I State Tkeascbeb Ptill Meb cbau ia the new Masonic grand master. Coxgbess having adjourned, tbe members of the Oregou delegation will soon return to Oregou. bad to sell to Euglishmen. And when a man bas to Eell he bas to take what be can get. Chicago In ter Ocean. The militia boys are having a jolly good time down at Astoria. They will haidlv be needed to fight The St. Louis couvei.tion luclts interest this year, and is being dragged out to au uncomfortable leugtb. The republicans are having their time in St Louis. It will be very difficult for thut body to please all the people. The outlook for Oregon this year is excellent. Crops will un doubtedly pqunl tbe best everrais ed in this state. Ellis' election raised sbeol in the Ml tower, but Harvey only bas n fit now and then over it Latt week be did nothing but froth at tbe mouth. McKlNLEY NOMINATED He Gets There With Really no Opposition Worth Mentioning. The latest newspaper venture in Portland is the Eveuing Tribune, the initial numbers of which are now on our table. It is a very fair local paper, and in politics it is an HOBERT, OF NEW JERSEY, advocate of free silver. The Even- TAKES SECOND PLACE. ing Tribune starts out with no large Dreteu8ionp. but we hone to see it grow And become a for midable The Piorm cino s"er 1 AmIu hu iMtarnat nn.l anrr.r.me.nt And U. f .ml.fialiAi4 I " ...... --It ,UJF'' "L Vn Fc Fuu"ouf" until Then Advocates the Present in l lie tall lower, success lo me svste.n of Finance Livening lribuue. r - I If J 11. . ubeqos uas ionowea ine exam- gT. Louis. Jnne 16.-I. wag an id.-al plrt of Uhode Island iu giving a ay for tbe opening of I be convention. re CLOS NG OUT SALE We invite your attention to our Immense Line of Summer Dress Goods of the Very -s Latest Styles. Our Salesman, Price, who recog epublican majo.ity to its state A cool southeast brefzt fanned tbe mil HlZeS UO COSlOT ValUC, Will Otter tllCSC ffOOUS egihlatme, which will, we trust, lions of flg and the couotless miles .f 7 O . result in securing tbe patriotic d. wb.te nd blue which covered the services of Senator .Mitchell to mt'; By 8 "'olock the streets were black nnnr.aa fnr onnflr torm Tim witu people, uinos wtiu onmani oan- i b. a a, w a, iui as- a i , . . . country needs nil goo l f.iends of nerf were nd.zous,D, and bands pnitect.ou in all braucbes of con gress aud every election, this year, should swell the number. Amer ican Economist with gorgeous uniforms were playing in front of hotels. From the convention hall, a great ob long boxlike structure which o vers a blook, flattered ray rind of digs. A cordon of blue ooated police guarded tbe entrance. The interior of the ball Away Below le Regular M bTOC BRANDS. White too aaep ronr subscription paid op yea can keep roar brand in free of oharge. All'ti. T. J.. lone. Or. Home GO on left shonlder; eatUs same on left hip, under bit on ria-ht ear, and upper bit on the left; rang. Mor row county. Biird. D. W. and em. Honw branded D B on the left hin; o. tie ths m on left flink. crop off rieht ear. nnderorop in the left. Itange in Morrow County. Hartboln-new. A. f., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 7 E oil either shoulder. Ranee in Mor row eonnty rienniatar. .1. W., Hardman. Or. Tattle brand, ad H on left hip and this: split in each ear. Brenner. Peter, l-inoeeherry Orwron Horsei Hrsnded PB on left shoulder. " Cattle same on riant side. . . , nroaman. Jerry. Lena. Or. Horses branded 7 n riirht shonlder: cattle B on the left side, r - i.fli n.n .nil rio-ht mr nnner stone. Barton. Wm.. H-ppner. Or. -Homes. J B on -?M thinh. cattle same on right bip; split in wn r. - . Brown, .1. Heppner. r. non., niruia Hn !n i r on loft hip: cattle, same. n-,r, w I.. Ina. Oregon. Hori.es w bar nver It, on the lett shoulder. Cattle same on left hR;.vW. W. 0 Hepper. Or.