Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 26, 1896, Image 3

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Family Medicine
She Hai Ever Known. Wordi of Praise
from a New York Lady for
" I would like to add my testimony to
that of others who have used Ayer's
Pills, and to say that I have taken them
for many years, and always derived the
best results from their use. For stom
ach and liver troubles, and for the cure
of headache caused by these derange
ments, Ayer's Pills caunot be equaled.
When my friends aslc me what is the
best remedy for disorders of the stom
ach, liver, or bowels, my invariable
answer is, Ayer's Pills. Taken in sea
son, they will break up a cold, prevent
la grippe, check fever, and regulate the
digestive organs. They are easy to
take, and are, indeed, the best all-round
family medicine I have ever known."
Mrs. May Johnson, 3G8 Rider Avenue,
New York City.
Highest Honors at World's Fair.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla Cures all Blood Disorders.
Here and There.
4th of July.
Heppoer will oelebrata.
Billy Brown it over from Lena.
Jack Hill is up from Lexington.
H. M. Thornton Is up from lone.
Geo Muir is in from bis rhnob today.
Wooly" Clarke is over from Pendleton.
Cuse Fuqna is in from Eight Mile to
Who are nervous, weak, worn out
with local troubles find pure blood,
nerve strength, and perfect health in
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
We do not say tha above to raise
fal.-o hope. It has birn the expeii
eiu'O of many, very many women in
those intensely trying periods which
demand and consume so much
from the moon-
John Beeter Is down
The Heppner Transfer Co., has wood
for sale. 37 -tf.
Diok Howard's
as being ill.
Auion Wright
Joe Evans is over
on business.
infant girl is reported
was in Heppner last
from tbe John Day
visited oar merchants
2 ill
Qambrinus Beer,
Hotel Bar!
T. W. Marshal
last Tuesday.
Pin Ear, tbe Ling Creek hors", is at tbe
Spokiiue races.
Mrs. Perkins, of this place, is rep irted
on the siok list.
Al Herren is here visiting bis brothers,
Dave and Willard.
Johnny Waddell was over fiom Butter
creek Wednesduy.
Miss Florence Orittenden will leave
shortly for Pendleton
Mrs. Fred Knighten is quite ill at her
borne out in Eight Mile.
E. G. Sperry let for Spokane Wednes
day to attend the races.
Messrs. Smith and Ball are re-roofing
J. B. Natter's residenoe,
Davidson Bros, were in from the Eight
Mile section lust Tuesday.
Mr. A Ahbaugh and wife were in
from Eight Mile Wednesday
J. O. Williams and Jerry Brosoau were
visitors to Heppner yesterday.
Mr. J. W. Bluke was over from Coo
on last Tuesday on business.
Peter Deardoiff came iu from Long
Creek Weduesday with wool
loo cream dinners at tbe Graud Oen
tral every tJaturday at 25 cents. 47-50
Otho Ward aud other Lone Rockeis
were ia town the first of the week
Rev. hi. P. Greene returned Wednee
day from a short visit to Arlington.
Drink the celebrated J. H. Cutter
whiskey. On tup at Chris Bombers'
Jus. J. Corbett was beatod by eiharkey
at San Franoisoo last Wednesday mgbt
Chr's Borohers now presents Bn attract
ive window appropriately decorated with
bis wares.
MikeEenney dropped in Tuesday to
attend a regular meeting of Do no Liodge,
K. of P.
Mrs. J. C. McFarland is visiting Her
sou, Drank Morarlaud, and family, of
Ibis city.
A. J. Luland, traveling freight agent of
tbe Northwestern, wus ia town Wednes
day last.
Today tbe thermometer (bows 93 de
grees in the shade the hottest uay oi
the season.
Bert Reaney will haul people to and
from 'he mountains and spriDgs at rea
sonable rates. 6l-4t
mrt. Call
and Smokabl
on Ted.
Weather hot aud dry.
Mrs. Ed. Rood Is better.
Cropi show indications of burning.
Some of tbe farmers are preparing to
cat bay.
