Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 19, 1896, Image 1

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    slx-aCiv PAPER
......... i
mmmrnMiiiiiiitiiiit,i mmmi run n vmm
e d e
Advertising brought me all I
own. A. T. Stewart.
Is owing to my liberality in ad-5
vertisw Robert Bonner. ' ' I
I uniniiiU!i!iiiiii.i:iiiiii'M!i'i:iaiiiiii,itMaii;njJ awfti.il
mm iiTMi rn tifcti i la hi inHiititumMMti mm
"Tuesdays and Fridays
a. w.
. . . Editor
Business Manager
At $5.51 per year, $1.25 fur eiz months, 75 ots.
lor three minions. '
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPKK is kept on tile at E. C. Dake'.
Advertiaine Agency, (H and 65 ftlerchantt
Ezohans, Ban Francisco, California, where cou
tacts for advertising can be lna.Jt) for it.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaven Itepnier I0:4i p. m. dally, excepl
Sunday. Arrives 5:00 a. m. dully, except Mon
day. West bound passenger leaves II. ppner Junc
tion 1:11 a. m ; e.ist bo md i: I! a. in.
Frebtht trains leave Heppner .1 imcttou Koinr
east ut 7:li p in. and 0:10 a. m.; goinsj west, 4:.'H
p. in. and 6.15 a. in.
United States Olllrlals. .
Pieairient Grover Cleynlanr)
Vicn-l'realdent Ad ni Bievensm
Beo-e'ary of Slate Kiehanf 8. Olnex
cieoretnry of TreHsnry Joim fl. ('arlisl.
Secretary of Interior.. HmIia Hmii,
Secretary of War i.. Daniel 8. I.Hmimi
Haorauiry of Navy Hilary K'. IWlieM
Poslinaster-ftsnnral William i. Wi son
Attorn y-4neral Jiiilaoii Harmon
Bnoretaryol Agriculture J. Mterling Murioi
State of Oregon.
Pnoretary of State. ......
Bnnt. PiitiHo Instroction
Attorney General .......
W. P. te-c
,..H. It. Kincalil
..Phil. Meiai-hat
II. M I-win
..C. M. Id'emai,
( tt. W. McUi
1 J. II. Mite
Hinder Herm
)Hiner Hermann
W. B. Ellis
w. ii. lyeedf
(It. 8.
8apmmo Judges i F. A.
(0. K.
H nu,
Flxth Judicial District.
Clronit Jndge Stephen A. fjnwell
1'rcMiculing Attorney John 11. Lawrai
Morrow County Officials.
J i. tot Senator A. W. Gnwan
J. S. Bootbhi
t'-nuty Jndm ,
J. M. Baker.
" riorlr
" HhorifT
" Treaanror
" School Sup't...
" ('oroner ,
Julius Keith);
).U. Uowanl
.T. W. Morrow
.0. W. llarrimrtoi
.... Frank Oilliam
J. Willi.
Oe. Lord
Anna Dalsinei
T. W.Ayera. Ji
nEPPNSM town ornoitns.
m,oi Tlios. Morgan
C:uncilmmi O. K. Fartisworth. M.
Uchtonthal. fltis Patterson, T. W. Ajsirs, Jr.,
8. B. Horner, E. J. tUoonm.
Betxmler F. J. Mallncli
Trmwnrer K. L. FwlsnH
Marshal A. A. UoborU
Precinct Oncer.
Justice of the Peace E. I.. Fnwlant'
ConsUble N. 8. WheUtoae
I'nlted States Und OlHesra.
J. F. Moore 1tirlstT
A. tt. Uiggs lleceivei
B. F. Wi'aon Register
i. 11. Itobhins IImsIw
B3MII octxrx3c.
Q. A. II.
HmIi at Lsxinston. Or the last Baturday ol
svt month. All veterans ar Invited to Jnia.
V,'C. Huns, UkO. W. Shith.
Adlniaot. tf CoinmsncUr
tf dmsiuil Lumber, M uiioa of Usppuer, a!
what la know as the
Pit 1,000 nn, KOUUM,
17 so
A ait.su kr ,au ms ai,lilnnal.
The abort quotations are strictly (or Cash.
L HAMILTON', l'rop.
National Bank ol Mwi
II1 oo Faorble Tenna.
Ofllario-lliirns Stasc Line
A, M l
H. . WIUUV3. r-ep.
ttMi Dnres DHy Ml t. m. tsj
rl tl OoUilo la 4 boora.
Sinqlo Faro S7.00.
Round Trip $10.00
4T"rWr"1 tMilit P-i f F"-
!' ! anA r"irie
I I N,MI I ,T I'l, Me. WfMlWWl
a. m m-w ii.t. f.rt ,-! 1 n,h is
i k. i..., ii, friurtltie s4 Lawa
1 Brae.
! I h llnsa M tH lha Wswllf
Oofiswn, I ha f t p(r rf
Iks . Ills lfef. h. !.
If t a1,M ta, .1 Sil N !
