Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 03, 1896, Image 3

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    a.w- '
Nervous Prostration
Complete Becovery by the Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
" Somo years ago, as a result of too
close attention to business, my health
fulled. I beenine weiik, nervous, was
unable to look after my interests, and
lUiinifesteil all Uio M injiloins of a de
cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's
".ii-saiMirillii, be.yuis to improve at once,
Teased my weight from
id tventv-Hve to two
Sineo then. T and my
1 this liicdieine when
o are nil in the best of
whieh we attrihuto to
ipiirllla. I believe my chil-
iave been fntlierleH to-day
M''n for Ayer'a Sarsaparilla,
jpn ration I eannot say too
u. iiiNsoK, Postmaster and
Guard's, S. C.
' 3 "Twim
0 omly
AVER'S KiiSc Cave Doc r's Bills.
)mi Ui3i4
Qambrinus Beer,
Hotel Bar!
art. Call
and Smokabla
on Tad.
M. K. Church, Jnly ft.
Morning ubjeot,"Tbe DunianCbrlst." cees,
In tbe evening at 7 o'clock tbe League
will bold a patrlotio Service, and at 8 the
pastor will preaob oa "Qoil in Govern
ment." Tbe linKintf at this service will
be of a patriotic nature and include a
floe cboros. We nrge a fall attendance
at these services. Yon will be especial
ly interested in tbe treatment of tbe
morning sobjfot.
Here and There.
4tb of July.
Tbe Dalles has a new K. of P. ball.
See tbe program for 4th of July doings.
Tbe Heppner Transfer Co.. has wood
for eale. 37-tf.
Bill Brown was over from Lone Rook
Andy Cook was over from Batter oreek
Lee Eilboarne was in from Gooseber
ry yesterday.
Ben Giee and little eon were iid from
Ioue yesterday.
Jay Hall and Geo. Farmen were in
Heppner yesterday.
Hon. J. N. Brown ig visiting the valley
counties this week.
J. F. Willis and See Oriskell will soend
the 4th in Portland. . .
Harrison Hale was in from bis cr.ncb
above town Tuesday.
W. E. Morford has accepted a plaoe
at Geo. B. Tedrowe's. , .
Paul Schiller was over from Goose
berry Wednesday last.
Geo. Muir was np from bis ranch be
low Lexington yesterday
Chas. Smith iB holding down tbe day
I shift at Tom Carle's place.
Born To the wife of Reub Sparry,
near lone, on the SOtb, a boy.
Benb. Moerry and fci. T. Perluas were
up from lone Wednesday last.
H . Chnpiu is building n new house
on his property up near Hardman.
Willa Minor is carrying a very badly
poisoned band from a mosquito bite.
Crops are reported as being pretty
good in various parts of tbe country.
They eay tbat "the Swede" sot tin-
caoned. Ask Dave Drinnen a bout it.
Chas. Oaten, the Wagner storekeeper,
took out a load of freight Wednesday.
Drink tbe celebrated J. H. Gutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borohers'.
Preaobing at the opera bouse Sunday
morning and evening by Elder Jenkins.
La Grande Marble Works. La Grande
Ore. 8. 0. Smith, salesman, Henpner.
II. Reineok, of Portland, bas aooepted
a positiou with Rhea & Mathews, tbe
A. Unna, representing Tbe Carlos-
Dnna Co., of Portland, arrived from the
interior Tuesday.
Mrs. Dill Gurrigues. danghter of J.
W. Cowiua, arrived from Portlaud this
morning on a visit.
II. Ridnonr and Geo. Roberts will
shortly start for tbe East with several
oar-loads of cattle.
Fred W. Hendley and wife were over
from Pendleton tbis week, gueata of Ed.
R. Bishop and wife.
E. T. Perkins, of lone, beoame over
heated last week and was quite ill last
Sunday and Monday.
Burns Times: Elmer Overboil, of Can
yon City, is classed as the best amateur
foot raoer in Oregon.
