Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 07, 1896, Image 3

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Complete Recovery by tho Use of
Ayers Sarsaparilla
" Sumo years ago, as a result ot too
closo attention to business, my health
failed. I became weak, nervous, was
unablo to look after my interests, and
manifested all the symptoms of a de
rlino. I took three bottles of Ayer's
Sarsapttrillu, began to improve at. ouee,
mid prnduaHy increased my weight from
one bundled and twciity-tivo to two
biindri'd pounds. Since then, I nud my
family have used this' medicine- when
needed, and we are nil in tho best of
health, a fact which we attribute to
Ayer'.i Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil
dren would have been fatherless io-day
bad it not been for .Ayor'u Sarsaparilla,
of which preparation T cannot, say too
much. "-IT. 0. IIinson, Postmaster and
1'lnntcv, Kiuard's, S. C.
AYCK'G f-iils Cave Doc r'3 Bills.
1 1',. vMW
17 ia
im tm urn -i rwa '!
,n i es",i !. n-s
I i l 1 1 1 i i c 'i
t'jlIO I'rjlO 10
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Liquors
CI art. Call
and Smokabl
on Tad.
lioth Ixxal and Outside Hherpmra Meeting
With a Wiiriu llrrrptliia-Masjr
Hurep Killed.
From the EKle.
As predioted in previous issues of the
Eagle there will be a general sheep war
io Orant county Ibis year, especially
will this be so if sheepmen overetep the
quarantine limits. lUuohers heretofore
bare not resented when tbejr thought
beep were herded too near, bu from all
appearances they will do il this year
whether legally riirbt or wrona. The
Fiith rap portion to know whereof it
peaki. uitii of i!mott daily oocur-
reooa that renders complain of being
imposed npno by outside sbetpmeu, and
that they are going to resent it hereafter.
Early Ibis spring ths people of Foi
dcciJed that sheep could not longer bs
promiscnoaaly herded in their valley
and tbns notified all to tbnt effect, and
aa as a result of their determination,
two Afferent bands were abol into eer
Ibers last week and tnaoy ibeep killed
and wounded. Tba Eagle is informed
that Friday night a band of sheep be
longing In Kibaiff Bros was shot into,
resulting in eight betng killed ootrigbt
and a boa I one d' ID wounded. Hetur-
d Biht a similar altaok was mads on
band belonging to Johnny Nsalen
This time about ISaheep were killidout
riifhl and about GO wounded and will
die. Tbe btrder, one of Geo. Orlb
Ion's boys, was in bed asleep when tbe
abootiea- oecurred. A ball alfork bis
A,t ! Lla brJ.hle. and the canine went
to the giver of all food.
There are report of trouble tending
ia various ctloi. of tbe eunty, but to
dale nothing serions has happened
Cattle'nea and rauehers n various parte
ol the ouuul are eloeel guarding their
range; and many are dunuli4 to save
emeof tbe ires ea g"Vrnient land
even if nolaeful ts bave to be adopt
ed to hold it.
The condition at the rent tins is
sriu la naoy rla of the oouatr, and
will yet fe'ull io U -ol blug shed.
Ml U"mi M
Ak y or 4.yiiie. your droggiM and
our fn-n4a ab..nl Ki.iImU's Core fo
t.tibfti"n. Tbry
, f. ejt by . k
Here and There;
J. W. Blake, of Condon is in tbe oity.
Ben Lee enjoyed tbe 4th in Portland.
The Heppner Transfer Co.. has wood
for sale. 37-tf.
D. E. Oilman made a haetv trin to
Portland the latter part of last week.
Drink the celebrated J. H. Cntter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borcbers'.
La Grande Marble Works. La Grande
Ore. tJ. O. Smith, salesman. Rennnnr.
Minnie Matlock returned this morn
ing from an extended vieit with Pendle
ton relativea.
J. E. Adkins arrived from Hilleboro
this ttornine for a short visit. with HeDD-
ner relatives.
from tbe Arlington Daners we note
that Key. Walbridge and family are
soou to leave that plaoe.
Harrison Hale made fin a' Droiif on hie
homestead yesterday with Ben Matteson
and Kent) Uauut as witt esses.
Chris Borchers returned from a busi
ness trip to Portland this morning. He
eojoyed the celebration below.
O. R White, son of C. R. White near
Heppner Jnuction, is reported to be
seriously ill with typhoid fever.