M .! fi . f (.(.. . f,U n
is IK ti,i, '1 Iw , I f,f
10 aw ) ii .l J O" tl.'l '!
Ilea, aa -niluJ pi4,
Cuasa U aa4 avVaaaitba.
and by virtue of an execution issued out
nflhe circuit court of the State of Oregon for
the Countv of Morrow, on June 12th, 18M6, and
to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment
rendered and entered in said court on the 3rd
day of March ltf.si, in favor of ti. A. Khea, J. L.
Morrow it on, ( I. W. Morrwr.) Henry Black
man, Hnuh Fields, G. W. Mwaggart, Thos. Quaid,
. 8. Wilson, wm. i enland, .1. P. Rhea. T A.
Rhea, litis Patterson and T. W Avers, plaintiffs,
out agal ist the Palace Hotel Company, defend
ants, for the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars with
interest thereon from the 2d ctay of AURUsr, 1894
at th rate of ten percent, per annum and Ten
Dollais eo-.ts; and whereas, hy said indRment
It was ordered and adjudged that the following
rtescrihed real property, tn-wit: Commencingat
he Southwest ro-ner of Lot number six, in
Block number four, of the original Town of
lleppner. County of Morrow, btate of Oregon,
thence East one hui'dred and ten feet, thence
North sixty feet, thence West one hundred and
tni feet, thence Soulh sixty feet to the place or
he innt-g be sold to satisfy paid Judgment,
costs and accruing costs. I will on
Saturday, the 18th day of July, 1896,
"t 2 o'clock, p. m , of said dav, at the front door
of the court house in Heppw-r. Morrow I'nnntv.
"reifon, sell all tte right, title and inernt of
die said l'a acu Jlot I t iinipaiiy in and to the
iliovc-descriiiert property at 1'uhlic Auction to
lie hiuh"kt and best liidder for cash in hand,
the proceed" to he applied to the satisfaction ol
Maid execution and all costs, and costs that may
a-crue. . V. IIAKMNGTON.
47-f6 FhertfT of Morrow Cjuuty, Oregon.
Dated June 12, 18;.
' and by virtue of a'i execution Issued out
f the circuit court of the Ktate ot Oregon. Im
the enmity of Morrow, on May 22, I8'.6 and to
me directe I and del vred. unon a ludgmeii
rendered and entered In said court on the 2nd
lay of March. 1W.K1. in favor nt lieorge W. Har
Inifton. as .diulnistr itnr of the estate of .lame
-t wart, deceased plaint!!!, and ava'nst Jas. D
Hamilton, l).ra r. Hamilton. J N. Br wn. The
Nor h'-rn t'ouult' s Investment Trust (Limited,
'lid Addle I'arvln. defeivlants. for the sum oi
'ine ' hoiiKHiid Hollars ilh interest thereon at
iho rte of ten per cent, per annum from June
:l. ism: for One Hundrel and Twenty-Uve
Dollars attorney's 'ee and for the further sum ol
I hlny-six and WI-KIO Dollars costs: and. where
by said Judgment it was ordered and ad I nil ir-
ed tlmt the following descrlbeit real pronerty
n-wit: AKiHini U, BKor 8li and SWU n
-Et ol Section S2. Tp. 5 M., K. 25 E W. M.jolso
S'4 of NW14. and iiE'4 of SW!, Hectlon 4 and
1 section 10 "n 6 S.. K. 25 E W. M.. be sol,
to sntlfy stld judgment, coils and accruing
costs. I will. 011 . .
SATURDAY. 27th JUNE, 1890,
at 2 o'clock P. M.. of slrt day, at the front door
of tne court house In Heppner. Mo'row Countv,
Oregon, sell the right, title and Interest of safd
defendants in and to the above described p o-
nerty at Public Auction to the highest and lies'
bidder for cash In hand, the proceeds to he ap
plied to the satisfaction of said execution, at
torney's lee and all costs and costs that may
accrue. O. vv. HARKING ION,
Bherifrof Morrow County, Oregon,
Dated May 22, 1890. 4U-&2.
Notice of Intention.
J May 2D. WM. Notice Is herebv vlven ih.t
the following-named settler has filed notice
ir his Intention to make Hnal proof In support
if his claim, and that said Drool will he marie
before the county clerk of Morrow county al
ueppuer, uregon, on juiy , iww, rlt:
nd. E. No !M for the RU RKi. Peff 1 .nit
EH NKI, Bee. 18, 1 p. 5, H. K. 2(1, E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, vis-
Orln K. Karnswnrth. Aninn K. Wrluht J
tmiy ana Wesley Stevens, allot Hardman, Or.
412 52 Register.
Notice of Intention.