-norses. box ron or riuh hip cattle, same, with split in iw"p. O.. Hpppner. Or. Horses, P B on left honliler; r-ttlc. sam on left hin. rrner Warr. Waener. tlr. Horse brand, Onn rieht stifl! cattle (three hare) on iht rih. fop and split in each ear. Itange in Vnnt nd Morrow conntios. r!n.K.. Caleh.Or -Y II on honeB on left stifle' 1 with nnxrter circle over it.oi left shoulder, it on l't stifle on all colts u-rter R years; on nft .honlHernnly on all horses oyer 5 years. All Piie tr Orant enntv. I rte rh. H Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses a I I t r on "M shtmlHpr: cattle same on right hip. 1 I onm Mnrr,.w snit Umatilla ounlies. 1 rorr'mll. M M. Oa'lowiy. Or-tV tie crop ont 1 f fsohenr ant ni.derhit, wattle in forehead; i, 11 .. half ci-l. fi on left btitte. Range Mor. The Pendleton Tribune thinks that Senator Mitchell will be re elected on the first ballot and that do combination of ciicumutances can pi eve tit it. TriE first regiment, 0. N. O, bas been called out to quell fisher me it's troubles down ou the lower Columbia. It is hoped that this cun be done without bloodshed. The Piatt and Miller factions are creating considerable dissen sion in the rank of New Yoik re publicans. Their fight Ht St Lou is will lose them the vice presidency. Times are pietty cloeo in Mor row coubly and it will require as much economy in official circles to kfp p the county from going bank rupt as it does in a persou's indi vidual business. Aboard bhip. Sea Tovnees sre usually deemed pro motive "f health. 8 ther are In m st was a mats of color and from the gallery ohsps. But it may well be donbted if tbe )0 tbe rear wbiob overhung tbe seats re. m.H.nK up hoo e . p, wo on peop.e 01 erVfd fof l)e t,U,iugni8nprt yUitorli wt. is not nreindiHal if its tff-ots ,re looked out faces of many republican be uot averted r unlliud by a medicinal roes. In the center was the immortal safeguard. Tbe b'S, if we ate to believe Liooolo, fl mked by Grant aud Sherman. .uH.Bs.,mony..oOBHn,rveier-, woetu- Ftt0jD, eaob other aones the east hall hnsineaa. is Hosteller's 8tnmBoli B.fers. 're portraits ft General Phil n valine. onmmerciHl travelers, sea cup- Sheridan and Admiral barragnt. ains and yaolitsmcn ounonr in reoora Just before 11 o'clock the thunder of mi n I i 1 1 1. flliia Attn lufunul i-a InniA Mi. I ... ... " " ......w. .,.,. nlnha imlaiila IhA hull mua migrants it ine ironner, me hiiiho . . , ,, , , , , itants ..f malerinns regions, and all who Qera" me Aiaoama aeieganon appear. are exfoeed to hardship nr rigors et oh- ed at tbe main entrance and marched to tUBte. F.'r malarial, rbenraatiu nr kid- their seats. The Iligius and Addick iify ircniu'p, nervousiiPHs. uyspppin, nv- ..,,j., ji .,;...,. . ni...... er oorniilulnt end onnaiipattun it is emi-1 ...... , . - ently i fflcseious. and commended by u,"u ,u lu" loroe wero "luu" luo ur"' tbe medical fraternity far and near. to arrive. At ll:2J Smator Carter, from the na- Dratli of an Orrgos Horse. ti00H cunia,ittee, who was to call the Oregon Eclipse the moet famons raoe convention to order, arrived and gave bnrseever prndnoed by this state, died uu 1 instructions to the secretaries and lit P.irl lend Snnd y o( Inng fever, con- reading olerka. The 48J seats reserved marine should he enoonreged by restore raoted wliile being brought from San for tbe nresa were