Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 14, 1896, Image 3

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The Dangoi is Averted by Using
Nearly forty years ago, after
some weeks of sickness, my liair
turned gray and began falling out
so rapidly that 1 was threatened
with immediate baldness. Hearing
Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of,
I commenced using this prepara-
tioi, and was so well satisfied with
the result that I ltnve never tried
any other kind of dressing. It stop
ped the hair from falling out, stimu
lated a new growth of hair, and kept
the scalp free from dandruff. Only
an occasional application is now
needed to keep my hair of good,
natural color. I never hesitate to
recommend any of Ayer's medicines
to my friends." Mrs! II. M. IIaight,
Avoca, Neb.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Ayer't Saraajmrilta Itamovea I'hnpht.
VS567 8 9I0SU
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
rs. Call
and Smokabls
on Tad.
Here and There. '"
1 be Ueppoer Transfer Co., ba wood
lor sale. - 37-tf.
Frank Lao is here to bo oattln fnr
Eastern shipment.
E. O. SIobii is again onnfiued to his
room, bat is bPtter. -;
John Spray wrr over from bii Hav.
I stuck rauch last Friday.
Mrs. John Rasmus has rettirned from
ber visit to relatives in tbe valley.
Fred W. Hendlev. of Pandlaton.
In Heppner on business last week.. '
Drink the oelebrated J. H. Cutter
Whiskey. On tan at Ohrin RnrnhpraA
It in now denied tbat the murderer of
Ailmuu, near Caleb, was Burdette Wolf,
La Orrnr1n Marble Works. T.a Ornndn
Jre. a. u. Hmith, salesman, Heppner.
Hon. J. N. Brr wn. eornumni,(i hv hm
family, returned Saturday last from
A. J. Leiand. traveling freight mrnnl
Of Hie Northwestern, was in Hflnniw
.riuay lust.
1'uimrl In the road, in Hennnr. a
ladies' i ipket. Owner will nlnnau
f . - -
uizme omoe.
IMve Unnnen. Wi am TilUrd nnrt
Ed Hale left last nitfht for Montana to
toiiow tbe raoe circuit.
John Dodson. of Pendleton, will
soon "eaye for Alaska In tbe interest of
me rendleton Woolen Mills.
Lost On tbe streets of Heppner, a
nap on or a Oloynie Detls rat-tran.
Finder will please return to this ofSoe.
Numerous orowds of HeDDneritea are
already talRinB of BDendins tbe remain
der of tbe heated term in tbe mountains.
Phillip Uearhnrt. who has been look
ing after tbe sales of the "Home Com
fort' raose, departed Friday for Pendleton.
A terrible collision near Loean. Iown.
on the 11th inst , killed quite a ti timber
ma seriously injured a great many
mi r
mis season win De remembered as
having bad tbe longest sieve of hot
weather of any for some years. It has
been a roaster.
Miss Minnie Myera has just arrived
ana is prepare! to do fashionable dress
makioa at reasonable prices. Parlor 20,
ralace bolel. tf.
News: Mr. Patrick Mulcare repaired
the hole in the wall of the jail, but tbe
offioers have been nnable to find Baier,
me esoapea prisoner.
Chamberlain's Conch Remedy' Cures
colds, oroup and whooping oonjth. It is
pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by
Uooeer & ttrock, drngeis's.
hp v. tteury Rasmus is expected no
i mm Portland soon to visit relatives and
friends bere. While in town be will
lecture at tbe Methodist church.
Enffle: Frank Rogers, of Heppner. and
J. M. Oraden, an Iowa sbeepbnyer. are
over iu this part of Grant county after a
baud of sheep. (Uradeo lives in Wash )
Any inventor in Eastern Oreson wbo
I'sires tbe services of an attorney iu
iVasbiuuton, D. 0 , will nod it to hi
iivautae to call on or address this pa-
jer. . 6tf
The Dalles Chrooiole: Hon. J.N.
Urown of Heppner. re-elected to the
Orgut legislature, was in the city today.
lie iii a candidate tor speaker of tbe
Mesdames J, J. Roberts and Green
Mathews left on last night's train for
Cortland where they will attend tbe
Grand Lod;e session of the Degree of
Ditudroff ia dns to an enfeebled slate
of tbe skin.' Hall's liair lie-newer quick-
ens the nutritive funotious of the skin,
Mealing and preventing tbe formutiou of
Nerves are weak, many people say,
and yet tliey do not seem to know
that they are literally starving their
nerves. Weak, pale, thin blood can
not give projKT sustenance that is
why you a id nervous, tired, exhausted.
The cure for this condition is to
purify, vitalize and enrich your blood.