Sunday school every Sunday at tbree
o'clook. Preaching flint ail third Son
day's by Rv. Seift.
GruanJ I'lirrels and gransboppers are
reaJy for their sliars of the greco crop.
Tb fanners thought tbe cool spring bad
destroyed the graaabopper egg but snob
was not tbt cue for they ira now batch
d oat io great nambera. If they remain
tiers any time afler getting their growth
they will leave do vegntebles. 'Twill not
do for the woman to bet their gardens
oo MoKlnlev' eUotino for there is
chinos tbat gardens will be scarce.
Embt Mi U Center riuuJsy sohool was
reorgaoiiad Hun lay, Jon lib. Qiit
a, oambr were present. Mr. Adkma
president of th Coaoty Sunday Huhoo
Aooiatl"D in requested to preside
bleb be did. The following nfftcwrs
wer lcld : M s. A. AshUugh, Hupt
Mrs. II. Knlbtcn. Assistant Knot.: KI
berl Htaatoo, Hecretery; Mis De
Faqoe, Chorister; Mvee Aabbaagb
Treasurer; Albert Abbigh, Librarian
Mr. Cm Fu ria. mtn's bible elsss tearb
tr; Mrs. C Fonts, ladies' bible tls
teacher. K. M. a
Eiobt Mat, Jooe 2ltb, VW.
force those special physical trials we
delicately indicate by lncroly using the
words Maid, Mother, Matron.
Like a confidential friend we surest
tho use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, a reli
able blood purilier and tonic; it has
helped many others and will help you.
"I was in poor health five years, broken
down in strength, and appetite all gono.
Local troubles and other weaknesses in
tensified my misery. Nervous sick
dizziness, heartburn and pains in my
back made me think I should never be
well again. A friend prevailed upon me
to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. 1 soon began
to improve and in six months it restored
me to better health than for years. I
have found Hood's Sarsaparilla a grand
medicine for ell troubles peculiar to
I am now strong end healthy and can Io
a good day's work. I stand by Hood's
Sarsaparilla, for it cured me after other
medicines failed." Mrs. Lub Diee,
Carlinville, Illinois.
This and many similar cures prove that
Bald to Be the Tallest and Strongest Man
In Eastern Blaine.
John Moriarty. known all over east
ern Maine ns "Barney Kelley's Giant,"
died in Oldtown hospital recently of
typhoid fever, says the Lewiston Even
ing Journal, lie has been for nearly
two years employed as construction
hand on the Bangor & Aroostook rail
road, and later on the new Ashland
branch, where he became sick.
Moriarty stood 6 feet 0 inches in
his stocking feet, ana generauj
weighed 240 pounds. Had he. been fat
his weight would have been enormous.
But he was very lean. "Why," said
Barney Kelley, "you could feed the
giant on porterhouse steak and eggs
and he wouldn't, guin a pound; but he
was an awful tough man!"
His arms were very long and he had
hands as powerful as the paws of a
gorilla. All over his body the muscles
stood out in lumps and cords, and his
strength was immense. He could do as
much work as two ordinary men, and
on that account his services were al
ways in demand at more than common
wages. He was especially serviceable
as a derrick man he could turn the
heavy crank all day without tiring,
An ax was like a toy in his hands, a
cant-dog like a walking-stick. He could
up end and shoulder a small log or piece
of timber that two ordinary men could
barely lift, and in every department
of hearty manual labor he was a very
Many stories are told of the giant's
mighty strength. Once, when two
saucy woodsmen "guyed" him about
his towering height, he seized them by
the shoulders, one in each hand, and
knocked their heads together till their
teeth rattled and they were two good
sized men.
At another time some toughs came
into a barroom where he was and pro
ceeded to "clear the place ou t." Mori
arty took them, two at a time, and
pitched them half way across the street
as though they were so many ninepins.
That Will Giro Instantaneous Relief and a
Permanent Cure in all Catarrh, Throat,
Bronchial, Heart, Long, Stomach,
Kidney and Liver Affections,
Placed Within the Reach
of All.
