Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 10, 1896, Image 3

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The Bangei is Averted by Using
"Nearly forty years ago, after
sonic weeks of sickness, my hair
tiinicd gray ana began falling out
so rapidly that I was threatened
with immediate baldness. Hearing
Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of,
I commenced using this prepara-
(( "
tioi, and was so well satisfied with
the result that I have never tried
iiny other kind of dressing. It stop
ped the hair from falling out, stimu
lated a new growth of hair, and kept
the scalp free from dandruff. Only
an occasional application is now
needed to keep my hair of good,
natural color. I never hesitate to
recommend any of Ayer's medicines
to my friends." Mrs ill. M. IIaigiit,
Avoca, Neb.
for s Hair vigor
PllKPAilKD 1!Y
Ayer'i Sarsaparilla Jtemoves l'lmplcB.
- -f- .l.T 1 .
,f j!-, n!0 15 H IK H 17 ID
tlMJif IBJ
(jamDnnus tseer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Liquors
CI mm. Call
on Tad.
Toilettes (or August baa many oool
and dainty rowus, showing agreeable
changes from established uicmImIi; some
ot the best known firms of Parisian de
signers ar represented in this issue.
Tbe sleeves show a marked tendency to
ward getting smaller, and mare grace-
Here and There.
Mrs. Jake Pearson ia on tbe sick list.
Gid Hatt ia back from bis Portland
E. G. Sloan is oonfined to his room hv
Tbe Heppner Transfer Co.. has wood
for sale. 37-tf.
Mrs. Wesley Brannon, of Eight Mile.
is quite ill.
Mrs. Fred Knightee, who bas been
quite ill, is improving.
W. H. Graddiok ia imDrovins raDidlv
from a severe illness.
D'ed Near Hardman. July 9th. the
13 J ear-old sod ot Mr. Furlong.
Mrs. II. D. Mikesell, of Rbea Creek, is
improving after a severe illness.
The Oity botel has been improved this
week by a new floor to tbe porch.
Bom To tbe wife of Wm. I.etrace.
near Heppner, on July 4ib, a girl.
Drink tbe oelebrnted J. H. Cutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borohers'.
La tirnude Marble Works. La Grande
Ore. S. 0. Smith, salesman. Heppner.
Frank Kfthlar got in Wednesday from
Grant County and will remain a few
Morris Abrahams, the well-known
Sun Frauoisoo cigar drummer, is in town
Some needed sidewalk iB beinsr laid
down by Ed. Matlock's building on May
T. M.: Henry Jones, of Heppner. is
visiting bis brother, W. H. Jones, in
this city.
R. R. Duran whs in yesterday and re
ports haying in fall blast in bis neighborhood.
0. F. Belmont and E. 0. Warren, two
of our brave drummer boys, were here
Fonnd In the road, in Heppner. a
Indies' jacket. Owner will please oall at
Gazette office.
Dr. E. R. Swinburne baa been quite
ill for tbe past few days but at present
is convalescent.
Col. Day and son, I. N. Day, propose
to put on a line of steamers between
Portlund and Tbe Dalles.
E. O.: Mrs. Jerry Cohn, s'ster of Mrs.
M. P. John, arrived this morning from
Heppner for a visit in Pendleton.
Geo. Sperry and Lanes Penland cap
tured a cub bear and killed tbe mother
out on Ditoh creek early this week
Newt Jones' team ran away Tuesday
lust in Heppner, smashing the rig and
damaging tbe harness considerably.
Lost On tbe streets of Heppner, a
aap oil ot a bioyole pedal rat-trap,
Finder will please leturn to this oilioe
Congressman Ellis and family depart
ed yesterday for Newport where they will
spend tbe remainder of tbe nested term
Born To the wife of Charley Miller,
ot Kbea creek, yesterday, a 10 pound boy
Strawberries have already advauoed in
J. E. Adkins, V. D. 8., will be at tbe
Pulaoe botel for a few days. Tbosa de
siring fillings or other tooth work should
apply early.
On Wednesday of this week Truman
Cbapel made proof on his homestead
with Omn Farus worth and JeBse Emery
as witnesses.
E. 0. Warren, the popnlar Hnd ever
ranlling representative of the Portland
Cracker Co. spent yesterday interviewing
our business men.
Arlinfftun Rennnl ; Rj. Walhri.titn.