Take Hoods Sarsaparilla fairly and
laitntully, ana the rich, red blood,
which it makes, will soon feed the
nerves the elements of true strength
they require; they will cease their agi
tation and will resume their proper
place being under the control in
stead of controlling the brain and
body. Read Miss Hartley's letter:
"I want to express my gratitude for
what Hood's Barsaparilla has done for
me. My health has been very poor for
three years, due to trouble with my
I was nervous, bad pains in my back. I
cannot tell what I suffered. My eyesight
became affected and I was so despondent
I did not have any interest in life. I bad
two physicians, but my complaints be
came worse. I was told tbat I was affected
with Bright's disease. A relative urged
me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I did so
and in a short time I began to notice a
change in my condition. Things began
to appear brighter, my eyes improved ana
Legal Complkatioaa.
Bait has peen instituted by J. W. Mor
row against Henry Heppner over what
ia alleged to be a wool oontract. It is
olaimeS that Mr. Heopner, about a year
ago, agreed to take Mr. Morrow's wool at
a certain price 8 cents per pound but
has refused to do so. Be tbat as it may,
suit has been brought for an amount ex
ceeding 83,000, and the same will be
settled at the next term of court.
A Natural Braotifler.
Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the
blood and gives a dear end benntifnl
complexion. For sale by Wells & War
my Back
did not trouble me so severely. My appe
tite returned and I gained strength every
day. I am now able to do my own work,
and feel perfectly well. I cannot And
words to express my gratitude for what
Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me and I
gladly recommend it." Miss Ella Bart
LEY, 213K 8. Grant Ave., Columbus, Ohio.
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $l.
Prepared only byC. I. Hood &Co., Lowell, Mass.
of Oregon for Morrow County.
Eliza R. Uweus, Plaintiff,
Frank H. Bence, Mary J. , '
Bene, his w ife. Lewis J.
Rchewrich and
Sohewrieh, his wife, De
fendants To Fra'-k H. Benge and Mary J. Benge, two of
the defendants.
In the name of the State of Oregon, tou are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled ngAlnst you in the above entitled
suit on or before the 7th day of September. 1HH6:
and you will take notice that If you fail to
answer or otherwise appear in said suit on or
before said 7th day ol September, mau, the plain
tiff above na'iten, for want thereof, will apply
to the above entitled court for the relief prayed
for in the complaint filed in this suit, to-nit:
ifor personal decree against the defendants
Frank H. Benge and Mary J. Benge, his wife,
for the sum of 1531.25 with interest thereon t
the rate of 8 per cent per an"um trom January
1st. 1894, and the sum of tiO.OO attorney's fees,
and the costs and disbursements of said suit;
that the court shall decree that the mortgage
executed by the said Frank H. Benge and his
wife to the Lombard investment. Companv.
dated the 19th day of December, 1SS8, upon the
following described real property in Morrow
county. Oregon, to wit: the north-west quarter
of pectlon No. 2, in township No. 2 smith, and
range No. 2ft Est of the Wi lamette meridian.
which said mortgage was recorded on the 25th
day of December, 1SK8: at pace fit of Book "D"
of the Records of Mortgages in the offline of the
county Clerk ol Morrow county, Oregon, shall
be foreclosed, and the S'id real propertv snld,
and the proceeds of such sale to be applied to
tne payment to ptatntinoi tne anove named
sums of money; that all of the defendants, and
all persons claiming and to claim by, through
or under them, or any of them, shall he forever
barred and foreclosed of all right, title, estate,
interest and lien, at law and in equity, and
especially of all equitv of redemption, in, to and
upon every part of said real property; and that
plaintiff shall have general relief.
This 8 mmons is published pursuant to order
of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell. Judge f the above
entitled court, made at Chambers, Pendleton,
Umatilla county, Oregon, ou the 13th dav of
July, 1S9.
157-70. Plaintiffs Attorneys.
l ' and by virtue ol an execution issued out
of the circuit court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Morrow, on June 16, 1896, and to
roe directed and del'vred, upou a Judgment
rendered and entered in Justice court lor the
Sixth tiixtrict in tuid county on the loth day of
June. l9tj, In favor of M. D. Haynian, plaintiff,
and against E. Campbell, defendant, for the
sum of Forty-two and 40-1U0 Dollars and Ten
and Ho-iOO Dollars cost, and a transcript of said
Judgment was tiled with the county clerk of the
county of Morrow, Btate of Oregon, on June 16,
1XU6; and, whereas, by said Judgment it was
ordered and adjudged that the following des
cribed real property, to wit: The south-west
quarter of section two, in township one, north,
range twenty five east, W. M be sold to satisfy
said judgment, costs and accruing costs. I
will, on;
Saturday, the 15th day of August, 1896,
at 2 o'clock P. M., of siid day, at the front door
of the court house in Heppner, Moirow County,
Oreg ui, sell the right, title and interest of said
E.Campbell in and to the above described p op
erty at Public Auction to the highest and best
bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be ap
plied to the satisfaction of said execution, at
torney's lee atid ail costs and costs that may
accrue. E L. MATLOCK,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
Dated July 8, 1696. . 456-65.
llOOa S flllS tako,ea3ytoonerate.2fio.
