Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 26, 1896, Image 2

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    Judging from the attitude of the
Salem Journal, it will Dot support
McKinley and Hobart
John H. Mitchell is the peo
ple's choice for senator to succeed
himself. He will be successful
The government lost in the re
cent elections up in Canada, the
liberal party sweeping everything.
The heated term is now on in
earnest and pilgrimages to the
coast aDd mountains ars now in
Ths present presidential cam
paign will be a contest worth wit
nessing. McKinley has the best
of it, but he will have a fight
equal in judgment to the combined
intelligence of even half the mem
bers of congress.
Altgeld has been renominated
for governor back in Illinois.
Coebett has quit talking and is
preparing to make a real fight with
Henry, of Navabee, the great
race horse, won the suburban at
New York, June 22.
A San Fbancisco woman wants
to fight Corbett Oorbett's best
plan of contest is with his jaw and
in this she will have but little
chance of winning.
The Oregonian in any capacity
would not be true to its natural in
stincts if it did not make daily
misiepresentations in connection
with those pet sods and things that
it does not like.
B. J. Suively has been nominat
ed by the Indiana democrats for
governor. Byuum, a gold man, with
difficulty obtained five minutes in
which to address the convention.
Drputy Sheriff Caroey is Compelled to Shoot
From the E. O.
Deputy Sheriff M. J. Carney came ioto
town Tuesday evening with Senator
Mitobell, an Indian wanted for stealing
saddle, and wbo bad gone toward Pilot
Bock to escape arrest. Carney brought
bim in and at Fruett's grade near town
the aboriginal senator got out of the bag
gy for a few moments, on bis request.
He began throwing rocks at Garneyi
bo was struck by one and who was
compelled to draw bis pistol and wing
bis prisoner who bad started to flee.
Both were covered with blood whan they
reached town at 7 o'clook in the evening.
The Iadian was shot in the forearm on
the right side, and Dr. Vincent dressed
The officer was struok on the head.
Senator Mitobell will not he examined
nntil later in the week, as Dietriot Attor
ney Lawrey has gone to Weston and Col.
Baley, counsel for tbe defense, goes to
night to Portland. There is no law in
Oregon warranting proceedings against
the Indian for resisting an officer, so that
he will be tried only for the alleged lar
oeDy of a saddle. The Indian's arm is
shot through and through.
Western and Southern republi
cans would have been much better
pleased had the convention placed
in nomination Hon. H. Clay Evans,
of Tennessee. Hobart is compar
atively unknown.
Clveland was let down pretty
hard by the Illinois democracy.
The temporary chairman in his
speech said that he hoped that
God .ould forgive them for sup
porting G rover.
Aboard bhip.
Sea voyages are usually deemed pro
motive nt health. Ha they are in most
oases. But it may well be doubted if the
shaking up aboard Bbip, wb'oh people of
vjry fragile constitution and weak nerves
get, is not prejudicial it its effects are
not averted or nulaaed by a mediomal
safeguard. The beat, if we are to believe
the testimony of ooean travelers, wbetu
er they go abroad for health, pleasure or
business, is Uostetter e stomach timers
Invalids, commercial travelers, sea oop
tains and yaohtsmen oonour in reoom
mending Ibis fine defensive tonio. Ho
do emigrants to the frontier, the lohab
itants uf malarious regions, and all wbo
are exposed to hardship or rigors ef olt
mate. For malarial, rheumatic or kid
ney trouble, nervousness, dyspepsia, liv
er complaint and oonstipation it is eml
neutly efJioaoious, and oom mended by
the medioal fraternity far and near.
There is now a strike on in
Leadville, Colorado. Twelve hun
dred men are out of employment
and crowding the streets. So far
they all appear to be perfectly or-1
derly and well behaved.
Morrow county has been iu ex
istence eleven years nnd it is high
time that the county's books are ex
perted. No one expects that any
wrong has been done but the peo- laloo tbo aettled convlotion of everyone
pie have a right to know something ln tb6t neighborhood that Keith was
I r t-i 1 Af AI tie Pan Tt , vwt arei wVia 4a nn
about their own business. Isn't
Skeleton wis That of J. Keith, Who wis
Probably Killed by Ben Bowers.
Relative to the finding of the skeleton
on Basket mountain, the Pendleton East
Oregonian oontains an interview with
Mr. James Asbwortb, ot Dry creek
Oregon, who had an intimate acquaint
anoe with all the parties concerned. Mr.
Asbwortb states tbat the body has been
po itively identified as tbat of J. Kelt b
bo disappeared about a year ago. It is
We invite your attention to our Immense
Line of Summer Dress Goods of the Very
Latest Styles. Our Salesman, Price, who recog
nizes no cost or value, will offer these goods
It it required an annual outlay ot 8100
to insure a family against any serious
oonsequenoes from an attaok of bowel
complaiot dur'iDg the year there are ma
ny wbo would feel it their duty to pay
it; tbat they could not afford to risk their
lives, and those ot their family for suoh
an amount. Anyone can get this insar
anoe for 26 cents, that being the prioe of
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera
and diarrhoea Remedy. Ia almost ev
ery neighborhood some one has died
from an attaok of bowel complaiot be
fore medicine could be procured or
physician summoned, One or two doses
ot this remedy will cure any ordioary
oass. It never fails. Can you aff jrd to
take the risk for so small an amount?