Smokb, Inte pastor of tba M. E. ohnrcb at this
plooe, bus moved bis family to Heppner.
Our best wishes go witb them.
Jaok Murray and Pat Barry got io
yesterday from a trip to Idaho. Tbey
Who aro nervous, weak, worn on!
with local troubles find pare blood,
nerve strength, and perfect health in
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
We do not say tlu above to raise
falsu hope. It has been the experi
ence of many, very many women in
those intensely trying periods which
demand and consume so much
force those upeciai physical trials we
delicately indicate by merely using the
words Maid, Mother, Matron.
Like a confidential friend we suggest
tho use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, a reli
able blood purifier and tonic; it has
helped many others and will help you.
"I was in poor health five years, broken
down in strength, and appetite all gone.
Local troubles and other weaknesses in
tensifled my misery. Nervous sick
ead aches
dizziness, heartburn and pains in my
back made me think I should never be
well again. A friend prevailed npon me
to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I soon began
to improve and In sis months it restored
me to better health tban tor years. I
have found Hood's Sarsaparilla a grand
medicine for all troubles peculiar to
I am now strong and healthy and can io
a good day's work. I stand by Hood's
Sarsaparilla, for it cured me after other
medicines failed." Mas. Lua Dies,
Carlinville, Illinois.
This and many similar cures prove that
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
wj j rsf are purely vegetable, car.
1.00(4 S PUIS fully prepared. U cents.
Now the "Candidate" ia out of date, '
The crops are looking fine ;
1 1 la a treat to view the wheat,
The melon on the vine.
The born of plenty'i in the land
But the horn for which we sigh
Ia a winning lasa and a brimming glaaa
Of Sperry't "Linwood Rye."
Sold only at the Belvedere Saloon.
Qeo. Palmateere, who recently came to
Heppner from Pendleton, stopping at
Vinoent'a botel, is very serrionsly III
witb pneumonia. He ia now being very
kindy cared for at tbe home of E. O.
Sperry, and is reported to be gradually
improving coder the treatment ot Dr.
think that times are just as good here at
tbey are over in tbe Idaho section.
Any inveotor in Eastern Oregon who
nVsires the aorviees of an attorney in
Washington, D. O , will find it to his
advantage to call on or mldroaa this pa-
ptr. 6tf
Dandruff is du to an enfeebled state
fol; trimming ia seen again on th skirts, 0f ,kin. Hall's Hair Itenewer quick-
specially towards the hem. Bat even
more sti iking tban the many absolute
novelties ot dfsigo ia tbe finished style
ot the illustrations, wbioh excel anything
in Ibis line to bo found iu the country.
This applies not ooly to the pen and iuk
ketobfs by Beryl an 1 a Lost ot other
noted French artists, but even more so
to lbs fiqulsiU eolor plates, wbiob in
terleave the book. One bridal coalume,
for instanoa, shows tba richest coloring
imaginable io its background of cathe
dral windows, rivalling tba ffTecte ot
stained glass, m blob brings oat tbs whits
en the nutritive functions of th skin,
healing and preventing the lormutlon of
dan dm IT.
E. O.: Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Hundley
have been visiting io UcppDrraod Echo.
Air. Ueodley ia now attending to bl
duties as a member of tbe wool firm of
fleodlt-y k Ooold.
E. O: Howard Dodaoo, dpnty internal
revenue collector, oaviog a position
in Collector U lack man's office in Port
land, Is la Tendletnn a a gaeat of bis
sMer, Mrs. Tberoo E. Fell.
E O : Henry DUakmao, collector of
iuleroal rsveotie for Oregon and Wash
ington, baa removed witb bis family to
E. 0. : In 1879, a girl 15 or 16 years
old disappeared from Oaaoade Locks
and the body was never found, ontil tbe
other day, when Louie Cnmini, proprie
tor or ihe Dalles Marble Works, discov
ered a skeleton near bis quarry whloh ia
thought to be that ot tbe young Sulli
van girl. -
E. 0.: J. M. Herman, manager of tbe
Black Butte mine in Grant Connty, is
in the city. Mr. Herman says work goes
steadily on at tbe mine. A stamp mill
bas been bongbt and will bs taken in to
he set np immediately npon its arrival.
Tbe Ulack liuttte owners are confident
tbey bavs tbe beat mine in Eastern Ore
Do Not Do This.
