrsj br1 of wrtkon. lie will eblp Un earloads i Jaly i'b sal will follow tbts wub nrte) M eisteMi eartaa-ts na Ang. 3l'h. Mr, ()rada repnfla aO ImojeM bail aad rata erw r-eeellf iar Long dk l.lrh If ) ir ero aad gardeos In a e-4Ml tralii etleal. Tbe following letter from Chairman Hirsch, in answer to recent attacka from variona people In tbis state, was publish ed in tbe Oreconian of tbe 15th inst. The Gafette republishes the same for the benefit of its readers! PobtTjAND, July 14. (To the Editor.) tn your leading editorial of Monday morulog you state that you have infor mation of the distribution of populist literature through tbe headquarters of j the republican state oentral committee. I beg space for tbe denial of the State ment in the most emnhatiojterms. Yoiir informant has brought you false Infor mation. The recent campaign, wbioh resulted in the election of two republic an congressmen and a republican legis lature, thus insuring tbe election of a republican United States senator, was oonduoted by the state central commit tee under most discouraging condi tions. In every county fr intio appeals were made to the voters, with a view to weaning them away from party fealty, and it was tbe general remark of leading republicans throoghout the state that never before was there suob a seeming babel in Oregon politics. The result is therefore oertainly most gratifying, and would of itself dispose of the charge made. Disloyalty on tbe part of a party offloial is treason, and not tbe bitterness of factional hatred even should permit treason to be oharged agaiust a man whose life both private and publio has been a. open book to bis neighbors and fellow citizens in this state, who know that never, in the hour of most keen dis appointment, has he faltered in bis loy alty to bis party and to his country. The literature distributed during the campaign, prior to tbe June eleotion, was suob as would have passed the closest scrutiny of the most orthodox republican, while the speakers sent into the various counties were such as were very satisfactory' to the regularly con stituted oommittees there. Hon. T. T. Geer gave three weeks of bis time before election to Xambill, Polk, Morrow, Umi tilla and Union oouuties. Ex-Congress man Ueorge made Beveral speeches in Yamhill, as well as other oounties of tbe first congressional district; IIoq. S. M Yoran gave tbe committee as muob of bis time as possible in several Volley oounties; Hon. 0. W. Fulton spoke in the Valley and in Eastern Oregon; Hon H. B. Miller spent several weeks in ad dressing audienoee throughout the first congressional distriot, while Hon. Tilman Ford, at the committee's request, left his home in Salem to speak tor the party iu Umatilla county; Mr. Ivey spent sevoral weeks speaking in Eastern and Western Oregon, and Mr. MoOamant spoke in Sherman, Yamhill and Lane counties. I might name many more but spaos for bids. A meeting with the tour electors, held here over two weeks ago, with a view to outlining the policy to be pursued during tbe ooming campaign, was requested by me thus early, in order that nothiug sbouli be left undone which isneoessary to carry tbe state for McKinley, who was my preference for the nomination and wbo shall bave the most earnest efforts of this committee dnring tbe approsoh Ing campaign. ' It was, however, tbe nnanimons opinion of the electors that the aotive oanvsss should not oommence before about the seoond week in Ueptem' ber, after wbioh date each one of the candidates will givs bis ondividsd tims to the one in tbis state. Before that time all true friends of tbe republican party will bave such unquestionable evidence placed be Tore tnetn as will die pel any manufactured fear as to dislny. alty or treason on the part of any of Ihe members or officers of Ihe committee. Yourt very truly, BoLiOMoa Hirsch SUMUOXS. IN THE CIRCt'IT COURT OF THU STATE of Oregon for Morrow County: Minnie Hiulth, Plaintiff, v. Gilbert Smith, Defendant. To Gilbert Smith, Defendant In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled cause on or bofore the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to-v. it: The 7th day of September, 1896, and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In her complaint, to-wit: Kor tbe dissolution of the marriage contract existing between plaintiff and deiendant, for the Care and custody of the minor child of plaintiff and defendant and cotts of this suit. This Summons Is Bervert by pumication pur suant to an order of Stephen A. Lowell, Judge of the above entitled court, made on tne I4tn day of July, 18. J. N. BRO N, 40O-7L. Aiiuruey iur riaiuuu. SHERIFFS SALE. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 8TATE of Oregon for Morrow County. Eliza R. Oweus, Plaintiff, vs. Frank H. Benge, Mary J. Benge, his wife, Lewis J. Schewrich and Schewrich, his wife, Defendants To Frank H. Benge and Mary J. Benge, two of the defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby reouired to aDDear and answer the com plaint Hied against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 7th dav of September. 1896: and you will take notice that if you fall to answer or otherwise appear in said suit on or before said 7th day of September, 18D6, theplaln tiff above named, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in the complaint filed in tnis suit, to-wit Kor personal decree against the defendants Frank H. Rpncn and Marv J. Benge, his wife. for the sum of 1531.26 with Interest thereon t th rat nf 8 ter cent, oer annum from January 1st. 1804, and the sum of $tO.0O attorney's fees, and the costs and disbursements oi saia suit that the court shall decree that the mortgage executed by the said Frank H. Benge and his wiffl to the Lombard Investment Company, dated the 19th day of December, 1888, upon the following described real property in morrow county. Oregon, to wit: the north-west quarter of section No. S2, in township No. 2 south, and range No. 25 Esst of the Willamette meridian, which said mortgage was recoroea on inesnn day of December, 18X8: atpaee 51 of Book "D" of the Records of Mortgages in the office of the County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, shall be foreclosed, and the ssld real property Bold, and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment to plaintiffof the above named sums of money; that all of the defendants, and all persons claiming and to claim by, through or under mom, or any oi mem. nnn mb lurevcr barred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate. Interest and lien, at law and in equity, and especially of all eqnitvof redemption, in, to and upon every part oisaioreai properly; aim umi plaintiff shall have general relief. This 8 mmons is published pursuant to order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell. Judge of the above entitled court, made at unamners, reuaieton, Umatilla county, Oregon, on tne ism aav oi July, 189R. 457-70. Plaintiff's Attorneys. "v'otK'E is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution Issued out bf the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow, on June lb, 1896, and to roe directed and deltvred, npon a Judgment rendered and entered In Justice court lor the Sixth district in said county on the 15th day of June, lK'.ni, in favor of M. D. Hayman, plaintiff, and against E. Campbell, defendant, for the sum of Forty-two and 40-100 Dollars and Ten and 30-100 Dollars costs, and a transcript of said judgment was tiled with the county clerk of the county ot morrow, state oi Oregon, on jnne io, ivjo; and, wnereaa, i nave levied upon tne ioi lowing described real property, to wit: The south-west quarter of section two, iu township One, north, range twenty-hve east, W. M., be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accru ing costs. 1 will, ou Saturday, the 15th day Of August, 1896, at 2 o'clock P, M., ot said day, at the front door ot tne court nousein Heppner, Morrow tjouniy, Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of said E. Campbell in and to the above described piop erly at Public Auction to the highest and best bidder for cash iu hand, the proceeds to be ap plied to tne satisiaction ot said execution, at torney's fee and all costs, and costs that may accrue. K. L. ma i luck, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated July tt, 1890. 