I I June 11. lH'.Kl. Notice Is hercbr irlven
that the following named settler has Hied no
tice ol his Intention to make dual proof in sup
noil of his claim, and that ild proof will be
made heiore K. L Kreeland. U. H. Commtssinii.
er, at Heppner, O egou, on July '.'5th, ltvJti, vis:
Ad mlnlstrator ot tbe estate of Alexander Rich
ie, deceased.
lid K. No. snji. for tbe 8WW, See. Si, Tp. 1
K. 24 K . W. M.
Ha Bm the following wltnessaa to nrnv
his loiiMiiuniis residence UDon and cultivation
of, said land. Tlr:
A. T. MeSav. of Heppner. Pr, Frank Lonle
and rrank Holland, of lone. Or., and Edward
nonauu, oi ixxiugion, ur.
JAS. r. M'HrRE.
Notice 0 Intention. '
LaxdOwce at Tns Daij.. Ossoom.
June ath. law.
folloa Inc natm1 settler haa fllMl anilM
nl his Inlriillnn to make final proof In support
ni nis riaim. ann rnai sain proni win m mane
helor I .niiilt l lerk of klnrmw CmmtT. Oresou.
a curppoer, vrvaoii, on jiiiy ia, in-at, via;
M E No 117. forlhsWiiaW.Bee. J ,nd
KU V., re 9i. Tp. 4 a . H. t K.
He names the M ewing wit wms to provr
hi enmliiiiiHi residence uimmi auk eultlvatlna
of Mid land, vll:
Arthur MeveiM, O'ls Shiner. Kara Adams,
Henry UowU,aUI ol Uardman, Oreirnn.
J AH. f. M'MlRE.-t
4 IT ST Mnilsler.
Notice of intention.
May M
Kntle la heivby given that
the foliiiMlng nametl settler
nss fll4 tiol Ire ol
hi Intention tnmake ftoal wnof la siirportnl
hi claim, and thai said pnf will be snail
hrlnv J. W. Mnrtn. enunly clerk, el tleppiwr,
uissiM, oa Juiv a. im. h t
lid E No t, lor in Mt .nd t, and 4
M K. eee 1.1 !.. H a K
He name Ih toHawIng sHmiS'l tn Stan
Ms enwiiiiiioin mldence upon sod cm Ivatlon
of mM land, l:
llarvert' tduh. IllUaj OlltUss. ntn
OsmmI and Henjamln MaiUavm, all M lleppner,
JA.r. MOORt.
IISI Hllr.
Notice of Intention.
t-Ase Orric at Tni Du . Oeeenst.
May wii M
I Inline In nanwt (rtnr hM aid smxmw
of Ms Intention In mat anal pronf it aiipfw
nf hMrlalm, and thai aaM !''-( will t !
tl l l onmr Clerk, of Norm minty, at
llf por. Orrn. nn JnnarHi, I, ls;
nn iimn . ri i hioit.
H I E, So ftm. Ux the et it . It, T. t A,
It 71 E
He nam the follow In sluim fasisii his
e"tlw Mtl.leiwe epoe e4 relUveHaoei,
M U4 via
w.ii A OHn. me M , F'ark tf
Orimn, asmiwl Wartsid, an nt 'inert,
ja. r, '.
4T I, Rrgtater,
$rr It heerHr iea lal IH Mrtti4
ft, hM fttiotaKi Mwlitarilaai n4 n
lata nt lawf. A ttmmn Amrwmtmt, bf In . n.
tr I mttt nl Mntv..m I Mniy aiai of 1
All rrws harlne rial at4 )
trm h.fm-f tr.,;l m.i In ptrnl Ihews ! an.
A--r-d lhr n Po laan W.,r'.
1 .,. )! fit4, Ithle els
- Imj I Ha al ha.. ,4.
l4 this U4 dy at May, lA
J-,t tlBawe,
A-I A4atlral,.
-f f f COUtCTlOIS,
wjui insumncf,
I -1 4 1 i a s4 I -a! rr. Tli.
ivi-iu J.i
vwrfMwww DOCTOR wwmmjw
will stop a cough in a night, check a cold
in a day, and cure consumption if taken
in time. It the little ones have Croup or
rvnooping fjougn,
use it prumpiiy.
t Croup is a very
laiai aisease.
rully one.
half of
those at
tacked die.
The great
danger is
in delav.
The disease progresses so rapidly that
the loss of a tew hours in treatment is
often fatal. Acker's English Rkmr
nv will cure Croup, and It should al
ways be kept in tbe house for
emergencies. A 35 cent bottle may
save your child's life.
Three slzesi 33c, ROc, $1. All Druggists.
& IS Chambers St New York.
An American Teacher Who IV as Very
An Italian gentleman whom I met
while traveling disclosed a most de
praved inapprcciation of the wonderful
vastness of tho United States, says a
writer in Seribner's. -
lie spoke English very well, for he
had been many years in London, and,
as we were enioyinff the sea-coast view
between Pisa and Via Reggio, ho asked
politely whether I was not an Ameri
can from "tho states." On learning
that 1 was he begged me to toll him
something of our government.
"You have a president of the country.
the whole states, is it not?" he inquired
I nodded assent.
"Va benel If a man kills murders,
you understand who tries him, the
federal or state courts?"
"Tho state courts," I replied, "unless
it is a case of treason."
"If he is convicted, who can pardon
him the president, of course?" he
asked, with calm assurance, and a slight
emphasis on the "of course."