Grand ball at tbe opera bouse on Sat
urday night, Jnly 4th. Musio will be fur
nished by it ale s orouestra. tt
Oregonian: Congressman Ellis is in
town again from Heppner. He will
probably remain over tbe Fourth.
E. L. Freeland as commissioner of the
0. 8. oirouit oourt, is prepared lo attend
to land business and take final proofs. If
"Undo" Jack Morrow returned from
MoDutlie springs vesUrday, and tbe
Gazette hopes, rnnoh improved in health.
The banquet given at Tba Portland on
the evening of June SOtb, in honor of
Congressman Ellis, was a oomplete sue-
Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier and build
ing1 np medicine leads everything ever
produced. It is positively the best. Others
may make the same claim. But there's
this difference : We prove it. Not by an
tiquity, but by Merit. Not by what
we say, gmtt but by
what Se Hood's
Sarsa- 523?k ParMa
a rec- SfS7 Vyfti U ord c
Cures unequalled in medical history.
It positively, perfectly and permanently
cures when all other medicines fail.
That the keen discrimination of
the people recognizes Its merit and
the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, is
the fact
buy Hood's
g rillainpref
to the ex
all others.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has a larger sale than'
all other blood purifiers. It wins con
fidence everywhere because the state
ments in its advertising and testimonials
are verified by ail who take it. No other
medicine has ever received Buch praise, or
so many voluntary testimonials of won
derful cures. No other medicine possesses
shown by
that they
elusion of
the peculiar combination, proportion and
process used in preparing Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and which give it merit peculiar to
itself. This is the secret of its wonderful
power, of its wonderful Bales, of its won
derful hold upon the confidence of the
people. ThiB is why it cures Scrofula,
Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Rheumatism, all
Humors, Kidney and Liver troubles, Dys
pepsia, That Tired Feeling, builds up the
nerves, createsan appetite and strengthens
the whole system. Its merit, its sales, its
Manager Fell Presented With a Locket by the
From the E. 0.
Saturday afternoon at 3:30 Manager T.
E. Fell of the Pendleton Wool 8oouring
A Packing Company beard a couple of
sharp whistles from the mill engine
room, lie hastened to tbe sorting room
in whioh also are the tabs, and hefonnd
all the employes of tbe mill assembled
in a crowd as though something was
wrong. Tbe two sharp whistles meant
trouble. He stepped up and risked the
cause of the disturbance, and in reply,
Jack Lyoette, boss sorter, stepped np
and said :
' Mr. Fell, there has been a little dis
pute and we will have to ask you to set
tle it by asking if you will accept this
watoh obarm as an expression from
tbe boys of their appreciation of your
kindnee and liberality toward them."
Mr. Fell was both surprised and
pleased, quite naturally, and in fitting
words responded, assuring them that it
would be not ouly a pleasent pleasure,
but constantly a sonroe of satisfaction
to remember tbis voluntary testimony
from tbem. He said that tbe success of
the mills had been due largely to tbe
loyal manner in which "tbe boys" took
hold of tbe work and showed snoh devo
tion to the interest of the company.
On tbe locket was inscribed: 'T. E. F
From tbe employes of tbe Pendleton
Wool Scouring & Paoking Company.
Make Hood's Sarsaparilla the One True
Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists, f 1.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
HnnH'c Dillc the be8t family cathartic
11UUU rlllS and liver stimulant. Er.j
to take, easy to operate. All druggists. 26 cents.
Now the "Candidate" Is out of date,
The crops are looking fine;
It Is a treat to view the wheat,
The melon on the vine.
The horn of plenty's in the land
But the horn for which we sigh
Is a winning lass and a brimming glass
Of Sperry's "LInwood Rye."
Sold only at tbe Belvedere Saloon.