E. L. Freeland as commissioner of the
U. Is. oiroait oourt, is prepared to attend
io land business and take final proofs, tf
A number from this city spent thp
Fourth in Portland. Many tickets were
sold both Ihurgday and Friday eve. ing.
E. L. Matlook, the newly eleoted
sheriff, took his seat yesterday. He boa
seleoted his brother, J. W. Matlock, as
Sam Kinsman and daughter, Ethel,
oume up from Porllaud last week for a
visit with Morrow oounty friends and
Married At the court bouse Heppner,
Ore., July 3, 1896, Rev. 0. R. Howard
ofhomtiuK, Mrs. Amuuda Hiuttm to Mr.
Joseph S. Potter.
L. Blnmenthal departed last Satur
day for Portland where he expects to
spend the next month on a pleasure and
business vacation.
The W. C. T. U. will meet in the M. E.
church, South, on Wednesday afternoon
at half past two o'clock. All ladies will
be cordially welcomed..
When the hair baa i fallen out, leaving
the bend bald, if the acalp ia not shiny,
there ia a chance of regaining the hair
by ueiug Hall's hair renewer.
The fiiBt term of county oourt under
the new board ia in cession this week.
Judge Bartholomew and Commissioners
Howard aud Beckett compose tbe same.
Paul Jones, the great Oregon 2-year-
old, only brat Steptoe a bead in 0:49
at the Spokane meeting. Rural Spirit.
LSjt oonsiddring tbe tunt a great viotory
Any inventor in Eastern Oregon who
desires the services of an attorney in
Washington, D. O , will find it to bia
advantage to call on or address this pa
per. 5tf
All the newly eleoted offioera, with the
exception of tba assessor, were installed
into iboe yesterday. Acsessor Fetteye
does uot take bia seat until Jan. 1st,
Yaquina News: Congressman Elba,
accompanied by his step aoo, arrived
here last evening sod are guests at the
Abbey House. They will spend a few
days at the beaoh.
1 bil Oohn ia now associated with the
firm of tl. Heppner & Co., in tbe for
warding business. They pay the highest
market price (or pelts and bides aud at
tend to all forwarding.
A Goshen (Laue county) correspond
ent to the EugeueQuard sa)s: "Every.
one who likes to 'trip the light fan
tastto' is going to attend Blind Johnny
H;euey's dunce July 3d.
Thomas Kelson aud mother are run'
ing the White botel and restaurant in
Fendleiun. When you go there give
them a call. They will treat yon right
Lost On road between grove and
Tom MarUtl's place last Saturday tbe
rear seat to baok. Finder will pleais
leave same at this office or teturn to the
owuer, Dun Htalter. 2t
Paul Jne met with bis first defeat
sinoe leaving Heppner at Anaconda lent
1'utsdny. It was a aorprise to many as
In combination, proportion and
process Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar
to itself, and unequalled in true merit.
Ho other medicine ever iosscsscd so
much curative power, or reached such
enormous sales, or made such won
derful cures, as HooiVs ai snpnrilla.
It is undoubtedly the licst medicine
ever made to purify, vitalize and en
rich, the blood.
That is the secret of fts success.
Read this statement:
" When my son was 7 years of age, be
bad rheumatic fever and acute rheuma
tism, which settled in his loft hip. He
was so sick that no one thought there was
any help for bim. Five sores broke out
on his thigh, which the doctor said were
sores. We had three different doctors.
Pieces of bone came out of the sores.' The
last doctor said the leg would have to be
cut open and the bone scraped, before he
could get well. Howard became so low
that he would eat nothing, and one doc
tor said there was no chance tor him.
"One day, a newspaper recommending
Hood's Sarsaparilla was left at our door.
We decided to try this medicine. Howard
commenced taking it the last ot Fehruary,
after having been sick for a year and a
1 ffl
Heppner Celebrates in
Her Usual Success
ful Manner.
An Extensive Program, of Ex
ercises and Gaines Fine
Display of Fireworks.'
half. He hadn't taken It a week before I
saw that his appetite began to improve,
and then he gained rapidly. I gave him
five bottles, when the sores were all healed
and they never broke out again. The
cruicnes ne nna usea lor lour years were
laid aside, as he had no further use for
them. I give all the credit to Hood's Sar
saparilla." Mrs. Ada L. Moody, Fay
Street, Lynn, Mass.
