BP in s 1 1 i t 1-1 E. McNEluL, Receiver. TO TUB GIVES THK CHOICK Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. LVIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS UNION PACIFIC RY VIA Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. A OO worth ot lovely Music lor Fsrtr- illl .1 Cents, consisting of too pages -v 7. W slie Sheet Music ot tiie- latest, brightest, liveliest and most popular 3 selections, both vocal and Instrumental. ; eluding four large sin Portraits. - CARMENCITA, tht Spanll Dancer. : PADtREWSKI, (he great Pianist, ADtUHA PATTI and -w ; 8EUBMAH CUTTINQ. 56 THE NEW YORK MUSICAL ECHO CO.r Broadway Theatre Bldg.. New York Qty. 1 CANVASSERS WANTED. The regular eabeonption price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is 82.00 and the regular price of the Weekly Oregonian ia 81.50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for oDe year in advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregon ian for $3.60. All old sub sonbers Davioc their anbscriDtione for one year in advance will be entitled to tbeimma. SHERIFFS SALE. VTOT1CE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER 1.1 and by virtue of an execution Issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, on June 12th, lrW6, and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 3rd day of March, WM, In favor of C. A. Rhea, J. U Morrow tt Hon, (J. w. Morrow,) Henry Black man, Hugh Fields, O. W. Swaggart, Thos. Quaid, r. 8. Wilson. Wm. fenland. 1. V. Rnea. T. A. Rhea. Otis Patterson and T. W. Avers, plaintiffs. and against the Palace Hotel Company, defend ants, lor tne sum ot ten rnonsand Dollars witn interest thereon from the 2d day of August, IH'.il at the rate of ten per cent per annum and Ten Dollars coats; and, whereas, by said judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the following- described real property, to-wit: Commencing at tne southwest corner of Lot number six, in Block number four, of the original Town of Heppner, County of Morrow, State of Oregon, thence East one nundred and ten feet, thence North sixty feet, thence West one hundred and ten feet, thence Houth sixty feet to the place of beginning be sold to satisfy said judgment, coats and accruing costs. I will on Saturday, the 18th day of July, 1090, at 2 o'clock, p. m., of said day, at the front door of the court bouse la Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell all the right, title and interest of the said Palace Hotel Company in and to the above-described property at Public Auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be aDnlled to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. O. W. HARRINGTON, 47-5", Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated June 12, 1H 'V V WW iwi I V H Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat ent business conducted for MODIKATC Ftt. Oust ornci it Opposite U, S. patcnt Orriei and we can secure patent in leu tune than those .... f-,v Waalifn,Ttnn- Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured. , A aMHT " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. . urr-. r i . owvwwwvwvwvw KISSING OF HANDS TABOOED. Notice of Intention. 1 AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, J June 24, 1K. OREGON Notice is hereby ariven that the following-named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppuer, Oregon, on August 1, 18, viz: FREDERICK R. THOMAS, Hrt. entry No. 7347, for the SK 8W54 Sec 19, EU NWJ4 and NKJ4 Sec 30, Tp 4 8, R 28 E. W! M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz.: E. C. Watkins, Robert Watkins, A. 8. Burch, a. j. AicKenzie, au oi neppner, uregon. B. F. WILSON. 