Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 03, 1896, Image 2

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J For President,
Of Ohio.
For Vice President,
Of Sew Jersey.
for Presidential Elector,
T. T. GEEK, of Marion County,
8. M. Y0P.A5, of Une,
E. L, SMITH, of Wueo,
J. F. CAFLE3, of Miltnomh.l
Wade Hahptos saya be would
be fighting for tbe Confederate flag
jet if it were flying. Wade ia U.
! S. Railroad commissioner, too.
Tomorrow is tbe one hundred
and twentieth birthday of tbe in
dependence of onr country, and
although Lncle Sam is getting
along in j ears he is still among
tbe youngest nations on the face of
the eartb. But time flies rapidly
and tbe speeding years bring round
this great anniversary of brave
deed end brave results so rapidly
that tbe music of one celebration
scarcely dies away until we begin
it all over again.
Washixgtox has organized a
bimetallic republican party. Miles
C. Moore, of Walla Walla, a prom
inent banker, was one of the dele
gates. The Spokane Review talks like
a paper that will not support Mc-
Kinley. It seems to be holding
its breath till it can hear from Chi
cago Bnd St Louis.
Tbe Salem Statesman recently
won its suit against a former man
ager of tbe mail routes in Salem,
proving that it had made no sale
of same to tbe route agent
From the Corralli Gazette.
(silver republicans have not been o
tboroogblj dUeredited by tbe national
convention aa tbe Oregonian affecU to
believe. Tbe platform endorsee free
coinage aa general economic principle
although it oppoeee free coinage aa en
independent national polioj.
Tbe eilver repablicsoe esn support tbe
fioarcial plaok tnoob more graceful!
iban ean tbe Oregonian. Tbat paper ie
so prond of the following e-iitoiial par
agreib lhat it it running it d.iily:
' Nothing ia so utterly npp.s?tl to tbe
principle nod purpose of tbe rfpcblic-
ao part; aa the demand fur free iciorge
of silver. Tbe rtpnbficsn party baa
steadily adb-rcd to the beat standard of
money, and will steadily sdbtr? to it. It
will not Lir tbe pilfer (Umlart), with
Gov. Mathews, of Indiana, may
be successful in securing tbe
nrt.if!pnti)il nomination at the
fi'i j I. .i.i.i r -
Aiiis period may oe iru.y Biyieu . , . dmocrM If nom.
the brightest, the sunniest, and inate1 Le win Lay0 to make the
the sadest day on our calendar; tbe t d t gilver ,at
11 1 II f I Lt L
eaaesr, wnen we una oi me ireas- orm
ure of lite which our national inde
pendence cost; tbe brightest and It bas been settled tbat Senator
sunniest when we contemplate the Hill is to be tbe temporary presid-
proud position which the republic ing officer at Chicago. He and
lias achieved and tbe encourage- Chairman Harrity will organize
merit it has afforded those who are tbat convention on a gold baises if
seeking liberty from all quarters possible. Spokane Review. If
of tbe globe. they can.
While our country has been sur
rounded by general depression, the
clouds are breaking and the sun
shine of prosperity will again soon
burst npon us in its usual splendor.
Compared with other nations we
have no apology to offer, for we
The Gazette has a list of tbe
bolters who left tbe party to bring
out Northup. We are apprised
tbat most of them have returned
to their first love and that they
will vote for McKinley this fall.
I a 1 ll
can proudly look upon the 120 goou republicans welcome me
Years ioet Dassed. and candid! v be- recreants to the ranks where they
lieve that another like period will wil1 no doab content to labor
oroduce as creat advances in the 68 privates till they have proven
t,;.i,ii,n,n.i;nn themselves worthy and fit to be
So let iov and iollitv Dre-ail. trn"tei Traitors should do pen
and let us all show our patriotism ance before presuming to offer any
and love of country on tomorrow W"M w 1118 party injnrea
by appropriately 'celebrating tbe
money wortb but 50 cett on the doila-.
Every drop of republican blood tbat tol
erate ancb notion is guilty of aeeveral
It is not simply independent action by
tbe United States tbat ia bere opposed.