Jas. Young is serving out $23 in the
county jail tor disorderly oonduoton tba
streets ol fieppuer, and for resisting an
Quite a n amber of Heppner people are
nsiug current wheals for irrigati in this
year. Willow oreek is furnishing plenty
oi water
Barns Times; Ed W. Copner, repre
senting eYadbanis A Co., wholesale
grocer, f Portland, arrived in Burnt on
E. 0 : Herbert 0. Gregg, editor ol tba
Walla Walla Uuioo. returned boma Hon
day evening, after yisitiiig friends in
this city
to see if I bad anjtb.ug tbat wonld help E c)0rohf Soolbt fey Howiird Mt
ber. I lent her a bottle of Chamber- Sunday, both morning and evening. All
lam's Colio, Cbloera and Diarrhoea are Invited.
Remedy and the first dose relieved ber. ;. Doherty, of Blsek Horse, is busy
Another of onr Leigbbors bad been sick cotting hie bay crop, but was oompelled
for about a week anJ bad tried difL-rant to Pulng oot.g.h ye.tt.rday to oome
remediea for diarrhoea bat kept Betting 10 ,0Wn ?''
worse, I sent tint this same remedy. EJ Holloway, of donglas, will start In
nnt fonr JiMea of it aers Mooired to oo next Monday lo harvest 1.900 aeres
anra him. lis tsya he owes bis rerov- oi wneai. ina. uarneu win ran one oi
Mrs. Rhodie Noah, of tbis plaoe, was
taken in tbe night with cramping paint
and the next day' diarrhoea tet in. She
took half a bottle of blackberry eorditl
bat got no relief. She then sent to me
err to this woodtriui remeoy. airs.
Mary Sihler, Kidney, Micb. For sale by
Gousrf A Brock, druggists.
Praia er for Vie 1're.ldrst.
Mr. Martin Quino, late popnlist ooinl
Dec for ooDgrtwa, left Portland vta tbe O.
R. k N. and Union I'scfic tor Chicago,
wbera be will org tba nmno of "reform
forces" lo a free silver platform at lbs
approsebing democratic oatioual oon
vention. Ue goo as lbs representative
of the popnlisit of Oregon, and after the
Chicago convention he will attend lbs
popnllet contention at fM. Ixials, ahert
b will band) a considerable number of
proxies from thle stale. It is tioderetood
that ba tutors Teller or Hihley fr.r tbs
presidency, snd Pennnjer lor tba vlrs-
prntjhlrncjr. Mr. Qnoa -iil stop ss
roots at Imter, to see Henntnr Teller.
Oregonisn. .
Mrt ) Iil .
1 w aervoi. tired, Irritsh'S and
rs. Kail's Clovrr It A Tes bat mads
m well and bep.'J
! K. B. WmiiM.
For t!s by W.lls A W.rrea.
No fihlli4
t'l N allowed oo oar
A. n fbntiacB,
L. A. r i'Mi
Are ts Ut9
bit beiders this season.
When lbs bair baa fallen out. leaving
tbe bead bald, if lbs scalp is oot abioy,
there is a ohaoco of regaining lbs bair
by oalng U all's bair rsoswsr,
Frank Rogers relumed Tuesday last
with J. M. Uradeo, after making a toor
of adj doing Counties In quest of sheep.
They did not encore what was desired.
'Mis recently published treasurer's
police staled tbat coucit warsots will ba
redeemed Dp In and Inc lading Jana 131b
lbs dsts shoold bate been July 13ib.
Mr. 0. M. Charlloo, of Malem, formerly
of Heppner, bas completed a law co ores
St tbs V HlemetU University. The ()a-
!!! congrutnlates blm on hit success.
Any inveotor lo Eaeiero Oregon wbo
deeireo tbs rvtre of so attorney q
W a,itijton. I). 0 , will find it to bis
advantage to call on or address tbis pa
per. 6tf
Mia Lsora Mulr net with ejntta a
setrre fall near lb May street bridge
I tut WednesiUy evening, while riding a
heel. However, aha aas ait dsager-
oosly iejurtxl.
Usrrieon Clistdn wss dowa froco bts
lard man rsneb today, Ilia crop pens
tle are gi aad ba will gM a big
emp of rre bay thai aow stands aboal
til feet bigb.
