Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 17, 1896, Image 2

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For President,
Of Ohio.
For Vice President,
Of Sew Jersey.
For Presidential Elector,
T. T. GEER, of Marlon County,
8. M. YORAN, of Lane,
E. L. SMITH, of Wuco.
3. F. CAPLE9, of Multnomah.
man Bryan wanted as his running
mate. The democratic convention
should hare excepted their candi
date for vice-president when they
condemned capitalists.
Since Jonathan Bourne will not
resign as secretary of the state re
publican committee, and Mr. Sol
Ilirsch refuses to square himself
with the party by kicking him out,
it is the duty of the Oregon nation
al committeeman to call a meeting
of republicans and have a commit
tee appointed to take charge of
McKin ley's campaign in this state
without delay. It is no longer
safe to have Bourne opening the
mail and answering correspondence
relating to the campaign from
sources where his true character is
unknown. A circular should also
be printed, explaining the situation
and warning Eastern campaign
managers from holding any inter
course with him or the committee
he represents. This circular could
be sent to all the principal republi
can papers in the country for pub
lication, and thus the harm likely
to result from Hirsh's treason in
appointing and continuing Bourne
in his present position can be re
duced to the smallest possible
minimum. Astonan.
Bourne ia a republican who sup.
ports the ticket and he is the regu
larly chosen secretary of our state
central committee. Until he leaves
the party he should remain where
he is. In any event, the republi
cans of this state will not tolerate
George A. Steel's interference in
the management of the campaign,
for one moment He bolted last
June and is not a republican. He
was unable to secure his election
as delegate to the national conven
tion at St. Louis, and if he went at
all as a delegate he borrowed
proxy. He is not the choice of the
republicans of this state for any.
thing. He is a political barnacle,
a worn-out office-seeker, a traitor
to his party. No sideshows nor
gorilla management from Steel
will be recognized Mr. Astorian,
just remember that, and for fear
you will forget it paste it in your
lint If Mr. Bourne should not re
main in the republican party and
Mr. Ilirsch selects another secre
tary let that person be a republi
can who votes the ticket and who
abides by the decrees of conven
The appointment of a bolter as
national committeeman for Oregon
was a disgrace, and the suggestion
of the Astorian, if carried into
effect, would be an outrage.
Sen. McBiude hns arrived a
Portland from Washington.
Sen. Tillman'h eldest daughter,
M inn Addie, was killed by lightning
at Brevard, N. C, on July lCth.
"Good roads" is the bubject o!
uumctous editorials o the state
press. It is said that the roads o:
Oregon are far from being gixx!
Kt-GovF.BNon Wji. K. Ruhhem
of Mass., was found dead in a finh
ing rnmp up in Qnoboo early yes.
terday morning. Heart disease
was the cause
Knows, the Ha) em delegate to
the Yamhill bituetnllio convention
is ft son of John Brown ot Harper
ferry fame. J. O. IWxith, a dele
gate from Josephine, is a son t
the sheriff who officiated at th
hanging of John Brown.
Wixrrn men in politics th
will practice the earn business
methods in public affairs that they
do in private affairs. ' want
protectionists. Those who will
protect their own business interests
sod tbose of their neighbor.
Baker Republican.
TflE g'U reserve h again fall
en In-low lh tlOO.CinO.OOO walk,
and morn Umds will Lsve to Ih
bM to repleuuh the treasury. If
this couutry had a tariff in effect
Out would bring in mors money
than I paid out theit would bs Do
Lood of further g ing into debt
Nearly all of the leading demo
cratic journals of the East and
South have bolted Bryan. How
ever, if the populist and silverites
endorse Bryan at St Louis, even
though there iB much disaffection
in his own party, there will be an
interesting contest, with odds in
avor of McEinley.
The Oregonian is stiring up a
row over the chairman of the state
central committee, Hon. Sol Hirsh.
t is not the first row that the un-
epublican sheet has fathered, and
its utterances should go for nought.
t is not so much the dismissal of
Bourne that is wanted as it is the
turningover of the reins to the Simon
crowd of bolters. The Gazette pre
sumes to warn the republican party
of this state that no bolting man
agement will be tolerated. M.
