E. McNEluL, Receiver. TO TUB GIVES THE CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. Spokane MINNEAPOLIS union; pacificiry. VIA Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. R. k N. Agt nt ta Hoppner, tr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Oregon, STEAM AND GASOLINE PORTABLE AND MARINE ENGINES If you think of bnying an en nine of any si.e or kind aeud tor our Catalogue I Ao. ,10, containing illtiHtrattnna and prloea of every kind of engine from one np to 2T horHe power, at bottom prices, or Lm A'o. X'J, mr yacht engine, boil ers and machinery. Eitber sent free. .PJHHO. 197 Canal Street, CHICAGO qui out t i ivin i TO cia.FrniioiNCo And ll point luCalif.inils.Ti tli Mt, Bhasta route of uie Southern Pacific Co 111 ermt hiehsmir thronah California tn all points mm ami nontn. Iimnri homln IUmU of Ihs 1'iu iflo Wt. I'ullman llnflet rlliwiwra, Hmmd-eUtas Hlmiunrs ADspIimI IneiiipM trains, stlonlina anion. aci'oniiuiaUllous fur awoond-elaa tiamwisw. "'. Urkrts. lanpiua oar rsswrraluma, mil niHm ht adilrwe R. KiiKIII.KH, MatiSHor. K. P H'MIEUA. Asst. usii. r. a r. ruruana, (ireou m m SOUTHEAST VU Tiin XIOS PACIFIC SYSTEM. Thmtiih Pull man Talari Rle-'rs. 1,iftl Win and frr Kr, lllillif ( hair I ais I'Ail I UK mi ago. Van I hunrt Mr-I l this line In f.aclera f.Hnt SHAM HEAT, I.DWKH V P.HT5CM LIGHTS. HATICMi . r, IIAXTKH. On. Ai"it. I'ortUml, Vrtijnn, J. ('. IIAUT, Ajmt, IU) pnrr, Orrjo. eivtira. Tltoa aaaeaa. Dlaicst startaT, copvatONta. . r 1. 1 ,n i i f.. k.ui.. t , a a a ... ati fe.v.t. as tta l (Ml.'t'S a . ln to4a la ewe Scientific amcrlcau t't-H "' rt a MW tw rt. . , m m .', at tMa lH tai kaal.ii, l ( 11 ( Mlar eelasorityasn tnw of tle I n-rnl We-sli (iss-He bt fjfsl ea4 ttx I reu!ar l-lb Pt the Heeklf (Wrlaa tafl .VI, Aetnae d. r it,ia (l..!l an. I il' e f.f rii.a tar In a ivanrw mi ,.iu (..ie aJ w Or. e f.4 1 1 M Ail -U sffilwra sm iiiir nlr rui..r f 4 "e f r ta t4 , adl U ttiU-l ta tb (a. Gnas m TICKETS TO THE j&T? itfrt) T Icittttlfia Artctl 1 TlJT Popular MagazineSs FOR THE KG&.E. j iin f I I C i- I FRANK LESLIE'S OOPULAR JT--MONTHLY Contain each Month i Original Water Color Frontispiece ; 1 28 Ouarto Pages of Reading Matter; KM) New and Hlgh-clau Illustra tions; More Literary Matter and Illustra tion tha i any other Magazine In America. 13 cts. ; $3 a Year. i Fra?:k LesSia's Pleasant Hours FOR OOYC AMD CIRLS. A V"n&l"ome. JnvPTille Monthly. " 'v ,: !:s;rntf.. Tli left writers for young ,Jji' '.f!:i te i . it. 10 I, s $1 u year. 2:; J Ail SU3SCEI2TI0H3 TO THE GAZETTE, HEPPMER, 01E. FltANK LKSMK'S Popdlsb Monthly and tha Gazette, both for one year for fi.ua. Fsank Lkhmb's Pleasant Hours fob Boys, and Girls and the Gazette, both for 1 one yeari&uu. Oiiteteythe Best C Offers 13 Send to Frank .. fa blinking Houm, N.7., jut new jtiuKtratea premium iMi. r re. GET THE BES1 When you are about to buy a Sewlnjr Machine lo not be deceived by alluring advertisement .nd bo led to think you can gut the bebt mads, inest finished and Most Popular 'or a mere Bowr. See to It that ou buy from reliable mnnu .ictururs that have gained a epil tntion by honest and sq uare maiing, you will men get a ewing Macnine that is noted he world over for its dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and U Light Running There Is none In the world that can equal In meehanicul con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or ha as many improvement as the New Home It hn Automatic Tension. Double Peed, alike on both sides of needle (fiatented), no other hun it ; isewhtannt 0fir),anving wneel ningea n adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to ne minimum. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE KEW HOME SEWIKG MUCHIBE CO. iL:nk( Mmw. Bovtmil, If am. M Fwwm Hot., H. 'ur.vnn, ir.t, HT. i n. mo, i4t.f TMAit 14.4 I- BAjlriaMO,! '! . ATLUf I A, 0 . ri v t. nv C. THOMPSON CO.- Agents Ilcppner, Oregon. rsi'AL,i)irv(l'rt flfiiiwifr of to Yean ta Hmlnfu. -t . A Complete Set. constating of five W 9 nr.. il fi........ u-... 'ii.n in. ..... m Hm l'lnvr Hull Ti,,tta u. sun iiieyi'ia inner, win be snt lo any adilri-na ukiii receipt of 10 cents, to ay jjj i'lii-sn flguri'S are abaoliitnly perfect 2 ncaiiiiiiuiy niiiin-o anil luoiuiKil, anil W .ulii,t Siili VMnir .if (inr '"II vmmrM mm Ium.Imm M of Hie Blhli-lln supply world. Hnltahla A inr l inn, rvauiiig room, omce or home. A.G.SPALDING & BROS., OrHimmtmttnmiy CIIIOAQO, llwaukee & St. Paul R'y rrNrtT'out i 'j(T. rwww Glance at this Map Of Ui Cntrain, Mllasiitr ai d M. Tanl Rail- star e'xl ne lUraiilitrllone ellh all Iransroa. Iliwntal line and "L I'sul and I stall, ami remsiatirr that It train aie linhtl wllhttee lrl lljr and hoalcl bt steam. It es"'r"M Is suib. Ilrgsiil RulTrt, Library, sitnoklix and Sl-plii cars, with fre r. Ilnlns rhalra. "ark slareln car tw th lias s lrtf le reeding lama. and llsdlnlne rare are the brat la the world (Hhef lln r longrr lhaa this, but eli sr sbtsner, sad noolbrr etters iiietb.i luiurtat am.nuuudalloiic Ibaaear (umrleul hit th pofHilertlf of "Tb Mltaauka.n t'oaeoa lb kl ( ta ry rallmad offtce alii lt fan luitlifi lnlormallon, uf eddrraa r. i. Etmr, tii Atn. i W.rAsr. Tree. fas. Af.nl, rVan tan, Ossuna Tb tt retlveeele t t bee tweenki I latel te aiaa( yereeaav Tbv ItlasHei Ibet f reelef ae(ltf b Kat alwer Ma( te be eeirest. .. Teeaseefaelbe beaail eab Itfef WpansTabutcs aeearare1 Mb eaf fsteel b DvM-rntu Cll . r Tbtet f iwa, ae a feast, uf aiiw. br ad. ait CRtKU CO , II Va4 MaVf. lUiIreeA - T-l. J I J JTEEIIO 1115.. : ) LONDON DOGS OUT CALLING. Their Card Go Cp with Those of Their Mistresses. It appears, from an article in the Figaro by M. Paul Megnin, that in Lon don at the present time it is not only the fashion for a lady to provide her lap dog with a little wardrobe and even a handkerchief, but to have visiting cards made for it, too. When a fashionable lady pays a visit, taking her lapdog with her, she sends up the dog s card along with her own. M. Megnin says he was visiting the editor of one of the leading sporting pa pers in London, when the servant brought in two cards, one that of a lady and the other as follows: : MRS. FRIVOLITY. : : Collie. : Asked if he knew the name on the card, M. Megnin said he presumed it was some dog fancier. He was greatly surprised to see a lady come in, accom panied by a handsome coilie. M. Megnin went to a stationer's shop and ordered 100 cards for his little dog. He was again surprised to iind that the stationer had some ready printed, neat ly packed in pretty little card cases. BEN FRANKLIN'S BIG HEAD. How He Wore HI Wig in nil Pocket at the French Court. The difficulties encountered recently by the lineal descendants of that great man, statesman, patriot and everything else that men properly hold in estima tion Benjamin Franklin in having themselves enrolled among the Colonial Dames, recall an anecdote of him, says the Washington Post, embalmed in the family records of the sage of Mon ticello, but which, so far as the writer knows, has never been published. When about, to present, himself for the first time at the court of Versailles he was informed by the master of ceremonies that a wig was a sine qua non. Now, bis head was so large that no ordinary wig would begin to fit it, and the situ ation was embarrassing in