It ie tbe principle of free coinage tbat ie
unqualifiedly condemned, though all
nations might adopt it. Tbe republican
party says:
"We are, therefore, opposed to tbe free
coinage cf silver ezoept by international
agreement, with tbe leading commercial
nations of tbe world, wblcb we pledge
ourselves to pronv'te, and nntil inch
agreement can be obtained theexistirg
gold stendaid most be preserved,"
Tbe Oregcnivn, according to its own
code of political morals, cannot, aa
self claimed republican journal, supirort
tbat plank promising to secure free
coinage, not for one nation alone bnt for
tbe wbole world, without being guilty of
seveial bastardy.
Tbe Oregonian looks at tbe platform
as through a glass darkly. It has appar
ently failed to discover tbe advocacy of
international free coinage, and so pro
fesses to be "thoroughly satisfied with
tbe declaration of tbeoonvention regard
ing finance." It asks silver republicans
to "line op or leave." Fortunately tbey
re in a position to "line op" without
having to apologize or explain. Tbey
haven't to come ander tbeir own con
demnation and plead guilty to a "several
bastardy" in order to vote for McKinley
nd ttobart, Tbe Oregooisn, however,
is self ooDvioted under a law of its own
birthday of this, tbe greatest, the
grandest and tbe strongest nation
on tbe face of the earth.
The Continental woolen and
worsted manufacturers, like those
in the British islands, bad a year
of flowing prosperity in 1895;
thanks to Mr. Wilson's legislation,
savs the Manufacturer. A worsted
yarn mill in Leipzig, paid divi
dentin of 15 per cent, after trans
ferring large sums to reserve and
other funds. In Bremen a spining
The organization of great indus
trial combines goes on daily. Not
long since the iron and steel factor
ies pooled and iron rose in price,
Then the coal interests pooled and
coal advanced 25 cents on the
ton; and sow we have the thread
consolidation fer the purposes of
keeping up tbe price and limiting
the output A good remedy for
the prevention of these combines
would be to drop those lines of in
dustries forming trusts from the
tariff list Spokane Review.
Great Oaks from Little A tores Grows,
Is line from Ibe trite old verse we oted
mill which paid 5 per cent in Wi to rroile in our schoolboy days. It has
divided 12 per cent, in 1805, A forcibls application to those small eil-
Mnhll.auHPn fr-torv divi.lfid 13 nap "bU mbU w P'
.1 111 llittV raanK f iiPmii1rtl. nrnrkir tt nrta A
sr. k ww.l in wwti I I a, 1.1. .vw . -
dends in 18'Ji paid 12 per cent, in constipation, it is sssumed, will soon
18J. the ivnmmgarn Hpinnerei pas oir, bnt is very spt to get worse,
of the same city loht nearly 60,(j00 ai ,0 th meantime is neglected nntil
marLs in the furmrr tear and earn. ,lm"n 'mes ot.rot.ic, ana iDen.
.W),()00inthe latter year. In LnnoyiliM ,.., of worMCOBM.
Kimiiar manner, a prominent aus-Uaenees. lor diseases, recollect. tgt
trutn woolen mill which made a loss one soother, llow moob wiser to re
in lS'U, mada in 1S'.5 ft profit of o a couree of Uostetter's Htomaob
P..-. !M t mart. Th .m enrt nf a ilttr. at Ibe outset of the metady tbao
' la., a : let. I A - A IL. a.a t.
. m 1 99 i?niixris wnu i Hi mm mmw urn uo
ory come, irom a-ranee concern- iM- wh imM of mf .. yo0
ing llio wooien and woisiea mills Malariona, rheomatio and kidney com
i tl..t ,n.,..tr 1ki-. .... rn. pioltls. dyspepsia, oocslipatinD, Mlioos
J . nM, sod nervonsoess are all d.snrdrrs
year for European manufacturers rapid growth, and should be "nipped in
..,,1 ri;.,,. , Ibe bud" by a timely reort to the Ilit-
Catarrh Caaaot be Cared
with local applications, aa tbey Oftnoot
reach tbe seat of tbe disease. Catarrh
ia a blood or constitutional disease, end
in order to onre it yon most take internal
remedies. Ball's Catarrh Care is taken
internally, and acts direotly on Ibe blood
nd tnuooos snrfaoes. Hall's Catarr
Jure is not a quack medicine, it was
prescribed by one of tbe best physicians
in Ibis country for years, and is regular
prescription. It ia com posed of the best
tonics known, combined with tbe best
blood purifiers, aoting directly on tbe
mucous snrfaoes. The perteot combioa
tion of the two Ingredients is what pro-
daces sncb wonderfnl results in coring
cstsrrb. Hnd for testimonials, free.
