TUKNING GRAY AMD THREATENED WITH BALDNESS The Dangei is Averted by Using "Xearly forty years ago, after some weeks of sickness, my hair turned gray and began falling out so rapidly that I was threatened with immediate baldness. Hearing .Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of, 1 commenced using this prepara- C ."tn'-v-jyl Here and There. Mra. Ed Rood is reported as being ill. He Dry HappDer is down at Portland. Simiaoo is over from the John Pell Day. Don't forget brate. that Heppner will cele- Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., baa wood for sale. 37-tf. Mra. Al Windsor ia quite ill at home below town. ber Pat Bsrry and departed for Idabo. Jack Murray have Wiley Wattenbnrger was oyer from Galloway last Saturday. . Harrieon Cnmmirjgs came over from Hardmnu Saturday Inst. fyitiFt SMUStWVci u ra t . ;1. 1f tkn, and was so well satisfied with the result that I have never tried tiny other kind of dressing. It stop ped the hair from falling out, stimu lated a new growth of hair.andkept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of Ayer's medicines to my friends." Mrs. II. M. IIaight, Avoca, Neb. er's Hair Vigor PREPARED I1Y DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U. S. A. Ayer's SaruajmrlUa Remove! l'lmpla. rira' CALENDAR jasa 7 14 L2SJ G ambrinus Beer, FvwHALF PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drinkable Liquor and Smokable CI art. Call en Tad. Jake Young and family were oyer from Eight mile last Saturday. Joe Eskalson was in from the Lexing ton oountry last Saturday. Mrs. Andy Stevenson returned from a visit to PendUton last Friday. Nels Jones was in from bis Butter creek possessions last Saturday. Miss Maguie Adkins is 111 up at tbe residi-noe ot Key. C. 11. Howard. Andrew Rood and H. Soberzinger were visitors to Ueppuer lust Saturday. Ioe cream dinners at tbe Grand Oen tral every Saturday at 25 cents. 47-50 J. M. Russell, ot J. M. Russell & Oo., was in Heppner Sunday and yesterday Drink tbe celebrated J..H. Gutter whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'. A. Andrews reports baying in progress down in tbe northern part of tbe county. A. 11. McEwan, representing Mason, barman & (Jo., was in Heppner Satur day. Henry Blackwell leaves today for Port land to meet Tacoma parties on a beef deal. The ladies of tbe M. E. cbnrob, South, will serve strawberries and ioe cream on July 4th. Mrs. 0. Cate aud ber daughter. Miss Bertha, arrived from Walla Walla on last Saturday. Mr. J. E. Jones, one of Eight Mile's prosperous turmers, was in Heppner Sat urday last. Born To the wife ot Geo. Kirk, on Rhea creek, Sunday, Jnue 14, 1833, a 9 pouuu Kin. , 1 Peter Deardoff and Tommy Hilson were over from Loon Crotk last Fridoy for merchandise. Miss Msry McSwords is ill with mea sles. Little RazA Morrow is reported to be similarly bllltcttd. Frank A. Hart. nephew of Jobu H. Edwards, is visiting the folks at their borne out in Sand Hollow. Mrs. George Aiken has received word from Keutuoky of tbe fatal burning of ber mother, Mrs. Foster Adams. Mra. E. Minor and daughter. Miss Ada, left oo last eveuing's (rain for Hood River to visit Mrs. W. B. Potter. Emil GrotkoDD Is in from Soring Hol low today. He informs the Gazette that the Spring Hollow road is being repaired. E L. Freeland as commissioner ot tbe U. 8. Ulroult court, ia prepared to atoa4 to land business and lake final proofs. If Osmao Hager returned this morning from Eugene where be baa been tbe past nme mouths attending tbe state univer Gns Hale returned this morning from l'ortland after an sbsflnoe of two weeks tlo reports things lively ii tbe metrop olis. Nerves are weak, many people say, ana yet mey do not seem to know that they ate literally starving their nerves. "Weak, pa!c, thin blood can not give proper sustenance that is why you mo nervous, tired, exhausted. The cure for this condition