TMb and many similar cures prove that
Isttie One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
Prepared only byC. I. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass.
el 3
Hood's Pills
Liver Ills: ea-.y t
Now tho "Candidate" ia out of date,
The cropi are looking flue;
It is a treat to view the wheat,
The melon on the vine.
The horn of plenty's In the land
But the horn for which we ilgh
Ia a winning lata and a brimming glaaa
Of 8perry't "Linwood Rye."
Sold only at tbe Belvedere Saloon.
At 8:30 in the evening on the oourt
bonse bill, a large lot of fireworks were
displayed which were enjoyed for al
most two hours by a large orowd of peo
ple on tbe streets and in every part of
tbe city.
Tbe celebration was oonolnded by a
very pleasant ball at tbe opera bouse.
A large orowd was io attendance and
notwithstanding tbe extremely warm
weather all report an enjoyable time
All in all the celebration was a very
successful as well as an enjoyable one.
and while praotioally every oitizsn io
Heppner contributed in some manner to
its suocess, Frank McFarland cer aiuly
deserves a good share of tbe credit for
tbe enthusiastic assistance be gave to
every feature of the program In fact
Frank was Very much in evidence from
the early morning salute until the
"Home Sweet Home" waltz.
Kenben Wills, tbe youngest son of R.
0. Will, went to sleep in bis father's
store last night and was locked ud in
darkness. About 12 o'clock be woke up
and being very much frightened hasten
ed to tbe front door where he made bia
exit by breaking the large pans of glass
out ot the door. Tbe noise waa beard by
many for quite distance away who
thought some one was breaking into one
of tbe business bouses. However, tbe
bov explained tbe matter satisfactorily
to all and waa taken home.
E. R. Swinburne ia on the sick
Perfect Wisdom
Would give us neifect health. Be
cause men and women are not perfeotly
wise, mey muai take medioloe to keep
themselves perreoliy healthy. Fore,
nob blood is tbe basis of good health
Hood's Harsaparilla is the One True
Blood Purifier. It gives good health
beonuae it builds op tbe true founda
tionpure blood.
Hood's Pilla are purely vegetable, per
fectly harmless, always reliable and
From the Eaiclo.
Henry Blackwell returned early this
week from Heppner.
Bob Uilmore is over from Morrow
Henry Blackmail and family arrived county Ibis week. He ia over Io buy
ths time was only Tbe loug ride
iu shipping wat probably the cause.
from Portland ibis tnoruiog, aud are to
day preiariog to re locale lu their resi
dence la this oily, lieury expects to
return to Portland tomorrow evening.
H. a Smith k Bro., opposite P. 0,
Thompson Uo.'s. is headquarters for
screen doors, window soreeue, elo. Call
on Ibem for all work in tbe iioe of cab
inet making, nndertaking and picture
W. U. Meininger relumed last Friday
band of beef cattle for shipment tbe lat
ter part ot July
E O. Woodslliareoeiving considerable
gold dust these dajs, lbs product of looal
mines. He has shipped over t"2000 this
season .
Uncle Jack Morrow, wbo has been so
journing at the UoDuffee but springs
for several days, depart d Ibis week for
morning from Healtle where he bas tpeot bis borne at Heppner. He eiptets to
While there be frequently niel 0. L.
Andrews who aked to be remembered
to si! bis old Morrow oounty friends.
H o. W. II Kills returned borne from
Portland last hatnrday morning. While
below be went to Newport to make ar
rangements for bitaommer outieg. Mr.
Ellis and family will depart for tbe eoast
some tinie this week for a two months'!
One of my sirk beadaehes," voo wlli
boar people frequently ear, as if the com
plaint was bopeleealy taeorsble. As
matter of fact Ayer's fills o4 only re
lieve sick Leadaobe bat tfT.-etoally remove
The thermometer reached 107 degrees
at MoDuffee hot springs last Bandar. At
Hitter poatt.fuoe It almost reached tbe
100 derree nark. Tbe thermometers
recorded three fix urn Io tbt shade.
Henry Ilideoonr and Oeorgs Roberts,
half brother of Hon. W. R. Ellis, are io
this part of Grant ooonty after band of
feeders. They will take bark a train
load. U. T. Blackwell will porobase for
E 0. Wood all bad 0 runaway a?l fri
ths cane ot tin dietreaalng omplaiut, day evening io which be was otnewbat
braised op, and tor o time thought bis
leg as broken. However, tneb was a
mistake and bs is eot sgaln, somewhat
worse for tbe w.ar, bat as jovial ae ever.
ill reii)SMad
and S4 bring shout a pwroeoeol ears.