the extreme. However, one was found sufficiently large to pass him through the ante chambers, after which he was permit ted to remove the ridiculous conven tional appendage and place it in his ample pocket, whence it never again emerged to public gaze. Cox and His Brownies. Palmer Cox says the idea of writing about the brownies came to him from reading Scotch .traditions concerning these amusing little elves. They were, he says, almost unknown in America until he began writing about them, but In Scotland they had existed in the folk lore for 500 years. The Scotch brownie, according to Mr. Cox, was a beneflcient sort of sprite, whose only three emotions were joy, wonder and terror. It was supposed they were never seen by human beings, but went about at night performing helpful deed for the country folk, at the same timo iretting a deal of fun themselves out of kindly pranks. "FORM" IN blCYCLING. How Horlety People (Jo a Wheeling; At tending Grooms and M it Ills. The "form" of bicycling is beginning to be studied, (iroonm on wheels must follow thi'ir mlstrcssi-a as they did on horseback; it is iirolxiblv only a iiip k- timi of a nlwrt time when the lady's maid will have to im-luilc wheeling with her other nccompliKhiiients to secure a mII tint ion. On the road the woman who wisheH to rido a Its mode has to know number of little thing that are over looked by another wuiiian, just us the smart Ret have a code for ridinir and driving that is us Inexorable as that they should not eut with their knives or put siitnir m oysters. Society in- sistM on mi upright KKitinn, with, of coiiriu', no attempt at raring imcc. It also frowns ui-on eotrntant rinirinir of Uie Ih'II thai. vill " fur the vulgar herd who (Might In iioim'i the well-in formed wht'i'lwomun leep eyea and ear alert and touchr lu-r bell rurrly. floinpii i M Awn ira -rn) Tt aC Tr Tn FniTna it cuna To the EwTot i I have in atnohrta remedy ( r Consumption. By Hi tiinr ly usa Ukhuoixu of n hykss cu nave pern Airway perrranently cured S proof -pmitive am I of Ms power Hut I consider it my duty to uni txto bmtUt frn to thse of your reader who have Grournptin,Throat, Bronchul or Lunr Trouble, if lliey will write me their express lib! pmtoflice iiifress. Slnrerelv, T. A. SiOCVM.lt &. laircart It, ew Tort. aa The Mltanal aad Hualn.aa Muwami sum ram kiaaiaau law eaasruas I'retwaiUuai ff I flOO smiiioI Muaw terrerh) jIM ,, Ctalt. Hiin( -H ion ri-t ZT. run sua MmI Muik vl U av- laml. bttihtoal. k .!! nj axxl pafHtlar -4 bii.. h--)k tc al mi koliuiMnial. m a t r SKt rl-i.nl awaaet. as- -2 t luJler ! Uf tin iKKUalla 3 CAt Cf 4. ia M'a 0ay 3 52 fADt !, f Utml fmmUL r3 Mint Wli m-4 -3 0imi Biuumit amino, rt Z THE NEWTORK atUSICAtlCHO C0.- tWueJ'sv THmu UUf .NnVokls;. 3 evtaa wadtio. r3 am iaMi. Bad 1 fwl-Mai etusMMl and ell I'M J mt - f . i4 K Maatasvt rise. 1 OwOmiH(OMt( u, a. '! o .-4 ' i pi.M a awas I'lm taa is ivM( lta al-," Iwaat "4.1, '.( a aVta, Wiib aWrtsv .Wa, w -!'", M '.i. m B-. ' m Jail. (Mir if . I ss, a f tSMUT, It" tta t'Vf," .-4 . 4 mm lb W. b. ad bma emiaiiwa Ire. A44rs C.A.SNOW&CO. eartav Sinn. B a. WANTED-AN IDEA Stdl'lsa TninaT r..i r n ' rr i ' ' t - r tyitjl aalib. Write JuHS wtltlmiu III t , I aiant Auwrs, WaaaiiMie, U h tbatl rtae etfet. a bo t(e leevmi llvri1'' Uif , UaMUMt'l Irt4at, teaera h Tuesvlava, To.l ant flatniJa) rare 91 eaek) way (), Welle k VS errtajlr ( ,'. I'd. irtlli, l"p. Ml !,) llrt. list Bva4 arrre oa the (Haet side ! Mt ifH, tn the bml.lm farmetlr orenpi Uf the (inn al.a. Tbff a ill b IsMfJ ta - ll.etf oi4 riMtweMtt, II JS 3 3 THE SHIPFING OF ANIMALS. Cattle on Ocean Voyage to Receive the ' Best of Care and