For sale by Conser & Brock, Druggists.
Paul Jones Wins.
Paul Jones adds another viciui to
those already woo, up at Spokane, June
23, the Ooenr d' Alene stakes or $250, for
two-year-olds, being the attraction.
Tbe borses were sent off after a alight
delay, at the first attempt, Mamie D. be
ing praotioally left at tbe post. Paul
Jones, Steptoe aod Bluesign ran in tbe
order named bait a length apart to the
stretch, where Paul Jones increased bis
lead to a length and a half, Steptoe
second, half a length in front of Bluesign;
lime G'.
(ION) Paul Jones, b. .. (Barrliiiton).
(loft) Hteptoe, blk. (VV. Roberta)...
tie Kepr
TaKe a LooK at Ttyese Goods,
You can find a Bargain it) tt)en).
We have a Large Line of Glassware, Crockery and Tinware that we are
closing out. Don't buy these goods till you see our prices.
Yours for Cash.
that tha way you run your own
murdered by Ben Bowers, who is no
serving a term iu tbe Oregon penitentiary
for cattle stealing. It Is supposed tbat
the motive was Jealousy. Both men
loved woman, bnt Keith was success
ful. Bowers ooiseqnently bad a hatred
ot Keith, Not long afterward tbe two
started out (or the Basket couotry to
gether. (Several dajs later Bowers
relumed alone and intimated mat no
It is said that ex-Sonator Dolph
wants a place iu the next cabinet,
u.l,l McKinley win, McKinley
will want republicans in those lm
portant places who are republicans one about Klctoher'o mill need bother
nil tha timenn.l who do not bolt D7 m,tt b,,u Keiln " b would not
Mr. Dolph should remain in the
obscurity of his ouo-horso Portland
law oflice.
return. Boon afterward Bowers was ar
reted and convioted of cattle stealiog
i and is now serving his time at Halutn.
(10,'ij BlucaiKP, i (I'owera)
(iu.i) Mauiieu., , (roweii)
Panl Jones was snapped up as first
oboioe at $10. All tbe others want in
tha Sold at 5, Mutuals paid (2.60.
This is a little better tban 0:50 for the
half mile. Paul Jones is a race borse,
If thero is anything that will help
Nuns Hut Ayrra at the World's Fair
Ayer's Hareaparilla enjoys the extraor-
tobrintfthe county through it jH j Jlnwry ditootionof having been tbe only
n,,l., : h.: ,.. blood purifier ollowed on eibibit ot the
cuuuuuijr. .u in.. -" Wnrld'e fair. China. M.nnf.flliirera
are demanding a more economical of other sarsaparilla. song lit by every
adiuioistrttion of affairs in county means to obtain showing of their goods,
inattarii. Times are hard and sal
arms uliouM bo cut down to suit.
Useless deputies hliould also be
dmponHod with.
1 HE Uregoutau la worrying
already over the spoil. It had
better labor to remove a email part
of the diagrnce attached to it
through its bolting proclivities of
this year. It Iim no right lossy
anything about what the loaders
of llio party elect to do. Huroly
but they were all turned away under ths
application ot tbe rule forbidding tbe
entry of patent medioidei and nostrums.
Tbs deoiaioo ot the World's fair autho
rities in favor ot Ayer's Hareaparlila wm
In effeot aa follows: "Ayer's Mariana-
rilla Is not a patent medicine. It doe
not belong to the liat of nostrum. It is
bcre on Its merits."
t'aahae" Oat la head
"Csohnp" Dsyis died very suddenly
at 9;30 o'clock on tbs morning of June
23 at bis bom io OakeaJals, Wash. II
was lo bis nsoal health and bad goes
ith Lis hired man lo help poleon sqolr
rsls, and when b earns bom b seemed
they will remember the enemies of ' bresth and thought b would lis
the republican nrt v in this state. Aom' u dlJ ' J d,J Mf
and the Oregooiau and iU bolting
adherents are among thero.
I !
Htatb or Ohio, Cm of Tolkdo, )
L.VCAO OoumTY. '
Fmank J. Cucnbi makes oatt) that lie
is tbe senior partner ot tbe firm ot F. J.
Chknet & Co., doing biieinens in tbe
City of Toledo, County and state afore
said, and thai said Arm will pay tbe snm
each and every rase of Oatahpii that
cannot be cored by tbe use ot U all's
Catakhii Cunt.
Hworo to before roe aud subaoribml in
my presence, this tltb day of Deoeiiilier,
A. 1 . 1SH0.
seal A. W. (tLEASON,
Notary Public,
IUII's Cittarih Cure Is taken Internally
aud ants directly on the blmd and mil'
onus anrfari'S ot the system. Mend fur
testimonials, free.
K. J CIIKNEY A CO.. ToledJ. O.
yHild by Druggists, uo.
Tashnp" Davis wss en ot tbe oldest
aod iuol rcMMitrio piooers of Whilinao
county, and located tbers a qaartcr of
century ago, Wiog Id lot lodiaa wars at
Ibat time, lie pi-niptd Hleplo bolts
years ago aod tbongbt It would be Li
fortout lo old age. He bad sine tbat
lime mad tha bait bl rttiglooeod wss
alws)s"at boua" Iu viit?s wbo estn
Tuc rase of Pboe.be Cousins, the
great worker io the Held to f man
ripate women, will and aboold
attrart widapre(l attention. After
a lifetime of dilligcut labor for her tl pseloo. Io lbs unimr
.m afl,r afrifl.Mnu all l.er nrina " lfl trvm far and oar to
to that end, the find herself dying,
a auhjrtct of charily down at Low
Angeles, What aems tuootitrange
is that one ot her greatest co-work
ers, Susan II A tithon v refuses to aid
Mis Couaitis U reach her relative
in the 1'aat where the hxvl to end
her dy atnuiig hor relatirea.
