Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 19, 1896, Image 3

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By tho Persistent Uso of
yert Sarsaparilla
"I was troubled for years with a
sore on my knre, which several
physicians, who treated nie, called a
cancer, assuring mc that nothing
could be done to save my lii'p. As
a last resort, I was induced to try
Ayer's Sarsajiarilla, and, alter tak
ing a number of bottles, tho sore-
Here and There.
began to disappear and my pencrr.l
health improve. I persisted in this
treatment, until the soro was en
tirely healed. Sinco then, I uso
Ayer's Sarsaparilla occasionally as
a tonic and blood-purifier, and, in.
deed, it seems as though I could not
keep house without it." Mrs. S. A.
Fields, Bloomficld, la.
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
Ayer's Pills Regulato tho Liver.
m t i a raTv;r-v rwi
tins ihhii mi ao
1114 II 15 II ii
Qambrinus Beer, o
Hotel Bar!
Liquors and Smokable
era. Call on Tad.
Fata Mi'Miilii.
Jaooet D iod. the 18 j .r oll sou of J.
IL Dxot.a wealthy and l.uU respect
ed farmer liiiii north nf Uinpqia, ebn
aod killed Ctiurlra Km-, ng d 23. a no
of lire. June Htfu.lrr. The nfl-tr monr
red at a baaelull gme, nt IJ akeateyt, IS
mile f nt c( It neb'i'g on Hi afteroooo
of Ibt 14th iur. Tue inm-liit eaue
Of Iba ebonHng waa Iron over Ibe
ball gome. Tbe corotiei'e J iry Ironubt
io a verdict of willful nanr.lrr agaioat
Diioo. Heven of tba witneeioi bo were
eismlned tretifled euba'aniUlly Ibal
Diioo wm kerpiog lally in a bill game;
tbat a batlrr stepped met iba borne pint
aoJ DiX'tn reroatkrd, "IVe ont." Ilioa.
wbo we eteodiog near, said: 'Terbept
von bad belter onpira Ibia game." Du-
oo Jomptd op and esld: "D o vou!
I'll umpire )our' and drew a 38 caliber
eelf creklng rtler and Crd leiee
Tba flrat ball airork Iltoa'e Mt aim orer
Iba ebonhlar, rarwtd dowewarit and er
lered Hi boily, lxl-ti 0 ID ! heail; Ibe
eeoond t ilrfd lb eh"e Ilia blp
Duoe a la Jail, ki d l i pl roitry i
aolaalbo bld on Iba ll.b.
Tbe Heppoer Traoster Co., baa wood
lor sale. 37-tr.
Wanh TbomDSon was id HepDner
Taesduy last.
Qeo. Ward was over from Long Creek
early tbia week.
Ban P.pptT was down from Hardman
WeilnesdHy last.
D ive .I'nktns was over from Hardman
Wednesday l6t.
Wm. Dnnslooa was in from Batter
oreek VWdueeday.
Mrs. C. K. Howard is reported as be
ing on tbe Rick lint.
Miss Iva Swntrcprt has returned from
tier t'enilieton visit.
Mrj. E. G. Sparry is ooDvalescine
from a severe illuesa.
Louis Hslen ii on trial at Portland for
piiHMnu c uiiMf rleit tn"uev.
1) V. D fiksorj and wife were op from
tbe Inne section last Tuetd iy.
Wool tenm from tbfl Interior are quite
onaiemus u iw, but sales are few.
Ion oream dinners at he CJruud Opn-
tral tver.v Saturday at 25 ceutn. 47 50
No Krnmhle o imiiiK about Ibis weatb-
xr. ic is uot enoiiiiU lor any country.
Drink Ihe oelebraled J. H. Cntter
whiskey. Oo tap at Chris Burobers'.
Lon Tiliard went, out to Monumenl
ibis week with Mr. Mitouell, a drummer.
ri n W. R. Ellin has beeo iuvited to
d-hver tbe 4th of July oration at Pen
dleton. Prft DVnerty is Darning a braised foot
reoeived by undae familiarity oo tbe part
Rev. W. E, Prttwios was here early
this week from Pendleton io hold Epis
0'ipnl seivioes.
Frnnk Mcnzifs, travoliog freisht agent
fur I lie N' rt bern Pacifio visited Hepp
oer last Tuesday.
Tom Curie has leased E. L. Matlock's
plxce and will ooutinne business at tbe
old stand, tiuooess, Tom.