Attention. The improvement in the arrange ments made for the protection of ani mals during the voyage across the At lantic are said by Mr. IVnnan, principal of the animals division of the board of agriculture, to have fairly kept pace with the increase of the trade. During the early days, according to the London News, the losses, owing to tempestuous weather, bad ventilation and other causes, were often of a very serious character, and in some cases resulted in the destruction of the entire living cargo. As experience was gained, how ever, an improvement took place, and since the year 1689, when the losses among cattle amounted to no less than 1 of every thousand that were em barked, there has been a steady de crease in the mortality among this class of animals, until, in 1893, it was re duced to three per thousand, and dur ing the year 1894 to five per tihousand. Sheep are at all times bod travelers when compared with cattle, the losses among them during a long journey be ing almost always large, and during the five yearB In question the average losses amounted to 28 per thousand. Notwithstanding the fact, however, tliat the importation during 1894 in creased nearly eight-fold, and leaped up to upward of 400,000, the losses dur ing the past year only amounted to 17 per thousand. LEFT-HANDED PARROTS. Carious Observation of One Who Has Much to Do with Animals. Superintendent Sol Stephan, of the: Cincinnati Zoo, has made all sorts of curious discoveries in the habits and characteristics of animals, the latest of which," Kays the Enquirer, is that wild creatures are mostly left-handed. Mr. Stephan has been endeavoring to verify this observation on two parrot lately brought from Mexico, ne found that in grasping a finger offered as a perch, the parrots almost always put the left foot forward. Usually the finger thus offered is thai of the right hand. But when the left finger is offered to the parrots, thev put forward the right foot. There is, however, apparently a small residuum of preference for the left foot. This seems to be due to the fact that men are usually right-handed and offer the right hand to the parrot. The left foot is the one naturally put forward by the parrot in this case, and through repetition of this action a species of left-footedness is induced. Mr. Stephan's general conclusion Is that there is no evidence that the parrot is naturally left-footed. The appearance of that left-footedness is due entirely to the fact that those who offer the finger or food to parrots do so, as a rule, with the right hand. Eepetition of this process makes the parrot more or less left-handed in time. Historical Records of Maryland. In speaking of the records of the provincial court of the province of Maryland, from 1657 to the revolution, now preserved in Anne Arundel county, the iSaltiinore Sun snys: "The historical val lie of these old records is inestimable. It k lu'lieved that no other Htate in thp union has such records of family his tory showing the manner of living among the people of tiie colony as far back as Z50 years ago. In the wills. familkw can be traced back from father to son for a century. The court record hooks coutatning inventories of per sonal entitle make a complete exhibit of the character of household fnrui tare, kitchen implements, farm uten nils, etc., used by the early ret tiers and thitr descendants during the first cen t ury and a half of the colon v. From these things we can rend much of the habits and customs of t he people." A Hearties Kiperlinent- The Lancet tells this story to show the trials of a country din-tor in France. A joung physician settlid In a coin