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $1.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
. ji nstl-, are purely vegetable, curs.
riOOQ S flllS fully prepared. 3S cents.
Now the "Candidate" ia out of date.
The cropi are looking fine;
It la a treat to view the wheat,
The melon on the vine.
Tho horn of plenty's in the land
But the horn for which we alga
Ia a winning laai and a brimming glass
Of 8perry'a "Linwood Rye."
Hold only at the Belvedere Saloon.
The Tie f" BsllliSs
Cp the system It at Ibi season. The
eolJ weather bu m.de uonsnal drams
upon tbe il Mefc Tb blood hs
bomt luiiKrnhl and lni'. d
all tbs innotl .n nf th bd n!Tr to
COsrqi"iw. Il l id's ft ('"'rills t lb
treat bailie. Iraue It t !! Oae
True Ulim l I'unft r ' I ore tonlo.
elti'tif 1
hits ti" .rre the taforiU
,ih all l o n- tbstd. All
fossil J.n'fia': T!. iilmti-Ffh
Ln1 et.4 U M k li.tnr- om'y
w..t boJ"f sltst. A . H. M-ll'PS.
,,l M'-Mb. tJ hs ilr!n". al Hrppi-t
e-ttu t)m iH m b lMt T t-r the
tstiU and bgm '- ' ,bf
tn lb
A lirl ' rf 'b'
tsss. b'fxxl. ritl tHn, ftbl tt-l
ly lif ! twl tr. '.b ps m"A
. Ksf i s C. f It t T. t' i1 ''I
Hsile M W '!.
1 r rnaga usins ot ! O ft A N.
tna vie, t'rr.H 1, Vtsli ftbd
Levi Sbaner ia down from Hardman
and rep rt crops in fair oooditioa ia hie
Geo. Ward came io Tueaday from The
Dalle, leafing for Liong Greek oo Wed
ueHday moruiug.
Nela Jones wai in Heppoer yeelerday,
having reoovered from a reoenl attack o(
bilious tever.
Geo. W. Weill has told hie iotereat in
the lowt-r drui atore to hie partner,
U firry Warren.
Jndife Uartbolouew baa bought tbe
T. W. Ayeri, Jr., properly and will move
ioto aime very soon.
Mat Moogrofe. tbe veteran repreten-
tatlve of Fleioi hner, Mayer & Co., m in
iirppuer Tueaday leaf,-
Brn HsiKgart ii in from hit ranch in
the lower pari of the oonuty. Ilia orop
ii good one mostly bay.
(hand ball at the opera boose on Hat
nrUay tiiubt. July 4th. Musio will bo for
tiiabed by Hale's orobistre. It
Kef. Uoward fill bold regnlar eerv ioei
both morning and evening at Ibe M. E
chorch, 8 utb. All ere ioylted.
k fall list of Uetipoer'a flreworks will
appear no tbe boater. They will be
printed io the very near Mart.
Joe LMblef brongbt io jooog fawn
from Ibe mouotsios yesteiday wbiob
attract 1 conaiderahl attention.
K L. Freelsod as oorumioaiooer of Ibe
0. H. cireuit e-nirt. Is prepared lo attend
Io Nod husmess aud take Qoal proof. If
Crops are lio slightly damaged by
Ibe dronlb, bnl II Is t It (, tight Ibal time
ly shower will bring tbrm on! all right
The bilrdrifer out Hi ar bosily engsg-
td on lb braut h, Wm. AHyn. furmn
f lb gang, llarding oodootor aud
M'irgno et giuerr. ,
Elder J. W. Jeokius will U in Uepp
ner oo Hondsy sod will preach b-ib
inorMog and eulng al tb o(er boa
loo are Inf itd li three eet fIo.
So on in ordinary bealib need broom
balj nr g'sy. tl b will follnw Moslble
trMimeat. Wadfieeleiioenf tbe
oip and the of Uali't Hair Ke-
Mr.OniU, of lb Hi.l-
in Mao, relumed la In bom yeslefilsy
ffetileg, (lnil 1 I rostl-r eI !'
bt'P alter b big fiotory la Isoibill
Tbe yoaoc msa. Clint Cbnreb, wbo
sfsrr-atrj lor iu(b tteslmg was I
lew J Wrdolay tyt tier iff liarriaging.
there ba g no provf Ibal be waa lb
guilty ny.
