Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 10, 1896, Image 2

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For President,
01 Ohio.
For Vice President,
01 New Jersey.
For Presidential Electors,
T. T. GEER. of Morion County,
S. M. YORAN, of Lane,
E. L. SMITH, of Wasco,
J. F. CAPLE8, of Multnomah.
is accomplished Because one
does not like one plank oat of fif
teen or twenty is no reason that it
should be exchanged for one that
has nineteen objectionable features
to one good one. Stay with the
ship, boys.
Father O'Dea, of Portland, has
been created a bishop by the pope.
He succeeds the Eight Rev. A,
Junger, deceased.
The Gazette knows that Scott
Harvey has alwaj s opposed free
coinage. "Will he support it under
an international agreement?
Gazette doubts it.
Senator. Hill was turned down
by Senator Daniel, of Virginia, for
temporary chairman of the Chicago
convention, although Hill was the
choice of the national committee,
This is as it should be. Hill is a
small politician who has been lucky,
He is a trimmer and has no well
defined ideas on political questions
except to serve his own selfish pur
pose. Once not loDg ago he was a
silver man; now he is a gold stand
ard advocate. Most people admiro
a man who has well defined opin
ions and who will and can give
reasons for them, and who does
With protection this couiity can
prosper. It is the entering wedge
tnornra Vinff.Ar tl'mPfl ftlld A haDDier
. I rf. sirtonrra ii'i 4 V, f li rt . i n 1 Wlan
people. It is the question that ";." f ""b. T
must be settled first. ""V " -
troauction or a epeecn, i am a
The 0. R. & N. has been sold democrat, ne 101a au ne Knew ior
and will doubtless go back to the certain. He was playing for effect.
Free Coinage Endorsed by More Thai a Two
to One Vote Cleveland Not Endorsed.
Io last issue mention was made regard
ing the taming down of Hill and the
eleotion of Daniels for temporary chair
man of the Chicago convention. This
action demonstrated the power of tbe
silver man and set at rest at onos all
doubtg aa to wbut the platform would
Tbe seating of contested silver dele
gates was accomplished by a vote of 658
to 365. Yesterday tbe platform, with a
silver plank, was adopted by a vote of
628 to 302. more tb an two to one. Hill
then made a motion endorsing the pres
ent administration which waa lost by a
vote of 357 to 561.
The convention then adjourned till 8
m. The session last night was no
donbt interesting. Bryan, of Nebraska,
is becoming quite a favorite as a presi
dentinl possibility.
control of the Oregon Short Line,
which means U. P. though no
doubt the name, O. R. & N., will
be retained.
The First Ballot.
Chicago, July 10. The first ballot re
salted as follows: Bland, 233; Boies, 71;
Mathews, 37; MoLean, 54; Bryan, 132;
Blackburn, 82; Fattison, 94; Campbell,
1; Russell, 2; Tillman, 17; Pennoyer, 8.
New 3ork, New Jersey, New Hampshire
and Massaobaretts refused to vote.
We invite your attention to our Immense
Line of Summer Dress Goods of the Very
Latest Styles. Our Salesman, Price, who recog
nizes no cost or value, will offex these goods
assisted in this work.
Great Oaks From Little Acorns Grown,
Is a line from the trite old verse we used
to reoite in our schoolboy days. It has
a forcible application to those small ail
ments which we are apt to disregard an-
CONSIDEUATION of the money til they reaoh formidable proportions. A
m,Mtmn nVWI nf fhn tariff nrfi. D indigestion, a "slight" attaok of
. v.;n Y constipation, it is assumed, will soon
voutcuo uUU1 Kug 9nnoff, bat is very apt to get worse,
president last winter. But we anrl in the meantime is negleoted nntil
will warn certain republicans to the ailment baoomes obronic, and then,
lay the blame where it belongs, if not entirely eradicated, is a constant
Not one of the Oregon delegation anoyance and menace 0f worse oonse-
one another, How muoa wiser to re-
nrfc in a nnnrfla nf TTnafat fnr'a Hinmanh
The Gazette notices that Pres. Bitter8 Bt ,he on,get 0f tbe maladv than
Bloss, of the Corvallis agricultural to temporize with it at tbe start. Be on
College, has resigned and that time with disease, or It may "floor" you.
