Heppxer will celebrate this year in the good old-fashioned way. Tee fishermen's strike at Asto ria is off and the men have resum ed fishing. This county has steadily gone behind for the past six years. What is the matter? The matter of economy in the administration of county affairs is engaging the attention of the peo ple. Ix is said that dissensions are doing a great deal of injury in the ranks of the Cubans. The cause of liberty is likely to suffer in con sequence. ' The Oregonian had just as well make preparations to swallow the Mitchell pill. Mitchell will be cho sen to succeed himself in the U. S. senate. A leader of the gold standard wing of the democratic party claims only one-fifth of the dele gates to the democratic national convention. Too ifestly inadequate, the effort to in crease them by authorizing fees and providing compensation for special duties, instead of by amend ment of the constitution, has open ed the way for much unnecessary expense to the state. If the date of holding state and county elec tions was changed from June to November, thus conforming to the date so generally adopted by the The bm of fb awgeon's kaife b be- ,, , . i j coming so general, resulting fatally other states, Uregon would be sav- in such a large number of cases, as to STOCK BRANDS. Inch He CLOSING OUT SALE! rw ed the expense of an extra election every four years, a matter well worth the consideration of our leg islators. Klamath Republican. The chairman of the railroad commission thinks the next legis lature will certainly abolish that It is thought that the United States and other powers will be compelled to recognize the inde pendence of Cuba in the near fa ture, owing to the inability of the Spanish government to protect the interests of foreigners on the island. incubus, and he will go to farming that the doctors are too hasty in resort- o ii c in? to the knife, and if such a state of u ouumsi u eguii. a&.r9 continue8( there viu before long Col. Jim Eddv will hardlv make be a eeneral uprising against such meas- o nnn . -ii urea. It is but reasonable to believe $2,000 a year on a farm, nor will tnat the majorlty of operations are he ride on a palace car with color- unnecessary, tut when the fatal mistake ed waiters and etceteras. The idea iJSSlrKSi of his farming reminds us of that precious life is given up, the public is ftminont Amriian nhnwinnp. Arta. assured that death would have resulted mas Ward, who, when his circus ia P"e of. th operation, and who is broke up, was asked: "What has 'Vhl folTy of resorting to the knife in become of the pea green OX? Re- cases of cancer, is demonstrated every nlvt "Ha rnhhed th rrann nff on time it is undertaken. The disease is the center-pole and has resumed nthebiood vAztot is agricul tural pursuits. C a p 1 1 o 1 terrible condition of the entire circula- journai. We invite your attention to our Immense Line of Summer Dress Goods of the Very Latest Styles. Our Salesman, Price, who recog- tceedingly rare, bo many deaths . 111 n-i , - - b8?SSS?tS,S!S nizes no cost or value, will offer these goods occasion general alarm. The press al most daily announces the death of some unfortunate whose system could not withstand the shock of an operation, and whose life was cruelly sacrificed to the keen blade of the surgeon. Of course, in some instances an operation is necessary, and is the only means of saving life, but such cases are exceedingly rare. So many deaths occur under these coi that the public is beginning Mow tie Regular TaKe a LooK at Tf)ese Goods, You can find a Bargain ir) tl)en). Mi Mk. Dolph, who is reported to have bolted the regular nominee for congress in this district, was one