Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 30, 1896, Image 2

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For President,
wiluam Mckinley,
Of Ohio.
For Vice President,
Of New Jersey.
For Presidential Electors,
T. T. GEER, of Marlon County,
B. M Y 'RAN, of I-ane,
E. L. BMITH.of Wasco,
J. F. CAPLES, of Mullnomab.l
Lyman Tecmbull, the great
jurist, died at Chicago on the 25th
inst, aged 83 years.
Benatob Teller's name will be
presented to the national democrat,
ic convention at Chicago.
of those remaining. Sheep are
worth more as mntton than for
wool purposes. It follows that if
sheep are more valuable for mutton
then the wool industry is done for
in this country.- Under a tariff
with free trade tendencies we can
import our cloth and wool. The
present tariff is a great boon to
the Breast.
Economy is the watchword. It
is necessary in the administration
of affairs in Morrow county.
Nearly aU of the republicans
who bolted Ellis and left the party
this year have come back into the
ranks and will support Mc Kin ley.
The Gazette is pleased to know
that the erring brethren are repeut-
The heated term is now on in
dead earnest, but while Eeastrn
people are sutlering troin sun
strokes and the like, Oregon en
dures the heat without danger.
No case of sunstroke was ever re
corded in Oregon.
1HE Mitchell Monitor was one
of the Nortbup papers during the
last campaign and boasts of i.
The Gazette knows that the Mon
itor desired to support Mr. Ellis
$150 worth, but the cash not forth
coming the tune changed to a
Nortbup ballad. The question is
bow much did the Monitor get
for "the switch?"
The Oregonian misrepresented
Ellis in the alleged interview.
If the policy of protection is not
to be just in its application and
national in its scope, based upon
broad principle, then the sooner it
is relinquished the better. It can
not be sustained, and ought not to
be, for one class or inteiest or sec
tion and denied to others equally
within the contemplation of its
purpose. The raw materials class
have rights which cannot be ignor
ed. Those who thiuk otherwise
forget that the advanced product
is only the manipulation of the less
advanced, and the less advanced of
the still less finished product, with
human labor as the chief factor in
all; and protection upon the one
Mr. A. H. Crausby, of 158 Kerr St.,
Memphis, Term., says that his wife
naid no attention to a small lump which
appeared in her breast, but it soon de
veloped into a cancer of the worst type,
and notwithstanding the treatment ol
the best physicians, it continued to
spread and grow rapidly, eating two
holes in her breast. The doctors
soon pronounced
her incurable. A
celebrated New York
specialist then treat
ed her, but she con
tinued to grow worse
aud when informed
that both her aunt
and grandmother had
died from cancer he
gave the case up as
Someone then re
commended S.S.S.
and though little hope remained, she
begun it, and an improvement was no
ticed. The cancer commenced to heal and
when she had taken several bottles it
disappeared entirely, and although sev
eral years have elapsed, not a sign oi
the disease has ever returned.
A Real Blood Remedy
S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable)
is a real blood remedy, and never fails
to cure Cancer, Eczema, Rheumatism
Scrofula, or any other blood disease.
Our books
will be mailed
free to any ad
dress. Swift
Specific Co.,
Atlanta Ga.
inn n nn
n n U biisW n
no 0
'I'lim in tf nnwrwiuinn T Oil 14 . 1 I 1 a I 1 1 1 a -1
lunuuui ouipiDing ai. cannot oe successfully and uer-
never made any statement that manently maintained without pro-
woul.1 tend to induce any person tection of the other. Hon. Wm.
to think that he was not familial McKinley.
with the St. Louis platform.
It has often been urged that the
TriE paramount question this republ it au party has never favored
year in the political arena is how protection to the farmer and farm
to solve the difficulties uow tronb- er's products. The protection giv
ling us in the matter of tariff how en wool is protection to the farmer,
to get enough money with which to Cheap wool means cheap mutton,
pay expenses and at the same time Mutton as a food product comes in
protect American workingmen and competition with beef aud pork.