"No, indeed; tho murderer is tried in
the state courts; he can be pardoned
only by the state board of pardons, if
there is one, or by the state's chief
ofilcer the governor. The president
lias nothing to do with it."
"Well!" flushed my companion, sar
castically, "in Italy the governor 1 1 a
little petty province has not the par
doning power."
"Sir!" I thundered, now thoroughly
angry, "Italy will go twice Into the
petty province of Texas."
It was very naughty to get angry,
and especially with such a politely bar
castle little Ituliun. I know it. liut
who could sit still and hear tho sheer,
unapproachable nny, glorious Im
mensity of ourcountry assailed without
getting angry? No one except the
audacious fop, who every now and then
annoys us with a brazen assertion that
bigness Is, after all, not such a virtuo.
Aa Instance of Nearness" That la Dare)
to Ileal.
The close-fUtr-d and the absent-minded
serve a similar use they amuse
their nolghlxn-s. The New York Sun
quotes a man from tho rural districts
as telling a story of a Mr. I'utterby, an
old-time townsman of his, whose repu
tation for "nearness" was evidently
well deserved. Locally he waa thought
to be almost a prodigy in this respect,
but no story of this kind Is so food but
that another can bo found to brat It.
Ono of the coins current la those
days was the old Spanish sllrcr-piece,
which passed for twelve and a half
venta, and woa variously called "nine
pence," "York shilling" and "bit" It
waa the ealatrneo of this coin that en
abled Mr. I'uttorby to achieve hla
crowning triumph la the way of a close
A farm-boy camo along- one day with
a load of purapUiaa. which ha waa ped
dling about the village at a cent
aplooe. Mr. PutUrby L.Aed at tbera,
concluded to buy, but wanted only
half a pumpkin.
"Hut a whole ono la only a ent,"
aald the boy. "How are you going to
pay toe fur half a oner"
"EaaleU thing In the world," aald
Mr. Puttorl.y.
The pumpkin waa eat. be took one
half andrr hla arm, and handed the boy
a aMUIng.
"Now give me the twelve ernta
change," he aald; aad taking the
twelve eopiMvre from the aatonlahed
boy, ha walked away with hla pur
chaaa. Te niaa frasa t'ravUa.
At one time the Presbyterians of
I'laUr were diaouaaiDa' the Urnormnr
aad stopldity of nos of their aaailarr.
"Aad what a noU.m he l.s la hla head
Bowr'etrlalmed owe of tha elders, ta
diamav. "Ilta hee.rerbird rmeuf the
tBlniatora; "he haa no head! What ym
call a bead U ooly a tp-kDt that hla
Maker pat there to keep him from rav
eling out"
All lh cat. I procarr! at Thmperm A Bi&fs, Lower Mala Btreet,
lleppner, Oregon,
1 .i"4 aim
t t 't I ma, l a
a-! ea , a -
1 i'r 0 l V , I
( - I X lit i .a
A Man Known by Bis Clears and the Waj
He Smokes Them. .
As a test of character tobacco is useful.-
A man may be known by the
cigars he keeps as well as by the way
ho smokes them. ,No man of refined
tasto will smoke a bad cigar. The
philosophic smoker takes his comfort in
a leisurely way, amid proper surround
ings, and is able to shut himself out
from the world and all its petty annoy
ances as he follows tho curling wreath
into : the dreamland of reverie. Tho
man who allows his cigar to go out a
great many times and relights it in
successive spasms of fidgetiness may
usually be set down as an incoherent
character, quit prone to get off his
trolley, so to speak, and certainly lack
ing in tenacity of purpose. T s man
who fumbles his cigar a good deal and
manages to get the wrapper unraveled
and tho fire all on ono sido may be dis
missed as aliervous person, with a pro
clivity for uncomfortablcness, says the
Baltimore Sun. Men who chew their
cigars, leaving their teeth prints on
:l!hem, and do this for a long time before
litfhting them, aro quite likely to bo
titcrn, determined men, full of grit and
resolution. Gen. Grant used to handle
a cigar in that way, and Bismarck is
said to do likewise. .
As an index of generosity or mean
ness of- soul, the" cigar is quite, trust
worthy. Tho generous man, if ho
smokes at all, is sure to indulge himself
and his friends, when they call on him,
with a good cigar. The man who, with
abundant means to smoko the best, de
liberately buys the worst cigars, and
pretends to enjoy them, is capable of
almost any conceivable meanness. Per
contra, tho man who can find solaeo
and refreshment from a cigar of good
quality, or a pipo filled with choice to
bacco, and who is always ready to open
his heart wide and let his tongue wag
the most merrily when he takes his
friend into the hospitalities of a mvtual
smoke talk, is pretty sure to be ono
whose instincts and impulses are in the
main honest, genial and right.
The Mother Bird Carries Her Young In
Her Bill.
