THE BEST Family Medicine She Has Ever Known. Word of Praise from a New York Lady for AYER'SiLLS " I would like, to odd my testimony to that of others wlio have used Ayer's Pills, and to say that I have taken them for many years, and always derived the best results from their use. For stom ach and liver troubles, and for the cure of headache caused by these derange ments, Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled. When my friends nslc me what is the .best remedy for disorders of tho stom ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea son, they will break up a cold, prevent la grippe, check fever, and regulate the digestive organs. They are easy to tidce.aiid are, indeed, tho best all-round 'family medicine I have ever known." Mrs. May Johnson, 308 Eider Avenue, -New York City. AVER'S FILLS highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Cures all Blood Disorders. A .,!"- . tt it ?.r mmn Ml CMENDAR Here and There. See the big 4th of July ad. Thos. Qilnllen visited Heppner yesterday. the Ileppner Transfer Co., ban wood for sale. 37-tf. Dr. E. R. II unlock on business. oame in yesterday in Heppaer 3 WX-i.R-7 11 m?m 30 m is Qambrinus Beer, o 5vHALF PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drinkable Liquors and Smokabla CI art. Call on Ted. TEST OF ItKI'UULICANldM. Wiley Watteobereer was Saturday last. Andrew Neal and Jeff Haves are ever ti'utu Lone Rock. Al Evans was in from Alpine Sunday flud yt'S.erduy. Bruf y and J,i D.iherty weru in Moo-1 day lam JJIack llorne. Mis. J. F, Willis is d' wu at Portland nuiier medical trt-atimut. Mrs. It. 0. WMIh pp-ut last week visit ing witu relatives at 1 me. ' J'din Trufditon and Mr. Beosou were in from D iiigt is Ust Friii iv. Emeiy l.ttzer hie acceiited a posiiiun as tiri k'tniU on the matu line. Jnek L ike will leave for ashnrt visit in the near future to the metropolis. ' John Rush arrived from the valley Sun day and will remain n few duj B. Drink tbe oelebrated J. H. Gutter whiskey. On tap at Chris Bombers'. T. M. Spenoer is here today to cut', up on our business men who sell wet uoods. La Gri'urte Marble Works, La Grande Ore. S. 0. Smith, salesman, Ueopner. R-v Gray was in Heppner last week looking for his team whiou had strayed away. Mis E. Minor and dmibUr, Willn, buve returned from iheir visit to Hood iiiv-r. Nels Johnson is looking after two bauds of sheep over id tbe Dale section this year. Richard MoEHigo't made tinal rroof lost Huturday, with M. A. Olden and J. M B..ker us wituesses. A. C. Petteys, tbt ae8 Sfor-eleet, was in tow. Saturday armumnK bondj for the fulfillment of his duties. Geo. Baxter, who murdered his wife in Portland recently, was Riven 15 years m the "peu"aud o0t) Que. T. L. Williams, of Long Creek, lost a registered paokage in tbe McEwen-Can yon holdup ooutaininit 33J. Grand bill at tbe opera bouse on Sat urday nijjlit. July 4th Mnsio will be fur uisbed by Hale's otohestra. tt Rev. Potwine will hold Episcopal services in tbe 1M JS. cburcb on tbe MV-niuu of Julv 3 d. Alt are oordiallv tnvred. The piledriver gang have been called away from tbe branch. "Tod" Allyu, one f tne bts, will spend his 4th down at Vanoiiuver. The street sprinkler is a weloome ad junot to nuy town at this season of the veur, and more particularly to tbe town of Heppner. The Eleppoer and Lexington band buye are preparing for the 4th at HeDD- ner. ibey will render some good ruuaio on that oocbbihu. Perry Walkiua, father of judge Wat kius, of Spokane, ht one time judge