111 E. McNEluL, Receiver. TO TUB HIVES THK OHOICK Of Two Transcontinental Z CT I nOO worth of lovely Music lor reny Csnts. consisting j loo pages full size Sheet Music of tii latest, brightest, liveliest and roost popular 4 selections, both vocal and Instrumental. a- gotten up In the most elegant manner. In- m eluding four large slz Portraits. 85 CARMENCITA, iht 8panls)i Dancer, , PADEREWSKI, the Ortat Pianltt, r3 5- ADEUNA PAW and f; At 8EU6MAN CUTTING. aODCS U. OBOCM T4 THENEWY0RKMUSICALECH0C0.3 Broadway Theatre Bldg.. New York City. g " eiNVllSERS WANTED. AMBULANCE. ON WATER. SHERIFFS SALE, i ItMB taaneh Addad to the London Hos pital Service.' of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for The managers Ol tne Metropolitan i navliima hoard. LOnaon. nave juoi passed upon plane for an ambulance XrOTlCK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UKBEK I IV and by virtue of an execution Issued out th. fvnntv nf Morrow, on June 12th. lHiSV to me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said court on vne ora day of March. lKai. In favor of 0. A. Khea, J. U Morrow & Son, (J. W. Morr.iw.) Henry Black man, Hugh Fields, O. W. Bwaggart, Thos. uald, p. 8. Wilson. Wm. fenland, J. P. Rhea, T. A. Rhea, Otis Patterson and T. W. Ayers, plaintiffs, and against the Palace Hotel Company, deiend- nta. lor the sum ot t en i nousaun uoiiars wiin at the rate of ten per cent, per annum and Ten l loll or. enau- anil, whereas, bv said luoemem It was ordered and adjudged that the following- GREAT NORTHERNRy. .VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS a UNION PACIFIC RY. VIA Denver OMAHA The renlar Bobsoription price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.50 and the regular price of the Weekly Oregonian ia S51.IS0. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oreconian for 83.50. All old sub scriber payiDg their subscriptions for one year in advanoe will be entitled to the same. St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ooean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For described real property, to-wit: Commencingat the southwest corner oi un uuinuer six, in Block number four, of tne original town oi Heppner, County of Morrow, btate of Oregon, thence East one hundred and ten feet, thence North sixty feet, thence West one hundred and ten leet, tnence ouin sixty leei u me piaco m beginning be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accruing costs. I will on Saturday, the 18th day of July, 1890, at 2 o'clock, p. m., of said day, at the front. door of the court house In Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell all the rlgnt, title ana interest oi the said raiace Motel company in aim iu me above-described property at Public Auction to the highest and best bidder lor casn in nana, the proceed to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. O.W.HARRINGTON, 47-66 Bherltt oi Morrow uounty, Oregon. Dated June 12, 1898. Notice of Intention. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-J ent business conducted for Moocratc Fees. . Oun ornei is Op'obiti; U. 6. f TtNTOpriet and we can secure patent in less tune Hum those . . A1'-.V,; .,rt , Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. 'Wo advise, if patentable or not) free of .i - n fmm nnt Ann till natent Is secured. SVi-.rrCr.:- ltl, cost ot samo in im u . vv w sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO, , PATENT OrriCt, WASHINGTON. D. C. T ANT) OFKICR AT LA GRANDE. OREGON IJ June 24, 1806. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice oi his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on August 1, lo'J6, viz: FREDERICK R. THOMAS, Hd. entry No. 7347, for the SEVJ 8W54 See 19. EW N VH and SWJi NEJ4 Sec 30, Tp 4 8, R 28 E. W. M. I He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz; E 0. Watktns, Robert Walklns, A. 8. Burcb, A J. McKenzle, all of Heppner, Oregon, i B. F. WIION, 1 452-G.1, Register. launch for river service. Her dimen sions, says the Philadelphia Record, are as follows: Length between perpen diculars, 60 feet; breadth, 12 feet 6 inches; depth, fouffeet; draught of water when fully equipped, two feet eieht inches. The hull is built of Sie mens-Martin mild steel throughout to board of trade requirements for passen ger certificate. She is built in five com partinente. In the fore pai t of the ves sel is a cabin for the accommodation of the staff and for visitors proceeding to visit paticnt in the hospital snips in Long Keach, Dartford, ana is capaoie oi accommodating about 20 persons. In the after part there is a cnbin fitted up as a hospital, with four berths two be ing fixed and two portable and with all the necessary requirements for carry ing four recumbent patients. Both of these cabins are heated with steam and are provided with suitable skylights and all the necessary fittings for a boat of its class. The machinery is fixed amidships and is of the triple-expansion type, with sur face condenser, and capable of driving tiw. vpksp! at, n sueed of ten knots. A water-tiirht trimming tank is built at the fore end of the vessel of sufficient capacity that when filled with water it will bring the vessel to an even keel of two feet eight inches. A HOLY TERROR. Bat the Little SAN FRANCISCO. GET THE BES'i When you are about to buy a Sewlnp; Machine 3o not be deceived by flllui hik advertlflcnictUi .tod be led to think you can guttiia l-u.t uutwS, in cm fmishod anil lost Popu.j For full detail orII on O. R. A N. f nt ta Heppoer, i r address W. H. RURLBURT, Gen. Pus, Agt. . Portland. Oregon. C? aioii TI3VIE t -ro JSon Fronoiseo And U uoinU in California, via the Ml Hhast route of the tun tor a mere song. See to It that on buy from rcliuble maim icturcrs thiit have pnintd a cputotionby bonestnnd square iciiung, you wn -ievving Machine lie world over bility. You want the one that '.8 ca31CSt to manage uuu im Southern area' olnta I Pacific Co Notice of Intention. points r,am and Mont n. itrnnn noon in nouta or trie racino iiasi. ruiiman nunm HlaotMini. HmMind-cbwa Hlmnera Attached to eiprnos trains, attordina anpanor AccomiaodationH for SAnond-olaas paMAnsera. Fur rate, tickets, sleeping ear reservations, eta. call npon or add rats K 1COKHI.KK. Manager, R. P. ROOER8, Asst, Gen. t. 4 V. Agt., Portland, Oregon Mfnf.ffnff 'HK H P. "CTI will then get a LcHsft no that U noted fflfltl er for its dura- , BiVvi nnt the one that 1 'Z inage and is Light Running There Is none In the world thnt can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of workhiK parts, fineness of finish, tc-ir y In rpnranco, or Has as luuny iniprovcinuuw as tue New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike on both sides of needle (patented), no other has it 1 New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hlngeu on adjustable centers, thua reducing friction to .he nuuluiuin. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWI5G MMHIBE CO. 0arns, Mass. Dostoh, Mm. rtoSi)rTi,N.T "wmm, lf.k KT. Iv is Mo. Iu.". .r.lAS. tx rHAHra . l T.KlA,k r?) . f. cy C. THOMPSON CO.- Agenia Ilcppncr, Oregon. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON. j June IWJ6 Notice Is hereby given that th loll iwlng-named settler has fllfrt noilce of his inteut:nn to ninke final proo In support of his olat u. and that snid poof will bn made br fine J vv. Morrow, emmty cicr , at tieppuer. Uregon, on August 8. 16 viz: ALBA O B V KTHOLOME V, Hd. K. No. SHifl). for the V. V!i and S WH SW1, Sec 35. Tp i X, K M E. lie names tne iniiowing witnesses io prnvr his uftiitliiiiKu residence upon and cultivation n( stld Imii, vi.: 1 I. VaiiVMnhle, of Heppner, uregon. r. u. Muthews, W. B. Flnley, Arthur Andrews, of (ialloway, Oregon. 