Kinley and Hobart should carry this
state but their interests arenotBafe
in the hands of the sort of traitors
with which the Oregonian trains,
According to the , books of the
uuuuiy treasurer tne county is
three years behind on its scrip,
compared with six months and less,
five and six years ago. It matters
not how much worthless resources
there are, the fact yet remains that
the county has gradually gone be
hind for the past five or six yoars.
ma is uu campaign taiK, any
person can see that, and a little
chopping on bills here and there
will not suffice. It will require a
radical change in the general man
agement of county affairs to stop
this leak. Salaries are tool
or the times, with probably an
exception here and there. No
deputy is needed in the clerk's of.
fice, except during court sessions
at public expense at any rate. Let
the good work begin as soon as
The Walla Walla Union is cer.
tainly one of the ablest exponents
of McKinleyism in the state o!
Washington, but, indeed it is pay
ing too much attention to the
money question, over which repub
licans are divided, and too little
to the tariff question, the great
issue of the republicans and one
which is of vital importance to the
entire country. The rennblionn
platform is not a gold standard
platform. If it were it would de
clare for the single gold standard
as superior to anything and would
aHk for nothing else. But it recog
nizes that there is something bet
ter, that the world would be made
better off by its adoption, that the
republican party plodges itself to
assist in bringing about universa
free coinage as soon as possible.
- ,SaT" T -gTMsnnW
(Irrat Omki frost Unit Ararat Urowa,
Ii s tin from lbs Irlts old vera w oied
to recite to our schoolboy da; a. It lM
s foroiM application lo tboe mull ail
meals wbkb ws ar apt to disregard no
III tbey rcaob formidable proportions.
nioi maturation, a "slight" stuck ot
oooatipaltoD. it la assumed, will soon
paat oir, bat ia very apt to gal worse,
tod In tbs meantime 1 neglected until
Iht ailment biaes ahroolr, and then,
if not entirely eradicated. Is aoooatsnl
annoyance and uenaoe of worse oouee
1'irnoe, tor diaet, reoolleol, beget
one another, How moon wieer to re
tort to s course of Uoetetter'a H to roach
Kilters at the ooteet of the malady than
lo Utnpnrtae with it at tbe atari lie os
line with dieaeee, or II may "Hoot" yoo.
Malarious, rbeamatia and kidney com
plaint, draper!, oooalipatioa, bilione.
Ma serroneoe are all disorders
rapid growth, and alioald be "nipped Is
the bad" by s timely reeort lo the Bit-tera.
Little 4-Year-Old Boaaa tee Moaatalai a
Whole Week.
From the E. O.
A geotlemao from the Uasnnville mines
passed through Pendleton Monday even
ing to Walla Walla. He gse tbe par
ticulars of tbe finding ot the little 4 year
old Nelson girl after seven days ot
Emma Kelson ia the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Kelson, Mr. Nelson being post
master at Sasaotille. On July 4, every
one at Sasanvilie went on a pionio to
Cross Hollows. After eating dinner,
they all went over to the horse raoes
one-half mile away; Mr. Nelson stopped
at a spring to water his horses, and tbe
children climbed down and nlaved
around until Mr. Neleon was ready to
start. Mr. Nelson had been readine a
newspaper a few minutes, and when he
rove on tbe little girl was not in sight.
He thought of coarse she bad gone with
tbe other people who were passing alone
the road in large numbers. Bat soon he
found that she was not with any of tbe
oompaoy and tbe search began, tot
seven days, lacking a few hoars, crowds
of men hanted over tbe mountains. A
man at last found her sitting on some
driftwood at tbe riverside.
Tbe little 4-year-old bad gone on a
9-mile circle around tbe mountain.
