Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 23, 1896, Image 3

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By the Persistent Use of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"I was troubled for years with a
sore on my knee, which several
physicians, who treated me, called a
cancer, assuring rue that nothing
could be done to save my life. As
a last resort, I was induced to try
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after tak
ing a number of bottles, the sore
Tjegan to disappear and my general
health improve. I persisted in this
treatment, until the sore was en
tirely healed. Since then, I use
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as
a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in
deed, it seems as though I could not
keep house without it." Mrs. S. A.
Fields, Bloomfiekl, la.
Here and There. I
8. L Stratton is up from the valley.
Tbe Heppoer Transfer Co., bas wood
for sale. 37- tf.
Andy Cook was in from Batter creek
Jas. O. Williami was io from. Spring
Hollow yesterday.
H. A. Capper was over from Monu
ment last Friday.
0. W. Craddlok was over from Eiehi
Mile Saturday last.
Joe Lackman was in from his Batter
oreek ranoh yesterday-
Henry Heppner returned home from
Portland Sunday morning. ,
Have vcu seen tbe friend who asks.
"Is it hot enouh for you?"
D. A. MoAtee will attend the Spokane
and Montana race meetings.
A fire at Pendleton lasi! Saturday de
stroyed considerable property.
Miss Roe Qoldstooe, of Ran Frnooisoo.
is visiting ber sister, Mrs. Pbill Cuba.
loe cream dinners at tbe Grand Cen
tral every Saturday at 25 cents. 47-50
Born To the wife of Q. B. Phillips.
in Portland, June 18th, a ten pound boy.
Congressman EIHb has returned from
Washington. He is In Portland to-day.
Drink the celebrated J. H. Cotter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borohers'.
Congressman Ellis and family are ex
pected home this week from Washington.
J. C. Criobton, a grandson of Mrs.
Julius Eeitbiy, is up from Portland on a
5 Soires
In combination, proportion and
process Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar
to itself, and unequalled in true merit.
No other medicine ever possessed so
much curative power, or leuelied such
enormous sales, or made such won
derful cures, as Hood's Sarsaparilla.
It is undoubtedly the best medicine
ever made to purify, vitalize and en
rich the blood.
That is the secret of its success.
Read this statement:
" When my son was 7 years of age, be
had rheumatic fever and acute rheuma
tism, which settled in his left hip. He
was so sick that no one thought there was
any help for him! Five sores broke out
on his thigh, which the doctor said were
'The Only World's Fair SarsapariHa,
Ayer's Pills Regulate the Liver.
sores. We had three different doctors.
Pieces of bone came out of the sores. The
last doctor said the leg would have to be
cut open and the bone scraped, before he
could get well. Howard became bo low
that he would eat nothing, and one doc
tor said there was no chance for him.
" One day, a newspaper recommending
Hood's BarBaparilla was left at our door.
We decided to try this medicine. Howard
commenced taking it the last ot February,
after having been sick for a year and a
7lQ 9WiC iffifl
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
Drinkable Liquors
CI era. Cal
Pleasant weather,
damages the grata.
Harlan Stanton was down Saturday
nd Sunday to visit frit nl.
Joe WooUry has painted his duelling.
It will soon be ready for occupation.
With all tbe ram we bad. we are
orely in need ot a refreshing shower
Preaching nrxt Sunday by Rev. Drake,
of Condon. All are cordially invited.
Our Sunday tohiKil la still "a goin'"
auJ the ChrUtiaa EuJesvor H.oltty, al
F. VtfUUer and family have moved on
their Willow ouek much during the
There ii some talk ot celebrating the
Fourth down here. Hope it is Dot all
Judge Lowell osme in from Pendleton
this morning to hold an adjourned term
of court
T. R Lyons returned this morning
from a brief visit to bis relatives at Wal
la Wulla.
Chas. Hales is baok from Klleneburgb.
near wbioh place be is running bis sheep
this year.
