V.ita w in ;ssv4- E. McNEluL, Receiver, TO THE OIVBB TUB OHOICH Of Two Transcontinental 10 Popular Magazises FORTES KG'aE. GREAT UNION . NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA fsisftawjiii St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. R. A N Agent ta Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. FoBTLAND, OBBOON, AND STEAM GASOLINE MARINE iw any size or kind send (or our Catalogue No. 30. containing illiiKtrntions and prions of every kind of engine from one up lo 25 horse power, Ht bottom prioee, or Lint No, 20, (or yaoht engines, boil er aul maohiuery. Either sent (ree. FRANK LESLIE'S OPULAR MONTHLY Contains ench Month I Original Water Color Frontispiece; 128 yuarto rages 01 xeaaing Matter; 100 New and Hlgh-clas lllustra Mnra Utt-earv Matter and Illustra tion than any oiher Mafrazlne in America. Has.', Ja i ear. M Mil's Pleasant Hears FOR DOYS AND CIRLS. a Tr!-'f '"Mwnnii. Jnvpnlln Monthly. t"i,lv j! iiirai. .1. Tim ncft writer for young j:i trib -tot i it.. 13 ' t. ; i uyuar. 2 J L'JL ,oESCIU?TI0H3 TO THE GAZETTE, HEPPNER, ORE. Feank Lsm-ik's Pomjlab Monthly and the , u .... knk fn. nna ttulll- ffir ll.M . I Frank Lssus's Peasant Hours fob Boy and UiKL and the Gazette, both lor one year $3.00. Undoubtedly tiiG Best Club Offers ZTT'Srnd to Frank TUe' Publithino Houm, X.t.t y JOT new iHWiiriur.t rir.ii SHERIFFS SALE. "VT0T1CE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT CNDER Xl and by virtue of an execution issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, on June 12th, lsart, and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment renaerea ana enierea in saia court on me ara day of March. lS'.M, in favor of 0. A. Rhea, J. L. Morrow & 8oh, (J. W. Morrow,) Henry Black man, Hugh Fields, G. W. Swaggart, Thos. Quaid, 8. Wilson. Wm. Fenland. J. P. Rhea. T. A. Rhea. Otis Patterson and T. W. Avers, plaintiffs. and against the Palace Hotel Company, defend ants, for the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars with Interest thereon from the 2d day of August, 18'J4 at the rate of ten per cent per annum and Ten Dollars costs: and. whereas, bv said judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the following- described real property, to-wlt: Commencing at me Boumwesi corner oi uoi numoer six, in Block number four, of the original Town of Henpner. County of Morrow. Mate of Oregon. thence East one hundred and ten feet, thence North sixty feet, thence West one hundred and ten leet, tnence noutn sixty teet to tne place ot Beginning be sold to satlsiy said judgment, costs and accruing costs. I will on Saturday, the 18th day of July, 1896, at 2 o'clock, p. m., of said day, at the front door oi me court nouse in Heppner, Morrow uounty, Oregon, tell all the right, title and interest of the said Palace Hotel Company in and to the above-described property at Public Auction to tne nignest ana best bidaer (or cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction ot saia execution ana all costs, and costs that may accrue. . vy. hakkipiutun. 47-50 Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon, Dated June 12, 1898. GET THE BES1 When yon are about to buy a Sewing Machine lo not bo deceived by alluring advertisements .nd be led to think you can get tiio bunt made, most nnmnoa ana Most Popular for a mere song. See to ft that faa buy from reliable nmnu- icttirera thut have gained a ; u lat ion b y hon est an d sq uare idling, you will then get a icwlng Machine that Is noted .he world over for Its dura uility. You want the one that i easiest to manage and ia Light Running There f none In the world that can equal in mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many Improvements as me New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both sides of needle (fattnled), no other liar it New Stand ( Patented), driving wheel hinged n adjustable centers, thus reducing tricticu to he minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE HEW HOME SEWIHG MACHIRE CO. 