This mountain Settle Mt. is consider
ed the most dangerous in that looality
on account of bean and oongars, and it
is a great wonder the child escaped them
for a whole week. The man who found
ber came on ber suddenly and she said
'hello to him.callirjg him by name. He
asked ber where she bad been. She
said she bad been looking for her papa.
He asked ber if she was almost starved.
the youthful wanderer replied that she
was not hungry and that she had eaten
berries and the flesh of a dead calf baok
among tbe trees. Tbe people, wbo had
by that time oome up, were aghast. By
questioning her, they learned where tbe
oaroass was to be found, and by a short
eearoh, found the body ot a calf which
had been killed by ooyotes. She had
gotten down and eaten tbe fleeb and was
not sick from it. Tbe people asked her
how it was that her face was not made
dirty while eating her strange msal, 8be
replied that she bad washed herself each
morning at tbe river.
Tbe little girl was not at all frightened.
She said she knew she was lost, but
thought abe would soon find her father
Last summer one of oar grand child
ren waiaick with a severe bowel trouble.
Our doctor's remedies bal tailed, then
we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and diarrhoea Remedy, which gave very
speedy relief. We regard it aa tbe best
medicine ever pat ou the market for
bowel complaint. Mrs. E. O. Gregory,
Frederiokstown, Mo. This certainly is
the best medicine ever pat on tbe market
for dysentery, summer complaint, colic
and cholera infamtum in children. It
never faila to give prompt relief when
usea in reasonable time and tbe plain
printed directions are followed. Many
motbera have expressed their sincere
gratitude lor tbe cures it baa effected
for sale by Ooneer & Brock, dmggials.
relll Shlaawale.
T. A. Itbea, of Ueppoer, J. W. Make,
of Condon, aod W. T. Matlock, of Lone
Hock, rente Is jeeterdey witb 400 row
and eel re, I) steers sad CO dry rows.
Tbe Sows sad calee go to H. F. Haoo
dera, of Halt Lake, wbo will ran tbm os
Ihe tsdiea reams lion la Heelers tins
tana sad W eaters Pakola. Tbs other
getoW. r. Mellirk, of lxeUlo, wbo
111 run tbero os Ihe tllackfml rrwrva
lir. Tbaee settle sawe frnnj Ortst, (itlUera
and Wo row niiUm. Tart of ikaej will
beeblpp4 front L'sttlilla, part from
I'eedletott, os lb Slat Inel.
Sat A;rs al ike Mi Fair
A)r'a rlrtpill tnjy the eilranr
dinar; distinction of having I Ibe ottlt
Mood purifier allowed ss eihibit si Ihe
World's fair, (ltv Maneteetarer
of siber seraet anllas aosght y every
neaatlo obtain a ebowlng vt tbtr goads,
(ml lliy ware all laraad away nn.Ur tbe
aptllraitos vf tbe rale r.rbid.!le tbe
ftlry of !! I .li,4 ami soelrsma.
1 be daeMfcta f tbe H prld'e fatr eelhav
ritie t fanf f Afi HreapUls wee
U r?Mi ee f.l: -kff$ Hareapa
rule m aol a eit sdieiBe. It rf.we
Sot bmktmf to Ifce ia uf Btrat. M
SS Ow U UetiU."
Tbe daeaiia ae s see ear's Ullx
Is wlbM Ibe ralb. UiaMtL MtxwV
- . . . .... . ...
.t.a l m, 1-t.t, rapttahat so I al.tp ( M,g. tib..Mte Mref.
owarr Artliif fll, Is tit rr .,"i tf
Tn C m1s ia tldsrounty srs
loud ia their iliMtiau.li (1st tbs
Ua.ks of ruijtjr n'u-rrs shoulj m
rt rrlL TLo roQbtjr Lm Wrn
in niatruNi ovrr rlevro f cars so.l
It tebttt juetabtl ribt tbht tlia
houll Ih il.)t,c. TLat isthwwsjr
ioJi i luats run their own business,
TIis .l.-turU bars ta jell,
ing "t siln.l tusijrtsU," ia cnne.
ti n i?H
2.t'rl t ftib't.t tl lirwt4r,
We invite your attention to our Immense
Line of Summer Dress Goods of the Very
Latest Styles. Our Salesman, Price, who recog
nizes no cost or value, will offer these o-oods
3elow tie Regular Marl
Tae a LooK at Tlese Goods,
You can find a Bargain r) ttyeri).