Ti lh old aUiry an I provea (Hm-
cluaiu l) that tnattkind is tuoat un
Hlpl. bolt to "view lb .laodaoape
o'rr." Mr, Il leaveo a wit aod mi
oral tons, tbe latter being growo PMt,
Mothers wilt finICbsmbrlalo'lCo'aa
rUmr.ljf especially valaatile f stoop
and wbiMipiog oogb. It will glv
prompt rlif aod U sl ad fleaaant.
U lav sold It (or acvsral yrs aod It
ba Hater fallrd ll lo tbs moat pf'l
satbtastlim. (I. W. Itii har ls, 1uiiimo
l a. H-.U It CVor A Ilrwk, liofiaU
Tt (laMte Lao often urgd
that the veto power ohnuld lo lav
ken awav front lLo prcaidetiL Kt-
ecutitca are only tufn with faulU
and prejadiivs juat like po.-j.le
wli i follow ptoln-ian pursuit, and
who nver have the f I'pioit pleao.
A lUea Itafiftio.
! talis tUaatr io lofuroaiog lb tub
b that 1 bavo parebaa. h pbulo
t ra bis MaJo t l. C. llerrto ood will
Oil all ordwo Uo4 fr pbitu t y llar-
OMAIUisatibo Uat pise oo tattb l
Ira la) on lb tallowing emtditMi:
Fr ty IISW Worth (I dry gnmU
twnilit o4 pail l"f yoo ft en t al
which IH l o a nos it sa of oay
bt II 00 pb.a, o4 fur over ;1M
Lawa Social.
Ao riceptiouully pleaaant Uwo social
was given by tbe Kpworth league ol the
M. E. clmreb last Wednesday evening
at ths resident' ot Mr. and Mra. K. J
Hloonra. Iba ncraeion was purely a
social on aod ei rtainly rttloted credit
on lbr wbo planned lb cnlertaioment.
Heats were OooveniMilly arranged on the
'awn r.od o number of Chinese and lawn
lantern spread o brilliancy of light over
lb gathering, lb evening was pleas-
atilly opwot io social conversation, games
and ni u an. Aa appropriate looob, eon
slating ot ic cream, strawberries oed
oak, suoh os ooly tbo ladies ot Ileppoor
eao prepare, was also a fcator sol eooo
to be forgotleo. All preasot ciprsaaed
tbo bop that tb social feat or .f ths
Isgoo b reloiiio!. epollly during
tb summer aeaaou.
The Rnt raach Tor
It Hhllob's cor. A eeghotJ eouiib
I d ao parous. Hlop It Ot Hc wilb
Hbilob's Cur, lor sal by Well A
War ro .
Uwo fatly
A very pleaaant as well os nocssfal
tawo party wo given ot the homo of
Mr. end Mra. K (1. Moan, of lei rily,
laal volog. o surprtM In honor t f Vila
r lurei.oa V. CrltUodeo. Th larga laan,
wall llglill with Chin laateroa, fur-
blah J 00 eisellenl l0 for tb evrO
lag's plraaiiriw, wbiib WetO lodolgrtl I
.f alrti.xt forty Coop'ea. A very oice
luttcb ft ! craam aud oak wot ocrvod
ot ao erprvpriat tolatval an I aa eo-
JijeJbvalL Mhwo Janoi NobUaal
liur Mair and Mr. Jaw tlarl iper
0 g'oat deal tf 'lil I f ItiM aiecp'l hi
l!y ( teaaMit 10 ft.
Fronted Gliuss. A solution of sul
phate ot magnesia, mixed with gum
in hot water, nnd put on tiie gloss wun
abrushjoramixtureof tpsom salt and
beer two ounces of the former to a
half teacupful of the latter. Apply
with a bit of muslin.
Cocoanut Drops. Grate a cocoa-
uut and weigh it, then add half the
weight of powdered sugar and the
white of one egg beaten to a stiff froth.
Stir the ingredients together, then drop
the mixture with a dessert spoon upon
buttered whi te paper or tin sheets and
sift sugar over them. Bake in a slow
oven lb minutes. western nurai.
Stuffed Onions. Peel medium-
sized onions and punch out the hearts.
Mince little beef or mutton, parsley
nnd brend crumbs. Beat with on egg,
snlt nnd pepper. Stuff the onions with
this, and luy in a baking diah with a
little gravy. Ituke until tho onions
nre tender, und serve vry hot. Baste
the onions f requeutly to prevent burn
ing. Prairie Farmer.