is to purify, vitalize and enrich your blood. Take Hood's Sarsuparilla fairly and faitlifully, and the rich, red blood, Which it makes, will soon feed the nerves the elements of true strength they require; they will cease their agi tation and will resume their proper place being under the control in stead of controlling the brain and body. Read Miss Bartley's letter: "I want to express my gratitude for what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me. My health has been very poor for three yearB, due to trouble with my K raeys I was nervous, had pains in my back. I cannot tell what I suffered.' My eyesight became affected and I was so despondent I did not have any interest in life. I bad two physicians, but my complaints be came worse. I was told that I was affected With Bright's disease. A relative urged me to try Hood's SarBaparilla. I did so and in a short time I began to notice a change in my condition. Things began to appear brighter, my eyes improved and A WONDERFUL MACHINE. Svuy Back did not trouble me so severely. My appe tite returned and I gained strength every day. I am now able to do my own work, and feel perfectly well. I cannot find words to express my gratitude for what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me and I gladly recommend it." Miss Ella Bart ley, 213 8. Grant Ave., Columbus, Ohio. In Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $ I. Prepared only by C. L. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. D. A. Herrea Visits Soda Bprincs, Idaho, to I Witness tbe Work of a Shearing Machine. Most ot our people have seen the shearing machine in wbioh Mr. D. A. Herreo, of this plaoe ia interested, or, in other words, tbe olipper that takes tbe plaoe of the shears. Recently Mr. Her ren was summoned up to Soda Springs, Idaho, by Mr. Holliday, the general agent, to witness its work. Mr. Herren was present at one day's shearing. Tbe plant could shear twenty five sheep at once and the day's work was 1,600 head, but nearly all of the shearers were in experienced men who bad never sheared at all. One Montana shearer of much experience in tbe old way, "sheared out" 120 head. The sheep when finished looked like they bad been turned out of wood, there were no out Bheep and no out fibre. Wool sheared by machine commands oents per pound more tbau that sheared by hand, and there is a saving ot at least l1 pounds ot wool to every sheep over the old plan. These are items worth con sidering. Shearers will not fight tbe machine because it is not oppposed to labor. It takes just as many men as tbe old plan ot shearing, it is easier work and the shearers get tbe same prioe per bead as when shearing by band. They are nnder no expense tor buying shears, oil-stones, files, oil, eto. Tbe plant at Soda Springs is owned by a merchant. He charges tbe sheep men 7 oents per bead for shearing, 5 cents going to the shearer and 2 cents to tbe machine. Considering the saving of wool, the better oonditinn ot the wool when ebeared and its greater value owing to tbe fact that no fibre is injured in shearing, the shearing maohine is bound to beoome popular. One or more plants may be established in Morrow oounty by next season. Bark Acie. John Royse got back to Usrdmao Sat urday last from a trip to the vslby and to Portland. lie traveled as far as Tbe Dalle. overlaud. returning tbe same w7. giving him ao abundant opportu nity to tbe condition ot our neigh boring Oonntics. Crops are fine Id Was eo, Sherman and Gilliam, and are squal ly as good in Morrow. John enjoyed his viit immensely, bating been goua aiuce Tuesday, Jons 4'h. Mr. Koyse wu io towo yesterday and talks encouragingly ot tba outlook in tbe Usrdmsn section. I'erfeet W Initial Would siva na perfect health. Be cams men and women are not perfectly wise, they must take medicine to keep themselves perfectly bt-althy. Pure, rlob