Bert Reaney will haul people to and
from tbe mountains aud springs at rea
sonable rates. 61-4t
Chss. Green, of Frisco, representing
a. ivoshland & Co,, is here in tbe inter
est of bis firm.
Let Oliver, tbe man wbo was arrested
tor the holdups down in Klamath oouj
ty, bus been acquitted.
Wm. Dunn and wife returned home
I Sunday morning from a week's visit!
with Portland relatives.
Mel D'i3tm and Win. Starratt report
thirty wool learns on tbe road between
Heppner and Long Creek.
William Lord has purchased tbe Echo
stage line from See D'iekell and will
lake charge of it July 1st.
Grand ball at the opera home on Sat
urday mgbt. July 4th. Musio will be fur
nished by Hale's orchestra. tf
John Gleasnn has returned to Hepp
ner and will tnke bU old position ss
wool grader at Uoppner a warehouse.
E L Freeland as commissioner of tbe
0. 8. cirouit court, ia prepared to attend
to land business and take final proofs, tf
Dr. Darrin arrived Saturday morning
and will remain in Heppner for some
weeks. See ad. elsewhere in this issue.
It is said tbat graio is burning in some
parts of tbe oounty, but later reports in
dicate that it will not be badly damag
There will be preaohing both morning
and evening at tbe opera bouse on next
aunday, June 27, by Elder J. W. Jen.
Several heavy dips of wool have been
sold recently at the warehouses, but onr
reporter was unable to ascertain tbe
price paid.
Mrs. Lillie Uornor. daoirhter ot M. D.
Havman, aconmpsuied bv three ot ber
children, arrived Saturday last from La
bat beat slightly Camas, Wash.
Frank McQirr, Bill Hiarral, Johnny
Mnrpby, Mel Dnstin, Johnnr Urlsmao
and others osras In Huuday witb wool
from tbe interior.
half. He hadn't taken It a week before I
saw that his appetite began to improve,
and then he gained rapidly. I gave him
five bottles, when the sores were all healed
and they never broke out again. The
crutches he had used for four years were
laid aside, as he had no further use for
them. I give nil the cred it to Hood's Sar
saparilla." Mrs. Ada L. Moody, Fay
Street, Lynn, MaBS.
This and many similar cures prove that
Is tne One TrueBlood Purifier. Alldrupgtsts. (1.
Prepared only by C. 1. Hood it Co., IOwcU. Mass.
ii rj... cure l.lvr IPs; m-.;
Rood's Pill? t..fa .v
Editob Hkpfhkb Gazkttb:
Tbe let Regt., Infantry, O. N. Q., ar-
rived in pursuance to orders, at Astoria,
on Tuesday morning last. Contrary to
all expectations we found everything
quiet Before leaving it was reported
tbat the foreign element of tbe striking
fishermen bad set fire to two or three
canneries and bad possession of Astoria.
Tbe strikers are peaceable during tbe
day and night, but all night fishing is
attended with risk ot death. Strikers
tboroughlv armed eteal upon a fishing
boat and kill their oconpants, leaving no
olue to their identity. Strikers have
been more or less disagreeable to the ,
troops, constantly muttering threats, etc.
They have furnished the troops with
fresh salmon, bat this is for polioy's
sake. Most of the troops oook their own
rations, but two or tbtee have cooks.
All are well and a better disciplined or
behaved set of men is not to be found
no drinking nor carousing.
Tbe strike is still on. Cunnerymen
will make no further concessions. In
fact they have made a very fair offer, but
the ignorant foreign element so damnable
to Amerioan interests, refuse to fish or
allow others to do so. Fishermen clear
fmrn $2,500 to 85,000 a year at 5o per
pound and at ia it will be almost as
Tbe South Coast R'y. projeot is going
ahead, piling are being driven and it
tbe foreigners would go to work Astoria
would be 'way ahead. Business men
are afraid to do anything but stand by
and see their business failing eaob day
They say if there was no strike there
would be at least a halt a million dollars
more in circulation than there is. We
are patrolling the river end bays as well
as the canneries. May have to kill off a
100 or 200, bat it is doubtful. We oame
here to fight and if need be die. But
am afraid we will go baok without hav
ing aoheieyed "glory." We will stay for
a tew days longer at least and then we
will probably leave a detaohment for
doty, All is serene today.