4 A3, r. luwuikr., 452-63 Kegister. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, 1 4 June '.5, !(. Notice Is herrbv given that the following named settler has filed notice ol his Intention to make final proof In support ol his claim, am) that said proof will he made before h I. Freeland. omniisslnncr of the U. H. Circuit Court, at Heppner, uregou, on July 25th, 18, vlr.: KI.I3HAC. WATKIN8. Hd. E. No. 6J0 for the N W Bee. U Tp. 4 8. R li c. v. n. Ha names the following wltnemos to nrnve nis continuous resilience upon auu .uiuminn Of said land, vis: George Bperry, Robert uexier, Jacg MCH.cn tie and David A. Uerren, all of Heppner, Or. B. r. n lusnn, iW-M Keg ster. Notice Of Intention. Battenburgs tove Her All the Same. The ruler of Balmoral castle, accord ing to the Strand Magazine, is not the 'queen, but the housekeeper, a Mrs. Mussens, a typical personage of her class, gowned always in rustling black silk, lace-trimmed apron and white cap. iie and the queen are said to be excel lent friends, and many a gossip have tlfey had together when affairs of state have been laid aside. Mrs. Mussens also stands high in the favor of the little Battenbergs, who are sure to snek her out .aa soon as they have landed at the castle, tor she fair ly Idolizes the little ones and keeps many a treasure in her apartments with which to regale them. To the world at large Mrs. Mussens is a holy terror. Her word is law, and she enforces it at the point of the bayonet or the broomstick. It is said that once the queen wanted a certain maid to whom she had taken a fancy detailed to the care of her own room, but the housekeeper remonstrated, telling her majesty that it was quite out of order and she really must not spoil the serv ants by undue notice. The queen was wise enough not to insist, and "dear Mrs. Mussens" won the day. GRUB CAUSED CiRtAT LOSS. By ing out the content of a. sack to try and find out the origin of n sickening Bmell, hands, feet, eyes and other hu man remains tumbled out on the ground. Although this remarkable lady slept often In the open air, was drenched with rain many times, and experienced almost every variety of temperature. she enjoy id exce'lent health, and In tends to return to West Africa In a lev weeks' time. CURED BY SUN BA I Ms. Happy Recovery of sv Paralytic Thromh Resort to Exposure. The liveliest passenger on board the Rteamshio City of Peking was Uum- nhrev Kendrick. of Los Angeles, ne - . , xi had just returned irom japan, says vud San Francisco Chronicle, a country that he loves, because a few years ago it com- Dletelv cured him of paralysis. - ... . . , .I , i When Kendrick lounu tnai ne nau lost control of his limbs he determined to snend all the money he had to get re lief. It was easy enougn to tea wnax had brought the paralysis upon him, for the first stroke came soon after he had a bad tumble on horseback. The animal fell in such a way as to catch Kendrick squarely beneath it, severely wrenchintr and straining nis spine Kendrick found that he was much bet- j ter in hot weather, and this led him to go to the Hawaiian islands. He was so much better there when it was hot that he concluded to go to a still warmer place. Somebody told him that the south coast of Japan In summer was the place. For manv months during that hottest of hot summers Kendrick engaged in a most unique attempt to regain his health. For days at a time he would lie positively stripped to the skin in the hot sand on the seashore of Japan. He rnt. Rn that he rather liked it. As the clays passed he kept getting better. Then he took to seeking exercise. A donkey was secured and Kendrick, stark naked, would ride the animal up and down the beach. It was almost too hot for the beast, but Kendrick did not seem to mind it. The result was complete recovery. Kendrick came back feel ing like a schoolboy and much Infatu ated with the country of the Japs. THE PALACE HOTEL BAB, J. C. BOUCHERS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and CigarSv J mrn. T. R. HOWARD IN ' -DEALS Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens' Supplies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade! He will make it "an object for you to trade with him as his prices are right, and all goods that he handles are of the very best. Store on Main Street, Next to City Drug Store, Door Heppner, Oregon. Successor to C. S. Van Duyn. Next door to City Hotel. Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty. WHY L.t--,.. 10 UK EAT. -TO THE- EAST AND SOUTHEAST VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Through t'ullman I'alaoe Sleepers. Tourist Hl.x.pcra anil Free KcclliilriK Chair Cars IMILY to Dlili ago. I ..HTHLETIG 8. Hnuvenlr nf to Yean In IhulneH. 3 Fin.. Land Orrici at Th Dalles. Orkoon. Junettth. 1W. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fullnwtnir-nantecl settler has filed notice of his Intention to make Hiial proof In support of his claim, and that said prooi win De mane hclore County Clerw ol Morrow uoiimy, uregou, at Heppner, Oregon, on July in, 18'Jtt, vis: JAM KS W. MOHK.LAND. Hd. E No. a.W, for the WV4 HW), Sec. 21, and Vic MEU Hm. a i. To. 4 el . II. 2i K. He names the IoIIowuik witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation nf muA IhiiiI. ViX! Arthur Htevens, Otis Hiianer. warn Adams, Henry Howell, all of Uardmaii, Oreuon. " 1 liu V llnllDV ADi a. ll"v'ir., 417-57 Keg-lster. Many hours saved via 1'olnts. STEAM HEAT. MIWICNT this line to Eastern PINTSCH LIGHTS. HATICN. A r.nmnlili Sat. rntislnllns; of five W IIIHIki! UKiirtM Has Ball l'laynr. Foot Jg " Hall I'lsyer, (lull I'layxr, Tennis i-iayer 1 and Hlryi'le Kldcr, will ne sent io any aililn-ss upon reeeipt oi iu cvuia, hi pay chaws. Thi'si. (Inures are absolutely perieer beautifully rolored and mounted, and rraimiKl to stand uiirlirht. anil are an el- r M years as leaders nrld. nullaiile . nlltea or home,. J A.G SPALDINu & BfiOa.t m 64 AVw lure CHicnao I'nikuletuhia arraigned to stand uprim 3 pelleul souvenir of our Jl nf the athletln supply furrlnli, radln room, i Qii e r mcm U CHICAGO. It. 11'. It A XT Ell, f.Vr. AQfnt, Portland, Vreyon C. HART, AQfnt, lltppnrr, Orrgon . iwauies & St. Fail R'y Notice of Intention. Laud Offick At La Graniik, Ohkoom. June :th. 1H'' XTOTICK IS HEREBY OIVKN THAT THK 1 r,illiiwliiv.iiaiued settler has riled notice of his Intention t make final prooi in supprtoi his claim, and that said nrool will he made lie fore K. U Kn-eland, commissioner II. B flrcnlt ( inirt at Heppner, Oreiion, on AiiKust l'th, IKH1, vis: TIIUM ArJ (ill.r u.i.r.., Hd. entry No 5lt. for the NU NKV, HVi'i MC!4 amlHKI NWVhflT.lpJs. H'ill.W M. He names me iiuiowiiia; siiiinm m his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vis: Alexander t ornett. rat Keiienar. siise aeney and James Joliuaon, all ol Heppner, ureann. r. 1IJHJN, Kegister. II. Notice of Intention. 4 Eolcntmo American JJ) V TKADI MMl, SldXJ DttlOal rATIalT. CaVItTC. DltlOU rATINTi COPVMtOHTa, Fi ttif'-rmatl. sm4 rV Maiwlt' nw Ml NJI a v, l llansbwa. M . fil.leH Ihimi f" sertitm palrnta la Awrlc, In puUw by a w la Inm of ebaiie la la ..atT X 1 ANI nrriCB AT THE DAM ES, OHEtiON. June lw.M. N'ltli" is hrreny Falling Among Diamonds Commo tion Was Created. A salesman in one of the bipr Chestnut street jewelry stores recently lost a few small diamonds throuph a very pe culiar accident, says the Philadelphia lieeord. The salesman hud taken the ilinmonds out of the bier safe and was counting: them in the rear ofliee of the store, w hen the accident occurred. He hud spread the stones out on a large sheet of tissue paper and was sorting them In the bright litfht which came down through a glass skylight directly above him. In