It does not teem likely that
Teller will receive demociatio en
dorsement, nor is it altogether cer
tain that any considerable portion
of the populists will follow his
standard. Doth claim that he is
yet a republican, dissenting only
on the mousy plunk.
If mutton is cheap most people
will not pay big prices for other
meats. Cheap meats compete
more or less with other food pro
ducts, hence we have cheap eggs
and butter. With cheap articles of
food, no one can afford to pay big
prices fr train and hay. It uatur-
ally follows then that the prosper
ity of the farmer depends alto
gether on the prosperity of other
It 13 noteworthy that the repub
licaus of Portland re getting to- people, aud particularly that of the
cether once more. The ratification sheepman. This is very noticeable
meetiue last Satuiday night wbb here at home, and in cities like
attended by republicans of all fnc- Chicago the influence of cheap
timi nl nPHftB nnd liarmonv nre- mutton on the prices of other
vailed. The Oregonian did one things has often been observed
good thing this year by advising I" that market a very great many
tho holding of this meeting as one are glad to get enough to eat, aud
means of reaching a harmonious the cheaper food products will be
conclusion of difficulties which bought in preference to the dearer,
have been racking the party in Ore- therefore eventually bringing all
rron, down comparatively to something
near a level
The OfPgoniati says: "There m
not one newspaper in the United
Owing to Ibe general depression in
business tbe work tbe Pennf)lvatin
Railroad Company commenced late last
year is not beiujr poshed as yieorooslj
as it was the intention to do. While tbp
work bos not stopped, tbe bears to the
contrary notwithstanding, tbe smonnt
to be spent eaoh month is limited. No
new operations are beiog sanctioned,
but as soon us there is an improvement
several Isme undertakings will b unro-
meDoed Wall Street Daily News, June
12, 1896.
It soaroely teems possible that this
can be true of tbe Pennsylvania Railroad
Company. Hardly a month has parsed
since its president, Mr. Roberts, disooss
ed tbe political situation, and snid, ''Tbe
tariff can wait," while he knows perfect
ly well that tbe business prosperity of
tbe country depends upon a settlement
of tbe tariff questions in favor of protec
tion. The work on Mr. Roberts' road
will be "pnebed ss vigorously ss it whs
the Intention to do" wben protective
tariff polioy is rt stored nr its restoration
is assured. Tben Mr. Roberts can em
ploy all bands at (nil wages wi'hout ''re
during expecies."-Aroerican Economist.
A 4, 1
Come One, Come All, Let the
Eagle Scream!
Mothers will find Obsmberlaio'iCongb
States of independence, strength, Kenudy especially valuable for oronp
;nli;,Tr, .n,l oharardo. Uf Du wnoopmg ooagn. ii win give
b . . . nil I P,omP' relief and is safe aud pleasant
ard to the silver standard, through bat never tailed to give tbe most perfect
free coinage of Oliver. Maybe satisfaction. O. W. Ricbardt, Duquesoe,
the Oreeonian never saw the Inter uJ b Conser k Brock, Diuggist
Ooean. the Atlanta Constitution,
r'intMnnnti Hnnnirflr and Ft Louie M "
ilCpUUIIU, WI. -UHU J.-, ,..- ..... HI,...
free coinago of silver, retorts the ,D drmocrstio party would adopt fret
Spokane Review. Any one of those coinage plauk for Ibelr national platform
journals I ri almost SB strong and at Chicago on July 7, bat tbe platform
' . - m .... a
ri.ial.. Li.rm-n aa tl.a llrairnnlan 'SO HeVO free trade leDdeoOleS BOd
t IUV I m US nw " w " wo-, eww ms oant I ...
ssjjjjujjm i (ivni uimuf wiuri uvuiuvriiiv oiaur
Hon. V. R. Ellis returned from 'oni'' popoheU will do likewise t
Washington last Monday, and left "V0?',?'' t? i1"''
. ,. . , , n ii- plaok la tbair platform, wbiob also eon.
the following day for Corvallw, Ui, wcU- ..j,,, 0m,b,
where be conducted the commence- four teart ago. We beltev that free
moot exercises of the Agricultural trade and free silver would U iufloilely
college. Mr. Ellis is the recipient '" i w"'y " !