I had to make a trip from our claim
on the Columbia to Spokane falls. It
was much nearer to go through tho
mountains on a cayu.se than around by
Davenport on the stage, says a writer
in Forest and Stream. I started quite
early one morning and was along up
the Spokane river when, as I came over
a small rocky point, I noticed a very
large bird soar down from a tree anil
carry soim'thing la lU mouth. At first
I thought it was io -1141.'. but as soon
as I climbed a little hilur 1 could Sep
it was an old gray goiKjt and thnti!
had deposited its burden in the water,
where I cmld son several small onei
siviinming around.
I stopped, got o.T from my cnyuse
and watched tho performance. I hod
tvaited but a few liniments when one of
the geese rose out of the water and lluw
straight to a cottonwood tree, nli'jliled
on a liiuh war a big nest, tlp-n took a
few step toward the nest, and result
ing over into the nest too'.t a youn go;t
llng out and sailed down to Iht com-
pnnlons. W ben she let the youngster
touch the water it cut all kind of
She again returned to tho nest and
got another, which, was the lust, AfU-r
tvaU-hlng them for quite awhilu I
mounted my cayusennd r.alii on. Whi-n
I came Into plain view of the family 'the
old ones tltillrred away and the young,
sters disappeared. Tliire were seven
little ones, as nenr as I inld fount. I
have watched the woimI ilu. U curry her
young from a treo, but this was the
only time I ever saw a rouao umke the
ttsnaie'e Rarthasmke aa4 Lxtera.
The earthquake recently felt In .tome
has already produced a result that to
nny except an Italian would serin In
credible. It haa augmented naturally
the receipta of the national lottrry.
The occurrence waa so unusual that
trnmtdem saw their opjorlunlly and
quite a aenre of flgtirra In came ainilar.
The firat shock wsa felt on November I
at 4: M p. m. One, four and thirty-right
were obviously factors n tl0 lucky
arrlee. And then the lottery nisnuul
helped the- furnUcr out by tppl) !r,g
hltn with other flgutes. chiefly II. to
and 30, ao I bat among the air. success
waa certain. Llcvrn waa moat run mi,
ta It waa eqtihalenl Uth for "Novrm
brr" and "rartliiiimkc" ond alw! retire.
arnUd the Me of HU Mortln. a aolnt
very popular since the Utile of 81m
Martlno. In fart, the lottrrlra rnehrd
rurh ao Inifrulae from lb- earthquake
that the ofiicra bad to be kept open on
All Kaitil' day, contrary 10 all uvfr.
When the winning numbers vie re art-
oally e mrd to lew not one of i be pop-
mar an was ta the category. Loudon
Daily New.
A Trapplaa Meat.
The halted trap Is an Imitation of tbe
dionee or Venn f ) trap. Tide singular
sja-rlittrti of lite plaut .ld prraraia
11 .inuiM-H.iia tnacf te a dmpof horejr
is. a-iij, ana s urn the id On drwendt
lo alp l.e Pr,. himaelf e-ld by I be
tirarhervma I'S-M of the Iraorlimmns
fdtnt wMth 'irm.ii,d atid eu.nele
a a 1 . a
Do You Want a Rig ?
Don't You Want a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
You in Need of a Saddl
Sum ft rwi r( ). 4 ), m, r
, tM hs m !- .,
r.aro Bpeoimens That Command
Fabulous Prices.
Cho Collecting of Birds' Eggs Baa Be
come a Fascluatlug Avocation ol
1'cople ot Wealth and Stu
dents of Science.
It is not generally kuown that among
the fuds of the duy the collecting of
bird's eggs is oue that interests the
cuitureii and weulthy.uuU one tlmt may
be very expensively indulged in, while
itutVordbu uiild lecreutiou 10 thotiMitiUs
of iiidiviUuuls of uioUeiute menus. The
scieiililiu collection of ImUs' eggs bus,
ill tuct, beeume 11 luseiuuling utueulioii,
ttiiU, ngtiiiy suiiiifU, u puisuil to which
tne Kjsieiumie study oi birds, their bi
ology.unu Hie iiiusgovei-uiiig llteir evo
lution, is largely iiiuebled, us uewnovvl
edyeil by uu icbsuii uutbonly lliuu 1'rof.
lluxicy inuiell, wlio allowed tll-lt a
bl.iiiy ol Hie uiiii'kiugs ami snupeof the
eggs ol Uie species aided uiuiei inlly in
ettubliKtiing Hie close lelulioiisiiip of
tile Liutieoioe iplovui'b) UUU Hie Ciuviou'
tgulls una lei n;, .
Abide Ii out iu seientitie value, ' tho
coueeiuiy 01 onus eggs entices the eu
tliusiubl uy Uie inurveious diversity lu
bi4c, bliiipe und iiiuikuigs of the eggs,
buy pained by nature Herself louoom
tile 1 leiu si cnoiiiet.