'taUPOR, Mam. Borrow, M mm. MnwwBoj'A,N.T '"Hirfto, ILL. HT. IiOI'IK, Jin. !M,I.A. TKiAS, Han i iujwmum. 'ai.. ATT.antA, 0 k, r-?n r. by C'0. Agents HcprmceOregon, Notice of Intention. A DOG'S CURIOUS ACTION. ADDeared to Surmise That Bis Master T AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON lj June 24, 1896. Notice is hereby given that me loiiowing-namea settler nas niea notice oi his intention to make final proof In support of nis claim, ana mat saia prooi win oe made be fore County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, ai neppner, uregon, on August i, xnw, viz: FREDERICK R. THOMAS, Hd. entry No. 7347. for the 8EU 8WU Sec 18. EU NWJ4 and HE'4 Sec 30, Tp 4 8, R 28 E. W. si. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, Bald land, viz; E. C. Watkins, Robert Watklns, A. S. Burch. A. J. McKeuzle, all of Heppner, Oregon, B. F. WIL80N, 452-fiS. KegiBter. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON, J June 24, 1M6. Notice 1b hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made neiore J. w. Morrow, county ciers, at Heppner, Oregon, on August 8, 18'J6, viz: ALBA G. BARTHOLOMEW, Hd. E. No. SS20, for the EK NW"4, 8WU NWJa and NWH SWVi Sec 35, Tp 2 N, R 2ti E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. Bald land, viz: I. U Vanwlnkle, of Heppner, Oregon, T. I), Mathews, W. B. Finley, Arthur Andrews, of Galloway, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, 452 63 Register. . P.Willarfl & Co.. Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, June '.5, 181)6. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made beforo t. L. Freeland, Commissioner of the U. S. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 25th, 18'JO, viz: ELISHA C. WATKINS, Hd. E. No. 4020 for the NW Sec. 11 Tp. 4 8. R. it r.. n. m. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon anu cultivation of. said land, viz: George Hperry, Robert Dexter, Jack Me Ken xle and David A. Hcrren, all of Heppner, Or. B. F. WILSON, 450-00 Register. 19T Canal Straat, CHICAGO si rm. i no, iVirw, mr uiu r n 3 Hl'ALjDINQ'H . n I his cnntlnumft.rcshlence upon and ..HTflLETIG F i .. .txrrr 11 ?. ' 1 V TJ 1? .Jrj.lT- QUIOIX TIMH I TO Sail licmoloo And all points In California. Ttaths MU Bhaaw rout or in Southern Pacific Co Ttia urmt hishwar ttinmah ralifumia in all points KmI and Ivnilh. Urand Hranin Kouta ff lbs I'MitAe ('. I'ullmsn Haflat HImimh. HooiHid-elaM Nliwiwr Altachol tnaipnaa traina, artinnlins; snixnar svixoiniyiMiaiiiiiia mr snHillaM iimmiimi, Fiw rnm, Unkata. alwpiua oar raaarvaltolM, to,, mil nM,n ur addmaa H. KOKIII KK, Manaxrr. R. P. R'MIKKH, Aast. lieu. F. m P. AU. 1'iirllaiid. Orecon M Souvenir of K I ran In liwinrii. M W A f.nmnlata fiat, consisting of five V 2 llfelllirt Imuiu.-llM.e Ball I'lajrer. Knot g j" Hall I'layer, Golf riaypr. Tennis Player fj and Bicycle Rlilor, will he sent to any jfl address upou receipt of 10 cenU, to pay JJ charges. 