..,1.ti,.n- f,. .11 itoiasisnjarj; we tuau memore Dgni
meet Ltm. He is true, honest, UmiMi M Mort. m4 m ,
loyal republican, aud as such re- do sol believe to swallowing barrel
ecives tho honor due him from the I of water la order to error drink of
the republican party of Oregon, '. Hkewiee wtibtbepop
The Chronicle extends a hearty
welcome to Mr. Kllia, and congrat
ulates him on the epletulid victory
won in Jot.e. Portland Chronicle.
Tue Otegnnian sajs that Mr.
Ellis has l't read the St. Ixiuu
platform, and knows nothing at all.
Prune rumor has it that the reason
the Oregouinu is so brd on Mr.
Ellis is on account of an iotomew
letwrMn Mr. Koott and Mr. Ellis
aft'-r Mr. EIti' rrturn, in which
Mr. HiNdt wes railed to account for
liia action in the pat cmnbn.
Ilowerrr, Mr. Ellis lias read the
8L Iiui pUt for ni, and at nouticro
it I . .11 .... ! ....i. I '
,un, u" " uv' 't -' "I ',,, in lo ..aee.tioo witk tbe
it. Inch is urobably mora than (heet Notbn raiiwav. tt
Mr. Scott will da-Portland Chron.
tele. health sod
Tut Wilano-Oorman tariff no
H oper'tm lis efT'fled tht heip
oliate aoJ tbelr platform. Free silver
repoblieani are willing to make eooer
eioee, but lb populists and demorrata
will tot, and so boueat freesilver re nub
licao rso Steed o either of Ibeir plet
forme, Frre etlver, proteotioo eed recip
rocity are principles thai we most op-
A rerl Werik Kaewlag.
CoDsiimptinn, Ii tlrippe, I'Deainonia
aa.l ail lbnl end tng rtleae are
eared by r-htlob'e Cure. Far eat by
Welle werrew.
Tl.rnoih traiee eo tbe O. It A X. will
ma via. ViraliUe, Wall Halle ee.1
I'rlidUliMi. Ittmnib etevpera. flral eed
reoaiit eiea. will run le eoatioi wu
I1) t'at a l'r flix the eema ee brrlf
ore A Ihrnago Bret elaee lepr I'oft
tarn! ! Hpi'kaae. eoeerotiiig with lb
flrsl elase eleie l t"l I'eel. aad
thfiHigk tooftet eleeprr IVrtUed to Nt
tete'tk fer4.
el reeiti avnrtt, by
Cl"h H ! rrin 60
iwete. J(l I sprier fre, rot eaJe by
Wilts A war few.
Cannon Salute at Sunrise;-Grand Parade to form on Main street at
10:30 a. m., headed by Morrow County Brass Band; Grand Marshal
Thos. J. Matlock, assistants, Andrew Reaney and Geo. Noble,
Orator, Rev. E. P. Greene, Reader, H. T. Bagley, Goddess of Liberty,
Miss Helen Myers, presiding over Liberty Car containing 44 beauti
ful girls, Plug Ugly Band of Heppner. Plug Uglies from country, S3SarS
Hook and Ladder Co., Tiger Hose Co., No. 1, Eagle Hose Co., No.
eir duty t p 2 Bicvcle riders, School Boys, city and country, citizens on foot, in car-
j tbat they could not allord torls tuelr . . . . rni -n i t t
ves.aod those of ibeir Nmiiy for such nages and on norseoacK. i ne procession win marcu iu jets, juncb
i amount. Anyone oun get Ibis insur . ,i .1 ...1 1 . .'. fU...
grove at tne race iracK wncie lcuiai cach-isc wm lunuw.
If it required an aunnal outlay of 8100
to insure a family agsiust any serious
ooneeqiienori from an atlaok of bowrl
oomplhiot during tbe year tbere are ma'
nj who would reel II thei
; tbat they could not a
Anyone oun get
ance for 25 cents, that being tbe price of
bottle of Chnmberlaiu'e dolio. Cholera
n 1 . l ...I T .