Will keep you posted. Trooper.
Astoria, OrH Jane 19, 1896.
Dr. Darrin Has Arrived.
is Ready to Treat
Chronic Cases.
Now the "Candidate" Is out of date,
The crops are looking flue;
1 1 Is a treat to view the wheat,
The melon on the vine.
The horn of plenty's in the land
But the horn for which we tilth
I) a winning Ian and a brimming glass
01 Sperry's "Ltnwood Rye."
Sold only at tbe Belvedere Saloon.
How They are Affected
Mysterious Power.
Catarrh Cored,
health and sweet breath secured, by
Sbiloh'e Catarrh Remedy. Pnoe 60
cents. Nasal Injector tree. For sale by
Wells & Warren.
and Smokablel
on Ted.
Lost Oo tbe roi.d between tbeBrerd
log pleo aud Uoppoer, a dark-colored
oioak. hinder will please return same
to tbe Uncstte oflloe.
Ben Parker bas en far recovered from
bis reoot attack as to be able to he
around again. 11 was down to Uepp
ner last r rider and Saturday.
O. B. Uatl. tbe toneorlal artist, oan
be found at bis parlors, Matlock corner,
where ne will dispense at popular prices.
shares, shampoos, balrouta, etc.
Tbe regular meeting of tbe W. C. T.
U. will be bel 1 at tbe u. E. ebnrob oo
Wednesday, June 21. at 2:34 p. m. A
eoruial invitation is extended to all.
D. C. Ilerrio has closed out bis IIspp
oer photo business to M. tt. (J allows
Bod Uaoey is ruotiiog a first class bo- and will retire Irom this field. Mr. Iter
tel al Ibis Dlnre, All will be ootaforl- "o ueppuer euouay ana uooasy
alilv aooommoJated.
i . ....... ... ...
. . . , ... . . - ... Ltsca oi vtiaiiiy eoa eoior-tneitr io
A toe social will be givsQ oq the even- . . . 'h .... lo ., ... ,nd
leg of Ibe Wb, al airs. Alios B.eiiers (,ra fr w- reoomrneod Hall's ilair
oder tbe anapioea of tbe Contuse to- lUaswsr to prevent Ibe be I Jo tee aod
deeror, for Ibe benefit of Ibst society. '
Evert lady la rmnesled lo bring a lunch. I D. A. MeAUe, Jas. Jones, O. W. liar
A 4 ml I tab, ft fn atftfi tlmn. IS or nts. tf a ring too aod lie. Hwaggsrt reloroed on
... --li i I rrtiT Bigoi iram irnia roruaou
ID 1UUOO M unirw, t ... IK.. I.I I . .il.n.l.n. It.. U ......
iivivi mv iw siivvmwii v w eaeeea
The Tamhill oounty Union-bimetollio
central oommittee has called a state
convention, to be held at MoMinnville
on July 8tb, to arrange for a state or
ganization of tbe party, to be oom posed
of members ot all parties wbo are in fa
vor ot tbe use of botb gold and silver
and opposed to tbe single gold stand
ard. Morrow oonnty is entitled to fonr
"Uncle" John Oordane, one of "tbe
thjrty," and also representative-elect
from Umatilla county, visited Heppner
Inst week, being tbe guest of Hon. J. N
orowo while in the oity. Mr. Gnrdane
is not mnoh for etyle, but tbe people
have confidence in his integrity and in
bis ability to represent tbera.