45G-65. BU MMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT X of Oregon, for the County of Morrow COURT OF THE STATE Ralph L. Benge, Plaintiff, vs. Katie D. Benge, Defendant. To Katie D. Benge, i efemiant: I the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed againBt you in the above entitled sulton or before the first day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to-wit: Monday, September 7th, 1890, and If you fail to answer or otherwise plead, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for a decree dissolving the marriage bonds now existing between you and himself, and a judgment against you for the costs and disbursements of this suit This summons is published by order of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell, judge of the circuit court ot Oregon, for the 6th judicial district, dated July 2nd, 1896, E. P. BINE, 456 68. Attorney for Plaintiff. BLACKWELL'S fitl !. SEE? DURHAM VW ffev fK Tow will find one nonpros tmstde each two ounce bag, end two coupons Inalde each four onnce bag of Black well's Duk-ham. Bny a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the conpon which gives list of valuable pres ents and how to get them. HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THEWli'S SUMMONS. Notice of Intention. Lano Office at La Gbanoe, Obkoon, ' June 30th, 1896. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk, of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, ou AuguBtBtn, iB9t, vis: ROBERT D. W ATKINS, Hd. entry No. 4IH0, for the NW Sec 20, Tp 4 S, It 28 E W M. Ue names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said lana. vis : Luther Hamilton, Andrew McKenzie, Freder ick Thomas, Robert Dexter, of Heppner, Or. 454 65. B. F. WILSON, Register. Been a Chanin Busings All kzv, ED. R. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at Wholesale Notice of Intention. COCXTY COCRt FROCEKDIJiOb; TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE X of Oregon for Morrow County. Julia A. Farrel, Plaintiff, vs. Samuel I. Gerking, Martha ' A. Gerking. James R. Nun- amaker and Maria E. Nun- amiiker, Defendants. To Samuel I. Gerking and Martha A. Gerking, two of the above-named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint meet against you in tne aoove entiiirn suit on or before the 7th day of September, 1896; and you will take notice that if you fall to answer or otherwise appear in said suit on or before the said 7th day of September, 1896, the olaintlft above named, for want thereof, will apply to the above entitled court for the reiief praved i t in tne complaint niea in tins suit, to-wit: For personal docree against the defend ants Samuel I. Gerking and Martha A. Gerking for the sum of fWff.AO with interest thereon at tbe rate of H ner cent, ner annum (rom April 1st. 1894, and the sum nf 150 01) attorney's fees, and the costs and disbursements of said suit; that the court shall decree that the mortgage execut ed by said Samuel I. Gerking and Martha A. Gerking to the Lombard Investment Company, dated the 22d day of March, 1889, upon the fol lowing described real property in Morrow coii"ty, Oregon, to-wlt: the south half of tne north-east quarter, the south ti acres of the north-west quarter of the north-east quarter, of section No. 'tl, in township No. it south, and range No. 24 East of Willamette meridian; and also the west half of the north-west quarter nf section No. 18, and the north hnlf of the north east quarter of section No. 14, in township No. 6 soiiin aim range mo. zi iiast oi vt iiiameuv menu lan: which mortgage is now owned by plaintiff; which said mortgage was recorded on tbe With day of March, 1H89. at page 1:14 of Hook "I)" of tne Kecords oi Mnrltfsges in uie onice oi tne County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, snail tie lorecloseii, and tne sam real propuriy soiii, and the proceeds of such sale to lie applied to the payment to plaintiff nf the aliove named sums of money; that all of the defendant, and all persons claiming and to elslm by, through or under them, or any of them, shall be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate, Interest and lien, at law and In emiity, and esieelally of all equity nf redemption, In, tn and upon every part of said real pruyi rlj'; and that plalntlr! shall have general rellul. This Summons Is published pursuant to order of Hon. Nt.