Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 14, 1896, Image 2

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    At .
For President,
wilijam Mckinley,
OI Ohio.
For Vice President,
OI New Jersey.
For Presidential Electors,
T. T. GHER. of Marlon County,
8. M. Y"RAN, of Une,
E. L. SMITH, of Wasco,
J. F. CAPLES, of Multnomah.
TRADE. Id 1894 we imported from Eu
rope under the McKiDiey tariff,
317,511,443 worth of goods. In
1895 we imported $431,514,024, a
gaiu to Europe and a loss to the
United States of $114,002,318.
The more we import from Europe
the leBS we produce at home. The
more we produce at home, the
more we provide employment for
men and women in the United
States. Ooe hundred and fourteen
million a year is not much to be
sure, but the making of that
amount of goods would have fur
nished employment for a consider
able number of people who were
in enforced idleness for moet of
the time last year.
The New York Sun has declared
for McKinley.
This is the year for bolters.
The Irish World will not support
Chicago is the great convention
city of the United States. St.
Louis is not to be compared with it
The Walla Walla Union heads
its Chicago convention matter with
"SpumeBcent Speils of Spellbind
ers." How's that?
We failed to see any mention
in the Chicago platform about pro
tection to Western wool growers,
sava the Hood River Glacier. The
Gazette has observed that
In A recent issue of the Pacific
Good Fellow, Mrs. Amelia de F.
Smith's address before the recent
session of Womau'a Congress ap
ppHrs in full. It is a tboughful
production and was indeed well
suited to that occasion.
When the Northup republicans
srty that "republicans should be re
publicans and not have any quali
fying adjectives tacked onto the
name," they do not refer to them
selves. They are striking at Mitch
ell republicans'-CorvaHis Gazette.
The warehouses of Eastern Ore
gon, Washington and Idaho are
bulging with millions of pounds
of wool being held for McKinley
pi ices. No one is selling who can
afToid to hold his clip. The free
traders and calamity howlers wil
not bo listened to with much pa
tience up there.
The elioep will vote.
The gold dmnocr&te who were
knocked out at Chicago are cauvaHav
ing the idea of putting a ticket
into the fiuM. They ay that they
cannot swallow McKinley because
of his protection principles. For
juht the opposite roasou he will
hold many republicans and gain
democrat who do not quite agree
with the financial plaDk. ,
of Terra Haute, Io.l., M-scuUr
of the navr, was N7 years old on
Tuetday. He is in fierlta. health,
and was at the HI Louis conven
tion at the head of the Indian dele
gation. He is the oiily survivor
f th congren of IS 11, and there
are no iiumuIxtb of previous coo
greea living. There are few liv
ing who smed with him io 1M7
4S when he sat bonide Lincoln in
the old hall of th Iioiim of re pre
nebtativre. Tilt frantic eSTuUot Uin Oreg
( nit.n and JA Simon to Lave
Jonathan l'utne, arrrrtary of the
re publican tt cetlral comtuilli-f,
rrm vd iI h'I riot Offta to inert
with any dre of approval, ei.
rrpt among that cU of people
wli'i ate oi to th re-flectMo
of Hnar Mitchell. Mr. lWinro
hht U rn a lirV-loitg republican and
t. unp'fjudieft man fcUy call
in nitration his republicanism.
. ..i I !.
Ull IUS ouit nau.i iut vrrgniao, ,
wl'ulilsrowasMilirg Mr. Kmro'
I n alt t r rtjf, claimoJ jat U.
f .r rlerti in that it ti4 M PohlifB,
tbat il ilia bot r(Hu IL can) of
B.v t"t nl.r rt;hlniftAr!
t. M ,1 f..U B,, .atjr, BbJ '...'V.e ,r';,,".,," '" 0stoflin,
t-.a(.lBMb.'UlBlliBBHtl'r. llL'tl .SI Kll'Jl ". f- '
, i T .w a ii - '!w1CBrvlMMf 4.f ! eh.kw C
ILbOwUI llgbl lit th0ftifVT.,l.r.. u ,sUIHs4i.A wmm.
Ml Her Life.