W. V. rVrivner is prepared to do all
kin la f Idaflkamitbing, boTMwtioetng.
machine repairing, wagon work, in fact
envlbieg In tila lis at rKtU ebargae
ar 1 atif l"0 guaranteed. Will pal iu
pks for ) oeete each, ao I other wag'
oo work Io proportion. 44 tf
ItlcxH punOere, tbougn fsdnal, are
ra dical ie liietr eneet. Avet s rara pa
rtite Is intended as 0 snilclna (mi If aid
not as a stimulant, eioilnul, or lverae,
Immediate reenlia may t4 always fol
low lis iih ; tat efior a reasonable time,
bermanebl two fit Is eertelu to be real-
Tbe (lstt baa a e rear's tujttio
In either itw Kogdeb, (Vmifcll, HWxt-
ttkt.il if Tl-.f ratil.iA li,itrtitbte .f Ihm
IImIrm ilu.inM ( :f, rortlnd, ' w rate siae Miweea
tr Sale A or itt duelling Io Uke a '. Ueipor Sad Muttt, arriving every
jmiim k to rtnu.
Tint wi I ! be e.Uee! snyxbe after
Jail let. All p' I fiSi" Pt by
Ik Dlk, at arb lu .1.1 1 bfr will be
lsrvasa LUmt A W'Tl Co
I e'en C trH,
beat') ee t at I !h -n'1, b
r 'luh's ttaf J.t..f I; I'iv V
rU. kti lujM-tuf frt, tut ss'f b
HiUs WsMte.
meat rilmt Ik Blag Tllea.
byuipUJtne Moisture; intense iiahmg
andsilngingi tuoal at eight) wores by
ecratt-lilna. If allowed U eblioae
tumors form, abieb oftso blel nod
ah erale, becoming very sore. Hwavaa
Oistmsbt elope the itrb ng and bleed
eg, beats olerelMia, and la mwl eaeae
remuvee tbe tenors At dregglals, nr
r niail. for Ul eeuta. lir.rlwaynet Hon,
Our rational birthday, the 4th of July,
opened up bright and clear last Satur
day morning, and before Old Sol had
fairly made his appearance over tbe
oourt bouse bill all were fully oonvinoed
that tbe day was going to be a very warm
one, but then a sultry day ia usually one
ot the main features of a auooessful cel
ebration, and at even an earlier hour
than this the people of Heppner were
reminded by tbe booming of anvils that
another anniversary of tbe nation's in
dependence had arrived, and that it waa
time to be up and preparing for tbe
events of tbe day, consequently apologies
for Old Sol's early participation in tbe
events ot this gala day would have been
aa strongly resented as .would the day
light anvil salutes that robbed the peo-.
pie of their morning naps.
At an early hour tbe people from tbe
country began to arrive, and by the
time tbe procession formed a large num
ber of Morrow county's oitizona were in
the oity all "in touoh" for an enjoyable
At 10:80 the procession formed on
Main street nnder tbe direction of
Marshal Andrew Reaney and headed bv
Morrow County Brass Band. Next in
order oame tbe liberty oar on which
waa arranged 45 little girla all beautiful
ly dressed in white and representing
eaoh state in the Union. Mies Helen
Myers presided aa tbe Goddess of Liber
ty while George and Martha Washing
ton were represented by Master Neleon
Bartholomew and Mamie Dunn. Both
Mibb Myers and tbe latter representa
tives were very prettily and appropriate
ly costumed for tbe occasion. Tbe
liberty oar waa followed by plua ulies,
bio) diets and a long liue of carriage
and other vebiolea. The line of march
Waa tbrongb tbe principal streets and
thence to the grove where the following
previously arracged program waa oar
ried out :
Muaio by tbe band.
Song by glee olub.
Prayer by Rev. 0. R. Howard.
Song by liberty oar girla.
Reading of Declaration of Indepen
dence by H. T. Bagley.
Song by male quartette.
Oration by Rev. E. P. Greene,
Song by Honey Abrahamsiok. ..
Song by male quartette.
Bong, America, by glee club. u
Tbe next in order waa dinner, and
many a well filled basket waa relieved
ot Its oonteuts.