filled with busy news- tion of tbe dt'O'iroinating duties on fr- Kranoison to the above city. Oregon I paper mn and the cliok of the telegraph eign ships carrying American goods Ediiise was sired by Joe Honker and instruments had already begun oarriing o tntains a declnratinn fr the protection lamed by Lulu Riggs Eclipse was nn-1 tlie news of the con veutiou to the world of American citiztns abroad; rehfflrms The Qnzette'e cnnditlate for gov ornor, to auco ed Lord, is Hon. 0. W. Fulton, of Aatutia, The more the peopltt see hud bear of Fulton the mote they I lituk of him. He will make au ideal governor. TtiE St. Inis convention will riot adjourn without a bolt. Tbe Chicago cncvenliou will have sim ilar trouble. One will be made be caustt silver is not recognized, the other for just the oppoaito reason The fiht this vear will be iuter esling, und uot all one-bided either, TFLLErt will probnbly brt nomi rated by the silver men for prcsi dtut and aliouid b receivn the en dotscmniit of the democrats ant! populist patties the fight this year wilt be a hot one. Republicans muat admit that this is a fact aud mast be prepared for a battle roy Join 0. Cablihle will toon pass off tbo Hlitical stage for ever and ever. Three yean ago be was the idol of Kentucky. Today be is an thoroughly dfspisd that there are iione so poor as to do him reter oncrv, Men who tarn their oot for tbe sake of office are always dwpised. Salem Tost Sautel II lo iics, senator from Wasbiugtoa conoly, will be the biggnet nitu iu the Oregon legis lature. Hit weight is 313 pounds. Tbe big re preacntative from Was. co county is L M. Jfnes. Jones is th tallest man in that county ami, though not fleshy, should weigh about 2-0 mutula. A Br. Lol ls paper got into a must the other day through the carelessness of tb man who sett up headlines. The advent of a tiumbrr of trams from tbe Houtb was intended to start out; "Every Traio Loaded," It read, "Kvery Delrgala Isle,!." Seventy. five "lilg-r" drleKale che llm ih-Jb-r diu th bark slaift with r-tots. TaK a LooK at Tlese Goods, You can find a Bargain ir) tl)en). We have a Large Line of Glassware, Crockery and Tinware that we are closing out. Don't buy these goods till you see our prices. Yours for Cash. WIIvlLVS & SIOCUM. ed at the time of bis death by D' Rob- bins, wna rsiss by Andy Foster, in Ike o niniy, and brought to Portland In 1839 He was afterward taken ts Sao Francis 0 , snd sold there for 80000. Mr. James Perdue, au uld soldier re siding at Monroe, Mich., was severely HfQicted with rheumatism but rreeived prompt relief fmra pain by nsing Cham bHileii.'e Pein B dm. lie say "At times my bark w mid noli so I sdly that I ccin Id seareely raise np. If I had not g icti relief I wiml.l tint dm hnre to Write Ht large. the poeiti'in of the p'irty in f ivor of tbe The oonveotion was oalltd to order tt 1 Monroe doctrine; indorses tbe sdmiois 12:23. I -ration of President Ilarrisnn ou I Tie at- boina lime was consumed iu brinaing timde "f this ooimtry towards Uawaiij the conveulinu to order. Cbaitmau Car. demands promotion for AiiihiIshu mis ter then annouuotd prayer by U .bin ouarii s in Armenia; expresses sympa 8ne, thy (or lbe Cuona in their ar for inde- The fl'st real deraonatralion ome pu lenoe, aud takes a position in favor lino GliHirroaii Garter iutroduond 0. V. "f awarding them belitterant rights Fairbanks nfludiaoa as temporary chair. Lenielation Muring the prodneti n f man. Wliliiim II Sutherland of the American sugar is fHyired; oivil s-rvii-e N'W York delegation seconded Fair- reform is approved, liberal peusious are hanks' noniluatl iu and bis selection was fvcied, etc iih few lines CharaherUtti'a PhIo eudorfced by the nnautmous ote nf the llnlm haa d-n ma a u'i deK i f o"nd ennenlin. As ha sttDDed furwsrd to il.t.set. aavsl an i iee, very him.mi i .or i. ror j,, ?er bii ipe,cu of ,ppiH1)M . ............ J -.11.. I... .A McKlStEY rnoSEN. Ths Pistfnrm Adopted as Planned by the ruiiiniUtrr ns HrMilutmiis. ome Comfort. ROLL OF HONOR. THKEE OOLD And ONE SILVEit Medal, Worlrt's iDdnstiiitl and 0'itton Centen. nial Exposition, New Orleans, 1331 '85. HIGHEST AWARDS NebrakaHtae Hoard of Agriculture, '87. DirLOMA Alabama Ar' Society et Montgomery, Rt, Lnois, June 18. Tin platform was I adapted todny, but not wi'hnnt oppuai thin. Hsnatcir Teller in ide a stirnng peech f "r lbe minority report, but it rss defeated by a vote nf 8l8 to , Tellr. Camion au I other eilver leu leis walked nut of tbe oouventi-in. Tue Unauoiid plaok as adopted by tbe oonveuliou is as follows: "The republican pa'tyia nnreaerved it. K. t Uoreli Aasuascwmrat I witb etacoato cl-eers. Sunday mnridng, June 21 t, I will As Fairbanks iu bis opening seuteoce preach the first of a series of sermons nu declared that tbe nominees of Ibis coo Clnist Btihjec': "Tha Christ of lbs O'd veutiou would be triumphantly eleoled Testumenl " To be followed by MTbe president and loe presldeut, there whs a Chrlet i f lbe Four tloepels," "The Paul InmuHnous Jemonstratioo of sppleuse ine Christ," "The Christ of History ,n snd llis sddieaa dealt with a revie of tbe "Tbs Chtisl ol the futnte." All who are riisting situation. Ills Or.it reference Interested in Bible study and ths "Mys- to the pari) s friendship for si'ver whs tery of (Jmlline.s" are cordially invited mat ked wilb scattering applanse by evi o to be present at the commencement of lbs Western and Middle states delega- , . , .... t. 0llllj iu. ,u. ins series, cveuiug eervioe ss usual st i nor, uion ws increassii impercepnniy i hiujuqI f g lev providing for the re- u, .... w H n......n ..i rmpii.t.u "PP'""- ilip,jol 0f poi, pH, rnsnts in 1873; i me Cjfieta UHicgsies wnen lie auneu that the party believed in the mainten ance nf ths present gold standard -"sol id gold" shouted soineeutbusiaatiu Uss saohnselts delegates. Tbs demonstration reached a olimsi when be snnouneed tbs nualterahle cp position nf the party lo 5!) cent dollsts 8 o'olook. K P. GattxB, rastor. rilrst I'lleal llrklsg riles, hymptoros Mmstnre; intense itching snd stinging; most st algbt; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, abloh ofleo bleed and ntrerale, becoming very sore. Hwathi OirrMmT stops lbs Itching and bleed- lot, heals ulceration, sod io moat eases a( vor nmnls from llm West ha sits, I I . ... removes tbe tamora. At droplets, or I. ' . .. . Ueoniainert, inesiis I)r.MwsyueHoo. " should bi peewrved. We fv .r the ue siuoe then every dolUr bus b en as good as gold. We ar naalterHbly opposed to every measure calculated to debtee nor enrrenor or imuair tbs cre ltt nf nnr couotry. We are, therefore, opposed lo tbe Ires and unlimited oiiog -f silver eioept by laternailoaal agreeiuut, which we fav.ir, aud unlit sncb agcfetnent can ting gold standard AWAUD Chnttahncho Valley Eipo., Columbcia, Oa.. IS.S8. HIOH EoT AWAKD3 St Louis Aiir'l nnd MecliHineel Assn,'C9 SIX HIUHEST AWARDS Wrrld'sQilumhinn Ex, Chionito, 180.1 HIOHESr AWAUDS Western Fair Association, London, Can ada. 1393. SIX GOLD MKDALS Midwinter Fir 8 in Frsnoisnn.Cal , If. 94 HtLVEtt MELML Toronto Ex o .' ii, Toronto Canada. 