TT xt T nf:il n i T I .uaianouB, rueuuiauo ana aiuney com-
Hon. H. B. Miller, of Grants Pass, D,8int. d DeD(i8. constipation, bilious-
is mentioned as his probable BUC- nese, and nervousness are all disorders
mi i:i- i raPln growth, and should be "nipped in
cessor. The Gazette would like to ,he bad by ; timoly r6Bort to Bit.
know whether or not Mr. Miller is ters.
qualified for that position. 0ver Xhe cascades.
Yesterday morning Capt. Q. 0.
THE campaign of this year must Walker nmde a suooessfal descent of the
be made in the west by the repub- Cascade falls with bis little steamer
licans of the west, and that is why A " eBr,y, bar b P
, fall bead of steam, and alone in tbe lit-
the western manager of the cam- ... or.ft. whioh onW 40 feet In length.
paign ought to establish his head- boldly floated out into th middle of tbe
quarters in Cleveland, a western broad Columbia, pointing the bow of tbe
nitr ..ClnvplArwi Trader. PittnVmrr boat for the oenter of tbe current, gave a
J W 1 a li ...
will now put in a claim as a T , , . J
I hnrA anil tArtari fnP rh rir
"western" city. The frail bark was tossed hither and
yon by tbe mad waves, every seoond
EasTEHN OltEQON must have pro- those on land expecting to see it dashed
toction to exist What makes t0 pieces, but it proved seaworthy, and
nrnunnritv for thn alinmon rr.AB.na "ached the still water below in perfeot
.. . ii ii ii safety. Tbe Lorelei is the smallest ves
p.unic.iijr ur. a... ,D.jr .aa- thgt hu tbe0a8c,Je,(
ity has it industry and on its sue ,! Uspt. Walker has proven himself a
cess depends the prosperity of that daring and skilled navigator by taking
neighborhood. Wool at 4 J to G "'elr over the falls. The little boat
onnU a T,niinl in nn irnnoaition on '00 " en,it,eo ,ome notoriety. It was
, ii- i ai built at Lewlston for the use of some
our people and a disgrace to the I on Hn . . r . . di, ol
Dation. their reaniremenln. so Cant. Walker d-
The Gazette still iusiuts that no it over the MpUi ,t CeUI()i look llout
county can prosper unless the of tbe water and bauled around the
county court directs expenditure of dalles, and bss now floated it over the
ll t..o Kn m,ntu nHioar CaSOaJoa. l.-M.
should bo allowed to expend mon-
Sicond Ballot.
Chicago, July 10. -Tbe seoond ballot
resulted as follows: Bland, 257; Boies,
226; Mathews, 35: McLean, 54; Bryan,
180; Blackburn, 36; Fattison, 99; Pen
noyer, 8; Teller, 8; Stevenson, 6; Bill,
1, The states refusing to vote on the
first ballot came in on tbe second and it
appears that their oboioe is Hon. Hornoe
Bryan Nominated.
Chicago, July 10. TLe third and
fourth ballots did not materially obauge
the previous vote, but on tbe fifth ballot
a stampede to Bryan, of Nebraska, nom
inated "the boy orator of tbe Platte."
lie is but 36 years of age and is tbe
youngest man ever nominated for presi
William Jennings Bryan, of Lincoln,
was born in Salem, Marion county, Ills.,
March 19, 18(30; attended pubho school
until 15 years of age, spending his vaca
tioos on tbe farm; in the fall of 1875 en
tered Whipple Aoaiiemy, at Jacksonville,
Ills. ; entered Illinois College, Jackson
ville, in 1877; completed olassioal coarse
and was graduated with tbe highest
honors in 1881; attended Union College
of Law, Chicago, tor two years, during
which time be was oonnected wiih tbe
office of ex-Hen ator Lyman Trumbull
began tbe praotlce of his profeasion at
Jacksonville; removed to Lincoln, Neb,
October 1, 1887, and became a member
of the firm of Talbot & Bryao; never
held su eleotive offloe prior to bis eleo
tion to oo ogress ; was eleoted to the fifty
seoond oongress, and re-eleoted to tbe
fifty-third oongress as a demoorat.