blood Is tba baais ot good health Hood'a Harsaparilla l the One True Blood PunQr. It gives good health baoause it builds op the tros fjoode- llon pura b'ood. Hood's Mils are ourelv veffetsbl. per fottlv harmless, always tellable and beoefldeL Tfct Large! Vet. Tba largest ota ever polled lo Ante lope product wae east last M jo Joy. l'tt legal voters bating f lereieed the right of auffrags lo tba booths wbicb were fit 4 op lo the Maonlo hall. Not nssriy aa much interest as uanai waa takes, to the election, nearly all feeling it their doty to support tba repoblleea boni Bee. The Nartbnp eentiraenl wss qntt slroeg amongat a grest many of tba sheepmen, and It was thought that to prveinet wool.! earry lr tba ibdrpva daot eandidato, lint In returns sbo that be g"t cot qiit one third ot tbt vol. east. Hr.&iy arf rpublieas ILnnahl as did tba lloralJ-lbal it aa Mtoir duly t slay aitti tba tnuUf m lata of Ihtif paM.-ilffal i. Heppner In the Race. Newt Whetstone and J. F. Willis got back Sunday from the G. A. R. encamp ment at Independent), Of. They had a plendid time and io tbe race for tbe: plaoe of holding tbe next meeting, Hepp ner got 17 votes, aooording to tbe Ore gonian, though Mr. Willis claims that it was 23. Heppoer is always "in it." A healthy appetite, with Derfeot dices- tioo and assimilation, may beseoured bv the nse ot Ayer's Pills. They olesnse and strengthen tbe whole alimentary canal and remove all obitrnotions to tbe natural functions of either sex, without any unpleasant effects. Clate Hioton end Chas. Gentry came in from Umatilla Saturday having ao- oumpauied tbe Blaokwell cattle down to tbat town. For t-1 M I will sell a (!'! cla, b ib t r.W, bti arm 'o marhloe gusrao. ImhI for ID yfa. tut fottf paltiro Ure call on or eUre, N. A. Mrb, ttUfnB. OlM' O. SM-tf. M.ffted I.ut t)ir.(. Jiiria l'i ti, at Ida II. E. I.arauoas, ut iU i-", Ut. ttja. Cor tia, of !, Ksa, aad Mia Ada ba,tl llerP"'. i"Dd la bnly wedl k, ll-v. I'.. T. r if .fiaiag lit er in the piM Kfaltw fri-oJs ahd fUti. Mr. Cortts ba Ua to Mmmi onif l"f tb tt Ibraa yra and ba t-f-a ttu.li boooeabla, ntriMl l f.sa aed a t.ioriga gtnlMa In rfrt. Miaa Btisa ia tba dsagW'f f M a f Mra. C A. tb a, if Kta trs. sa l ia tf ell banaa sal m-t !.'.'; .-!. Tb yotiatf ri;'e. t. ! ' i l -f 'l. w,;i u-.tui uk p '' Utrtue. Kmu, It-y .l.t t h4 f U lb. l.4a, aaJ t"ui y tba Uta tiai. The Gnzstta was rrpresented out io the Rhea eretk seotion last Sunday and most say tbat orcps are looking exceed- lugly well. J. U. Edwards and son, Osoar, scoom paoied by F. A. Hart, ot nalla Walla, were visitors at lbs Uasatta a borne raoob last Hat ur Jay. "Gov," Rea waa out to Grange Hall last Saturday aud reports Sua crops everywhere. Dr. Shipley brings lo similar report. John Koyse was down from Hard men yeatardai morning. Mr. llvss returned Satur Jay from an entsaded visit to lhe Dalles aud Portland. Miss Eva Urlans and "Doo" Matlock returned boina this murolug from Moo motttb a bare tbey have beso atteoding acboul the past olue Booths. Tom Williams 'elt Friday for Long Creek wilb a load of beer and soda. Tom spent most of the past weak ia lisppnsr liMikiog after bosiaess mittsrs. Word enniea from all quarters tbat tba uoatet and most satnlaotorv dye tor eol- ortug lbs beard a hrjao or black ia Uuok iogliama lya for the Whiskers. The air waa eboks full of flabiosr talk last ttooday aud out a few vantarad oat. but tite wily trout rsfussd to be allured from his watery borne to tbe basket, to soy great bomber. Tbomaa Nalaon and nx Iber are roo log Ilia Wbita hotel sod restaurant to Priidletoo. Vho o go tbsre give Ibemaeall. 