We have a Large Line of Glassware. Crockerv and Tinware that w. are
closing out. Don't buy these goods till you see our prices.
Yours for Cash.
Killed at Milton.
A shocking aocident oooarred Bntar-
day evening at Milton in whiob William
Reniok lost bis life. Da was dnving a
span of horses, when they became
frightened and ran away, throwing Mr.
Heniok out and bis death ensued. J. L.
Killian, ot Vansyole, s relative of William
Renfck, was telegraphed for and received
ord only 8anday morning at about
10:30. Mr, Reoick was well known here.
II is bat a tew days ago that his brother
waa attacked by a rough and very severe
ly bandied, tbs assaulter being still at
large. East Oregonian.
Popalisl and democratic orators and
papers are oonstaitly telling as that the
nomination of McKinley pleases Eng
land, says the Valley Transoript. There
waa never s greater error, and t prove
it we qaole from tbe Bradford, (Eng
Telegraph an article on the nomination
And Ibis ia bat one of many sample
that are given as. We quote: "Vh
waa generally eipeoted baa happened
Mr. McKinley baa been choaon tbe re
publican candidate for tbe presidency
by a large majority. It is gsnerslly be
lieved thai tbe electors will coo Arm Ibe
choice when they are appealed lo In
November neit We In Bradford take
great Intoreet in Mr. McKinley-as
moon In feci aa we take in the republic
an platform. Tbs proepeolivs presiden
baa once doue na s bad tars, and be ie
likely lodj ns soother. At tbs obani
plos of protection bis eleotion will be
signalled by a revision of tbe tariff, and
possibly problbitivs dalles will be put
upon worsted coatiags and staffs pro
duced hre. Tbe Americans appreciate
Bradford goods and Bradford pnoea,
bat, strange anomaly, they give poet
lo s party and authorise s programme
for lbs praotleal eiolaekio of that wbkb
ta cheap aod which la gmd. Tbey will
egaiolry lbs eiperlmeat of protecting
tbeir own Industries lo Ibe hope Ibat Is
leraal prosperity soaplcd with blgbrr
wages will ooinpeeaele for increased ooel
of livisg."
TU 4 fAr.lt SARIS
liMl sprlag IbeOatttte announced thai
it would aUnJuo Ibe credit S) item en
tirely oa Merck 11, wbkb, la s serials
eiteet, II baa earned oat eiept ame
oor pelmse bere in Mormw snooty,
here II was thoaght ws might sootiest
Ibe eld system. It bee bees demoe
etrated beyond alt dnlt that we eaaaot
DM psreta Ibe elj credit tyeb-m aod
pay oar debit ee we go. W e shall carry
on! ror ffmf ieUaUea, aod from Aug.
let sell So pep-fa wilt beeeflloot nnUe
Ibey bate ba paid fr ia advance. To
tbia eytWm e shall etriclly albra fa
tbs falsre, making favorite if booe,
Tbere It bHbleg pra..a abnst Ibie
mailer, bat we deaire la Ireel all alike,
eo do sot aak m be aod Ibe papr aa n
tbe peal, bal call ia sad ettle yoer
osat sad make srreomaU t e.
tione rttleg Ibe paper. tf.
Ilariaa (H if
t wee (.., li.t, IrttUble aad
me. Kail't Wr K A Ta bat Si a ia
me well aa4 bappy.