-Meat Ioaf. A nice meat loaf is
Hindu by saving all scraps of meat,
beef, mutton, veal aud chicken com
bined, und a bit of suet; chop all to
gether, M'uson with pepper, suit, sage,
parsley and onion, if liked; add rolled
cruckerj of bread crumbs nnd a well-
beaten egg. Mul.e into a loaf; pour
water enough Into the pun to keep it
from burning; bake slowly and buttle
frequently. This mlxlure enn be made
Into bulls and fried for brenkfuat,
Farm, Field and Fireside,
Suow Cake. A sbiull cup of gran
ulated Kiignr, snmc of uncolorcd butter,
nine whites of eggn, a cupful of flour,
same of cornstarch, the juice of half
a lemon or a email U-aeiMioiiful of creora
tartar, a half cupful of milk, flavoring
extract to taxte. Wnrm the butter
e.ioogb to soften it, rub to a cream with
the sugar, odd the whites of eggs, a'
little ot a time, without previous
lieatlng, then the starch nnd flour.
When th'ae are well mixed atld the
milk and lemon julee of crcura of tor-
tar and the flavoring, lireoae nnd flour
o mold ond buke the cake about holt
wn bour. It U beat w hen not too deep
in tho mold. Chicago Record.
General Harrison oa Onr Finances Wisest
and Strongest Strttetuimnnrilp Ken, aired
to Mend Existing; Conditions.
Ex President Harrison will discuss our
national finances in an artiole on "The
Seoretary of the Treasury," wbioh will
appear in tbe August issue of the La
dies' Home Journtl He will tell brief
ly of the origin of our financial system;
its exDanaion or development; bow the
nation raises its revenues, and disburses
its moneys; and details the faults of our
system of financiering. Referring to tbe
methods necessary to maintain our (told
reserve General Harrison expresses him
self with evident disapproval, and says
that "the present situation would be ab
surd if it were not so serious." The in
crease or dimunitinn of tb gold reserve,
tho ex-president asserts, powerfully af-
fe'ots every interest, and tbe "mending
ot existing oonditions will be o task for
the wisest and strongest statesmanship."
The ex president clearly intimates
tbat sncoeeeful fiuatioiering is extreme
ly difficult by tbe present methods. Up
on this point he says: ''If fifty dollars
would sullice to hold 85O.0fl0.0U0 in the
treasury tbe seoretary eonld not expend
tbat small snm. He roust stand by on-
til the gold is gone, ond then suit bonds
to get it back. The result la tbat tbe
banks and the brokers are often able to
make play ot tho treasury. A financial
institution whoso board transacts its
business In public is at a disadvantage."
Notice to the Public.
After due consideration we have de
cided to advance tbe price on photo
graphs after July 1st
We do tbis in order that we may put
in better material end do more work oo
our photos than heretofore. Tbis we
hope will be appreciated by tbe public
ond we will be better satisfied to see our
work go out finished in first class muter
ial and workmanship.
This is tbe mutual agreement of all
lhe galleries in Heppner. Oregon.
Tours respct.
M. B. Gallowat,
2t. E. G. awooM.
While yon h.oep jronr aabacription paid np yew
an keep your brand in free of charge. .
illrn. T. J., lone. Or. Hone GO on left
ahoalder; cattle aame on left hip, under bit on
tight ear, and upper bit on tbe left; range. Mor
row eotintr.
Baird. D. W. and eon. Horse branded D B .
onthelett hip; oa'tin the aama on left flank,
crop off right ear, nndercrop in the left. Range
in Morrow County.
Bartholaraew, A. ft., Alpine, Or. Borse
branded T on either ahonlder. Range in Mor
row oountr
rianninter, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed H on left hip and thigh: aplit in eaoh ear.
Brenner, Peter, Ijooeeberry Oregon Horsea
branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle aame on
right aide.
Hroaman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horsea branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left aide.
Left enr half crop ind right ear unper slope.
Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right thigh; oattle. same on right hip; split in
nach ear.
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, oirole
0 with dot in ei ter on left hip; oattle, same.
Brown. W. J.. Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
"IP- v
Hover. W. U., Heppner, ur.-noraee, nui
brand on right hip oattle, same, With split in
oarh ear. , ..
Bora. P. O., Heppner, Or. Morses, r a on leu
ithonlder; cttlo. same on left hip.
Curstier warren, yyagner, or.-nom umuu.
d O on right stifle s cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in eaoh ear. Range in
Grunt and Morrow comities.
Cain.E., Caleb.Or Y D on horses onleft stiflel
TJ with quarter circle over it, on left shonlder,
and on left stifle on all colta under 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over IS years. All
range in Grant oonnty,
Cnte. Chns. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horsea
If C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Corrigall. M M. OaUoway, Or Cattle crop out
of f ach ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead;
horees half circle C on left stitle. Range Mor-
owand Umatilla counties.
ri.,-1 t n .Tnkn liev Or. Double cross on
nach hip on cattle, swallow fork and undei bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
conmy. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
on shonldor. Ear markou eweSjOrop on left ear
nnnched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop m
right and under half orop in left ear. All rang
in Grant oonutv. . . ,
Cook. A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, Won right shonl.
ler; Cattle, sarneon right hip: ear mark square
nrop oo u iu """.:--. .p- a on
tJnmn.u. i., v.unmBYiiia, . .
left stifle. . . n o u
Cox Ed. H., Haniman, wr.-viw,
E in center: horses. CE on left "up.