Grand ball nt the opera bonne on Sat.
nrdiiv nitilit. July 4th Mimio will be fur-
uiuLtil by ilulti' orohestra. tf
Clyde Salijg and Hirry Baeley arriv.
ed eHtjrday from Walla Walla where
tuey bad been for tbe past week.
Miss Ldlinn Bisbee bos returned from
Portland University wbeie she has been
attending hoqouI for the past year.
B irnNear this oiy, oo Jnn 17, 1898,
to thh wi'e of James Wren, an pound
daughter. Mother and cbihi doiug well.
E L Freelnnd as commissioner of the
0. S circuit oourt, is preparHil to attend
t I ii ml buniueeeaud lake tlual proofs. If
Claude Rlnnn, Doc Matlock and Fred
Cunpcr, of Monument, have returned
iroin the Noirual sobool at Moumoutb.
Johu Q. WiUon camn an from Salem
Tuesday m look after bia Morrow onnii
ty poasessious. He left tor borne last
List On the road between theBred
i'ii plaoo and Hppner, a dark-oolored
01'ink. Finder will please reiuro same
t the Ui z-tta nfGoe.
B. E Smith nod A. W. Sanard csm
no from Arlington Tneadxy, leaving for
mine Wednesday, Tbe boya were well
1 1 used with lieppner.
The ladies aid sooiely will serve ice
o e m Hi d stnib-rrim al Iba Palnce
hotel liuihli" turn row afternoon oud
evenli u, at ll)o a dieb.
,V wer- in error in glnting in last it-
u lliat Mi-s fc.va UriHiis hail reinrred
from the Moumoutb normal. Bhe ia not
xpiotrd borne (or a few weeks yet.
Hnlem Stnl 'smnn: John Q Wilson"
aimted for lit ppner. Monow oomty. In
I Mik after Ida r-riDing intere-te. tie wa
a passeiiger Io Portland by tba Rntb.
Frank L iiV took nnt a train load of
slieep a'irdiy via Iba U. P.. wiib iles-
Hohlioii Ksnsna City. 1 be branch fl'ew
tie k Iba train eastward as fr a Duia-
Lack of vitsli'y and colo'-msller In
lh bulb CNMe iba bair to fall nnt and
nru tfray. We r0'mrnend Hall's Usi'
IU'eer to pieveul tba baldaess and
ara nea.
A.J. Inland, trsvnliog freight agent
for the N rtliwrslrro, and W. E. Nilea,
hoMing tba asms waitioo on tba Union
Pm ido. ra ia lleppuar Tuesday and
Wrdlirsday last.
Tbera ara few sslea of wool being
mad l proseot. Lnrn llhea has cu-
attfuvd bis olti 14 Niotiola. Uukea A Os
if tl'iaton, llironrj Ban Lia, bat tba
wool busiuest It vary qniet
Commeocing on Jaly 1i tha 0. R. k
S. U. will a-ll round trip tickata Ij any
polut wilhla 3 10 miles al one f ara for !
round I rip. i'.cketa ara good In aod la-
eludiog tba Oib ol Jot. u July 4.
Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier and build- !
lng up medicine leads everything ever
produced. It is positively the best. Others
may make the tame claim. But there's
thU difference: TTe prove it. Not by an
tiquity, but by Jlferii. Not by what
wesay' but by
what S(5 P IIood'B
a rec- a ord of
Cure unequalled in medical history.
It positively, perfectly and permanently
cures whea all other medicines fail.
That the keen discrimination of
the people recognizes its merit and
the cures by Ilood'a Earsaparilla, is
the fact
buy IIood'E
q rillainprcf
to tho ex
alt others.
Hood's Earsaparilla has a larger salo than
all other blood purifiers. It wins con
fidence everywhere because the state
ments in its advertising aud testimonials
are verified by all who lake it. No other
medicine has ever received such praise, or
ao many voluntary testimonials ot won
derful cures. No other medicine possesses
shown by
that they
elusion of
the peculiar combination, proportion and
process used in preparing Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and which give it merit peculiar to
itself. This ia the secret ot its wonderful
power, ot its wonderful sales, of its won
derful bold upon the confidence of tbe
people. This is why it cures Scrofula,
Bait Rheum, Catarrh, Rheumatism, all
Humors, Kidney and Liver troubles, Dys
pepsia, That Tired Feeling, builds up the
nerves, creates an appetite and strengthens
the whole system. Its merit, its sales, its
Heppner Dorses Walk Away With Some Good
From the Oregonlau.