1805. by mail, for oUoenls. PI.lla.Ii.lphU. lip onrled ailb scorn. Fairbanks' ei press ions of sympathy for of silver as currency, but to tbs titent ! that tie bsrttv with eold aaa be r.r...fj.lr. Cuba wete w.rmly greeted. As he m.,n..l.,I. end f.v..r laaaanrea de- Tbs) otamlitees oa the 'b of July cl.-ed with tbs declsrstloo that tbs issue , . i(1 .,,.,. i-..,,!. w ih. money r-lebrstio. srs busily working to make was protection sod taoneai money age.net of ,b Uod XM wh,,h,r coin or p i- II a grsan snacees. a tnietet pt. nto ana ires ireae ana iree silver, luecooveuiiou , .,.,,.- -s Qtl .diibm. eiert iees at Jones' grovs, directly fol-1 heartily cheered. Fairbanks then as- ot(j Btious of lbs sarlh." -lug lbs street parsle, Liberty aar, euowMl Ids gavel saj lbs work t tbs A ,hf 0,,00,OB of the soenss at- piog giiss, me) oie raees. aaea rsoet. oooveeiiosj orgs. h,..Hg the . '.option of the pisiform. SI. - S A I AS.. .L tt - 1" w root race, 1st nau traoe, war lanes. Aiier iae su.ires or ins temporary McKleley, R-tvl, Mortoo, Q lay, and Al sod base bll asm, ars some of tbs at- chairman lb organisation wag com- Um mtt9 ptlt nomtotUoa fof prtti. trselinns. (Irsud di.plsy of fi reworks in pletrd by tbs apptdatment of ths nsoal ,fsl. tbs evening. Tke Rest Faask fare Is Hhiloh'e ear. A erg laeie l conb e ilissrmot, Htnp II si oi-rm nb Mblloh's Ctirv, Fer sals by Wells A Warren. t(. utt i tl r t L ruLttw I hot m. Tbs persons la ahargs of lbs koMlou! Isral dpartmfll ar boty getting lbs leans sad 0 'l beds ready fur Oust meaoenieat, Tbe dees of "Vi eill bsvs a class rear, loo on IM efisssHK.n of Jeoe 23. Oy this metbmltbey wilt bs able to gel moat uf the class together. eommitteea. Tbs nama of tbo onmmtt Umss wero cheered when snnouneed At I.jO ()rveoor moved that lbe em vsnlmn ai'J oro until tomorrow moraisg at 10 o'clock. Tbo mottuo asasrrte.l wub a shout and tbero was a oosfueed roeti lor the mis wbl'.s lbs band struck lolo a waha A msj mly of lbs New York delegsles are lo favne vt nnroissliag Morion fur the vice prestdeaey, whether bis nneeot we obtained or not. F.wsker Tbo ballot complete is as folloes: Ms Iioley Cfd. lUed h3. Morton Wi, Quay Cl,'. Allison UKinlf'e noinlnatmn was Ihen made nssnimons by n r'sieg vale. Hubert, of New Jersey, was Ihen rbo an for vies president on tbo firet ballot Wnr the WiU.n (ana cut ii b llio lale.rei"o wart it reIac. I op j It'.t Nirr di j urrli. tnal anil oilier farra .r.hlurta, an 1 nilli t. (I ore, J iluiti. (.ir lliem (ho j rire cf them nenl iliwn. Tin i.liory i f the ilenuyialic atr llial I'.nylanJ wott'.l pijr Metier 1'iiceg f,ir Anr. Iran m an. I grain, .Mtils tbal tlio A met ice o fa truer tou. loy tnt (t-eala frnro l.er aol leoa from lis oou ruutr men, soon was d-u."b!raUX A aa it a Wn I hot Ilia L'. ile l SlaUa !e. f- 1t t.t n rr It l.a r.. '. !' e t., t..,.! ,.. t,sa Ainef. id U. tt.er t y IU thtiH,!. t at b ' Mawe Itat Ayere at Ike WevM o reir Ayer's rtsrsprilla sejya Ibo eitraor ill be dlnarydislinetionuf bat.ng beeo lbs only chairmen nf Ibeeomaiilteooo reUH t.s. M fnt.tt sl-ow on eibihit at tbs l.l,...i.lL.I... -T..-.- 1- ... """ ....... ' ' " w I if uihrr ssrsaparilUs aooghl 17 every mat a RM pisna win os piao is im ..slonbt. asb .wioe of Ibelr ooda. iletfom. All lel..tmaies wo Oan gel hot they aere ell lureed away on.t-r lh o.l.y so d fir a teetrda's elatsmsol I ai.i.la u of tbe rule f.rU.Ulng lbe Tbro aro 0,1'to a no-nber preparing ,bt ,B, g b,,, j, )n- ij...if.'' pteiil e,.e,.w as sstrss, f.e s,.u d.pi-... ib. ....1...I.. In s,,., w .h.,.Pl..r.b. VJThh-- nai npi .uns im iMifmif rn aulbotlty IU.I UHf 60 at lsl I )n ,ff. M f.,t.,. "Ater's l.sspa must not fall b'biw "o per eeat. deflaiUlr deridad orxia .la o-S'se la the riHa e not a patent enMieire. It tve Tt.i... 1..11 . ... ii s L Lu. li. .,i .ii... k,.n i.. et belong l lt la uf nuelrauie. II - . I t 1-1.