F. J. Chknkt k Co., Props.,
Toledo, Obio
Sold by droggists, price 75 cents.
i I i aw 1 1 in i it ii
.1-1 1 i- ATT
PPNER. Saturday . July 4. '
Come One, Come All, Let the
Eagle Scream!
AVilson could hardly have done
better for them had he sat in con
grens as their personal repreHenta.
tive. European manufacturers ran
our custom bous while European
bankers ran our treasury; and,
It Hop Ha.
Urge percentage of republicans
In think that tbe restoration of tbe
tariff will restore prosperity. Perhaps
it will The Ulwervsr will hope so
I'rospeiltT cannot reloro too qniokly nor
l.ila our own mill, vera Lelf AU. U oornpletely, bot if it does not retura
. , , , . I m Quickly and aa completely aa la
rnaoyoi our laaorr-r. unemp.oyeu h npMien pXf
our public revenues deficient, and I t.lorHl to power and pMeclioa re-
hard tunes the rule from tbe racif- eoacUJ, tbat party ceo must eonflJso
ie to the Atlantic coast, Europe ! t relied op to take np the silver
was busy doing our work for us,
pockeliug our profits, buying our
raw tun tori id at half price, aud ei
periutcing general joyouMuees and
olid enrichment Itiaauuiiue
thing iu the world's hintory that ft
free nation should drlitierately sac
rifioo its on prtwperity so that
aliens may proeiH-r,
qoeatton aod find the solution of It. lie-
polilloatis who hope to hsaten rvmoorti
tatioa by deserting tbeir party tor soy
otbsr will most certainly delay it The
repolilioso parly for bimetalian., baaed
tjpoa aa interaatlitesl agreetneat Bilog
Ibe ratio. What better plan ran pos
sibly be devised?
From the Atorl IliTtM.
The republican national convention
have nominated Wm. McKinley for
preaideot. Tbey have adopted a platform
of aoood money and protection. Aa to
what cnatitatee sonnd motey, opinion
difTrs. Tbe advocates of a single gold
ataodard olaim tbat gold means aonnd
money, while tbe advocate f silver
make tbe same olaim. No republican,
be be for silver, or gold, favora unsoand
money. There is do straddle, uo equiv
ocation ia tbe platform. Tbe Herald
does not eiactly Indorse the financial
plaok in tbe platform, bnt It does Indorse
the protection plank, and believing that
the question of protection ia paramonot
to all other questions, it will support Mr.
McKinley for president.
Tbe Herald is republican paper and
belisvee la tbe priooiples of tbe repab
icao party aside from Ibe finaooial
plaok and because the financial plaok
doe not meet with the views of the
Herald foroisbe oo noose to fly the
coop, ihe eountry ass eipenenrca
democratic role. Everyooe koowe what
a cootioustxiB of that ml meat, and
lb people are clamoring fur a cheoge,
Kvery repobllcan should stand by tbe
ticket upon the proleelioo plank ia lb
platform. McKinley aod Protection
aboold be aod will be lb watchword of
lb campaign. McKinley will be elected
aod hi election mf ana good lirLe and
ISe a.1 ji.nl men t of Ihe fioaosial question
to meet tbe eiegineir of I tie time.
Cannon Salute at Sunrise; Grand Parade to form on Main street at
10:30 a. m., headed by Morrow County Brass Band; Grand Marshal
Thos. J. Matlock, assistants, Andrew Reaney and Geo. Noble,
Orator, Rev. E. P. Greene, Reader, H. T. Bagley, Goddess of Liberty,
Miss Helen Myers, presiding over Liberty Car containing 44 beauti
ful girls, Plug Ugly Band of Heppner. Plug Uglies from country,
Hook and Ladder L.O., liger Hose o., INo. 1, Hagle Hose to., iNo.
2, Bicycle riders, School Boys, city and country, citizens on foot, in car
riaes and on horseback. Ihe procession will march to Jas. Jones
grove at the race track where regular exercises will lollow.
Europe hate
McKinley ao bit.
