The Boltecoinan ia still mourn- and Joe Simon. The time is past ing over the defeat of ex-Senator when it is necessary to "hunt up DoIdL Dolph doesn t deserve Joe to see who can run for omce, his son, Chester, to circulate one , HeppMf Mta of the Northup petitions Port- J' fire.8' &nov' Tbat 18 one land and is an old traitor, unless g Bure" people lie fearfully. Any man Jt Jg fearedthat there will be a who will go into a convention frQm fte gL Loaia convention The Law Partner of Congressman W. R Ellii Talks Briefly. over the silver question. either as candidate or as a delegate and then jump the ticket just be cause he is frustrated in his plans jT looks like McKinley could is as big a traitor m principle as not De beaten for nominatien, but was Benedict Arnold. If he assists tD6 unexpected sometimes hap- to help nominate a man that he pens, knows he will fight for election he does somethbfz that the midnight The Oregonian need not worry robber and assassin would not stoop &but Mitchell. He'll be re-elected to. The Gazette thinks that with votes to spare. Tillamook Harvey Scott, Dolph and that gaug Headlight are a lot of political pirates and that they would stoop to anything in politics. Well done, Oregon. Level headed people out there. They are just as tired as anybody of the OCTLOOK IN OREGON. From the W. W. Union. Tbomas Lyons, of Heppner. a law partner of W. R. Ellis, wbo was recently re-elected as congressman from Oregon, accompanied by bis brother, John Lyons, is in the oity. Mr. Lyons states tbat politics in Oregon ezoited considerable iuterest daring tbe recent eleotion, bat be is of tbe opinion tbat the state will go republican in tbe presidential oampaiga. Speaking on tbe recent eleotion, Mr. Lyons expressed tbe opioioo tbat the state of Oregon on a straight issue be tween free silver and tbe gold standard, is nndonbtedly for the former. Bat tak ing tbe financial question with the tariff question, the republicans will be very likely to oarry the state. Both gentlemen will remain in tbe oity for several days visiting relatives. Filesl Plies! Itching Files. bymptoms Moisture; intense ltohing and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continne tumors form, which often bleed and ulcerate, becoming very sore. Swaynb b Ointment stops tbe itching and bleed- CLOSING OUT SALE! TT" GRANT COUNTY ITEMS. Geant County has always grum- present run of national affairs. bled much about Morrow county Inter Ocean. sheeD eating out their government crass. Of late years Grant county The Oregonian is "gaily" enough . heals ulceration, and in most oases . , . . I. . ... , j. i i: ;i t removes the tumors, At druggists, or Bheep are oiten driven over mio 10 msiei upon uiBinuuuug us by mail, for 50oents. Dr.Swayne Son, Morrow county for shearing, eat- advice to republicans. Gen. Weav- Philadelphia. ing out range that is needed by er has just as much right to advise teamsters for their horses, and in republicans as to their duty to some places filling in grades with party. rocks. But God made grass to crow on Uncle Sam's land, and our Tbe Oregonian is as yet incon. r. i i. i . v :t.i I anli. W a rViVtpn tvna hnutan for urani county ineuun uavo ngut, - branded about 1500 bead at Umatilla and to come here if they desire to do mayor of Portland and Ellis was droye on ,o Wa,la,a Janoti from so. There