C Dmteirjg en Jely 2i tbe O. H. t
H. C will eeil ronsd trip ticket U any
p-.lul wiitila ) mile al one faref.irll.a
rnr I Inp, T.ckets sr good U d !
lu lisg tb e'nwf July. If-Jolyi.
Tb-tRis N-lsio and m liter ron
tig W lile and rrsisnrstit la
I'm 1 1 KM ynit gl there fits
tb-m a elt. They dill treat yon Hgbl.
3? If.
Asf ineatrtr In Era Oregia wb
4irM lb etr t( attorney la
W ssbingioa. I). O , will 4 it to bis
sir I fsll am of a.ldrsaa Ibis f
pe'. '
THe r)sl t ee Del ,.f life.
Married At the residence of the
bride's parent on Evans creek, Jackson
county, Thursday, Jnne 18tb, 189rJ, Mr.
T. K. Roberta aud Mian Myra Bedford.
Rev. Joel Milton officiating. Mr. and
Mrs. Roberta at ooce departed for the
Shovel creek springs where they will
spend their booeymoou. Mr. Roberts is
well known in Morrow county. The
Gazette extends coDgratalations.
Graud Chauoellor, Dr. E. P. Geary, of
the Knight of Pythias, will make an
official visit to Heppner on next gator-
day. A meeting wilt lie held in the
eveuiog at the Castle hall and itia hoped
that nil member wbo oan poeaibly come
ill be present. After the meeting ice
cream and cuke will be served at tbe
Palaos parlor. The Artinans will meet
on Monday evening.
Messrs. Williams & Nunamnker, of
Iooe, have patented a "hoe-down," to be
nscd with self feeders to regulate the
tl'iw of groin to threshers. It ia on ex
hibition down at tbe pinning mill and is
said by those wbo know to be marvel-
on sly ingnninns and that there is uot tne
leant doobt of it being a snooess. The
owners are to be congratulated.
Not many business bouses io these
United Ktate can boast of fifty years'
standing. Tbe boRioes of Vr. J. C.
Iyer A Co., Lowell, Maes., wboaeineom
parable Sarsaparilla is knowo and nscd
everywhere, ha passed its half oeoteu
Dial and was never so vigorous a at
Tbe Ossetie bee a one jear's tnition
In either the English, Commercial, Hhort-
hnoii or telegraphic departments of tbe
liolmee Iiosmea College, of Portend,
for sale. Any person desiring to take
thorough bnninens oonrst in a first clas
eollege should see tbe Ualntt before go
log below. If
Aver' Pill promote the oat oral mo
tion of the bowels, without which tbere
ran be no regular, bealtby operation
For the cur or biliousness, indigestion
silk beadaobe, constipation, Jsundioe
aod liver complaint, these pill bar no
equal, tvsry do effective.
E. O: W. F. Matlock aod bio.
Wesley N. Matlock, eame op tbl morn
Ing to Pendleton. Tbe latter baa been
tn Hecramento for the winter and Mra.
Matlock Is now there, visiting ber par
ent. Wesley was warmly greeted by
hi very numerous friend in I'sodletoo.
W. P. ftrrivner i prepared to do all
kinds t( blaeksmitlitog, horseshoeing,
machine repairing, wagon work. In fact
anything In blluil reasonable charges
and saiiefsrlKin gaaraeteed. Will pat iu
spke for Si) eeot esch, nod other wagon-work
in proportioe. 40 tf
Mill Powell'i (beep ramp, op Io lb
m lubta'ijs, was rohlwd of l eoeUof
li'inl lb 17. b Inst. Iler on caliU got
into tt,e earop and despoiled wt.al waa
left bv lb nr If tiners. Geo. VenWiriki
I looking alter Mill's camps Ibis saaa
I Ml C-ihe ia now assneiated with Ibe
flrta if ll. Heppner A Co, in Ibe for
warding bntioess. They pay the lilgheel
market pru-a or peli and bide and at
tend Ij all rorwarctitig.