The (Vrtfrdcratea ato hating
grand ir-unSon donn at Ilichmoud,
I'l mi fto in trying to get ft tel
ephone lit) llirinijjh t) Canton
t'ily. That baa Wi-n tricsl U tottv
Tilt Mitchell trpuhlirao candU
date f..r thtt legislature, iu Portland
htiy coi.lestirig the eleclioo down
Tits Walla Walla Union ia about
Iho only gold atan lard p(er ia
Eaatera VaaLiorton. It loula
Food, nedigealed, ! poison. llgst-
No wonder !. " life aod strength. Millioae of oa
ufTi-r trout lodigretton, but w often
don't know 11. We think it la aomelbinc
else. Even doctor ofteo mistsk lb
Pale, Ihln people, who are overworked
he need stretiglb, who eea la wsol of
proj er food, ahonld lake Hhaker luges
live cordial. It le stibihiog what food
ill 4 ebeo properly digested.
II eltl Risk yon strong, refit yon,
Mresb you, suttsln yen, nk Ten let.
rector yonr color, mskemnsete, brain
fibre, courage, eadnraace, aegr; In
rae lour power 14 throw ( ff dlsesM
and keep yon tiealibf sad happy.
lodigeelion doee Jut lbs eppneile, bat
ledigeetlnn be rnred and pretealed
with hhsker l.laeeiive 0Miel.
rvlit by drogawts. Trial bottle 10
Mi n. If jkfir.irr 1'rrrnm Htuhk,
r-'.lljir it "I'm-le Tt'tii'a Cabin,"
.red," r it "lule f P.emal
t a., a" tie,
through trait en Ibe O. R. A X. will
ran tie. Cosellile, Walla Walla aad
reodleton, Tbroogh ateercr. first aad
eeened els, will ren In enaneettnw with
Ibe I'aloa I'snfte, Ihe earn a hereto
f..r. A Ifcrotigti first elae lpr I'oit-
Und t i kt., C"eet'eg with ll
C'clele llf ' H. rol. end
. ii ,t , iiiiiiia "B'l sir'l'rr l nrinii wm.
Wi' vj at UVWIV) . 11 ... I. .ka.1iim wi'k
Music by Band; Prayer by llev. Howard; Song
by Glee Club; Heading Declaration of Indepen- vS3
1 f-1 1 m 1 1 " i.? "i 1 etrcUooriehthip: tin
uence; ooii try uice oiuo; uruuuu; uraiiur.;c
Chorus, "Ked, White and lilue," by Glee Club
and Liberty Car Girls; Music by liana.
Ksr rUrtsle
I take plessnre in inforntiog tbe Dub-
lie tbat I bet purebseed tbe photo
graph! t 0.1 in of II. C. Ilerrio ami will
fill all wr lor inJ for pbotoe by Hor
ner lUie (tbe heat place on eartb la
trade) i Ibe fullowlog potid.llons:
For etery I1S00 wurtb .! dry gmnU
hoaght and paid (vr oa get one Iu kl
wbkrb enttllr yn eae dt ao uf toy
brel 12.(10 ibolo. and (or every li-l I
rash yon invest in lloroer k tthee'e dry
c Mla yon g4 one ttrkvt which enlitlre
yi.tl to one d' i a of tny ll f liK) eabi
Orl pb ttit.
H-; V-n kill leo birde wiib one
elotie, lours resprt.
law. M. IV (ULLoWtf.
2:00 o'clock, Base Ball Game, 5 innings, Heppner vs. Willow Creek
crs; Grand Handicap Bicycle Race, five eighths mile, 2 in 3, free lor
all; 100 yds. footrace; 100 yds. sack race; 60 yds. fat
grand Plug Ugly war dance; ladies' bicycle race, five ci
of war, 2 in 3, 0 men on a side; handicap bicycle race, five eighths mile;
girls foot race, 80 yds., 10 to 15 years; boys foot race, 100 yds., 10 to 15
years; donkey race, five eighths mile.
fit! rilxst If klsg I'll.
h)mploe Mowture; intense Itching
aaj stinging: l at lbl; wirs ty
serakhltig, If allowed to continue
tnaira loras. nbiea otten llrd and
nh-vrate, U routing very tore, Hwst! a
Uirtnaet slope lb llelunt aod bleed,
tag. beak nleerelkm, and la RkmI caete
renave Ibe laokor At draffMta, or
b BisiL fe 50 cats. NDnrbii Hon,
!E Ill'll.
nil are Cordially Invited to Participate In this GeleUratlon.