- II. . 1 i, I - S.. I " sppat vay.sia man sinirsi nw i p'ans wmi", nm i ..., .via gr .w a II year, tail aeutsiH luieuie I re iitm uo irwiaaing id r.tn-i t Ike lebl'e. leg.tosiatwiiniaetlraliiois sitaia .ui.g.u.a, nui ariar ie vui t ...... .I,,JL,-, tKe he- LKGA Tl.O ftial eils)al.o will a-n U k"- X'" ' M I pie that I aill bo ,e,y Ii Jo Iseed'y eo4ds.dsk -4 w.ll oUao on Thas- aai.maai me i ee..,i.a..ia j.isea.i . fc be,,,.,,, , ,h .( j ,f ,f j,t d.r.Jeee IT. Tbe sla leots In lUo dd "- "'mhw l.tt.1 olas ate alt Mtj.ini tot a Lie " ' K uUy. ruattMsueeuiSkl. Tbo t'nf dalsga'toi lly ds flCDIsf. IclJ'J Ui slaed for free and aahmilml t'navailta, Jose li. 1W4 f-xeee f sdvee lo tbs last aed te . low Tvdar in a I lbes regard. eg lbe We aadeis'sed il tHi.si sad ra da all fise k. Hi trie, skirls, ss fine as bead ran make I kenj We we0 base aeee sad if e. lbieg kepienS wo ant b la Ibo fimeb buUdieg. near ibo Ce'H. olie il aub, nil aask, af'ee wo isUta U oa Oaoaa. lilllL"" B eaaat ieliMs, eL.pidrg sk wt oay ,am f , X l.kisi wi!l hm a'U.eJ mm one at Walk. eg Owl ft IM eowVs.ia ball . (M-e. after Ibo vila'oatini on tbo ia aeeila4 e A. ft riootwc, tm. Mlablo Ky le--" . Cst-es- M" t. asara, .M .M.k ..n . i.i.i V Apa-tiK lell.w r - nsiai eit.ii rt, ti'.i im i a tuo i ld.maa l It a rot'orattoo of a pt4t. j Mia b, Weiis AWanea. k ms Ki. urff at i will scales' - t saa art I.,-I .,'.). as ,1 '. i . I ... .. -i ... I ................ i, . .. , lnlai er.a K .-I s f . . r It H Ta t..s n .Je ,nul .1 . I t lea. 1.11 uatvn, Tiif. Lancasiurf. Insuranxf. Co. r sajs-MaMsawB eMieswaer mmtrnfmn i unt aurart.s OS M ANUIIHMTKMi KNObANII LW.Uaa.UnaUlj XUiUUtLt It . fag tmU t Ww Vts4l, V.'-'t d.i a4 ? M.,.sti'e. TK - I. ii'.ili.l., L.'l'a I i..r li4 Ibo dia.la He l ti.re ara, tlVr. .,U0 .? lMge ik4 110 Aataaavwn saiii.aa,l ' bvwoaa. I ts! two b te as4 Wa.ten fa stt .' . a aa " 0 m M , ... , ft ! itks a m . .i 4 a . s j I,, Ur-aU al,.hi Me. l.a tt J' flmBlilltt .mil lies. Tnrl T H . Jnlin 1st. Or. Ttonhle oross on WH hin on esttls. swsllow fork and mirtei bit n riirhtesr. snllt in lsft ssr. Usnire in flrant orr..T On sheen. Irvertwt A and spear nnint .n shonldr.' Ear morko.i ewes, orno on left ear nnht nnner M in i-ieM. Wethers, nrop m Is-' t and nnder half crop in left ear. AU rang n Mrsnt oonntv. .... , Cook A. ,l.,ljene,Or. Horses, Won riehtshoul. ir ("n'ttle. ssmnn ridht hio: ear mark square iron of left, snd snlit in rieht. rnrrin. B. Y CurrinsTille, Or. -Horses. on Cm Kd. 8.. Hsnlman, Or.-Cartle, C with In center: hore. CK on left Hip. f!oohrn. R, R.. Monnment. Grant U, Or. lnr. branded oirnle with bar beneath, on left honlder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark nder slope both ears and dewlap. Chanin. H., Hardman. Or.-Horses branded . on rieht hip. Tattle branded the same. Alsu rends CI on horses right Ihlnh: caitie SHme rsnd on right shoulder, and out ofl end of 'nlln "lass. W. M . Oallnwsy. Or.-Cattle, B I) on laht side, swallow-fork in each ear; horses, a U "v)y'Br".. Ttonglas. Or. Horses hrsnded KLY n left shoulder, catUe same on lefthip. hole riiiht ear. . , , Emery. C. B.. rfardman. Or. Horses branded . (reversed C with taill on left shonlder ; caU Csme on right hip. Itange in Mrrw cpnnty. Florence, 1.. A., Ilept.ner. Or.-t.attle, LF on iiiht h'p; horses F with bar under on right FhlJeJca. 