After dinner the sporta were opened
witb five iuniog game ot bsse ball be
tween a Willow oreek nine and Hepp
ner. 1'be following ia tbe score by
1 2 8
Willow Creek 0 0 0
Heppner 9 2 2
While tbe learns were ratber uuevculy
matobed, yet the gam was not devoid of
intorest, and a Lumber of good plays
were recorded. Tbe center field work
of Charley Huoton for the visitors was
exceptionally good, be bsving aooepted
every opportunity without aa error.
Stanton mude sums tiretty catches and
one good doable play. For the boms
team Noinun Myers aa pitcher showed
both control of tbe ball and speed and
not until after be retired from the tox
were tbe viailnra able to makeasoore.
Myers is also oredited witb having scored
three root in four limes at lbs bat, one
three-Saae and one a boms rno, Ibe only
ones credited during tbe game. Myers
was elan given good support behind tbs
bat by Catcher McOuioo, wbo soored
four rona in four lims at lbs bat. Lre
Matlock played first baas Io good style
and scored Ibree runa out of four times
st Ibe bat. 8. 8. lloroef would perhaps
bave plaved seouod io bet
be not lost largs port loo
off bis anatomy in making a foot fore-
moat slide while trying to Imtlats tbe
faoMins "Ktllr slide."
Following the ball game Ibe sports
wsre continued oo Ibe raretrsrk down
io front of Ibe grand stand as follows
I'.ieycla reoe, mile I, a ml map. 2 in 3
Foor entries. Frsuk Natter first; Frank
Brg, so md.
a a a jS . a saw
r ai man ( Iihji race, ou yariia. lom
Durham, Oral; 11 ib lItr, arooad
r'lx.t race, 100 yards, ten entriee
Homer Harrington Brat; Frank NatUr,
seeond; John Hnrnnf, third.
Ikiya foot re, 12 to 16 tears, KO yds
1 Reaney, Oral; liomar Htanton, ee
A pnree was made op by tbe judges
Last summer one of our grand obild
ren.wna sick with a severe bowel trouble.
Our dootor'a remedies hal failed, then
we tried Ohnmberlain's Colio, Cholera
and diarrhoea Remedy, which gave very
speedy relief. We regard it aa the best
medicine ever put ou the market tor
bowel complaint. Mrs. E. G. Gregory,
Frederiokstown, Mo, This certainly is
the best medioiue ever put on the market
for dysentery, summer oomplaint, oolic
and cholera infamtum in children. It
never fails to give prompt relief when
used in reasonable time and tbe plain
printed direotions are followed. Many
mothers have expressed their sinoere
gratitude for the cures it has (fleeted.
For sale by Conser & Brock, druggists,
Lee Moorebouee has been appointed
olerk of tbe supreme court at Peudleton,
succeeding Henry J. Bean, who reeigued
to take tbe ollioe to which be was eleot
ed, that of district attorney tor the sixth
udiuial district.
It Saves lives Every Day.
Thousands of oases of Consumption,
Asthma, Oougha, Colds and Croup are
oured every day by Shiloh'a Cure. For
sale by Wells & Warren. -
yovj r
... i "u i
tJ IxZT "l in, - XI I .
i ill
You will find one coupon
inside each two ounce bag
and two coupons Inside each
four ounce bagof Blackwell's
Durham. Buy a bag of this
celebrated tobacco and read
the coupon which gives a
list of valuable presents and
how to get them.
n r
mi a yuan
In this issue the Gazette publishes
the semi-annual financial statement as
required by law to be published on April
1st aud Oot, 1st, aa furniabed by the
oounty clerk. Tbis is for the aix months
ending M rob 31st, 18U6. .
For Dyxpepsla
and Liver complaint you bave a printed
guarantee ou every bottle oi Oniloh'a
Vitalizer. It never fails to oure I1 or
sale by Welts & Warren.
Hon. 0. W. ParriebotCunyon City was
seleoted ae oue of tbe oommittee to an-
nounoeito the nominee tor vice president
his nomination. The oommittee will
wait upon Mr. Hobait lodiiy at Patersoo.
A Natural UrantiAer.
Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies ths
blood and gives a dear and beanliful
complexion. For sale by Wells k War
Ill I I A
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarlaDd
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wholesale Slaughter Prices !
All wooleh goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank' Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Saleaman.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy oure
colds, oroup and wLnopinir onngh. Il is
pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by
Conser & Brock, drugKia'a.