Tbe Garette bas one rear's tnition
In either tbe English, Commercial. Short
hand or Telegraphio departments of tbe
Uolmee Business College, ot Portlxnd,
for sale. Any person deslrlug to take a
thorough bnsiness oourse io a first class
oollrgs should see tbeUscstte before go.
ing below. tf
Rome people are onnstantly troubled
with pimples and boils, especially abont
tbe face aod neck Tbe best remedy is
a thorough eoorse of Ayer's Harssparilla,
whlob espels all bomors through tbe
proper obaonela, and so makes tbe skin
beoome soft, healthy and fair.
W. P. Scrivner is prepared to do all
kinds or blsoksmithing, nonuwboelng.
machine repairing, wagoo work, in fact
anything In bullosa! retsoDkhM obargo
and satisfaction guaranteed. ill pot iu
spokes for 90 eeote each, toi otber wag
oo-work In proportion. 4(1 tf
I hll Gobo is now aasnolatod witb ths
firm ot tl. IJsppner A Co., In tbe for
warding business. Tbet pay lbs liigbral
market price for pelte aud bides and at-
tsod to all forwarding.
A. V. Hiillman and wire earn over
from Pendleton yesterday. Mr. Still-
mso's mission was a purely frateroal
one, In oooneotlon witb Ibe Woodmen
Ore a Matbswi returned last alsht
from MeDuffy hot spriogs. Mrs. Uatb
ewe Is Improving.
Al u and Itri last evening lor an n
lendrd visit lo bis old borne in Teooee-
Mrs. Lanra Crabb aod dsogbler are
visiting relstivee la this vlcioily.
J. M. Hoy is over from Mooameol
From the Corvallii Gazette.
Tbe Oregonian must certainly be
aware that it deoeives no one when it
attempts to make Mr. Mitchell's floauoial
views appear tbe reason ot its opposition
to bis re-election. Tbe real reaion of
tbat opposition is no seoret aod needs
no explanation.
It is now attacking Oregon's seoretary
ot state, aod claims io justifloction tbat
be is a silver mao. The Oregonian ia
guilty of another transparent fraud. Mr.
Kinoaid's financial views bsve ootbiog
whatever lo do with the management ot
bis offioe. Oregon bas never bad a bet
ter, more economical seoretary of state.
Tbe state bas now a novelty, an auditing
board tbat audits. Tbe system of com
peosation fur tbe seoretary of state oan
not be oommended, it is true, but this is
the fault of the legislature. Mr. Kinoaid
s not tbe lawmaker.
Tbe Orrgonian is offended with Mr
Kinoaid because Mr. Kinoaid ia indepen
denl of tbe Oregoniao and tbe nolitioul
ring tbat speaks through tbe Or gotiiao.
It dislikes him especially beoue b
refused to use Lis offlaial influeoos lo
latore. It cao find nothing
agemsot of his oQloe to criticise and so
it tries to resd him out ot Ibe republican
party. A self acknowledged "profession
al boUor," its asaaiaoee is brecsy. It
read itself oot of Ibe party In nominat
ing and supporting Nurtboo. "I3y their
traits ye shall know Ibem," and JuJgiog
by its intents aod by its results, lbs
Oregoniao is ootbiog mo, thso a popo-
lisl organ. Mr. Kiocaid's peace ot wind
will hardly be disturbed by its chohrlo
loss, Jans 2J,lu
Are Yea Uh
Ot those noli spry people bo are sat
fertog wtlb weak bsrvrs. Starting al
every sllsbl eoood. nosble to endure
any aooaasl dism'bsoe, Didios it Iro
p -eetble lo slep? Avn, opiate aod
aerve roinpnoede, fd Ibe aervee
a poo blood ms le pare s4 boortsliing
by Ibe grt bl porifW aod line
nerve Ionia, ll4'e fpan.ls.