-plien A. Lowell. Judge of the alxive entitled court, made at Chamliers, Pendleton, I matllla county, Oregon, on the Llth day of July, Iff.. ir.t, lAKltK, 11 A II. M At Al BUS, 457 7U. I'laintllt's Attorneys. LAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, June 30, 1896. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county at Heppner, Oregon, on August , 189, viz: JOHN CLARK, Hd. entry No- 7281. for the E'4 BE Sec 19. NE N E4 Sec 30, 8W S WJ4 Sec 20, Tp 8 S, K 28 K, w M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: L. A. Florence, John Becler, Thomas McCul lough, Norman A. Kelle', of Heppner, Oregon, 4.i4-ti,, . a. t . wiusuN, itegister, Notice of Intention. CJ iter TO REGARDLESS OF COST. All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being Bold below wholesale cost. Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and Bee the stock before it is too late. ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building. Heppner, Ore. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. Gilliam & Bisbee T AND OFb'ICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON J J June 21, 1896. Notice Is hereby given that the followliig-uaincd settler has tiled nonce oi his intention to make nnal proot in support oi his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore county Clem oi Morrow county, uregon. at Heppuer, Oregon, on August 1, 1896, viz: FREDERICK R. THOMAS, Hd. entry No. 7K17, for the HK4 SW4 See 19. T NW; and SW! NEJi Sec ao, Tp 4 8, It i E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vis; E. C. Watklns, Koliert Watklns, A.M. Burch, A. J. McKenzie, all of Heppner, Oregon, B. K, WII.SON, 452-63. Register. Notice of Intention. 17 AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON June 24. laws. Notice Is hereby given that the (ollowlng-named setllur has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof-In support f his claim, and tbat said proof will he made before J. W. Morrow, county clurs, at HcMiuur, Oregon, on August a, i'.m, viz: AI.I1A O. BARTHOLOMEW, No. SK'jo, for the E'JNWt,,SW54 NV U BW'i Sec Xt. Tp 'I N, R 26 K. He names the following wltne.nesto prove his conlinunntf residence upon and cultivation of. said land, vis: I. L. Vanw llisle, or Heppner, Oregon, T. II. Mathews, W. H. Flnley. Arthur Andrews, of alloway, Oregon. wa", r. suiiinr., 4V2 6.1 Keglster. We are not small men, His. We are small men, b. we are nol itis Largest fOefcanls in (tie Woiici ! But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Glassware, Wood and Wlllowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlrs, Cumberland Coal, Gaas and Water Pipe, I'lpe Fittings, Btovcs and Ranges, Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Ae, Hammers, Saws, Sledges, Wedges, Guns, I'latoli, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran itcware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bnlllers and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Trices. Ws have Good Goods at T aib Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chep John Prices. GIL.1LIA.M & BISBISE, MA.IN STREET HEPPNER, ORE . if a on i tM -tMiWi' le mi t4 , 1 en lanSlttf (Ml (IMS Iml te IMslssI, 1M slo mi the !. Tks W at t'xitr t U le4 Ut M Mrs l4 kWk S tseiikf :m 4 s ai'.s ue (A trarrr ' L!"""4 r" Hal l Mlt Si lbs IUMf flslws. Wslt. TVt Sl lies etiwil M ' b. et : Amt lt t . Vv ! Si I ' t 1 mm r.,nl It lt t-il'fflf I' !.