... nnArO A RR Aft IT
ery netuUboriiood some one use aiea r r u u r f 1 1 1 L ,
om an sttnok of bowel complaiut be-I
... . I -w--. V -TT". St
re niiUulue conid be proenred or a -if- 1 llnnirmi t-wr lnxr U Aitrniu i W i v
byHiolan eummoned, Ue or two dosoe 1 I 11 SI t? U V JJUIlUi JL 1UVU1 UV ItUV. tUU, tLTU
f Ibis remmly wtll cure an ordinary I i i a n TT t
nes. It nevr raile. Uo yon hUtrn i I lir I Inn 1 111 II i II I II lr I I I'l I : I 121 I 1 1 1 1 1 III I 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1
.k.ll..rl.k fnr in .m.ll sn ...Mtinl? U VIVl VHH't i v. m " j-1 v v- "
For sle by Couser & Urock, DruKgisis. ,1 ,W1. t2.- -wr dlnck lll'ntirin f4vnnl
llUllvJUa OIHii Uy V AVy V VlUUi Wit VXVJkl y VAll.AJVt
Hard Lark.
Tbe HiMikaoe He view makes Ibe follow.
ing report of tbe Ore-eighths dash, nil
Uet Friday:
"Tbere were eit borees at Ibe poet end
tbe start with the pate wae a good one
Halo Drop wae left at the post, drover
woo all tbe way, but Ibe Judrfei believed
tbat Tennessee Maid was jobbiog tbe
crowd. Tbe Maid, with Narvats op,
rao good race, but oould flulsb do bi t
er Iban third. Urover woo in traok
ime, 1:02, but the raoe wet declared off.
As Natvart bad beeo permitted to go to
While jon .oep yonr subscription paid np o
tea keep jour brand in tree ot ofaarga.
Allm. T. J., lona. Or. Horsea GO on left
shoulder; rattle same on left hip, nnder bit on
rUtht ear, and npper bit on the left; range. Mor
row count.
Biird. D. W. and s-n. Horsei branded D B
on the left hio; e tie the esne on left flank,
crop off rit ear. nndercrop in the left. Range
in Morrow (Tounty.
Bartholnmew, A. O., Alpine. Or. Horses
branded 7 E on either shonlder. Range in Mor
row count
rfannister.J. W., Harrtman. Or. Cattle brand
ed H on left hip and lhih: split in each ear.
Erenner. Peter, liooseberry Oreuon Horses
bmndod P B on left shonldor. Cattle same on
right side. ...
Rromsn, Jerry, Lena. Or. Horses hrnrded 7
,m ritfM shonloer; nttlA H on the le?t nido.
tjoft mr t'rt'f oroi rid right BHr nr.por slope.
Parn Wm . H'mmpr. Or. -TioHSOfl. J w on
riuht thi'xh. cuttlo same on risht hip; split in
enrh -nr. . .. .....
Rrown, V., tiepp'tpr, sir. i.nw, uuwa
r mitl. Ho !n "i." ter on left ip; ontl le. niimo.
Tlrown. VV. J.. T.ene, "won. Mnrcen " r
over tt, on the left Bhoulder. Cuttle mine on left
lirrn-lor rirr' " hip cntt'e, Wime, with split m
nRo'e.rp. O.. Heppner, Or. Horseh, P 11 on left
shonlder; ctf'.n. sain" on left hip. -
C, sner Wnrrei.. Wanner. Or.-Horse brand.
HO on ritrht tifln; entile (threo han)) on
-iahf rili". emp arid split in each eur. Hango 1U'
rirnnt H"d Morrow eonn'ies.
Onin.E.. ( aleh.Or. Y D on horses on left stitieV
n with onerter i-irclo over lt.oi left shonlder
nnd on left stifle on all oolts nder 5 years; on',
left Bhoulder only on all homes over 5 years. All
ranaeln Orant oon'irv.
rSte Thus. It.. Vinson or Lena, Or., Horses
H 0 on rirht shonlder; cattle same on right hip
t i ..rl IlmnHllB nonntieB.