Tbe lupious, ur birds of prey, are a
ftuoi ile litiiiuy with oologisis, luigely
1 10 111 the eiimiiuuee, during uiul nerve
leqiiisitu 111 bcuiing elills und lolly Uee
tu seeiue lueir eyjs, uiueii uie 01 leu,
us in tlie cuse of lue golden eagle, Iwtiu
tifuily iinu Ued. 'i Ins grand engi sel
(lout uttucks Hie piutideier of Us eggs,
litougli it is iiiisuie to ui.ei Uie ma
cstic bird when its nest uomums young.
'1 be eggs uie I wo, it ml si mu-nines three,
huge, und show great variation iu the
lliui Kings ol purple, iu t enner mid tich
browu, blotelied or suit used over the
bui fnee of the shell, lu Culiloiniu,
w here these eagles uie most numerous,
u lolty live ouk tree is liequeully se
lected us u site for tbe huge nest of
sticks, vvlib its lining of Spanish moss,
used by tbe buds yeur ulter yeur for
t;eiieiutions. A ledge 011 a el 1 IV is also
11 common resting place, und out in Wy
oming uu eagle bus found a perfectly
sufe pluce to ruise its young 011 the Hut
top of u giuut rock. Tliu uest is in plum
view, out is linicecssible.
The L'uliloi 11 iu condor a bird with a
sweep of wing ten Icet from tip to lip,
and the largest bird of night in tbe
world, nut excepting the great Andes
condor is a species of much interest
to oologists from tbe extreme rarity
and vulue of its eirire. This eondor la
becoming extinct, like the grut auk; 1
und.usif it bud u forecustuf its impend
ing doom. It resorts to the most pre
cipitous inoiiniuiu. where, on some
viuggy ami pei liaps iuuccessible sleep,
it deposits its single egg of pule, green
ish blue In u cuve. Iut seven rgga ure
known In collections, und the value of
one (considering tbe probability ol the
gteut bird's curly extinction) is wry
fcreut. More than l,j(Ki bus been paid
lor u single ij-g of the great auk, ot
which there uie ts eggs in existence.
Aim-l ieu can claim two one at Vussur
college uuil one ut the aeiiilciiiy nf nat
ural sciences in I'liilailelpliui. The lut
ter colloctiuu u,.,i or niuny years
iinioiig tlie rurities au rgg ol I be Cull
forum condor, but It mjMU'rioualy die
upiteuicd a few yeiirs tigo, and it istnip-l-osed
some bcieutillu kleploiiiuiiiua
I bought it no am to transfer the treas
ure tu Ins own collection, where be la
holding it for a rise in price.
Information its to tbe nesting habits
of tbe luiiloiliiu condor bus been ex
crediiigly limited, and until Inil). whro
an cg wua tukeu for II. U. Tu lor, ed
itor of the .Vitliolugiat, liur-ggs ,ul Lwo
takrii aii.ee lite 'ioa. The liikliigof this
rgg abowrd I be nesting time to lie early
lu luy, and that but una reir la ini.l.
t be collector secured tbe great rgg alter
a Luminous climb down a loiar, which
lie hud fu ale lied lo a buab on (he bluff
above. The condor's rgg was fouii.l y.
lug in a hollow lu lb cuve, with a few
feulhera lor a neat. The condors bud
brcn frightened olf by the iliachurg of
the collector a gun. and fort mmiely did
not reluru while be wua luthcse. He
bud nut coiue pre pu led 0 mrry any
eggs, but lukiug oft 11 is shirt be h rapped
tu rgg lu It aud lowered It to the lajt
twin ol tbe ctiil, himself following It
Mr. Wallrr K. Ilri ant, for many 7aTs
cuielor ot birda In the California ai ad
rniy of aetriiera, allowed whut a col
lector umy endure for m-u-iic, ,u ni, 0f
bie esprtliliuiie to Lower talifoi nia.
uudii!oiir iki.iml. lying IV) nuk off
the roust ut Lower California, was al
tnuat au uukiiwwu territory to bird rtu
lie n I a, aud be drlei mined lo il It,
1 be island la uiiinlmiil-d. ami raarle
do aol uauullt WM urar II, aa
tut f n tiUHr U fore be liiuiitig.il liters
iwaauge uu a lirigbt a. hounrr. The
Un.lrU hi 111 with a aitpplyuf itrui iaeotta,
agreeing to relura fur bun In a week.
lite tsvea prvJ, but i,e aah..i.er
raiue aol. aud Wr. Itrteut found It lin
er if oiuiuousal. lie bad cwllvrlrd a large
lot of tare aatiuirn, and dtawtrrvd
erveial l.rw ea of bilua. frt.iu
l.rei having ma Hie face ! Utan. Kiutty
Of I he liifvla would las caught by hand,
iJvl ghWul aa the totalttiN wee Ivr the
enthusiastic ui uilhulogial, lla ieaal,d
Supply of !., i.ioii n.u.le hie pmiusi
on a loo. l) ixaiid uurittMbla. lie Mae
dn-d lu doting wa alielln-h ami h
birda aa be could as ute, and did silrt-
u la lue Ui.iuUud tutil lbrM weeks
aflerwerd. ls lite a hia.oer rtuii.
to tbe isUad aud Iowa ot tbe aaluialtsl
liaaaee IimbmsI WmI JlaJ,
This remark able li- rn ertmra from
tCcntiobvioUprart, Mc. Tbe Manor I dla
t.xJ wd J.n waa r!tl--alfd there
ryvnl. aal waa a aoUlde af7aby. Mr.