There were 12 starters in the five-eightbs-mile
running race, for a porseof
8200, wbioh followed the pace Saturday.
Tbe starters were: Gen. Cozey, Black
Alder, Free Will, Mt. Boy, Jim Bozeman,
Picnic, Chinook, Chester, Joe Cotton,
Baindrnp, Gas L., and St. Apollo.
Mt. Roy sold as a good favorite, - with
Jim Bozemao os second choice, bat Gen.
Cozey npeet calculation by winning eas
ily. The start off was made on tbe first
score, bat with such ooufnsioo that it
was impossible to tell bo v tbe raoe was
going until Cnzey tamed iuto tbe stretch,
and ltd a 1 tbe way dawn, beating Black
Alder tinder the wire by two lengths.
Free Will coming in a hot third.
There was a great deal of disonssion
among the j'lljjes as to whom the seo
ood plnce belonged, bnt Blaok A'der
was finally aunoanced. No oogniziuoe
was tii ken of the other starters in the
raoe. Time. 1:03. Mntnals paid 85.20
This being a sale raoe, the wluner was
offered at miction, with a standing hid by
tbe owner of $400. There being no rais
ers, tbe horse was tamed over to his own
er, Tbe resnlt stood :
V. Roberts' hr. g. Gen. Coxey 1
W. W. Card well's blk. g. Blaok Alder, by
Three ( beers, by Stanmorp 2
Ungues' br. f. Free Will, by Browu F. i
by Trade Wind 3
iNews lor tH6 Afflicted.
Announcement That Will In
terest Many.
Make Hood's Sarsaparilla tba One True
Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists, fl.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
HrH'c Dillc ,,Mt 'amUy cathartic
11UUU rillS tnd liver atirnulant. Eunj
to take, easy to operate. AUdrugKiat. 20 cents.
If ll required ao aunual outlay of $100
to insure a family against any eenous
consequences from an attaok of bowel
complaint during the year there are ma
ny wbo would feel ii their duty to pay
it; tbat they could not afford Io risk their perfects bis oures by the wonderful pow
lives, and those of tbeir family for suoli er 0f eleotrioitv.
To Visit Heppner, Or., June 20 to July IS,
Stopping at Palace Hotel.
While averse to drawing tbe attention
of onr reailers to any nuvertisemtnt
which partakes of a medical character,
we feel more than justified in overriding
1018 nljfctinn with respect In the an
nouncement in this issue ot the coming
visit f Dr. D.irrin.
This far-famed phyMoian (late of Port
land an Baker City), who has m bieved
euob a great reputation throughout the
ooast Bnd northwest has been prevailed
upon, through tbe urgent rqnest of ma
ny in this vicinity, to visit Heppner, as
they could not i.ffinl by thfir time nnd
business to c insult him at bis offices in
Port laud. The doctor his at last onn
eeutel to visit this oity to accommodate
the IS cted ami will have bis ofBoe at
tho Palace hotel for a limited time ot ly,
Those wishing t consult tha doctor will
fiud it to their advuntnga to oonsnlt bioi
while here and during the first part of
his stay as runny require more than one
treatment by electiicity.
He oomes to us laden with testimoni
als from t'ua whnlo Northwest, and tbe
authentic reports of some t bin on res
seem nothing sboi t ot miracles. So ma
ny thnusiinds are already acquainted
with his mode ot treatment, it seems un
necessary to state that be uses little
medicines in the mxj irity tf cases, and
an amount. Anyone can get this insur
anoe for 25 cents, that being the price of
a bottle of Cnnmberlain'a Oolio, Cholera
and diarrhoea Remedy. In alraobt ev
ery neighborhood eome one has died
from ao attaok ot biwel complaint be
fore medicine could be procured or a
physioiau summoned, One or two doses
of this remedy will cure any ordinary
orbs. It never fails. Can nn affjrd In
teke the risk for so small an amount?
For sale by Couser & Brock, Druggists.
is the
very best
BlackwelPs Genuine
Ton xlll And one coupon Inside each t trance baa nd two coupons Inside rti 4 ounce bag.
Buy a bag, rend tbe coupon and see bow to get your share of 230,000 In presents.
ie i&EiiKill
Has bought out the General Merchandise Buaiorss of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., aud the btock is beiug disposed of ut
hi a Ik
n !