1 1 11 C-iba is now seeoniatwl wilb tbs
Qrai nf il. Ilxppoer A Co, lo tba Int.
aiding rtaaioeea. The pay lbs hlgheat
n,sf il prlra lor pelts an t bideo and a
leal to ail fotwerding. "
C.nnmr.eiiig oo Jety 3-1 Iba O R. A
S, Oi. will e-ll roim np llek-le t4 say
attained much sooner than it otherwise
Tbe position of the republican party
will bring about the desired result with
the least possible delay aud withcut
The republican party ia tbe friend of
silver; it ia tbe party of bimetallism.
None lint Ayer s at the World's Fair
Ayer'e Sarsaparilla enjoys tbe extraor
dinary distinction of having been the only
blood purifier allowed an exhibit at the
World's fair, Cbioago. Mannfaotnrert
of other Bsrsnparillas Bought by every
means to obtain a showing of their goods,
but they were all turned away nuder the
application of the rule forbidding the
entry of patent mediruei and nostrums.
Tbe decision of the World's fair autho-
rities in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was
in etreot as follows: "Ayer 8 Sarsapa
rilla is not a patent medicine. It does
not belong to tbe list of nostrums. It ia
here on its merits."
Last summer one of our grand ohild
ren was sick with a severe bowel trouble.
Our dootor's remedies hal failed, then
we tried Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera
and diarrhoea Remedy, which gave very
epeedy relief. We regard it as tbe best
medicine ever pnt ou the market for
bowel complaint. Mrs. E. G. Gregory,
Frederiokstown, Mo. Tbis certaioly is
the best medioine ever put on tbe market
for dysentery, summer oomplaint, colic
and cholera infamtum in children. It
never fails to give prompt relief when
used in reasonable time and tba plain
printed directions are followed. Many
mothers have expressed their sincere
gratitude for the cures it has effected.
For sale by Oonser A Brock, druggists.
Burns Times: 0. A. Sweek. assisted by
Ge.i. W. Hayes, bas been making an ex
amination of tbe books of Sheriff Gittings
daring tbe week. Mr. Sweek's examina
tion has resulted in fioding a shortage of
about $5000, in tbe accounts of tbe
sheriff. The shortage oovers tbe years
1894. 1895 and 1896. and therefore three
sets of bondsmen will be oalled upon to
make good tbe deficiencies.
Sheriff Gittings has been gone about
three weeks, and his bondemen are be
coming alarmed lest he may not retnrn.
He was last seen at Etst Portland oo tbe
18tb iost., says tbe Burns Times. Mr.
Gittings bas always been looked.npon ss
a good, honorable man and tbe Gazette
regrets lo bear tht be is likely to get In
Blood-purifiers, though gradual, are
radioal in their efleot. Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla is intended us a mod'ioioe ouly and
not as a stimulant, exultant, or beverage,
Immediate results may not always fol
low its use: bnt after a reasonable lima,
permanent benefit it oertain to be real
Tbs Gazette bas a nns year's tuitiou
ia either the English, Commercial, Short
hand or Telegraphic departments ol tbs
Holmes Business College, of Portland,
for sals. Any person dealrlug to take a
tborongb business oourse in a first class
oollege should sea tbs Gazette belore go-
tug below. . tt
"Oua nt my sick headaches." von will
bear people frequently say, as if tba 0om
plaint was hopelessly Incurable. Asa
matter of fact Ayer's rills Dot only re
lieve siok headache bnt efleot oally remove
tbs canss of this distressing oomplaint,
and so bring ebout a permanent oora.
W. P. Scrivner is prepared to do all
kinds of blaoksmitbing, boreeahoeing,
machine repairing, wsgoo work, in fact
anything lo bit line at reason able charge
and tatiefsettoo guaranteed. Will pot iu
spokes for 80 oeute each, aod other wag
oo-work to proportion. 40 If
Died Ntar Alpine, oo last Bandar,
June 20tb, Nellie, tba tan-year-old
daughter of Mr. aod Mra. W. B. Fit. ley.
Tba remains were Interred io the Long
graveyard on last Moodav. The psrsnts
aod relatives bavs the sympathy of all.
a 0. Fmitb A Bro.. opposito P. 0.