Now the "Candidate" is out of date.
The crops are looking fine;
1 1 is a treat to view the wheat,
The melon on the vine.
The horn of plenty's in the laud
But the horn for which we sigh
Is a winning last and a brimming glass
Of Bperry's "Linwood Rye."
Bold only at tbe Belvedere Saloon.
of Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
Ralph L. benge, I'lalutiff,
Katie D. Benge, Defendant.
To Kalie 1). Kunge. efeu ant:
i tne name of the ntateot Oregon, von are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against von iu the above entitled
Button or before the first day of the next regular
lerm ri me aoove entiiiea court, to-wit:
Monday, September 7th, 1896,
and if yon fail to answer or otherwise plead, for
want llieieof the plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled court for a decree dissolving the
marriage bonds now existing between vou and
himseli, and a judgment against you for the
cons and rii-bursements of this suit
This summons Is published by order of Hon.
Stephen A. Low. II, judge of the circuit court of
Oregon for the 6th judicial district, dated July
456 68. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Intention.
i following-named settler
Land Office at La Gbandk, Ohkoon.
June soth, 1K9S.
has filed notice
of his intention to make final proof in support
ui ma uotiiii, turn mm am nroot win oe inaue
befo e County Clerk, of Morrow County, at
nuppner, uregou, ou Augusiom, ioyu, viz:
Hd entry No. 4G10, for the NWJi 8ec20,Tp4S,
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upou and cultivation of,
saiu tana, vis :
Lut er Hamilton. Andrew McKenzie. Freder
ick Thomas, Robert Dexter, of Heppner, Or.
404 oo. 15. r, Wilson, uegister.
From the Corvallls Uxetto.
Those who fret themselves iuto a freo
tj over the Ouaccial question lost sight
ot the fact that there is a great body o
Amerioso eitizana wbo have a decent re
gard tor other matters that concern this
nation of oars. The radical advocate
and opponents ot free silver have work'
4 themselves into a mental state that
allows Ibetn neither to reason nor to
listen to reason. Tbey bava o m lo im
agine tbat tbe prosperity of tba nation
aod the aalvatioo ot tba people depend
upon tbe adoption ot their money view
by the Botoroment. Tbey fill tba an
with tbrir letmntatioDS and fairly sue
coed lo drowning the cool voice of truth
With tba aaprrmest lodiffxrenoe to
actuality, they have appropriated Mo-
Kloley a the rpteseoUti of this sol
issae. They make bint tbeipecial objsvt
of their adoration or hU. "Hurrah (ot
McKiuley and tba gold standard. shoot
on faction of ibeeefanttics "Aoytbioi
to beat kit Klnley, tba r-IJ bu,M erie
tba other. Yet, wbl llitl neoaa tbey
bava for making WcKioley tbrir god or
davil ot fioaooee!
II wm lb BiaMet tba? nominated Me
Kloley aad it hou!J be apparent to lbs
raciest Soaooialiet that II was not a a
rtpfMentattva of any peculiar fioancial
Tiewi tbat be eaioed bis popalarily. lo
fart, hi lwilta0 oo Ilia nntiey qoMtbiti
was vrr!y arlil iJ bfor tba eon-
veelloa, bat II did not prevtol lie oorul
nlin. It la tba principle of protection
Ibal M-Kl l.y ct.ir ftptrwou, and
bit aomlnaUon trova that tba ret am lo
thai prlaelpU la IU grrlt cooeera of
tba ft! isms rf American tutera.
Are W Oa
Ot tb nnVapny rp wbt ' aqf-
fWi( with tn rf'. tartlft at
vert slitfbt e-itniil. nnbl ! g lof
ear aauxial duti't.or. O idin il Ira
p evlbla l lrrp; dl opiate sad
rntnB4. rd IU rvw
wpofl UkiI mala pire ainl tmnrtaliinf
tif tba ' Ll'l pnnfl'f an I tint
beiva Uiaia, 1nI's fri l.
Hand Tilt are tie l-t tir Ui
filia, aM d.-U..tt, rl iapa
There is a aheep war on over In Qraut
county, tJov, range ia public propertv
ind anv oeraon has a nuod riuht to it.
Unlawful resistance is being met in tba
ame manner.
Mi Eva ISriana arrived Louie from
the valley on Soodav morning After
school closed at Monmouth sheepnt
rotue three Weeks visiting wilb relative
living near Balem.
Fonod Near npper part of Tbo.
Quaid'a place, Hatnrday morning, four
llatirona. Owner ran nave tame bv oall
teg at this offioe, describing property and
paying fur tbla notice.