1 hey will treat yon rttfbt B7-ir, Commoaiiig oo Jaly Xl tba O. It. N. Co. will eH rouJ trip ticku Ut aoy point oiibio aw eailsa al on tare Lx tha rouu.l trip. T.ckela are good to aad la oluliug tb C;huf July. If-July a. Ve Hintoa, Rmtoo Hlaw, John O klofi by, Hill Hlarratl and Urn Hatok wrr atBa tb tlraol eounty boys o brra ftr framhl lst wk. Tbr all grooibta abcut bad ruaJs ane tba luottbUlo. i. W. Curl la la tna fr tba parpoe of repairing atid cleaning eeoleg aaa ahiaaa. lis onmo well touarBnJl ia Itat iioa auJ oor pMpla alii do !! to patiOOit bim. lie alao aella a aorapoood fr cleaning alotbieg, aaJ tbaU-aaMa ill say Ibat It Wuik wall. The alar as of fire was eae lJ a boat (kiii yrdy an t iba blass a a foaad to be to I It. II attop's SUM. Tboa-a iba bay waa ail e.n, ioe Ira O-.ys mad l.rl work of it aad a4 ti.s buii'tms-. H aU boys aal makba are Siipp J la be Iba eaaae. I'bit (Jearhar. sarwrlaleadatil of at tUiuo Ml fur to Mrwagbi Ira ruoga Ouu, n. Luata, Mt , an I L K. Uoaa, a salnmaa. wtra la llppr Jeatday. 11 0siu ta ufi.rn4 that a gee of me aa4 iba iioy of Iba tae e9 (py aill ahoe-tly aerk tbta Umlory. With Iba bl eM fall of basses. Iba bi Urn I ail tb aara oppeaMite. Ili lb i,m a Iboroafb aroaiag lib Afe' frai wi.ta al a ' ' I... . f A) er a ai . I a will , t im ')- a fcettr tli la ' lit. Jatltf IN I 4 n, eef "H v4 (at it tlOOa S PHIS take.e.-ir.ytoo-K-.nno. 250. DRS. DARRIN, SPECIALISTS. A Natural Beantifler. Earl's Clover Root Tea purifies the blood and give a dear and beautiful complexion. For sale by Wells & Warren. What a Wool Has Bays. J. M. Russell, of lhe wool firm ot J. M. Russell k Co., of Portland, Or., was in town Sunday and yesterday. Mr. Rus sell Informed the Gazette that be was of the opinion tbat there would be but few sales of wool here for tbe next two or three weeks owing to the oondilion ot money matters. He also stated tbat be thought prices wculd be better later on and, perhaps, much better in the fall. Tbe Gazette Is not lo tbe wool business but would like to see our peopls get all they csn for their clips, but tbey should be guided by their knowledge ot tba boa loess and saoording to tbe outlook a they see it TUE SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. The eleventh annual S. S. oonveution was held at Petteys' grove last Thurs day. Tbe weather was pleasant, the con vention was well attended and all en joyed themselves thoroughly. The following program was well ren dered : HOKNINO HR8BI0N. Devotional sorvices.....led by Rev. E. P. Greene Singing Oozology Normal Work In Intermediate CUmeV'.. Miss Altha Leach Song Liberty 8. S. Why Do Not more Young People Attend Sunday School?" ......... Kev. E. P. Orecne nng Douglas 8. 8. "What Are Sunday School Convention! . ion" .. s. Horner Song Heppner Chrlttlan 8. 8. "Temperance Work In the Sunnay Bchooli" inaa. rroelana Song.... by tbe two Methodlut H. S.'iol Heppner Dinner. AFTKKNOOM kesmom. WHEBEOIlKUONsTANPa. The doctors are meeting with great success io Taooma, Walla Walla, and in Lewiston, Idaho. So great is tbe press of business tbat tbe days are not long enough for the dootora to attend to the many calls. One ot tbe doctors will be in Heppner, Or., at tbe Polace Hotel from June 20th to July 15th. The efflicted will find it to their Inter est to visit the doctor, as he may never visit these towns again. Their mode ot treatment is principally by eleotrioity and medioines. Read the oures: Ed Hynes, Albino, Or., oatarrbal deaf ness, restored. P. C. MoFarlaoe, Vancouver, Wash., scistioa rbematism, uured. Thomas Buff, Mooksburg, Or., dizzi ness, kidney and liver complaint, restor ed. J. R. Cunningham, Wapanitia, Wosoo county, Or., total deafness two years in one ear and partially so in the other, oured. Mrs. J. E. Smith, Prineville, Ore., ner vous debility and general weakness, al most bordering on insanity, restored. Henson MoCoy, Tbe Dalles, Or., deaf ness and terrible pain in tbe ear and neaa ior six montns, until be was near ly orazy, restlessness and insomnia. Re stored to health by eleotricity after all other treatments had tailed. Dits. dabrin'b specialties and place of