Corrlirall.M M. OaUoway. Or ( attle eropont
of rnchenr and nnderbit. wattle in forelieadf
hore half oir"l (' on left stille. Range Mor-
nw and Umnii'ia com ue.
Purl T. H.. John Dnv, Or.-DonWe cross on
.rh hip on catt'o, swallow fork and nnrtei Sit
n riant efir. Boot in in "
onnty. On Bheep, mveritiu n "i"".
on ghnnVler. Ear merkon ewes crop on ion ear
tinched npper nu in nun..
rie-t and nnder half crop m left ear. All rang
in rnt nonntv. .,..,
Cook. A. .T.,lina,ir. rioTOjs.ruuu nu...
rafflA nnmenn rlirnr nip; wur iuni wjuaio
(iron off left, ar.d split in rieht
Cnrrin. It. Y., Onrrinsviiio, ur. -
ertH. .. .. ,i...i. nuw
Pox Kd. W., na'man, ir.-yvainw, v wiui
n center; homes. K. on leri tip.
n i w p M.mnmAnr. (irant i.'O . ur.
Hnrsee branded circle with bar hei;o'h. on left
ihonlder: cattle same nrana on whu iuv", "
mder slope hotn ears anu ";"i'. . . .
I'hanin. H.. Hardman. Or.-HorBe branded
"5 on riaht hip. Cattle branded the same. Also
Srsnds CI on horses right thigh; carfe same
irand on right snouiaw, nu uuv uii cuu u.
fpht ear o i.
Oone'sss, W. N . Haiiowey. yr. j. jj;u
i,ht ide.swiolow-fotk m each ear; norses, a u
in'eft hin. , . j. . ni
Flv HriB.. DonglBS. HT. noun ummieu r.UM.
m left, shoulder, cattle same on lelthip. bole
in riaht ear. . , ...
Kmerv. C. Hy Haroman. ur.-nciraee urauunu
I ireverseo cwiin iani ou it". mi..u.uo. , i.v.
le.ame on right hip. Range in Morrow connty.
Florence. L. A., neppner, ur. ynius, , ua
ieht hip; horses F with bar under on right
''Bii'orriee. H. P. Heppner. Or Horses, P on
rieht shor Idei ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh.
Oentry. r;imer, tonu.ur.-ni
I with a onarier circle oyer 11,1111 ion swne.
tnnirein Morrow and umatiiisconnnes.
Hiett A. H IllOge, iir. i-Biiitv rvunii-iiMf
ith qnarter circle nnder it on tne rigni nip.
'ange In Morrow and umRiiuBoonn"-.
n v.. Hnmnel. Wairner. Or l- (T F L
ionnectedlon right shonlder on hornes; on cattle,
in right hip Rno on ten sine, swaiiuw iur in
Hght ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack
Hetrint.iVlotww nonmy. ,
n T I . nallowav. )r. Horses 4- toross
ith h'.r shove I'l on right shoulder; cattle same
in left side. Itange in morrow anu uiuaiiua
aonntiee.. . . . , . ..
Ha'l r."win, jonn uny, vr. nine n un
rloht hip; hors s same ou right snoulder. tiange
n Oinnt coi-nty.
Mnohe. Mat. Heppner, Or Horses shaded)
nea't on the left shonlder. Range Morrow Co.
Hnnaker. n r , waener. or. aorees, w un lei,
ihonldoi" naitle. on left hip.
Hnmpnrevs. J in. narnman. ur. norses, a on-
lef flank . ....
Hnsion. I.nther, Fight Mile, Or. Hoie H on'
the left shonlder and heart on the left stifle Cat-
e same oi left hi i. Hanse in ismiw mnintr.
t.. Hrrv Hennner. Or. Horses hranded
H Jon "the left ehon)iler; cattle branded J on
ight hip. also nnderPit in leit ear. itange in
Morrow connty.