At ft.HO olck in. there will be displayed on court houae hill the following
72 mlnrrHl 10 hall candle, 21 10 11 rthibttino candle, 21 8 ball mcUor candle, 13 r ballailrcr ahowcr,
1 j H ball union, 1'2 10 ball cleH lrie apreadera, 0 Chine loreata, G arolitca, fi nlcctrto foanta, 12 H Ull
ranaical candlea, 12 21tk fnrkrta, 12 4!K rorkeU, 6 31b. farachot rocket, 2 C!U aoror K.realin rockela,
2 41h. moairal rocki-ta, 6 21U hitt aalot rocket. 2 41U rnctoio ahowcra, 3 2!U willow tree, 2 4!b.
dragon, 12 UK cibtbitioo, 2 T.lh. elfctric IxKjoet, 1 81b, challenges 2 4!b. Batinal aalnl. 4 aerial can not.
aalotc. fi inioa torbillioos 1 lt each red, goiJ, Rtccn od bio fire, 6 fainc i f alar, 2 mine of ' aerrnta,
2 larga whistling jrk. 1 lara clectne ahower mio, 3 cihibition dragon nceta, 3 floral bmb nhella, 2 l.
hibitioo battcriea, 3 12in. cahope whrla, 6 doubt triangle, 6 J'K roeette. 6 Hiu, tcrticl whecla, 2 18io.
tciticl wheela, 2 Ifiin. calij ahrels, I exhibition piece, brilliant aon, 1 ihibttioo piec, (arkling caprice,
1 exhibition piece, tnagie brilliant These are "Challeng' highest gr.l firework frora St Ioui. which
wilt uo doubt prove V b the rjuret aolecti n er abowa in thi ricinily.
WhiU voe uep voor sobseriptiaa paid ap rr
eaa keep four braai ia freeof efaarf.
AHm. T. 1 . le. Or. Home OO on left
a) tonldar: eaxtla same oa Irft hip, ander bit on
r igbt w. and npper bit on tbe left; mnge, ktor-ruweoantr.
Bmird. D. W. and son. Hore brandw) D B
m tKj. I. ft kin ettl th aam on Irft flank.
crop off nbt eu. nndsrerop in uw ten. nange
in Murrow Coontr.
Bartholamev. A. Alpine. Or. Bones
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Bano in Mor
row eountv
mnnieter.). W, Hnrdman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thicb: split in each ear.
Brraner. Peter. TnosehTT Oregon Eorees
branded P B on left thonlder. Cattle eame on
right side.
Rm.!r..n Jitt 1 .na Or. Horeee branded I
jb rijH.I ehoaLtftr: eettl B on the left eide.
t"ft er he'' e
fh Aer.
f v,rh Ant ir ter ftn l1'
Brown. W. J.. tna. O.
orer It, oc tb ter. tou:
How. W. G nwr
rrnlnr r: .'! .'P
Pot. P.O., R
hooMer; rrite
-it O on rieht t
Heht nbe.
Qrnnt end Jl'
U with QOHrt
nd on lrt
left honld
range in Gn
( ete, t h
H C on ris-H
ir f acn ewr bi
hnnWM hnlf cirrii
Cnrl. T. H.. Jo?
erh hip on cattle.
n Jnhl ur Ml It
AnntV On heeD.l
ia ehonldcr. tr n i
U 1 nnnAr nit
rigH and nnder hali&
a itraui ciu"i.. "si
. 1 T T Ma Civ V'
lar rttle. wimeon nt!i
nrp oI lef and split i:, I
Cam. J. I., 1 nmEi r
tstie. , 5
Cox Ed. 8., Hnr!tip
ein center: noreee. ; r. ,
Cochran, K. E,.aiot..--.
Honwe prannea circio or
honlder: cattle same uju
nnder slope both ears anc
rt..n. h HKmm&n.
kin t'attle braQa.i Ult ' '
. UII I Uk 1 1 L u.u. - . - . . .
j- ni AK niFht thin: came
hrand on right shoulder, and cut off end of
XWaia. W. M .. Gallowav. Or.-Cattle, B P on
-ight side.atrailow-tora in eacn
Ely. Brna- Donglaa. Or.-Horaes branded ELY
in left shoulder, caiue eaui o.v..
a. riii. uni. . TI I A.A
Emery, V. B2 nsraman, " r, T. " ' "
, tr.rl C with Uull on left shoulder ; caU
tiXsame on right hip. Range in Morrow cpnnty.