of the first citizens of Oregon to send a telegram of coDgratula. tions to McKinley. Mr. Dolph is sparring for a cabinet position, it is said. Mark Hanna is chairman of the national republican committee, Mr. Hanna is Mr. McEinley's most trusted lieutenant, and his appoint ment suggests that the Napoleon of protection will not be neglected during the coming presidential campaign. The powers that be have signal ly failed in "running things" this year in Oregon. The old ring has been licked good; it has been de fled; it is dead forever. Bolter Scott feels sore because the great Oregonian has been downed by the people. WASHINGTON LETTER. Senator Harris' sub-committee began tbe bond investigation ordered by sen ate resolution, today, with tbe examin ation of Seoretary Carlisle, bat it isn't oonduoted behind looked doors as Mr. Harris at first proposed. Tbere is no donbt about the "bard look" of tbe present administration. Tbe turning down of Carlisle and Hoke Smith and the oertainty that tbe Chi cago convention will be for silver em phasizes it, and it seems that the "bard look" is to extend to tbe individual as pirations of other members of the ad ministration. Some time ago Postmas ter General Wilson, tbe gentleman whose name was given to tbe tariff bill which was repudiated by tbe Oorman-Brioe combine in tbe senate and replaced by one only slightly better, announced that be would try to get back to the bonse from the seoond West Virginia district. Tbis didn't worry the republicans even a little bit, bat tbey sapposed that it set tled the demooratio nomination for that district. That was what Mr. Wilson thought, too. But it didn't. And' the latest is that tbe democrats of the dis trict are going to endorse a populist for oongress on a free silver platform, and let Mr. Wilson go op Salt river with the rest of tbe administration. According to information received by tbe congres sional campaign committee, it doesn't matter what tbe dems and pops do in tion. To cut out tnis sore, tnerefore, does not in any way effect the disease, and it can easily De seen tnat me only correct treatment is to get at the seat of the disease, and purify the blood; the sore will then heal up naturally. S.S.S. is the most powerful blood remedy made, and is the only cure for cancer. have a Large Line of Glassware, Crockery and Tinware that we are closing out. Don't buy these goods till you see our prices. Yours for Caslu COLUMBIA RISING RAPIDLY. Already at a High Water Mark at The Dalles MK. WU.UAM WALPOtB. To submit to an operation, is to volun tarily endanger one's life, without the lightest nope of being beneutted. From the E. Q. The old Columbia has began ngatn to rise rapidly and alarm is felt all along the river banks. It is feared the water may attain such volume as again to steep sway bouses and buildings and railroad traoks and trestles. Thursday night at midnight at tbe Albloa shops' Home Comfort. ROLL OF HONOR. Mr. William Walpole, is a wealthy soddI? houses were received orders for planter residing at Walshtown, South 0, rgiir0B(j iron t0 pu0, on tbe Dakota, and is well known all over the . , , . , . ,. state. Under date of January aoth, 1896, Portland wharves to keep them mm he writes: "About three years ago, there Boating away. The water at Portland came under my left eye a little blotch nai attained snob height tbat alarm is :Hr2r .EJSE. felt by everyone and precautions are be- calns ran in ever- direction. I became ing taken on all sides to prevent damage alarmed and consulted a good doctor, I by tbe high water. THREE GOLD And ONE SILVER Medal, World's Industrial and Cotton Centen nial Exposition, New Orleans, 1884 '85. HIGHEST AWARDS