Mr. E. D. Jenkins, of Lithonia, Ga.,
says that his daughter, Ida, inherited a
severe case of Eczema, which the usual
mercnrv and ootash remedies failed to
relieve. Year Dy year sue was ircaicu
with various medicinei, external appn-
cations ana lmerasi raiicuia,
result. Her sufferings were intense,
and her condition erew steadily worse.
Ail the so-called blood remedies aia not
ease at all until S.
S.S. was eiven, when
an improvement
was at once noticed.
The medicine was
continuecd with fav
orable results, and
now she is cured
sound and well, her
skin is perfectly
clear and pure and
she has been saved
from what threat
ened to hlio-ht her life forever.
S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable)
cures Eczema, Scrofula, Lancer, Kneu
matism. or anv other blood trouble.
It is a real blocd remedy and always
cures even alter an etse iaus.
A Real Blood Remedy
Take a blood remedy for a blood disease;
a tonic won't cure it.
Our books
on blood and
skin diseases
mailed free to
any address.
Swift Specific
Co., Atlanta,
ian to presume to dictate who shall
or shall not act as secretary of a
. , .:!.: O T, J I
f, . . f , ...
ed in Chairman Hirsch the power
to appoint his own secretary, and
ha Rfileetwl Mr. I5rmrne. Mr.
Hirach riimaolf wna nhnaon ormirJ
:i: i i i. . f
mau.uuMuuu iU tuo '
tan s crowd, and now that same
crowd are undertaking to embarass
the committee as far as possible in
Anr;nr. J
nninn Tfr in tmsl nnnnnnllai VvAlinaaAl I
Kr..Bu. xv uu, BDUCia..y uC..Dcu
tbeywill succeed to any cousider-
able extent. St. Helena Mist.
Tf i ntiAT,w.M rri n t.. j
x arrvuiiiflu xuumns u. xveeu
as secretary oi state, Blaj. McKiu-
ley would ba following a line of il-
ustrious precedents-Dlacinrat the
head of his cabinet the man who
was next to him in strength before
the nominating convention. Mr-
Lincoln did this in 18G1 when he
appointed Mr. Seward. Gen. Grant
lmvincr had no enmnftitnra fnr tl,J
..nn, nulmn I..J nn U I 11'.
Kind to make. Uen. Uartie d in
1091 made air. l'.laine secretary of
state because Mr. Dlainehad made
him the nominee of the convention.
r icon n .. n - . ,
7 i i t "W1""U a ,"ulou
iur. iium ior reasons Bimiiar lo
those Wliuli Lad actuated Uen.
Garfield. Mr. Heed would make
an admirable secretary of state and
the KHition will no doubt bo ten
derod to him. Statesman.
WHAT has the Oregonian to do
with the socretarvbhio of the r.
publican state central committee?
If V il t i tl
wao,lB u.iuup pauy uiauanueu
f I Aa t 1 a M I
auer me urst ueieatr tirvallis
CaI'T. IL L. WeLLH, of Tortlaud,
has commenced the publication of
ft journal cntitl.nl the Irifirt'n,tl,.
4 .
1UO VIBAClie WISUCS JIM.-i. o ., . .
... ...
ens success in UU new venture,
I.NOLIHII bimetalliaU met at
London on the 13th inst, and bad
! i 4 ena I
Tt ry luioreeuog session. Alley
all agreed that their cause was
HrNHV tVATTEIlHO, exlitor ofh"" to a family blab bat alwaj
the Courier Journal, win. from
u:i...i... ii ii . 1 1 .
craw uiui put anoiner ticket Into
. . . i ... ...
106 UOId.
' Ms r..r
A)i'e HaraatMill enjoy the ilr.ir
dlnery distinction of bavioa: the oulv
blood portflsr allow,) aa eibibil at Ibe
HttlJ' fair, fbieago. M snolaplarvra
of other saraapanlls xfoght by fwry
eDtootitlsbawiog of tbelr avm.1.
out they r all loru away an.l.r lb
aipihaiK.o or lb ml fofHdJieg tb
enlry of patent Mdie,d and Bnalrama.