niiine, whose paupers he attended for ten dollars per minimi. One night. soon after his arrival at this Eldorado, he received an urgent summons to visit a patient w ho lived at a distance of nix kilometers from the village. On reach ing uie roitnge 11 wan then II p. 111. lie found the doors closed and light ( x tlnguished. In repy to bin knocks the door wna opened by M'urdy jn-awitit who laughingly Informed him thut there wa tin Illness in the house, but that hia wife hod wished to see if, when anyone wna 111, he would come If sent for! Th unfortunate medico a: nee dead from overwork, and probably un (lerfeeHling r marked: "I could lae felled hiui to the ground " Aa An lade Compliance, A halrdreaacr in Iloeton tmmbrred among her patrona many gentlemen o Uie medio aI prnfmslon. One day w hen owrntliig iimrt one of Uiem he broke forih In grrat glee: "Vat vou dink dogtar? I haf brvn to dot ioiital hiui rue 1 an logo up tinu rut a man hair I atv ninrple busta of de dugtor, IVr waa Ibgtr Storca, und dcrn tiut IbHT'or l'ergrlow tult da tig I drea for him diiaw dwroty yeara, in marnle. I M11 W of dot! Von of my lg lo mar- FAITHFUL MtHDER. A ! Thai Beat a riorh Tocethat tm Te Tear. A ttog In Nw Ml( returning on rtrnlng with hia aherp to the lol itlsA-oieml that hia master was atlll lu hia etianty and kept tery quiet, says the Christina at Work. Th nrstetrw lug tt ass the aame. Hut after pen li'.ng up the sherp the dog atiiellnl about the tl'ir, awrati-hrd, Ixuknl, and rta huwlml, a he waa getting tery hungry. Put hia ttitrrdid not Itinve. The dug. true to hi aiiliitrd duty, went on I with the slirrp on (tie tlilnl day, but that nil,' tit whi n he drove the (Im b into thrlr pen. the lust one lo attempt to (it tn t ame the vlrtim ( the dg'a apjwtite, 1 his nirttual of imtling tor his own want breame a )rt of the faithful dHf-a daily duty, riwry even lug the last ehrep to try to enter the li'ld waa lm by him and aerml for ilrr, and breakfast, and dinner the follow log dev. The ram n to which the rin beionge. waa In a antjtary part rf tl.e territory, and nut of the Uacls of tratel or ,italn. i'or two yeara frotn tha time of the tiiaaier death, aa aarertaloed ly (ata kit by the latter, the faithful At atteo lrJ tle florh nroir.lted to hi rhanr. and had frh mutton tor I.I n ir every nljrht. 1 be flrh was l,it tWiuitt-'dj by thia atrady ilrali It tiiiria, r. o. J In nuni ihti)Mr..Mrary,n Ura, a.-l l,rr,. at the end (f two jrans fn-nt () t.me t ol U.ea.aU(lUrtnT.taalteaoaabU, Uar.aaJ (laia M aaU it was visited and the remains of the own er were found, the dog was still at his post of duty, jealously guarding his flock and driving them to the best pas tures every day aud to the fold at night, before which he slept to keep the wild sheep-eaters of tjie plains at a safe distance. GOV. TOM JOHNSON. A Stubborn Patriot to Whom This Conn try Owes a Great Debt. In a storied burial-eround in Fred erick, "in his narrow bed," sleeps one whose name never fails to stir the heart of the old Marylander with lively emo tions of admiration and affection Clov. Tom Johnson, that audacious and stub born patriot, of whom John Adams said that he was one of four citizens of Maryland and Virginia "without whom there would have been no revo lution;" although, in affected scorn of him, a British officer, writing to his people at home, had assured them there is no need to be alarmed by all this noise in the colonies, which is main ly made by a boy named Tom Johnson." That pestilent rebel" of the British war office, writes John Williamson Palmer in Century, was the trusty, loving friend of Washington, whom he nominated to be commander-in-chief