Do not be iuduced to buy any other
if yon have made op yonr mind to lake
Hoods Marsnparilla. Itetuemrw that
Hood's Sarsaparilla cures when all
others fail. Do not give up in despair
because olber medicine have failed to
belp you. Take Hood's Marsapanlla
faithfully and you may reasonably rz
pect to be oared.
Uool's Pills are purely vegetable,
earefn ly prepared from tbe Ixsl mgre
dient 2-o.
robed flgun of tbe bride Io slroog, yet lleopner from Portland and mill make
.rtfal eoDtrant. Another flat shows ' iy.
both back and front views of delight.
fol oew creation by Pasqiler, which will
bo admired everywhere as a model of
distinolioo. ludred tbe book tbmngb-
oot la a marvel of elegance and good
FoasiUonroal : W. J. Edward Isbuy
Ing cattle to Oil a contract witb Torn
Kha at Heppoer. The contract call
for I V) bead ot ci and ealvea and two
ear load of fat cow tor beef.
Arlington Iteed:
Mim Klhel Wei-
taaU. Tin number give the lat ot lb hrl ln waa (luddeaa of Liberty at Ibi
ammer ttyle; lb nit ta, heplem- place Jaly 4'h. Oo tbe eight of tbe 4th
b.r. will illustrate early loton.o dro UP9 wb.r bvf f.retU
and wrap. 23 cent at all ees lealera
at lid Wr.t atfd St , New
bad moved a few d)s previous.
A gam of baa ball I oo the tapis for
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at In
race track ground. Tbie gam will b
bctaeta two Heppner Blue and lovers of
lb gain are Io rite. to
From the Spokane Review.
Great Britain appears deeply concern
ed in the politioal operations of the
United States. From the tone of tbe
English press, tbe mother country would
like this country to follow out the line in
political economy whloh she would pre
scribe. Having for a long period in tbe
early history of this country exacted
tribute from our people, she would like
to continue to do so. The English press
is not pleased witb tbe gold plank, and
points out tbe folly of the protective
features of the republican platform, aud
says that it is wrong that we should be
guided by her advice in all matters of
trade and oommeroe. In order to please
England further it will be neoessary to
deolare tree trade. That will be entire
ly satisfactory to the mother oountry.
We then would soon beoome simply a
producer ot the raw products, and she
would fix tbe prioes. Our manutactur
ies would close, unless the workmen
would consent to descend to the soule of
the operatives in Great Britain.
Tbe republican party is regarded by
tbe English mind as a tborn in the Bide
of England. Tbe dootrioes ot the party
bave heretofore run oounter to the Eug
lish system at all points. From tbe
time of Alexander Hamilton, who formu
lated a financial system for this oountry
and established the principal of the in
dissoluble unity ot our nation, and dur
ing the days of Abraham Lincoln, who
was largely instrumental in perpetuating
tbe cardinal dootrines of republicanism,
England and her press have' opposed the
republican party. No other oountry bas
manifested an equal amount of conoern
in American affairs. The London Stand
ard is terribly worked up over the posi
tion taken in tbe St. Louis platform on
protection. It declares that the gold
standard and protection cannot exist to
gether in the United States ; and that it
bard-and fast protection wins in Novem
ber, a debased ourrenoy is sure to follow.
To wbat depths of woe tbe English
journals would plunge if protection
should win. Sad to contemplate. In
the same sympathetic strain, that journ
al further says that tbe standard of
parties in this country has fallen so low
that men of tbe stripe of MoKinley are
about the best procurable. They are
fully as good as tbe nation desires. Tbe
gentle, dispassionate good temper of this
is so manifest that one is moved to sny in
response, "Thanks, awfully." These
and other similar comments by other
British organs give the true reflex of
British sentiment toward this country.
The oondnct of our party and national
affairs will probably continue to be with
out deference to the sanction or disap
proval of Great Britain or her press. It
was this overweening desire for farther
domination in affairs of this continent
that foioed President Cleveland to tbe
limits of forbearance when be called a
bait on the Venezuelan question the
only tbing he ever did wbicb reoeived
tbe endorsement of all parties in tbis
Finally the Standard says: "We do
not like tbe outlook." There is nothing
left for the Amerioaos of tbis republic to
do but to apologias for their existence
Jobn Bull is our creditor, and be is
hard to please. Tbe best tbing that
England ooold do under tbe oiroum
stanoes would be to thrash us again.