452-GS. Register, Hygienic Reasons Lead to Abandonment ot an Austrian Custom. It has hitherto, say, the New Orleann Picayune, been the custom of the chil dren attending: the public schools in Austria and Hungary to kiss the hands of the teacher on arrival ami departure. This has now been forbidden by an order from the imperial board of edu cation, which bases its action on the fact that sanitary investigation has shown that kissing is unhealthful and should not be. practiced, except wheu absolutely necessary. This brings up a very nice point of law to establish when kissing is absolutely necessary. If the public school teachers, of Aus tria and Hungary are old and ugly it is likely that the scholars will acquiesce in the new ruling without a murmur. If, on the other hand, the schoolmarms are pretty young women, like most of the New Orleans teachers, then the big boys in Austrian schools may keep up the good old custom of kissing the teacher, and plead that it was a case when kissing was absolutely necessary. Science is going too far, anywny, when it finds microbes in kisses and tries to establish a quarantine against them. Kissing goes by favor, and not by law. When the kisser is in love and the kissee is pretty, it is always a case of abso lute necessity, not amenable to Austrian or any other kind of laws. for anything, nnl in another moment the two animals dashed at each other. The engineer watched the combat for a few minutes, until prudence sug gested that he should make a retreat while he could. He regained the train in safety and never knew the outcome of the battle, but the presumption is that the elk was the victor. THE PALACE HOTEL BAB, J. C. BOEOHKES, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. For full details oall on 0. R. & N. Agent ta Heppner, cr address W. H. HTJRLBTJRT, Gen. Fans. Agt. Portland. Obixjon. QUICK TX3VIU t TO Stux Francisco And all points In California, via the Mt. Bhaat route ot the Southern Pacific Co The great highway through California to all point East and 8outh. Grand Hoenlo Route Of the Paoifio Coast. Pullman Hnflet Hleepers. Beoond-claas Hleepers Attached to expreas trains, affording superior accommodations for second-class passengers. For rates, tinkefa, sleeping oar reservations, t., oall apon or address R. KOKHLKK, Manager, K. P. ROGERS, Asst. Geo. F. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon GET THE BES1 When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine Jo not be deceived by alluring eilvertiseinpnts 3 nd bo led to think you can get the best made, 'inert finished and Most Popular for a mere song. See to It that vou buy from reliable mnnu--acttirers that have gained a e nutation by honest and square Icnling, you will then gat a Sewing Machine that la noted he world over for ita dura oility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and is Light Running There ia none In the world that Can equal In mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, benuty in appearance, or has ai many improvement! as the New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both sides of needle (trirVrf),nootlier hi it : New Stand ( patimtea driving wheel liir.Keil on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to he minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE FEW HOME SEWIHG MUCHIKE CO. Notice of Intention. A STRICT SABBATARIAN. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON 1 J June 24. 18. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. w. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on August 8, 1898, viz: ALBA G. BARTHOLOMEW, Hd. E. No. IW20. for the EUNWS4, BWU NWU and N 8WJ4 Bee 35. Tp 2 N, R 26 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol, said land, viz: I. L. VanWinkle, of Heppner, Oregon, T. D, Mathews, W. B. Flnley, Arthur Andrews, of Galloway, Oregon. JA8. F. MOORE, 452-63 Register. mm mm b: I'.v i ii in i i i ii Tuvitna, Mass. Boktoii, !. Hionnforii., It.V ''Miiu'io, r.L- HT. Loin, Mo. ri.i " !'