For 822.50 I will sell a first class, bifrb
urn dp, bitfh arm tewing machine guaran
teed for 10 years. For further particu
lars call ou or address, N. A. faob,
Lexington, OreKou. &S-tf.
O. R. Ilatt, tbe tonsorial artist, nan
be found at his parlors, Matlock oorner,
where be will dm peine at popular prices,
shaves, shampoos, haironts, etc.
Gilliam & Bisbee
We are not small men, lbs. We are small men, Xs.
we arc not t Largest mercnants in me worm
But when the people of all the lurruuiullng country are In need of t
t Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Olauwara, Wood and Willowware, Nails, Iron, Barbwire,
Cumberland Coal, Gam and Water I'lpe, Pipe ritttiiKi. Moves and Rangei, Wagons,
uacni, ougKiei, nagon Material, Hardwood, Axe, Hammers, Baws, Sledges,
Wedges, Ouns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran
Iteware, Hows, Harrows, Hakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Boillers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., ete.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Trices.
Wo have Good Goods at Fai Trices, an Cheap John Oooils at Chep John Prices.
CjtXXj1jJ.-A.AT & BIBB 1332
4 5
a i4
5 -18
K LOW I'. Hi t'OK MM.K.
I have a supply of Clematis roots left
on m bsnds tor al. Wrr choice va
rieties. Apply to H. L. Cantwkll.
Charley Jones, tbe well-known "old-
timer" iu the tninoriul line, has agaiu
Iriented in Heppner, bavirir pnrcbaaed
(Jreen Mathewa' shop, Minor hoildini
opposite tbo rity hotel. Chirley will
appreciate a call eben io town.
Mathewa IJroa. bave movi serosa oo
the east side of Mam at reel, in tbe
building formerly oorupie.l by ibe Orru
aaliMin. They will be (.leaded to
their old rtlatnmeia. tf
b rriiiigti bnaiM e.iU' Is Bal tl
.aa hniij i tUeOat'ite b4ure f'
ing ll.iw. tf
V. i. Hall .k. Hpner. Oso.
tUikar, Y. I ralafcd and t)tis rail
itil ihrir f"ttfib of Jsy taeaiina
ai (1 rg f -r ibe a Iril at Ihtefc
n a. Ir d abd Luiy reiere4 tir
day asiwpt Mnday aod laaviag evtry
day eieept Hueday. hborlae and ehesp-
mI male o te le . linf
Itroek, agaeta.
For your rroteellon. rtrrb "l.rw, or
Totiti fr Catarrh in liquid f'Ttu to bUki
Inti-nuUly, uimlly cnUm hiIh-t ali'rfury or
Iodide ( I ir Urth, which era injur
ti nia if too long Uk'-n. Cuianb ia a IimwI, not
t.hnl diwwan, ran"l l V ailddrn rhaiura to
Ould or ihunp weather. It starts In tba naaaj
rvio-MiMi, aOii'ting ry tare and thrwt.
Cold 10 tli" ln-a-l (Ww etrvnatva flitw t4
Rim-na, and, If ia!ny nlm-Ud, tbe r
suits of raurrh wilt fJhW trrrtr ln ia
tha hial, a rmritig amiud in lhu, !!
brrath, ami i.flrniiinm an oflVwIra dia
ler sbapebad r,''r"- TherW.tyalHldl..,.il. ktoalUr
, . I Iiiflinmlliinaudhdlheniilirr4i. Jy a
' oticl (Vu, 1M I. Ui e. knm.Mtf.4 rura f.
Ihnse trtmUce and cmuins niemiry
any injurious urng. ivii-e, wj ciiU,
lhrongb trams on lbs (). IL A N. will
run via. Umatilla, Halls Walla and
frndltdnti. Through etwpers, Bret aad
roi Kid rlaaa. will run Io oonnaeihrti wits
the Col'.n rarifln, the am as baratw
fur. A through flral rla slerpvr I'url-
land to Hpiikaaa, S'lBBrrlmg with Ibe
first rlami aleif to rl. I'aal. and
hrnugb tnnrl lrpr I'orlland to HI
I'anl. will ran In O'leaH-lmn wiib tha
Ureal N"t thfn railway . tf
A raH wank Kaawla
Cmiapltnn, La ripp, feeemonia
aad all Throat aad Lsuu dlaaa S SfS
itif itJ 'l-i't U u l t si4 (ti(iat. ,rsi4 Hiivt'i Care. Tt sale bf
lut t""" til bme vfal bwrkxe of: Wails Werire,
If.-ul ehmh we r J'lyed f f tba hmm ' "
f It. oihr ta-ja rmra4 tbie UnTirR.