Fossil Journal : Mr. Warren Carsner
of Haystack was in town several dnys
this week, having come over to be with
his wife, who has been here for r-ome
time, while she was undergoing an oper
Minn for removal of a tumor from nnder j
her arm As the doctor whs sick io bed
the operation oonld not be performed, ro
Mr. Cirsner went borne, to return next
week. Warren is a prominent Grant
county republican, bnt be seemed so
tickled when lu informed no nt Newt
Livingotone'a election aa sheriff that we
r iui lined to think he must have voted
For al least one populist.
W. P. 8crivnr ia prepared to do all
kinds ot blsoksmitbinir, horseshoeing,
mHchiue repairing, wnsoo work, in fact
anything in biliiieatreBaonbl charge
and eat'ofnotion guaranteed. Will put in
upokes for 3J cents each, and othr wag
on-work in proportion. id tf
Pendletoa Cyclists to Go on a Long Trip to
the Coast.
Vow the "Candidate" ii out ot date,
1 lie crop! are looking flue;
It Ii a treat to view the wheat,
Tbe melon on the vine.
The horn of plenty's In the land
But the horn (or which we alvh
It a winning lau and a brimming glaii
Of Sperry'i "Llnwood Kye."
Hold ouly at tbe Belvedere Saloon.
Krrney-Krlatoe Nopllal.
On tba 13 b inst., at Walla Walla. M
Eli K-enej, of Heppner, anJ Miss Annie
Krutoe, formerly of tbia place, ware mar
ried, and have f loot returued to Uepp-
uer wher they will bereaf'er make Ih.lr
home. Both have many friend and all
wiab them abundant prosperity aod
loug aod bappy life.
Stati or Ohi , Citt cr Tolido,
Fiahi J. CiiikiI makes oath tbat h
ia I be M.-mr tarlurr of Iba Qrm of r. J
Ciienrt A- Co.. doing bneiuaaa ia Iba
Cut tit Toledo, C nniy and state afore-
aid. and thai said flnn will nay ibenm
raob and every raaa ot CTABNil thai
eaoool rm cired by Iba Oae of U all's
Catabbii Ctaa.
8nra to before ma and aubntibl io
my preowne, Ibia C.b day of Deeember,
A. D.loH6.
liolary Publlo.
ITtt'a ralart h Cum la lk.n intrnall
W. O. Lcy aod wife aod Mrs. J. Lb tb() teU jlrw.,y ,b h-nmI and n.o-
ontia sertaraa tt tue ayuoL otoi or
IrStlOloiiial. fee.
Charles J. Fergnson and Ralph Fnl-
som have made preparations for their
bicycle trip to the western part of tbe
state, and "Dens volens, (bey will make
a start ou ' Wednesday morning, br gbl
and early. Tbe route will be through
Heppner and oo Io Portland, and then
Mr. Folsotn will go to Salem and Mr
Ferguson will probably take tbe steamer
for Sin FrtDciauo and make a brief lonr
tbrouxh Southern California, returning
to I'oitlund by steamer and going to
Salem to join Mr. Folnom, the two com'
log borne by wheel. Tbe boys will n l
eirry beavy baggage, Fergusnn'a ontBt,
including a kodak camera, weighing
abiut 15 pound, and Folaom'a a ooaple
or three bounds lets. The b ys hate
tbeir ontOta conveniently arranged, car
rying ever) iblng In light leather msea,
Ferguson rides a Thistle wheel cf
about '20 pounds weight, and baa reduced
the gear from 72 to 03 Foltnru's mount
it a Victor of Ibe aame weight and 66J
gear. Each wheel ia of 1893 model ar.d
the bo) i are quipped with everything
ocettary l make a wheelman'a heart
glad and meet all emergencies oo Ibe
way ont Io tbe coast.
Tbe b )a wear Ibe emblem of tbe
Pendleton oce clnS, bright red croae
of the Malleee form, oo bicb are letters
io while: P. O. B. D.," meaoirg Ttu
dleton, Oregon, Bioycle Club.
Oo their eapa are small Maltese erose
eaot the eagre d-ign with oo let Uh lng.
Tbe toils are while ewaelore, golf cape
aod gray knee pants. E. O.
The boya cams Io yesterday from
Peodletoo and left this morning fur
Portland. They were aeconpaaled a
Metlut'k'e Uiuton oreek ranch by T. W.
Ayors, Jr.
performed on au aged lady well known
In Biker City :
To nil whom it miy ennorn:
This ia to oerMfy thai I have bad a
complication of dUatsa for many years,
snob as kidney, liver, sick hadAche, ery
siuelna, rheumttism, cramps etc I have
hern treated by Dr. Dirrin only three
limes aa yet, nnd I have been eo much
benefitted by bis treatment tbat I feel
20 years younger than I did when I oume
under Dr. Damn's treatment.