8 Then flgtin-s ara abMilutely perfect. nxauliluliy colored and mounted, and arranged to stand upright, and are an ex eelleut souvenir of our 20 years as leaders of the athlrtln supply world. Hulubl for club, rvading nxini, otlU e or home. A.G SPALDING & BROS., Nr I'urs ( htaigo i'Hilwttlvkia Notice Of Intention. Land Orrica at Ths Dai.lkk, Orfoon, 111 lie Hlh IS'lC- NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE followliig-nained settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at uvppuer, uregon, on juiy in, ire,, viz: JAMES W. MOKKLAND, Hd. E No. itw, for the W'4 HWU, Sec. 21, and lessee to prove I ana cultivation III lull, I VI. Arthur Stevens, oTfirrartrrWain Adams, ury Howell, all of Hard man, OregimT-v, JAS. Y. MOOKKT ' 417 57 Register. Bad Been Burt. L. C. Meacbnmp, living above Homer, La., on the edge of Arkaasaa, is a groat hunter and has a fino deer hound, Don, of which he if justly proud A lew day ago, say the Philadelphia Times, Mr, Jleachamp was going squirrel hunting, and in order to keep Dan at home he was compelled to tie him tip. The hound whined and begged, but, finding his master was obdurate, he at last lay quite peaceably before the ken nel all day. At five o'clock in the afternoon, how ever, when Mrs. Meachamp was be ginning to look for her husband's re turn, Dan became so unusually restless that she went out to see what was the matter. In spite of her repeated ef forts rlie could do nothing to pacify him, and at last, to her utter astonish ment, he broke the rope and bountit d away over the fence and into the woods. He wa' gone probably a half hour when he came running back panting and al most breathless with his master's "uat In his mouth. Mrs. Meachsmp became at once alarmod, and, calling her son, they set out to find Meachamp, the dog all the time bounding along in front and lead ing tho way. At last they came upon Mr. Mcnchamp lying helpless in the woods, where at precisely five o'clock he had fallen in a little ditch and broken a small bone in his leg. The dog's knowledge of the accident at the very moment of its occurrence seems almost incredible, but the truth of this is beyond dispute. A FEATHERED MONSTER. Strange and Gigantic Bird Killed by a Man Jn West Virginia. Elias Midkif, of Hamlin, Lincoln county, was in Charleston the other day, and proposed to the State His torical and Antiquarian society that if it would send a taxidermist to Hamlin the society would secure a monster bird, of a kind never seen before by anyone in West Virginia. The feathered monster, says the Baltimore American, Is described by Mr. Midkif, from meas urements taken by himself and W. W. Adkins, of Hamlin, who killed the bird at the mouth Of Vannatters creek, with five bullets from his rifle, while hunting deer recently. The bird is seven feet four inches from tip to tip, four feet from tip of bill to tail, flat bill four inches long and three inches wide, somewhat similar to that of a duck; web feet, covering nearly a square foot of area'each; neck 19 inches long, legs about 11 inches long, and aboutone and a half inches through below the feathers; plumage dark brown, re lieved on the wings and breast by light blue shading. The bird when first seen was circling high in the air, but came down very quickly and alighted in the water, where Adkins got a good shot at it, crippling its wing. Adkins at tempted to capture the strange fowl alive, but it was so vicious that he could not get near it without killing it, which required five bullets. A place, however, so well calculated for the home of the grizzly could not long be without its representative, even if it had to be an animal some what less wild and more domestic in its habits. Hogs turned loose in the swamps and morasses soon became so wild that it was dangerous for a person to be caught unawares by one of the patriarchs of the herds that infested the district. So large and vicious had one of these fellows become that he was known and feared by all the residents in that vi cinity, and for his wild nature and ferocious conduct generally had be come known as "Old Grizzly," and it jas claimed he was bullet-proof and fbuldn't.be slain. Presently he fell a victim to a party of hunters who sought him with the avowed purpose of effecting his extermination. The boar was an immense fellow and weighed 550 pounds. His tusks were long, one of them being partly broken off. The hide was over an inch thick and the shields on the shoulders were 2 inches thick. He had never been injured by dogs or gun before. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. C. BOUCHERS, Prop. CANCER OF THE Bow It Start TONGUE. It Should Be and Bow Treated. Malignancy in any part of the body is very often a provoked malady, says the Family Doctor. For instance, how frequently a malignant tumor of the mamma is ascribed by the patient to a blow sometimes, perhaps, errone- the Family Doctor. For instance, how correctly. Epithelioma in the upper lip is a very rare disease; in the lower one it is very common. The structure of the two lips is identical; the pipe of the smoker is equally in contact with both; but the lower one is mova ble and is often bitten or otherwise marred by the teeth, which is rarely the case with the upper. Thus long continued irritation and slow inflam mation of certain parts the tongue being a conspicuous example may, in it goodly proportion of instances, lay the foundation or be the earlier steps of a ver j terrible disease. Grant this, and it will be seen how essential it is to watch such chronic glossitis very close' ly, to allay irritation, and more espe cially to avoid all irritating applica tions. Thus, if the patient smokes, if he takes highly-spiced food, he should be directed to discontinue or greatly modify these habits; if he have rough and bad teeth, the defects must be cor rected. In treating fissures, ulcers, etc., nitrate of silver or sulphate of copper must especially be avoided. The mouth should be washed after each meal; boracic acid or bismuth lo tions may be used. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. T. R. HOWARD DEALS IN Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens' Supplies, Etc., . And Wants Your Trade! He will make it an object for you to trade with him as his prices are right, and all goods that he handles are of the very best. Sto Heppner, - M TA RE ON MAIN STREET, IN EXT UOOR to City Drug Store, - - - Oregon. Successor to C, S. Van Duyn. Next door to City Hotel. Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty, CHICAGO, Iwtt & st. Paul Q'g ESS. Notice of Intention. AND OKfH'E AT THE DALLE. OREGON, 4 May 2i., lMMl, Nolle Is hereby given thst I he following named settler has filed notice of hla intention Ui mnke final proof in support ol Ills claim, and that said proof will he msdr before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on July . i'i. vis : If AHKImiS IIAl.K II. I E. No. for the Ixita 1 and 2. and RVt N K'. . 1, 1 P. 6 K , K. ai K. He names the following witnesses to prove Is continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, rls: Harvey t:. Husn, miliars uiiitam, neunen Gaunt and lluiijaiiitll MkIUhiii, all ol Heppner, iregon. J An, F. M1HIKK. 41 St K.-giiler. irafdlfii , rsvi. laTEK m wm -TO THS- EAST iND SOUTHEAST VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Through riillman Paltw Sleepers. Toutl.l sleepers ami free Kn lining Chair Cars t'AII.Y toOitt-agn. Many hours aarr4 via tot lit. $TM MtT. MIWItstT flits Hue la tastern PUTSCH LIGHTS, MA I KM. HASTt'H, Vm Agtnt. 'orfiia.f, Ortgon J. C, It.MiT, Ajml, llfpjmtr, (rtoa). J tCllntlflO AKlC M J TtD SAI cj rATitjT. COfMatCMT. J av tf m4-4 . 4 f-- -i k mi a . ( , t..t-t few Mtiat w.ia. t f --! Ik- . t , w fr...M s ui ty a t 4 im laa fnrmuic $twwati a t Msa.as Sl lmJv. Tli ''i!r t'rij'tt"n ki of Hn.i ttiii (,aIU to $:M at. I tlx rtrnlf .re til lbs) Weelljf OrttnnU Ull.Vl. Anjiona ul nl last t i't i'f aul f"' vr la tiitif iiii'l lerfli !' tlst.iu ar. '.: I'f f -t M 1 .. All it I its. i' t a; i. a ttislf uti r ihn.a (c (4 ai smIvsmm ill N ev.liUtxl k A NT" A MlNNEBOTAS y F 1 Ni a . 