of this district, was killed by a team near the Uidies last week. Bert Runnev was down from Eight Mile today and informs the Guzette that be is reaay to h ill campers to and from the mountains this summer No one in ordinary health need beoome bald or gray, if he will follow sensible treatment. We advise clean lino of the soalp and the ue of Hall's Hair Iie- uewur. All the little girls ho have beeo so leoted to ride on the Liberty car are re queoted to meet at the parlor nf the PhIhob Hotel on the morning of July 4tb al V.dJ. Nerves are weak, mauy people say, and yet they do not 6ccm to know that they are literally ptarvinjr their nerves. Weak. pnlo. thin blood can not give proper susten.-.ncc that is why you tin; nervous, tireil, exliausted. The cure lor this condition is to purify, vitalize ntul enrich your blood. Take Hood's &irx:iparilla fairly and faithrully, nr.d the rich, red blood, which it niitkes, vill soon feed the nerves the elements of true strength they require : thev will cease their nsri- tation and wi.l resume their proper place lieinj under the control in stead of controlling tho brain and body. Head Miss Hartley's letter: I want to express my gratitude for What Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me. My health has been very poor for three years, due to trouble with my was nervous, had pains in my back. I cannot tell what I suffered. My eyesight became affected and I was so despondent did not have any interest in life. I bad two physicians, but my complaints be came worse. I was told that I waa affected with Bright '8 disease. A rclutive urged me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I did so and in a short time I began to notice a change in my condiuou. Things tiegan to appear brighter, my eyes improved and From the Con illli Gaictte. The x isperatiug i 111 iousoess of the Oragouiau in questioning ihe patty lojr altv of si ver republio ins nul its streuu out rflorts to taunt them into leaving the party, mikes its attitude, hi tbe time when it could fairly claim to be a republican paper, a matter of some in terest as da'rrmining what party con sistency, from its tiUndpiitit, Is meant. Uotil recent years the Oregnnitu bat tied furiously f r the priuoiple of free trade, notwithstanding tbe fact thai prjteotioo was theu, as oow, oue nf tbe Oirdtnal prinetpl- o( tb republican partv. Tt Mr. Hi-ott claimed to b a g'Mid republican at.d it in tbe councils of Ihe party. Hi made do boasts at that time of bring a "prufesnional bolt er." Here, "hen, are two itmdardt of party eooi tlency rnu'd by lbs Oregoi.iao that statidcrd of Ibe days f Its own loyalty, and the standtrd of lbs time nf its bslrd rrereaocy. Can a man be a eooswtrnt republican and yet disagree with a pari of bis parly's pUtfurm, or mast bs sUvUhly profris to believe all that Ibat t'U'f 'rm aJvooals.f Ths Orrgoiiiaa srerns lo liavs Very arrow eoer(tioa f lbs rrpoblicsti parly of ile iurpw, nfales end method 1 be ii abhoao pHy is not a oos iJea t arty. Il duet not t ipee a pet pnlilical principle or faney as a leel of tonilrriip It is not roinlloe. to Slit) !ud:idilnlly or lo drny frredora "f tbnuglit. To be a cotiit4ht (epub'uraa a man r.ri rol tnca'ily siprov ery plif no thai routrullon tmglil Hi"pl. A g d lritilii o I one Ibat llifM Ibal Ihe rrpehlieaa parly la tbe stfiMtailh el icU In ulrnl lbaffir of lbs aiti. o; l.o ', rr t bat il oheir g neri r right and Ibat It error are fl vi 1 n.'roJ-1; ti lb patri die .rl)-tl. ily if bal ae Jm t.d i