RespeoMully yours,
Mm. Matilda Kikffbb.
Biker City. F-b. 8, 1896
Offliu hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. at Pal-
aoe hotel, Heppner, Jane 20 to Jaly 15.
. Skill
ft A
All wooleu goods, bootn, shnen, overshopp, etc., nre being Bold below
wholesnle cost. " GreHt disconntaon haidware, tiuwnre. clan8vaie, hntrJ,
enpo, blHokets And in fact evervlhing kept in n gpuerl rneicuutile es-
tuUisuuieat. (Jail aud see the stock before it is too bite.
ED. RBlSHOPf Prop.
The National Bank I3uildingHeppnei Oro.
Manager and Ealetinan.
For jonr rrotcciion. Catarrh "Ct res' or
Tonius for Catarrh ia liquid form to bo taken
internally, usually contain either Slertury or
Iodide of Fotussa, or both, which are Injur.
ious if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not
a blood disease, caused by sudden change to
cold or damp weather. Its! arts in the nasal
p.'jwaccs, auectins eyes, cars and throat,
Cold in the head causes excessive flow of
ciucns, aud, if rcpcaU-dly neglecttd, the re.
svJtsof catarrh will fallow t severe pain in
tuebad, a roniiug sonua ia tho ears, bad
lreath. end oftentimes an offensive dis
charge. Theremedyehouldlieciuicktoallay
inflammation and heal the tnembrr.ue. tlv's
Cream Balm ia the acknowledged cure lor
taoeo troubles and contains no mercury
nor any Injurious drug. Trice, CO cents.
,;.,We are not Btnall pjert,.
lbs. We ari stnnll iuen, ta.
we are 3 Largest picws in lis world j
But when the people of a'l the iiirroitnrllng country are Innccd of '
Hardware, Tlii" ire, Croekcrya nrc, Olanaware. Wood and WlUowware, Nulla. Iroa. Tlarhwlrf,
CumlH-rlaud Coal, Uaa and Wxter I'll. Tip Hilln, Ktnvei nnd KaiiKti. Wagoni,
' Haeki, RiiKtll'l. WaRon Material, Hardwood, Axe-, lUmmcrt, t-as. Hledgvs,
. edKci, Uuiii, I'litnla, Cnrtrldgea and Ammunition, Maaou Jura, (irau
lteware, 1'lowi, llarrowa, Itnkea. Mowcra, Tnln. Vah Iloillcrs
. aud Boards, Hheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and JSxamiueour Goods and Get Trices.
; Vt have nrxiD Qoodi at Kia Friers, and Cheap lohn Goods at Chrp John Price.
GILL1A.M & BISBIiili;,
qon i
! kM I 111 la.
Do to b lo lu. ed I i bey any other
if yon bava made np y ne mind Io lake
Hood s Maia.pa'iHa. lKmeanrr loai
Ilood'a HrtMirila enr wh-o all
o4br fail. 1I D"l give np ie deepait
beeaqaa nile ihIipum laa fallr J W
beta ton. Take ll.nd'e ara.alllla
faiibfwlly and ou may leaaookbly tl
eel to be eared.
HooTi Pille ie .rtr)y tegelabla,
earefa I; t.rrpareJ fiom Ibe brat lag'f
diot 1J.
lata! f 4al.
A joose man, tam-d Cmway, who
a b'ik'Kg ma Ibe g'sf'l Iran., h.l
ltlflfil lJ llultably falal eerl
del al Almi"n. Joi.a IVb, The brake
el. ft b'k, bmI li frll tiawen the rata,
III I'K'I en I n ! I oi m per, a d l
ap4 tf ta blav n Ida I ara, but, St'lk
lag un ibe ! i f a ' dnl'. be rIUd
b.fk apl-f U. aUrleof H.a wt vug
trail. Th e' ah-fla p I ever be
Hehl Ut. 'al irg ! le
p !. The . ly b baa ia in am
tat a. II a ttkn 1 1 ).;irt
i,r is4,t l.ta I. -O ". A
lataf fpl I" M ia f-aiff ainoir-e Ike
daih ol L n g mf l lit I)iht.