Manuel U aearly oua haadrad ao4 U n
yrars old. and bis wife la acrly aJd.
Tb4 tre.l.lift7 1 .sr .h rl -,U1 of a pro
or '.ll'.ft r.f e.u't!Sra is, ter brlta
tM lVf f.f K- in. '.-i .. et irt i1 sU
w 1 ! r .i !. .m : if 1 i " ; V
.. i, r I ii t 1 '
I it ' .0 1 1 J . 1 ii ii uu l..
I 4 v ' . -T "fc 1 1 , rn tl trfMts
L-aaa m il WVU lual fciNaaks
Highest of all in leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Polly Is a Great Favorite
with the Lone
Women. ;
Parrots have never been suspected
of having a mission in life but one has
been discovered for them in Brooklyn.
An attendant in a shop where animals
and birds are the stock in trade waa
asked if all the parrots that talked were
trained by sailors, says the New York
"Not at all," he said. " "If you should
come in here during the week follow
ing tho arrival of a cargo of parrots
you would .soon flod out that there are
a lot of women in New York who make
it almost a profession to train parrots.
The best customers wef have, however,
ure Ilrooklyn widows. ' There is one
woman who comes in after almost
every cargo we receive and buys at
least one or 'two carrots, sometimes
more, which she intends to teach to
talk. The women who do that ore
mostly widows. Ilowdolknow. Why,
they tell us so. And why do you sup
pose they want the parrots? It's for
company, they say. They say they are
lonely and the parrots are compuny,
because after they talk to them enough
the parrot talks back.
'That is why widows like parrots
better than' Canaries, they say. One in
Ilrooklyn keeps a little notion store
and sella candies. The children see the
parrot there and the parrot is speedily
sold and taken away aa soon as it can
nay two or three things. Then the
widow's lonclinesscomesoverheragain
and she comes In search of another
pupil in feathers. ' She gets three times
as much as she paid for the bird and If
it learns rapidly and has quite a num
ber of words or sings a song she gets
even more." So after all even Polly has
s mission. '
ab Aiieg-eu indication of Nervous De
rangement That Is Oheerved Commonly,
"When I went to a nerve sneclallHt
first," aald a man who was once an in
alid, "he told me that one way to judge
of the condition of a person's nerves
wos to watch bis thumbs. Ever since
that time I have found the greatest
fascination In looking at people's
thumbs. The doctor said that If they
moved Involuntarily outward it was a
sign that the nerves of that man or
woman were not In tho best condition.
1 find myself now sweeping the line
that site opposite me In a car, and If
Unit doctor's test Is a good one there is
a surprising number of people in his
low 11 whose nerves nerd looking nfu-r.
There ore few omong the women wlio do
not Involuntarily move the thumbs out
ward ot Intervals of every few minutes,
and when your attenl Ion has once been
attracted to It the process of watehlug
heir gloved hands grows very Interest
ing. I have found tbe habit much leas
frequent among men; but lake the av
irnge number ot women lit a cable ear
und it will lie a surprise to you to are
how many of (hem Indulge unconscious
ly In this little habit. I only hope It
dors not mean anything as aerloua aa
It might Indicate if that nerve special
lat'a diagnosis was a good one."
Molhers ttill find Clismberlslo'sCongb
Remedy repeolslly vslosbla for eronp
and whooping eoogh. Il will glee
ptr mpl relief aad Is aafa aed pleasant
w t bate sold II for several years aad il
ha never felted lo glee I ba moat per feci
ssllafseli'ifi. O. W. Illrbardi, I)iieoeDe,
Pa. Hold by Ooaaer 4 Crock, Diof fieta
"Hoy, are there any flab In this
pondr "IdoB tknow.elr." "Wbyara
you fishing In It, tbrnr To find out,
elr."N. Y. Herald.
"I ate a pleee of pie for ana, er last
night. "Ilow dhl yoa feel bra yoa
aeoke this morning f "I haven't brea
asleep yet" Once a Wrrk.
Custotnrr (In rraiauratit) "I've
forgotten what I wanted lo nrdrr, end
I bad It right on the tip of m) Inegue."
Wslur "What did you an, about a
tip, airr Philadelphia Trcord.
No fauae for Alarm. Me "Were
you alarmed, darling, when 1 kissed
you ao auddrnly in tbe rouse-Malory
last ftlfhir IerUnir-,'Not a bit. I
rather thought It aa vou.'" Ih-tmtt
I re Press,
- Millaon--f yon Ullete that the
souls of the dr ported tea enmrhunirate
with as after deaihT K Iby 0h,
yes; I frequently gt t letters from
friends who have rnosrd Philadel
phia" 1: liBliira
-niudeiit (hurtb-dly aervwting a
mat of his) -fiapMrl'it, there are a
ewiple of ereditora rlosveon lity beela."
lell.iw fttadent "Qubrk, ran Into iSe
aavlngs lank over I ha ej nolio-ly
III look foe you there."-I:tiUe At
tifsRAiM or Tim YH.