. . Mas E. II. Woanw.
fr sale by Wall Wimi,
J eat What's Needed
Exolaims thousands of people wbo have
taken Flood's Barsaparilla at this season
of Ihe year, and wbo have noted the suc
cess of On medioine in giving them re
lief from that tired feeling; waning appe
tite and state of exhaustion after the
oloee confinement of a long winter sea
son, the buoy time attendant npoo a
large and pressing business during the
spring months and tbe vaoation time yet
some weeks distant. It Is then thai Ibe
building np powers of Hood's Baroapa
rilla are fully appreciated. It seems
perfectly adapted to overcome that pros
tration canned by change of season,
climate or life, and while it tone and
tuataiut tbe system, it purifies and
vitalisa the blond.
Tb Finn eatk Aaaraaaieat
The first death seaeaameht the Urited
Artisans bars been called on lo pay re
sotted from Ibe death of Lacien Parker,
al Arlington Joos 3. Twenty-four boars
later Mrs. Parker received s check f ir
I'iXW, tbs amoant of insurance carried
by Mr. Parker. Tbs lao of tbe Arti
sans being lo collect seeeesmentt ahead,
caaaes Ih money slwayt lo be on baod
whes s death occur.
cni LFr.ia
ar n mm mmm mm was aa-u
Full English course.
french and german.
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, telegraphy.
Sn,VAsLm Tin dmti'
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
Do You Want a Rig ?
() Don't You Want a Place to
"A w -m w
rut up Your lcam ?
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
After meals yoo should bars simply s
feeling of comfort and satisfaction. Too
shoold not ferl any special indicatiooe
tbal digeetioo is golog on. If yoo do
yos bsvt fndigeettos, wbicb means wof
digeetios. Tbls nay b lb begiooiog
of eo many danf trout disease, tbal it I
beet lo take it in band si ones and treat
II witb Fhakar Dtgeetivs cordial. For
yos know that indigMttnn make poiaoo,
wbkb caaee pain and siokneaa. Aad
that Hbaker Pigrstive Cordial help di
getB aod tares ladigeatinn. Hbskar
IHgeatlV cordial doe Ibis by pr vidtng
lbs digeative matenats is wblch the
tick elomacb I waotirg. It aleo to ore
ap and tlresgtheo tbs digliv organe
and make tbara perfectly baalthy. This
is th rufioa.Wc of its method of ear, s
lb debrt would say. Kld by drug
gists, price 10 cent to II 00 per bt.lt U.
Are t M4a
MiaMable by lsditin, Coostipa
lioa, thMnH. rm ot Appetite, Vllw
nkta? Htiiloti'e Vitality is s ptitivt
r. put sal by W ell AWartea.
A Imm4 ( luMk
A Bo smcIiI bMi la Irale for
elep Aaseal eaie fbltvuna Na
bmijir-, A Urea,
Aer..a la Us Mlaiaa.
Teaterdey wbiU o lb way from kic
Iffe epriog U bta borne at Arlicgtos,
S (Urmaa, whoa Sam lbs) paper did
H leers, was ttrow fmm bit tart bear
Cel)'s la, brtakieg bis left arm
eear lb lba. W. (I. A Ilea, of Moa
saeat, was sear wbew lb scide oM
red aad blyd lbs m do we k lta
rarkar'a. Tb UatHU It lelrMd that
SpbyaMas wattsd from Uepp
sf Ibis morsiaf t attend lb !(
All these can be procured at Thompson & Birms, Lower Main Street,
ueppner, vregon.
These renllemen ar well acquainted with Grant, Harney, Crook. Ollllam and other eountlea
and ran aava Diociey aud Ulna la maklii tba section wllb traelliig mat). '
Prices In keeping with the times.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
1 W riTlIESOX. AGENT. iyM.?!-u.-!?
While yon aep yoar aabsoription paid op jrr
eaa keep joor brand ia treeof charge.
Allvn. T. J., lone. Or. Horse GO on tuft
I ehonlder; cattle same on left hip, nnder bit oa
riicht ear, ana upper dh on tne leit; nnge, 41 or-rowoonntr.
RairH D. W. and son. Horses branded D H
on the left hip; eaitla the same on left flank,
crop off right ear, nnderorop in the left. Bange
Morrow nmnty.