Hunter Attacks Bear with an '
Ordinary Jackknife.
J. C. Hearing', who was hunting1 and
trapping in the Blue ruountaina, a few
miles west of lilg'in, met with a little ad
venture with a bear recently that might
have proved rather serious to him had
it not been for the intervention of one ol
his dogs, says the Portland Oregoniun.
lie waa engaged iu setting traps, aud an
ho had considerable weight to carry he
had no weapon with him except a jack
knife, and on his rounds his dogs dis
covered the winter quarters of a beta
in a big hollow tree. The bear wns nt
home, and waa pretty much alive, us sub
sequent events proved. As bear pelts are
quite valuable, Jake was quite unxioui
f o secure this one, but wns afraid that i.'
he went to camp, a mile uud a linlf dis
tant, bruin would escape, so ho lushed
his pocketknife to the end of a stick and
::( tempted tocut the animal's throat. Ho
only succeeded in inflicting Rome pain
ful flesh wounds, wliich so enraged the
brute that it suddenly came out of its
hole, and was almost on him when one
oi his doga made a sudden onslntighton
the animal'a rear, which diverted hid
attention lotur enough to rnable Jake
to dodge behind a tree, nnd the dog
soon made it ao tropical for the bear
that it waa glod to tokc refuge in u tree,
where tbev kept it tmtit a tun wnH
procured from camp, when the unimul
waa quickly dispatched.
Dr. Darrin, the oeleb fitted physician,
wbo makes the Eye, Ear, Catarrh, Deaf
ness, Throat, Bronchial, Longs, Kidney
Stomach and Liver a speoiulty, has open
ed offices in this oity, at the Palace
hotel, uutil Julv 3, for tbe treatment
and care of the nfilietsd in this vicinity,
who cannot afford to take a journey to
large cities to oonuult specialists. Dr.
Dnrriu'e reoutatiou is so well known
that tbe afflicted throughout this part of
tbe country should not hesitate to avail
themselves i f bis phenomenal skill.
Dr. Darrin makes a specialty of all
diseases of a ohrooio aod obstinate
character that have for years, or a -life
time resisted the orlinary modes of pra&
tioe, and are the classes of maladies in
the treatment of which be has beoome
pre eminent throughout tbe American
oootiueot, and espeoinlly on tbe Paciflo
coast, and by his sucoess bos achieved
for himself an enviable reputation.
For those wbo cannot possibly plaoe
themselves ucder office treatment be has
formulated a method of "Home Treat
ment" whereby the suffering may be
favored with his latest modes of cure,
wbiob in many cases give instantaneous
relief and soon effcots a permanent res
toration to health which includes build
ing up and reorganizing tbe whole con
Dr. Darrin treats all curable nervoas,
ohronio, ooute and private diseases of
whatever nature, sod makes a specialty
of all diseases of eye, ear, nose and
throat, catarrh and deafness, bronchitis,
la grippe, consumption, dyspepsia, con
stipation, heart, liver and kidney diseases.
He permanently onrea nil diseases ot
the genito urinary organs, in either sex.
All peonhar female troubles are coufl
dentially treated.
Those who contemplate osllirg on tbe
doctor should do so at once as bis time
ia limited here and you may need more
tbau one treatment.
si buSSbKK
,. bJri Yi SEE?
Tow will find one coupon J' -Jj i Wllj ijk
Inilds each two ounce bag, 5lf5'fflL e5.0i Vf3
nnd two coupons Inside eacn f'liPllfllll I
four ounce two; of Black- - fiWl-Jil IJlft' I
well'a Durham, Buy at nag -wO 7 M ',
of this celebrated tobacco iffl-'?SifJijp:'Tn
and rend the coupon which S&agaLisiP(l-
Change in Business AH kill.