Ilj". s Pills are tbe txwt afUr dmoer
tille, aMt digMtino, prtot eoostipe-lion,
tunt f rii is ii-e-Hpesking
of sa artiste abicb sriMted
to Ibe Oi"i.iq a f days sit.es la rt
(r lo Its woed f f al f to b fiqa4
In Color de and the fr luUriuf of lbs
rooalrv, giiilmo, bo Wl aa lo
lrt le tl ft. "!! ll le
B-4 nMry l-i n ff to find o
d.rful f.ils. I mm .f Ibe tl loir
ewtii a fsstt bs.e Ua Uu4 la
thfgoB tlis txs sa l Wsia of ri.
lilHi ae , rRle f Ibe pfbilnfi
borM, en I t,U sonhifil foils lists
Ue allii ia Ein Offoa bf
I'M C-4 e a4 r,Urs." A toola
i. ib a f I! T. H ). (4
Ibte ellf, evs-U II you . 4 L
Ue as Vt a"al ss a sil.f tak.
Iron itil iml v ,' Z
Mliaiil mi tUttO'f. n. 1 aI ov'
IUI f.-l r i-s f g"l la
te.t kf lo I '.!, J )f,"l.ia. Tl-l
tl al ta aisii b lUe fe4
dieecaC I ytlk'i tea.
race meeting.
Clay Kole.m, wbo bae beea tbe mao
agar of 1). C. Iferrlo'e pbolo eetabluiti
meot hers, will leave t Tbe Dalles
Ibis evetilof, aeoonpsaiej by tie briti
er Uro. raisutn.
Gmmi.eltg oo Joly 3d Ibe O. R. k
N. Co. will erll round trip tickets to say
If it required ao aaooal ootlay of 1100
lo loiore a fstnlly agsioet aoy eerloes
cmseqatoees Irom ao altaek ot bowl
complain! daring Ibe year tbore are ua-
ay wbo woolj feel li their duty to pay
il; tbsl Ibey coold not aOotd lo riek their
lives, aod Iboee ot Ibeir family far soeb
ao amooot. Aoyoae esa gel tbie Insar
pulut wiibiD Wfl miles el one fare for it.e ,uf 2S eeote. Ibal bwiog Ibe prtee of
round trip. Tiekets are good lo sod ia
eladisg lb Cth of July. tf-Joly i.
(. Rnbtrts, brother of Al aod Fresh
Boberis, etmieaU4 by Utory Hid'
mtor arrive. laws Haodey morniof
Mr. IUbrts lt!4 llppnf Isel fell, le-
loroiog vast slcot U s. 1st.
E. O : Mrs. A. If. Kn.il!.. of lm;
M'irrn eoobtt, la visiting ber dingo
ls to the eiiy. Hbe le a goal el tbe
bnme of Mra. J. II. I'aks. aod will
dtslo ia I'eadlvloa ssveral weeks.
Tbnmaa Netena so4 m ibr are roo
Ing ll White fcoUl and renraOl to
Vn ll oo. Vt,a t Ibete tie
lb a li. THey will treat Jow rlbl.
II. A. fni, ae.(4 bf bis erew ef
peiefre, IfMere. JerkS'ta aod !,
have Iwn bor the tt wtk peiiieg
IM Liim aMi w.kl aed iarUs
sel auw la a as drees of petal aed papef
lit ea a! a greel deel of hair d
l. bl ws erv eertieolas le kaye
Is ibe tv( It be f .eed tbe SBsrtet. If
r s IIr i$ bad t-o etHeieabie
Eleotrioity is the wonder of the age,
and the mode ot treatment is the acme
ot perfection. It penetrates tbe secret
ambush ot disease and exterminates it,
root and brancu, forever, it removes
the wretobed symptoms of loathsome
maladies and averts its dreadful effects,
It cures muny of the most hopeless cases
and relieves pains that every known
remedy bas failed io. and oan be sub
stantiated by tbe evidence of hundreds
who have been oured by Dr. Darrin
throughout the oouutry.