'xrji; Glanco at this Map Ot ths f htrM", Milwaukee and M. fan! Rail ay sn.1 aola Itamnaertion with all Iransron llnental tine and IH , Paul and Malta, and retaeiulwr llial It train ara llslilol lthl Irlrlty and hraie.1 by steam. It equipment Is suiwrlt, Rlrtant Rnttet, l ll-rary, iMmiklni and DliN-plnt rar. altli frea rerllnln ehalra. Park sir lain ear Iwrth kaa aa elertrte reading lamp. nd Its dining raia ara tl tt la lh aorld, Mhsr lln are longer Ibaa title, but kott sr. (hurWr, and ao other afters th shots laiurtnu armmmo.Utl.tna T hew ara tifflrlnt imbi t.t lh t-ptilarlly of "Ta Mllwaukaa." Cospo U.kHanl la every rJln4 aSlea alll lv further Information. t .ttm 0. I. IIly. Ovnarai et, J W, CAsIT, Trav. raa. agent. rvaTLtan, tISSoo PMNl!TRATORH HOTU'K. Notice s herrhy given thst lh undersigned have lten atMilulel administrators of the ee- ale ol ltoore A Hrnwn, dreeaae.1, Itr the Coun ty Court ol Morrow County HUte of Orenou All peraons having rlalina asalnsl said estate are hereity reiulreti it, preseni mem ttt me un iler.iKUr.l at lltelr otlli-e In Hanlinan, Morrow County, On-si.n, duly verltled, wlUiin sli ainitths Irom ihe nate herettl. Itated this ::u.i day ol May, l'. J. .IS ft SOW W, Hx I'sassa. 4 ,VV Adinlnlairahir. NtinrE or ihmu tion. VOTK K H I1FKFSV IIIVKM THAT Til R 11 Snn nf Wells A Warren, composed of lleo. Well. n. I M K. Vtorren dolus a federal drug bitaloeaa In lh rliy of llfpplier. has this day Itevn dlMolvwl, U,- W Hells hating dls- tt.we. ol his lotere.t in H I Warren who will eonllnu lha hosinras. eollert all atToillitJ and ay all Indelnetlnea of ih old Arm iif.h, w. srns, II. K. WARHKS. Daletl sl lletitinrr. Oreson. this 2.'lh dar ot 4 una, laws. .-. ONE OF NATURE'S PHENOMENA. A Bore' Srml-Annual Visitation at CheUlang, China. Twice ft year nt ench equinox the fumnua tides of the Tsien Tanp; river, thnt flows from the. borders of Kiunpsi, Fuhkicn and Chickiupp to Ilnnp Chow Ijay, nt,tain their prentcat heipht; nnd a Dore oi sometimes over 4U icei, in height sweeps IrresiHtibly up Its rdinl low and fuunel-aliuiied estuary, often producinp; tremendous havoc to the Mirrounding country hence its nnme, "moneydike, from the amount expend ed in successive centuries on its em Imnktnenta. It is aeen nt its Ix-nt at irnir Chow, the prefecturnl city not fur from its mouth. Twelve or I t min utes before it is visible a dull, distant ronr is heard, momentarily swelling until the wall of muddy water, tall as the bulwarks ot the biirpest liner, as overwhelming as a glacier, sweeps into sight round the bend a mile away. Not a bout is to le seen on the lately rowded river; all are hauled upon to the htifee embankment and moored fore and aft with a dozen rattan cables, for none but ocean going steamers could stem the current, and even they would need skillful navigation. As the ogre nenrs, the roar becomes deafening aa a storm at sea, drowning the excited ahoiits of the thotiHands who line the walls, until finally it foaivs past in turbid msjeely, hurrying ti ward the heart of China. The releatialt have tried to deal with It in every way, human and aupcrhuiiian. Ben Butler' Wit. As a lawyer Ben Butler was always ready with a witticism, even at the ex pense of the presiding judge. Once he was retained as counsel for the plaintiff in o libel suit against a certain Boston newspaper, and during the cross ques tioning of the publisher, the general sought to bring out that the paper was not a strictly first-class sheet. To prove this he began reading advertisements of a somewhat shady character and asked the witness if he was acquainted with the person who