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
TTT! 1 1 rl 1 I TV
11 h aI Ann I a niiAmAn IJ
All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment Call" and see the stock before it is too late.
to lie a
nini-kaiiitth Finds Ills Tool
KaKt or I'ltrc Onlil.
('iirlotm thiiiffH Konii'tiinea hii)ien In
tho (old briirinir ri-frioiiH of tin- north
wtnt. The Iiluckfoot ( Idiiho) Nr a tclli
of a Moiiu v. lint rcitiiii'Kiilih i-xpi-i Ivm i-
hirh ocfiirred to a bhirhKiuith lit that
town lately.
The Kiuith, wIiom name Im I'm mrr, luid
in hla xhop a griiidxtotirw hich lif iHhi'd
to "tnper n(T." For thiM .iii'him- i hiiiiiII
htiiiu w.ix njuiaiti. So In- wt'iit nut of
i mm nnd mint'' M urch for a stone of tin'
right ! mill hli;iic.
lie found one Koiiu-whut Kiunller thim
n hen's rtfrf, nnd n-tui ning to his shop
iH'j'nn to KiiiiHith down the i-iIk-f the
qriniKtone with it. He hud not
"miKHilhed" long In-fore he thought Mutt
the stone worked rntln-r ijiieerly. Iiml
huh, in fuel, too ttofi to prind the atone.
He took It to hiw m.iil mid broke it in
biilf, nnd then he found that be hud
picked up ll nnj.',"rt of pure gold.
t'nfortr.niitfly. It wn n rothrrsimill
nugget. He mild It for f.V'i eeiits, am
though thin wns a vi ry gHxl price fur h
H-hlile picked up In the street, it was not
If a small btle ot hLsir Digestif
C"f dial dues yoa no g'xxl, dti't buy
U'g 06.
Trove all thieg; boll fwit tbat bleh
(good." It" not g-iod fr tverybody,
only for Ibe tl in, pr, irh, sk arx.
esary. futtt,r bo are slsr? log f r
ant of d-slt f.K.J fr Ib'oeoho
CsaO'd gal fst nr strong, Means ltlr
tmmaett d ! ooli lhy fi la
1 lis- 's lb bentils, millms o lh
r.ro M skef Igal (Jiir list ill C'tr.
ro.t easaea airsngtb, aj.iiwle, bin.
t l ki J, t.rf t lir ti i difssisd. If aot
(iti-wlxl l oi l .to y ko fund at ail.
Hbsbar gHie C'd;al bl Mr
sloisseh to dttfsol ynnt n4 end rerse
mdigasit ) fnsasil;, Ur !'
Ifit a eeasll biite, ynn esn tail
kilJ bf draggiete. Trtsl b-xtl 10 .
For yonr Protection. Catarrh "Crres or
Tonics for Catarrh in liquid form to bo taken
internally, usually contuin either Mercury or
Iodide of Potussa, or both, whioh are injur,
ioua if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not
blood discaso, caused by sudden change to
oold or damp weather. It Blurts in the nasal
passaces, affecting eyes, ears and throat.
Cold iu the head ciiunoa excessive flow ot
niucua, nud, if repeatedly neglect d, the re.
suits of catarrh will follow ; severe pain in
the head, a roaring mmnd iu the ears, bad
breath, and oftentimes an offensive dis
charge. The remedy should 1 quick to allay
inflammation aud beul the mem Iiruue. Ely 'a
Cream lialm is the acknowledged cure lor
these trouble and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug, l'rice, CO cents.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
Gilliam & Bisbee
Hot Winds
The Gi.fMte received the following
dispatch Wednesday:
(li -tte, ueppiier. Or.:-Hot north to
east winds will prevail over the wheat
district Thursday aud Friday.
Aa we go to press the clouds indicate
Nerves Oa tU.
I waa nervous, tired, irritable and
erogfl. Karl' Ulovrr Kool Tea ba mad
me well aud happy.
Mm ll. H OK DEM
For sale by Well k Werreu.