Coohran, K. a., monument. oi v"
rr i amth mr neiieaiu. UU
ihonlder: cattle same brand on both hipa, mark
nder slope both ears ana o"wiB
Chanin. H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded
Li-tt Mr. CRti.la taraudert ne same, aiou
brands CI on horses right thigh; cattle same
brand on right shoulder, and cut off end of
l-iphtear. . 0 n..ti-H ln
Uonslasa, w. bi..tbi. -j,-ri" "b f;
right side, swailow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, B D
wlnft hin. . vjFr.v
Ely. Bms., uougias. ur.-no.. '"": r,-
left ahonlder, oaiue
ir right ear., ,
Emery, t;. o.. liarumwii, - , ,
. 11 r,e7r,r1 C with taill on left shoulder i oat.
fjeame on right hip. Range iin Morrow oounty
Florence, u. a., newum; ui.-i ul
ght hip; horses F with bar tinder on right
"SVil1?!' a p TTenner. Or -Horses. F on
ifCon right Wp or thigh
Gentry, Bimer, mw.-" ,"7:
4 with a qnarler circle over iv, uu . "
Range in Morrow and Umatillacountiea.
HiattnA. B Ridge, Or.-(:attle. round-top i
ith quarter circle nr "" ..
Range in Morrow and UmatUlaoountjee.
Hughes, Hamnel. Wagner, Or-r- (T F L
connected) on right ahonlder on horses; on oattle,
-.n right hip and on left aide, awa low fork in
ght earand alitin left. Range iu Hayatack
Harriot, morrow oonniy.
tt j t r. n&itnwAv. Or. HoraeaX forosa
with bur shove it) on right shoulder; cattle aame
n left aide, wange iu morrow uu uuauu
Mr. James Perdue, an old soldier re
siding at Monroe, Miob., was severely
afflicted wilb rheumatism bat reoeived
rompt relief from psio by uaiug Cham
berlain's Fain Balm. Ilesoys: "At timed
my back would ache ao badly that I
could scarcely raise np. It I bad Dot got
ten relief I wonld not be here to write
these few lines. Chamberlain's Tain
Balm haa dona me a great deal of good
and I feel very thaukful for it." For
ale by Conser & Brock, Druggiata.
tire of wallowing in llio jxtlitical
tiiiro on. I Ifing liko tlieTroU) their ro yo lot lo lloroof k llhao'o dry
t-eiLUiro Li Lara aa utuiornrh. too.ls yo g4 ooo tkkot bwb ooiitlo
al.U tl.'.r.t f.r fiIR ri...j.tl,'6to.td4)o.ot,oyll WutJ ob.
)M tna! over rw lubdrrxl vctur-w
daring tha J f l thre Jar, ft ro
or I l.itberto noepole.L rnolont
were- tlic rr. fUgo U lit oighl of
tt (kot.
kill loo tUJs Wllfc 000
Tooro ra-prt.
It. R rit.u.wt.
J r. , 1. t,l, "I !.. (Uk Ho tr ro'o
t 1 -I l, i r aujp i-ttif r it-
' j; ..!., -tt wlt'i l.ae t,i M
Vttoi4Llikl U i Itrvck, ovfiio.
ffl'l. Tb"t'io ri alar Wtveea
lletit tf sal alniioii, arming etwy
lay a-H U.Hi.la; ana leoftog !
ilr el " t r4'Ur, Htirt! o I ttp
l . ls itm lotawot. Cktiowe A
rileal rilt IwkIM rw.
h;rii li'tua Moiaiure; 10 Una itel.iog
00J sluiglof ; on-1 ot olgtil; w-uaw by
ocroltb'bg. If ollw. to ol.uo
toainro for o. liet oftoo blawd ood
almalo, brnmig very ooro. rtwatso I
OttTMOSf Stops tbo Itcbiog ood bleed-
log. boobi tlofiuo, ood to moot oao
rtuvw tbo Ioomwo At droggMa, or
h ma.l, f.w aOeoU. tH.Hwoyoo ,
oaao aeasibt ai(-tlnns far the Toaog
The prettiest vnjr t arrnnge your
balr? FJirwclnllv If It ! very long, very
thU k, and a nioet Ix-nntlfnl rolor, v t
rannot I wtt u luinging dovn in brnid,
tn- aiie you ore too lull for nnvlliliig ao
cliihtiab, nor f.itcn-il up In a graivful
Psycho knot at the Iwt k of the lit-nil.
,uit n-nr the mt-k, l-oiixe It lo to
beovy.Olid t-oiura tuiiililmg dow n at In
CoiHriiiriit m-iimmin. lonely bolr. but
an ciiilurriii-iil of rirhea. Is It not?
If It were my liolr. nnd I were Uie
drttr young girl uln flnda It 0 bother
ond a Inirilfti, I woulil ctiil It upon tp
01 my lii-itd and rar it like o rrtmn. 1
wouldn't mlnil 'la hntlng the rrTm-tof
making nie bok toller, ond I would
Und up very atrnlcl.l, ami l'wk oa toll
ni I roiild. In my npinion height la o
brouty, and 1 never t are admit a irlrl'a
taring tall, exrrpt to admire her. Toll
girla moat mind thi t Ibc rnrry them
arhro well, and do not stoop tmrrrane
t'-rlr bead forward oa If thi-y bad Imt
eomrthinff ond v rre rrM-tually look
ing for It. You tTmrriit t Trnii) aon'o
p't ture, do you not, a rd picture aurh
o only o port cttuld puit t :
"A dauhlr f the da.
t tvln. ly tail, and moat divinely fair "
If tbe coronnl efTrrt -re tinlrom
Inc. or paie o frrling of weight on top
of my brad. tl,n 1 would brold the bair
Ia aeveral strnnda, ond mie It all r't
tho t-k of tbo hr.id. 1 would aimpiy
part it In the middle, and avoid f rltjrca.
ond bong, and little curia, erlm . and
o'brr attempts at decoration la front.