Florence. U. A., neppner, uc.-v um. .
iaht hin: horses. F with bar under on right
a P. Hennner. Or -Horses. F on
right ehouider; cattle, F on right hip or tjuKB.
Gentry, timer, mtow,-ui.
. with s quarter circle oyer it, on left stifle.
Hiatt A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top A
ith quarter circle under it on toe ngm nip,
Kange in jiorrow wu nn.. w"
Wnhea. Hamnel. Wagner, Or (T F Ii
jonnecttdl on right shoulder on homes; on cattle,
in right hip and on leu sine, wmww iur m
ngnt ear ana sin. ui iuii-
i;.,nnt Morrow oonnty.
ii A I r. natlnwaT. Or. Homes T (cross
with bar abore it) on right shoulder; cattle same
in left side. Bangs in Morrow and Umatilla
Han.lEdwin, John Day, Or. Cattle E Hon
right hip; honws same on right shoulder. Bangs
in Grant county. VJJ
Hughes. Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
nn the loft shonider. nan re morrow io.
Hnnsaker, H r . Wagner, ur, norm, w on len
thonlder: cuttle. on lerc ntp.
Hnmphreys, t M. Hardman, Or. Horses, H on
nnitnn i.nther. Kignt mue. trr. noree n on
the left shonldnrand heart on the left stills Cat.
Je same on lett MP. nange in -Morrow connty.
tnnM VI mr Henpner. Or. Horses branded
Unn the left shoulder: cattle brauded J on
nght hip. also underbit in left ear. Range in
Morrow county.
Jon kin. n. In., Heppner, ur norsas, none.
ihoe J on left shonider. tattle, the asms,
na m, flhl Mile.
J..hron. Felii. Lrna. Or. Horaea. dmleT on
left stifle: cattle, eame on right hip, nnder half
wnp in ri' and split '.n left ear
Kenrir. Mike. Henoner. Or. ' Horses branded
KN'Y on left hip cattle same and crop oS left
ear: nnder slope on in ngm
Kirk. J.T.. Heppner, Or. Horses CI en left
shonider; cattle, w on left hin.
Knmbarland.W.Q.. Monnt Vemnn. Or. I Lnn
eatl le on n ht and left sides, swallow fork in U ft
ear and nnder nop in right ear. Horses same
brand on left shoulder, Ksnge In Orant ronnty,
Loften, Btephen, Fo. Or. H L on left hip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear, Uorsa
same brand on left shoulder. Rang Grant
Lienallen, John W.. lielnirri Or. Horses
branded halfsircle JL connected on leftshnuU
der. llls. same on leflhiu. Range, near Lei.
Leahey, J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded
LandAoilert shoulder; rettls earns on left
hip, wauls orer right eye, three slits in right
LoM. Oeorge, Heppner. Or. Horse branded
in Kumetimes called a
pner. Or. Cattle branded
p; horse earns on right atitu.
in Morrow county.
inor. Oerar. nepuner Or. t attla. M n na
right hip: bona, M on left shoulder.
tootwsn. B. N.. H-ppner. Or. Horses, H )
oo left shonldei cattts eame on left hip.
Mitchell. (War. lone, Or. Uorars, JJ oa right
hin; eattie, 77 on right side.
Neal, Andrew, tmne Hock Or, Horse A N con
aected on left shonider; oattl earn on both hip.
Oiler. Parry. Lexington. Or.-? O on left
k)l.rn. J. W Donglss. Or.i horse O on let
shonlileri ralll seme on r'ght hip.
Pearaon, (Hs. tight (111. Or. HnrMa, quar
ter circle hir.lil on left shonider and M on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right eroiiued. M
onlefthip. Ranee on Kight Mil.
Parker A 0 leaaun. Hardman.Or, Horssa ! P en
left ahonlder.
Piper. Krrt, Imlngton, Or. Horaas brand.
Hi K (L K erainecteil) an left shonider ; oattl
same os right hip. Rang, Mnrrnw aoanty,
I'lper, J. H., Illngum, Or.-Hora, Jg ana
serted or left shool.ler; OBttle, same oa ief hip.
snder bit In each ear.