Thompeos Go. 'a. is headquarters for
screwo doois, window scraeoa, ale Call
on tbem for all work io Iba lioa of cab
inet making, ooderlaklng and pictors
Ueppner's cross walks ara too noddy
for ladiss to oroea story dsy. Iba
tiatetta would suggest that Ihet ba
eieaaed ooraelooally, or tbat leaa wlr
ba pot opoa 'hero, or bolb.
lUn Parker hat entirely recovered
from hit reeeot severe tllneae, and was a
vi-ttor to lUppner yesterday. "Unols"
Beos)t Ibsl "lbs mill" will oelebrtle
tbit jtr ia good tbsps.
Miss Olive Cokl-e'i babltatloa, ool lo
Ibe OiMwetterry aeotlon. Was Visited by a
tornado laval Friday and completely de
moral, 1.4, Ny ooa wa in iba bon at
the time.
From the Plalndealer.
It Senator Mitchell by toting for free
silver rnled himself off the republican
platform' and became a populist, what
will bis voting for other measures make
him? Oome, now, Mr. Oregonian, an
swer tbat. Mitchell in for protection.
tbe Monroe doctrine, tbe MiOHuragua
canal, fay ore restriction of foreign immi
gration, the election ot United States
senators by popular tote, tbe army and
navy, tbe coast defenses, etc., etc. Why
a republican wbo will stand for all these,
aod for liberal appropriations for all in
ternal improvements will do it be does
wnnl free silver, as well as free gold,
We don't consider tbe free silver quel
tion paramount to all others io the plat
form. If Mr. Mitchell will stand on the
platform firmly poising himself opoo
the main plonk, "protection," and con
centrate bis mind and influence on tbat
snd cognate measures, ba will snil tbe
Flaindealer and the people of Douglas
Pills Do Mot Core.
Pills do not onre constipation. They
only aggravsgate. Karl's Clover Root
Tea gives perfect regularity ot tbe
bowels. For sale by Wells and Warren
She Knew the Combination.
The next time Sergt. Willnrd and
tietoctive wells attempt to "josh any
little girls they will wait unntil no one
else is around. The other afternoon
Chief Rogers, Detectives Phillips,
Wells oncl l'hilbrick. Jailer Peer and
Clerk Reed were ou the front porch of
headquarters, when a little girl, not
more than six years of agre, stood on
the sidewalk below listening- to the
couversation. "Hello, little one, what
are you 'rubber-necking-' there for?"
said Willnrd. "Yes," added Wells,
"take the rubber out of your neck and
go along." With a look of scorn, min
gled with one of amusement, the little
one said, pointing first to Wells and
then to Willard: "If I had the rubber
out of your neck and the wheels out of
that fellow's head I could make a bicy
cle and ride away." With this quick
retort the young miss walked away
wit.h a self-satisfled grin on her pretty
face, amid peals of laughter from the
chief and other listeners. Seattle
The highest claim for other
tobaccos is "Just as
good as Durham."
Every old smoker
knows there is none just
as good as
You will find one coupon inside
eacn two ouuee Dag, and two cou
pons inside each four ounce
bagot Blackwcll's Durham.
Buy a bag of this cele
brated tobacco and read the
coupon which gives n list
of valuable-nrcscnts nnd
rl to get mem. v
e 't lU tl in IS I I
Been a Change in Business All tail!
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
t a
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures
colda, roup and whooping oough. Il is
pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale by
Conner & Brook, druggists.
For 822.50 I will sell s first clavi. high
grade, high arm sewing machine guaran
teed for 10 years. lfor further particu
lars call on or address. N. A. feaob.
Lexington, Oregon. 88-tf .
A (J rent German's Prescription.
Diseased blood, constipation, and kid
ney, liver and bowel troubles are cured
by Karl's Clover Root Tea. For sale by
Wells A Warren.