To prevent pale aod dnlictta children
from lapaii'g ioto chronic iovaltds later
iu life, lu should lake Aver s harsapa
rilla together with plenty of wholesome
food and nai-door eieraise. What tbey
need to build op tbe system is good rad
R L. Hbaw oame no from Portland
last Saturday.
Mrs. Julia Bradley is confined to ber
room by illness.
Ohas. Dobbio a Is oonflned to bis borne
by malarial fever.
Lawrenoe Sweek was over from Qrant
county last baturday.
Mr. 0. Oaten was in from his Wanner
poasesaiooa last week.
Mr. Willaby and wife have returned
from a toor of Grant oouuty.
A. J. Cook, of Lena, accompanied by
his wife, was in town (Saturday.
Mrs. M. ). Stlinff. of Eiubt Mile, ia
reoorded among those wbo are 111.
Mrs. J. K. Simons and Mrs. W. F.
Muark are aojoarolng at McDuffie hot
Clem and John Black well and Marion
Rounds are In from Orant oounty with
their wool.
Paul Schiller, ot Gooseberry, dropped
in yesterday, tie aays his Crop is pretty
badly damaged.
News: Mis Florenoe Crittenden bas
arrived borne from Heppner where she
taught a very successful term in the
publio school.
Tba W. C. T. U. will not meet nntil
Joly 22. 8-sioo io tba M. E. church,
snotn, at 'iZU p. m. A fall attendance
ot tb members deaired anJ th public
will De weloomed.
Mr. Qreen Mathews and little son ar
rived Hatardar from McDofTee springs
Mrs. Mathews is almost entirely free
from rheumatism, wb'oh speak Volnmes
In favor of tbe curative qualities of tba
waters ot tba Orant eoonty rea..rt.
of Oregon fo Morrow County.
Julia A. Farrel, I lain tiff,
Samuel I. Gerking, Martha
A. Oerklng. James K Min
amaker and Maria E. Nun
amaker, T'efendant.
To Samuel I. (Jerking and Martha A. Gerkii'g,
two of the above-named defendants.
In the name of the Plate of Oreiron. rnu are
nereny requirea m appear ano answer tne com-
Diaint men against von in tne above entitled
nit on or before the 7th day of fentember. 1tfi:
and you will take notice that if von fall to
anser or otherwise appenr in said suit on or
oetore ine sain yin aav ot sepiemner, the
plaintiff above named, for want therot, will
apply to the above entitled court for the re.lef
p-aveui r in the complaint tiled l this suit,
to-wii: ror personal aecree against Ihe defend
ante Samuel I. Oerklng and Martha A Gerking
tor tne sum ot w on with Interest thereon at
the rate of per cent, per annum from April 1st,
ana ine sum ni .iuui attorney s ie-s. and
the costs and dlshursements of said suit: that
the court shall decree that themortvnireexecut.
en ny sam Samuel I. (ierklng and Martha A.
oermng to the lxmhard Investment Cnmnanv
dated the Wd day of March, la, upon the fol
lowing nesnnuea real properrv m Morrow
con ty. Oregon, to-wit: the south half of the
north eat quarter, the south X acres of the
north-west quarter of the north-east quarter, of
m:uon no. a, in viwnsnip no 3 soutn. sun
range No. 'U hast of WI lametta merldlun' and
also the west half of the north-west quarter of
ei-uon no. i.i. ann tne norm nan ol tne norm
eaat quarter of section No. 14. In townshlo No.
south and range No 2Ktof Willamette merld
Ian: which mortiraiie ia now owned li nlnlnMir
w iiiitii pniu uiorirHge whs recoroen on ine .titn
dav of March. 1KH9. at page 131 of Hook '!" of
the Kecords of Mnrteage In the oHice of the
(.ouiity i.iorg oi Morrow county, Oregon, shall
ne lorecinsen, ann tiiesatd real propertv mid,
and the pnH'eedsof such sale In be applied to
the Payment to plntntltr of the ahnva named
sums of money; that all of the defendanta. and
all persons claiming and to claim hv, through
or under them, or any of them, shall he lorever
barren and inrecloaed ol all right, title, estate.
Interest and Hen. at law and In euultv. and
eaclnlly ot all equity of redemption, In, to
and upon every part of said real property; and
mm. uiaiiiiin anaii nave general renei.
This Ho mmons la Dllhllshed liliraiii.nl tn or.li.r
of Hon. Stephen A. Lowell. Judfe of the aliove
entitled court, made at Chamliers, t'endleton,
I'malllla county, Oregon, on the Mlb day ol
July, x.
457 "U. l'laluun a Attorneys.
Died Near MoMlnnvilla. oo Toeadav.
Etifle; P. H. Wilson, while relorolog I July 7tb. Mrs. Harab McPbillip. mother
Jiutli f.J rtliM
Time Wf1 t .l il"Wl aoMfli
Jl l.t. All la .r f-ilif Pt
ha 1 I S) (,f aay, m .t tq h"aftr Wi l
aal t ff
LImra I.lonf Watii Co.