How She Spelled It.
Everyone knows how to spell "hard
water" with three letters, but proba
bly some readers would be puzzled to
spell "yesterday" with six. A Cincin
nati girl could tell them how, according
to the Enquirer.
She does not yet go to school, but is
taught by her mother at home. The
other night her father was hearing her
spell. One word after another was suc
cessfully disposed of, and then he said:
Now, Annie, T am going to give you
a hard one. If you spell it correctly
I'll bring you some candy. How do
you spell "yesterday? "
It was a hard one. Annie thought of
the candy, and just then her eye caught
the calendar hanging against the wall
Then she answered, with a smile of tri
umph: "F-r-i, yester, d-a-y, day, yes
Peculiarity of the Slocking Blrrt.
The most remarkable thiDg about a
mocking bird is its way of laying out a
range. In the autumn it goes south
and establishes itself on a piece of
ground that will yield berries and other
food enough to last until the following
spring. Ihe tract is determined re
specting boundaries with as much ac
curacy as a mining prospector would
use iu staking out a claim. Perhaps it
may he only fifty yards square, and it
may have a length and breadth of as
much as one hundred yards. The space
depends mainly upon the food supply
in sight, but the mocking bird is a
great glutton and wants ten times the
quantity that would be necessary to
keep him alive. Having laid o-it his
range, the owner will defend it with
his life, and no other fruit-eating bird
is allowed to enter it.
For your Protection. Catarrh "Ctoree" or
Tonics for Catarrh in liquid form to be taken
internally, usually contain either Mercury or
Iodide of Potassa, or both, which are injur
ious if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not
a blood disease, caused by sudden change to
cold or damp weather. It starts in the nasal
passages, affecting eyes, ears and throat.
Cold in the head causes excessive flow of
mucus, aud, if repeatedly neglected, the re
sults of catarrh will follow ; severe pain in
the head, a roaring sound iu the ears, bad
breath, and oftentimes an offensive dis
charge. The remedy should be quick to allay
inflammation and heal the membrane. Ely's
Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for
these troubles and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, CO cents.
' "tia-iif" ..lij..
is the
very best
Blackwell's Genuine
Ton will find one coupon Inside each 1 ounce bag and two coupons Inside iach 4 ounce bag.
Buy a Dag, read the coupon and see now to get your share of 25O,O0O In presents. FJ
n h
m a mil
B I III I I fl
MUM nil mm I
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the Mcl'arland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
For S22.50 I will sell a first class, high
grade, high arm sewing machine guaran
teed for 10 years. For further particu
lars oall on or address, N. A- laob,
Lexingtob, Oregon. 88-tf .
O. B. Uatt, the toneorinl artist, oan
be found at bis parlors, Matlock corner,
where he will dispense at popular prioes,
shaves, shampoos, hairouts. etc.
I have a supply of Clematis roots left
on my bands tor sal. Very choice va
rieties. Apply to M. L. CantwkIiL.
cr Prices
All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are beiDg sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
TJie National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman,
Gilliam & Bisbee-
Mathews tiros, bave moved across on
the east side of Main street, in tbe
building formerly ooenpied by tbe Gem
saloon. Tbey will be pleased to see
thrir old customers. tf
A Kara Dargala.
I take pleasure io informing tbe iub-
lio that I bave purobaaed the photo
eranhio studio of D. C. Ilerrin sod will
fill all orders issued for photos by Hor
oer A Itbea (tbe best place oo earth to
trade) on tbe following conditions:
For every tlS 00 worth c.f dry goods
bought and paid for you gt oo ticket
which entitles yoa to one dogan ot my
beat 12.00 photos, and for every fWOO
cash yon Invest Io Horner Jt Rbea'i dry
foods yoa gt one ticket which eolitles
you to one do of my Leal 1300 cabi
net photos.
Heel Too kill two birds witb ooe
stone. Yours rpct.
law. M. IS. OaLLuWaT.
Last summer one ot our grand child
ren' was sick with a severe bowel trouble.