8. P. Hennner, Pj Horses, F on iiiht shor Idei ; oattle. F on naht hip or thigh. Gentry. Klmer, Kcho. Or. - Horses branded H. '. with a nnsner c;rn ...-r .., 'nrsin Morrow and Umatilla counties. Hiett A. R,. Ridee. Or.-Cattle. round-top K ithnnarter nircle nnder ft, on the right tup. snge in Morrow and Umatilla onnnjs. TTnghes. Hamnel. Wagner. Or-T (T P I onneetedlon riaht shnnlderon hows; on cattle, n rluht hip and on left side, swallow fork in Bht ear and slit in left. Bangs in Haystack Istriet.Moreow oonnty. Howard J L. Osllowar, Or.-HorsesT, (cross ith hir shore l) on rieht shoulder; cattle same n left aide. Bangs in Morrow and Umatilla "t'alirV.dwin, John Day, Or. Tattle E fl on IlM hip; horas same on right shoulder. Bange n Or.nt roenty. ... Hnehes. Mat. Heppner, Or. Horses ahadod .eeH on the left shonlder. Hsns-e Morrow Co. tlnn.aker. R , Waimer. Or. Horses, 9 on left ihmildee- ea'tle. on left hip. Hnmnhrers, i U. Hardtnan, Or.-Horass, H on 'Hn.'nn. I,nher. Fiaht Mile, Or. Tfora H on -is left shonlderand heart on ths left stifle CaU '.seme on left hn. Ilanre In Morrow eonnty. Jones. Hsrrv. Heppnr. tlr Horses hrsnded I J on t-e left shon'dnr; rattle bra ided J on :sht hip. also nndcrbit in left ear. Bnnge in lo.row county. Jnnkin. rt. M., Hepnner, Or -Horses, horse. n I on left .houliler. Cattle, ths same, nntfe imi Vlhl Mile. I.ihrs-m. Felix. Ijna. Or. norees. eireleT on .ft .tiHe: nattle, aameim rieht hip, nader half n In eirfh end .iilit n left ear ennr. Mik, Herp"er. lie. Horses branded NV on U' h.p nettle seme and crop ofl Utt e nnde .lone nn the eight Kirc f T.. Hennner. O'. tlorsas fig on left ,nnHi extlle.se on left Mn. Kn-ne.Wnd.W.G.. Monnt Vernon. Or. I LoU tntMson nshl and left sidee. swallow fork in bft ir snd rnder ein In rleht ear. Horses same .a-.- on let ehmilde. Ilenge In Grant Hinty, Loten, Htepnen, Iot. Or. H I, on lefthip n esttle. crop and split rn rlg'-t ear. Horses tme brand on left shoulder. Itange Grant onntr, biensllen. John W -t Or.-Horses mnded halfilraleJt. connected nn left hnnU r. Cauls, seuir on lett lilu. Bangs, near Lex. ! Leehey. J. W. Peprner ttr. Hones branded anrl n- lft shonlder; eel lie same on left In, wattle over r.ebt , three slits la right sr. lM. Oora. Henimee. e.ltorsfs branded 'nehle II era wrii eVtmetimse eallsd a '" H. on left shoulder. Ha.ls. M. f., Herpner. Or. Tt)e braedH (el oa rthi hlpi lio-ses same oa right stifle, tense la M.-rxrw eeonty. Minor. Itansr. n 'r. at tie, M O oa lhl hipiniM. t nn left shna) Idee. Snrnii, n. n ninier, lir.-l , g m lft sbieildw eetf la same on left h'p. Mitrhell. (Wsf. lone. Or. Hues-s, 71 OS right tint eaOie.Tlon riahr sd. Nnii. Andrew If K4k.lr. Horses A N en. iee oa left shnnldert eat Us saaM an both hips. Oiler, rerrv. Ueilngtoa. Orf O oa left Knn.4e, n.hnrn. J. W P,l.s lh, Kneree U en lef hn-iMer; rattle seme rm r'eht hir.. Fasnon. Olere. KieM Mile. Iir. Hnraaa. qsef r iru .hild nn U( ahnalder sad tt on Mt lp. fettle, for la lef" er. rlht aroppad. M m left hin. Mens o" Flefil Si. la. Farker Gleaana. llardnaa.Or, Borsae lPoa -f honlder. Pit r. f r-e-, slntnn. Or. Hor-sa brand. 