NebrasksState Board of Agrionlture, '87. DIPLOMA Alabama Agr'l Society at Montgomery, Cleveland has made oyer five hundred vetoes during bis last term of office mostly pensions. The veto power should be taken away from the president He is not equeal in judgement to the com bined intelligence of even half the members of congress Toe Oregonian nJ vinos tbe coun try press to "Jinn up" now. The country press dooa not recognize the moral right of the Orogoniau to advise anything, 'for a bolting sheet that prescribes medicine that it will not take itself commends neither confuloncH nor respect It id a difficult matter for the Oregonian to face an indignant publio in its advocacy of repub licanism. It is a base doceivnr and ought to have sense enough to know when it is down and when its whinings ate not appreciated. It ia cot a republican paper and the publio know it Ir OAs been carefully estimated that tbe coat of the convention at 8t Louie for all neceaaary auJ in cidental expcDnea amounted to II, 000,000. It is probable that a like amount will be upended for the Chicago convention. The aggre, gate turn - $3,000,000 -wouU build eight war tbipe or furnish a magnificent imn for a merchant marine aubaiJy. Americau politics are an eipoosi-e luturr. Wilts tie Portland ring thought that they were la tUcger of loeiog the primaries to the opposition, the Oregoiiian howled there waa "no fight on Mikhail," Loping thereby to delude Mitchell's real friend. The wolf wae but audi. cieully disguised, bowers r, to catch yules. Id a very few day the di truUe wae thrown aaide and the "animal" hie It it thawing; Li lelh, whinicg and marling ever IftCA. who pronounced it cancer, and said that it must be cut out This I would not that district, as Representat.ve Dsyton'a discriminate use of tbe knife, though I renominauon sou eieouon are practical- was alarmed at my condition. Heading 1 Tnim-mi tears ago Oregon, with its strangling frootier eelllev. menta, was admitted into iLe I'd ion a a UU. The constitution formulated by a cnovectioa if our atteet men, was yet la several i its protisuibt, llter sailed to Ih rudimsiitary Oregou cf thai d than to the great and rapidly ds. !.l.'jing c mra n wealth of to-Jay la tbe tutUr i,f salaries of the state officers, fa I. stance, so teas- At The Dilles, the report this morning 61. Louis Agr'l and Meobau(oal Aaeo,'G9 la the aatr ia 4.1 feet above low water I 11 t v nr-. nt-ttfl . itt nns Ol A. DlUULOt aVTAItLO World's Columbian Ex., Cbioagn, 1803 Ii sure. I of the many cures made by S.S.S., " I.. ....... .. , Tber. may be some doubt aboat bo aet5n?ln?1r Ryl , ""V ,. i i , u-, , . . and after I bad taken it a few flays, the was tbe orlgiosl MoKinley man, but L.nrer became irritated and beean to dis- tbere ia cone about who was the first charge. This afterawhileceased, leaving msrk and is constantly rising McKiuley delegate to the republican na- a mall scab, which finally ciroppea ott, Th bo, dBy. Bre boanj t0 ..,! the tional convention. According to a let- - """V.rX,,. 'LIZ water no even more rapidly than at any ... i ! air i riuaai ihtij. iu inn i aw iug aisa.a w u v w - er wrltwu by Heorotary DowliLg of tbe lhe destroyer had held full swav .Words time tbis season and cessation of the ex auunai repiiuihnn leagne, tual Donor are Inadequate to express mygratltuae to I tremrl warm weather is very unlikely belongs to Hon. Vvm. I. fierce, who great btooa punncr, o. o. a., ana i , .. tfae Altogether, tbe was elected from th. lb r J Georgia di.. ll?M ?c? outlook is for .ome very high water, but tfict, and who mad. the motion, wbleb Cancer is not incurable, but the onlv the bone is tbat no grant damage will be means of