G. B. Hatt, the tonsorlnl artist, can
be toned at bis parlors, Matlock corner,
where be will dispense at popular prices,
shaves, shampoos, haircuts, etc
The Best Counh Cure
In Shilob s cure. A negleoted cough
is dangerous. Slop it at onne with
Hhilob's Cure. For sale by Wells A
All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost. Great discounts on hardware, tinware, elassware. hats.
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es-
taDiisnment. uall and see the Btock before it is too late.
. ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner. Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
Gilliam & Bisbee
I have a supply nf Clematis roots left
on my bands for sale. Very clinics va
rieties. Apply to M. L Cantwkm,.
f atnrrh Cored,
Ilenltb nnd sweet breath secured, by
Shiloh's Uatarrb Remedy. Price 60c.
. ., r pIbI within ) snilea al owe farafoe Iha
1IUB ll l'llgl0. I "" : . 1 ..k-. . .-J I.
Mm? hh.M.'s Vi'He ta a positive ,n
sale by W.lie W aiiea.
Time wi'.l n-' r-e ail e ir,;nt after
July .. All i-f t f'rg lo piy t
h yt ea-. tt i Uf-fi'r be
3' tff . . ...
tlrntka Unit Witu Ou.
tf-Joly 1
Tbosaa Nelaio aaj ov Iber ara ria
ls tl WL.le boM sod retuaraot la
rnilerm. Wtvea t" f loera give
I b IB t tall. They will treat tow riM.
?,: it.
l i skid Dial If' frow, rot an I
0 Mm f, uitllsl lli as el f I r
I, ..-ii., 11,. Ill He Can.'4 ss U"t
RealM Tell tUet-Uip.
A vaet Bsae of direol, animpesobabls
eiiaoy prove lturid aey Doawibilily
of d'totH Ibsl H'MxI't Hartaparilla mrta-
ally duos perfeeilv an I permeneally ao'S
i saoewt br Imoora bl Kvl, M
reeoid ot cares la oeiq ialed aad lhe
eora bsva often tia aoonentilwhtd
altar all otber preparatioas bad I ailod.
Hmd't fills tare all titer' III, tullion.
tt, j-toadioe, tad glt'a, sick b I.
Wait. Thorn t-"0 ruos slags bvlwi
Heopoor aad Mormmot, arriving evry
day tioept Monday aad letvieg every
day eieepl PaaJty, r)lorl aad aheep
t male to ia anor. Lwoeee A
tteAOt, agaaia.
turn liie '.f Soiii't. Kali's
U.i h U
ir 1. 'it,
StiBM eoodeifil C9fKl'l ! tbl llM. if tsls W WtUt A WwfS,
From the I'nton Rcmblcan
Tba republican party bas sJweyi been
aod still is io favor ot bimalalism. It
believe in tbe largest nee ot tbs whits
metal possible to the keeping of lit vslus
oo a parity with all Iba otber forma ot
money issued by tbo govermeut.
The platform of Iba republican parly
doea not deolare agaiots silver as its op
ponents wonld bavj lbs oountry believe.
It says nothing to leeseo tba valns or
deprive lha half a billion dollars of sil
ver money now in circulation ot its full
legal-tender powers. It believes in
keeping tbis silver and all tba silver it
eoins oo a parity wilb all its moi.ey. It
bas always dune this and will do so now
itb the largest amount of silver avsr io
circulation In tbis country.
Neither does lbs platform declare that
gold ahall ba Iba only money of the
ooootry, but that all tba money shall be
as good as gold whether ruin or psper,
that is, tbs repnbliaaa party is oppose
lo a depreciated oarreuey.