Tb ilseislo of Mi World' fair tho
ritir lo faor of Atei' Msfsaparllla in
o erTei aa riMluwa: "Ayet Maraapo-
nil I mil patent madtela. II tlooo
ao tog o iba il of aalrii.. i
bei tm II anetit.
Uivil tare.
beatlk B J l.rsalh awrnrvd, by
M.llobs Cataf'h KaeJy. I'fWO W
e't. Maaal li lr f re. Vat aal by
n ens a n arira.
ft, II Hall, lb Innsorial li.l, .
bo f. l lia parloi, Mallork onfBor,
bor k will dispenao ra!ar orw.
i (baea. abamnnn. BairoMla. ate,
Katie (Vttf mM Te
I B ee f. 4aeb a 4 srea
. on
l by Vtell A Ware-,
i . . .
Msfe fi .. m,4 a,
Artbsr P. Hewall. of Malar, la Chose aa
Bryaa's Haaslng Mate.
Chicago, July IL The convention
was called to order at 11 a. m., with very
few of the gold delegates in their seats.
Earrity of Pennsylvania gave notice
that meetiDg of the national committee
would be held at 3 o'olook.
On motion by Senator Jones that
speiiere ior me resenrauoD 01 caoui
datei ,boni,j De limited to five mi do ten.
w"""e. , .
M. O SolUvan of Massachusetts pre
seated Hie Dame ot ueorge J) red wn
liHm. Th .,.- that Whirnev
bad gone into the MaesaohoseUs dele
gation and tried to prevent tbe nomina
tion. At this there were biases and
Marston of Louisiana took tbe plat
form amid cries of "water" and laughter
Marston assured the convention that he
bad not tasted a drop of water this morn
ins. He presented the name of McLean
ot Ohio
(Jurrie of North Carolina presented the
name of Judge Walter Clark of North
Hon. "Tom" Johnson took the plat
form and wae given a great reception by
tbe delegates and galleries. He present
ed tbe name of George W. Fitbian of
Illinois. Johnson said that a majority
of tbe wealthy demoorats had gone over
to MoEinley. He is not a free silver
man, bat tbis movement is good for tbe
cane ot humanity and be is heartily
with it.
Hon. A. Miller ot Oregon presented
tbe name of Sylvester Fennoyer.
Burke of Colorado presented the name
of Arthur Sewell of Maine.
Sbo waiter of Missouri presented
Jaefh - 8iblfly of Pennsylvania.
' Washington wos also presented.
uvu v. Kt i-ivy lu no vi vimvicbuv rjcv
onded tbe nomination of Sibley,
A delegate from Texas stated from tbe
noor that on the oall of the states Texas
would 0881 her Tote for Bland
M p. t TTlr. V K r,1r
w """" r-"
form and presented tbe name of Senator
Daniels of Virginia
Jones of Virginia said be was instrnot
ed Dn'els to say tbat under no oir
onmsranoes would ne auow ins name to
Uon. Fred Sloan of Ohio informed tbe
oonventu n that MoLean did not wish
bis name presented for the vice presi
dency, but tbat he would do all in bis
l,u, 1
v.M.n ut Illinois took the nlatfnrm
and said he was not a oandidate for nom
ioatinn. He aeoonded the nomination
P' Sibley.
A roll of tbe states was then ordered
oulled for tbe first ballot, anil resulted
Williams ot Massachusetts 70; MoLean
111; Clark 50; Fitbinn 1; 8wall 108
S.bley. 101; Williams of Illinois 22
H"it 11; Bland 02; Biaokbum 20
Wvrl; Uttison2; White 1; not ot-
i no,.
nm.r p.i-.
Tbe seond ballot reanlted: Williams
"'Massachusetts 10; McLan 151; Clark
22' 8",u 121 ' 8lbler n6' Williams ol
iiunois j; uiaua vw: rattison i; noi
voting 222.