f titr ntliHa, party !. r. r I .'nv i .rth. It I mi riit, li np'i I of i'M:i:ot tiio lhl ti.'T i.tM'i . il.rir enviciin Suttreriiing the grral q-i" l"iii if r,lM. I r'riTi etd I MmrMi pliey inr!y 1 1 il Hnr i ti.i' tie as lo ti-rl e.'tiU rrgithl) it s. M'. LXlb and Mr. Il'tixiin cn e.i.i.i,u!!y ep pirl the t i il .ife t la t 'lliinb lby ti(T.r (-a Ihe flbaiid)! qn-i"n. an I al ILoagb tbe .i.rn i Ut,k i m4 b siibef utt!J otg'tl. lo mi i: m. Ak fir i-' f !., i-nt fltij'. rd your f i i 'i t ' l' I ,,,..n-i It- ,i T I l-il It, f.,r a f i k i. u K I ''l4li I Hr il ll l.ll'll'l I'll Ukti Voe Sm4 Va( HaJ t-ivi'e, U Any inventor in Eastern Oregon wbo desires the services of an attorney in Wnauiugton, 1). O , will And it to hi advantage to call on or address this pa- par. Gtf Found On the road between Ileppner and Uardmm, a meerschaum pipe, silver mounted, uwnsr will please eall for ame at tbe Uszelte olliioe and tai ruxr.ea. Geo. Gray mads a business trio to Gilliam county last week Ibmngb lower Ivgtil Mile retaroiog by tbe way of E'gbl Mile Ceutrs and reports crop burning badly. Geo. Browo, who was arrested last ftuuday lorasaaulloo bis mistress, was released last night on eoDdttioo tbst be leave town at oooe. lis went oat on I be evening train. Commr-Loing on Joly 3d tbs O. R. N. di. will aril round trip tickets to any polut within 3110 miles at ons fars for Ihe round trip, tickets ars good lo and to oludiog lb Othuf July. If July 4. I noma iteiann and mdhsr ars ran Ing the Whit hotel and restanranl tVinli'on. When yu go there give tbetii a eall. They will treat yon rlgbt 37-lf, I hil Cuba is now annoiall wilb tb firm of i. Ueppoer A On., lo tbs for warding boaioeas. Tbey pay lbs highest rnirkai price for pelts aod bides and at- leud Ij all forwarding. Jae Lieaallea aod E. O. UxHia tied lo Ihe eoelr! for juattee ,f lb peaee of trie Lexingtoo diaiiiol, aod last Halor lay it tiled by Boooe wioaiog Ibe pi are. Dooue pulled lbs loog slraw II o. W. H Elds wtnl Ulow last oigbl In be prreeut at a banqeet given in lii Louoe el Ida I'urtland looigbl. l b riilr i f Ibe 0Mil aeknowledg b rrcrtpi of an invitation sad regrats iui us i uoatu io atlenn. Ater'a Pill proainl lb oslaral me- iou til Ihe tila, wuhnnl whteti lor aabiio rnl.r, b'aliby optatinn r r Hi ru'e i.f lilliiaia, leiliers'i" kk badcbe, SiMialipailtio, iaundie and liver cnmpieisl, iiieae pills Lav an rqtal. every does ffwliv. W. P. Hrrvnr U prepared lo do a kin.M of blaekamitbiag, bofMa bovine marbiii rrpeiring, Wagoa Work, la far I aw thing Itialiueal ratattla ebsrgae ud aaiufa. tia gqaraalrfd. Will pal lu i'k' for 3) eai eaeti, aa 1 athr wag. ou-wurk In popfB, 44 II T.-M ! UiHrl II. Ua Kba and lUr'la l. i.., ebo wameialaal In HI. klary's Aa y I ha al vaar, I.f I at Mabtlof lime at IWppf. A tumlwr of ih.if fn'iid B al lite t'aialilla bona lal twulbg auj gate tbesa S farewU l (.! lop. F.titl: Wr. Uarlatl was or froes lb Nortb Kik eoamry Welaway aa lead l,abaw. ; tliM lb IwtMl Hi ke M aar al bend la bi loaaliiy. He bad J ia r'ttir ad ffoie a trip to Portland b be iiea4d Ih PmtjMra and a diaa Wf Vf lras' Aaeneiatlos. Kidneys ELLIS AT CORVALL13. Tbe Oregoaiaa Wilirally Mini presents Him la aa latervlew. did not trouble me so severely. My appe tite returned and I gained strength every day. I am now able to do my own work, and feel perfectly well. I cannot find words to express my gratitude for what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me and I gladly recommend it." Miss Ella Bart LET, 213 