RarfhnlRmew. A. AlDine. Or. Homaa
branded TEun either shoolder. Range in Sor
row count?
rwnmster, J. W., Hani man, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, liooee berry Oregon Horse
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on
riRhtside. , ,
Hroeman, Jerry. Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
an right shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear Imlf orop snd right ear opper slope.
Barton, Wm Heppnet, Of. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in
each ear.
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in nei ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar
over It, on the left shonlder. Cattle same on left
h,P- n.n i
Hoyer, vr. w.. n"ii""i vy'""" .
brand on righ' hip cattle, same, with split in
(moll Dftr
Borff P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shonlder; cettle. same on left hip.
('arsner warren, Bnpr, ur.-iiumm urnuu.
ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on
right ribe, crop anaspiu in eaon our. utuin in
Grant and Moitow conn ties.
Cain.E.. (ialeb.ur. I u on dotbob uuibii. eiiner
V with quarter circle over it, on leit enonJder,
and on left stifle on all colta nnder 5 rears; on;
left shouiner umy uouuuidudv.b.i
range in Grant oonn ty.
Date, tihas. n inBon or uou, vr. iy;Kr
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip,
Bange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Corrtgail, JJi m, iraiuiwny, ur-i.i uu
, iiK sir and nnderbit. wattle in foreheads
horeee half oircle C on left stifle. Bange Mor-
ow anfl umauua connuee.
n i t h .Tr.lin Hav. Or. Double cross on
v, hinnn cattle, swallow fork and undei bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Bangs in Grant
oonnty. On sheep, inverted A spear point
on shoulder. Ear marnou ewee, cn.p ou ibii ear
nnnnhed upper Dit in ngni. y sunn, crop iu
right and under half orop in left ear. All rang
in Brant oonntv. . ,
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, 90on nghtshool.
der; Cattle, same on right hip; ear mark square
orop off left and split in right.
i;nmn, n. i., vvurriuuviiiw, ui. -um, vu
left stifle. , .
Cox Ed. 8.. Hanlman, Or.-rCattle, C with
e in oenter: horses. CE on left ?iip.
Cochran, K. E., monument, wnuii. ju "f'T
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left
ehonlder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
t'hapin, ti.. Haraman. ur. nm uituiiibu
"i on right hip. Cattle branded the same. AIbu
brands CI on horses right thigh; cattle sane
brand on right shoulder, and cut off end of
neI'oa W M . flnllowav. Or. Cattle. R D on
right side, swailow-fork in eaou ear; horses, B I)
in lett hip. j , r
iriv Prn. Tlnnirlas. Or. Horses branded ELY
on left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip. hole
ipjrightear. , ,
Jmery, U. o naraman, ur. ounw urauuea
reversed C with toil on left shoulder ; cat.
tin same on right hip. Bange in Morrow oonnty.
Florence, L. A., ueppner, ur. vaiue, on
right hip; horses. F with bar nnder on right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner. Or Horses, F on
right shoulder; cattle, F on right hip or thigh.
Gentry, Elmer, r.ono, jr. Homes orsnaeu n.
with a qnarter circle over it, on left stifle.
Range in Morrow and TJmatillaoonnties.
... 1 1 I ...... I - .. A . A
Hiatt A. rj., niuge, ur. vuitia, muuu-iup
with qnartnr oircle under It on the right hip.
Range in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
TTnohee. Hamnel. Wagner. Or (T F L
connected) on right shoulder on horww; on cattle,
nn right hip and on left sine, swallow tori in
right ear and slit in left. Konge in Haystack
Ustriot, morrow oonnty.
tt j t r n HnuT rM.-
with bar above it) on right shoulder; cattle same
in left side. Bange in Morrow and Umatilla
Hall, Edwin, John uay, or. rattle E Hon
right hip; norm's same on right shoulder. Bange
in Grant county.
Hiiirhea. Mat. HeDnner. Or. Horses shaded
ieart on the left shonlder. Range Morrow Co.