curing It is to na the biooa pi doue to ,bfl tlkcu. the disease, s.s.s. never fans 10 ao " "Wri :?J.rZ:Z Mr. James Perdue. .. old eoldier re- vegetable, and cures Cancer. Scrofula, siding at Monroe, Mieh., was severely Kciema, Catarrh, Rheumatism and any I afHictel with rheumatism but received other disease of the blood. Other Wood promp, t.it,f f rom p,in by aing Cham- ing condition, tbat the doctors think aa operation necessary, acroiuia, iot in General Roadmaater Boilons went . AWARD down toward Portland Thursday bight Cbattahoohe Valley Expo., Columbus, to keep ao eye on the river division and Qa 1888, be Dreoared quickly to issue orders for aAlimi In raaa npopmiity aLoul I SDDear. I lilUHLSl A AKUS HIQHEST AWAKDU Western Fair Association, London, Can ad a, 1893. SIX GOLD MEDALS Midwinter Fair. Sao Frsnoisoo.Cal., 1804 was adopted Feb. 10th, 1-00, instruct ing the delegates from tbat district to opport Hun. Wm. McKinley fur presi dent. Dr. lXlgado and hi. father, two na turalised American tltisene who b.v. re cently bees tbe viotimi of Spanish bru- ality in Cuba, where tbey own a plan tation, sr. in Washington (or lb. pur- pos. ol trying lo get tbe admioiilratlon to eompel Spain lo pay for tbeir prop erty, wbiob was wsutouly destroyed by Hpanisb soldier., and to gi. them re drew for persooal injury and Insult. The, aaotlemeo would have dons jnal a. welt to r.maie away from W sailing- too for lb. present, a. it ba. been ao nooooed tbsl Mr. Clevalsnd woold do Dotbing aboat Cabe, as bs fears tbat Npaia might resent aor thing liks poai- livs srllon by deolariog war agaiost lbs I'nllsl Hiatal. Bboold Hpais do Ibat It might loUrfer. with Sir. Clevslaod's sumtnsr flablof plans. Th. PelasJo. bsvs seen Herretsry Olsey asd plaeej proof of tbtlr bad treatment by tb. Ppaa lib soldier, ia bis beads, sad they srs hopeful Ibat something will be does for Ibetn, althooih Mr. Cleveland would sol even see them. Asd something will be does fr Ibem, sad for sll other Auer- less elllaeos by lbs republics. sJmls- Istrstios which will aesoai. eottlrol Msrrb tb, 17. Kltbsf lbs UolleJ Stales Seeds S Sttis- iaUr lo Metis, or II d.was't. If It does. otii body should Ss SMt I tiers who will .(esd si leaat ess ball of bis lime al bis post of duly, which Is mors Ibaa Ki Hesalor lUaeout, of N. C, has doss. Us was sppoiaUd te lbs poaiiioa at lbs iplralioe el bis term Is lbs senate, Msreb S, 1.A. Since tbes b. has spent eonsUersUy mors Ibaa one balf bss Urns ia lbs I'sited Slates. U Las bees baek Ibres or loar limes, ssd epos est a oeaUe bas tnsd. a prolonged stay te W ast.lngios sod st bis bows, lis was pre.SBtably "os leae" spoa srh tt Ihess lit; but bis worship ol Mr. Cleveland i. be I a suffloiasl reasoa foe granlieg I Its ss busk lira. fr whleb lbs public pays bias bis salary, asj there Seems Is bs s Sl ber. lis i. So Is Wasbiegloe. Wssaiaoros, p. C, isss liV SILVER MEDAL Toronto Eipo'o, Toronto, Cansda, 1S95, r. -. j-'v- Mm Family and Hotel Ranges. Are unequalled beosnse tbey sre made of malleable iron sod wrought steel. Will not break by overheating or rough usage While too &aep roar subscription paid op yea I ess keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horses GO on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on rifcot ear, ana upper un gu row count?. Baird, D. W.aad son. Horses branded D B on the left hip; os'tle the same on left unk. crop off right ear. nnderorop in the left. Mange in Morrow County. Bartholamew, A. G., Alpine. Or. Horses, branded T E on either shoulder. Range in Mor row count , Hannieter, 3. Hardman, Or. Cattle brand, ed B on left hip and tbish: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, lioosebeny Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on " Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or.-Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; oattle B on the left side, r M. half nmn And riffht ear ntmflr sluDS. Barton, Wm.. Hoppner, Or. -Horses. J B on right thighj oattle, same on right hip; split in each ear. . . , Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horsee, oirole C with dot in nei tor on left hip; oattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hBoyer, W. G.. Hoppner, Or.-Horses. box brand on right hip oattle, same, with split in MBoro!,rp. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left shoulder; cUlo.aine on left hip. Cannier Warren, Wagner, Or.-Horses brand, wi O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on right ribs, crop andsplit in each ear. Kange in Grant and Morrow oonnties. Caln.E., Oaleb.Or.-Y D on horses onleft Bfiflel U with qnnrter cirole over it, on left shoulder, .j N .iiHo on nil nnlta under B years: on left shoulder only on all horses oer 5 years. All range in Grant county. Cate,ChaB. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right s'uonldnr; cattle same on right hip. Rnnpe Morrow and Umatilla oounties. Corrigall. M M, Oalloway, Or-Cattle crop out of each ear and underbit, wattle in forehead; horses half oircle C on left sUtte. Range Mor. ow and Umatilla oonnties. Curl. T. H., John 1hv. Or. Doable orpss on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and nndei bit in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant county. On sheep, inverted A and spear poiut on shoulder. Ear marko" ewes, crop on left ear ounched upper bit in nght. Wethers u crop i in right and under half crop iu left ear. All rangs in Graut oountv. . , . . Cook, A. J.,Lena.Or. Horses, flOon nghtshonl. der: Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square nr ia. nA QTilit in ri I'ht. Cnrrin. R. Y Currinsyille, Or. -Horses. on '"coEd. 8., Hanlman. Or.-Cartla. Cwith C in oenter; homes. CE on left ?m. Cochran, R. E., Monnment, Grant Oo, Or. Horses branded oirole with bar beneath, on left ihoulder: oattle same brand on both hips, mark ander slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H.. Hardman. Or.-Horses branded Ton right hip. CatUe branded the same. Also brands CI on horses right thighj cattle same brand on right shoulder, and cut off end of riDongTass. W. M.. Galloway. Or.-Cattle. R Don right side, swallow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, a O ,nElyftBhr".'., Douglas. Or.-Horses branded ELY in lert snouiaer. cm" " - ,rEmerVrC.' Ba Hardman. Or.-Horses branded , reversed C with tail on left shoulder ; caU .ame on right hip. Range in Morrow oonnty. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or.-t-attle, LF on right hip; horses, F with bar under on right , 'bF?oronce. B. P. Hepnner. .Or -Horsey l I 'or. right shouider: osttle, F on right hip or thigh. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or.-Horses branded H. with a quarter oircle over it, on left stifle. Renge in Morrow and Umatillsoonnties. Hiatt A. B., Ridge, Or.-Cattle . round-top A with onarter oirole under it on the right hip.. Ilange in Morrow and Umatilla oounties. Hughes, Bamnel, Wagner. Or-.3 (T F L jonnected) on right shoulder on horses; on cattle, m right hip and on left side, swallow fork in -ight ear and slit in left. Bang in Haystack listriot. Morrow county. Howard J L. Oslloway, Or.-Horses (cross with bar above it) on nght shoulder; cattle same n left side. Hang in Morrow and Umatilla '"HallTiidwin, John Day, Or.