..a. Ka Fsawivj, I . ATI SilA, l a. rri t K ov Notice of Intention. J AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, -J June '.5, 1896. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before E. L. Freeland, Commissioner of the U. 8. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 2&th, 18U6, viz: ELI8HA C. WATKINS, Hd. E. No. 4620 for the N Wit Bee. 11 Tp. 4 8. R. a a. w. si. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: George Hperry, Robert Dexter. Jack McKen- sle and David A. Herren, all of Heppner, Or. B. F.WILBON, 4.ra-60 Register. Notice Of Intention. The Sunday yuestlon as Solved by a Maine Farmer. A case of un isuul strictness in Sab bath observance is reported from West Auburn, Me. A fanner was waited on by one of his neighbors who asked for the loan of his team the following Sun day to take his wife and children to the cemetery. At first he flatly refused to let the team, arguing that it would be a sm to receive money for such a thing on the Sabbath day, but he final ly said to the neighbor that he would think it over and let him know Satur day, remarking that he would pray over it in the meantime. Saturday the neighbor called and the farmer said that he pondered and prayed over the matter and come to the conclusion that it would be no harm to let the team but that the neighbor must not pay for it until some week day following. So the neighbor hired the team to go to the cemetery on Sunday, paying for it on Monday, and evea-ythmg was satis factory. FLAT FEET ARE THE THING. Heppner, Oregon. 'ictoi -TO THE- EAST AND SOUTHEAST! VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Through Pullman Palace HlH'pers. Tourist Hli-cpcr and Free Reclining Chair Cars 1AII.Y to Chicago. Many hours saved via this line to Eastern 'iilnta. I.ANDOrnci atThi Dallrs, Orkoon. June 8th, lHitf. mrrmmmxr 1 V 0X108 18 HKRKY GIVEN THAT THE C. THOMPSON (JO. AaemSllX followlng-named settler has filed notice of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County ('lurk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 18, 18, viz: JAMES W. MORELAND. Md. E No. mi. for the W HWu. Sec. 21. and t'i HE4. Sec. a I, Tp. 4 8., R. '25 K. He names the fo owing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, viz: Arthur Stevens. Otis Shatter, Sam Adams. Henry Howell, all of tlardinan, Oregon. 417-57 Register. m II'A1UIISU'H 9 HnuvrnlroftO Venn in llunlnru. consisting of five 2 A CompletS 5t, mnaiaung or nve m Jj Hall Player, (olf Player, Tennis Player ! and niryrlu Kbler, will be sent to any I address upon receipt oi lu cents, to pay 1 marges. These- figures are absolutely perfect, beautifully rolored and mounted, ami arranged tit stand unrmht. and are an ex cellent eniiveiilrof our 3S years as leaders of the athletln supply world. Suitable 1 for club, roadlng room, onics or home, A.G SPALDING tV BROS., AVw I'ort Ciioiao Jai'laMaia I STEAM HEAT. MrWICNT PINTSCH LIGHTS. HATICM. . H'. IIAXTKIt, Gm. Atfrnt, Portland, Orfgon. J. (. IIAItT, A'jrtit, Jlrppnrr, Orfgon. CHICAGO. IHilwaukee & SI. Paul R'i 4 Eolintlflo Americas Agncy for- Vfc-V T-iVf T HI Tot aaaaat. us w COPTSrOHT. ttoJ fee tnfnrmll anl trme ll.ll.. fH n MtKM a (ii. asi ti..ii..t. ksw im. OIIm Hlrrai, fi amirlne 4f nU ( AeHe. mt t rteni use mtt "V u l ikhiihi phi W wilaM Ii a aMkle ln !( la aks) j H ( ; L-'WW X U V 1 l.saiiimpi Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLKB, OREGON, J May ai. lH'.m. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final prooiin support oi his claim, and that said proof will he made before J. W, Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on July A. vis : IIAK1U1UN HAI K lid. K. No. Xf.. for the lofs t and 2. and BU NK'4. See. 1. Tli. 5S., K. 20 K. He names the following witnesses tn prove his continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land, vis: HarteyC. Kuan, William Gilliam, Reuben (Unnt and Rciijainln Mattesnn, all ol Heppner, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, 44 M Register. Notice of Intention. 1 AND OFFICE AT THE DA1.I.F.8, OHF.GON, I J June , Iwai. Nollce Is hereby given list the billowing named settler baa Hied no lle nf her Intention to make Anal pinnl In sii purt of her rlalm, and that Bald proof will be made belnr K. I. r reeland, I'. S. I'nmmlaslnn. r, al llrppner, Oregon, on Aug. 11th, li, vis. HARRAHA A. RICHIE, Wife ol Alrsander Richie, deceased, tl.t K. No. iml. fur tht 8WU. Sec. tL Tp. 1 N.. R. .'I K . W M. She nainea lb following ltnrses tn prove her ronilnnons reai.teme upon and cultivation nl, said laud, tit: A. T. alcNar, of Heppner, nr., Frank mm hi, oi lone, or., ami nuwara lugton, Or. JAB, F. HlH'FE, Register. !!"MlC $i!(lit Glance at this Map AieiHelaHrnraeT rSeeiiHe papyv la tbe I V and Frank' lloila - m Holland, nf Ul mm y 1 1 4MM. J WtHUl sllrtwtlAlIf tlMlrsrl Hi lutaHllfMl mm HsmiU i .tiK.Mi it. k'r, 93 09 i IWtllhtl A'trMaXHI'S a CsSf) Q Popular Mmm 1 La Foa m i;c:t. rr,; kf i mf J m IkT ' ! Ol IheCblr.go. Milwaukee and M. Paul Rail- nay and not Ita connn lion alth all Iranaroa. IlitenUI line and M. Paul and tnaha, and rvmemtvt Dial lis train are HsbUM wlthrW- Irt. Ity and hlt by steam. Ita fulpmenl I Kleganl Riirlrl, Library, Sntukltig an4 ran, tsllh Ire rerllnlng rhalra. Hark car berth ha an lrtrW reading lamp. iilng rai r lb bed la lb a Mid. Other lines are longer than IM. but Sow are horUf. and no olhet offer la abet tamrton mtsnmnUiliMia The are turnrtenl rraaM ,lb t'.ulMty ot -tb Mil auk. loanoa tl iit la vTf railroad aAraltll yua forthef Inlnrmatlua, m addeM 0. t, It'l'T, ltntal !. I. W.CASIT, Trav. rasa. Agent, tVati.ua, daaan. ADMIMHTRATORr NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given thai tb nndertlgned har been appointed almlnlalratr ol tb tat ( Owrg A Brown, dereaeed. by lh Coun ty ( onrt o Morrow County Htala el Oregon. All person bating rlalm agalnal !) ratal are hereby reinlt4 In preaenl Ibrm In tb tin- I al their nmi In Hardmen. Uiiims I on my, nrf.n, duly termed, within sis tneniha from tit Hat tier. 1-ale.l tht :.'ud day ol May, I". J'H rlaown, Bs I'saaaa. 4 M AdnlnlstraUira. mrriri or ninoLrTioM. Norn t Mrmtar uhuh that the Sem n Well A SA arren. e'r-ael f Ilea. Hull ml H Warren, doing a general drug buslne In the rtiy of lleppiwr, ha Ibt day bevn dlaanlvxl. Om W W ! bating ril i.w.1 ,4 Mi Intrml In H K warrn aha n III rmillnii the nnsiiie rllrt ail arrotint and pay all Indebted" of lb old grni i, a . " f e i i II WAHHrH Dated al Hefner. On-tr. tbta Vih dav nl Jun. 4' -It. Cm Wide Shoes and Ton Will Ba Able to Walk Erectly. Not more than two men in 100 walk erectly. This observation comes from a man who is a crank about the benefits of wide, flat shoes, says the New York Press. He declares he has made notes and knows what he is talking about, lie thinks that the "two men in 100 wear the same kind of Bhoea that he wears, which look like those used for walking on water. This man also be lieves that the percentage of women who walk straight is so small that it is not worth considering. The whole trouble he attributes to shoes. He says men and women were never intended to wear shoes at all. It is his observation that when the foot is flattened out and the toes spread the natural movement of the body is to straighten itself. This he attributes to certain muscular action, and he has a chart to prove it. When the foot is compressed by A shoe and the totw jammed together there is a sympathetic tension