Our doctor's remedies ha I failed, then
we tried Chamberlain'! Colic, Cholera
and diarrhoea ltemedy, which gave very
speedy relief. We regard it as tbe Lest
medicine ever pnt ou Ihe market for
bowel complaint. Mrs. E. O. Gregory,
Frederickatown, Mo. Tbis certaiuly U
the beat medicine ever put oo the market
for dysentery, summer complaint, colic
and cholera iutamtnm in children. It
never fails to give prompt relmf when
used io reasonable time and the plain
lriutd directions are followed. Many
mothers have eipresaed their sincere
gratitude for tho on re a it hrts rflts trd .
tor sale by Conser at Brock, drnggtut.
Through trains on the O. R. & N. will
run via. Umatilla, Walla Walla and
Pendleton. Through sleepors, first and
second-class, will run in connection witb
tbe Union Pscillo, tbe same a hereto
fore. A through first-class eleeper Port
land to Spokane, oonueoting with tbe
first class sleeper to St. Paul, and a
through tourist sleeper Portland to Ht.
Paul, will run In connection with tbe
Great Northern railway . tf
Catarrh ft t Cerva
with local applications, as tbey eaooot it.
reach the aat of Iba diwasa. Catarrh Iwt-Oa road bta ro and
is blood or oouatilolional dia, and Turn M.rUtl a pim lt HaloHsy tbe
i j - - ii . i.l. i,.t.,n.l tut l- ban nW will p'eaae
' " . . . I !, aim l Una i ftlitt or letara to Ilia
rmlts. uauswa.arrn uur. laavn u Hle!l iLeaooable re-
Internally, and ens directly on the blood .rd. 'it
ao4 ruoaoos aerial, itaue .aiani i',, M,,,.i b., .,) ehll lron
Sure is not a qiark tndtit.e. II fnon latwuig ioto rhnmlo Invalids lata
r.rMrtl.t t mi tf lb lt idivelrlane in l.fe. tai ab tul I tale Ayar's Haraapa-
Walt. Tboinpeoo rune stage blo
Hammer aod U on a moot, arriving ovary
Oome oat and day ip Monday and leaving- every
day eioept Sunday. nhnrlMl anl enrap
t mole to tbe Interior, On lis f A
brock, agnta.
to Ibis roue U t fr jei, aod Is rtgalar
trerlftitt. It is euxd t.f II, bt
totttee knonn, s,tt.t.iol aith lie beat
blod l eiifiVre, aruug d rHly oo tbe
BBQftnue eufe. The fct p-jI iue-
th.Oj at the ! ltigr lioij' la what pro
duo tt b ..! I.dnl t;tUt in roriog
raUffb. Hd Int llii"r.iI. t'nt.
t. J. I'uiatT A , I'n.i ,
T"i t, Ohio.
H ld by d -Of , tf j '
Tin a-iil ttt be eiUeal oj ! efUf
July 1st. Ail t-..a failing l pay by
lb 1 tt of tt.'H.tB tttsfir illbv
eiil fT.
Ilsna I lt Watso (t
1 n.
fishing wi!l Vm allowed
oo ctnr
A. fd Fuiaanca,
Ia A. lutasac a.
nd and iui d tr irei. Wbat tbry
a- 1 to bml 1 op tbe (" I i il red
W. I. rVrtvnsr U prvpar4 to do all
kli Is ot btaeksoiitblag, b'rsbnf,
m bine rtairir a wagna work, to fact
aaMbiag ) be lioaat reaeoeabu ebarae
aad ta' ' it) garalMl H ill ot t i
ap l fr 3l n"h, aal olbr wag-
work in proKifii'ie. 41 tf
!' OMklirlaaa bH Ihmf groand
-iaar afo:iy a 4;r'Cbrrv I'Mnral.
li lting lh paat fidf ia'S, It lias tta
lit nM po.nlar of all r iiah-eaf and
t il'tnand ft It tdy te 'lf II. aa
hiiH ik. I'f.mpt W a t aod euro to
Jaok Lae. tUy IfeliUUr. Mra J,nf
'bili aal VIih HmilB OmI aKkj 0
seat l ' lI liftne 14 TsmIsv,
VI rt ItnlSifw bmg aavcraly brajMaw-t. .
Msfaal m M m lr toerd
a- I rtr't M il!i d -iag
A Urrtt Uraaa a fmrrlall
I.aaMl bl(l. rriMttpatioa, and kid
Key. Iivr aad bnwol troubles are eored
bv Karl's Clnvrr Root Ta. Ff Sale bf
Vt.lla A Warren.