We are not small men, Hjb. "We are small men, b,
we are not ms Largest niercnanls ia (liewoilii
But when the people ot all the surrounding country are In need ot
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery wire, OUaaware, Woodand Willowware.Nnlla, Iron, Barb wire,
Cumberland Coal, Oani and Water Pipe, Pipe rittluira, Stoves and Ranges, Wagoni,
Hacka, BukkIfi, Wagon Mnturlsl, Hardwood, Axe', Ham mora, Rawi, Hlcdgca,
Wedges, Guns, Platola, Cartrlilgea and Ammunition, Maaon Jara, Ciran
tteware, Plows, Ilarrowa, Kakea. Mowera, Tuba. Waah BolUera
and Brda, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Prices.
W bav Ooon Oooda at Fi Prices, and Cheap lohn Goods at Chop John Prleea.
tin! I,l k it
Tbat walloping given tbe Yale fresh
man's roving ore w by the University ot
Wtsooohiu's orew I highly appreciated
unt here in tbe "rowdy West'. This wss
tbe first time that the YVret wss pitted
against the Kaat io college aquatic.
The East has uiuob to learn from the West
io thing beaide rowing. E O.
Halts ng for a lirlnk.
On Laurel bill in Itridgetm, N. J.,
there atands a houw Ix-twern whoe
walla la hidden a quart Uittle of the
purest aiipleliick. 'I he lxiltlliiia rested
I here for ear. and has. ntt-ording U
the old story tid'l, eli u ii years li.ore to
stiiy. When the Iioiim- was built, 'V.t
year agn, a quart Ixitile was tilled w il Ii
"Jack" and lightly sealed and plustere,
In the wall by a mini wbo bad the honw
built. The Utttle I not to be taken
from Its dark reresa until the son of the
man wbo plau-ed it there for h I tn be
come SO jeam of age. The buy" Is
now 39 years of agr, anil in all these
years has kept true lo the promise mad
in the lla)a of bis youth lo bis father
not lo touch the bottle of applejack
tmtil he reoi hea the Imlf-centory mark
In life's journey.
I AS la hsssMao)' frs-dletlM.
A torrestirit of tli Sew York
Sun rails aiw ntbm lo tlw fiu-t that In
his -ieellertUna of ft MmUter lo
Kranee" Mr. Waahtmrrie says 'I wm
somewbai aurprlord la bear him (Nv
(Mtleon III ) remark Ihat t liioitght
I ln ruuld Iki oohl ( oba, and ti nt
the result would ls ll.at she would
say nit' all ler sr.Mirrs and spend all
tier motley Slid then lot Ui Ulsnd is)
that end,"
Are to Is4
Miserable by Indigestion, Consttp.
lioo, l)ir.inea. I (lf Appetite, fellow
HkinT Hhiloh t VitHlitsr is a poeitlv
core, For sale by Well Warren.
Tbe wool market is not yet affected by tlie McKinley boom, ami
reports are not encouraging. We havo ample etortge enpacity nt
the mmnm uimm
or tboe bo doaire to bold for bicber priced, and by introtlucinc
Kaateru buyers, secure for tlione who wish to nt'II, tbe bicbeBt market
We pay tonmiiters and bold wool nulijoct to order.
No coratnisHiou cbarged for eelling.
We pay bigbeat price for bides and tbvep pi-Its.
1'olled barley and feed for toatnutoiH.
Wg Are ftaents lor little's dip,
fbe best sbeop dip in tbe mat kit.
We bave 5,000 sbinglcs wbich we will tell at ctmL
Mark your wool Q and direct teatnetcr to lower warebouno.
Fossil J"nrnsl: M'hi alcKlnney, tb
driver of OilUarn ronnly road mscbloe,
bad bis leg broken by bore falling on
litto while Ii was driving in Ibemaoblii
boise from pastor Wednesday morn
log. Tb scjident oecnrred at the
Hoover rai.eh about 6 -'VI, and D. L.
IWiwen arrived In town after Ir. Howard
before aif o'clock. Ibe doctor went out
and meodnl the break, abirb loest
e t al ibe aokl of ih right leg, and Mr
WrKiorer was taken lo bi bom oo
It ick erssk the same day.