of all the armies of the united colonies; member of the first congress, and of the convention which adopted the con stitution of the United States; first governor of Maryland, and an associate justice of the supreme court; and he was twice urged to accept the portfolio of secretary of state. He was in his day the first citizen of Maryland, and in all the colonies the revolution dis closed no wiser, stronger, sweeter char acter than his who joined the fortitude of the warrior with the foresight of the statesman in the temperament of an eager, dauntless boy. AUolniiK utc HUNT. now the Natives Find the Well-Filled Hives. An Australian savage comes up to n Irishman's idea of human skill, for he bates the bees." A native seldom fails to get honey when he discovers the bee he has been wathching for. The following description of a native's bee unt is given in Mr. Arthur's "Kangaroo and Kauri:" Warruyallah, the chief of a tribe, went with two little nets to a small pool, lied his mouth with water, and then lying down, his head hanging over the pool, he- remained quiet for an hour, apparently looking at his own reflection the water. Then the hum of a bee was heard. Buzz-z-z it went over the pool, round the black's head, now on one side, now on the other, and now close to his ear; but not a motion betrayed me bee Hunter. But when the bee, dropping close to the water, gave notice by the change of ts tune that it was aliout to sin. the: chief, with a snort, squirted the water from his mouth over the little "buzzer.' Before it had time to recover from the unexpected douche, he seized it dex teriously by the wings. 1 hen he prepared it for the chase bv fastening to it a bunch of wild cotton w ith some gum. The bee was let go; it made lor its hive, slowly at first on ac count of its novel burden, which im peded its progress and showed a sign in me air for tne chief to follow. Over ramble and brake went the chic,f, ac- om pained by the men of his trilie. and in half an hour halted at the font nf n innicnse. gum tree, into whose ton the H-e fioii gone. The chief mounted quickly, bv cutting noicncs into the bark with in aton omuhawk. lu a short time he brouirht down a quantity of honeycomb, a small puce only of which contained honev. 1 lie AllN'rrlinn lee niv hi ntr e. Most Modera and progressive Fr esulntnie or Informsttoa vrtle to TMU MARUN FIRE ARMS CO.. New Hetea. Cona. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Rslltlil Gault House, CHICAOO. ILL. Ww f m a m. r . c. a , f . rt. w. c, and the C. si. L t Railroads. MATKM.U.00 PltH DAY Cor. W. Ma.lliia and Clinton el., Mi a k Um sal sMnseneas aesaal Vas( ia sidf . e sotw Ma beat aaAeate W awe etteeita, Sad Ik mt Uua vAar m h aacvur( smaui nks Ur hnt M ktra. Al Mm aaass I mliwiiiiaityiaeiiswtWfaaaWaa IT S THE SIMPLE, TRMAL WTXTTONS THAT YiaD rORTLNES, ark at e "rae oiaeW - k esa W esWv M eauut haMfeaaf CM SMnra haak, faa." -IW4w." -a-i-s,'- iVui . aad S .ia4 MM Utim afl bsm af mm sm arf a sy 4 aatwavw i aaeifcna an i H a aniisa am tka a. ana U. Sahara ta ska snuua. 1 ry le laaak s fcaaiaa,( to inat IT IS NOT SO HARD AS IT SCLMS, KaVH ,.awa Ma- 0imI m ml m 9 haHl hmmmn," Ltiw4 Wmm I I .Whihaayal-i an. I aaiiawaj aja Ammm m m tm mt mmm. t iWwaJi ym 1 rff w-a ai feaaairm tra 4 -, fe awt tM d t ad-aat aiea.. )4. flW tat-aiwwl a k WM asaasj aaj ftaa) J ayMasMsM I awwajaja) , lTfasiBjaaa M'll aaf iW r, mm4 4aaa'tw mi Vaa faMW Wtmti Mania I w a, ta aWfaiir to Me4 A aaswtwai r wfc-e tn(ty last lata it jomn wrDnrRnt RN a co. I al nilar 4 Aaerkaa aad tn(a fmewie. .151' ftrtet.N.W.. IWn V ahlntw. f. C. la-a(ai-eae'MS ai f . tttlU yivFaaD Tan-Um. ()ejua he epeaej ap tke fed yarj sett dwr ta the (tafte rTl.e, an r a Uc t a atara t.1 Mir t.airv. . . P iff ka ria'ti al b,m. al the U..