The following are tbe names and ad
dresses of a few oases that may be re
ferred to:
J. A. Lindsley, news agent on tbe U.
P. R. R., residence, Albany, Or., con
sumption, bronohitis and catarrh; oured
and gained fifteen pounds.
Ed Hynes, Albina, Ore., oatarrbal
deafness; restored.
J. R. Cunningham, Wapinitia, Wasco
oounty, Ore,, total deafness two years in
one ear and partially so in tbe other
F. 0. MoFarlane, Vancouver, Wash
sciatica rheumatism; cured.
Thomas Buff, Mockaburg, Ore., dizzi
nees, kidney and liver complaint; restored.
Mrs. J, E. Smith, Prineville, Ore.,
nervous debility and general weakness,
almost bordering on insanity; restored.
Honson MoOoy, Tbe Dalles, Ore., deaf
ness and terrible paiu in tbe ear and
head for six months, until be wad nesrly
orazy; restlessness and insomnia. Re
stored to health by eleotrioity after all
otber treatments bad failed.
No enres published only by permission
of the patient. The cures of male and
female complaints withheld from pub
lication in professional confidence. Se
cret vices ot youth, blood taints, loss ot
manhood, and all curable chronic dis
eases, treated successfully. Circulars
sent free.
Tbe Dootor makes a specialty ot Dis
esses of Women, Deafness aod Catarrh,
Throat and Nose troubles, Piles and Con'
sumption, by the newly discovered pro
cess of rectal injection.
Dr. Dsrrio oan be ounsulted free from
10 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Those who oontemplate oalling on Ibe
dootor should do so at onoe as bis time
is limited here and you may need more
tban one treatment.
rEST with a big B. BlackweU's Genuine Bull
nS Durham is In a olass by itself. You will And one
' coupon lniide each two ounce bag, and two cou
pons inside each four ounce bag of
Genuine Durham
Smoking Tobacco
Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon
which gives a Ustof valuable presents and ho w to get them.
a Change in Business Ail Around ?
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the Btock is being disposed of at
1 olde Slauier Prices !
All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are beine sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, blanketa and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. (Jail and see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
Gilliam & Bisbee
For your rrotcctlon. Catarrh or
Tonics for Catarrh in liquid f rm to be taken
inttrnallr, Usually contain eitbr Mercury or
Iodide of Potaaaa, or both, which are injur,
ions if too long tukon. Catarrh ia a local, not
a blood disease, canned by sudden change to
cold or dump weather. It starts lu tlis nana!
piuwaKfls, aOW'tinir eyes, ears and throat.
Cold in the Iipu1 rauwii exoeeeive flow of
mucus, and, if rcmmc-dly ni ule t d, the re
sults of ratunh will follnw severe pain In
the head, a roeriiiK sound iu the ears, bad
breath, and oftemlmea an oflcnuire dis.
rharue. Theretnnlr should Iwuulcktoallay
If of Mr. Dolpb during tbe last leguv Inflammation aud h.d the membrane. Ely'e
. . ... , ., I Croamllalm ia the aeknohk'd curs for
e. II cao find nothing iu the mo- I .1u. L- ..
bur any injurious drug, l'riee, CO cetiU.
Mi(ipiMfS lionrlklef ArrrntH.
Teiterdsy Kherlll Harrington ariested
ooe Cliul Chnroh, ol Cr ok county, on
tbe obarge of larceny of a boree, The ar
real was made down In 1. O.Thomson's
store, on Inform tiiQ gUen by an old
getillemso wbo is a resldeut of Crook
oouuly aud wbo traveled part of ths Jour
aey oser in company wilb Cbureli.
Cburrh riie a gray boras Into Iowd
bat Ibis Is not Iboughl lo be Ibe onsslo-
lea, as ebno be was bli;g plaee.l io jail
Mr. Uarrioglon tenarked tbat "YoO bad
better let other people's ho re alooe,1
and vea aoewered by "Wbieb boree?"