Tbe fls baa si tr' li'ti'-e
la Mibrth Rogl. ah. C"4 fhot
aM or TWit.M 4.rtntia N la
HniUtm llf'n tu t. f I'oril.aJ.
fna S4l AV !" draitixg M lake a
lWrsall bi'oa e.a' la a C-t tloaa
a.tllbMi4 t0rtH t-i.'f l
laa txriow. If
to bis home at Monameot last Hatorday
venlog from Hamilton, met with an eo
aidnol on Hoboolbooaa grade, reenltiog
in demolibln bla rig aod badly bruis
ing op air. wiieoD.
New: Tbe fisb ia a lorglived bird ill
given a rbaooe. Pat Moloare osd lo
uav a lew trool Dab In bla duck pond
nut on the ranch that ba bad kept there
for 107 year, hat sines rat niovad away
th flh bava all been cangbt and aaten
by small boys.
Tbe littl f'xir year-old daogbUr of
Mr. and Mrs. Haamaa Na'aoa was lost at
(he eelehratioo at Groat Hollow. (Iraat
aiHinty, and at last aoeuaota bad nol
tna f .uud. (baU report give the lo
fottottloii of tbe finding of tba cbilJ aafe
ed aoood.)
W. P. rVrivnr I prepared to do all
kibJs of btaeksmitbiog, braa)bolng.
mrhip repairing, wag.ia work, lo fact
M)ibiag la blsliuaal rnalil ebargt
an I sanafarimn garaetveL Will put in
tpnkae for t eai esoh, end olhr wag
m-ikI in propuritoa. n 11
?: Canyon C.it'e trrla are Iroli
iavd with pore gold mild with a roa-
iJerable Olaolltr or gravel, workmen
a aaareh (4 an old ' difgad a bd
to d'l'lb uf almnl fonr fart laat Monday
in froal of ( aoa'agton sad Iba rxijs
'patinl qui' o,alte a lot if preeion
ejtlal Ih'fefmcn.
F.g ': At lt arroanta Wm. Ilaier,
bo l.fi.kJall at Caeyon Ctly I sal
i HI at large. Itr. tw was In Jail
a tina ti aoawef 14 an led otaat f
.'df Is) It. fl'aj d((M, fffttw lt
kip, e'ating Ibal be bad iotlilng lolaav
..f. a li.ie ! wa wt. and Ibn aal
al. e w,! t tuueb la bta fav.r.
Fa nta1irlow bae ball lllr gmand
art ! aafa'ly a A)'sCrf P(H'rat.
l-lag Ihe ! 0 ty )as. II bat bm
lb rrv-at po.ni r.f all ruasb-r aad
lt.e dta4 v II I Uf
r Ulofa l'tun..l lo l aod aura
or u Ik uale, or Leoa, aged 74 years
Mr. Cata was eald down to attend Iba
bedside of bia mother bol arrived too
lata lo e ber alive, lie baa tba sympa
thy of bol ot friend.
,EST with a big B. Blackwell's Genuine Bull
liurham la In a class by itself. You will find one
coupon inside each two ounce bag, and two cou
pons inside eacb four ounce bag of
Gonuino Durham
Smoking Tobacco
Buy a bagof this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon
wnlcn gives a llstoi valuable presents and now to get them.
ar'-i V..- - ,ir
Change i kirn 111 Around ?
Notice of Intention.
lias bought out the General Merchandise Buainrss of the McT'arlancI
Mercantile Co., and the btock is being dibposed of at
All wooleii goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cobL Great discounts on hardware, tinware. Glassware, hats.
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
or rim
I J June 311, lHtHi. Notice Is hereby
- given that
the folluwIng-iiHmcd settler lias filed notice
ot his intention to make Hnal proof in support
n his cluiin, and that snld proof will be made
ociore ine county cicrs in morrow county at
lluppner, Oregon, on August H, 18, vis:
ltd. entry No- 72X1. fnr the TM BE 8ec 19. HVJi
N t4 tec 80, BV J4 j4 8cc 2J, Tp 3 8, U 28 K, w
He nemes the follnwlnir witnesses to Drove
his continuous residence upou and cultivation
of said land, vis:
I.. A. Klorence. John Heeler. Thomas McCnl-
lotigh, Korinau A, Kelle , ol Heppner, Oregon.
4-n-iw. . r. vMLdON, Kcglster.