inserted it. To each of these questions the opposing counsel would object, and, of course, be sustained by the court. Still, But ler persisted in similar questions, his intention being to force the idea upon the jury. Finally the judge turned to the famous lawyer and said, sternly: "Mr. Butler, won't you please ask a proper question?" "That's precisely what I'm trying to do, your honor," was the prompt reply. "Won't your honor suggest one? Boston Budget. a-ar -ar gm A ti yiirl, Tl I s-mTrTrA 13 PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new 1 law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it I to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present" I your claim at this present time ? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. ' trWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, ) 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. ) 2T. B.-Thil Company U tontnlled I y nrarty one lhou$and leading newt- fg) (Jji paperi in (he faffed Kales, and i gaufixnkul by them. (4 VTCWfcj. LlBhtest, r.r: A NOVELIST'S BLUNDER. forgot JVeat. Simplest, itroncest, 5olld Top Rcdvr. mast Modcra and progressiva For eatalogiM or wformaUoa writ to .THU MARUN FIRE ARMS CO., New Havea, Cms, Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS 01 th 014 Rsllsl.l I HEPPNER, AttorncyH tit Iaw, All business attended to it, prompt and istiafaotory. manner. Notaries Public and Collector. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. t t OREGON Pnliimhif. DirHi nnrl 1 1AM U d UM dllU 1 (rn inn I in IV li V 14 V V II Had Killed Off a Character- 1 . T T rat master of the art of throwing J(X LI 1 I ilULloCa rWa by doily luatalltnenta was Airrrat off atorl l'oiiwtu tlu Terrail. When he waa at tie height of hi vogue, he kept (lire running at the same time in different miter. Ilia fertile Imagination waa CHICAOO, ILL Half block west ot lh cnlnn Depot Ft t 0 of r. . i. and lb C St. L A r. Railroad. Kit Tic u.ou i'icm ijyr Cot. W. Madison and Cllnlea Sts., CIUCA33. ZXA. WHITE COLLAR LINE. DmaiaI Cnnnrl Mr umv i; rvv vsss va i Stramers THETflON'E, BAILEY GATZERT AND OCEAN WAYL Lcatioc Alder Rlreel Di-ck. Portlaad, for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Long Baaeh, Ooeaa Park aod Aabeotta. Direot eunoeelioo with Ilwaoo ataaaart and rail road ; alto at Yooog't Bay with Seaabort llailroad. TUZiErnoNH Loaves Portland 1 A. M. Dally, tcept Sunday. Uave Astoria T P. M. bally, leapt Suoday. UAIIjDY OATKEIIT Uarea Portland I P. M Ially, snept thinday. atnrday nUht, II P. M. leave Astoria Pally a alt W A. M., aieept Sunday and Monday. Sunday Dlght, J P.M. OOHAN WAVE Leave Portland nd ransdirvrt lo llwam, Tuaaday and Thursday at S A. M. aaturday at I P. H. Laava tiaaco Weduesatay aud Prtday at 1 ) A. M. Oa aunday atgit at P. M. Bae CbecUd lo EiibaJ Pt.liB.lioi U Bfifks Fret &f Eipeast For Safety, Rped, Comfort, Pleasura, Travel oa lh Telephone, Bailey Gaturt aod Oraaa Wiva. rernrdy fi r Cnuinixma Py H i timely mm traarumbtif Ixsrvloi ctxl ruvt hern irfdy perrruiimtly cuiei. .V protsf pmaive am I of Hi power ttut I tim.a-r it iny duty la vnJ im KmiUi if to tln of your mtlfri who hvf CimtirnMiiiri,Thmat, Brotirhul or Lunf TrotiNf. af thry wUl wm me their r rml tM rwtiflVt a.Vtrfil. Nnrmiv, T. A. (lOtTBl. K. Cm tt Pvart lt aVw Tsrk. a Ta I swal aa4 : t at --........an.. aaMsasa ,sia.. mm Teafelal tsefih.se tie4i Is baasara a hsI savasaa. They tliassisra that graate truaailly at tiw alwy awa ta h eatcask The Nfrta the fcaaaAtlal fa My af Rlp.msTabu!cs 4taapaed with aay yrtasly k mwi MHA Ctl ia TakxlMi i Pi a, as I 4l anggwta, y saad. (aMaM4 lraJvtaraasi4aMM4a4 U 1 at nleMMMlINM MHIHit Mtt Ova orns t Osiar? U, a. ' 0f 4 m ... -'.