The liih-tiae iu b'ae sad amartinsr Irx-t-
deol to ecsssna, letter, aall-f beuat, srJ rt!o
daasaaaat of Ibe aaie SS Instantly aJUrvl j
t't'ltBf ( I saabaf Uia t l ie ! X
Oi;it. Many eery bad tawt kae bna
ajsraneaawlly eared br It. It la equally
erV4 tVe Its klne mum tral a fsmrila rsa
adf f snea alri4eai t haf rl hatds cliil.
Wsil-, fmsl Uls en I fheania ansa eye,
f rite he draeiMae et 2a tante p- U il
1'tftf. IVi'iCsti Iilet fi e-'era !t
r . 4 wh it 1 1 . t hi KSinUll i l.
te. iu , Um4 jxwiusl sad tiia,i,t,s,
wf abat f U'.rW L lwa(li((akt4)
WavWUW.41 aAy.
A Bartender's Experience Under Fire of a
Fusillade of Seltzer.
; "Do you know," said Billy Clark, of
the Grand hotel, to a Cincinnati Times
Star reporter, as a big seltzer bottle
fizzed and two or three men on the out
side elevated a foot each on the railing
and looked on, "that these seltzer
water bottles will explode easily?"
And the three men each put a foot down
on tho floor and moved slightly away.
"Sometimes just the temperature of tho
hand will do it, the warm hand, placed
against it while bringing it from a cold
room, or sometimes while lifting it ono
will strike it ugainst tho counter and it
will explode and the metal top will bo
driven with great force by tho gas.
One time, while at the Gibson, I refused
to give a man a drink. lie took it very
much to heart and went away vowirjjj
ho would get even with me. I had
turned about as ho went out and had
my back to him. Suddenly there camo
a Bound like a pistol shot. I tried to
turn around and couldn't, and I was
sure tho n:nn had carried his threat
into effect and had shot me. Directly
following tlint explosion camo another
and another, and there wns a rapid cut.
cesslon of explosions. Then I knew
the man had opened a regular fusillade
on me, and yet I was riveted to the spot.
I could not stir. I thought I had been
paralyzed by a bullet. Come to find out.
one of these seltzer water bottles in the
far end of tho counter had exploded
and the concussion had started the
other.., until all bed exploded thntwero
on that shelf. And the man had gone
away and I never saw him again. But
I never will forget my experience of
that night, when I was sure I had been
lie (who has lrcn frying to get rid
of her maiden aunt for the Inst hour)
"Your aunt reminds me of tho Dcfcna
cr." She "Defender, why?" lie
"Because she Is & single sticker."
rirooklyn Life.
The Ilia of Vt'oaiea. ' '
Oinslipatlou," cane mora Ihsn half
the ills of women. Karl's Clover Ilcot,
Tea ta a pleasant rnra fur Ootjslipatlon.
For a ile by Wells ft Warren.
Is a
ase Is the result ol colds sad
sudosn climatic chsngss.
It san be fared hy s pleasant
remedy which Isspplied di
rectly Into the nminls. He
ine nulrkly ausurusd it glvse
relief atone.
Ely's Cream Balm
I scknoaledf ed lo be the moat ttinrnneti cere fnr
Nsasl ( aurrh. Cold la Mead and Hay frever of all
meedlea. It nneo ""I tleania th a sal paassy-s,
allays pain and InSammailon. nrsla thasm, pro
tects Ih memtirsn from colds. rtnre the stire
af taaieand smell. Price sne. al Ihnvsislsnr hy mail,
XL If hUUlllKKa. M Wsrraa SUeat, haw txk.
for theul
ert them. tlanlX.'a
iTieiti. Tliry axe the A
tauitittd seeds every-
where: aovtn by the
laiitrralii tbcvt
Vour Face
Will a wreathed) with a most egtng
smile, after few Invest la a
trwu-eta witst its attf
the ent fn-le'e s4 asef! devkeiewf
sJ-U I id tnr sn,j aisklwst.
Tho WIHTi: U
Curility aBj lifjMfH! Cat!!,
Of? flat fiel.li tad ftrf tt ACjattntt,
tft ALL lew;
: Irticlft,
1 1 ', f t I
bout I ) m' :
'..! 4,
. , .1 1
t Tu
.. I. .m
las V-K'i
as si A
w - ar
fZ large.
of enxiiHl
have Kerr
111 inoal
arr" wi,rir (IU nianl lai-mare feet fl
ff of stii'iihI or Ml acres, yon sIkhiI4 Pj
i have Kerr ' a4 Aaanal for "US, M
B lli inoal Value l.le ImoK Inr far 3
niers aad eardener ever (ivaa Jj
away. Mailed free. JSf
D. M. F KM. II V A lOjty
W Detroit, u-jmr
CMlfciAuHl C