No one, wa behove, will Sontend thai
tbs question wool I out bt definitely set
tled br ao international agreement. This
is tbs position always lakeo by tbs li
pobliota; bot Ibera ara Iboaa bo hon
estly bailees Ibsl this ononlry is strung
enough to mtlotaio eilver on a putty
witb gold oa a lre ooloags basis at a
rstlo of 14 to I. Tbia of course is whol
ly speroUlioo and largely theoretical as
the flosncisl cmdilmtis ILrnnglioat Ihs
woil I bavs grestly sbsogril during lha
peal few yean. Tbra ia aa almst of
don U la II; il wool! ba siperimoUl
sod double and eiperiraaatt are not run
dorlve to stability la Ibo anrreney of a
coaster. The repub'lrto party baa al
ways stood fur Stood Currency and t p-
p-io to Batista aul averylhing It. at
lead or threatens lo shake its stability,
II, therefore oppuaes lb free Onoag of
Silver by lb t enaotry al io Hh n ele
ment of anrerlaloty aad speeifliatiy de
rlarea for lb fr twitaag of silver by
loteroti.l sgretnealt wbteb 'ffrs a
p-ilU va, ertln ao I aafa fdnlein ,4 th
whol 0.1 tios. tl ft'rt oaly fat ir lb s
bot plUa iie!f prossMa stab li.Ur-
ailooal agraeeanL Aad a pU lrf of
pe'rtaottoa aisle b a party auicb baa
re-ls4 every p'edgs it aver sa!a,
sjeans snnteibisg.
Tba Uat gsiitda la (Hber great SrviUtw
bat loot Of lb worH roa-kinits Iba aas.
Silf r4 relortilng to blallltesi e4 aa
i.-g vlraaiislSy
la em
!' i ' .'. i . I,.
l'i.'t.d il u I if w J i, it an , I m
ta pr Awoiiaf ttws sgerwtarat tt wilt laa
Charley Jones, the well-known "old-
tinir" in the tonsorlnl line, has again
located in IJeppner. hxvir.g nurcbased
Oreeo Mntliews' shop, Minor building
opposite tbe rity bote). Charley will
appreciate a call a ben in town. e
Mathews Bros, huvs moved scross on
tba east side ot Minn street, io the
building formerly occupied by the (Jem
shIihiu. They will be pleased to tes
their old ruetomert. tf
For yoorrrotccllon. rutonh'C""or
Toniea fur Catarrh iu liquid f"ira to be Ukm
Interually, muially ontiLkin either Mrrary or
Iodide of I'liUwea, or both, whl'-!i are Injur,
lotia if too long taken. Catarrh ia a lorai, not
a Mood difaMt, rntixil by sudden change to
cold or ihunp weather. It elnrta In the nal
pamwie, affet tinif eyes, tun snd thn--.t.
Cold in thn li'-ud rniiM-a rxe.-e.jre flow of
mnTi, and, if nrKi(td, tb re
sult of ruturrh will follow aerere pain ia
the bend, a roaring Kunid In the em, laid
breath, and fteiitinini an d'ii-lve ilia.
ehargn. Iheretumlyeh'ailillieqtiirktoalky
Infiaiumalion anil heal the ineinl,n.ne. I'.lr a
( r'wia JliUin is the arkrmwlednl rur for
llieao trouble end ooutultis no Uj'rrnry
nor any Injurious drug. I'r le, DO cent.
We are not small men, lbs. We are small men, jCs.
we are not tite Largest mercnants In me worm i
t But when the people of all the surrounding country are tn need of
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware. Glassware, Wood and Willow ware, Nails, Iron, Barbwire,
Cumberland Coal, Gam and Water Pipe, Pipe MttlnRS, 8toves and Ranues, Wagons,
Hacks, Buggies, Wsiron Material, Hardwood, Axe, Hammers, Haws, gledges,
Wedges, Uuns, Pistols, Cartridges snd Ammunition, Muson Jars, Gran
tteware, flows, HarVows, Bakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Bolllcit
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Trices.
We have Qooo Goods at Fta Prlees, snd Cheap lohn Goo 1s at Chep John Prtees.
n-TTTJAM "nTftll-ir.Ti"
-- - - - - ' .U-l.MJJJJJJJ)
The wool tuaikot is not yit nfTected by the McKiuley boom, and
its are not encouraging. We have ample storin capacity at
ii miMim wwm
fr thosn who denire to bold for higher pricon, and by introdncinc
EaHtern buyers, necure for thohe who wMi to st'II, the highent uinrkt-t
We py teamsters and hold wool gubjoct to older.
No cotntnisHion charged for selling.