Tbird bllot-Willisms ot Massaohu
setts 16; MoLean 210; Clark 22; Bewail
Sibley 60; Daniel 7; Harnty 19
UUnJ 1,Mi" J no otlK 217
Fourth b tllot-MoLeao 2'JH; William
of MaassrbnsetU 0; Clark 4H; Sewell
2(11; Dauiol 50; Uarrity 11; 1'attUon 1
not voting 2)6. NfflHaaarr to a oboic
Oo the fifth ballot there was a brea:
,oB" ,ot ,MiM be0 '
mum nmim uiui gr ID lums,
-uioh lo.nr.j him Bnmn.,in.
state after another theo olianged its vote
to Sewell aud bia oouiioatioo was made
unanimous. Thra was aootber demon
ptratioa in the ball at tbb aooouoce-
I The deWatcs and galUries
cb,', ""'krou.ly, bats, l.andk.r
lebinfs and "banners were waved, the
i ssuinn sssi osanit lUTir, ms sina
stmok op -Yankee Doodle," and wild
paadi-motilam reianetl. There were
loud crtee foi fWsrall, but be diJ out ap
Ankar P. S wall
Arthur P. Hewall, of Bath, Maine, bat
I ba a prominent flure io Maine demo
oratio politic for maor tear, lis be.
tnUrUJ to sblrpieg mUreels an
I wtieo tbat industry fioariabed the Hewall
1 ff-n,n mf m liMa nn-r.lnM itllinf P
I - . w - r- "
h.w.11 la . oaerall. ma. I. besloe,
bnl baa Uo aw eiPoneut of tbe frae
silf doelriee and t very onttpokaa
He la lb faibf ot Mr. Hawaii who was
la Ibe diplomatic etrvio durio CUve
land Bret Uras.
I Mra. Ilbtdi Noah. of It. la t. wae
take to tb nlatbt wlih tramping pains
) th ant dsy diarrhoea M in. 8h
took half a Uttl of bt. kbry erd'l
I but ft bo rehrt 8h theo et some
In see If I bad anything tbal wotil.1 help
er. 1 Met her a boll I of CbaalNr
lata' (Vl. Cbbter and lXarrbne
itrtttedy 4 lb fi'st 4i rlstd bf
Aaolhr if or teiabbora bad Imm atek
lor bUioI b week on I bad tried 4 ff rei.l
frmsjie fr diarrk bt kept filing
I oorso, I aval I im ILi eaaso reaaejy.
(Htly fr d of II oer rtire. in
eratnia. lie eat be owe tisfnst.
r ! ttiia wnOilaeinl rsly. kf r
Mart M.btee. H. t..r. Mifb. K.-f sa'a by
(Vil k llrork. drafflaU.
A fine eelil basins t trad for
beep ABi UN tJ6.C0O.lil So
tailJiK. A J Irtss,
Kasiirs llorr
. . . QaaspsoB llooao,
f 9 full Uts C ty. Cub.
We invite your attention
Line of Summer Dress Goods of the Very
Latest Styles. Our Salesman, Price, who recog
nizes no cost or
have a Large Line of Glassware, Crockery and Tinware that we are
closing out. Don't buy these goods till you see our prices.
Yours for Cash.
A Mrcrsy anrt Chetrfol Way.
Out in Khdshs they do things in a
breezy and cheerful way that must rob
sorrow of mnob of its power and sting
and take away tbe desire for victuals.
The following card ot tbanks is an ex
ample: "1 desire to thank tbe frieuds
and neighbors most heartily in tbis m do
ner for tbeir united aid and co-operation
during tbe illness and death of my hus
band wbo escaped from me by the hand
of death on Friday while we were eating
snpper. To tbe friends and all wbo con
tributed so willingly towards making tbe
last moments a howling anooeaa, I deeire
to be rmmbered most kindly hoping
these few lines may find them enjoying
tbe same blessing. I also bave a good
milob oow and a roan horse of my own'
raising ot eight years old, which I will
ell obeap on tbe premises. God moves
in a mysterious way his wonders to per
form. He plants bis footsteps in tbe
sea and rides upon the storm. Also a
blaok and whits shnat very low."
Last summer one of our grand child
ren was sick with a severe bowel trouble.