V hm bair haa o natural oe or ripple
It la vvry pretty, ot4 should hoo .U
way, but tit igbt hair la ptnty Umv and
gitls betll be aoaSe I Q weor their
hlr la the sty to nature Intended for
them tlorptt' fcniod TsW.
Krauk Ualle's Popular llootbly for Hay, 't
Tbo illustrated "Lee ot Virginia" ser
ies ia oontiunetl io tho May nn tuber of
Frank Leslie'o Popular Monthly with a
paper by Beory Tyrell, relating to Gen
eral Leo's part in tbo momentous events
of Iba ysors 1M9-1802. These events
include the John Brown raid ot Uarper'o
Ferry, tbo secession of tho Southern
Slates ond tho ootbreak of tbo Civil
War, Oeoerol Lee's reslgootion from tbo
United States Army, ond oppointment to
tho command ot tbo Confederate foroes
ot Virginia, bio campaign io tbo West
tbe establishment of Jefforson Davie ot
Richmond os president ot tbo Goofeder
aoy, tbo first bottle ot Bull Rao, ood
Oeoerol McClellso'o lovaiioo ot Virgio
ia by way ot tho reninaola and odvonoo
upon Riohmood. Akio to tbit subject io
o obormiog okotcb wriltea by Mrs- Jet
feroon Davis, deeoripl! of life in tbo
White Hoaso ot tbo Ool Mersey" dar
ing tbo war. Mrs. Koger A. l'ryor odds
oo iotereetiog chapter ond ao ti)uioit
portrait to ber "Ancestry of Ueueral
Leo." Otber features ot tho number are
tbo illustrated orticleo opoo; "Cubso
Noooooibotooto,M by Frrtlariok A. Obot
"Tbe Prince of Wales on American
Prairiro," by Mrs. J, Idoc; 8ojo oo
Doagbtert ot Feodal Hires.' by Mrs.
Barbara MeeOebao; ood "Vogabood
WooJeiingola Gootemala," by Thomas
11. Daoley, Jr.
A Peculiar l l.h.
A curious 6sb osngbt at Oregon City,
fur wbiob do ono bas yet been able to
Ood a name, hno been sent to Qsme
Protector MoGuire for identification,
sya tbo Oregonian. Tbe body, to shape
ood color, muoh resembles tho black
base, bnt tbe bead io quite different from
tbat ot a bass, being smaller and mors
liko that ot a whiteQsb. It bss do adi
pmso fin, bot bas a large ood long doraal
Oo, aud io opeckled something liko o
trout. Ao it belongs to dodo ot tbe va
rieties of fish known bere, It is Ibonght
Pall. Edwin, iionii jjor, v "V ,
right hip; horss aame on right shoulder. Range
in Orsnt conniy
Hughes, Biat, neppnnr, y -m-
aenrt on the left enouiaer. oionuw
Hnnsaker, n r , wmr. yr,-uu., uu
ihoiilder: cattle. 0 on left hip. .
Humphreys, 4 Hi. iiarumau, ur.-uui, u
Mtc.n. Luther. E"ht Mile, Or.-Horeo Hon
the left shonlderand heart on the left atine ( at.
ae aame on len nip. nnnw iu -..,r..,w
Jones, Marry, noppnnr, r. un m-rami
u r nn iv, left, shonlder: rattle branded J on
right bip. also nnderbit iu lett ear. Range in
Morrow county.
J Qr kin. O. M., Hppir, wr.-nun,
hoe J on left shoulder, tattle, ua asms.
Rouge o" HwMMIIa. ,
Johnson, Felix. Lena, OT.-Hnrsae. elrnUT on
left stitle; oattle, aame on right hip, under half
iron in riht and aulit '.n left ear
Kennr. Milte. Heppner, ur.-nunm ornnom
kvv nn left hi o cattle aame and orop oil left
ear: under alone on the eight
Kirk, J. in itepnner, or.-nii o u wn
shnnlderi cattle. n on left hln.
Knmberland.W...Monnt Vemon. Or.-I Lou
oattle on right and left aides, swallow fork in If ft
r and under ciop in right ear. Horsea aama
brand on lett anouiuar. ruing in urmni ctraniv.
LoHen, Htapnen, Foi. Or. H li on left hip
on oattle, crop and aplit on right ear. Horses
same brand on left ahoulder. Range Urant
liienallen, Jonn w ., ih-ii-'i-"'-' ur.-norm
branded half-circle J I. connected on left ahonl
der. Cattle, aama on lofthlu. Range, near Lai.
iugton .. .
U-ahey, 1. W. Heppner ur. noreea orannem
l .n.l i nn left ahonlder: cattle same on left
hip, wattle over right aye, three elite in right
'Lord. George, Heppner. Or. Horses branded
double U cni.nectirt Komalitnaa oaiied a
swing H. on left shoulder.
lUris. M. Heppner, Or. Cattle) nnutded
eircla oo right hip: lior.ee aame on right atitle.
Ksnge in Murriiw county.
almor, ll-oax, neipner. nr. at tie, M O oa
right hip; horse. M on left ahoulder.