Churob Is a young msn about 21 or Tl
yra'l of sge, about six feet tail, weighs
about It1) to IV) pounds, has ah lie fuu
on feoe, light balr. Was onol aud d
eolJ m ben erreeted. Hberiff Cunba, Of
rrmevllle bae Uen nollOed,
A feci Werlb Kaowlag.
Consumptiiin. La Orlops, I'nenmonia
aod all Throat and Lung d ! are
eared by Hhiloh's Care. Fir sate by
Wells Wsrrro.
a bollle of Cbsmbarlalo's iVrils, Cbulera
and diarrhoea Kn)r. Ia almost e?
ry aelsblmrhocxt e-ioie nee bae died
from an elteok of bi com pi si si b-
r-ire mUirlaa roald be prurared or
ahrpaa eamnvHie-l. (la or lea de
of Ills rndy III tare any ordieery
ceee. Il eor fetle. CeO oa (T f4 In
ke Ibe risk for so eraatl aa art.nanir
YiX sale by Omw A llroek, trttgg.sis.
rem to mm
Tbneeeoelenplelieg going sest, ebonld
all oa or eddreee ll,e L'alna reiflCHy
Tit k4 Offioe. IV, Third Mreet, rnrtland,
for rue to ibe Mloeieg meetiegei
lUpnbbpea elioaal Cotatlo, Ml.
tsle. Mo, Jaae lAih.
Doorfslie Ntieal CotilUe, Clt-
ee-,lta,Jely 7lb.
I'nUe ferty ('-neelwa sed AmrV
eaaHiNer Coteitiiej, ML Iiale, Me,
Jls'Mel Caeittio Yeaef !'pi'i
lka. doebU e be a-oild kee U teriily CkHeilea Fade.f, We.Mg.
loonie. a eo essay rttiigoi.b4 aad tue, D. C , iety 7lb to M b.
le't.-aHieprpleefe4.fega.oante. . jtv1, r.a'Hor.el ATl.lia
Ar? ir.'ti'r le r iro 0"o bo Mif.. S, I . m lrh,
! t it. Mini tf aa allofoey la1 .lin.pini
.r.,''.n,IM;l e.ll fed II to fete rMu M V
edvesiUg C " ' al4rae Ibm t-e-
per, W i 44 IL
Frnm (h taste.
Ureea Melbsas and wife, aoeimpaeied
by Uncde Jack Morrow, arrived Hunday
from llrppoer ea root lo tbe MaPolTee
hot spriogs for lea days' slsy.
I. J. A. Larrabea, formerly resident
of tbie ptaee, made remarkable fan lor
rprraU(lva down In houthcrn Oregoa
al Ibe last eleethio, hwieg Ibe figbl by
just tbtee soles oa Ibe fioal count.
Or and Cbeaosllor C T. Oeary, of Ibe
Keigbisof 1'yll.las, will eooe psy Her
dmhi lodge aa oSeial tieil. Tbe
lega'ar 1 Ibe aesl few weeks, in ordt Heppner.
lo be preeeat wbea lite grei d abeorellor
All lUeaaiaweg II.
Ak your pbysiclsa. ynr druggist ao
year frieeds aal rw.Uoue Care fnr
(Vtnaamplmn. Tiey will reeoaimeo
IU for sale by Wells Warito
II ne llvee Kry tay.
Tboosaede of of Gi4iaaraploa,
Aaibma, tV.ofi.s, (Jl4e aad -rop are
cared ety day by hbilob's Cora. for
slt by Welle A Wertea.
rirtell rert.
JaJge iall ei peeled te Iry the
BeaeBld eqeliy eae today bat enoteet-
sate were bat ready for triad an lte reee
wee dfrrd Hll Ibe rgolr rUpitmber
teres. Tbie iee ie aae la wbtrb I here
Is a tvieairt la intrt 4 mfUge la
a wheel rrr.p.
(I. W. Ra agaI a writ of review
Brake Jell.