is also a certain amount elected. Itis is enougn to KnocK wbicn piBCe they wm Bhp 1.1 10 I ! I. 11 of wear and tear on roads and su- tne courage out or. a traitor bb doio h ia Baid tbat the Greenhorn range r,0,;onPI nnn An nntViinfy aIba hnt. as Scott, will be oovered with prospeotors and tr " We invite your attention to our Immense Line of Summer Dress Goods of the Very Latest Styles. Our Salesman, Price, who reco'g nizes no cost or value, will offer these goods 3elow tie Regular Mart Tale a Lool at Tlese Goods, You can find a Bargain it) teny Away From the Eagle. Mel Dustin returned Wednesday even- wenwith aerbeVs band of oattie. Tbev We have a Large Line of Glassware, Crockery and Tinware that we closing out. Don't buy these goods till you see our prices. are STOCK BRANDS. While you e.eep your subscription paid np yen can keep your brand in tree of charge. in.. T 1 . Inn. Or. Horiee GO on left shoulder; cattle eame on left hip, nnder bit on rifrht ear, ana npper on on uu u.v, row county. Baird. D. W. and son. Horses branded D H on the left, hip; esitle the sa-ns i on lew nan, crop off right ear, nndercrop in the left, liange in Morrow County. Bartholamew, A. G., AJp'oi, r- Horses branded T Eon either ehonlder. Bancein Mor row oountr ,.. . - riannister, J. W., Hardman, Or.-CattJe brand, ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner. Peter, (iooseberry Oregon Horses branded F B on left shoulder. Cattle same on right eide. n umj. . Hroeman, jerry, ueun, ""'T V ij on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear nan crop nnu "r" ""fi Barton, Wm.. Heppner, Or.-Horses, J Bon right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in eaBrown J. C, Heppner, Or.-Horsee. oircle 0 with dot in oeUer on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W. bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. n n- iwvr brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in BBorTp O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left shoulder; csto.e onleft hip. ed rigTOeV (thr"bars)on right ribeVcrop and split in each ear. Range in Grant and Borrow counties. , and onTeft stifle on all colts nnder 8 years; or, left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Grant county. K C on right should.; cattle same on right hip. Hanee Morrow and Umatilla nounties ConigalUM M, Oalloway, Or-Cattle crop out f fachear and onderbit, wattle in forehead; horses half circle C on left stifle. Range Mor ow and Umatilla oonnties. Curl T. H." John Iay. Or.-Double cross on nach hip on oattle, swallow fork and nndei bit oacn mp uuu , iftear. Range in Grant in nmn, T"' i nH nor noint conntT. on shoulder. repair them. To the casual ob server who has no Bheep and no money with which to buy any it seems that it is about "boss and boss" between Grant and Morrow counties. minors during the summer. .Its mineral THE friends of Hon. W. B. Ellis possibilities are sreat and all tbat it re- i I 1 1 I 1 .tla. . a t A I rejoice that ne nas again ueen quires is ine ennsimeni 01 oapum io ,.Vi-cior Ir, ronroaont thia Ua.trir. in render congress. His victory wasone of the createst ever won in Oregon. The Yours for Cash it one of the greatest mining centers west of Colorado. J. O. Maddock, of Qoldendale, Wash., m roailani n TTannnar has M . I M I. A J 1- J-.