on the whole muscular and nervous system (which draws the body forward or bends it. It has born noted in his calculations that persons in bathing costume on the lieiif h walk much straighter.' It is also a notable fact that the Indian, who runs barefooted on the plains, has the proud- fat kind of a walk. He is as straight as an iron pole. DID NOT KISS THE BRIDE. Imim Than Tanae Keen the Cenatahle Compromised for Small Fee. A marriage took place in the ofllce of a JiiKtlce of the peace in Columbus, O., few days ago, and, while a moat im prossive ceremony to the contracting parties, it had a very humorous side to the spectators. The couple were evi dently front the rural districts, says the Troy Tlmea, and were both seem ingly covered with confusion at their having to stand up before the four or Ave present. After the form had lcon rend, the blushing pair standing hand In hand, the magistrate announced In a serious tone that, as It was the cus torn of the conatable to kiss the bride she would prepare herself for the os culation. The constable stepped bo'd ly out, and, being a good-looking young fellow, the younf womsn seemed not averse to Wing klane-l. All doubts of the propriety of the act were soon set at rest, for the husky groom stepped before her with an airof determination upon his face that showed it was life snd death with hint. He rave h bands an Imaginary washing and said "Houlre, this yrr Indy b'longs to rue now, ir wnst h tiiii store i too ner ain't tnr business, but If this eonatabl Is wtllln. I'll give him It.M to rail It off." The server of writs signified his saaent and the jealous countryman paid the amount, which found lu way over the bar of the nearest saloon few minutes after the nrn ly-marrled pair departed. FROM AN ANGRY COW, Associate of the Shark. A small fish called the pilot is nearly always found with the man-eating hark. Each shark ia accompanied by from five to seven (always by an odd number, it is claimed) of these little 'vassals, and while his sharkship seems to be incessantly looking for something wherewith to satisfy his voracious ap petite he never eats these little pilots, though they keep very close to him. Another frequent associate of the shark is the remora, or sucker fish. Nature has provided it with a large.circular disk on the top of its head. By means of this "sucker" it attaches itself to the under surface of the shark and is car- ied by it wherever it goes. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. It is said that a dog in Milliken, Mich., possesses and uses daily a full set of artificial teeth. The dog is very old, and it is a family pet. When it lost its teeth recently its owner, according to the story, hod the local dentist make the animal a full set of teetn, ana taey are said to be a perfect working suc cess. The old notion that southern wom en are languid, feeble folk ought to be dispelled by the act of four women in suburb of Macon, Oa. A house tooK fire during the night and the neighbors gathered to help the inmates in saving their effects. Four women carried a large upright piano from the parlor all the wav out into the middle of the street unassisted. A fox and a hunter together stalked a partridge near Tyson, Vt., the other day, but each unknown to the other. The bird alighted in an apple tree be hind the barn, and the hunter tiptoed around one side of the barn and brought the bird down. But as the bird dropped the fox, coming round the other side of the barn, seized it and was off with his dinner before the hunter could appre elate what had happened. The tail of the crawfish serves that animal as an oar. By a peculiar jerk of the tail the animal can retire from a dangerous object with almost incredi ble swiftness. The tail is much more eltective