py for anything unless by direction
of the county court, and if there
are any "rako-oflV' let the county I
get the boopfit thereof. As apply-
Noa Hat Ajtrs at the World's Fair
Ayer's Harsaparilla enjoys the extraor
dlnary distinction of having lieea tbt only
I blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the
I VV..rt,l'. f.ir f HilA.un Mnl.nlnii
ing to this county, matters not how , 0,D iMBip,rmBi ,,,, e?w,
much it piuchostho Oazotto, per- means to obtain a showing of their goods,
Houally, efforts towards a more
poonomical adminiHtration of af
fairs hould bo commended, and
wo will make the anHcrtiou that
but they were all turned away under tbe
application of tbe rule forbidding tbe
entry of patent medicttiiet and nostrums.
Tbe deoiaion of the World's fair autho
rities io favor of Ayer's Harsaparilla was
i .. i l. .it. ..I. ..-. n eneoi as ioiiows; -urn s oarsapa
wi.ru uuKo .....uwuictcnn rilla Is Dot a Patent medioln. It .I,.
will havo cxiiinul the county will not belong to the list of nostrums. It is
t i. I..... ii ner oo us merits
in iu iuui ii urin'i ctMuuiiuu, uunu
cially, than at prcsput.
Wat Wroag
HOW many of those blieht re- Tba laat heard of Bberiff Oittings was
it a I aI AAlnriA nil IKa mnrAiiia tif iKa 10iK tsf
imiiiicaui wno uftva boon amog " " " 4 V
meir opiuiuu. - m uuw ,iou. rnu Tb- .nJmna bar. about ooaeloded
Iltrach Miould manage tbe cam- , m bave to "dig op." Kmb
paign in this stnto Voted for North I itat of affairs is to b regretted, as it
nn rocoutly ? The Gazette knows 001 0B, "" owl'l'lp oo tbe bunds-
II.. t ,r II,. n ,i,,-r,lr,. ow II oawnr ior IO
a v 's v as m wimw - -- wa i . a
. i . , . , , . eoruing (i m os ra io give poous. inei
tiring out .Nortuup agitlDil the rrg- fnd not at pre..ot, oalng to the eoo-
ular nominee and who are not en damns of tbe books, bat it Is mn that it
iilUl io nuiaidoratiou liv rotmblL itl b Dlwa flf and sli thousand
...... .,....i;i oonar.-wnrBs inn.
aud domocrats. The Caz(tt
would like to soe a few rrpublicans Mr. Ilbodie Noab, of this plec, was
take the tunttor io hand, if it re- ' cramping pains
....:-; ti.. .n.t i. I ' day uirrbta st io. Hb
.!!.... UW .... ..,.., .. ....
. , a at MU Vtillisf U VlWIVflll WIU1II
'"r " """"" bola.4aor Ut Hbe thsa sent to
IU jutrty inalt.'ra junt Dow. la s if I bad anytbing that wouU blip
br, I Mai lr a bollle of Chamtr
SlLVr.lt rrtmli'.icaii. who lmld laU'a CWie. Cbl.ra and Diarrhoea
that the tariff nitration U J.ara- lWmf bJ ' J' rlrJ b',
. A-ultior uf oar iilibirs bad leo sick
iuubttoall.lh..ra, Kot n.e roo. ,or fcU,ol . toJ ba.l tried d.fft
elation out of the fact that tin re- r,mJiM fr db,a but kpt (.liisg
iullican party waa COinpIIHl to wnrM. I aral Ma this tan rt atedy
rcH(;tiiz frrciiiaK" jt to- Only f..ttrd.-s t.f II rrtiir4 to
. . ii phi i'iih . iiv 9mjm p ma rrTV'
tionji0.riuri.lr. TUiewr'O should Lf, (a Ulta .Plur, rrmly.-Mr
U uitMrt the man whoae name HiWev. Kidn?. Mwb. resale by
la a synonym jirotwlioo. Major
Win. McKinli'y.a man bo will rl-
Liast spring tbe Gazette announoed that
it would abandon tbe credit system en
tirely on March 1st, which, to a certain
extent, it baa carried out exoept amon
our patrons here in Morrow county
where it was thought we might oontiuu
the old system. It has been demon
strated beyond all doubt that we cannot
longer pursue tbe old credit system and
pay our debts as ws go. We shall carry
out our former intentions, and from Au
1st next no papers will be sent out unless
they bave been paid for in advanoe. To
this system we shall strictly adhere in
tbe future, making favorites of none.