Morgan, H. N.. Heppuer. Or. Horaea, at)
oo left ahonldet oattle aame on left hip.
Mitchell. Owr. lone, or. iiorara, j i on right
kin: eattle. 77 on right aide.
Neal. Andrew. Lone Hock.Or. Horaea A N eon
oeried on left ahonlder: oallle aame oo both h!ia.
Oiler. Perry. Laxluotoo, vr.-r U no left
The Ills of Wooieo.
Goostipotioo, cooaeo mora than hall
tbo ills of women. Karl's Clover Hoot,
leo is a pleasant core Mr Constipation.
ror seie oy w ens w arren.
l.-fe I mm W - i. U I f . If 1 ahfrttMAt
.... ui.y uw.uyuuu. oir. wcuuire ,r; , w vvlaa. lr .. horM.On.lef
bas bsd it preserved in alcohol, Ood will I ahonlder; cattle aamj on r'ahl hip.
, . , , u. . , I Pearaon. Itlave. Kiaht Mile. thr. Hnraaa. quae-
send it to Professor Jordan of Stanford It- 0irri..i,i-id on Mt aimuider aod u on left
nniver.ity.or.omo other authority od ;,oI "
flh, lor identiflcation. Parkw A Qleaawo. Hardmaa.Or, BoraaalPoo
I en -noai'ier.
Plfer. Krrt, tilntoo, Or.-llorie brand,
d K (L K eoeneolerl) am lfl ahoalder I eattia
Mmeoa right hip. Kange, Morrow snainte.
Piper. 1. H Islington. ttr.-Huraao. JK ana.
seeled iHileft srMtaliwri eaUle, ausa Uf hip.
order bit Is each war.
Prttra. A. C tooe, Or.t horaea dlemond P n
ahualderi wul, J H i emuwpted, oo the
eft hip, upoer elope la left ear ood alto la Ike
Hood. Aodrew, Hard ma. Or. Horaea, So. ear
lew Kh qntnarnl anr It M left etllU.
Un.k Hn. Ilennnar. Or. Honwa braariail
ISKD orrit AT THE V AI.I.F OREOOjr, ) BO Ilia right sh.wl.leri WW, I oa) me Ml BIB.
J June 34. Iat Kollc-e la herehv giren i rnm off left ear and dewlap net awk. Kaon lm
inai ine louuwiiig namen arttier haa niao notice nnf and aiointoaeMinu.
M ma intention to make anal pruol In support
ot hta claim, and that aahl pr., will he made
neioiaj. w. Morrow, roonty rlers, at llrppuar,
Orrgon, oo Augul a, l. via:
nd. g o, jn. for the r.', r sww wu
and M I, SW, tW V Tp t S. H K.
llananow lhe li.llowmg Itnewvetn pmve
hla rontlmmtw realdeore utmo aud eultitetian
ol, Mid land, vlt:
I. U Van Ink la. nf Heppner, Orrf.m. T. p
Mathewa. W. 0 riniry, Arthur Audrtwa, oi
(tallow ay, Oregon.
Ja. f. mviar..
Notice of Intention.
N.i Cl.icg
Hot ir a.
MM be oUow4
oa tar
A. ft Ki a,
H I' r t ,
La A. I UwajaVO,
,n-r What la Jsrk'a ort-tipattfin?
I iH Jlle U o rnia-.!r.i c rt.g t.r-r.
rtii.f-i .. ii i,e almijll fr any
, lu,.,!. .a te vivtil OieVUw n-
rawwoigo oVea.
We bav. J oat reoeived from tbo mnaio
pabliabug hooao ot Tbo O. Broloord's
tloa. Co., lil W.boab Ave., Cble.go, a
npy of tho "Troe iloa lU-pobliesn Com-
paigo Hoeg IUm k" for lhe Oampai.o ot
W"! Tbo botk eotalo. ooloo, doeto,
oaiied ood nolo iparteia, ood lo topee
lolly arranged f r care paigo elobo. It lo
out a flies p word eJinoo, ood 1. IJ lor
tbo remarkably low p'leo ot 10 Ota. or
It 00 pr d lea jit paid. Tbo fultow
l.g to tbo oooteoto ot tbo book :
Al looked bebiod. A tboosaod
dallar. a ninryw, Pilly MtKioUy, 0'.
U jtogot till oa boor 4. 0J by. free
troilero. Qrover's veto. Nioety two Ood
eiriety ait. Tolitieaj bortwe eh. ftaoa
rrv's syodicoto. 1 bot'o what's worry ire .
Too deoVMTOlie boat. Tbo fallow I'd
like to oewt. TbeOmver I wear dowa
bloW. l oder tbo flag H penlwlmo.
W ay rlowo eo (J'laolun llay, W 'll .log
0 1 (tie ag.
Nollct of Intention.
I"D crrt' K at t. t.atjtpg. tinr.unt
J June li, !. N.rtl.e la hereby f i-o thei
lhe tollowlagnamed ailler haa fll4 not I re of
rila Inlentlon lo xl, anel pf..( W aipprt of
his rlalia. and thai aald pnuf will be iele be
fore County t'lerk of Morrow county, i if -goo,
at UrppBer, Oreon, nn Aiiieet t, t, vu
ratprktrx R. tiiowas.
Md entry Tit? for Ike W SWk See I. t
l'aBdS' awe s I a. ISL .