the woodwork sur rounding the glass in the ceiling on Insignificant pru" worm was working nwny industriously. The man below Uliew nothing of the existence of tne worm, nor did lie realize the part it was shortly to play In his affairs. Suddenly the worm broke through the outer shell of the wood ntid fell plump upon the sheet of tissue paper, scattering t he dia- tnnuds right and left. The salesman worked for two hours In gnlhering up the. tiny precious .tunes ami then found that four of the stones were still missing. This niennt $1.1 or f .'0 to him, for that was what the lout stonea were worth. lie never recovered tlwm, but he threw the grub worm Into the strive and watched it burn with fiendish satisfaction. A Native Offers an Explanation Britain's Naval Superiority. How was it that half an island over I which Queen Elizabeth ruled developed into the world-wide empire over which Oueen Victoria reigns? First and fore most, says Blackwood's Magazine, it must be referred to the qualities of th race, their energy and adventurous spirit, their capacity to colonize, to rule subject races, and to administer their affairs. That race was sprung of sue cessive seafaring invoders of these is lands who were trained for generations in the arduous defense of these shores, and taught to achieve naval superior ity as a necessity of their position. As early as Edward III. the sover eignty of the narrow seus was asserted, and conceded as a mutter of course by the people of the low countries. As centuries rolled on, the insularity of our position became more marked r.j our possessions, in jMirope uwuuitci away. The drill sergeant, who i the artificer of (lermnn fortune, bus had no ascendency in these iidnnds, whose preoccupations have not risen from mil iary empires on their boundaries. Naval .superiority hns been the guarantee of our shores, and at the same time the foundation of in empire which hn.J crown up bevond the sens. The same qualities which achieved ordered liberty at home spreml commerce, settlements and empires abroud. The U.S. GOVERNMENT I IS, PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their wm. rhildren. or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes It to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. jyWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 P 5treet, WASHINGTON, D. C. 6 W. n.Thii Cnmtxmv U controlled ly nearly one thousand leading tut paptrt In the Vntted More, and il yw rantted by Uitm. 1 J June 2)i. Notice is hrreliT (lvn lliat lha fnllnwlnc named settler has tiled no lle ol her Intention to make final pinol In sup- xirt nl her rial m, ami that earn prixil will ne maile bel.ire K. I. r reelaliit. V. . Commission. er, al Hemmer, tiienon, on Am. Itth, If'Jt), via: fURrUK A FICI1IF.. Wife ol Alesainler Klehle, deceased. H I K. No. ll. lor the HW V, see. L Tp. I N., she names the Inllowln witnesses to prove I her eon'lmiiius residence upou and culllvatlnn Or., Frank lnle lone. Or., and Edward Holland, ol Ulnl.m. Or. M(. Register. HERD OF IRISH BULLS. Some Mlied Metaphors rredlted So Boas of the r.mermld lale. A collection of Irish bulls was pub lished recently by a contemporary. Here are some of them, from House hold Words. A certain politician, Slmpleat. dJi!lliL Wrongest, I m,t 4$7l 7 Wofk,n' Too vCnBllx Accurate Receiver. S5 Compact, Attorneys tit H,ciw, HEPPNER, All baaioMt attended to it- prompt and satisfactory manner. Notariea Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BCILDINO. OREGON WHITE COLLAR LINE. Most Modera and profrasaWe , For eaaloaTie or Informatloa wrtta to TliE MARUN FIRE ARM5 CO.. N rlavea. Coaa. Columbia River and Pmt fit Sunn tolioirl u VllUll V V Steamers TELH'DOXE, BAILEY 6ATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. I I of, said land, vis: A. T. sleNar. ol Heppner. "S and trunk llnllaml, ol Mely condemning