Tbere is nothing personal about tbis
mailer, but we desire to treat all alike,
ao do not k na to send the papjr as io
tbe past, but call in and settle yonr ao-
oonnt and make arrangements t oon-
tinne receiving ths paper. tf.
Below tie Regal
Tale a Lool at Ti)ese Goods,
You can find a Bargain ir) ti)en).
We have a Large Line of Glassware, Crockery and Tinware that we are
closing out. Don't buy these goods till you see our prices.
Yours for Cash
Brutal Killing of Andrew Art man Probably
Pone by an insane Man.
Sunday, June 29 last, Qeorge Mooney,
alias Ed Murphy, in a fiendish manner,
killed Andrew Artraan, a sheepraiser, at
Buokhorn, in Grant county, near Day
vllle. Tbe Mitchell Monitor bas this
story of the orime :
About two years ago George Mooney,
who bad been tending sheep camp for
Hibner k Artman, at Buokhorn, Grant
oounty, disappeared from bis work, and,
fearing that some mishap bad befallen
him, the people of the neighborhood in
stituted a aearob, but failed to find any
trace of him. Nothing was heard of bim
until about midnight on rJunday, tbe
20th, when be appeared at the tent where
Andrew Artman and Herman Frost were
sleeping He called them op and when
Artman stepped out bo t!iot hica. At
this Juncture. Frost orawled out under
the back end of tbe tent and ran off to
give the alarm. He heard two more
shots fired after leaving the tent. Mon
day morning Artman was found lying in
front of the tent with three gunshot
wounds on him and bis head mashed
almost to a pulp. It appeared ht the
fiend bnd taken an f lying near, after
Arlmnn bad fallen to the around, and
i i
ni l phpWt
r u
? av.
Fulli English Course.
Bookkeeping, -Shorthand, telegraphy,
ycfei BOASBiHG mmmv lames
jJlOiJill fiN "i,ri ir n- I ffi ' i
Plenty of them at. the
Gazette Office. . .
Ara toa Made
Mieorable by lodigeatiun, Goostipa
linn, Diriineaa. nf Appetite, )fellw
HkmT Hhiloh'a Vilalnr is a positive
eorm For salt by Wells AWarreo.
A HI y lla Moasarat.
A I.hV) niooumeot bas ben ordered
and is being mads at Walla Walla fof
Katie Ksbm Hmilh, the tecutarlst leclor
sr, who died at Joha Day and waa buried
at Uaystsok laat samraer. Ths mono
men t is io tbe form of the slstusof a
woman, ft feot 4 inches ta.lL. holding
aloft the torob of liberty. With tbe ped
estal tbe bwgbl of lbs monument wilt be
about 12 foot. Tbe people of Uaystack,
irrespective of creed, bare subaorild
for lb mnonment, fur tby all luved tba
"little lady," as they aalled her. Tb
moouuenl will be ooveileJ at Haystack
tome time during the coming fall, wbeo
Mr. rolmao, the noted frethoiKbl o
lurer, is l reeled to be preawot.
I.I . I . 1 r
crushed Arlman's skull. It is bi.iieved ; h I t(i ,
by some who bad seeo tbe murderer j V MJ?i ; '1
during the past few weeks that be was j Jjfiii-'W
insane. His general apoenranoe and a "-im-
Do You Want a Rig ?
I Don't You Want a Place to
While jon ep yonr subscription paid np jrr
ean keep tout brand in free of charge.
n T 1 Inno. Or. Horses Gti on left
shoulder, oatUe same on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and npper bit on the left; range. Mor
row oounU.
.:i n w -ml son. Horses branded D B
on the left hip; os'tle the same on left flank,
crop off right ear, undercrop in the left. Bange
in Morrow Vjounu.
Rnrthnlamew. A. O.. Alpine, Or. Horses
branded T K on either shoulder. Bange in Mor
row oountv .
nannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. CatOe brand
ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter. Hooseberry Oregon Horses
branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on
" Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left aide.
Left ear halt orop ana ngni ear upper iuuo.
Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in
each ear. ,
Brown, J. V., Meppner, ur. norsee, mrcia
C with dot in nei ter on left hip; cattle, same.
w .T . Tni. Oregon. Horses W. bar
over It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or.' Horses, box
brand on right hip cattle, same, With split in
eah ear. ,
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left .
shoulder; cuttle, same on left hip.
Cnrener. warren. wnn,ur.-uunmmiju.
ed O on right stifle ; oattle (three bare) on
right rihs, crop ana spin in eaou oar. xuuiat, iu
Grant and Morrow counties.
Cain.E., Caleb.Or. Y D on horses on left stifle'
0 with quarter oirole over it, on left shoulder,
and on left stifle on alloolts under 5 years; on
left shoulder only on au noraes oyer u yours. a.u
range in Grant oounty. n
Cate, VhRB. lt viubou or uouo, w.
H C on right shoulder; oattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Corrigall, M M, Oallnwny, Or Oat tie i crop out .
of f.aoh ear and underbit, wattle in forehead;
horses half circle 0 on left etiiie. Bange Mor.
ow and Umatilla oonnties.
n..i t H John liav. Or. Double cross on
ear.h hip'on oattle, swallow fprk and undei bit
m right ear, spin in leiteir. iu8 u.,
nounty. On eheep, inverted Aad spear point
on shoulder. Ear markou ewesorop on left ear
punched upper bit in ngni. n euieru, crop im
right and under half orop in left ear. All rang
in wrant oouiiov.
Cook, A. J .,Liena,ur. norses, wun riKuimuui.
der: Cattle, same on right hip; ear mark square
orop off left and split in right.
tjnrnn, a. I., iurruisvmo, ui. -uu.ot, u
left stifle. . ,..,
Coi Ed. B., Manlman, ur.-i, v wm
din oenter: horses. CE on left hip.
Cochran, K. K., Monument, wreuv vo , wr.
tr nimla with har beneath, on left
shoulder; oattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, n., iiaminan, ur.-nra ""
.;..v,t Mn. i Bt.Me brauaea tne same, aisu
brands CI on horses right thigh; cattle same
brand on right shoulder, and cut off end of
rightear. nn.i. t r.-
Douglass, W . m oaiioway. vr.-vju, x.
right side, swailow-f ork in eaoh ear; horses, a U
iri Tj.n. TlnnuW Or. Hones branded ELY
to left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip. hole
ip right ear. . w
Kmery, U. o iiaraman, ur. imi mauuvu
- reversed V wiin tali) on leu nnuuiuer ; mi.
tie same on right hip. Range in Morrow county.
FloTenoe, li. A., Heppner, ur.-v.Biue, ur on
right hip; horses, F with bar under on right
Florenoe. 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F on
right shoulder; cattle, V on nght hip or thn.
ttentry, aimer, hotouc,
with a quarter circle over it, on left stltle.
Range in Morrow and Cmatillaoounties.
Hiatt A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top 4
withanarter circle under it on the right hip.
, M,1 nmatillD iwinntioa
riauKe in morrow u wwun"" v .
xt..h Hamnnl. Wanner. Or t- (T F L
aonnected) on right shoulder on horses; on oattle,
on right hip and on left aide, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left. Bange in Haystack
district. Morrow oounty.
Howard J L, Oalloway. Or. Horses (cross
with bar above it) on right shoulder; oattle same
on left side. Bange in Morrow and Umatilla
oonnties. ...
Fall, Edwin, Jonn nay, ur. i sine iv n on
right hip; honws same on right shoulder. Bange
In Grant oonnty. ...
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co.
Hnnsaker, B A, Wagner. Or. Horses, V on left
ihoulder: ml tie. 9 on left hip.
Humphreys, J m. llaraman, ur. norses, a on
Huston. I.uther, Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on
the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat.
Ue same on left hip. Hang in morrow oonnty.
Jones, Harry, Heppner, ur. Morses branded
1 .1 nn the left shoulder: cattle brauded J on
right hip. also underbit in left ear. Bangs in
Morrow county.
Jan kin, 8. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse.
ihoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sams.
Itange " Wht Mile.