BUSINESS. Dr. Darrin oures permanently all dis eases ot tbe geoito-orinsry organs, in either sex, such as loss ot manhood, syphilis, fcleet, gonorrhoea, stricture, spermatorrhoea, seminal weakness, and loss of Bexual power io man or woman, and successfully treats all peouliar fe male troubles, lucorrboea, displace ments, eto. He makes a specialty ot all diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, catarrh and deafness, as well as aonte, chronic and nervous diseases of what ever nature, if ournble. No case taken it not. Dr. Darrin can be oonsulted at the Palace Hotel, Heppner, Or., where be will remain from June 20th to July 15th. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. dai ly. Charges low aud reasonable, accord ing to ab'lity lo pay. Most oases can be treated at home after one visit to the dootnr's office. All business relations with Dr. Darrin arestriotly confidential. you I'LL. HAVI nothing BUT THE GENUINE Vou will And one coupon Inside each two ounce bag and two coupons inside each fourouncebagofBlockweU's Durham. Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read tbe coupon which gives a list of valuable presents and how to get them. Been from Bt Helens SI tit. The result ot tha Orogun election tor Dishes food for much redaction, aod tba mora one ladies the situation tba mors thoroughly be most become oooviocsd that tha tariff was not tba object opoo wbicb tba people of tbla ststa bad tbstr miods Iliad this year. Tba vote does ool Btoessarily mean Ibat Oregon is for tba free and unlimited eoloage of silver, but Iba people hive asld lo emphatic terms tbat tbey are opposed to tba gold ataod ard, and (sror lbs election of Jobo 11, Mitebell to lbs United Htatea aenata For instance, In tba aeoood aoograosioo at district. North up, Iba aiogla standard eaodldale, only reoulfeJ 8Y.2 ont of a to tal of 40.&?$ vol, or fraetioo over one-fifth of Iba entire vols, Soma will argue that Ibis la not a fair lat of strength bone many gold atandard republicans voted for Ellis, be beiog tba regular nomine, and Ibis, of oourse. is Ira bat It I none tba lea Irn tbat many gold standard democrat fated for Ncrthnp. Laevtog tbla question, Ut o look at tha vol lo tba Oral dittrict. Oat of a total aula of 47,071 Tonga, the gold stsodard can tidal rr!vd M vole, Of KV.2 ) than Ibal t for Iba oppo sition. Ii moat also be adJed beta that Mr. Tongi, being tba regular aad only rfnbllra nomlee, b rrivd I boo tanji of repnhlicsa frea silver vol a II aa roaay votes from g'dd etandstd draw-ret. It ia tb first dialrict lbr bad bees ft fr sliver rspubliran mo oing independent, aa JaJga Nttbep a tanning la tbie diatriet, Ur. foogae wnold hardly bate soon be waa la tba re, 'ib leMria ( Jen I lot t yoad aay shadow of dnabl wMre Iba paople U Or a slaad apoa Iba ,aa- I Kin rif Bnrria, sad atao Opos lit ir rblo f 'f lalleJ Hates aeeettr. For your Protection. Catarrh "Ctres" or Ionics for Catarrh in liquid form to be taken internally, usually contain either Mercury or Iodide of riitumui, or both, which are injur ious if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not a blood disease, cuuncd by sudden change to cold or dump wnuther. It starts iu the nasal puasages, affecting eyes, earn aud throat. Cold in the head causes excessive flow of mucus, and, if repeatedly noglocb d, the re sults of cuturrh will follow j severe pain in the bead, a roaring sound ia the eurs. lied Virpntll. anrl fiftntitlmna an nffi.nulvn flia- Bunnav winooi isaener ... mra. i.. i-i. reca t i i. .1 . t i 1 I rollowea by sirs. A. Ainuauga. K.iirini(j vmo gong , ..lone 8. 