CbarUy Joa', Ida wll-ksolt "old
timr" In lb lonawtrial line, bae again
I'vaU I la Hn'pttrt, liavirg p'fhd
(lre MalUwa' sK"P. Mm-r biMin
, nj.posil tbe rlly txM ( barlvy will
apprx-laie rail ia oan
lljrpoollaoi la Madlrla.
The Journal of the American Mi-diral
AaatH'iation baa an editorial, the general
trend of which la to aliow that hyp
notiam bna bail Ita diiy and la prurtii'iil-
ly being laid UMn the ahelf, or, at least.
IU lute routined Ui irregular outside of
the recognized selMKilof medlrlne. Thia
la a rattier rurlotia atatement to iniike,
at least If one nieaaurea Hie Intereetof
a mediral topic by the numlter of aril
ilea wnitrn alaiut It. There are few
subject upon which (ierninn phyal
elans am writing more iiionograma at
prrarnt or In which tbey eerm to take
0 more a tie liiU-rtl. I he aciiMitiDiial
li and liy virtue ot an cxiHMittnti IuiiinI out
ol Ihe circuit runrt o( the Hlnte ( OrcKnIi, lur
tho ( "iinly ii( Murriiw. on Juiid lii, IK'Hi, ami to
li. u illrm'ttvl ami ili l I v-rr-.l . iiinii s )iiilKiiipnt
rcinlcri'it ami entercil III Jnstii a court lor the
Hlxth illilrlct In hmi riMiiity mi Ilia l.i! ilny ol
J il no. KM, In laviir ol M. I). lUjrmaii, ,lnlnlllt.
ami BKaliiat K. (hiiiIm-II, iU'Ii-ihUiiI, lor Ilia
sum i( Korly two ami 40 uo liullara ami Ten
ami no luu liullara ruala. ami a transcript ol aahl
JiiiIkiiiuiiI was Mini with the cotinty clvrk ol in
county ol Morrow. Klule ol drriroii, mi June IA,
l'ai; anil, olii-nu, hy sahl Jmliineiit ll was
onlcrinl m a'ljuilaiM that Die lullowlua ilea
TU-. real rorly, to wit; 1 ha aoutli wcat
quarter ol shi'IIoii twit. III township one, orlh.
ranire twenty nve eaat, n . m.. I aoi mi satial
sahl Juli(iiiuiit, coala ami a'riiliiR C1,
III, on
Saturday, the 13th day of August, ISPO,
at I o'rliH'k t. M.. ol sahl day, al I lie front rtiMir
ol Iharourl honaeln llriiiM-r, Morrow ouiity,
irrK'in. aril the rltflit, title ant Inli nal ol aahl
K. ( auiilrll In ami to tha aK,ve iltHH-rllH-tl toop
erly at I'lihllc Aui'tlon U the hUh! ami lM-at
lihhlrr lor raah In liaml, lha irorrts w lie a
IIini to tiia Miiaia-iloii ot aai't rKneiiuoii,
And ONK H1LVEH Mrdal,
World's Iudualrial and Oottoo Centeti-
Dial Exposition, Maw Orleans, 1HH4 'H5.
m-y a ! ami all coals ami coats H at may
s- rue. t. I- hiimii K,
ain-rln" of Morrow t oiiniy, tireaon,
laM July . I-Wi. . A.k
1 ol lirrKoii, lor the t outity u
Ralph U IWiifa, I'lalnlllf,
Katie ll H"i(e. tt-fnn'1alil.
T'ikallall, Hi,f. i l.-ii iant
I i tha nam of tha i
hfrrhy riiitrM Io ai'pvur aol imati
elate of Ori-aon, yon art
laliil flli! aaaloat ton In ll aUiva rnilipl
-ill on or la-lui the firal day ol lha netl rriular
ti-rin rl the aluta entlllni iiiurl, lu-wll
Monday. aVeptamlxr 71. ISS4,
and II "" lall til auaarf or Mherwlaa pliwl. lol
anl thfirof lha plaintiff will aly-4o th
..I.I- I.....il... ! Mfl.!i.lii .l.-l,., "' aiiUllr-l curl lor a flirw dtilttng Hi
, ... ..j,,.,... ... - " " " -iafriaga laimla imiw esiatlti Iwtwaan you and
Otll, lull certain pwiicai aiile, Wliirli liimaail, and a ),,lo,nl aaaloal uu lot Ilia
U retire aetltl by tb Word "aillfgea-1 ' "d rtl.l,uewn..ni. .rt una aoil
.' .. .. , I Id is atiiamoos Is put.llahl l.y mder of Hon
lion, baa uinlouliUilly rome Uiatay and i. ,.i,.n A lwn. ),i-V" "I rir-uil eourt l
to b UMd IB Uievaruliw.
rily rieiy.