Our doctor's remedie ha I failed, then
w tried Cbamberlain'a Colio, Cholera
ud diarrhoea IWmedy, which gave very
peedy rrllt-f. We regard it a Ibe best
medicine ever put ou the market for
bowel complaint. Mrs. E. O. Gregory,
Frederiokatown, Mo. This certainly is
th I eiit medioine ever pat on tbe market
for dysentery, summer oom plaint, colic
and I'bolar iufamtum Id ctiil.lrxD. Il
never fail to give prompt relief when I
ed Td;". ar.T..:d"M.n
mother bav r i pressed their stncer
gratitude for tbe ooree it use rff.s Ih1.
i or sal by Conaer k llnx k, dmggists.
A tio Baot.
lo res poos lo tb Mitohell Monitor's
inqoiry last wk aa to why tb Uaratd
and all tb other sound money Jooroals
la Easter Oregon did Dot bav tb
"courage" to com out and flgbt Mr.
Ellia, tb regular republics nomine
for eotigreemo, w will reply by stat
ing tbat lb eoorag tb Mitt bell Moni
tor and tb Oiegonlan (tb only two
papers io tb eeoood district tbat Soil!)
asaelfeeted la tb rerot amp!- was
of lb earn quality a tbat tierotsed by
lb proverbial goat wbo baileJ out bis
brains against a brkk wall I'jlog to
dnt away bit sba-low. Tb goal'
"rvurag was rommeaJsMe, but bl
JoIgtseBt and eon moo sen wer lack
ing to a fatal eiteet. Aotelop UeraliL
Tb MMlr's Morsgs" woold ha
ortej out at lb flcgee tip if tbl.')
j had ta ftboomlug
re lstwal
aod liter romptaiot yo bat priatrd
f naraal re eery b-ill ot Htillob'
Vlta lsar. Il Btc fail to cor fut
sal by Well A Wrr.
I bmegb iraia oo lb U II A N. will
rB via. tValilla. Wall Wall d
I'rbJUloo, Tbroagb aloeeor, flisl sad
smm4 ptae, will rao to OotiaeeUo wMB
l l'eli'0 I'arind, lb MOS a belo
toeo. A torn lb Aral el ao leepf Volt
Iar4 lo fp kaao, rtaieg tun in
r)l flaao irpmf lo M. 'al, aad
Ihroogej trpts sleeper IVf llaa-l lo Ml.
I'aul, w,H t o iorti4iA wilk lb
Ortat Morlbero railaaf. If
A rH Watife Kaawla
('nsiiapn, L UHrpo, rumni
a4 ail Hrn aa4 b Uiasa aa
"r4 bf MtlbB 0r. Tot sl by
4 e.il Hi. -la; ,M lM ot..,
J "l fc.4.T. U,Mn4mmr
l Ml U tb iBWif.r. Vim
. lsek. ,.
value, will offer these goods
Tale a Lool at Tfyese
You can find a Bargain
i. ii . L-rm n
VKS-YTr-M W W k. bM
Bookkeeping, shorthand, Telegraphy.
Horse ?
I b PrttreJ ?! Thompaxm & UinuB, Ix)wer Main Street,
ThrM (nllemen are writ aminalnled with
and ran aavs nionsjr ami unis lo masiui mesa
I'rlrea In kaeplng wild Ihs time.
x.x-V2BXa-r.MJr. xzrruzn,
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
L W PiTTERSnS, AGENT. qjli'!fj'-tjri LtiM wrl
Tb weather I nocoojfortab'y wm.
llraJing graia M lb general occops'
tioB ot tb sesaon.
A Bnmbor ot Ibis tommuulty eel rival
ed tb 4 b at looo.
Tb MToolrry Dro. bartreturead tfler
being Bbot for om tim.
llaylg M titl going on aod as bait set
ba arrleed, band Br getting scarce,
Tb IiBblarkmitbsBow bst pleaty
ot work oo bead to keep lhalt
All peopl now bxing busy oar church
builJing will not b pat ap Betil after
DsJJ Hane; U bow la fall fneaMB
of oar ptwtcffie 4 is gltlg good sali-
f r lit.