S. Qrant Ave., Columbus, Ohio. CHI Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $i. Prepared only byC I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Cy wj n1f "r i-ivi-r in, easy w llOOa S PIUS take,easyt.niiperte.'2So. Now the "Candidate" U out of date, 1 he crops are looking fine; It I a treat to view the wheat, The melon on the vine. The horn of plenty'! In the land But the horn for which we lUh I a winning Ian and a brimming glaas Of 8perry's "Unwood Rye." Hold only at tbd Belvedere Saloon. SPOKANE BACKS. Bed 8. and Paul Jones Win Fnrthf r Honors-' The Close of a Bceesnral Meeting. T.-M.: F. W. Bilvertooth is borne rom a trip through Grant oounty. He reports limes quite lively in tbe Granite district. A Dumber of miniog claims io that section bave recently been sold to a Boston syndicate, which baa pot a considerable amouut of mouey iu circula tioo. Not many business bouse io these United States can boast of fifty years' landing. Tbe business of Dr. J. 0. Iyer k Go , Lowell, Mans., whose incom parable Barssnarilla i known and nsed evervwhere, has passed its half centen nial ana was never so vigorons as at present. Eagle: 0 H Lee. Tom and Jack Will. iam and W, M. Hmlio departed Saturday tor a rew a ays' noting al ftlagoue lake, returning Tuesday. They did not sue owed in oatcbing many o! the floe Irout that inhabit Ibe waters of Magone. bat report a pleaaanttnp. Tbe Gazette has a one year's tuition lo either tbe English, Commercial, Short hand or lelegrapbio department of tbe rJolmee uosinrss College, (if Portl Dd for sale Any person desiring lo lake a thorough bnalnes conrae io a first cles oollege should see the Gasstle before go log below. tt Marty Per Cat. Of all ibe people need lo take a enurae of Hood's Barsaparilla at Ibis season to prevent Ibat run dowo and debilitated eonditioo whieb invites disease. Tbe money invested o a half a (ofn botle of llnod s barsaparilla will turn back wilb large retnroa io lb health and vigor of body and streoglb of nerves. Hood's Tills ere eaay lo bay. easy to take, eaay to operate. Care all liver Ills. 250. A rioa Hhav. teslerdsy about oooo Jos Drowo aod Ohas. Koberlsoo mt wilb sever aooi deot io a wall down at Mr. Baksr's pi see io ins jordaa org section. Uolb were painfully injured aod it Is aooder tbal Ibey were out killed. Tbs well was some thirty fst deep ud bleating bad to bs resorted to la or der to work ibe rock. Tb mea put la a blaalof dyoamits which failed to si plode, aod both went dowa ioto tb II to dig out tb ebergs and pot io osw one wbo, without warning, it weol off. IJrowo we belly eat op by pise of wood sad roeks, ihs Mil flogar of bis rigbt band was torn and tnaogUd sod will probably bsvs to bearapa'aitd 11 btbsreia broiaed bol did Sol go lo b4 iierdy, sobaUetiallog bl tajameul 'tbal la "as prttly lata lough." lUberteno did oat fats so well. Hi rigbl eya is entirely goes, Drids re- Srlvieg a great many cms aa I brail Us Ml foe bU bum aer Vinsoa faster day. I'f. Meord I .f tb opiaka Ibal b-itb will bav eallrely iwofe4 from ih rnei or ibe ee lent la lb sear of a few week. Congressman W.R.Ellis, representing the second district of this state, arrived in Corvallis with bis wife by the west side train Tuesday noon, to attend the commencement exercises of tbe Agricul tural oollege which institution two of bis children are attending. He will visit here fur a few days when he will gobaok to his home in Eastern Oregon. In a few weeks, however, be will return with his family who