Jnnkin.H. M., neppner, ur non, miu
hoe J on left shoulder. I atue, tne asms.
tanire on irtvhiMlle.
hrson, relii, Ln, "r "n
ngnr nip, nnner nau
Horses branded
and crop off left
Chorus, "Red, White and Rluc," hy Ulee Club
and Liberty Car Girls; Music by Rand.
2:00 o'clock. Base Ball Game, 5 innings, Heppner vs. Willow Creek-
tbe poet it wuold appear that it should I , TTi: TV UT) C., UUUr. O I Q
bavebeeo railed a race. Tbere wast CrS Oraud I ltlUUlCllJ Ult-Vt-iC lav.c, iivt-uimia uiuv., a hi u, iiu .ji
i7rVflm!-'compUio,,bu,,,UJl't all; 100 yds. footrace; 100 yds. sack race; 60 yds. fat man's race; -j
grand r lug Ugly war uance; lauies uicycic race, nve eignins mue; lug
of war, 2 in 3, 5 men on a side; handicap bicycle race, five eighths mile;
girls footrace, 80 yds., 10 to 15 years; boys foot race, 100 yds., 10 to 15
years; donkey race, five eighths mile.
(trover belongs lo IWonett Broe., of
Heppner, sod lleppoerilee wooltl bave
beeo pleaseJ bed Ibej woo. Tbe time
la very (eat si J woolJ seem lo preclude
eej Idea of jobbing.
All are Cordially invited to Participate In tills Celebration.
rilesl I'llnl Ifcklag riles.
h7tndome Moisture; mleoee ttebing
oil etinginf; most at nllit; worse by
ecratcliiDg. If allowed to Cootiooe
tomore form, wbiob ofteo bleed no J
otrerale, txrnminf very sore. Hwarvi
OimilxT etope Ibe llolilnf ami bleed,
me, beats nleralioo, end to mal easee
reroute tbe tomore At dmifiiiele, nt
b mail, for Wcwnte. Ir.Hwayue rton,
At 8:30 uMick n. ta. thera will b displayeJ on court biu bill tbe following
- ... . . . I " '
I evso IWI ,lieii"w.
Indtto Toon Cbiet tailed et Ibe
raJIlo Tnbone i dee Kalaiday, sal
J.iwo at Ibe e'liti.r's dk end wnde so
lovttatloo lo Ibe clt sue i f I'eOillrtoo to
el I en. I tbe ludlaoe' elebreit'S if Ibe
ronb f Jul no ibe eetviiio. It 1 7J cloredlO lM raixUi a, 2 1 10 ribibttioo moille, 21 8 be.ll meteor ciDJlei, 12 C boll iilver ehowf r,
le trinUd below, erwlled ee wntiro tiv 1 1'i H hall niiin. 12 10 ball rliH'lriO oireaier, U Clt i iresl. u nertniieo, ieiriO UUOW, li O tail
YtioegCbtef: tuM.ioalcainllie, 12 21K rrkrte, 12 41k nx-kelo, 6 3lh rmrchut rckete, 1 Gib. oonir Uireaiio rockele,
"4bid July etebraiH eo ibe I me- 2 4SU miieicel tuckets, C 2 K wliislio alaA rtcete, i ila mcteoMO eiioweta, ii ZU). mow tree, 4 41U
title Kiv,r 'iot eo mile eb..ve ibe .Ireimij. 12 lib. eibtlnlinn, 2 frh -Ictrio luKiqet, 1 Mb. fbolleng, 2 4IU natiooa.1 ealnle, 4 nerinl couuou
RiUswo (liaed War I'sied leol 3 p. I k
m e t Wbue iMede Invittd l allmd
aad brlp us eele be ale. Iloiee llsising A
wer doeit.g. Tler will be o platf. rm
tot obltee to dsee. A geral g.xJ
lime tipeeled, tbere will be plenty of
good grab Id est So wbiely allowed
oil white bo eerefnU Tbere will be
leJiaes Iroe olber sVeervaliao."