-Cattle E H on 'ight hip; hor"S same on right shoulder. Range in Grant oonnty. Hnahen. Mat. Heppner, Or. Horses shaded leart on the left shonlder. Kanre Moirow (J. Hnneaker. B A.Wagner. Or. HorsM, S on left ihmilder-.oatUe. Son left hip. Hnmphreys, i M. Hardman, Or.-Horses, H on Huston. Lother, Eight Mile, Or. Horee H on she left slionlderand heart on the left stifle Cat. le same on left hip. Kange in Morrow oonnty. Jones, Harry. Heppner, Or.-Horees branded ri J on the left shonlder; cattle branded J on -ight hip. also nnderbit in left ear. Kange in Morrow county. Junkin, tt. M., Heppner, Or, Horeee, horse, ihoe j on left shoulder. Cattle, the earns, tange Kt.htMtle. J..hriwm. Felix, Lf na. Or. Hors. eirjIeT on left stitle; oattle, same on right hip, under half Woo in ri end unlit '.n left ear Kenny, Mike, Hoppner, Or.-Horses branded KNY on left hip oattle same and crop oS left mr; nnder slnoe on the right Kirk. J. T., Heppner. Or. Hones 99 en left thonldnrt cattle. on left hln. KumberUnd W.G.. Monnt Vernon. Or. I L on Miilann nshtand left sides, swallow fork in l ft ear and nnder cinp in right ear. Horses same W.te.back. besr 200 pound, pres.ur.; b''ttTo no danger of explosion, by (renina- on oattle. orop and split on rl-);t ear. Hones Fine, lined with asbestos. Bake quickly. Eoonomioal in fuel. Abundance hot water. Born bard or sott ooal, or wood. Convenient and ornamental. Will last a life-time with ordinary oars. Fall) guaranteed. Over 317,720 Sold to Nov. I. loss. Above style of Range No. SS, it sold only from company's wagoiis Iit their own salesmen. at one uniform price throughout the Lulled B tales ana isnua. berlain's Fin Balm. Ilesays: "At times mv bn k would aohs so badly tbat I staoce, often diseases the glands of the could aosroely raise np. It I bad notgot- neck to sue n sn extent that an operation la looked noon as absolutely the only relief. This is also a gravs error, s. the disease ia In ths blood snd e real blood remedy la the only cur. An operation never did rare S blood dlease. Beware of ths knife I Send for our books oa cancer snd blood diseases, mailed free. Swlt Ppw cifie Company, Atlanta, Ceorgla. w.or w. mketino. The foorfh dietrlel. raclflc Jurisdic tion, Woodmen of Ihs World, met Wed Belsy ia Fendletoo. All bol f ior carops ia lbs jnrlsdiellon wer. represented. Tb. eoovention wss preeided oer by K. Aletssder, of rendletnn. sod V. O. Co sad, of Canyon City, acted as seoretary. Tbs sleelloe of delegates to attend lbs meeting of lbs bead samp sl Ueleos. slool.. os the third Monday is Aagoat, ssd lbs ehooelog of lbs place of holding lbs sell year's so.venllon, was lbs oc casion for ejnsl lershle e.impelilios, sod ooc spied Ihs greater prtloo of lbs st lereooB seesioe. Tbs 1 !!. Fendletoa sad La Orands were placed Id sonilna lios a. tb. neil morling place, sad Tbs !al!ee won on lb. Orel ball l. Tbs del egates and alteraales 1 1 Ibe heal samp are: (I CI Osbisree, of Athena; l. It. !,aah, of t'endlelos; A. h Hi, har.lsoo, of La Orae le; r. I Ilio lle, i f Arlint km. Alternate., M. H. Ihirkburuer, of Old Ihst; K. L. r reels I. ef llrtser; C. IV Ialherraas, of Weslon; H. II Usworlb, of la(lfad. ten relit-f I woold not be bers lo write ibeee few lines. Cbambertaio's Fain Balm has don. me s great deal of good and I (eel very thankful for it." For sale by Conner A Brock, Droy-alsU. Above honors wsrs reoelved by WROUGHT IRON RANGE C0A1PANY, Washington Avenue, loth and 20th strecU, 8T. LOl'IS, MO., C. B. A. And 10 to 7 Peart Street, TORONTO, ONTARIO. rounded In lxU. I'ald up Capital H.Om.onO. No charges lor Imlde plumbing when pressure boilers are used. U'Mm. ynxtiii "VOB. :H4Mt)ricTrBsas ko psaLsas is: same brand on left shonlder. Range tirant eunntv. . , . Lienallen. John W Ln0n Or. Honwa hrnndetl half-circle J L connected on leftshenl. 