Notice of Intention.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner. Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
Gilliam & Bisbee
lj June 21. 1HM. Notice Is hereby liven that
the tollowliig-named settler has tiled notice of
his intention tn make llual proof in support of
his clsiin, and thatsnid proof will be made be
fore County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon,
at iiuppucr, uregon, on august i, jmiu, vii:
Hd. entry No. 7317, for the SKH SWU See Ht. K'i
N4 aud ti-4 KEIi Bee M), Tp 4 8, K 2H E. W.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residuuee upon and cultivation
of, sulci laud, vii;
E C. Vint kins. Robert Watklns, A. 8. Burch,
A. J. McKeuzio, all of Hcppucr, Orcpnn,
452-63. Heglster.
Notice of Intention.
J J Juno .'4. IWHi Notice Is hereby given
thHt tbe follow Ins-named settler lint filed nol Ice,
ol his Intention lo nuke final prool In support
of his flalm, and that sld proof will bn iiiade
neioiej. w. Morrow, I'ouuiv ciura, at liennuar.
Oregon, on August H, 1k"), vis:
ltd. K. No, Vt.-o. for the K'i NWV.8WU KWU
ml N WI Hi dec 3.', Tp 2 N, R a. K.
lie imines the followlus' wilneuea to nmva
hlsrnutlniioiif n-aldeiive uimu and cultivation
of sld Imiil, vi:
I. I, Van" Inkle, of llciomer. Oreiron. T. n.
Mathews. W. H. Flulcv. Arthur Andrew., of
Calloway, Oregon.
4.'i263 Kegl.ter.
A. ni (
For jonr rrotrclloD. CaUrrh or
Tooira for Catarrh ia liquid tuna to t taken
Inl'Tuallr, naiiauly contain aitnt alerrurr or
luili'l ( pxtuiMut, or Udb, rlili-b ar Injur,
iouskf too long taken. Calarrb ia a local, twit
i4 diaro, raiixnl by auihten rliaugs lo
exJd at (lain p smaller. 1 1 starU In the luaaat
fkaawM.-ea, aff"rtlig eye, ara and UiruaU
Cold In tba IimkI rauara nmmim flow cat
morn, and, it ri-ai.-.lly tn-lcttl, tba r
nils U catarrh will follow 1 avre in In
tba bal, a ririiii sound in th ran, ld
lin-ath, and tnliinas an otTonHlva disw
rdarga. Tbsremlr atxiuld lanui k toallaf'
InfUinmatkm anl hmi tba RM-mliraM. Klv s
Cresua lialra is Iba axknowloilml rura fur
tlieaa trmUa ami euoUlna bo Btvrrnr
bur an tojurtotia drug. 1'rir, (0 otita.
laat pno tbsdaiatts 8nnonneJ tit
It wulj abandun tba aradit a; stent ro
tirly on Match lt, blrb. to aaettain
ettrnt. It baa earrtKl oat rieept aiuoet
ear stroo beta In Morrow eoonty,
br It was thoagbt as iuiBbt nnllona
Iba old system. Il baa bs drmoa-
atratad tasyood all dnttbt Ibal m aaaaul
buifer trai iba el l e radii aystm aad
pay oar dta as gn. Wi shall earr;
out car ff mr taUatbiaa, and from Aeg.
11 ant eo ppr trill bt aeot out saUa
lb bats bn taid for In adtaasa. To
1 1, mi yalaat a sl.all alriellf a-lU's la
iba fatara, Basking fvnta f am,
Tkf ia K.lhlsg arMa a boo I Ibui
Oregon for Morrow ouulv.
iira . i.ouo, i iaiuiiu,
Morris l. Ixnf. I.lnnla
Ixing. hlwlfe, f.a. Rin k
num. Hells R. Biirknum,
bla wife. :. H. limine. I.
Hu.hea her hualnd, II,
i. Kauat. Daniel H Brown
and Hrowo, his ,
Willi, Defendanta
To l.lnnle Long and I.. Ilughra, two of the
niiuv-iiame4i neiennania.
in ine name ni tha Htt of Oreann, yon are
n'rrny rr.imren ioapr and auawer tha rom
platnl Bled aaalnat you In tha abova eiillili-d
soil on or before tha "in day of Hrpiember. lJa;
anu you win tik. nolle that If you fall tn
anawrrorotberwiM appear In Mid aull on or
ifior nit aam 7in riav el Heptemlier. Iieja, h
niaintirr aiMiva namml. lor want IhrrMil. will
apply to tba ahnva eulllled rnurt for Iba relief
prarxi io in lb complaint niwl In IliU anil.
lo-wll: Por rwrannal divriw aaalnal lha defend
arils Until l.n. :. a. Hiialieand U Muahaa
lor in aom ol i. hi wllh liilvrmrl Ihereou si
in ri ni s par rnl, mt annum from Marrb
tat. IM. I.I Mlwllb Ilka Inlerecl lhera Inun
Man h lat. Ixit, and Ihe sum ol I (Mai allorne; a
i"",. ma ruaia aim ni.otiraemenia ol
anil; thai th rnurl ahall derrea lli.l lb rnorl
trnl lf Ibaaald Morrla . loig nd
Jnnle Uin In th Uimlwrd Inveataienl Com.