in moving the animal back ward than forward, a singular instance of adaptation to its situation, for by means of its tail it can withdraw into its hole with such swiftness as in an instant to place it out of danger. The latest story of a wonderful gold find in Alaska is of a lake whose bed is literally paved deep with gold dust. The lake is 1,000 yards long, 400 yards wide and 150 feet deep. It is fed by water from a glacier, and its only outlet is a little stream two fret deep. but of incredible swiftness. The assay of the sand which a sea captain brought to Seattle recently showed $8 to $10 cubic yard, and on this basts a man alone could take out $10,000 a year. The big white moose recently shot in the Maine woods by a Mr. Sargent, of Grafton, hits greatly interested natural ists as well as HHrtHmen. It is the only white moose ever seen in Maine, and very few have ever leen heard of else where. The naturalists ssy it is, of course, not strange that there should lie an albino moose, resulting from a freak of nature, as white deer and other albino game iinliiuila are not uncom mon. But white moose are a great runty. T. R. HOWARD DEALS IN Furnishing Go" Groceries, Gents' Stockmens' Supplies, And Wants You He will make it an object for him as his nrices are right, and VmnrllAH n.rft of thfl Vfirv best. Hi Store on TO Main Street, City Drug S Heppner, 1 4 I Si 4 jr. Successor to C. 8. Van Duyn. Next door to City Has everything in the line of Fra Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Lamps and Tinware, Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty. The U. S. GOVERNMENT I IS PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH AVCD 1.1 rely fraan FRANK LESLIE'S OOPULAR A MONTHLY l. ...l as-nini IM I I C a . 14 m v. . ... ban ' viMte IHllr "Wie ,..... . w i uvfea IK.) ee? tn awe , 7ri v Ids1I3s Flsasant Heirs i f 'W1 AND CIRLS. I - I I i J.U V-!! ,i .m t - I ! a . iu,ji;ii'asiHiwiiJ tHt QUUlt, HP?Ut, on. I. . . A ,. u mmmt a4 1 'tint i"" ' - v - - 1 t i. -!. t.ia Ms . I I Fits' t a rSwaaJV b. r, m !.. If ol nav. fca wtiaxmt luH ltai4 4 i nr. 4 M raa I haa any liviea tlireiiaai Sie WHI SB l S Inf. W ha aar i rA ra cat a ' rn4ioj To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a aw relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars . on whom vou depended for support ? vCv mum Tt-t i strvn i rir n'MnT'I'Tf r?I UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is 'willing and Anx'ous to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. gWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company UbUVI US IHUUUhl I nun in sir l innm-s rniLir rr. atikci , 618 P treet, WASHINGTON, JT. B.Thtt Comvam U controlled nearly on thousand leading fjA papers in tht United States, and is guaranteed by ew . D. C. no n f?) jm. yliYitK L,"1,u,t' Slmplrst. fiiiiliilli Ea.lt 5oll4 IU5JJlLJot Top (7iT3a("3x ccurt' Receiver. Coaipact, Attorneys at Low i EEPFNEB, AU bmineea attended to lb a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL DANK BUILDING. t OREGON Most Modern and pregreaslve For catalofue or laformeUoa write to ,TME MARLLN FIRE ARMS CO., New Havea. Caaa. Cumminprs & Fall. Leaving Alder Street Deck, Portland, Park and Nshcotta. Direot oonm WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Pud Sound Navigation Co Steamers TF1LTU0XE, BAILEY GATZ01T AND OCEAN WAVE. PROPRIETORS 01 the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAOO. ILL.. Half blnrk WMtol the rnlnn tVpnt of C, . q , 0. M at. P.. C. A., t. rt. W. a C., ana wi u n.i.