8. I lu,wa vroumoa aim goduiui no uinnmry Orowth and Outlook olths Sunday Schools uur uy mjuriuus uru8. a rice, ou ceui ol Morrow County" A. W. Balalger Solo Rov. E. P. Oreens Kecltatlon Harris Allyn Kecltatlon... Myrtls Mitchell Keportaof Bunilay School! Reports of Committees. The following officers were elect s for tbe ensuing year: Pres., J. J. Adkins; Vice Pres . A. W. Balsiger; Rro. Sec, W. L Baling; Oor. Sro Cbss. E. Free- land; Treat., Misa Maggie Adkins; Lx. Com., Mrs. J. D. Brown, Mr. Mary Ely, Misa Altha Lescb, Miss Anna J. Ual- siger. Tba next annual meeting will bo bald at Petteys' grove on tbe first Thursdsy n June, 1837. HAVE YOU HEAED THAT TH i: KE'8 mmMMr a Changs in Business All Around ? ED. R. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at Wholesale Slaitter Prices ! REGARDLESS OF COST. All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are beiDg sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. ED. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Suleiman. Gilliam & Bisbee ANNUAL FLOWF.lt MIHtlON. We are not small men, lbs. We are small men, jCs. we are not me Largest iHpts w tuelM But when the peopls of all the surrounding country are tn need of Hardware, Tinware, Crockeryware, Glaaaware, Wood and Wlllowware.fcalli, Iron, Barbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Oaai and Water Pipe, ripe Pitting!, Htovca and Ranges, Wagona, Barks, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axei, Hammers, Saws, Sledges, Wedges, Uuns, Plitoli, Cartridges and Ammunition, Maann Jars, (Iran Itewsrs, Plows, Harrows, Raket. Moweri, TuU. Waah Boilleri and Boardi, Hlieet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., - (3Uu -oil mnA TT.vaminA nnr (litrulti anil Get Trices.- Wa havs Oooo floods at Fais frlcea, and Cheap Inhn Goods at Chop John Prices. Now the "Caudlilate" la out of date. The crops era looking Bus; II Is treat to tlw the wheal, Tb melon on the vine. The born ol plenty's In the Isnd, But tbs horn (or which we ilih la s winning last and s brimming glaas Ot Hperrys "Unwood Rye." H ild only at lb Belvrder Halttoo. MlTl im.L VlMfS MrKIM.KY. Waablngloo dispatch of Monday says: Senator Mitchell baa J oat returned from Canton, wber h baa been to Tiait daughter, aho bas ben qulta III. Wbila io Canton, tha t)ron aenab r bad a long interview with Major MeKluU). but says Ibat, of core, b aoald not repaat Ib a-nvrsll'in. rUoalor Mttob all and Msjur Mi Kinley ars old frlod, bio aeqnslnUiI bfira tba major ao tared pobllo llf. Has I to IH.VI, Hens lor Mitchell mails a polities! reoh lo a tooo near CaoUo( and Msjr Mi Klotey aa ooa of bis auditors. Daring thlr maverestioa Ib blber day tb Hoator remarked lo tba Maj r: "It doa'l sra t ma Ibst tblaga ar jml oty divided. No bero I am ll than yoa, bava bee a la oabho lif longer and yet yoa ara a g k1 aa ontol baud and ltd rei lent aba 1 bava m..l bt ail r.t. laafl ff,, mm !." A barrel iba mJ r aonlxj, bat tfid not dwlara btwaelf a on lrn. "Jennla Casssdny Flower Mission" day was observed in a suitable msuoer by the W. U T. D. at the M. K. chnroh on Sunday night. As mlht bsve bwu ei pooled tha an- tertaiometit ass of tha highrst order, earth number contributing lo tbegooeral harmonious effect. The preiuleot ot Heppner Union, airs. Drew, in opening tbs program gave aome tonching incidents from hr owo know ledgs of the sweet and chnoriug I'ifliienoc of flowers in hospital aod prison. A paper which wss read gave to those unfamiliar with lbs subject a olesr un derstanding of tha origin of tbs enstnm of Ibis orgsniittioo ot oemg fl iwsrs, tba fair! and sweetest of Qjd's creation, ss minilira t j tha lowly aud helpless front whatever Cauaa, Wbll would Dot inakt invidirns diatlnetions, and yet oannot mention satb bomber aeparstely, the pioa by four little girl with baskets of fliwere ss particularly pleasing. Tbe Union would earnestly thank Iba pastor of Iba ebureb and all others, eepeolally Iboaa frienls out coiinettad ilh the Union, for tbair cheerful eseiet. aura and liberal gifle from their store ol "Munia aud ber sister, Hong." CoHTSISI TIW v jMIN STREET - IlEL'PNICU. OREGON WOOLGliOWEliS! Tbe wool