will spend the summer at Yaqnma Bay. Mr. Ellis, thongb, will spend the greater portion of tho time be tween now and tbe convening of con gress, iu OHnvnssing his district in tbe Interest of McKioley. Upon his arrival Mr. Ellis was seen by a Gnzitte representative, and convers ed freely npon the political situation. Asked as to what be thought of tbe St. Louis platform, be said: "It is one of the best and strongest platforms ever adopted by tbe party, and it appeals to tbe business judgment and patriotio in stinots of the Amenoan people. Tbe financial plank may be somewhat often sive to the silver republicans, but it is honest and will prevent any wrong in terpretation of Ibe party's position in tbe future. It recognizes free coinage as a right principle of political economy, and though it denounces independent action on tbe part of the United States, it strongly favors bi-metalism through international agreement. Tbe republic an party is undoubtedly the friend of the white metal, and when the people fully understand ita attitude toward silver, it will receive their hearty rupport. I do not believe, as tbe Oregoninn seems to d", that every one who professes repub licanism must approve fully of every word of every plank of the party plat form in order to be deemed a consistent republican. That paper in taunting the free silver faction of the party is en deavoring to drive it hopelessly out of tbe organization, and in fact is losing the party votes that might be retained by a oonoiliatory attitude." In speaking of tbe nomination of Mo Kinley, Mr. Ellis seemed enthusiastic 'ver Ibe prospeots of his election. "The first thing," said be, "is to raise tbe revenue of the government snffloieutly to meet current expenses end crests a surplus io tbe treasury, sod then we will have solved a problem that will go far toward solution of other eootomio ques- tions that are troubling us. Iu the east tbe people are wild with enthusiasm over MoKiuley's nomination. There, and especially in Ihe manufacturing states, protection, of wbiob pnnoiple he la tbe great exponeut, is reghr led aa Ibe great issue, aod other questions are deemed aa being of comparatively little importance." In an interview with Mr Ellis, publish ed io Tuesday's Oregouian, appears the following: Mr. Ellis still bears tbe ocular evi dence of his fiee rilver proolivitiei, as bs wears a button on ebich is Inscribed Dennis Flynn and Free SiWerMr. Flynn is a cuOuily from Oklahoma, wbo sought lo float into fame on a sup posed free-silver tidal wave." Evidently the reporter who interview- sl Mr. Ellis had already begun ot ltbrat- loj tbs glorious Fourth and was consid erably under the "influence." Otherwise, bs would have seen Ibat tbe inscription on Ibe button read "Dennis Flynn and Free Homes," sod ought to bav knoen that Dennis Flynn wa lbs promoter of s bill lo with Iraw certain laods in Ibe Oklahoma country from sale at f2 50 per acre, and throw them open for settlement to homesteaders. Upon tbe passage of tbe bill, wbieh was reported favorably Irons Mr, Ellis' committee ou public land, Flynn' friend seoared lbs but toos in question, which from Ibal time oa wers very much io evidence about tba capital, io strong a gold mn a Speaker Kted wearlog one of them wilb much pride. Bat all Ibis is simply lo eiplaio on of ths daily misrepresenta tions of what lbs pops ereptad to csll ttis "bihl" of Oregoa republican. Oorvalli Osteite. The Oegot iao reporter that purported to interview Mr. ElIU wa