A liraal w. a 't- eea.
n b'tvl. r it! i . ad kid
aaa hnr anl bMl M""! " 4
h Ka'I'a ( i. vr H ! ! tut ' by
We.laA ae"
MCle-a'a !( f t JU will ktve
ee nett''d p'p-r '''a'vd M'?T,
eWwig ikati a ' I
Teaiiar reiurn-wl on WrdneJay from
Mitoliall wbra lbV attended Ibe treat.
lug nf Ibe Iia'iiiat aaaociatton ae dele
galas frum Ibe eburcb at Ibis plaoe.
Thnmaa Nalaon and mi Ibar arerno
ln( Mm White hotel end rretanraol io
Pendte on. Whea yon go Ibere give
tbera a call. They w UI treat yon rig bt.
gold by Droggiaia, lia.
IfairengtQ It what yo want, yon
boold study what eausee your weak-
It it practically lack of food.
Vol oq eat three mealt a day, and all
ion ran eel al a nnx.
Tee. but do lou diofl V T
fot Ulidigaaled, M not food. IlltBol
oourltt nient
It doeau'l errata etrwegib.
Tn digeel vonr f.iol lake ftbtkev
geatlve Cordial at meals. After a while
roe will dia-ea! oor fund allhol t.
Than yoo will gel II. aad etrubg and
T. M.: Waller Van Doyo, wbn liae
altejding erh.Mil at Ibe Male L'alveraiiy
ie Kugane Ilia pl )ear, baa ret o road
borne ki i"d the vaeaitnn. He Ie Uk
mg e aeioeii&e eoo'te at Ibe Uolrrrsity
aed wld graduate la Iwa eara.
.f aa
,.l It f .v ' '
d ... , . . . , . . i i. !.
. t... I .1 . I ; " '
ae bwaaWaa e- W....J
I'aawal laat ltmm
June 10. oe Ulaek Uorse, Or.,
Barah Oeolry, aged tl yeare. M't. Gen
try wee bora lo Ttaaeeeee ie 1813, after
ward liviog la Inliaea aed lows,
Ibenee removing Ie Oirgoa la IH79, br
io ( coe of Ibe plooaor t ef Ibis soiioo.
8be waa Ibe alber ef teacbildrea.rigtil
of weieb are yel livintt. a toe aad I brae
iJiyl II Freaeh. He wife aod five Idan.htara taame roaideata of Ibia eoealT.
rbi.d.r- were dr-weed o. I'.ee ceetfc. 8b , , o( 0)J bar fe
lt lr eonaiv. near Hker City, Jane .." .t
ISh h. He barailretf alarafrrv..r. ' Mpreeatm of Ireal be. eg Ibe
The tdeul icorrvd ie Ibe night and words i. Ibe eoog! Ie ibe It fld IVaak
lie v.o.lmt bad ao oppotianity lo ee- a ntfeg Hhs wee mwbr of I he
9 U.piial ehoreb. L'aHl reaching her fOib
Itten, na. a greal deal ot half Irae- rolleeloee ebe wit Ie eirl.ol beelib,
lg.blwaet.ry parlieuUrlnbsee on- (f( Uo- , , H b
l, lb- ll ie i .nn m me .r.. n ... k ,, (M.HI,m.el. IU tt adoe.
Ayei ell.tr .g. .e ra ,.D...,.,-, . . ..j.,, , ,tt,mU ma
.ai.b .re aet mpi' I bf h- lv It
"illy l Ibe d. el." Ite. K P. Iete
ib0. (biib b-ee be eo jl.l bate laad Me
nav'ue, eo cnaay riiHiagatabvl eed
labl-bie people ere doing eeJa;e.
T M.t Today en ladiae eaa aed re
ma Ware tewf. nm Iba eir-a'S of Tbe
Il.IlM, wKeellfca- llrflf ff-r'la. bV
nl attuni fi axiiua la) D baby ear
. 1 Iim al ginae ara a pval
If )' I -H and Mia Io y Iba
l.i-a.f nfe Jal ee (snob at d I hi
iuhf Itilb tna l he lh'a e, elf dab
I I'.Ml.iilna Mr,aHr 4 I IS On
tl.a day (WaftVI'e Clr. t i g ae
A n f In H a half tkile !. I
Uiaj'l Kw Winalt-g iral. At Ibe let let
eat Ka"1 In t"-'a ibe (lf ear a
ae f"l m 6tl Bfiaxy ae lbtr awle
til pat I
tt - la H'f faef. ruelleeblwe
Vndy a4 fhaealaf t tbe wt . ae- j
a. t i it .-i w. a.iav vaite iar. a aae
,1 m a I ( I wa'.fc. anlt.We f '
I , . . 1. . t t I raa lr.t I
l.i I ..' I a t( I. e
... I II .t.-lfi.M'I..Ul It !