T). I Mnraty, (he etaflgelial, told a
aU.ry in I'hilailcli hi recently about bla
life lie fore bla ronverawin, when a Uiy
nf IT. lie aid I hat while tin waa a
prrlly bad lioy Inblauriregeneraleitaya,
llerp In Ihe follies a lid errors of llie
world, be neer lietike a tar a ay from
hia early rel gious Iralnlng aa Ui fftryi t
to aay bw na;era rery nighl. "I ual
to aleep Mh rny lirothrr," ha aaid,
"and If elllier one of it a happrrmj !.
Jump Into lanl without Aral getting on
he kneea, tb oi her would awrar at blni
vigtwwual and kick biiu out on tl.
l.. ... r ha aih liidu lal dialrl-1, I'aiad Jul
i.d. Iki. fc V IK.
. AlWKnay (of I'laiMllg.
Notlct of Intention.
Li firrn t at l. fiaatt. lur.m
J una i-tn,
V'oik r. ia itrRritr t,st, that th
tl ..ll'iali. baianl avlliar I, aa r,td mrfii
I hli lnli-iitli.il l.i mala Rual Ifiai4 taj aoi-
of hlsrlalm, aud that aald frf will Imi mad
tMlila I o'H.ly (laia, of V,ri., f H,nly(n
II. , oaf, ill. , Hi. on i. M m. Iaj, l
K'llirHT H tHI,
lid entry In, 4n, , lha h On . T I
Ma hlmH lha Mlnwlni1 wMfifaia liamia KIs
a.-.iiii.M,a raaidancw up-rtt and auititailon f
sail lau-t l
I I a( llamlll,, Ai.alf.w W. Kan, la. flrdaf
U a i i.'.a.aa, hj.i( taiar tf itaf.w-r, la
I H t, Il-IK, .agl.iar
Tk Beat f wash far
la Hhlli.h's rare A afUl aonib
M ilar afi.ua. Hti.p It al wiib
Mhil'.b's Core. r est by Wells A
We are not email men, lbs. We are small men, Xs.
we arc not lite Largest mercnanis in llewoi i
But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of a a
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware. Glassware, Wood and Willow ware, Nails, Iron, Barbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Oass and Water Pipe, I'lpe fittings, Btovea and Ranges, Wagons,
Ilarks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hammers, Haws, Sledges,
Wedges, Onus, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran
Itewars, Plows, Harrows, Kukcs. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Boillers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine oar Goods and Qet Prices.
Ws have Ooon Goods at Fia Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chop John Prices.
n-TT.TT AM PJCiTirii
Home Comfort.
NebraskaUtale Hoard of Agrioullurs, K7.
Alabama Agr'l Hooiely at Mnnlgntnery.
Cbatlaboobi Valley 1'ipo., Colambns,
Us , IKHH.
1 1 1( 1 11 EST AWAHDH
Ht. Loais Agr'l and Wrclianioal Aaso, '(;..
Wnrld'sOilombiao El , Cbloago, 1W'3
11 1 C 1 tl IX r AWAHDH
Weslarn Fair Aas -iation, Imdoo, Can
ada. 1X13.
Mideiaier Kair.rWn rraoelaeo.Cal , JKit
Tomato Kipo'a, Toronto, Canada, !.
Atxnt bonoie re rveeived by
.Mia,f J , Ail J
Family and Hotel Ranges.
Are nnrqiialled benanan tbey are mada
id maUeabla iron and wrougblateel. Will
out break by overheating or rmijh nsae
Wateibarks Ifar 2ml HitimU pre.surr;
no danger fd riplnalons by freiilOaT.
Floes lined altb aabealoa. Ilaka qnirkly.
Keonomieal in fuel. Abnndaiire but
water. Hera bard t f soft eoal. or wimhI.
(mvenlent and ornamental. vVilllsat a
lila-time with ordinary ear. Fully
Ovtf 117.710 cl4 to Nov. I, 169).