one. Middle- ton, a cheap sot' wbi oevsr Ul'f tb 'ruth when a falsehood wl'l a-rv bi purpose belter, or wbo it fjrlbettlbe oauas ol bis maators. The last day's raoing at Spokane was very suooeesful. Ileppner people will no doubt be very much interested in ihe following from tbe Spokane Review: Tbe horses were sent away lo a false start and Red B. aod Skipper raced it out. There was a storm of protests, bat tbe judges made the horses go back to tbe poet ngnio. Auother delay ocourred, but ou tbe second start Red S got away first, Skipper close op.. Paddy passed Skipper at the eighth pole, bat was un able to get bv Red 3., who woo ngaio by a ueok, Paddy two lengths ahead of Skipper. Quarter mile daeb, purse $100 : (111) Ked 8., Bngley l (111) randy, II. Smith 2 (til) skipper, Jones 8 (1H9) Koxy, Boynion 0 (ill) Siuiler, Kceuey 0 Time, :23. Half mile dash for 2-yeai-olde, special, purse $100. i xue uorses were sent away urter a slight delay to a good start. Paul Jones took tbe lead from the start, with Step- toe at his flank, Blue Sign being third, Cyrus King two lengths to tbe rear. Tbey raced this way to the quarter, which wss covered iu 21 seconds. It was a close nioe down the streioh between Jones and Steptoe, Paul Jones winuing by a neok, Sleotoe second, Blue Sign third. Time, 111. Paul Jones, Boynton 1 101. d'eneral 8 eptoe. bl g., Russell 2 nil. nine ffign, gr. I., Powers . 3 ill. Cyrin King, ch. ., Bozeman 0 Time. Owl stakes, one and one-eigbtb miles, purse 8300. Bozeman, Pol look and Oakley went lo tbe post io this raoe. Under tbe grand stand the horses raced with Bozeman a length in frout of Polloek, who was leDglh and a half ahead of Oakley. At the quarter BozemAO bad improved bis posiii'in to two and a halt lengths in front of Pollock, wbo was five lengths lu front of Oakley. These positions wers unchanged at tbe balf, also at tbe three- quarters, Coming dowo thestretoh Pol- look moved up a little on Ucz'raan, but was unable to catch him, and B zemsn finished two lengths ahead of Pllock, who was ten lengths in boot of Oakley. Time, HA. Tbe talent was thrown down bard on this raoe. Pollock s ild for $20 in tbe p tola to Bi zjmau's $3 and 2 for Oak ley, lot. Jlin Bozeman, h. g . flnlden . 1 Kit. Pollock, b. ., Rottemau 2 122. Uaklty, U. s Will ill 8 Time, 1:5(1),;. Consolidation race, mile, purse $160. After s short delay, occasioned by Ten. nessee Muid throwing her rider, lbs "nags" got away with Baby Roth a length In front of Graoie H., closely fol lowed by Pionic. Going around tbe turn Raby Rnlh. Tennrssis Maid and Miss Pollard were bunched, beads a io io ins siretL'D me orneray Baby Rutb, TenuesieeMlWir'Mlss Pollsrd, with Grove Coming op rest. In a greol I'ug'fiuiab Tennessee Maid woo py a nose from Mits Pollard, with Grover third, a half length aey. lbs otbeis were bnnohed. Time, 1:02 Summary : 1113. Teniid'po Maid. r. m.. Nsrvaei I mim llanl, l. in., liurllngain I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOflrOtfOOOOOg V To Do Given Away this )'ear in valuable articles to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine yrham Tobacco It lisu i ill ' i ! m&mm mar n lma 5 The Best 2 SmokingTobacco Made i The Best I SmokingTobacco Made You will find one coupon In side each 2-ounce bag, and two coupons inside each 4-ounce bag. Buyabag, read thecoupon and sec how to get your share. HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THBRU'Saaojgf Change in Business ill Arcund? ED. R. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Businoss of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the Btock is beiog disposed of at a S ant iter mm ! REGARDLESS OF COST. All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wbolesnle cost Great discounts on hardware, tiuwnre, glassware, hafs, enps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment Call and see the stock before it is too late. ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. FRANK MTARLAND, Manager and Salesman. Gilliam & Bisbee 11:1. ll.l. I I.I. Il. Hi. Urnirr, ill (..Smith raele S., sr. in.. l'ovll nl)f Kulli, ch. m.. HKr... l'lciilc, b. iu., Ileiuu'wy... ... N'iu Hal Ayrrs at lbs World's Ksir Ayer's Harssphrilla nj ys ths titrsor dinary distinction of having hern lbs oulr blood ptiriflr sllowed an nuibit at lbs World's fair, Ubioaao. MannCsotnrers of other sarssparillxs sonyM by sry tnsanstoribtaiuaaliowiog: idtbrir Roods, mil thsy r sll turned away nndr Hit spplication of ths rnls fnrhldding tbs entry of patent mrdic.iei and iiostrams. Ths desisinn of Ihs World's fair sothn- rides In favor nf Ayer's Hamspsrilla was in rlTcot as folluwa: "Ayer's Hsrsspa rllla is not a patent oiediolne. It does not bdong to ths list of oustrouit. It is bers on Its merits. " Mr. Jsnies Perdue, an old soldier rs sidiog at M'liiroe. Mich., was severett afflirte-l nh rbsomstisia bat received prom pi relief from pain by nainc Cbam b.rlaiu's Tain Halm. Hssays: "Allimes my b k Id srbs sn I sdly that I eootd soarovly rsiss ep. If 1 bad eotj .1 en relief I Id Dot b liars lo rl lav I ios. Cbsaiberlsla's I'sla Hairs has d"D ma a srraal deal i.f f nod I Itl very Ihsnklal lor II." Vit and Sals by Cusser A Ilrot I, Iraglt for Toor ProWUon.-CstsiTb "( t m- or Tonlis for Catarrh in liquid f'tm to b Uken Intmsily, oua!ly enntuin eillut klenurr or kxuuo oi i'lKiam, or Uilh, rhlrb ars Injur. Iimis if too long tuki'n. i'alsrrh Is s lix-aj, uit a Uiiod disnuMi, rninnl j tiidden chsngs to cold or iimn p mil icr. ItstttrulnUieMMa piMaires, sHittinii eyes, ears and tliraU. Cold in till lira I raiia. lo-aalva fl.iw of nittrna, and, if riir:ny D"glertid, tb r. suits of ratarrh ill fdlw severs pain la wis n'u, a rimniirf mitina in tin earn, l4 breath, and ulUuUmea an ciSi-naivs dis. elisrgn. Tbsrein1y alKNild lienuh k toslUv Inflammation and U'ad Ihs mrmlirr.n. Llr t'rnun Italm Is ths arknmt Inland rur .,r theas trooljas and euuuins o Bermry or any ugunoos arag. J rl, w CfiU. Il li? Seery ly. Thniaaala nl saars ,f (Vginili Aalbms. Coast,, C-lda aaj Crogp sarml every day ry Mnl,h's Cars, lot sal by Wells A Vvsrrsa. i r C.,..i. IN. ,,M, n m l it kit a !". i'iiis r. fi i '. u (. ' ir I- t it i-i hi ' . ! Call "s in tt.a I u i.l eai HOTICI TO rTHO!S. Tiros fiill t'A bs alloaa.l sayoM aflet Jsly It, All persons failisf Is pay by lbs lntfe of sscb sawls brrir ml b sat tff. nsrrsra LUat k VT.rtn Cn. Kit fty a HaiilMi.lit. rmm TM t)ll Cbmnlcls. klias Cannoo, a youof lady abo ass working- .r Mr. Oo, M -a pile, ablli pirkiotf slraaWries biul 0 o'slmk tea lerday, ass bitlsa by a rsOlesasks. Tbs Bsks slroi k bf In lbs baod, lbs fsogs si triog la Iao plase. As sjiiekly as poMibls brr wiUt ass b mod t-i prevent ei'sqUiina aflbs prtsia, and bs was rode driiik abmt larl 4 ahLkey Dr. Ilntler tb'i tnmmtn, mint adrului.eted lbs pfi ' r Sail I (. a 1,4 Qtri lbs aol. lis JO'ltn lad S all rlbl today, !