(r, Heiiroaa. HATICM U,io 1ICH UAY Cor. W. Jla-llsnn aa4 CllntaaBu., (r Astoria, Ilwaoo, Looff Beach, Oceaa oonneetioo with Ilwaoo learner and rail road ; alao at Young's By with Seashore Railroad. THIjIlPnONIl Leaves Portland 1 t II. Dally, except Sunday. Leayt Astoria T P. M. Dally, except Sunday. Leaves Portland S P. at. Pally, etnpt Sunilay. HatuHay nlitht. It P. M. Iyav Astoria Dally a atS.UA. M., except aunday and Monday. Huntley Olf hi, I P. M. OOEAN "WA-VD Leaves Portland and runs tlrrt to llsio. Tnday and Tharaday al S A. M. Katnrdar at 1 P. U. Laavae iiaaoe neunwia; ana rrutay ai i m a. M. tn euaday algal at S C. al. Bae Cbecled to Pallroai Dtstkatioa Boll Bacbri Free cf Erprnse. For Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on tb Telephone, Bailey Oaltert and Ocean Wave. GIVEN AWAYTO'ENTORS. JJ K66l6V IllSllllllw tiasinil irissnw I y . bIms iamak M n nn I Mat Sia f IA anial aailia Hnin taw ! Hsa W wmw elWnSa, at f a sin iss ft rat U sntkl taVa. Al Sal mb la I fkast ef a Maalaat Mas Sharav llaraaal IWvta. Hhlle a frrleht train aa lln(r over at a email nioimtain station la Montana the enrlnerr Uirrownl a abotg-un and started firr a hunt. He aa alul re turning to bis train whrn senw ma1e bcr eppraranc, IVfor be pcaJlssHi that three was any danger the aatnlal Qii a rub at bint, and be ran w lib all ,s I I . .'. l'r!:;::;t'ne?stC;i:aOfkn .-. i .. 1 1 ... r. T ae sesaf sratl vevelee f ik tead I Sesiwa Se aseeS aaajnie. ty rttawsme ta gsMS eH7 is n4 sisters Sr4. .'. tSeee tee Iks be.! fjeat Ity RIpanstTabulcs 4 seas1 H aay fs eji esaely ba -a tt wtr-w. cti a rM T ' - pne, e a tea, t1 t(iese.Mbf smU. .S ial C( C i C, 1 1 le'M H . it. Cured t t4 ti s'l-i c, fr le ev ( Ha sr 4 ia p n i4 ihmI'"x V a.'. to a-v ta. a 't-,' hi.W. K.r MS, Ml44CaUlk,lrtl UiiMTf FX-AM inr Wbaeaalktas ft rll I kk nil lUkfltiamair ! Me tetaktMt Ma-stafMae ikraf t k; y w- ik. nse Julia WHit'S. I i 4 ilk , Iws mm, Weafaia4caa, Ut,a Uhmi HA ptee , Ibrn, to bis dismay, found that the fua harrsvl h beat an s to be o !. The et Irtj mlnutca. says the IW maa Avant Courier, svetw lively oaea. The cow hax-d the tngitier round aad mutid the tne, and whest be yoi ai the ore io bit V.r with the fun barrel j H Pt!y smiiiaI to nrs br U rvw j It only a r,tiain of time wha he would snmitub l ftts"e. wbea a Slt rrSTI1ESlMPLE,TRnTALWXNT10NS THAT YICLD l ORTLNLS, asckaaaWaasAyaM aa Waaaaaf k puliiall kack, iii . tai Mlaa. ad S III nil I ashat btsl Ssaisl I ay aa taa t4 My al trntmrnrnt I adlk (a mm an U v rtuM hrxf larfM I 'I alas ta Mai eetaa. try k aWk IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SUMS. Pafc-aMU llSiia.sk a a. nl Walals til la 4m Niaaal SW. aiil.1 M a SakafiM, lit r .kktK naff "r iiii'"i sa sW niisaH at mm . lanuJl at fT'aBTsttJfllM4fe flflt tS1 aWSakaWaA Sltft tf WWafaW ttaft wMff 4 IS. alJn.lKl al.lkaaii naia tail Saib snasaat Ii en, In ll al I a aayaM a M "HmmI " a.aia..,.) a Iknil f bMNa. aa4 eataaa k. a4 a ar.in is Hr.ak,s la I aM4 .. ' 1 ' a,lal-wl aa MM af kl For tho Cure o Uquor. Opium ui Tobacco Habits 11 I located at Salem, Orefoa, Tht Most Beautiful Torn on tht Coast Call at the fluim oHIre lor partlmlars Strlrtl; roas.lanuai. Traaiawal prtvakt aad ears 4 UrttlJ wWaiW''a'-t Avkww' " JOHN WCDDtRBl-PN A CO.. aiHlan al Aawsraa aa4 I mim faaaaaV. 6iSP Street. N.W.. natJ. aahlngtne), D. C. 1 ar- ttj.ayi, IA.!!..!. Ml pptK fMiM. OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers .it a grc.it financi.il sacri fice. You need it in your business, .md ns a Jit Fsa Tsatv-Wsa. Oo4 a baa eneae.1 an tbe fre.1 yard aest div K. 1h ' !. II. M t) Mi'ti't.! vrralnit tirrrd .. It eH bl lit, it.. Il.swta .fflr. ah.l an anlioita a la-.l,.a,ir.i.1... -e f.ol.o A at.-r en.irt waa heanl ami a b g ! rt.lt. U .t.ki .itttf J 1 II !a T u.a tat, TB...S l st.l.)l ,1,, M. hml diS ' ' UI.UIVI M IMl.MIIUM U IllUil bCII U. waru..r,rr, i-,. jt-m , : ,M -jborses a-il f saaMur. i Tun Pattfkson rcri-isiiiNG Co, -.iMiaiiiJvr-J" w I ' - - " akVA.l Ban 2am. n bw Ei ffrail II.