ealutr-e, G pintoa bt illione, I lot fach rnl, KU. Rrern ftti.l bla fire, 6 ruin of etere, 2 Oiifieg nf sertl,
2 Urii- wliutlini ifk. 1 larj't rlevtr io eliower mine, 3 eiliibitowi lrano oeete, 3 florol Ixrob ebelle, 2 ei.
I, lnii.m l.attni.e. 3 12in. fa ut h.ei. o tirtut)l iriangn, o iu roecueo, o inu. Terucm wn'ru. i 110.
veilie;e wbrele, 2 IGm. mliop whrele, 1 exhibition ytt brilliant nan, loxbibitiirt pie, gpurklinjj coptioe,
1 eibit.ilion iteA tnscio bnlliot Tbe tr "Ctllleoee)', bUbM firewotko from 8U Louie, wbicb
will tiO duubt prove to be tbt fiueat Mlrti .o erer sbowo in tbto ticioiIj.
ire i id ivTrcixG,
Kirk J T.. Hennner. Or. Horses 89 en left
,hMiMn eal0.e. M on left hln.
EnTnVierUnil.W.n.. Monnt Vemon. Or. I L on
oatUe on neht and lef siilee. swallow fork in It ft
tar and enter rion In rmni ear. norses seme
btati'l on let ahoulile'. Heine in urant eonntr.
Loften, Htephen. Fox. Or. H It on left hip
on entile, erop and split on right ear, llnrees
same brand on left shonlder. Hangs Urant
Lienallen, John W.. ,el"- Or. -Horses
branded half-circle J I, connected on loflshnnl.
iter. Cattle, same on left lilu. Hangs, near Lies.
ineton ....
Leehey. J. W. Heppner Ur. Horses branded
Land A on left shnnlder; ret I Is sems on left
hip, wutlle orer riaht rs. Hires slits in right
yM. Oeore. Heppner. nr. Morses branded
lonlils II eiitneeK' fometimet called a
win II. on lef shonlder.
Hurls. M. O.. Heppner. Or. fettle hranded
eirclt. nn right hip; ho'ees ssme on right slide.
Ksnein Murrow connty.
Minor. Oerar, neppner nr. aiue. D on
rieht hip; bone. M on left shoo Met.
Mnrnn. M. N.. Henpnar. Or. Horses. II t
on left ehonldei nettle same nn left hip.
Mitrhell.iirar. lone. Or. Home, 71 on right
bin; cattle, 71 on riaht side.
Neal. Andrew. lone hWs.Or. Horsee A N eon
oert-d on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips
Oiler, rn, leilngton, Ur. r u on ten
Oshcrn. J. W.. Donglss. Or.! hnrses O on lef
shonliler; rattle seme on r'sht hip.
Paarin, Oleva, Kisht Mile. Or.-Horses, qnar
ter clrrle shield on left shonlder sod M on left
hip. at tie, rork In lerr ear. nnt cropped. M
on left hio. Ilanaeon Klvht MiUk
Parker A fl eason. Uardmaa.Ur.-Hones IP on
1 shonlder.
Piper, Kree-t, lmlncrtoo. Or. Hor-ea brand,
d K (L K. connected) en left shonlder i aalUe
ameoa rlent hio. Itense, Morrow eoant.
Piper. J. H., Islnfftno. Or. Horsee, Jg cna.
arted oi left shoulder; cattle, tame on W nip.
ander hit In ea-h ear.
I'ettr. A. I'm !", Or.l hnrses diamond P en
shnnlder: cattle, J H J connected, on the
eft hip, upper slope la left ear aad alto la the
Rood. Andrew. Hard man. Or. Horses, eoaaea
grra. with qaartee.irnUi nrar tt OS Uft etifla.
Kneb Hm.. neotmer, "r.-nurses nrnndacj I
the rlsht shnobWt ret tie, IX on lbs Uft his.
-n.p nfl Uft ear and dewlap na esc a. Hang (a
itmw aud aH(.ilniDg counties.
Haener, Aodrow, lsloetoa. Or Hmses
branded A R on riaht sreeildee, rent quartet
eirri over hnuxli rattle same eo right kin.