Hot. stria of Haiiea Jlo , Is S.,1'1 only
from f.in.-ai. a a,.na l.y tliir own aa.iit.an,
al oi.a ii. .1,, .tin in l
atalaa and I ao.la.
a l.y lhir own aaii-aman,
lliloiiiihoiil th I lilted
Washington Atei.iia, Ifta and na alraeta, T U 14. M'l.. t. A.
AndTMo; IVaH HUaal. T'll'iiMn, OMTAUIO
ronada.t la tM fi I nn ( a Hal (I fan last.
10 f l.aia for li.al la .lumhlnf nhan .lra.iia Irillprs S' aae4.
4I li.
Tka na! b a a'a ta.t
U 11 bar lb Fi'.ah.f- w'ei!. M..t-
1. - I f.Ual 14 df.ttf imaf.. ,f ll.
11 .. I I ,.' ,, r at I'ull t1. V.;ia
1-.t . ' Ait l .., d .!!.... take af '. ' . '' '.
it... o l. 1,-ia ta ,nia I. a l laa , t ie 1ms i.f Kafle -.
.HU.. l;J a. ! e . i t. I a la t ml. f f ' -'wi
4.e .
Oiamtarflaift'e fVOib lltaedt tnt
r l.ls. fine and wlManpia tons h It lei
r.laaaai. a-( aad teltatfie. For e'e by
C- .af A J'.is;k, driils'e
I si. n I ara 4
j lUahb aad aae! tafaatb aeoaiad, Ly
teaiil'.h's latrrs IwsavJ. trlee tV,
Tb taotaa-a wiiu b are uel tin lb
Krntwlara- ri ISe a a ao a-Ualoiir.
to lfii.tilrr iliMitivb lh lw tl.al H,e
.miwinii,.,!. l..r,.r.,.! l''llrS
imi a i.i ii" ruuiriiiT, u i sure, iui urj u . ........ i.aa.. i a'i,. I, a. i. .-I
fake tlaeir iaI like Us) fbii kefia
l lot, trii. Io lb family U.al e rn
atantly ni-niLir. bir la. eery time iliey
aa w a cj red rart tup ia f rt.nl of tin .r
ho.iee, would turn on iljilr laiVs aul
Ink tlaeir rta Into II I f to ! tl
UftLr, really f'.r f rar,aa.rtalH'll,
Aaawkee lavas) I af HafL
rrefrafmfia arw maklaaf buiiiiif
aiHifhef Imirietieaa f faft Irtl 'l. I
aamtid, ti t lowed .y aea , ftj,ti f'rn-ri-.ai,
aal yaar a lart i j'l U i,
fr.'tn il t i.hiii.i.. tif r to tn I rail-
I , Aai.1 Udl t,I.Ul lakittg vs a Uf am-
rVofci of Intention,
fli'H . a
ot l.la H.taHii.-aj l wiaha aal .ra..f In a. -.1
: of l,la rta.an m4 llal .aid WM l- aaada
I t-f'.fa lha a-!? rlaiS of lf-r'-w a- t,ly l
lla uaf. Ir . a Akub4 . 14, ,(
j a".M t I
i ld ai.lrf Ha 'fl f.rf llta I t ll IW l t
, as fm J. a 4 aa 11,111,1
lla naaa IU l-.M..alr, wMn.aaaS la a,.-.
i V a ".--.' a r, .a.a u-.a a, ri 'i.iliail ,
sX said iai.4 l
I I. A ....aa ! I.. .1 TK-. a M. !
a.'.r 4 m M.i r-'-i. I. -.
a. m f w ll- H, Sa..
s i .
t a !,.
a a a a' I-
t . . ' a I . I II
. ' ll. a I a I . I l . I. a a
,J aa. ,.. him I It la I 1 .jia-i a i.i
j raa4 M I HaaJrfMt
1 1
warn fius
oiii'n'HOUNI) to TnkoMOni.
Lcnvci No Con lipallon,.
a..- i
, -A, '
t'ajr.a , a a. II aa alt 1iil-.aaMa M.k I'.. I. I a an. I MaUi' I at rt l
i am tat H' i M 9 ' I St f I lv l ! (." t I r ! )
.. (I af a. t. f I- I l,k. 1 la a sJtDI Alat.
!. iaeaet, iNal.
fWlfW, -