( f mt siknes ,A lbs stoiassli, ssasd by to la iob abiak Tbs vinand i,t Ihs rstl'ssasks l tn lo b drila4 of all poieoq resides of laserls la Oregna. Tba tffwt til lbs (Kiiaosj is al ones st pre o Ibe se-..a of lha besrl, aad alibost lbs sJii.lals erm f olid'.Us, ri a a uUof fitna sad dtb. Nell la auaoas iff-el istU sliaf of tbs ssorpis, bat tba v artel y bars Is by as aaiaaitaair. d-alles ss lil of tba lr"pv-, sal as I tj S fa'aUry b ever hn f e. 1,1 II Coniroaamaa Kllis s(mtioil bv Mrs. t iis sod Muter Kd lie, arrived at llielr lleppser li"H)S Isat Malardat I hev still laavt for lbs luMl kTlef tbs lib of Joly. Dulles U Iks fsbll. After das nonai.Uralioa )S bsvs d ridei la advanrw lbs prlis oa Idiolo- ra.l. alrf Jil t We do Mile n lirdee thai s cosy pal In tl'r material and do tao'S ok na nnr ph.iti than irtotne This hop Ml M I pfeoiatrd by lbs putilis and as si'l l hilrr aall.fl. rm nr ml (mill BtilahM fu Oral elasf II. tar- lal and nrkmsnelilp. Tbia l lb mlul (reement rf all ths (allsrlS la liine, 0'ea. Yoora rr-rt. M. It uuv. 2t. K CI. lurt:N. We are not small men, lbs. We are small men, Xs. we aie not WfiW But when ths peorjii-"""1! VeSSTPl 11 tns urroundlng country are tn need ol Hardware, Tmrff""r , , , , ,... -io, vinuij.ii,, ui.nirarn, nuwiana i niowwsrs, IVKIH, iron, Darbwlrs, .rlaiid Coal, Oaa and Water Pipe, Hlpe r lttliim, Btovet snd Rsnici. Waironi. Hacki, BiikkI. s. Wsgon Material, Hardwood, Axes lUmmera, Saws. Sledges. Weiliies, Uuns, I'latnls, Cartrlduet and Ammunition, Maaon Jars, Crau itewsra, Mows, Harrows, Hakes. Mowers, Tubs. Waah Bolllera and Boardi, Sheet Iron, Ztuc, etc., etc., ' Should call and Examine our Goods end Get Prices. W bava Good Oooda al Faib Prloea, and Cheap oh a Ooodi al Cbep John Prlcei. GILLTA.M & BISBJJU. MAIN STHEET HEPPNER, OUEQON WOOLGHOWERS! The wool market is not yet affected by the McKmW loom. and reports are not encouraging. We have ample storage capacity at or those who desire to hold for hicher Drices. and bv introdncitiff Eastern buyers, secure for those who wish to sell, the liiDhnst marknk irica We pay teamtiters and hold wool aaliject to order. No coturoieaion charged for selling. We pay Lighfst price for bides and shm-p pelts. Rolled barley and feed for teamsters. We Are fluents lor little's dip, The best sheep dip in the maikcL We bave 5,000 shingles which we will sell at cost Mark your wool Q and direct teamster to lower warehouse. Heppner, Or. R. F. HYND, Alanacjer. Oh! Where Did You Get Them Pants? ) r Ikiai aril l!W..wif, aiut arc r.nt mil furnt.Mn, n,v1 sndsrs Slllnf aaaa (trucailas, llarlaa, liiiaar au4 lr tlilnsa. Patronaoe Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. HoVct of Intuition. t AMiorrtrs r tHR Mt iss natoriM I t M. Iav r..'l- la ...!. f (I, al th l,l. ,. allf hm H a. lit. nl h' ',l..ltam In lMaa Sal plMil f 9n 'Mlniuia ( lhl a.14 k,..l a ill I mla I R , fr,la'wl. I) I I i.lriii r. al l. (.!. U , m mil IMS, M SISKIN A RH HIS. W II M liawtf IU. I. la. 4otH. 111 K al, gf IMIH. Saa. SJ. 1. , n K . v. mw lha Mlais Iimiiii M f ! twnnnm ra.iM mfmn SM IUitna ai.i.i'l UM l A I H. w4 Hefa. rf , ft"V ImM m-A ra t llnlla4, M lna, (H , sM K4u4 Hmm4. v4 Uiit.laa, iff. Ik, t M"at. ass a a mm t ss a a mm mm miri iti nir.nxi ILi"ILjy UHUUil Utftssi I.ISf. yutss strvntis'0 T Mirrnri la-, ft . n ii t it a -- r v 1 I tl l t.NCiLIMI COt f5l. IKINi H A"D t,!:MHAl. tH'MM Si llSMNUtt S. IWJOKKttl'tSG, SttOkfllAND, TtUCiaAfHY. f'Air.Kiu ursntTufnv...! uirs j;.V- CUAKUIRU blrAKinLH I LAblLJ teJb lM V-Vail Ui r;:'r.-:v::,,,.:r,::",',::;.::t r;;:;;,- . ),. mtm notary puslic ISSTwJiSVJr i r- " 'rr'j"lh ltl111111 - CONVEYANCER AT UI'FICn