pans. d.t lb lull il.T of t ebmarr, IMI, llhnn
in following aepriiii mi ro,riy In Kor
row rnunly, Orvcim, to-wH Iba ea.l ball nf
lb aoitlh-aeal ui,rlr. and lb wl half ol th
aoulh ru) orr of aeeilun bn V. IB low nahip
r. noon ini nina nn, an rtM nt in w i.
lamviia merl.llan. ahlrh ld m-irig.r waa
rwnrrted na lh Uih dr nl Vl.reb, i at r-r
a i nona "i m in itraria ol Hnrtaai in
th nrnr of tha I rMinit I lerk ul Morrow roiirttv ,
""rim, snail n irriivi. aiHl In mm m
pmpvriv d. and lb aw-'-la n aorh al in
urn appimi hi in lainwiil lo plKloUir or lb
i"i n.mnl inini v. nM, lhl ill nf in
de'Uni and all pnn rialmlng an4 li
claim by, IhroofH or nndef Ihrm i air "f
lbm. shall M !( harrvd aad birerbawd nl
il Na-nl. Mil. ll, ll.lcrp and lli, l I
and In 'ullr. and n-ll f bf all vnnlif nf
rnwm'n. in w ini UMn cr pari nf aald
rrwi (.miwriyi a4 Ibal piainliS aliail bat gn
ral rail
I bla aummnjis ta tinhllaHed aralll In i-r 1r
M Hon ipha a liall, Jodr nf II. at.r
niiii. uit, nwl al I Ihihimi. -..,Hrton
I mall la ruulilr, Orf 'il, ua th Ilia ibfw
uiw, i w
rr., CAinrn, ttnry a at-arto.
if ! I I.H.IIS ai0(H.
t rriEn nvHTiiiKb
I J if -. July is. laua.
UlTICR l.lnf.
at tit iTr a
t'aa b,Jt imU '
n io m do aot ak ns to and tba tspr as ia
tU past, but call la aad ul toar .
r M.ija, Mtaa luua
ller, V, I.
Wr.l.h m t
ward, t W
ba railing tnf the llrt .!a aaf
an an ii i r iuu, r, a
iiuriri r mwmiutiom.
VOtft IS Biarar ftlVgt THAT Tilt
i S'm nf waiis a'en. r"r1 lrn
Notice of Intention.
I ANnornrr. at i.a (irandk. orkoOm.
14 June '..'i. !. Notice Is hereby slvail thil
Iii following named seltler has filed not lea oi
his Intention lo make final proof In support nl
hla claim, and that aald pnmf will Ix mad
liefora h. L yreeland, I onimlaslouer ol tha 1).
H Clreiill Court, at ileppiier, ur-gon, on July
ttb, laiaj, vlt
M. 1111 A C. WATK1S1.
Hd. r. Kn. 41.AI lor tha N VS I, bee. II Tp. 4 S. R
V K. W. M.
Ho names Ilia fnltnwlna- wllneaaea In nmv
hla continuous rvslilcnca boon and 1 ullltallon
ui aam laun. vii:
I, corse HMrry, Roticrt Dcsler. Jayli MeKan
lie and Katld A. Ilerraii, all ol llepnorr. r.
0. r. 1 1 J' in.
4'0 llea'etrr.
Notice Of Intention.
I.xu Orru s at Tin Dam.. Oaaonx.
June ih. !
4 loliowlna named aetller baa filed nolle
ol bis Intention lo mak final proof In support
nl hla claim, aud thai aal 'I proof will ba triad
iieinre 1 oiioir f icrh 01 Morrow 1 niiniy, frragon,
ai nei'poer, wrrgoii, on vuijr ia, is u:
jAMKa W. M(iHKI.tn.
Hd K No . IJ. for lhawttv. swell, and
KUeK.bre wi.lp. 4 a . K a K.
II name lb lopnwlntf w Unaware In .mtl
niarouiinoooa rc.l.lanr upon ami (ultltalloa
ol Mid land. :
Arthur ween. (VI ghaner. Sam Adams,
iury nowfii, ail nl llarilniaii. nreaoo
ja r N'Hiar.
U' H hegiai. r.
Notice of Intention.
Laa Om a at I.a '.at.a. ria.m,
j. it, ah. ia
ViTi'itH itr.arar fiivy. that ihi
I ' lollnalna namol aelller baa tied noli. nf
hla Itil.tillon 1 mat a final f.ne.f In ao.n"r( nf
ma eiim. ! Iha' aal'l proif w ill tai mada hm
Inr r. I. rtclaiol, cnmHilaaloner I a I Ircnl
I ourl al ll'ppner, Orrfon, ua Augnal Mb, laj.
t ia,
TlfoMAH lllt.HI.iri.
ltd entry n Spat. ff tb r
and NWrt m 17, t a 4 a, M
Ha name II. a oll-alii( alliM-aac In .ro
hi. eo'.iliiM.o.a ml lan upon and rullltaUon
01. wain ia -n, ia
Airia'1er mii'll. fal K'll-I.ar. Wit Km
ii1 Jan. Jobnatm, all 11 ll't...r, lrvt.n.