He Benwe Ike ..IIowlnf wltwreaea In mve
hit ciiollnu, mii real UiH-e uiwa ul ry.iliiu,
of. aald Ian4, til,
K t WaUloe. it Watklna. A A Bunk.
a. 4. m a its. an ot iirppner, iirvrnn
a. r. llAit.
Hrttnev. Aadrww. Leitiurt'. Or HurwM
bnuMled A H on right ahooliwr, vent qaener
elrrla nw- brandi eallie aatwo oa rtgbt kip.
rlaiee Hieow rmr.
HiyM, Wm. II. lewryvllU. Or-IIK eneaeetet.
with aiterler eierla over to oe emlOeoa nHt hm
and erp A rUht ear and eplil la left. Mora
mm brand on left ehteiMer. Uaaw la II.wtow
tlranl and lliMiaw enanliaa.
Herior. 1. W li-pfMr. (rr.-iinraaa. JO at
bftalauaUwe. lalUa, Ooo Hkl kip.
fMrelgM W. t It-.pn. Or -Hfa wS.t4
I H ua wfletlftei eat lie J One) left kip, ewailow
fork la fM ee'. anderblt to lefl.
Hapt. Tha.. tleppwor. Or. Ilorwaa, I A P BO
Wft kipt aatue wm wo Ut kip,
tVtyera, Robert. Drwiglaa, Or. ratlJell oa
right Mp ad mi rWkl aKowhtee I hi riM.'g oo
rtM -K..nkW. Kw IB Morrow imintr.
Omitk tna . HoeMville. Oe. Hoe, btaiM
H 2. WWi eeiiie, auwewa Urft etwaikUr,
eVieirea. Jw-w ArliBloB. Or.i k ri hBj4a1
IS on Ml ahoal.U'i rwiile Uui eema. al i a.a
wkle. IU"ew la Wnrenwaad (iiliiaaieaweiwa,
Hteveeea, V. A., Heei-aa, Or-1 tmi. NSo
fUrht eiifl-l rente koriaiiaj L wa 1Kb nefct Ale
twmmm. Mre A. J .. Hnpe If imitia, g
aw net,! kit I eil"wJ'k in Ufl aa.
Owaev,(. W , Mot'- lr -HirM, tt aa
left MMildie'l, Mow wft klw
r-rry k. M. Uii-ymr. itr. - ettle W 0 ao
left hit. emy off n''l a"4 snwWtni la aaft yaar.
Vwtaoi Mm SlrtWl ahMblar. '
Tkma, i. A. Hinder, Hr-HoeM.lw
left eKnwMTi ealtla. I aa Ml ehawMar,
I ii .-e .Ilt'vw.(it,-tlwa. Uwa Wft
Temar W. W. H-i pear Or, OmaJ aatHa T
U" ttMXAt U ! aue oaiaa aa left kio
ai'k -flO Is m aeea.
TVtii pe. II. M . Or M ma -a keaailal
If V eviaae! -s left tiftat ilia-a aaiwe He-a4.
Ve.Wpd M.T. I'M. la.-Hwailltaa
a-i-d wa rtokt efci-4iK aa ri4
Morirt or Moouriu!
NOTirg ta nrsray .tvt TT Ttl
S'f at W ma A rr . rnpn4 a( ,n
,W-,laen4 M K. wrn 4nln a nrl
itrxt htn in lharliy H (t-n -wf. hae this
4av Me dle'-ad W W h(,ln( 4,s
pnaM at M Intart to H g Werreaekawll
roullooe the t.min-M r.'.;erl ad arrouuls mad ' IK- -l efcpet'W! r-oie aaata eat ttaht hio
Sim I a- v l" -1 r ' I ear l. r I
Walhrlda, W . H're-t. CV. rtaraaa. C. ta
par ail Ut4bta)iwai el Uie -1
i.I.i. w Wft IA.
MR tlllli
TXad al Hrrooar. Oeea, Uita ak ear of
Jb,Iwa tv u.
t'atank I arr4.
tUa'tk oed oeael l-r-ath aeeora t. ty
rLik'b't Cwtortb Xwaiedy. l'rtco law.
TrtJiurtr'i Hotlce.
W lH. Jt U .
fl wmM if aa laa
W areaa W M I'awK iV-f'attla W wltk e warier
eir4a w-a H.-a lett aula, ! la w
H. wa wm We4 ao wft k-i4ar. baaio
I, -M aMay.
Wa.a H--v. ttaeeaar, dy -Ifeaaaa kraa4a4
",, ea M -Y-e I aw laU aKMa'A-r a4 Ufl k.a
VOTKt tO RrtT wIVK TT Att. WMa-ake..M Wito
i w-tww r,.nn rintaa tfitmt ev t W 14. 14 1 1 i fcw, ftt II may, tf
tnaM Iiwila4iet J'ae l la-t at.l ka aait aa fteta-el m Wt riaaUa,
aewenlatlm. el the lianm I e..a Kial i VetiM. Iwa N.rrw,Or,-a
t-aa slut th (J-te at t a.--. ' f -r4 - a ,
' - at- "n.y, 1 il. r- kfi k a. Mil aattae a4
1 ' 1 ii W 1 a " ft-e I il
1 - I ,mmtiM M a I,..
Or t. C bnlth, OeUemoo, UetOlrW. twawM eajta aaanwre
Was 4.4