On Huodey algbl Msrebal ItdnKts ar
reeled Le freer b fr dteordrly eoa .led
sad ehooliog ttt bis pUtol la tbe streets
Tbe msrtbsl took poeeee.
sla of the pWtol, lot lho It fe-(H
seaiitanee lo lake Ibe f oaeg rose to ibe
rily beside, lie was kept in jail Hen
day bel oa huoday aisbt Ucke oal sad
le sape-l to kse led tbe aalry.
Il le eery aofiiaaeie Ibal yoong ma
ill it, la d tl.ee ot lew, ! Ibey
keow a 1 1 a4 le . ImU. Yoong
Frk, If he Maree. elil heee te feee
ac4 le I bee Bve dliMl rbs'fe. Or
is, ely ibrre esa be ao eitteiia ia
We are not small men, lbs. We are small men, s.
we are not tne Largest merGnants in tde vcna i
But when ths people of all the iurroundlng country are In need of
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, 01awar, Wood and Wlllowware, Natli, Iron, Barbwlre,
Cumberland Coal, Oars and Water Pipe, Pipe rittiURi, Stoves and Ranges, Wasoni,
Uacki, BufCRtta, WaRon Material, Hardwood, Axe, Hammers, Paw a, Sledgci,
Wedsea, Guns, Platola, Cartridge and Ammunition, Maaon Jara, Gran
ite wars, Plows, Harrows, Kakea. Mowers, Tubs. Waah Bolllera
aud Bosnia, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine our Qoods and Qet Trices.
Ws hars Good Ooodi st Pais Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chep John Prices,
Tho wool market ia not yet affected by the McKmley boom, and
reports are not encouraging. We have ample storage enpneity at
r those who desire to hold for higher nrices. and by introducing
Eastern buyers, nocuro tor thoHO who wiHh to hoII, the liihoHt market
We pay tcatuHterg and bold wool aubjoct to order.
No commission charged for selling.
We pay higheat price fnr hides and aheep pell.
Rolled barley and feed for teamsters.
We fire fluents tor little's dip,
The beat sheep dip in the tnaiket ,
We bare 6,000 shingles which we will sell at cost
Mark your wool (V) and direct teamster to lower warehouse.
Heppner, Or.
R. F. HYND, Alanagcr.
Oh! Where Did You
Get Them Pants?
ue I all HimriH, iM are t ! out furnl.l.li.t (..1a an4 are
ke, HaMaa
Slilis up ve Kwtil
are, lin'iii uUicl Ulse,
Patronaoe Solicited. Satlstactlon Guaranteed.
notict of InftntfoH.
Ja r 'r ri' ati.m sf.
k Inoniluo tn "a e4 I f
m a4 . m4 vltl
froej ll.e re'! s woart f Ike tte of , ..ntt, n.rrM, ..... tif
II. ttaaf Ufnre Ja4ge l,.el Ibtamora-1 fc' "I . r war kiss
leg TbiS rfS lo t 4 geae. To0 S M M. S S. II Tp
, 1 il S W M,
I ft
f llMor te. I Lee. an.l la aa
ff t to kete Ibe pur.iaia of Ibe ' . " "".''T"'" ""T
i, , ) ..f . S"l mw
. ' lta4 lnt Umhi. i Pi t i
gar I a (Ve SM fe j s r. n"
le a eere oore fn ff ttU ss4 sr'eie
rt.a.Ma liig ri ao sih t r.
tut sale tf W'le k tterrva.
.ie"i-al Aiiwe a rttraa altrl T fttrpua
a:ss.'K!i;,s' ,-ts 'fi K ukm notary
liiava.. SKW-t-i.cltr"- JKJU r. ys.wf US I tllUIWU CONVEYANCER o;;,OM
Ufim liar
till l V.Lfll CO! Pft.
nfui ad ofavui.
tVirrtCKtll'l, MO! MAM, TltrOSM-HY.