We pay highest price for bides nnd nherp pells.
Rolled barley and feed for teamHters.
We Are floents !or little's dip,
The beat Hheep dip in the mntket.
We Lave 5,000 aliinglea which wo will sell at cont
Mark yonr wool Q) and direct teatnater to loner warelioiine.
Heppner, Or. R. F. MYIND. Alanancr.
Notlct of Intention.
Lino Orm s av l. ()at.a. niioi,
Jim 'lh, l4
viiTicr. it iiKRrnr nivr.s Titt ni
Inlloalne naml e-H!f has Sll nit.
ol his liitnUiin b make Snal trnarf In iiport
ol hla rlalm. and thai aaM ef-.l MI ha mi
hrlfii I Vmii.it t lrl, ol 14'irmw I annly,
Heiiir, lirrrun, on Aui'H Sih. I'M, u
ltd nlry N e.l, of OW' IW jn, Tp t.
R in K W M .
Ha mum lha Inllnwltif wllnfaana Inprn his
eniiitniMHia mldaiir va i,-t rultltatloa a.
aal'l land. lt :
l.nl'.r ItainUlon, An4f MrKantle. fr1f
Irk Ttwmias, Hlrl Niir. nf llifm.f. Or
rtV B F. llo. H(latr.
rVofc of Intention.
t,aa I'rli' at La bsiihi, riasn.i.
J.i tifi.
Not i' R it iirngHr nri nir ihr
..lin n( nam4 allii haa ftl a.,tl. ol
hla Inlrnti'in I niaba Si.al ri In an .f- nl
hlui.m. an. lha' a-l I timl sill Mi mala ha
f...a p., I. Frwtett!, rn.mMl.it.r I. t imol
i rl al ll pi.-f. .., am Au('ial I .ih. t-,
TitoMts) tiitrnt ri.
Il-t enirv Ii . ll.a r. eit Jig'-
A arHWaIJ. 'eta.
Ma eamaa lha foilnaidf aHi.i an a In m
hiimMiiiiiiiMi.w,il4a a 4 tililiaUon
r, aaii ia n tip .
..a..-trf l -nM. r.l tIUt,ar. W ta Ranat
ai.i a a'o. an it ii'i'e., i if'n.
4v a r wiiAxM a(i.
Notice of Intention.
I Af
I t 1'tnt , 1 ft
(1 A
a- i.
fill Lm.i.imi Cot i si.
Pkkixi ruse, SiioMTMASt), Tiur.MAritv.
V ULtjasmaseseiiiis . , , , n , ,t f -v
L&?Lih L'ZlVM i..'sN "iA
omrR ir 1 1 r.imi.i i.ti .,
a h.,.1., al.aa IK-l
ii.a in. ifam an.-i in.r eM rf
hla lnlnt.M. 1 Wkala S.at t.fo. la ii (nt
al t.i laiin a4 llai .at! f.'.! ii hm n.a4a
..li.l, Ih. ,,n,i,lT .,, ,. h) ,,,, m tntt,j (
U (.nar, i.r.a oa A (! a, im, vn
iH mm.
I1 enirv Tl l' lha rf r Ifu
si. sa ti.. Tylt, Kjit..
lla nana lha l!l!nf r1- u s in fc'''
hla .ili la, law vl-M awt ilfallHI
t aaii laM
I. rwi.. J- taawi Tl.i ttrnl.
Jr-.r- wwi ( it ol ha- e a. l
t alU .1. aa,a.a
Treaturtr'e Notice.
etaUrna'ieal; v 1 1 hneg aw tl an ft itrnrnr ..Mri T'HT t
"Ml agaat. Toe. m, , . - x '"l"',' ' '..' ' " """ '"
nans ; mm w
Youro BOUND to Take 'Km.
.,.,; 4 j f if A t i ' ' ..
f-t St) ' M t
lsi. Uryt,. iMar'a. 'ao A ?
Lnnvm No Coir-lip iion,..
I ie,l ,l .rl f-' t m
I Kf ! f ull i
I ,V 11