Johnson, Felix, Ur na. Or. Horses, oirole T on
left stifle; oattle, same on right hip, under half
drop in riuht and sulit In left ear
Knnnr. Miks, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
KNY nn left hi d cattle samt and oroD off left
ear: nndr slope on the right
Kirk, J.T., Heppner. Or. Horses 69 en left
shonliler; oattle, HH on left hln.
Knmberland. W. (J.. Monnt Vemon. Or. I L on
entile on nght and left side, swallow fork In Uft
ear and under oip in right ear. Horses same
brand on left shoulder. 1 lunge in urant oonntT.
Loften, Htephen, loi, Or. H L on lefthip
on cattle, crop and split nn right ear. Homes
same brand on left shoulder. Bang Urant
Lienallen. John W.. IiTr"rt or. Horses
branded hnlf-olrnls J L connected on leftshnnU
der. Cattle, asms on left hip. Bangs, near Lex
Utnhey, J. W. Heppner or. Horses brandM
L and A nn left shoulder: ret tie seme on left
hip, waltla over right sje, three shta in right
Iird. George. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
double II ool.nentid Hometimea ealled a
swing H. nn left shoulder.
Hurls. M. C. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
ejrrla nn right hip; hones same on right stifle.
D oa
eru tlimlnjr lifn lh money que,
tina cau lx ai'ttlrvl without danger
or tlatuaga to an jotie.ttul o I hirb
tlirta ran l-a no O'LtroTcrsy. IVr.
inkdsy farty
Oa last Walnelaf a Hernia, Jaly A,
Wllletla Iif, of this place, UtiUd is)
a anrulier of bar )oaeg fiiea-ls la asaiet
la flebfat 6 tier 3;b Uribday. Tbe
aooally, tha (iaxetta relioaiaha tia was spat s. fUassally. Tbera
uouaof iUt.Mpt.iniooioofieao(Ni, ' Mailm-k. Emua
' fc" ....L .., U S...J.
Merves (a lAf
I wm eervnns, tired, Irrilal.le and
eroas, Karl's Clover Kit Tea bas made
be well ao4 bappx.
Maa K. It. Wiaii.
For sale by Wells YVarrea.
. ailia Walt.
The Biao Widla, who killr d li e girl la
b be was betrothed al Mt. Talx.r
Kiine two ea'S ag i. Is sappid to have
been killed oo M mtilain ttk, Bear
Mitchell, last Ma lsy. A
earoblog f.r the mirdr of I be sharp
snaa, Aflrnta, wbeo tbef Same aim
Wi.lle and ordered bim to sarraa ler. U
immedleUljr begs firing oa lbrn, and
the flu Wing returned, tea sbote enlef
s4 Wolfe's bdf, killisg bins InsUotlf.
stateroeot be bad made to tbe effect that
be waa bring hunted and tracked, and
bad been chased from Hun Franoisoo,
tended to create that belief.
Artman was a single man, about 33
years of eg. He bss been living in tbst
icinily soma foor or five ysara, and so
far as known baa no relatives or at least
be bas in that time given out oo lot inna
te n tbal be bas any.
Tbe murderer went by the name of td
Mutpby, wbii b was probably assumed,
as bs told tbal bis real Dams was Oeorae
Mooney. lie ia described as being
about 33 years old; dark blonde mustache,
and dark, spattering beard of about three
weeks' growth, blue ayes, height Ave
feet sil Inches, weight l.'M pounds, is
lama ia kfl leg, and Is knock kneed by
reason of bis left leg bsviug been broken ;
bas a peculiarly shaped bead; nsea good
language; worn a black eoat, overalls,
dark blue shirt, and No. 8 boots.
Herman Fmet eaya that be came to
Arlmso's camp Friday evening for tbe
purpose ol moving it nut dsy. Abool
midnight Murpby earns to the door of
the tent and said: "Hello, Artman. is
tbst yoaT Artman, being partially
awakened, answered, "Wellf And
alurphy shot Llm Immediately, striking
Artman near lbs corner of lbs month,
and tba elmt peeved out at (he tack of
Lie head. Froel crawled under Ibeback
of the lot. and ran sit miles Io 0. C
Iremnnger's, and gave I he alarm. Its
bad nothing oa tier 1 1 dreeer au I shirt.
and bis (eel were badly bruised. Oa ei
aminatla. it was fonad thai Murphy
bad fired three more shots at Arluaa
and then beat bim over the bead with
bis gns. breaking tha stock, and attack
btmoa tta leg. wub a dell at. culling
War throoga. UfTWuers eeercbii gfor
kirn, hot be bas not yet ba fonnd
Bange in Morrow county.