4er. Cattle, earns on left hip. Hangs, near Lsx inaton Leehey, J. W. Heppner Or.-Horses branded L and A on left hnuMerj rettie seme on left hip, wattle over right eye, three alt Is ia right ear. Urd. Oeorge, Heppner. Or. Hones branded double U ooi.nertad Hntnstimes sailed a swine H. on left shoulder. Marie, M. I -. Heppner, or. at tie nranrlM sircla on right hip; bones same on right slide. Hangs in Morrow county. Minor, enar, nptter Or. tattle, H O oa right hip; burse. Mon left shoulder. Morgan, . N Heppww, Or. Unraas, M ) OB loft ehonldei cattle earns rm left hip. Mitchell. (War. lime, )r.-Hore, JJ OB right hln: oattle, 77 on right side. Nasi. Andrew. Lone rUwk.Or. Horsee A N eoa aertad oo left honlileri oattle same oa both hit. Oiler. Perry, LexUctua, Or. P O tm left ihxn.der. (.tH.rn. J. W Taglae. Or.i hnms O oa lef ha trier; rettie same on rlit hip, paarwm, Olave. Eight Mile, r.-Horeea, qnaf ter cirri shlld oa left ehtmlder and M on left hip. tattle, f'trk ia left ear, right oropped. M on 1. Mi I p. Hangeofl Kleht Mil. Parker A OiaaeuB. HadiEaa.UT,-Hora IPoa I -ft 'miliar. rtpr, Krret, ltlrgme. nr.- riores oraad. A Hwed. employed by tbs boom com pany oo Ih. Clearwater river above Lew Istoo Idaho, was working in oos of lbs dividing piers snd lbs logs wars eotnlng faster than be could handle Ibem. lis ssked Ihs foremsa to send s man lo help blm, wbicn was dons. A couple of boars later bs repealed bis request for assist- eeoe, "Wby," answered lbs foreman, "I seot Fat dowe bers In betp yoo wasn't bs all right!" 'Tea, Fat bans party good moo," was lbs reply, "bol sboat ss boar sto bs yaap off sod fall Is water, sud bs doads Boms oop .gals Ay tank bees By it bee yob." PoAll Wotk In This Una. all kinds, al prices to suit. Contrsrtlni and loh Work. Picture Pramln., Se us helots ordering aa we guarantee aaltafae- wiiin . i v v.. wma riM iiMif, marmrn eont. i'lrr, J. H l.ilftt,i, lit.-Hiitie, jk ana. aertad otilefl ennalderi eatUa, easse U4 kip. enW bit is mrh ear. I'atlr. A. i lone. Or.l hnrese dlarannd P na shun Uteri settle, J It J eooitd. oa the eft hip, apuer slope la left ear tad aikp la the riant. Hardtaaa. Or. H ureas, eoaars Uon. I'rlres reasonahle. Terms Cash. Store Opp. P. O. Thompson Oo. Main 8t Heppner. BUI e J A Plenty of them at the l'ra i .., I aa U rtM siMHii.i-ri eaiiM, ia oa toe wn sib. (2 rt 7rtto I JlllfO ernei oil lafl ear and dewlep na peck, stoasa (a VlUaWtlW I I I VWI rilrsl files! Itrhlag niea. bywploms Xloietore; intense Itohing aodstingiug; moat st sight; worse by scratching. If allowed to eoetisss tacnors form, wbiob cflee bleed sad nicer.!, becoming very eora. Hw.rss s OiKTMUt stops lb lleblng sod bleed log, beats elewretioa, ssd la Dtoat saeee remove, lb tamors. Al draggiate, or by mail, for Wo-ota. Ir.8wayiiSel Hoo, I'hiladelpbla. : "WITH X ft I lace. lav i. tag e horiri. i:i U alios ed ea ear A. ft runs ( . K I FuiSsat'B, La A. I uaasce Was Hoi P rested Charley Tarrieb of tlraat eoaaiy, tb. repablicee neeaises fr dielHet sttorney, A4 jui ..I Its tual bA.ms af this aia.1 e K.t Ayee. .1 U. WeeW . tr Ayr'. NerssiavilU i enjys ths eilrr- bf aam.see, at Ihe mauiI aJaalina. (hatlee waa alan a hWd partft-r allwe1 as eibibit al Ibe . . . . M. nmltnm World's fair, Cbieag v Measfaetnrer. " " . . . .. of eiber saraapanllas sowghl by every teoMoa, rroet ibis .lats.