,,14 , I.., a Iba l). in
kLm -4 tVavM ve iuam4 e. X aW
aeblag Ibe earm-tn from Ibe
bate innsbt a good Brb! ' bate flilabed
Diy c .orae; I bae I'H Ibe fallb. '
I l.ll &bn te no aa-.t. wiib Ibe
B'ejM it. Hefpnar A 0, m Ibe
Warding taie-aa 1 bay fay I ha .le-aa
ea'kel !" I ' f'1 ! biJt and at
lal Ut ail f war tag,
yk.k IL.mI (T . 111 i.m. Ia.1i.
u.i n.l .11 II. a. mnliiml anflh ! a anu
atnaaa. beadaohe, era. lailoaa, pia Ie I m"t lacking.
Iba tlnmaeh. gkldieeea, loei of apii'e.
ele. Ii Riskre of fotM noorian ton.
end make yoo el meg aad M aid haarty.
Ibegg ele ell It. Trial boille 10 eautt
A Boy luaes Ula l ife la tha linatilla Iliver
at I'rnillrtue.
From Tuca.luy s E. O.
'I'h. Inau ar.a Ihrna-n into a atiita n'l
exoitemenl followed by saduess and the
expression ot deep sympathy, when
alioot lux nl Ibe word on me on town that
e little b"y bad been drowned. Tbe re
port was thai Belvi Uogne, with ayonog
aon f L'l Humphrey aud a en of K. rft)Otts are not cucouraciuff.
ll. Unmphrey, was playing at Ilia rier
ei le bear Wal'ei'e mill. The Ibrte were
Deer a font log which bad ben placed
aerota ibe alrearu, the river al thai noinl
being narrow and Ibe current ewift. Tbe
little, lloitoe boy went onl on Ibe loa and
bit ooinpaoioot taw bira fall into ibe wa f'T Ihoan who deaire to liold (or Iiitrher pricee, and by introdacirc
ter. lie went nnder ibe tartar of ibe Lantern buyers, gecore lor t.ioao ho wuu to aell, tue uii'ueat maikct
water and Ibe bxly waa carried by Ibel price.
twifl eorreut nnder tome diifleood aad
waa teen no more by any one, eioepllng
thai one man claimed lie taw iLe body
& .ating down atream J it alxiye the rail
mad bridge ot Ibe O. It. A N Co. bolow
Ibe mill.
Tbe boy (ell at II A) o'clork aud io ao
boor Ibe river waa lined with eearober.
bo went op and down ibe bauki for a
mile and a ball or Iwo milet
Home were oo lbs water aod eome were
no the sb'ir. end several leant were em
ploted In polling away Ibe pl'et of ilnfi
wood Ie bo pat ibal Ibe body eoeld be
Idoeaoed eod would eome lo tight. All
Ibe afteroooo Ibe eearcb eoalioaed, wllb
oo toceast, eliboagt. the
The wool market is not yet affected by tlie McKinley lioom, and
itts are not eucouragiug. We Lave ample btomgei enpacity ut
sue nmmw warehouse
We pay tenmstera and lioKl wo-l aubject to order.
No cmimietioD clmrged for telling.
We pny hinli'-fct price fr Lidea ami alicrp pells,
Kolled barley aud feed for teainstt'ia.
We flre floents lor little-s dip,
riie beat abeep dip in the mniket
We liave 5,000 aliioglae wliicb we will sell at coal
Mark your wool Q and direct teamster to loner warebnoae.
Heppner, Or.
R. F. IIYND, AUnaocr.
Oh! Where Did You
TreYyTo Get Them Pants?
Teeaaay e Kaaee.
Tbe toorvas ef Ibe llrper Iwo-year
otdt Ie M l ee followe by Ibe Oregnaiae:
Tbe half-mile daah for 2-yrertdda,
for a parae of 1?3, wtt ttllal eeenoJ oo
Ibe tard, wita Miae Ilr poar, 0id. Le
lab, I'aal J'tort aad I'.oe ae starters
t'enl 4ot.ee e-ild bl favnrlie le Ibe aee
lloo al flO, wl'b Ibe B-l I el ee I Ovid
eod I , Ibe tat,-, al A. Tbe belileg
wte very tifiiad. eeeb rl eelag lu
btve a feat fnaof frteoda.