-l. -- eri ing Dremren woo irieu w ueLeai 0Mved informati0 that his nncle. Nixon him can now come home to the old Palmer, a mining engineer, was recently roost maisaored in Boutb Afriou by the natives. He went to Africa last November in tbe WrIIvlD & SIvOCUM. The matter of economy in the administration of the county affairs should be brat and foremost The last encampment of G. A. interest of English miners in tbe minus or our citizens, n ftt independence was a erand Frank Murray lost a ssddle horse and The Gazette believeB that it is. It 8UCce88, in the selection of a place saddle in tbe Middle Fork at Ritter one is quite certain that many extrava- for tbe next meeting Heppner cot dT ,Mt week He WM le81,n,f the r,nr.oa will b rnt nff an noon as it 4 4.ui nlDa1 Mro" th bria when the river ? ,7, a , " J U voiwbuu win uuuuuu. u wal at Ui highest, when all at onoe the is possible and that people will be hected ftt tbe neit encampment, horse took fright and leared over tbe put in possession ot ine ngureB i-ne 0( p;8 inow wljat Ilepp- banister o( tbe bridge into the river. At which will show the true condition ner can a0 jn crand lodce meet- ,nat P01n' 'ne river WM ,er iwitl BDtl nur rnnntv afTnirs. at the time i the borse was soon drowned. At last 1 , . lu prescribed hy law, and according to law. The Gazette insists that The Oregonian shows Jonathan m Best aocounts Frank bad saddle and bridle. it is right that the taxpayers should Bourne m a contemptible and dis- noUUll pIeMed with th (tep, taken know something about their own honorable manner when it states j,y local raoohers and stockmen to pro- county, and there is not a string that Mr, Bourne is the populist tect their range. Bat tbat makes but on llin fiiizntta which will Drevent aoomtnro nf tha ronnlilipftn atate little differenos. Outside stockmen have it from tHll riff t 10 full truth when Unntml rmnmittA. Mr. Tlnnrnft in PMn ,DB more " " 1 a, a- i -i i i ... i it j and if something is oot done by nor peo tho time comes for it to do so. U reDubhcan and a centleman and , .. , , 1.,. i pio iu7 win ibid irusneueiuu vi iuuii tttn I. mnt.A titan tnuf rar,n1a Aon I... , TnP,nn1rronnV,li,.0nar,f Mnlt. lum " UJU' r'" v"" "nones. ioai rancners ana IsBOtr tfT Ri-Vitf irnr)Vmnn 1 1 riavsl OrislVlinM. ainrl thai nomah county have elected one Lnuide .h-omen know that tbe arounds state senator and lour represent- Tnn Orfi.mnian irivftaKlliaRnlu. for tbe same are Jnst. Tbe time is oom of all Cough Medicines is Dr. Acker's English Rem edy. It will stop a cough in one night, check a cold in one day, prevent croup, re lieve asthma, and cure con- not recovered bis sumption, if taken in time. It is made on honor, from the purest ingredients and con tains neither opium nor mor phine. If the little ones have croup or whooping cough, use it promptly. Three Sizes 25c, 50c and $1 per bottle. At Druzgiits. ACKER MEDICINE CO, s6 and x8 Chambers Street, New York. Home Comfort. ROLL OF HONOR. THREE GOLD And ONE 8ILVER Medal, World's Industrial and Cotton Center), ninl Exposition, New Orlenns, 1884 '85. HIGHEST AWARDS Nebraska Utate Board of Agrioaltnre, '87. DIPLOMA Alabama Agr'l Sooiely at Montgomery, AWARD Cbattahoobe Valley Expo., Columbus, Ga., 1838. HIGHEST AWARD3 St. Loo is Agr'l and Meohanical AbsoC9. atives, the sheriff and numerous rftll, f 3y7 with in00mplete re- "hen the rfsideots of Grant oouoty other official. This is a pretty L, ' trnm MM, nnnw. A. will say to outside sheepmen: -Keep off l u;,1rt,in tl,.t 4l.n . 