F4 Uotlowsy la bartealing wilk two
beaters and tetel for b ra header
(Utvtal bat tsseo killed by lb
far at Ibt tlae. 8nb oiroale sbo Id
b reototad at os
u,jaly 13.1M J.gg,
All ie4 tt
Ask yoor pbysioi, oar drgit Bod
year frwJ bot SmU4' Cor for
(Vwmpiloa. Ty will roonasMBd
IL to i by Mali A Vffa
,,.le.;:; . o.mIIm.o
M U ,-ora. faMb-t V..Ik-u.
. ,- ft atjr fc. A Utb.
UiliJytM Vlh
to our Immense
r) tr)en
m m m ifvw
bV-. A eWWnuL
Full English course.
r wjaBAaal3uux
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
Do You Want a Rig ?
You Want a Place to
up Your Team ?
You in Need of a Saddle
Orsnt. Harnir, Crnnk. Ollllsm and other rounilx
aocuuua mna iratsiiug msu.
Ua4 nilngs ao4 final rrooft Taaea,
uimrra, cameir.
D.J. McFaul, M. D.
AT J. Jf. HiGtH'i It i si oi net.
rtaur laid 4ix
rtvivts.L.aa(rr,,( .
von. i wt...;?,ri,4v-MVa";
Mr vaster) la Kla, ay allr.. I i" l
aeS'l Oeeene, U1-
" r..n wu ir. rttiatl k r .
I" -Vw a, a, W,.r. k. , 1
-Vi..:rMi ;
t.TtV " Oegla
. . , , , "il'lS .
v'I ""'"'etrarv-l .k4 i. .
la, VfX bi,"1W.
i a .: ike
WSnted-Jn IdpS
r?''" Z .. 1?.
asiiiiaj wanaa,
While jroo auep fonr subscription paid op yea
aao keep your brand in free of charts.
Allro. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses G on left
shoulder; eattle same on left hip. under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor
row oonntf .
Biirrl. D. W. and sin. Horses braadod D B
nnthsletr hip; es'tla the aama ou left flank,
crop off right ear, nnderorop in the left. Bangs
in Morrow ConnUr.
Rnrthnlsmew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Range in Mor
row count
imnniNter. 3. W, Rarilman. Or. Cattle brand
ed H on left hip and thiirh: split in each ear.
Brenner. Peter, itooseberry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle earns on
rintside. .
Rrnnman, Jerry. Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
.in right shoulder; rattle H on the left side.
Left enr hn'f crop nd right ear npper slope.
Bsrton, Wn.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle same on right hip; split in
BftfsS OUT
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
0, with dot !ti net ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W. bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
hRover, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box'
Srsnd on righ" hip cattle, same, with split in
srh per. ,
Bore, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
ihnnlder; entt.lo. same on left hip.
Cnroner Warren. Wagner, Or. Horses brand.
tnon right stifle ; cattle (three bare) on
-ight ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in
Iront nnd Morrow connties.
Oain.E.. Caleb.Or. V D on horses on left stiHet
Uwith onMrter cirole OTer it, on left shoulder,
wid on left stifle on all colts under 8 years; on
inft shnnlder only on all horses over B rears. All
rsnge in Otnnt oonnty.
Tate, OhB. B Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H 0 on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Hnnee Morrow nnd umatuia oounnes.
rnnWII M M Dnllnwav. Or Cattle
op out
. nh m, nnn nnnnrmr. WBiiim 111 lurei
ornes helf circle V on lelt eune. nange juor.
owsnd Umatilla oonrties.
Tnrl T. H.. John 1W, W. uouore cross on
i, kin nn rattle awnllnw fork and nndet bit
n right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
nnniy. On sheep, inverted A M spear point
on shonMer. Ear markou ewes, crop on left ear
-nnched upper hit in ngnt. vy einem, crop iu
rigVt and under half orop in left ear. All rau
(n Orant county. . ,
Cook. A. j.,Lena,Or. norses, won ngnisnoui.
lor- rattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
omo off left and split in right.
Cnrrin. It. X., Curnnsviiie, ur. -uoiww, uu
'et stifle.
Cox Ed. 8., Haplman. Or. Oactla, C with
in center: horses. OK on left "lip.