4-4.. n f wIijbiN Keglal.r.
We are not Btnall meD, lbs. We are einall men, a.
wb are not tits Largest writs in trie vcna i
But when the people of all the surrounding country are in need ot
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glassware, Wood and Willowware, Nulls, Iron, Darbwire,
Cumberland Coal, Gass and Water Pipe, I'lpe Mttlngs, Stoves aud Ranges, Wagons,
Hacks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axo', Hummers, Saws, Sledges,
Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mnson Jars. Gran
lteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Uolllcrs
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Gootla and Get Prices.
We have Good Goods at Fits Prices, and Cheap tolin Goods at Chrp John Prices.
- " hi iti nT r T-r t t t
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods,
Stockmens SunxiES, Etc.,
And Wants Your Trade !
lie will make it an oljct for you to Undo with
liitn m Lin prico are riuht, and all good tbat Ik
kandlea are ot tbe very Ix-nt.
Store on Main Street, Next Door
to City Drug Store,
giiroraaof lo C. t. Van llurn. tint dur to t " H jr Hotel.
Has everything in tho lino of Fresh Groceries,
Candies, Nuts, ond olso keeps Crockery,
Lnmps rind Tinware.
Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty,
Wa.iaand H 'rn d'.li a a aarwral
dm h.li,M a ihanif r. llt..wr r im,
4 ka.nfljnlrt4.ua t a.i Lanr - A t
aaw A SI. mal im It R Sam. haa
Oa Kla1r afav4i s tttaaof baa4it a4 saa arraeiMBasU to i ft a- l.ftatM-loaae of tax o tm
1 f w w m 1 1
' N I ilm
ria at Bazaar, 0rfa. U.H k
rMtlil r a u r
I aa a ait l ' l ' f " a
ttibtLltUI.Mk ' V-f
rtsttH atv; i ILL
' 'a
bail ka w I U-pp a4 a 1 bBq fg pip.
a i ft a axa iai i tiinw i
Wit iiaf at. Its (oaa oil) ta fla4
-t l . Is p aaMv.lhnaaa flat
4 mi t- f . t. bt la . Ial a
ij, , .1 al .i I al. , Iu mh.i. in,, ,ii, U
i. . I wa ! I. a .' !, aia lbff
i , t ti I' i tit fr a,"l' a J
Dis'l'f Joaaa. ta ir-kaai -iM.
Inter" t 'ba t.a-.ftal !, ka atsia
.aa..i ll'i'iitrr. !, a) fn".1
(l'a yM.a.' K.p, Uin-.r bl.ln!
t r''s l'.s f .l; tvti LI lc ..J
. ,ff:i' a .! aasa ia t..
- 4&u
J L. t ..-. JM '-"l 111
Ta .fatats
." .1 i .4 4I
, , ii H Ik' -I
Nutlet of Intention.
I ami nrru r at Tnr ti I a r,i,r,.,,j
I l J ..i.a lh, l St.,.). I ..r.l,f al,
II al lh I. nj MH aalllaf I.a, fk l ,.
Ilia tff hmt Mlnll.i I., ...a, S' al a,fn"f l ia
Ipi'I it S.i ritm. i4 that alt fe.rr.f will im
i.a.l. Ii R I, a,alaiwl. I a I fmimtMl'm
r, al ll. '. rt-. sa Au Ilia, I, l
rtiKNiMA a in nir.
W II ul Ai.iai.'l.r fib ai.4 !,
It !. Int u.a sa . s,,. fa 1 X .
a It t. . at
ai.ar.m., ir t'.ilnati a tllnMHt In Mtt
ht m' I ., ritla dI aiUll'a
Q, al-1 lanl t
A T Mr .. nl Naaanaa. fif.fra'k I
it r-ar. MnlSaoit, Inna, rf , a4 I4aart
H'iaaa l,u4 U i sa. if .
iA.r M"or
4U tu ur.
"SJ fc 1
f ft 4
m n i r
: WITH ar
BBS : BlPil : W
Youro BOUND to Tnko'Em.
tr l- l ..' r".-.i ..-, : i. ijt ..,( w r., l t..i. I
rr.fa N. a. mWMi J ffV t'V 4aX j
No Con't'pf' on.
I 'm-' a ), a l a all 11 i i- . , ;
C .Jr ! a M I n il.. .i'i rl
Is(, A lrJ, (fit (M a.
I Vr
I ka
t l.i-MUa wU'KjI. it.
Itaval la.alawl, tjJU