- ta bat Imm taaa U vvttMiitHii , .... ka4 fk ' e Imi. w J, M att a m tort 4Wt Isa de. l ftMM tsa-ae-. a psate. " - l mM l aa. ta lh V. t M Ma avassi a b A t l c.A.suow&co. it pM Stnaf Oenst. ., D C. InmiV what happened to hla me wouien, but II tilling that often he coul' Itot read hla own writing, he invenlrtl new system. Ho i.nK'ure little Iratlet flgnrra on whlrh he gummeil the name of hla character aa they were Urn. iMipKiaiiig there were three iorlea run ning, there were three seta of Pf urea in different drawer. When rharacier waa artilrd off. the llltle man or woman in lead wa taken away from III rtim- aiilot aid laid aMe. tne day when iVnaon du Terrail wa all la hind In hi work, he art hltnarlf to hi task w H limit etamialng thealaln. Ida It at I nwnu'ry rl him Into a terrible l.liitidrr. lie had fortrnttrn that he had kllletl niK'arubole the at ill ftitnon I!tv ramUtle-ln the frettou fruiltelnti. ml. ttt Ihe great anrptlas nf Ihe reatler, he m!e him talk at-nln a If rmttilng rut if the ri'tnt'mn tt aa. 1 Isrfallen hint. Till teaun lt.il l,,n uf lioranitaila I tin of Ihe moat enrUiu thing In the hla. tirv of lh lUibiaas-ftullietAn. I 0IOAWAYT0NV'Dfr0RS. JJjJ KSSIBV IllSllllli. n taaati wth pas y Ssaay astsatts a. J alua dtea(h a tW taa wast Mnaamaaa Bases fcasg w as SBIMI MW. M a smn lh. Wat a-asawW IW awreJUota, ad Hne atct ml 0m. . H a. s tw ir wa.. as iMnkif KiKMIMt, At IK. i snahtst For tho Ouro Oa LKjuor. Opium ui Tobacco Habits It I loralad at Sals as, Oregon, Th IfM Veuutifvl Toira on (Ag Ooaf CL0 GRIZZLY finLLY KILLED. WVoeaathiat (rraj otaicat. 0911 tkaatli mt a WU4 Ha Watek lafaatd lh VWIalty ' t hiew. iiruy iVad" waa the name horr fur ntoy yeara hy that portion of th county lying alonr th tWranwato Hrr aooiheaaiarly fmm rhlro nd em tirarlng th I'armtl ranrh a4 other l.tmta In that trinity, aaj Ihe tertr,'i f ,h t ! Ileppnee M -. , C Mervury. til nmr, It . i ,.n tt . l.x.ltii at,. frt -lai. Ia r' "It" I ' ' ' ' Ue ftirrl.r hll ta ..it WANTEO-AN IDEAS tMag tat yaiaat t ! swat Maaa ,' hr hrlra - ti- W -iaJ.UI Wt;tt.H in tf.V a ck. I athrtT WaatiijtMa, U M lawte pets . i Til'e'. Ta'l) -l nlar.. t are i aea wt t1e., Ul' A tnt re, aa, the In.) an. he wa f.n 1 t.i kt way U fura the jiiMt-es-r vlUi IT S THE SIMPLE, TRIVIAL CTOTJONS THAT YICLD MJ C)wBce.iarfM"dkhaM Waihtd 4 sVtaa a ati il hi silting (W kawni hk. aaM. "fflSttrti. sa t, m m.. m4 rti mm I mMs ktls ri Vi av ata eaa S4 at l HHeavtg I swath wan at ra.riaaaii art im tita. artag Ug 9mm lilt .. lry Wltkai. sawsiigwaiils IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SLXHS. Paw mmt tin ttash aawl.a mmt ilaw ta W " iim ttMt, a .til snl at W mm It C . at ltnaia.nl w " UIA as sm it nt mt ai . s iwa s ymt itaalia.i.tmwt..anss ttn Kh4aM. ts I "nh.i.i mi Sms mt tmmmtm ml tk " mmw4 a . ml Omi a i aim, a4 4mm.w' if ast utm.a, W tl entrt lh I atiatit aa4 atMniMn, stn atwga g as SWa at la mmi a. wm lm.ia A s MasHHMt aiwM sanaly aswUtaauL MMtaw Jt)MN WCDDCRr.fRS A CO. MtKf 4 Aaasest, aaw I ' PalatiO, CIS f Mrret. N. W., Boti. Waahlittnw.D. C. If Aaant... tJ. mfnfmtrm Wrmjumm MW fwHt ' A. fi Firs 10 Vt'ru. O. ! he opened Bp It, f.- Jsrvl rit d ttif a lb(a(lta rlH.s, X aolie I a h' of ).nr pa'fr naga. l,!y to r?t,t ai bma at 11,, laaieeaa, al or tiofa SJill U aril .k4 aftaf. PrisMa Call al th Ostrrra ar) toe farttrnlars atrtrtly cvaS.laallaU. 1 raaiBtanl yrtaU aad sur ear. OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS . TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at .1 great financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we mu?t sell it. The Patterson Pudusiiing mj: .jt e- 11 ! .1' IWarfea.llefnp. T4. 1'rt.seIL I'r p. t.r Ifiat vsii'utr. if y ' Wl V r(t I""' at""" gajr" lotMaaaht. tisT tad f'tU (of aaJo. ( Hi MM.