A fenlassl Asswsr.
An amusiijg rorrend row reen'y
Innk pif Utverii VM,finais farmer
and n l-a-el boiler frm. lbs farmer
wrote a frWUrw; Ir r ir I bt a
fJt akets f ir Ibal 1 aotul Im
fn.rv but lot wbhrg lo mj cm hundred
dolrra fer aa tngtn tbat will do my
work," and b went en 14 eplain jn.t
what rrrt tf a rglM be wntrd. Ihr
1 tir fletn nt Ikat tbe tttgtne irv.
ary to coip!i ihe !esist;on ,f
hi vlrgtnsl forest ' I rt ,m,
nd lty lnf.'t'id lm to IM ff, 1
d snd 'htn U fu.iing
Mil ! S .1 rare.
X 1 II do not enrt evinstii.stinn. Tby
""If gg'vti. Karl' Clover Ibsd
Tea give perteel fetolarily i4 lb
tioweis. For sl by Weil and War ran
krnit gif tttiut
Thseoa tern plating going a as I, ahnuM
all on or addrsas Ibe I'aloo reifl('lly
Ticket times. V, Third Mrest, p.Ktlarel
for rate t the fntlowleg meetisga:
iUpihlicae Nti"at Ccnvretion, Hu
y oie, llo Jeee I Rib.
lmnoM Nsitxaal Gftvrnii, CM-
tee-", Ills, Jaly 7ib.
I'avptrf Parly Ovreliia and Amert-
ean Hilver Coevealiwsi, Hi, Iol, alt
July JJ . 1.
NsM til vnli in Ymng IV. file's
Sl ('rislsl fsdesv.f, Wssl.lsg-
If. I C, J.'t 7h to 13 b
.Nsllimsl F, leeslkmsl Aenisiwt
Ms-tieg, ll'ifl.U. tt. t .JolysVdtolo'h.
F. eawpmeiil (I'sr.d Aury t4 Ibe Us
bnblic, M. I'aul, Mil." . rp"einbsr (lib
IL W, Itairsft.
4411. O-etral Ageal.
Heppner, Or.
R. F. HYIND, Alanafler.
Oh! Where Did You
6ct Them Pants?
fhN'sel HlistMsra, Sh4 tt rl li not ll.lt J ultilihliif llmta and ars
Silli asoa (rwil, llsidwsis, HhssisbM oin.r 11, in a a.
Patronaae Solicited. Satlslacilon Guaranteed.
I base a ser 'f i f Cl.msli r..l f
) te 1 I 's I sa' Vf rt... es .
l-'i tptlvltM I, l tsti.
i r t j i
' muw cricur.
I t I L I.M.I I It C ,1
IU!Sclt A0 t.tHHA1,
lif'.il v, lii.ii.;!
aVjotctctrr-tNtj, St;oifsisj, T;Liu.i'iir.
mnm departmsit'-lakes
n --injury
I' y
v - 4 ' .
SlVmil e!ss, '! f f-!il fit's)
K I t!' IV li ! as it.
,,r X ' '-'".'i fi"' ' .
Isr I e ' -t !" M
fl.it ax l. . i ' ! !. '
mil1! t .!( 1 ! .'i In HI
I, (I tan In Im ith 'l
,1 JstW is.a. t
t.f He 4 b l Ja'r. I 'User
It ' il i et l.l. I ele A'l pre
ses tny le'tf I g
l.,j4 if .. t- etosij hit
i i - lb C's'ik n.e evselug
til J a; 4ib.
It!. if, A !'.. . .pr ' V. O
llm ('i, C.. a ,. 'c t.i', II f .
. ,','.' win s. m Cli
"U 'b m It all k i" li-s das ,1 et
rnii v e; ite run" lrtn the ;
;:u.:":r';.:." .. i... . nr i),.j,.,.fn notary r,v- -c
'. ' I f re S f
I I 1. 1 of fcu
, t,sl BS IU,
ndrUkif .d HJ -!), U.I r