Coohran. K. K.. Monument, wrani i..o , ur.
fforses branded cirole with bar beneath, on left
ihonlder: cattle same brand on Dom nips, mars
nder slope both ears ana aewiap.
Chapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded
1 on right hip. Cattle brnuded the same. Also
Srsnds CI on horses right thigh: cattle same
Wid on right shoulder, and out off end of
Ight ear.
Douglass, W. M..8iioway. ur.-v, a vim
ight side, ewuilow-fork in each ear; noraee, tt u
m left hip. . , , T, r
KW. Bros.. Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY
in left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hole
tp right ear. . , . J,
Emery, I), o., naraman, ur.-nunn onumsa
reversed C with tail on left shoulder ; cat.
Sesame on right hip. Range in Morrow connty.
Florence. L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
ight hip; horses F with bar under on right
irin.An.a H P. Hnnnner. Or Horses. F on
right shonldet; oattle, F on right hip or thigh.
Gentry, JUimer, r.cno. ur.-nurw unwueu n.
Uk nnertar circle over it. on left stifle.
Isnge in Morrow and Dmatillaoounties.
vith qnarter mrole under it on the right hip.
'Isnae in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Hnghes, Bamnel, Wagner, Or-b (T F L
mnnectedl on right shoulder on horses; on cattle,
w right hip and on left aide, awallow fork in
ight ear and slit in left Range in Haystack
Mstriot, Morow oonnty.
Howard J L, Oslloway, Or. Horses 7 (cross
ith hir above itl on right shoulder; cattle seme
n left side. Range in Morrow and Umatilla
"Hs'lTEdwin. John Day, Or. Cattle E H on
Irht hip; hors-'s same on right shoulder. Range
n Omnt county. ...
Hnghes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
mrt on the left shoulder, ttsnee morrow km.
Hnnsaker. H r, Wagner, (jr. tiorasa, on lert
ihnitlder: oaitle. on left hip.
Humphreys, J M. Hardman, Or. Horses. H oo
Isf flank . ....
Hnmnn. I,nthor, nsnt liie, irr. norsa n on
,Ss left shnnlderand heart on the left stifle Cat.
I seme on left hin. Hans in Morrow ennnty.
Jones, Harry. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
H .1 on the left shimhler; rattle branded J on
ight hip. also nnderbit iu left ear. Range io
Morrow connty.
Jnnkin. H. M., Heppner, Or Horses, borse
hoe j on left shoulder. Cattle, th aama,
Isnve on Klht Mile.
Inhrann. Felix. Lsna, Or. Horses. eirelaT on
sft stifle: cattle, same on right hip, uader half
iron in ri'ht and eiilit 'n left ear
(nnr. Mik, Heppner, dr. Horses branded
(NT on left hip oattle ssms and orop off left
n nndr slone on the right
Kirk J. T.. Hepnnsr. Or. Horses M en left
hnnld"r; flattie. SO on left hln.
KnmherUnd.W.n.. Monnt Vernon. Or. I Lnn
ssttle on right and left sides, swallow fork in U ft
ssr and nnder cum in right ear. Horses same
btsnd on left shoulder. Range in Grant ennnty.
Loft en, Htepnen. Fox. Or. H L on left hip
m est I Is. orop and split on right ear, ilnrsea
tame brand ou left ihonlder. Range Grant
Lienallen. John W.. Lmmlnm Or.-Horse
iranded half-circle JL connected on left shel
ter. Cattle, earns on left hio. Ranee, near Lex.
Leehey. J. W. Heppner Or Horses branded
Land A on left shoulder; celt Is same on left
hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right
Lord, George. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
double II ent-nertt ri Horoatioise ceiled a
swng H. on left shoulder.
Maris. M. C. Heppner, Or. Tattle hrsndwl
ftirrls on right hip: horses same on right elitta.
Hnnge in Morrow oonnty.
Minor, Oscar, neppner nr. attla, M D o
rihl hip; bore M on left shoal imr.
Morgan, rl. N.. Heppner, Or. Horace, II )
on left ahonldei cell Is mate nn left hip,
Mitchell. (War. Ion. r. Uorsrs, 71 on right
him oattle, 77 on right side.