- s. a64 or your hnreea las stall ln.it ad :.-. frteea 5'-t, affnrV Jlhtest, Simplest, IJw.Sil.rV Easiest Top vtrlfii ifiPiy Accurate. Receiver. XiiJJS Compact. dTHE PALACE J. O. BOUCHERS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, T. R. HOWARD -DEALS Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Supplies, Etc., And Wants He will make it an object for you to trade with him as his prices are right, arid all goods that he handles are of the very best. Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, T-Tf,T)T".'n fT lo-laa 5 Successor to C. S. Van Duyn. Has everything in the Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. JL -sr w w r-m .r-w tt 1MU. S. UU ... PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United States or to their Widows, Children, or Parents. Do Vou receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebel'lon, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new m law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owes it Wj . to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present X(V your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the fi time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. ' jyWrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice, uv I No Fee unless successful. C7 I The Press Claims Company I PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, fa 618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. ' JT. B.Thlt Commntl it controlled I n nrturUi out Ihmitand leading neire- f papert in the United Wafer, and it gturuntred by Uiem. ffi TFaflTtlTaTSg c& Attorneys tit All busineea attended to manner. Notaries OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. DEPPS Ell, 1 WHITE COLLAR LINE. r.n.nmm. v n i'APnnn Vm nnru 'nri (I n - - . v a rBa. a. V Stolen THEPHQNE, BAILEY Ltaeing Alder Street Deck, Portland, lark aod itabcotta. Direct eonneotioo with Ilwaoo eteamer aod rail road; alao at Yoaog'a Day with Keeebor Ileilroed. TBZiZlPnONZl Leare Portland 7 A. U. Dally, except Suw,lay. Uare Attorta J P. M. Dally, eieepl Suoday. UAILiBY CrA.T'T'.mTl'r Leare Portland a P, M Dally, esoent Ktin.lay. at ta A. M., except lunday aad OOBAIir Leaves Portland and runs dlrert to Ilwaoo. Tuotsy snd Thnr.sr l a A. M. a.Mar aJ 1 P tt Leatee liaaco Wr.li.ea.lay end Friday at 3 JB A. H. On equlay nlfttl el a P. M. Bags;, IMei. to RiHroaJ Ibiitilin Bulb Briclri Free if Ejptt. Pot Safety, apeed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel Bfi Keeley Institute It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. You need it in your business and a$ i' m-iftcr of ltlinr;; Wf 1 K 1 ' U "t t Tun Patterson PctusuiNG C( HOTEL BAK, Liquors and Cigars. IN- Your Trade ! Oregon. Next door to City Hotel. line of Fresh Groceries, Notions a Specialty, t w- w-v w. t-w tr rtm Ts-srsl J V KKJNMtiJN 1 1 is ... tjs Ircrvve, it prompt and satisfactory Public and Collectors. 1 t OREGON in in 1 n 1111,1 .mi 1 mm haa. V V rv W U .1 A A. I w I J s u GATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. foe Astoria, Ilweoo, Lnoff Deaeh. Ocean HatnrHar nlt-hl II P. at. !amiemiarkii.. atooilay. Bimrtay nlsht, 7 P. M. "W-aWia 00 the Telrphone. Bsilry OaUert and Orean War. For tho Curo o4 Liquor. Opium ml Tobacco Habits It at loraled at aalees, Oretoa, TU Uomt Beautiful Ton on (Aa CWrf Call at the n.ttrr amre Inr rartlrnlsnj Mrvdy tvoadenllai. Traaisneal pnvawend swr OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING TO UNLOAD ItllHt o il tr UlUil SJ , (mion in MIIVII vv