7 . ' . onr grass," and tbey will keep off. Hw DUUn.Utt UD.Uv....b v mmitioned elaownere in tms issue INorthup-Himon repuuueans re- Mt mia riar&tity accordiug to fused to support tne regular tick- thfl 0,nciai -ote M DUblished bv .i.lioa at Monroe. Mich., was severe! v k,. i h,i.. Mih and Clinrrh Notice. Rev. U. B Swift, P. E , M. E. cbnroh, Sontb, Pendleton distriot, will hold bis 4th auarterlv meetiog for tbis charge on Mr. Jaroea Purdue, an old soldier re- Rhea ereek. near tbe borne of J. J. Ad- 8IX HIGHEST AWARDS World's Columbian Ex , Chiosgo, 1803 HIGHEST AWARDS Western Fair Association, London, Can ad a, 1893. preaching twice a day. All are Invited. C. R. Howard, r. t3. It Hvf lives Krfry Day. Tbonanl of eaaHi ot Consumption, Asthma, Coughs, CoMs and Croup are enred evnrv dav by Kbilob'a Cute. For sala by Wells A Warreo. I.KXINIiTOM HKRrZKS. -ft. By a trick the bolters got their Lie ph)eTt 0f each county IS 314. eniioted wilh rbeomatism but received Ulst'insts. The meeting will bscontin ticket on file firnt which forced the ilA nnw-ial nonnt fnr tliia diatnet P'ompl relief from pain by nmng Cham- n.,j on,ii Wednesday or Thursday retrular ortranization to file their :n - i i. twrlaio's rain Balm. Ilesays; "Attimes MMS.M..II r.nKI!n. r.,,,UUir..,J . . m' m ba,k wnild ache so badly tbat I " V "T , change in me aoove piuramy. teMeftlj r,i, op. I( x b,d notgnt. ou. any iwrsou iu uu unu au i ten relief I would Dot be bere to write t trt invnuli,flA intn Ida V.t t iw' nWtinn ia AanncMallv craU thee few lioea. Cbamberlain's Pain .. .. .i ..... i Balm has done me a great deal of good ments ot Hie ooutroverny must ad- liymg, as me uregouian auerapi 4n( i (i v.r, lri,nkful for it." For init that the "Mitchell" men had to elect Northup was a dirty pleco sale by Cooaer A Brork, Drn.glsts tho best right to be culled regular of work, and even hurt Tongue in republicans, this district hllis had a gold-bug and two free silver men to beat, "I woi Ln secure the American Und he did it, Tbe free silver vote market to the American producer, being in this manner about equal- and 1 would not hesitate to raise y divided botween three men, EU home oo Eight Mil tbe duties whenever necrsHary to ha Qumn and ItonnetL orthup Tbe NroiN of Wm. Thornbnrg are secure this patriotic end. I would was only third in the race, show, recovering from reoeot lllo. not have an idlo man or au idle ing that gold bugism doesn't go in Joe Ueoallen and family have moved mill or an idle spindle in thisooun. Etoru Orcgon.-T i 11 a m o o k toCoaJoa where they will make their tr it Iwl.linrr itrlnaiM tti II..ii;.l fnlore home. .11' U U-J Tbe Hund.y school pic Di at PetUys' hw,h and sw.l "' " " I Tr...!.. .u ..a well reoreMol- hhiloti S Catarrh il . 