Nal. Andrew. Im Kock.Or. Horses A N en,
ascted oo left shonlderi eatlle same oe both hit.
tiller. Ferry, Lexington, Or. r" O oo laft
(.rm. J. W.. TWuiglss. Ir. hnrseaO oo lef
thonMer; rettls seme on r'ght hip.
Psarm,ilare.KiM Mile.lrr.-Hnreaa.qaar-er
circle shield ee left stumldar sod S4 on yf
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear. rt!,t orop fed. 14
is Isft hln. Hangeon Kiaht Mila.
Parker A Glaaaoa, Hsnlmaji.Or, Horses IF oe
left sboaldar.
I'iper. 1'rre.t, Islington. Or.-Horaa brand.
' wK IL K connect l) as left she Uteri aalUa
amen right hip, Kanga, Mormw orauitg.
I'lt-r. J. M lilntua. Or.-Hnraaa, JK an.
sactad m Uft rMmUlari oalUa, aama oa mt aim.
andar bit laaachaar.
1'rl'rs. A. ( I'Hte. Or.l Koreas dUssnnd F a
snuejUW: satile, J H t ennrHeH, oa ibm.
sfthip, upper slops la laft aaraad slip u the
Rood. Aadrew, nardmaa. TV fl uses, aqraw
sre wiih qaartaretrcb trrar It aw Uft eti&a,
Knah lima,, Hei.paar. Or. Horaas braarlad I
.-., hwi.pi .r, nn uw tart SID
nrp oil left ear and dewlap a Mrk. Heags km
Mnrmw aod adHnlngenantiea, "
HMiney, Andrew. Letiagtn, Oe B areas
branded U is right atxmider, at nmmrfm
H.mm. Was. H. iMrrvllU. Or-nn snaa.
wiih qaartar cirrle sear tp oe aalllena n,i ...
and rr.1 nH right aar and split la left. Horaas
aama brand nn left shnal-tar, "-rg- la arru
H-rl. J. W,. Heppaer. Or.-Hr.Ha- JO a
left soualder. ialUe, n rlblkl.
m fMrvlgt.t W. - - ff rial ilj.t-1
I B left MifW! SMtte J M o. Wl bis, ewaiiww
fork la rM aar. aeoMl.it la left,
Kapr,. llroa, lleppaa. Ir - Huraaa. I IS,.
left kipi reltlr mmm na Uft kipT
Barera, R"Wt, Dntglaa, t -Tel tie H oaj
r(M rip aed B right itxnU,, , k,,,. "a
n,M.mWU Heeg. la M-ern arniT
ejae li..- rw..iiie,,rr. L
r)airn. anra arungina. Itr.i kinaM i .
J 11 .,H- r.k, O- l.lST2
wa.ble. H.ae la .rw mjA UaimmmZmuLT
rUatena. . A ., Mar-, (r. luMwas S
rlM , eaMle Uvia,pal L mm iKe rwM efcl.
Hqetrw. Jeiaee Arlingina. Or.i Uwm twasMtaJ
" "m"m- aire a. HapfHM aSleS.
aa rgti an rll..w (a Ufi aw "
aweeawrt. CI , Nrpyraar It, -H.Jmmm, U
af akual.WieaMla.4Saa Ml ki
JHr, II. ""., (,. - i W f aw
Uet kie. em r,lM a a-aWti i. t-
VhM, Uiraa. HtMkfl aSMbU
'"!".' A, IUaa.. Hf.Ha.H
r.-iiOf Hmm. C-a Url
" KJ4l.lr.kM. B
1 W.I". " W I e Or - N
It' raa') ra Ut alifWi I ,
V.lrj H T. I a, Kar-M
mm riM ss.aiatargw.tta,
NI ama
wo rvsM
Or-arr U k,J "
si ,taTiT. ?- "" Wee rv
OarM VI n. aUK V-TaU V atlae rta.
i iia - f -in Qm.u-
- IX'
T " ."V
tT,tMlWk 1
Tf o Mas so ssMMaas) T l"