Hunsaker, B A , Wagner. Ur. Horses. on left
ihmilder: cattle. V on left hip.
Hnmohrevs. U. Bardman, Or. Horses. H on
tef flank
Hnston. Lnther. Eight mile. Or. Horse H on
the left shonlder and heart on the left stifle Cat-
Me same on left hip. rlange in morrow eonnty.
Jones, Harry. Heppner, Or Horses branded
rl Jon the left shoulder: cattle branded J on
right hip. also nnderbit in left ear. Bange in
sorrow county.
J on kin, H. Al., Heppner, ur. Horses, bora,
ihoa J on left shoulder. Cattle, the same,
tang rm Kl.h Mile.
Johnson. Felli. Lena. Or. Horsea. olrnlaT nn
'eft stifle; cattle, same on right hip, nnder half
iron in riht and eulit '.n left ear
Kenny. Mike. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
KNY on lefthip cattle earn and eron oft Urt
ssr: nnder alone on the right
Kirk, I. T., Heppner. Or. Horses 6 en left
shoulder; cattle. IW on left hlo.
Knmberland. W.G.. Monnt Vernon. Or. I L on
eattls on right and left aides, swallow fork in U ft
ear and nnder ciop in right ear. Horses Mm
brand on left shonlder. Range in Grant oonntv.
Loften, Htepnen, Fo. Or. 8 L on left hip
on eattla. crop and split on right ear, UnrM
orana on iert shoninvr. Hange Grant
Lienallen. John W.. LeTtPif"- Or. Horsea
branded hulf-cirole JLeonnaotod on left shoul
der. Cattle, sains on loft bio. Bang, near Lei.
in (ton
Loahey, J. W. Heppner Or. Homes branded
L and A " left ehouldert cettla same on left
hip, wattle over right aye, three slit in right
Lord. Georaa. Heppner. Or. Horses branrlad
double U OM.necUd Sometimes osiled a
swing H, on left shonldsr.
Msria. M. C Ueppner, Or. Cattle branded
eircls on right hip; horaea same on right sutlo.
nange in norrow oonniy.
Minor, tsnr, nppnr. rr. 4 altla. H D oa
right hip; home. M on Uf t shoulder.
Morgan. M. N.. Hennoer. Or. Homea at t
on left ehonldet rattle earns on left hip.
Mitchell. Oecar. lona. Or. Hurar. J7 on right
hip; oatu. 77 on right sida. -
Neal.Andmr. Lihi Huek.Or. norsea A N on a.
aeril on left shonlder: eattla same oe both hliw.
Oiler. Parry. Lexington. Or.-r' O oa foft
Oabi'rn, J. W., Donglaa. Or.; hnrsea O oa lef
shoulder; rattle tame on right hip.
Paamon, t !). Kisht Mils. Or. Himw.qlttr.
tar clrrleshiuld on left alMiolder and M on left
hip. ('aula, fork In left aar, right croDnad. as
on lefthip. Rang on Ki.l.t Mila.
Parker A Glaaaoa, ilanlmaa.Or, Horeee IPoa
lfi shonlder.
Piper, Krrest, Islington, Or. Homea brand,
d WK (L k eonneciMl) an left ahoaUUr i eattla
am on right hip. lUuura, Mormw eonnty,
Pipar. J. II., Islington. Or. Horwa, JK poi
aarted m.Mt ahooldart eattla, earns oa Iml bin
ander bit in aarh ear.
fattya. A. !, Or.i horse diamond f nn
bmliler; eattla, J Hi enonsnted, oa tha
eft bin. updw akip la left ear aad alin i.