Petty, A. l lone, Or.i horaaa diamond f oa
ehonhler; eatl le, J 11 J eon Dec ted. no the
eft hip, upper slops la left sw aad slip la lb
Rood. Andrew, llardiaan. Or. H irsee, anaare
oa lert auDa,
mas braixud J
na the left his.
sank. Uaua ia
aiSWilntun eoanUaa.
Hauler. Andrew. Iniutnt. Or "
branded A R on ruht ahoalilae. t nM.
circle rrrer brand; caul aaase oa ruht bid.
Ke-'e nrmw tlj.
rUaa, Wm. M. UaJryvtlle, Or nit enaneelat.
with qaarler eirclaoear upmi aattlaoa right hin
sn.1 rr..p (! rUhl ear and aplit ta left. Hone
am brand on left slwMiitef , Hang la Humrw
Urant aad tlilliaaeuantiaa.
liactur . W.. ll-in.oee. Or.-Hiine, JO a
left shoalder. CallU, u ea tight hip.
Mralght W. M tletipner. Or. Rneaas ahd4
I na Ul atitU.eellle J on left kip. swallow
for k ta r. girl ar. ae.Uftut ia left. ,wmuow
hMi.T.. Ilept, trr.-Hfwaaa, A Pea
Ufl kip; ealll. aviM ut Ufl kip.
ftayaea. Robert. Doagtaa, Or.-Cattle "T O
right hi 4 oa right abnukler t hmm'H oa
nhl .h..l.tpr. Kaege in Mnrrnw ermntj
Hjilli IU,- . Naerlll, (rr. Heru. nrandad
H eh.-il.teri wattle, m aa Ml shakW,
. '"TT' '"; ArUaarinw. tw.i kiraa brandad
J" Wl faa.W: raitla IK aunt, alan ana
wWlie. rU' ta M.irmwanH UitiUMaenaettea.
Mi ha. . H.cri-a, itf K.a MSa
right Mine) ra'ile kunanrial L aa ih hj,i .t.
rMareaerai, Mr A, J- lletmer tar aVaUia.
ee ngM kit I wil. w .i,k i Uft ear.
Mwaggart. O. W M-tf" "T M ma at aa
1 I ill 1 k J I I I "rrwe win qoanaroimM rrrar II
' i bqib nna. nennnar. ur. mi
1,L. i laatherighiaboaf.Wjealtla.U
L'lllilb llllli:: IIlrim.po-l.ftaarenddwlpoa
K. It. HetrtMM. (Ir. I .HU V e
Wt hip, rea a rwht and kmU la Uft r
1 knai, f, A ll ... .T .
U ak-viacri raid I Ufl eKnainar
l,... . ar - M,a ('.aa afi
Taraar R. W, Hf paer. (V.-SaaH eafttal T
Un aM .tar Uaai aatUe eajM aa Wl kia
i'k erJl la --. aae. "
1 II. .. . Or -Mneaa braada
Ii" eaarlert m t-t MiSa, akraa, aa hJ
'"-""I M. T lw Or llnraas H I e
aaraad aa 114 MWHa-Ua. am a. rutu
a 'i-
W.lhl4ga, W . .t P..,. Or. Mora, m
a tea Ut .kaaMw, c."U aa rM tight kia.
rr- lrt eat ca4 fgkt ear p.
ilana. J.a O.. "eiaai eg n.nrMg fir
nrere krarM Jaa tk laA kaa,, Iu.-
nv W H I aUh. (V-Tatlle W wttkaaarta
er,l. l Wfl awK 4.. a .-.Maw.
U-TaZr,. e l(t akvaai.,. b..,.
WHa Mry. Hey roar Or .ffaraas k-ae'ta
aea mt -l-. -a kwt -,u, ar krt kta
t;,'VW "w""''aIWi kipT
Waaawar. 4-. Nf-aa,. Or Uaraaa, tl
T at- Sara.
1I r.i lir a t it l. 4rt a, sn
t I.e lrn-1 ,4 1l. h.l.r.,i.r l.
alt akr pM .! 4 l: itik at
ike a-y. ta T i s a at a. vv
sGrand Ball at Opera House.lSlfe
"V fi ' " l" MMa.,H,K
. T 1 ' 1 "T saiaaiLIL
j T aw ikt rM aVfcwa rw
Cobo-4 at boot), July let
I (treat Huflberw rait w a;.
'ai-a- a ,,, .
M 1, Maun a