Minor, Over, neppner Or. atUa, M
right nip; bores, n nn leu snunjuer.
Morgan, rt. N.. Ileppuer, Or. Horse. M )
on lft shonldei cattle same na Uft hip.
Miichll.OMr.iin, Or. Honrs, JJ on right
bin; oattle, T7 on right side.
Nnal. Andrew, lone Kork.Or. Horses A N enn
aerini on Mt shoulder: eattle eame on both hips.
A T ' XT 1 f r 1 y, "'T- '" loslngtoo. Or. f O oa Uft
Arc You in Need of a Sacldleh"-
Ht j hfmMfj raMli Mm o ritht hip.
r rcf r I l'Mrwm, Ulvi fciht M ilt, ( vt. HffM, qnar-
-' i tT time p ii i sici m wi piifFai(ir mna m rm tmn.
Put up Your Team ?
bip. Cattle, fork la Uft ear, right cropped, M
Afain Jstrant on Uft hip. lUnceon Klslit Mila.
aiaia PUeCl, pkles,a.Hadman.Or.-HorasalPoa
ff shiHililer.
and other i
u7tuzt. xxmrjca,
riUet flll l. ale fllea.
hniiltus - M,islure; inWnae IttfMbg
and eliPgingl m.l al night; aura t.y I-aM tt'rU fr.ua Ibe ialrt give the
cretrttag. If allowed to eotl noe j tnlotnatu of Ibe fsplore anJ death nl
len.ora lores, abuib rtea rled and 1 Mnrihy. lis nss teste I in osier s ne
olrerale. hrcomieg very eorak, hwsvaa a ' Hr ek f sa .Isjs, '! la gM
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
W PATTtRSQX. AGENT. n!J-n jntiis. xvr..i
one nighl and be aaj not gone but a
short dialanoa when ba raa afoul of two
armed men. Both sides began shooting,
resulting in Morpby receiving fourteen
bullets, killing him Instantly. Tba
deputies were unhurt. Thus ends lbs
last chapter ia one of the most brutal
murders aver committed ia Eastern
What lbs Phakers of Mount Lebanon
know mora about than anybod else, Is
tbe use of herbs and bow to be healthy.
They bave studied tha power of food.
Tbey nearly nil live to a Hp old age.
Ths 8bsker Digeetivn Cordial to pre
pared by the P bakers from barbs and
plant with a special tonia power over
the stomach.
II help tbe stomach digest t food,
and digested food to the strength maker,
fttfong mneclen. strong body, strong
brain, all noma from properly digested
A sick stomach sen I cured and digs
Hon made easy by ftbaker Dlgrelive
It cures the aeiie, le of ep etiW,
pain in lbs etmer u, kad ache, g Id. lines,
weakaees, aad all tba other srmploes
of indtgeatioo, eei lataly and per ms sent
If by dmggista. Trial bottle 1) da
Pills t l ae.
Uad filings and final IWfs Tel. a.
nirnrza. osoxr.
D.J. McFaul, M. D.
At J. M. HACtM'i RlsiDlkCt.
AU theae can be procured at Tbompaon k Binns, Ixwer
(IpDDDer. Oreuon.
. v .. j.t Pil-r, Krra.t,ltlr,Cr.-HnrMia brand.
I neee aeniienien are writ n iiiiimi w ,, , ry, ,.r,H.s, iriiiio, Rni, otner lioiiniles. I l If I. It ,,i,miIi am lMr, ak.i.l . ..,
.n.1 .... . .nrf tlma in m.kln. these Soctlous vith lralrellii man. I , ... .. ' mua
' - - w - - m mina rum n n. iMnn. aurme Aami
Prices In keeping with lbs times. I piper. J. H.. IslnUHi. Or. -II ureas. JK ,
aerta m, lan n.aiioart eatua, sane ua laC bin.
aiHter bil In ear h ear.