1 I I : I 1 i nnrt an nm a, hi I A. ' iiifin tMDpiuyeti mui4 ruuuiug. i iv J from this eity( J.very yard oi cmiu iraponou uere wu u-uay i'ur'i. Mrfc j n,Mtiiiif ,nd Mfs. George make a demand lor one yard Ions account oi me religious ueuaie on Mm(lh j,p,tlt for iodpendeoe Moo- Taiafai of American fabrication." Hon. Eight MiU We would b pleaaed day night last where they will attend Mr. Prew, feiberof Mre-MsneOilmao, i . .... i ... i... ... Wm. MfKinW to nub ah it if it did not own the tbe O. k. a encampment wblcb eoo- of this elty. met wHD very pa.orm ae- way for a lensthy telicious discus- 00 UID l4tn ,oa "l0' WDl l,"nru"' t .i iT t . Bootbby will remain below o so eiUed- Uf portion of three fingers on tbe Ml SILVER MEDAL Toronto Ezpo'n, Toronto, Canada, IMS, flower MlMloa ftrrvlrrs. Tbe Woman's Christian Temperanoe Croe ntver Imiked better; wheal is Union held their annaal fljwer mission fast beadiog ont. service at tbe M. E. ohorch last Sunday J.E. Hevemiaks has retorned to his evening. The very Interesting program aa nub tsbsd in tbe last Issue or tne Uatette was rendered In a pleasing man oer, and was appreciated by a large aodience. Mrs, Drew presided aa moder a tor ln ber nsaal bappy manner. t'atarrk farre". ttreatb eeenred, by Remedy. Price 60 route. Nasal Injector frre. ror sale by Wells k Warreo. THE official vota of the second ,jon turonKh the r" ?! " angreesional district amnding to the f 0( woull Uj6 Dolbin4 kaA J J CtngrMis .a nesla a a tne oinnai returns irorn earn eoun- .i., .nilii irfii A nn. tr ts as follows: Ellis, 12..WJ; mwMf ba Myf ()f lLa y.tte Quinn, USIS; Northup. 8,?.; wou)J ,ju WJ nueU i Hennftt, 7,11 According to this Ul(, tMt who ofTlr lhU artlce vul which will io all ptobability DllU:c.i;oll. haA W0UU b lust ' be) tho same aa the official (Kill, Mr. Kills' plurality i Hli over Quinn; over Northup ai.d llCovir Hcnnrlt ('r.aidiring the dcterinuirvl fight that was made against Mr. Kills (lie a remarkable victory. as willing to puMish an ansarr thereto, if it reunited in gxxL Wc mull. g't a g-ild alandard j lalf.Tm at HI Iiuia Then we aliall have to put the ailvcr-slaml-ard Kvipla out of the stale rcjmb liean committee. Oregonian. WU is "wer It is ni(a cer. tiiutr t"t a republican: Le 1 a Unt Hal Aysrs al Ike WkMi fair Ayef's Haraaparilla skjnys the tlreor is Certainly I dlaary dsUbMtaof bavingtieealbeootr bloed pnritler allowed aa etbibtt al lus World's fair, Cbieage, Maeataelurert of etbsr saraaperillas aoaghl ty every meats la etilaia a showing of tbeir goods. bol they were all luratd away I he appllratloa of the rale frlll lieg I be entry ef patent ne4teeM sn J haetrams. Tbs dssisina ef Ine World's fair aatbo rittee le favor f Ai's Harssparllla wae In ffl m Mlowe: "Arer't Hefsep. rtlla le sol a patent kaedteiee, II rlwe Utlter, a mugwump, a noLdcecnpt ,; " 'aw- 1 oil kirknr, m inaae v inirrnaj niKaunrea, a ku tCsh oi l land pirat Nice fcmbinatioo t' 'y Will da ilU til trpublicaO Usr eK'si'Ir'ua Ur. HIkkWI S1 SCteap- Watt. Wis lb'ini'n rims ala?e hat I ,,,'l "r "loniisjMHii. arriving ever? u fivi mcwiay mm9 imini wiwij parly in any particular. rete to tne la tenor. i Uro., eg'. e lltr rulr rrpuMifan t-rart.j O ll.ll, (lie tr.soriJ atlisl. eaa Ut..r io this kUU la Woo lU 1 ''"f ''Um' " , , Ut be will dtspwoM al eopalar ptu, Vtciorw wtinosi om vrrgnnian aksvea. bejersxi), katreeie. ss. 