-asieiop uer- Wieaa to oMats a showing of Ibeir g wds, sld. Charley was defeated Is bis ewe bol Ihey were sll lareed sway ander lb soasly but bis plaraliile la Oarsey sod sppltratloe ef lb ml fti.Hieg tb eatry of patent Bnedie.ee sod swlf sma. Tb dee le toe ef tb. World', fair aaihs ritie I favif f Ayee's Mareepatilla was la tfTeet follows: "Ayer's Marsape fills M Sot S pa lea I Ba.iin. II tl I oaioeg le lb lial of BMt'SiV. Ill !' oe lis SB-fits. Ma! hear eoeatie palUd bias tbrongh. Inr f Tl M will a.11 S Brsl rlaea, b b rt le, ana eewieg sea. blea gnaraw. Iet .ir t year a. r,-j fnribef patttew ls Sail cmi r addr. K. A. Ieb. lAileft., Oegis. e-U. er tyrple sad tJeer ctl liol ) bate s riet. aataaU ea y l-i(l ol hi.tl.-b'. Vila iter tl er fail I ear fat sal. by Well. A W.rtea. A Xeierel IWesliSef. Kati e (Haver lUil lea punflre the bliokl Sa t (I B Clear an.l r 'Stifal SnaipleiNiei. For sals by Wells A War. rew, Wall. TVripa rws el we blae lleppoer aad W.tiuneit. anivlrg every tl ay tcvpt M itiday aad leatteg every day eleapl faaJay. tttmreeal ad Sbp t root t lbs letofver. CKtseer A timk, sgvets. fflFIOie : FILIS Youro BOU2Srr to Take 9 Km. PI SS : Leaves No Constipation. . .itwa Cares It, ss well s all Ililrnawra. Hir. neadaabe sad Malaria. Tb ealy OoMroSTsata ptlt la lbs world. Hold bf all drait. r.f aet.t by sai p( roipl of prt., u su pet rwt. rnu lit m niCAL CX) , flas Frssciaari, ('.I, The Lancashire Insurance Co. i w OS MANCHKS)TRM KNOI.ANII riTURSnX IGlM . le ItMtes ltaaV.r i.t T Bears . All peeaana es mnu4 ani a Srlve ae tH teyeentS r" lee ieM ml Ike aa-ten"-. n ih ks leal Kelt a l a -at " riail4mtlllll t-a.t-e.ni al i ta rr.ateu4. M t. NiUal. L Oreads Marbl Unit, t4 Oracle Oew. H. C. Bsaiis, SeWeaiaa, Ueppse. D. J. McFaul, M. D. aVMrnw ae4 aliHnln. ananuaa. Haenay. Aftdre. ii0fm. Or Noraaj brandad A H aa ftaht ahoahlaf. vaol eaertar eimla near brandi rauia saaaa aa rthi kip. Hm-if liimn e"a"r. HVenw. Wei. ii. itairrniia. tw IIH enaaaniai Witk aartareirrlear U-ftm aallleoa nU kip sad eriM n4 rteht aa and split la lafl. Hunas eaate breed oe Uft eknaklat. teaa la Horruw Umnt and tlilliani enaeUea. i. w . iiappaar. ot -ll rsis. JO at Ml ebxaWr. tatUe, laa rWM blv. SMrateM W. IL flewae. Of - tlneaas aSedad I H na larlatiSe:eMtiaiHnaUrtb,ewikfW (Mb la r.M aer. andarMt la k-U Tkaa., Uapoaar, .-H isae, g APaa taCt k. pi aattie Satea aa left kia. Bayara, aVbart. Doaataa. lr Tallle l Oa ,l kip aed na rtatii " I. W t b ma, I aa nM aHmtidar. He- ia Sme eattlr. etiiU pme, Wat I, villa. te. Hnraaa. braeda. L aaetMwkWt eaitia. ami aa kaft eka!nWl Haairaa, Jaa rliena. Of .1 k, tm - - fH -a Ml Miita' rmitim ue a.--. alaa anas a-aM,a. Harse la errraad illtaatenaeiias. Ma4aiia. . A. Hant-aaa llr usee BSan rlafct atiSat faille konaaetai I. aa Ika rt4t awla Mes A. - Ntnea t H aiiia. aa nM kit i ila.ratk ia Inn anr. aaanrl. Q. , rlf.af (If -M rssa. U aa lei akMi-i-ial"Mk Maa lafl bin. Ktaa-n tt. U. Hl tear. (If. I tla W r an Wri k.p, eea tvM and ai ain( la U4 yaar, t Vwma. J A., Htaaa,. 1T tl isss t is Ui eni4fi eatla I aa lafl ahalea, 1 if te S r.leinrntmta.- liareaa. Uaa Wt .-fcla , Tarane K. W-Wif as fr,. BataJ sapMal T ft eveble. in mm asii la eaaas na ian kia nplil te la eaea. Tan,M. II. . !- I -mwm kwH.i tit a, ! aa m ai.aai Id an I brand. lae.Vnran.4 H. T, lna. (" Hnna N ea " I aa ftfU skinantaiania. aal a naM WitH.te, W ll-n f. fV . ft in. at r I. aa lea - akai, Mtia Mat ,1,1 a- er-v. n Inn au and rM ear b-rv-ad. Wttane Jaka U . a B a, , aaf rs,a nr.. kae kalis aasWl akaa.tar. ar-a W R t aiak. Oa -.-! -e itaia a M aa larl ata. au la rtakt anr. I a aaat bntal a taft an. ai.tar. haeaaie VMS aaaate. Waia, H ri. n-rtar IH - Kama bie ll -e mm.t- aa lat inalat a4 Wrl k,a ta'i IneM aa,4 Wla.l.1 Ml kif at f H -t 1 na, Wf- mm, I r n' '-"4 HI lafl . aa I (ar, wa, a M -t r Ca,- lla-a. k.aa t '. te aa.aiata) taW m.m W,i.a i-x Sta,iaiie.oeaan ll" n nrfi k, Ue ea.ua a-4 if oi'sit'i: 1 . "-Tt ' -.-aai HiMltlll - aak aa o a. 1 aa 1 I . ? I I Tt ea Mas rw