Raige Biiont eotint.t
H..re, Wa. II. lavirrvllU. Or-rtR enntwetei.
with ouerter Hm! weer Uo hi cattle oa n-hl L,
sad Fnip nil rUht ear aad split la left. Hon
seme brsnd nn Wft shaaltar, Uange in sturrww
Uraril and liiiuaoi eoaniiaa.
Hart.. J. W.. Ileppaar, Or Horses, JO at
left stMmlder. CalUa, Qan right hi
WtraUM W. It Iteppnar. Or.-Rorsas shaded
I H na left etitU: aatlta J H na left kin. inllea
fork la rM ear. annWntt la ten.
H.pp.Thas., new., tir.-llafaaa. A Paw
Uft hi pi rattle aaiaa an Uft kip.
Merer. Rb-rt. Donglaa, Or -f sills oo
r4it t-lp and H on rlvht ekmihUe Iw-rwa, g cw
rtehl shoeUter. Iteeg la Morruw enantr.
n-eita nne . ieeiii, i rr. ,,, nraeoao
M oeeh.-il.Uri rente, aswas Uft ah.,alUrt
Hoilres. Jaaia Arlinatna. Or.l hoej hranded
IHon Uft ehnal Urt rallU the cams, ate ims
wvldla. Ke-se la Wormwead It ill la ana nttaa,
puataeia, t. ., HarrttMa, Or- hnra-a H S oa
nM etlSet ee'tla h-aistaoal L aa tKe ntit ekU
tueeeoana, lire A. J n Itappaer Or.tauia, g
CM ht hti aaJ..w.f.a la Ufl ear,
fewevt. O. W . Hepaa. t -Hunan, 44 an
left ehoalda-1 Sa'tU, S4 a Uft bin.
Siern L, t. Ilarwetar. th. I attic W C an
Unj hie, erop "t a"d a"dartt ta Uft raw.
aValatn Urae W fon Uft shoelnW. '
TWnieta, i A., MHa. f tr Horsaa, I CO
Ufi eVeM.n eaitla, na Uft ahoaMar,
11pe S.T.I 'ep.Ue,Or.-ll-s, C-aa Uft
lamar tt, W.. H-rasM Oe,OataB capita! T
Ue aknnWUt h em aailia sae an Uft bla
w-h ar.1.1 te Wfc anes.
""I". M M. (V-Heeaas heaadag
M T .. -ll -i Ut aaiaa, ahava aaaw hraad.
Vaea-pmd H . T. t M, I lloraaa N V aa
eaeia4 ua right cboaaUteaitU, aaave a riaht
WJhr.la, Wa) . It.fi... He, Kara V. ta
ai the l-'l ahoela.) ran la aaa e tight kip.
"t fO Uft aa e4 neht ear wt
Wilao- ln.ii O , e-aa c Wa, rear. tr.
noraas hraaoaq f aa the Uft CaiHuaW.
a er-f.y,
ama W n t'aUK. rtv Tattto W w((b
eieria wear tt aa aft e4, a rt.t ear,
'" saw bread a Uft sbsnldat. MaSgain
Ua aaralf
WaW Naarf. H art-ear -Morass tiraadee)
aaa m aa Ut aoal.W aad left lua
(a-la braaue aaaa aa Urt aMa m4 U lugs
W4r4. M.naas, OrHorMa,
"1 aa uri .i a.i leaf.
r,.i..i:i..l..lry..-1 creel or 1" IWn-ele, ... en. ef lg fcrt I ( f t - f ffl f? tl'i" EZZZZ '-"n" nwad
eeetl.wS,h.U.!Ui-w. H,n,e.(' MMrM... r..d.v ..."o.Uo.d tmr' JtTf t ft U t I J 1"" ifl&V NftltCO
l.JJ OU I .'K Cf Nta-Alia ''I ',, J) .i.teg trltete gaf hitKailti H I' it, tllrl, I k I mt n . i aa , , ver taaa Baaaa1
Ai.eJUUailiw 1U If U iHr If l ,Te-aaea.- .-W