the povernmrnt for CumminPS & Falls Lto Al.tar 8trol Tkk. Portlaod, f. Alorla, III Ita recent policy coneerninif the In- vu 6V . park and Nahcott. Pireot oonoeotioo with Uwt PROPRIETORS Ot Ihe Old Reliable Sricutific gmtim at this M laesrtrl.ilaea. BU par-era M T .mi. ei l.llMir ltiuMn..1. n' im-ni-. BiM ilmU I lih.ait It. Hr, OS Ma Si M l.p, ai'V'i S iu, 1 lakMHaaa, Sal lwvl.ajr, luta III. ( Popular Magaziiies FOR THE mi. IT--'- Ol Hi rhleatn, Mllaaukeo and at. rani Dall as? and not It connections wllh all transron ttmntal line and "t I'anl and anslia. and rememtirr Ihal It train ar llshted with le- Irlrlts and hralwt h (team. It eo,ultmnt I snMrb. Rleganl llurTrl, tll.rary, Him.sln and I alerplni ear. Uh Irr rwllnln ehalra. Kara I sleeplnt ear bvrth ha aa l-lrle raadlng lama. and lis dlnlnt rr aro lha beet In lha world. Other line lonr than Ihl. but nnn ar shorter, and no other offsrt lhsbov laiarlinw I aermnoUllHa These r (urkrUnl tvaaoo h.r Ih sxpularltf ofTb Mllaaesra." rsipa I II. sl siils ta frenr rllrid ornc III l joe tuiibft Inl.iruistlon, or sddma 0. I. tnDY, Oeneral !,. J. W. f AKT. Traf rasa. Airat, INiarvsao, Oaaaoa AMitSJTRATOIW MOTICf . Kolle I berehv flven that th nnderslaned ata len aprdnie4 admlnl'trators nl Ihe lale nl Oenre A Drown, deccaawl. bf the Coun ty lourl nl Morrow I nunly Dtal ol reon. All nersnn hating elalm asainai earn eaiaia re lierel.t minlrel In trearnl them lo the nn- deraind al llielr omr In Manlman. Vlorroa oui.tr. orrann. nnir vrnnra. aiihin is mnlha Irnni lb dale nrmd. listed this ::ud day ol Hay, I. J IS Hints, hi r.aasa. M M Admlnlslralora. FRAMK LESUC'O POPULAR A MONTHLY i-w H .fb i NfcM mt't I u . , I IS Uu.fl I W S4 li"IIM 1 1 .. . . ..1 . m.-A Mirl. I'Na.Oa. 1 ..i M.i li"r h..i immi Um fi- I a-. " " M - I ' t' . I 1 1 '.f t fill "'' ' . J wiui.MtlnltiilaiMI I !liMi1!Unii.i wwwa y, bw I. . . ' .' f n' . ('.-'PVtr.ft-.. j -LI.".; n-sr, 1 "" . motice or IIIMUTI0M. X'OTirl! t nrttrnv OIVKH THAT Till 11 (Inn ol ells W srren. r"nOrwd ol Um, wells ami II Worran. duln a nefal dru bu.lt In Iheeliy nl Mwoirt. h. rt day dl ilt. V Weils haln dls- b,Mlilli"nlinll a sims w no wm ennilmi th bn.ttMS. rnllerl all aoeimnls and ynf all IndeMeitnea ol lh old Brm nr.", , r i i H, K WsMHrN. tinted .1 Hei'pner, Oregna. Ihis tvh das at tMraswfaealle) f tbea tsara I lwl M saws swrsia. Tay ItiMirst Iksl tit awawtfty It alr aM4 M b aware a. .. TtMawswa iba WaJ -Hf " RIpanstTahulc bfafVl-Ma Cilll swapaass aa a fTl1 J rrai. w. e. r, M H1 ra a aww.aite d II 1 1 iiwv, bae wiibe Il b 4mi4 ItMied aad ear. VK. 4 ntatraas lhaa aae li'ing ti,.l'.ai hi nil itNi I asirMtHhinar. IL V Kaee Imil M raws va sw 7"'i come tn, la reportcti to nave aniu: "They'll keep cutting the wool off the hecp that lay, the golden egg until they l.ump It dry." "The giort' out work will never be accomplished until the good whip Temperance shall 11 from one end of the land to the other, and with a cry of 'Victory!' at each step the takra alinll plant her twin ner In every clty.town nndtillagelnthe I'nlted Kingdom. An Irialmmn. In the midat of tirade againat landlortla and caplUliata. declarrd that "if these men were luuded oil an uttlnhahlted Island they wouldn't be there half an hour lief ora they would have their hand In the porkrta of the naked av airea." Only a few week ago lec turer at big meeting gv utterance to the following: "Alt along the un truddrn aUia of the future we can are the fiHttprlnla of an unaeen hand." An orator at one of the unlveralty union Imre off the lm of merit when he declaml thai "the I'.riUah ItorJ. whether II la roaming the deaerta of rt'STHESIMPLlTbULrATJITraNS vaeo, Liong Deaeb, Ooeaa ao ataamera aad rail- Seaabnrt ltailroad. i Gault House, CHICAGO, 'ILL.. Halt blork weal ol th t'nlnn Depot of C. B. U., CM HI. r. C. A , F. rt. W. C.. and Ih C Ht, U P. Kali roads. HAT1CM U,oo 1ICM UAV Cor. W. Madlsoa and Clinton u., CXZZGJL&O. ZXA. road; alto at Young' Bay with TETjUPnONIJ Laares Portland ILK, Dally, axcept (Sunday. Leave Astoria 7 f. M. Dally, scent buaday. Laava Portlaad I P. M. Dally, exeepl INinday. Hatnrdey nlsht. 