U.I '"J.
a at! a I lf Te
la a arra r f IU tfli Sfcd wafVuiss i
I 1. t HI,.. Il I
f uf saie tf Vk tUe W arrta.
Ni Halting wi:i t allnafj tu umr
I U.
A- H twistrt,
K Y Iw atat a,
L A. tuumr,-
for a telle saddle boras ran. (!)
tboae on lha track to be rnlarad. Tan
tatti's ware reeuiJmt rraulung ae f l
lose: Crirkat, Breti roip, ac.tid. te
tbieraeaibe borae enlerad aad riddae
by Je Ltanallae trke tie Ml Mid lag
at tbe ankle while ronadief tba tum,
blob tretsallaUd lis Ub( kilUd
Natl) afnidrnts are iiol anknowa to the
rxtnst werld, but It ie Ibe flf4 of tbe
kind recefdVd Oa Ibe Mppr trerk.
Tec of war, Ive inaf riad man vs. five
slagle Ma, lbs f'wsaer wlenief.
Male ree, W sniU, five eelrlae. Male
rtddaa bf l)illf Cowine, Brat; Oaae
Jiieoe, eaentid.
nr!e' Ml tare, 60 fsrds. P ile
Ir'at 1M.I.H., Ibitd.
Ibita' f t ri, ll It 12 )are 11. 1;.'
1bBip.s, Csi ti l!r.o, Kt-ifcJ,
Aalr tirod, thud.
fotlct Of Intention,
j s at Ij isi-a. i....a.
vTt n ta iirarar ih imt ih
ll .iil..t( it -! a-ltUf haa S4 Ixrtb
rf M i.l..1..ft t" n.aka Daal It "l l"1
'iHiliiialm iM liial tat'1 - BUI l ...!
(w..r .Mti.tr ia, ff M'.fn 4i.if, ai
II1! I'l'ff , i 'i, on a aff iH !, iwm, in
Hi.nrnT U WtuatM.
H I , lor lha awu a 9.11
Ik . K l.ttwalna' milium I. hmi a
t.l't lM !
I I i II....I .... Ai4t V- k .i. fif
, t IK.., mm K-Ill ltlf M M' . IN
II. W llNift, atjl.
Kotic9 0 Intention.
I S all i
iii:ipniou. ORE
a on j
The wool market is not yet KtTtH'tpd bv tho McKnih'v luMim. atid
rejiortu aro not encouraging. We have ample utorigw enpneity at
r those who doaire to hold for hieher uriccn. and liv ihlrixlucitu
Lantern buyers, securo for tlioae ho wish to m il, the highoht market
We pay tuamiiterii and hold wo ol subject to order.
No commission charged for selling.
We pay bigheHt price fur hidii and sheep pelt.
Rolled barley aud feed for teamatera.
Wb Are RQents lor little's dip,
I'lio beat ahitep dip in tho tiiaikct.
We have C.fXK) ahinglea which we will .ll nt cmL
Mark your wrxd ( and direct teamster to lower warehmmp.
Heppncr.Or. R. F. HYND. Manancr.
mum (mgon
ItolNc.H AND .l niUN.
lit'.Sss iiis iir
1 J
(rri'f. at I a .ai.r. i.ri
l la . II.
I f'.ii.i. .tt4 S M ftx
nt kit li.ii 't ! l la w,
In ria fe4 i4 ail l .4a
U-n -t, ut'. fca SfH s taA,
HI trv 4 tl tt IK t 4 sf'i W t t V
MwaaatM I r B S.
H l.i'-.wlr.y (.. .v
. . I..- 0 (- . I i I . ...
ft M ' I ! t
I t, J T', wM W .1.
tor.a. tua.it 4 , 4 i f '.
m r, aii.a,
Bit : PIUS !
Youro JJOUXD to TnU M"
mm :
Lcavti Uo Con'llp tlion,
I'..,, il . .11 m .11 ft. Ill ., k II' a-lh
il.. m... I I l II I f
11 I .Si I
I'.Mt 'ftKI'l
ft,l 4 i
. il m lit wi.u i.
e Si ti t '
tn I M !''
a Tb-
. .11 .1. a a
r - . : . it lit
.urn " - ,
haa k iaei, tal.