market ia not yet aflVcted by tbe McKinley boom, aud reports are not encouraging. We bave ample storage capacity at he mwmw WAREHOUSE r tbose who desire to bold for higher prices, and by introducing Eastern buyers, accuro for tlioae who wish to soil, the higheat market price. We pay teamMterg and bold wool subject to order. No commission charged lot selling. We pay highest price for bides aud thcrp pelts. Rolled barley and feed for tenmsters. We Are fluents lor little's dip, The beat aheop dip tn the mnrki t. We have 5,000 abinglea which we will sell at coat Mark your wool Q) and direct teamster to lower wnrehotmn. Mother will find Cbaroberlaia'aConib lUrnrilf sapeeially valuaiMs for aronp and oboopiog a'ingii. It will giva pinmpt relief aod la safe aod pleasant We bava sold II for several tears aad II has never failed Ia yte Iba met perfect aatlataetion. O. W. Itfbanl, iHiiteaaa, l a. Hold by toteef lirork, Diuggista Heppner, Or. R. F. HYND, AUnaacr. Oh! Where Did You Get Them Pants? i) If it reil'ed aa aanaal oatlay of ta laser a fslly sgaiaet any eerioes aooeea.aeeor from aa attack of bowel ca)platil dorieg tba year tbre ar saa ar oho woal l fl ti thtr defy lo pay II; ibal II y cld aol a9ed to risk their Uvea, aad lbea of their faq.ly fn aeb aa aasoaal. Aaynaa eo get tbla insor saea fof 23 osnu. Ibal Uiog Iba i-rtos of I txriOe tj Coseabarlaio'e Viis, C k -lf a i aad diarrWiwa kamady. Ia lwl ! '' ry MUtiW bMl " owe ba died . , frA aa aMaak of boel enpliat t- f .r wdvo raH b pnra4 rhf i' tan enitiirt'i'!, or ! d"s if tt.n rml f ali ear Sot fl mif , ll fa l. t)a oaT.i te lake lb rk It easail aa ei'.alf t rf saia by 0ar A brok, Um si. Tilt UH.irAbfAMMDAU McKinley la Ib logical rsndidsle of Ib repaldieso party. II esa Inspire tbe party with Ibat Oonfl.leoea thai bo Otbef Oeednlat eao. Tba bislaea een feel abd say thai aith McKinley aa tbe i.didte af Ib repoblw an prolerttoa late party aod tba aaaofaae .f victory ohleb kie aaadl lay woolJ es'ry, boal. Oeaa aoald Sf l fro-w iba m no en I Iba repablioaa pany aboald aoaoanr bies a Ha eb"k fof standard baarar. Me Kinley wnuM lx platform of prlert- ple httoaelf, and try Ameriraa bo roahvrs lb gond times wbea Iba Ms- matey tana wss it operate, aa I ap preelal-l Ha bearfl s, wiol 1 raMy a r Iba lealef.Mp af p'oUeiiort' tbmplaj I sad ssareb U sar, Irreeietsbla a I all- saarwina reps'rieg. wagts work. In faal -weieg 9mUtf embs 8a !, anylbieg la biliolrea'ieab. rbfss ; II will gi a sa alnteletrela Ibal aad stifrlKa gaaraaiet. it tl lallUa Ao'erwan will fe pwl t,t, sad will ro.i1.r (t aa a ear. "I a C a.Hb 4 but,, opp"t T. G.la-SKlMMoKiaUvia wo "-W. M Tbopo O 'e. is ka)s9anera foi ste'Hp. Ilotlaad, H. T. Ssfawa dors. Window serwea, st. Call ) - i tm ibsi fof all wk la It a baa ot mo- Utttsft Llsf li.l teaktag. aalrtak.s aad pH-we . ...... f..,x i I '" i, mm and Iif eomplaial yoa bsvs a printed tnaraske a every txtlle of Mt.il h's Vita' iter Heave fails ia ear tut sale by Walla A Werrfl. I bll Cba ta aaa4d wilb Ibe 6rse4 1 1. Ileppoaf A C . ta Iba for warding boeiaea. Tb pay Iba Mf Leal easrkei prira I r plis and bidra aod as- leo I It all forwarrling. W. P. rVritnef la prepared lo do all kind of blaskamttbiag, bneaee hoeing. Ik.M I aril fllnmaefa, arwl ae rliiif mil Iholr fiirnl.lilnf it1a and are Slils aya Orm-eilra, II.Maaie, liaaare e4 u(i.r Uilnta. Fatronaoe Solicited. Satlslactlon Guaranteed. W EN Gil SH . B U SI NES 'I " t Rtrratai vrsTlf D jit KJlMh IW. CbarUy Joae. t well-kaaw) "t.!4 m. I ai 4i- lt" In lf.a tne.tlal baa, b sia - lia k.l. ia Hertzes. b ..eb-.d ' r Im Malliewe' eU.p, M t" Ixi llieg Hi i a ftfl t-4,if f Usv Mbjif -J Vif-'M mm I I LL t ViLCM Cottsr. H'irKriftsrj, SMoltfitA.'.t), TlLf r.nAIMY. i1 r mnm tmmuvmis kpfer I' "tl. I I. alley fxit a fail be ia l0 v. - i . . St ll jlllis rallfM .AMES m I r a i, ii. ... r, at. NOTARY PUBLIC -CONVEYANCER 1AM. CaaIUM