'itb friends and relalivee al lb and Oregon City. Bit. I.aiiaiiTos, Or., Jane IX 11. band. Mr. Drew met with the eool.Wal i while Irying Io ooloosen a bailer strap when Ibe bore, thinking h bad been given freedom, nervonstf palled baek A rr WHh Kaawisg ward, and eaicblog Ibe Dagere In Ihe Consumption. Orlppe, Pnenutonia baiter knot, enl Ibe middle member off and all Tbmal and Long diseaaee are tl lb, ,.0d J iot, Ibe third at the first nellea narrrn. ' ik. nh lMm ihe Aral I.m. lr MflMworJa was railed al once anJ dreeaed nriut ro RtTm ih. l.lariM. Mr. Draw has lso soff.r ln hinal.lrtile nam ainHi Ihe seal Unt. Tbeeeoiiiempiaiiegr,)ngas,anonii 1 W( b(ln a see blra eat again eoon eall tn or a.Utees the I ele PaeiBet lly All lrfmm4 II Ask your pbysMaa. onr Jrof ust and jrnnr frteede annel Hhllob's Care tor 1'of.soroption. The will reeommeod It. fir sale by Wells Warren SIX GOLD MEDALS Midwinter Fair, San Francisoo.Cnl., 18!H . r a. ' --rr-1 Family and Hotel Ranges. Are unequalled beoause they are made of malleable iron and wrought steel. Will not break by overheating or rough usage Wateibacks bear 200 pounds pressure no danger ot explosions by rretzing, Flues lined with asbestos. Bake quickly Economical in fuel. Abondauce bot water. Burn bard or soft eoal, or wood. Convenient and ornamental. Will last a life-time with ordinary care. Fully guaranteed. Over 317,720 Sold to Nov. I, 1003. Above style ot Rsnte No. (19, Is sold only from cnmimny's wsirnits hy tlirlr own talsmn. at one uniform price llirouxhout the t'nlUd mates ana uoins. On sheep, inverted A 'PJ 1" nner bit in rinht. Wethers, crop in right and nnder halt orop i left ear. All rang. '"Cook1! j!jna,Or.-Horse., Hon rlgbtahonl. rlenCatrte. same on right hip: ear mark square leCoxtiEi. 8.. Hanlraan, Or.-Cartle, C with t in osnter: horses. CE on left 'ud. Toohran. R. E., Monnment, Grant Co , Or. Ho branded circle with bar beneath on left ihoulder; cattle same brand on Doth hips, mark ,nder slope both ear; .and on right h p. Cattle brauded the same. Also Immds CI on horses right thlghi cattle same brand on right shoulder, and out off end ol gTas. W. M.. Galloway. Or.-Cattle, B Don nght shle, swailow-fork in each ear; horses. B D ' EBro... Douglas. Or-Horse. branded ELY ,n left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip. hole '"Eme'rV'c. B., Hardman. Or.-Horses branded fre7ersedC with tail on left shoulder i cat. ksame on right hir.. Bangs in Marrow county. vinronne L A.. Heppner, Or. tBttle, liF on nJhtWp" horses. F with bar under on right lhg?i-- H P. Hemmer. Or.-Horses. F on -ight shor.ider; cattle, F on rightHpor thigh. Gentry, Elmer, EohOr. Hr brsnded H. with a quarvwr "'"t;" Hangein Morrowana u --J-.taB . Hiatt A. B., ni "K". .rri-iul "k. iT; nL Airn a nnner il uu nm hbu wy Range in Morrow and UmatUla oounties. Huirhes. Bamnol. Wagner, ur-r ia u jonnected) on right shoniaer on noreos; on oaius, aright hipano on i"v -hi-, and slit in left lUnge in Hajstaok listriot. Morrow oounty. rw j t i. n.llnmir Or.-IlnrM (cross with bar above it) on right shoulder; cattle same m left side, liange iu in 3onnties. r'-.ti. V a Fall, Eiwin, ""Vw k Ti ii . lirht hio: horses sams on right shoulder. Bangs in Grant comity. ... Hughes, mat, iiepimi, Seart on the left snoniuer. Hnnsaker, n e. hwot. yr. , ihimlder-.catUe. Jor i left hip. Humphreys, 4 ni, ntrammi, ur.-uui, " u nsion. Lnther. Eight Mile, Or -Horse H on the left shonlder and heart on the left stifle Cat. e same on lert mo. iw ."w,I,Vi im Hnrrv. Heonnr. Or. Horsea branded ki t tk. loft, nhnnliler: cattle brauded J on ight hip. also underbit in left ear. Hangs in Morrow oonniy. , JmiktD, O. ueppnw, ur.-iiun. ". iKn. J nn left shoulder, uatue. tne sams. Hanve Kth Mils. , , Johrson. Felix, Lsna, Or.