Al lh war! teg gate Ibe e d'e lae aad
Latab Ubtved badly. At the fl.g f alt.
Pael l'iOe broke tea; Ie Ibe U I aed
lialva llogne wet Ihv aoo of Mr. and
lira. C M. Ilogaa. Tbe father waa bare
a abort Hate ago aad Ml f r I labo loto
gage lo thaep tbeering. He bae We
elegrapba. f.,r U me al oeee. Tbe
h-iiae of Ibe bareevel family Ie lo Hepp
ner aid tby Came bare lee weak egn
tfre. II tia le a daughter of F. If
l!nnipl.rr of ibis plae.
I I'T t fat r-cvo
From doea..)'e t. l. we galbtf
be f.illoetaf eddHkueal lefimtlia lo
rasrd l ibe ah ve eel drowning j
All dy Tiaaiay emrfaa f an eaareh
a.lf riU Uxly (4 li'lle li lts ILfae,
.I'oeaad lo l Uojstille nva at Wat-
iaa' roit.ei tsule al II. SL From I he
a ll o 4"o ibe r.var f onu-e, Ibe
I ling Irttiart w.iik'J. I bay mAr4
i, nf, e .ate dived lain plaoe wU.e
tmei all ninmaere, 4 ara rl't" an I Idalr fnrel.Mnf Omla end are
tillHgeaaa Orwaikae, llarUaara, llnaara and mi.r IMna.
Patronaoc Solicited. Satlslactlon Guaranteed.
notice of Inttnlton.
f Bfreirt it I a rt narot
I I J-"- A la M4 H aah al.ta IK. I
aM.f aa Iwe
lHa I . t Hal
woo bande d-.ea, l.aHi e! battel In
nee either ektp or pi, e Mb If mm lle, H was ll.oeg.l Ibe le. r.lgl. UnuM
or eeeoed and L.ah, won hi ta -a4 to ae e-l l, a.d lle b( difle..d
ap from f er b o'ee l'e t', In ! 1 1
plae The !, 0i;. wseriaallae,!
f-if toUa. H t ateleait er a..J oo Ibe
deab. Tba enmaaaff f.ll-.a!
J. io' U a. I'ael Joe'O. by H r lle.
k Inwin. a, mii I al Kl li ieo ! Oage $ 0 effaM's b. f. Wiae llapp.
.la aiaiaj. e -i a4 fnta!il M ai ! fl..il
a i. f.Mi4 al IM I, t ' I' r 'a -a
ear p4l. d I'l plAr,
Ifae fle op and 4 wo IM liter re
Waabark. bil t oae eiil4 be I.ne4
e,o net -eve evo a Men H Ibe Oifof.
eeaie b'f. n.tni If r. fteba'deo
litttg lal-. lVelleie. ehn tell be
ae a b-eif 8 mHg deo Ibe tlreenj at
bet! It N. 3-'e b.ul., bel
0tva. '"vfo. ae imt
I a.
a l1nH I -t. M
kk. laav at.
lilntlf. WatKlvt
M g l OMt mm tea aa 11 T
i n a w,
t!.M.a I' a l-fala u t4 tn aa
I .i a i . u i
I. it t u. a. a
I aaaiw.i
i a . aaa. i
Waecaj elsbU'e be tiab ( Uero.ee) I , "f waO.nae h. .m-4 a4 twiea
I Aeaeeette e oa4e bate te
lme oepie ee ea-ly riM4 ' d d a ia
..It. aa :A Mill a.l. .a. ...t I "' H O ! It.et rt
..... . . , ... ... .
1 J rv"Ti i. e. riffrnn
rett'.ll A'OCtHA'l,
l"J'L , t.. ott
kw L
j i , ,
lUAHixy uirmncii
l f , L I,
i -a- -a-
j I M
F i i
... aaw.
I la aa .,.-.,. ,, ,k t l. I .... .1 , a f""' ' ' ' at I . . . I. . I . I . I , ,
- ;.., .. . 'nt: u,Hhn notary public -a,...
t u. a. il.il i . t la a I. .a il...'g. tti i.i,..ti.e III A I II I'lAIlM .
i.H,..ie,.i,uiu --var b irjUu5 lullUayil . COfeVEVAfXER
laeav leevaat aVU, eaaaaaW aaad taaf. ataaa,. talaia k.. a I a U,a J , ( W Wll I L. I nil WUI I V-a'a-'aW-i