- A ' (TnM raII County ooart cootsdsJ od July 8th, with A. Q. Bartholomew, county jtidga Messrs. Howard and Bsokslt, commis sioners, J. V7. Morrow, oonnty clerk and E. L- Mstloek, 1681117, present. Bills allowed daring tbs session smoa ot d to iZJfl.iS. Eleotion clerks and Jadgss were awarded 10 per day, ssoh but lbs Oatstts It Informed tbat this will ba cat down to on dsy of f3 ssoh tbl (all. Jnly Mb. Tba bond of J. W. Morrow, clsrk, itb 0. A. Rbsa and J. P. Rbea. of tha 1st Net Hank, as sureties, was aoopll. Tba bond uf E. L. Matlock, ab-rlfT. with Wo. Uogbet, Thos. Qiail. T J. Matlock and Uugb Fw!d as sureties, seeptsd. Bond of A. Q rlrs, aaaeasor, with C A. Hhea, D. A. Urr an l II. I'avl-b-rg ss sorsties, acosfitaj. Bnd of Frank Oilltam, Irsaanrer, with a A. Rhea, 8. P. Oarrign-a, Ot dr and O. E. Famsworlb aatnrstiea, was ancapted. i. H. Yoaag't report as lopemsor of Disl. 'M, was aoeepWd. 1). H. Jeokias' bill of .V was nol allnwe.L Tbs bills of IL, R. and W. II Clark, D. II. Jens us and 3. M. wi.iis wars nol allowed to fall. Holt Hlons allawsd 1 17 as saperrleor, and lVh Cnn In appointed to fill ? seanay r.tiiu.a of N. K MeVsy st at, lor roail. aei.U1. W. L. Haling, d'patr aeeMir, bill not ia aad for teras. iely Vh. ivitttow if W. O. ltj tt at.. M road la ettaae. fnr lem. I inaficial slelrot, presented by J VI . Mfjrmw. sAni t 1 . Mrs. Emetine Williegbsm'f applka- llna I'-r rebate el 1st, deet4. 'mpl l" bi4s fr wo4. as pr ad ft I sleeaksra In Ibis ee, or drd potiltehed. Aipfprtstioo ef IV) allowed for Col well araae. ent of t p e-nt. road food. UIBetet wood ft H. F. Vaagbsa, coro ner, wilts E. J. Hl.-msa aad U. UcUI-o-lnl m srirt. atpr"ed. Warraal fo c-lwtk.a nf Isim odee d r'eed oa all rolls ap to at laelnd lag !M i;rtt. Areemeot J f ''-V. ..iff ... I 0i ti., J ,1 j r k. SUMMONS. IH THK riRrt'IT COt'RT OK TIIK HTATE of Oregon for Morrow outitf . Clara A. Cobb, i'lalmltr, ya. Morris I). Long, Limits lxiig.hl-wild, K.O Hiit k num. Belle R. Rurkuum, his wife, C. K. Iloihi. I.. Hnihi-a. her hn.lmnrl, II, J. Kaust.Uaul.-l H Hrnwn end llrawn, bis Wife. IMi'ti.UliU. 1o IJiinle Ixnif and I. Iliighea, two of the sIhiv usinrd iii.fndsnta. In ihe name of the HUle nf Oregon, you era hrrriir ruuird o aiiiwar and answer in com Klalut AImi against ynu In the almve titlll-d suit on or Im-Iiim the 7th day nf ariiiemhrr, ml you will take nntlce that II ynu fall In answer or other wis aiinrar In seld soil ou or ltiir theiuld 7th day of eiit.inlwr. I, th bUlnlllT aiMire named, lor want thertail. will a..ly Uithe aboye eiiilllr.! rourl for the rellof tirafrd lot in the rnmiiiaini mea in mis ami n-wlt: For trra.mal itwrw iwlml Ihs defend ante Uiinia Ixing. t:. A. Hugh and t. Iltighee for the sum ol $i;l a.', with Interval therein el Ihe rat nf r rnt, wt annum from Msrrh 1st. iv. I.'i Mwlih like interMt iharron Inun Mart'h 1st, IWI, and Ihe smn of lm attorney a live, and Ihe onaia and rllshtirarmenia of seld suit: thai Iheniiirt shall dn-nw that the morl t eseriite.1 hy Ihe aald M'irria II. Ini( and Ulutile Ung vi the yotiiMirl iiiveeimeni i,m mii. dauvl Ihe luh dsy i.l rri.riisrr iwi, nia.n lh Inllowlne dre rilid reel tr.,ir1y In m rnw eoiiiity, Ofventi. lo-wit' Ihe halt of Ihe antilh-weet qnerier, and Ihe ( hall Ihe .uia eeal quarter irt ewiiuo Ttn m, in w.w nshiii Nu. I north end ranee V. m Keel ol the wi. einrila meridian. Mrh Mid w f-itirdH on 0 l.'th d of Urrh, I""!, el !' fTUi.f KihiS "i"H the H.rda of Murtesae tn m.nnmnf in., 'mill,, i.r.u, m ..w y, lmim. shall lie i.n.Ml, and Ihe eatd rvel tritMHT ei.ld. end the ,r, rl eKh tele t epnlloi n Ihe Mlmnl to i.Uiiiiirl nl Ih Liia Aimei eimi ol hni.ey, that ait of Ih delemlant and all orM.a n.imli.g end In riei.e l.t. IhrvMieh t ut.drr lhm i.r erf Ihem. ol.atl he ii.rerer lierr-d and f.. li.e1 n l MihL lllle, eala'e. i,l.rl end Hen, el lew and tn e-iullt, ei4 etieiiy t ell e.i'.lty rr r-dmot..n. In. I eml ui-n ery Mft ! eld reel WM'tr, end lhat L.slcilitt sheil be in eral rrll.l. 1 l,le eiimmnos It rul.H,en fure-ienl In nrdw of lino MebheO A Inwell. J . l ol Ihe el entll-d rourl. na.te el I l.nin, I'eodletoa. I metina toitity, Ors.n. on toe Mil day or July. i". rK. CARtm. Mttrr i Ttw. 4,'.; hi. I iali.ua Albif ne;S. d. K Notice of Intention. AT t.A GBsNtlK, ORKOOS, f ASDOrrif'K 1 J June .. fnllowlne nainel aetllrr has fllrd nntlcenll his Intention to make final proof In aui.tMirti.fi ila claim, and thai aani .rooi win oe mane i wfnre I.. Kreelaud, I nniuilS'loner ol the 1.1 Clrciilt Court, at llei.puer, Oreson, on July I fit II, iw.ro, vir; r.i.iMM a i;. tn a i si.. Hd F Un, 4-.J)forthe NWVMre. II Tp. I It R V K. W. M. He namee the fnllnwlni wltneaatis to nrnre Mia miitiuuoiia rreldeiice uihiii and i uiuvation of aald land. !' tienrit" atwrry. Bolrt Pester. Jack MrKen- lie and David A. Ilerreii, all nf Hn.nner, ir. H, r. II.M'IN. 4'Ot0 Kec'sler. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. C. BOHOIIJllS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. T. R. HOWARD DP.ATS IN Notice Of Intention. l.tsDOrrirs atTmb Di.t.. Oseoon. June lh, I OTKK IS MfP.rny OIVKM 1 II AT Tll fiillowlue named arttler has Sled entire I nf his Intention In make Suel ITool In aui'ia.rt I nl hlarlalm, and lhal aald t.na.f will be made I Ixlnre I on nl y rirrk ol Morrow i n.iniy, tiregon. al ne'itirr, iirrgoii. on uiy i, iwm, wit; JAwM W. MiKr.l.D. IM . Kn. for Ihe a v. Soe. 21, and K nr.v er jl it, 4 a . K r. lie names Ihe ..li.ln wlll.eaeee In fnS I his ronilniiniia reldunre upB and rultliallun I Of said laud, ill Aithur eiereua, '! ehaner. earn Adams, Henri ll'iwell.all of Hardinan, fireenn JAS. V. M'MiltR, 4lT 17 Keglster. Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Suitlies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! He will tnhke it ao object for you to t ratio with bim m biti pricoii are riht, and all gootla tliat be bacdlca are ot tbe very bent. Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, Moppnor, - - - - Oregon. Notice of Intention. I..SO Orrn a at La Oaaeos.ossona. writ' is nr.Hrnv nivrx imat ihi folloeltiff named aeltiar baa Sled hntlre (f hi Inieotloii I n.at Si.el i.eH In "We-rl M hlarlalm, and lha" Mi l proof will I made lav fore S. I. rreeland.ron.niiaalot.ar I I ll'i.lt ( o.irt et llei"ir, Oregon, oe A. .fiat l.lh, ' tii'its AH i.it.rit.i.r. lit. entry n la. ..r Ihe K'( ria. W t , and Vta a IT, If IS. M K W M Ma hemes the follnwtng etlneaaee In prove his eniiUiMio.is reeidenre utu and ruttlietlna ol aai.l land. l A'eiender I .Mnell, fel K'H.l.ar Hike Keney I aroi Jan.ee J "h no .it, aM r iiri.jrt.er loeeon. n. r iiiw. sfiir. uereeaot to C. ft, Vaa litita. Vest Amit to 111; Hotel. Has everything in tho line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty. LrrrteK l.lnr. at rtrrrxrit I truss At.vrHTi-Eii hi . J ii II. !. f rn..ka. Hie I aiie -tra' t. T (ee r, : erl. t Wrhe relllhg lor lh'e Miers i-ieeae eaf d.arUaM 4 f nuis, C S, Notice of Intention. ami orrn at tnr tuf I r onrtif. J .1. a v.. IMS J..'. Il ttaeebr eltee li.g Meet eelllef .aa Sle-I no li. al the .., li e .rf her . -e r.ll..n I., (ease S..al pt nrira r iiim tio N'OTtr-t t nrsrer r.ivrw tit th Sra at S4 SI area. ereed l4 II-. Stella and H 4M.. eeoe'al Seng txMtneae in Ihe elit el .,.. I aa l,!S Da, le.n Mi.l.el Im W i I l"li. f'i p.eed nl Me InhereaS tn N t ar e hn B I I enntlnue tr-e hnemeae r--lt -I e l amraniete SOd i HI lvila4ios idiki'" 'n. . . I l,f'l It f s, J H I StMl fteleel al Reteef, fteegeg, UtS Ae t l4 l.sw. less ' 4 In Sup- be 4e llola S. U .a.a..'l, I S I Mnn. Melon e, a4 ll f. ''. oe Aug IHO. IV, ls rilSSIH A SIT! If IK. tSifeul A.eaandar Sit. hie. leeeae4. t 1 r. "n at. . lha SW ij. ba II. f , I , It ,ll. heeaatee lha (llnWlng lln.aaae to ne kar ii,iHwl raeedeax.4 Skan Slid flMI'SUoe l e"l lar.d. Ill A T nl rfei.f.ne Of , Frar k .le e4 rnk ll .ilanA. r4 Ins, in , eM I'tel4 Hot. and, of Leaibgn.a, Or la, f M'A liegSeii,' in WOOD WASTED. S T t ..a a eq- ' -I ("."al e f.'e Ufl Si.'e, . ... t, ... la f,, aeU Vere sl,i" tta ' I S el ol el r S ' lwl s fr" 4 ew. ntr t!rliM UCitMiu. Il.hilf I, V rts.t i ' n fa. t a a i a -. i. i.. a . . tr. i.J t f ae. !.. M In I f e 14 et. esee .... A i .A to tit f fsoffenlel 1U. ei Ira r,,,a t' -Mt.it , I a . - I r , . I : , a - e . I . I I " ' " - t.e.,. ii b si ti a 1 1. It .1 a. ii a . 'rirf .S nalll f ' rt. i rr no 4. . r I !! i ltar . I HISS : . "V"IT.H ' mm mi i Youro BOUND to r'nko 'Km. a l ' ... llal I "I 'SII Lnvrs No Conl'pnt'on, t'fjr.e l, ee wet -m ell l. I a e a H k ' t' ' V Mr'.af tet a i it m lie e I H t I i I rejte4 ia) I'll- e, i ee, le ,l . I I I. I.N i If . t M . V .! ... . . . i. - t I I 'I l, t . feSJ t" HeTlrWI, tsl,