11 P. M. Leaves Astoria Dally a ale U A. ., icpl eunoay ana Mnnuay. aundsy Dlht.7 f. M. OOEAN WAVE Laavat Portland tad run dlrwrrta Itwaen, Tue-lay and Thnrwtay al II A. M natnrday st I P. M Uavs tlaaco Hadneaday and Friday at l.m A. M. On annday nlgni al P. M. hxf Ckled to Eiflroal Datinilin Bath Braflri Frte if Eipi For aalety, Speed, Conlort, lleasur, Traret oa U Tslephooe, Bailey Oaturt and Orean Wave. $1800 OIMiN AWAYT0 SSLroRs. flu Ms Witt kinwiwrbwraasMisi 1 ttaa usiinarb gn nT fkm aaajl aWM awjss awnasswaat W aw svatediat. M . .r ta. bM sHsiewU wwr elWwM, w4iWiHaililiasawrw Im wwb ml aww ba bwas. Al a saa saw w wwfc s wfi ayaa lb ptot lbs tart tba For tho Ouro Ot Liquor. Opium ui Tobacco Habits It M loratwd al balam, Oregna, TKi Joal Dtauliul To- on Coast ! Call al th O.istt ae mr aartlmlara : "trk tlyroaildenuai. Trswuawnl rTslaiHl sura India or climbing the foreata of Can ada, w III not draw In Ha horn or retire I Into It ahell." A WOMAN TRAVELER. THAT YILX0 FORTUNES, rar-ww"wbBbMWlTM is wwkMS bwbH sba !" s ba. i i n. ' ..ttat b.n.1." "a-. Wk," oaw mmernr aad(bawMd bar bitls tfaaags gass awai rtred bias. II Sal..Mba valaabl ml a Ikl dls. mw." a b ! -lib a Ml. r. i 1 bis iM.it ear, fr ta wsMy a4 ti- r I' l 4 t (. 'ra. V a '( w hi a t" PraLW. U. tUXM, t. h U bU t t I rt'l Tsb PI mi Pi's, y a b Ul. as by a). uuurrn.ty mr traeaBiM THi I tU ni- IWbri(WHWies blnwtawaMialT rTM tewr , bi ire. t Ht'l iib, n J.iiiwit,'ii. j tl )IX CK. ! nrt, WaHsiwi, ' UC.N laeif 1 Jtm seta ae. i MlM Klagsley ArewswIWbsd Marts UwHaf Her Jwwraey to A frlew. Mis KlPglry haaegploredthefame noma region. Weal Africa, and re ad venture iitivel Iwitn inierwaiing and r lt ing. Ihirtng a canoe journey xtp the Ogowe rher the canoe w npaet nearly a ilen tlnn-a and the Intrepid Unly esplorrr and ber rty t nauvea were thpnn Into the water. Lut tvrhapa tha ut dlsag eeeabla ejrlrne) ail tacoajntered La tM l angwa country. Th Fangwe " ratnlrtata, and art en of I he few tribe In Africa which eal their own dead, lit people were friendly toward MlM Klugslry. but h bad greal trouble In t-renlrg them frrra kullr.g ant est.ng anina cf her raela. f-Ue did ' lint come aerrwa one burial flaee ta the ! aw Uat aar lw4 bneg Im(s aaabat. IryssaWbali ssw.i.gwiwwwst IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SUMS. PawM l.kea M r-sb as aemwi. swassi la sba" e-i aKSw.1" fMi' ss Willi ins UC.wbabwsbaas N" it ii tiissAaa aatanmaiMA lwtf ms-MW r, . tltmm. .ilali..MJwa.wai.ai waab aw. v. arim. al b n l a al -, a( sba -bw I a.."' isamag all , .li a a... w4 1 'ir"a al ..... ...a. I f II w ana r I (hrwWi IS-. I " I aiMwa 4 . -. IM bna I l A. . aSiaa te.ie.av )1N WtOOrRBURM CO.. 1 alls in r 4 AarVi aad - Nw, ftlSr1 Wrrt.N.W Ia iM. Vb aahlnrto. l. C lekaa 11 i M alagte Ue llepftie n"tt . Vt e.ee.U il frlil), !' I . t TnewUta, TIM M.in'iUia V,tllHwr. 11, IbKbeal, li'-y. OUR STOCK OF . . . t SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at .1 j4rc.1t finnrjcial sncri- aC m 'Vb I l ( IM a a a Lsa, . 1 ntu. i I'll iv 111 ymi UUMnCSS, ilTik AS t mm ta. Tilft.Vn. flofiliiSl baa Fangwe runtryt btit she lot.rl that In ' nrw - wplbe fel yil Mil tbwt te . . . . iM h.i il. M ii. 1 l.tita hiifl nf . , ... t ..A t . . I m. i..i,n u.nc i " w-j-t. j..t . . ,..lrr,., r..iii i right mnttcr ill busings Wt? must sl 1 it al Ih al Iki Ule, rl "' rt. vt t ... i.i. .... I I ut I'lTTr'jiv.i 1... . . I wl- 11 . -watllL . nrwmm te- - ' - ww aa -r. a VtH J W t i It 'M l a, 1 berp lrrn iiwaj snv stlUrr .itulni In t ), r laltUl. lu tut a f i 4f VwjtVi,w 1 krMeVl Hi? Ill imi MfaMli' asasjsssawsMssssaasssisasaaaw