I'ettrs, A. I'm lotia, Or.! Koreas dUmnnd t oa
aliimldari "at tie, J H i naneeied, rm he
eft hit,. tilLr sluM In Uft sat aad alio la u
Rand. Andrew, " ' 1 "r Hi rise, annars
era with qnarterirf U nvae it oa Uft elirla,
HtMh Hrna., Heiinaer, Or-llnesas branrted
a the ril,i skouI.Uri ealUa, 1 1 na liie lrt hip.
( oft lafl ear and dewUp na aark. liaaga to
M'WTn and aMnlngereinllaa.
tUaiief AaJr-w. Usmina, Or-Rraas
bn.tl A K M nhl ahMl.Ur, Vaat quarter
rirrla r brand; Mtla aaase oa ngbl lup.
heie Imnn rir.tf.
K naa. M ai. M. liairrrllU, Or-IIR aoanHai.
With qiiart-f vtn-Uime Upaa aaitiena nM bis
and cn.p nfl rwM ear and aplit la iafv, i'-r,
sane brand on lafl ennui-tar. Hacure la Hureaw
tl rvyl and (itHtaia eNu.i,ea.
lurt.rt t. . It.piMw. Or.-llaeaaa. JO aa
Urtsbimlder. l'aUa, o oa haM klh
NiraigM W. R, tlafpnee. Or - )!. aKadad
I H .mi Ul atifW, Mt i S ra, UCl kip. sail,a.
Iwk la rH ear. eeWt,n la Uft.
. .. IV-, Uatn-aee. .- Hurasa. A t aa
Uft bipi eailie lu. ua Uft hip,
fWrara, ll-.tt, DnagUa. trr-fallle f on
n.M hip and a a) rWM ebnaUar i tnn.n"l aa
rtehi hnUU, haa la M.r. ewmlTT"
wiia ! . w.iH. tie. Honax branded
H L etKa.k.Un eatila. mm mm Wfi ab..Wa,
N-iairas. Jaa-.a. A,Ua, llr.i bms antail
lim Uft alwaiMUri tMtai lha ama, aa r .
WaAtla. rU' la norfn ad llillawa ea-ielaaa.
Hl.kana. . .. Man! -Ma, ),, twmm M
WrM XifUi -atll Iualxtai L IKa rttl H.W
' ' ' v.. ii-mm. Iff
a nM bi t mh"mj. im Wft mmr,
i, , MM .oar. Ii . 11,
pt auc la a ii mjL
t ans ... I... e fn, t.
N,a . t as li i s. !.,.' l
0twrnv..ivt tm,i , rt a
MllllMltwlU t'm Ik ,u
'"" o.ri um fm .iqlhrf
"r la ki. mt m Hm H A t a iZ
as aM h, ike m,(Ma aet-w-.
- '""'' I" e-lll rarM fc,
a-hll, Ik. 4 , 4t
. u"t '"mmmmt-t al Ik k, mt II .
,al !!' 1 "-. ' a. a. e-alaia
, .
Uft akUiiaHKu,iM ip.
rtaTf. , li. Maiaae, ,. l .til W f M
Uft kip. rrm . s m4 a4arh la Wl --la...
Ur SlrsWi mimmumt '
1 ia, ll, tio-. ' - " na. I
left mtrmUtm rmllU I mm Uft alUla
eaee tm mil k0
Uft mtmU. 1
i'b a, 1,1 m eaas
IN.!.-,. H. M . (. Or - H
lit Kmmmd mm tft MlfUi it, mm i
--.. I M.T. tmmm. ,- II
Ma mi i,sU mUmtmtHm
W.II4 W. Ha. rw
H ii la at ft, I,
-' -iU, e'W sm 4 ttaM m
e -f . l-fl mm, M rM mm, k, r-i
. , U . ItatoMl mm tta
J" Wa4 if aa im Uft slwi.Ue.
mnmm W R l Wk ry 'dU ,k .
f,"1- ' - .'-ft V eJ. la r ., mm..
"? lNare4 ilalnla. A i - . .
HtlWal to lb MMiKW m4 ml4 m,m i M ml M.Ua aa U al II .
1 W ,lM,a Ma-. rw-ai . ,
a Ia4l M.Sa,
IVIf Hfflll, jly flt.UHMIl, vi