Hnnd, Andrew, Hafdmaa. Or. Hotsm. annua
er- with qoartarirrla ovarii on Uft atinaT
Knb Htm., Henpoar. Or.-Hnraaa hfaaled 1
aa lha right ahoal.Ur; eeltU. It nn the Uri kl
rvp nfl lfl ear and dewlap d nark. Baoaa U
Tbroogh trains oa tbs O.RA.N, will
rns ria. Cmalilla, Walla Walls sod
I'etiJUloo. Tbroogh sleeper, Crt ssd
eorHiil-cIa, will run is enoseotion witb
th Union racifle, lb earn a brto
for. A through first el as alee per 1'ort
land lo Cpokaas, eoasecting with lb
first tie sleeper to Kt. I'aol. aad a
throtigb tourist sleeper Tortlead lo Hi.
real, will ran Is soaascttna witb tbt
Ureal Nortbern railwa. It
A cvtpp'., ra'ntis botb feel, tot Is s
etfikicg macbia Ibis wak (or th eviter
laieueal ol lh atro meit. Tom IHir
bans n 1,475 ponnd. Norman Mr ere
2.4.70. N. b. W b-Utone wbile MUer-
man lioroer, Ites Mat be we aod other
eaatle s reportable ebowiof. Tbere le s
big eligbtta elnklng the mbiB,wblcb
euBote as saiKh or snort Ibaa strengih.
Tbe Isaat (wagb far
Is Bhllob's csr. A Bglt4 songb
i JaPaerno. Htop It at sue witb
hhilob't Car, ler tels by Weil A
V ar raw .
Mallisw Itro. tse eaevaj acme os
lb eaat ule ol Mats etres, ta Ibe
bnilding formerly oecnpM ht the Oem
ealona. Tbf will b slenwed tit
Ibwtr old rna looker. II
CaUnk Car.
Ilealtb S4 te brealb erel, by
Pbitob's Ua'arrh Reealy. -rt ftiw.
i ease . i iuu n j l - -wiir...
I, i " . ..!... aalr...Wtr ...UU. nr. enrej ,b. I -b ol ah h.tb berrafler .U b fV- wv'.tL-'--1 ."; ' "
Land filings sad final proofs Taken,
xcxrrxrxst. cntjcir.
D.J. McFaul, M. D.
At j. u. mart RisiDtuci.
nsuc Lrn ii.jl
l sirs ,? Liaaovn.i
von, .. -,.;",:,,; v-vvr:;
' - ' i rii iu
uV. " ' i
li aud adioiolnaenantiM.
Bney, Andrew. Osinginn, Or Rrwm
branded 11 right shnalder, vol .,7.
feTae. Win. H. IalrTllla. Or-nit anna
ih qoartar rirrl. ovar l"p nn aaiij. a rwt.i hV.
d r.p nd right aar and alit la UfL ii. "
me MMi na lrt fculUr, Hum lm
Umnl aod tlilliaia euaotiaa.
l.mrW t. W , lltKUV
lrt stKiaidar. (alUa, (loa right blu.
StfaLrhl W V tl.r.h.M rwu . . .
IS on Ufi IIW; miu J Noa Uf, k(- ,7"?
fwk ta nghl aar. ea.Urbtt la Uri.
eapo. Ihna., llvvnv. tlr -
mm vfiwui aaisa on lan aip.
Harara, Rnhart, tnMlaa, Or -Cat Us "1 on
riM hip and 8 na rtgM thmiUUv i bnraS
r,.M --.nUW tUr.ria M,T,..,WP 1
tj.,tli lln- Naaaatill. tr. M., LnrAA
l.M. IU. . ia W.r.. aad iiiM,ia,uZ?
" ' . na ih
a right
left fctit
rH mtim
A,M l ' ""- tr laed town
fmrmnttt tlslaln tma' IK.
-1SV-"' ..
a ril fc II.. ewmvMt ni mid m.Z
MS t." '
4 f w---sr
'-y in
k,,,. .jail". J u.fx "
r.0. W Mept-aw. Ht-llmnu M
, konaa l,Ui i. " " " r,
-- m nM ekMnidOatana m
. : " ri.M , w- k''
" Hi t, rv-
Ct atwaMhw. Uew
TTV - d i-ci k, "
fi .i . '
a li.
la'a kra.Wd i
W d'
"a lfl
ak.a. IM ft. .