0 K (I. K ennnecod) mn left ehoalnW i aaltla sn. oa riM hin. Hanaw, tlarmw eoan', Pip-r. J. H.. Ii'"tnsi. Or. - rin. J K cna. laeterl m Mt sfcraildari SUlkauMoa Uf kip, indar feat la aw-h aar. fattra. k. C. ras Or.l borsaa diamond F no snoajUW; eaiite, J H J amibard. nai hm efi hip,etsratape la laA aaraad si la ta Um t.ht. an a a . If a . M fa a . tit llll n',n' lnTIwW fsnsinBBS0. VT. ' mj I aeaaa, IsTMLf Plenty of them at the 7-aTr.iii rttm nil UeTt a., nwlas a sac a. M"g-r (a gmww and a-ttrantag emnitk H aadrvw. lilBsana. Or Hman Vanded Ism rwM ahnalder, vant qaanae "rrle tmt nranmi raute aaase oa rtgM kiB, aaaw M'e'"ai e,.r, K.,fa. m. H. Oalerrtlkv Oe-tta maaeta-j, ok oaarler e.e'U near Soa m aaMla na rte-l kip wt ra rWM ear asel split la let. tl mil mm brand nm krft itmHn, skssar ia Unmw Irant and Gitltass enaatuaw Marin J. W , li.yi.oer. Or. Bisrsss. JO aa ksfl aboaiaay, CaiU. O aa rlekl klu. rataM W. K ttnna, Or -tt nm etwtad I a aa kn atlOai sai.la J 0na lafi kla, swaikrw Vk le rent an'. la li. an. Tk , Uen, r -H wss, g tfal fl fclpt r.lU a aa knfl bip. aayara, Robar. tkraalaa. Or -falUe Q on aeM tip a4 a oa (. sUe i WwaaaTh aa laM da. Haega la Mnrt. Snaaly. ailh rVn. Naau.llla. ley. Hnraaa, laa i ad a) 1 aasVaMw eaxia, aaaaa aa kan) akeasetar, njirea. Jaaa Art. Sanaa. Or.l leaaas -r. t.j lan Ml Ma. uWi nwila lea aaaaa, sian ii aa rMa. IW-ea la Oarmw astd Kilisaai aaaal.aa, aaaaasaa, V. Itare-aaa. Or-l m.s Ha a elM an San ea'ila a-aa-ai L sal lha rWM ekla Wn a. Me A. J. Ha, paa, lMy. g as l la .., mi M mmr, we O W .,,,. , - Hnraaa. U aa M afcaal4- I Sala. NatUflMs aWery ft. Ha, i.e. lie - I .Ml Vfa) I..M eana aa eM Bd a'aarliU a Mt aaa t-a,t. t-aaaa W C t-fl aa .l.a M" aa!TI-a, eaMla aa Ml ahta ""' ' 1 e -a a T.s'arv.kavl.Hara Cm Mt n, , Wai aaar f. . OasJI San-! T laSi ra,wtM a, i 1. aaUs aaaja aa Ml ba a--a aJ, i W en V-a, t W I O--mmm kraavAai M ' a.aaaii.iit U aHaa-i ,'a. a .ma taaaartaarl l T t far Naaaaa H V araa, aaaaal a akaa' 'atyatlla, aa a rViJ4 -Uei. rtaas lW ffaaaa p . a. the we. at. aOOa.. aaia aaaa. ea) ttgta bia. e a. -a M ear end aar laa4 W,tara Jaa rt Saa ay tTai . mm, fa, saw. tat it .a tea left stvetaW. Waraaa W -alat. rV By Mt. , aa aaa e aa laM M a a-a b-d s I 0a aa.' af Wata el ry, tla, I at fa, Hm aaa ml araeaa. aa W-l a ..Ifa, mrjt ur. i C-"a aaalal aaaya aa aatt a4a allanL -a H Ma., tP Family and Hotel Ranges. Are not q tilled beotnse they are road c( rna'lesble iron and wrong-lit steel. Wi not break by overheating- or rongli naag. Wateibnclts b ar 200 rounds pressure no danger of explosions bv fre sini F'nes lined iib ssbstoe. B-iltn qmrkl oounu)i in tnel. Ahiimliuice In water. Burn hard or soft onal, nr wrxad Omvenient end ornamental. Will last lile-time with ordinary oa'e. Full gnarauteed. Over SI7.720 Cold to Nov. 1, 1893. Aboye style nf Ranee No. ea. Is sold enl Irnie rotnosny'. a a sons hy their own ssleamei si one in. tinrm price lbtouhout Die Unite, btstrs and Cauda. Above honors tiers reonveJ by WROUGHT IRON RANGE COMPANY, Washington Arenue, 19th and 30th streets, 8 f. LOCK MO.. V. a. A. And W to TS Fearl Street, TORONTO, OXTAUIO Founded In 1AI, Tald np Cspltsl It.OOO.OnO, No charges lor Inside plumbing when pressure boilers are used. IW-lm -:atMt-rAf ttsiss m3 pssLsae i FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. Iw Ail tt'oik la This tJne. Onnlmrtlng and lob Work, flrtnr Frseelng, sll kind., si price. In .'ill. K us hrfora ordertng ss we us ran Ira sstltlsc ttuu. rrk-ae rrasotiabla. Terms ( a.h. Storo Opp. I'. O. Thompnon Co. Main 8t. Heppner Gazette Office. IU 0 1 L fie : mm : PIS Yoiuh) BOTJISTD to Tnko 9Kin. Leaves No Const! potion. wvia ('area t, ee eel' a all IliMoaas. ffc (leelasbe aed Mslarla. Tba f tit 0'MroaTASl.e n 't N Ibo Wrwt.i HdJ by l'at.i nr aanl by eat st ,rirt tef ,lle. aJoaaU ft b- t. MttS tlX tflIC4l. CO, H.O rreleevt, (,, laaeiae M aar. Paean 10 leaeaaal D. J. McFaul, M. D. SIM iJaVa Ha oi'ififi: i it J. M. tux Kuxku. w.Baa lS mmmi t aW fl , lV0r- ' . ew W Wc tWwt asaastlaa ate " 0B jr ",.. .. K .-a. - a,, .H Ka .ttj4 r - - n-ta aa v " I tana aaa i