-Homea. eimlaT on left stifle; cattle, ssme on right hip, nnder bait Wtltllnnh-anOslilll.nM;smr Knny, Mike. Heppner, Or.-Horses branded inv nn left hm cattle same and erop on left ear; nnder alone on the right Kirk. J.T., Heppner. Or. Horses 89 en loft ehonlder; eattle, i on left hln. Knmherland.W.O..M(Mint Vernon. Or.-I Lon cattle on right and left sides, swallow fork in left ear and nnder ciop in right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder, liange in urani oirantr. rox, ur. o u on iri nip 11 Above honors were received by WROUGHT IRON RANGE COMPANY, Washington Avenue, I9th and 2mh streets, KT. LOt'IR, MO., V. B. A. And 10 to T Pearl Street, TORONTO, ONTARIO rounded In lA4. Ptlrt np Capital ll.oriO.aao. No charges for Inside plumWug when pressure boilers are used. 44-lm aAxirArrrssas ana dsalsm is:- FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING Po All Work In This line. Contrartlng and Job Work. Ptrtnre Framing, all kinds, al prtrcw tn suit, a us belors ordering aa guarantee aall.fw Hon. I'rtres reasonable. Terms Cash, rBtoi Opp. P. O. Thompnon Co. Main tStm Heppner. LEGAL BLANKS Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . Urant n Ticket tffl. 135 Third Hreel, Iitlan,t. fur tawe tbe lollowing meeting's i lUrubliraa NallnnaJ Coavvnlton. Hi. luia. Mo Joae K.ib. IViihx ratio Naitneal Convention, Chi- m s Ills., Jaly "lb. rple fatly Cimveetiea eel Awerl eenKllver Cuavtotioo, HI Iai, Me, July Tin l. National Convention Yenaf TeopU'a rWiely ( hnstlsn Knaeevor, Wasl ief te,n.C, Jul Tint IS b. F. I actional Aeaneielinn U.llei, lluflsl-s?!. IJuly3Hlalib. rr. t u m. lliu.1 Afmw uf Ihe It. I rnbli,. Hi T.A, Uik 23 ru)tniroitBAtx 1 have a snpply e( ClemaltS runts Ufl on say bands fe sale. Very elmire Va rialKS Apply In M. L Cae-Twgtx. Any inventor In Faaiern Ortn wb ilir ibe srvlw of an all.ny ia Washington. 1. O, will faJ II to bis advantage le rail on or a.lreM line pa- Mf 4.1 II. II W. Htvran. Ileevrel Atl HQtlrt. Ne fl.lm will t-e alhwe.1 en rnr laere. lea A. B. Fwasn s, H, I tntlM S, L. K. I" tenter Tbmiigb elepr. (Irel eed tMml rl. will run In nret.n wttt lie t'nln I'artrta. Ibe earne as b fnte. A Ibmegh Irsl elaee eliwpvv I'efk. lanJ U r hMe, rM ki with In (i(t e'aaa elftv Ut M I ea4 a 1 thrittta" ln'tl lept i"rt!B I to Ml ! I'anl. w.U tea la e-eati wMb Ibe I (If sal Notbfn ratleay , It --: AV1TH pus ; mm : p Youro BOUXD to Tnko 'Km. ins i Leaves No Conslipotion, .vxww Cnree It. ae well ae all ItlllioneneMi, Hirk UUba aa4 Mstsrla. The oU CMrnTnta toll In Ine wotii rv.14 by all n sii hy ateil ea renri(t of arise, ii eente p bot. I'KEM.MI M rt)ICA I C(. Han Fraeeiane, (', The Langsiiire Insurance Co. Ill MANCIIKMTKM, KNOUANII tittimn. Htjrt.han. on cattle, crop and split on right ear, same brand on left shoulder. Hange oonntv. ..,. Lienallen. John W.. Ieil"wi Or.-Horses branded half-circle il, connected on leftshnnU der. ( at Us. sains on lenuio. nange. near ues. Ineton .. ., Leahey, J. w. rieppner ur.-norw rjrannen l.anrf k nn left shoulder: cettle same on left hip, wattle over right eye, three shu io right ear. ... Lord. Oeorga, Heppner. r. Horses nmnded donhle U oi.nertd Hometimes oallsd a swing H. on left shoulder. Mtria. M. C.. Heppner, ttr,-siil nrandea nirrl. on right hips hones same on right stifle. Hang in Morrow county. M inor, Uantr, rieppner. Or. atUa, M D on right hip; bona. M on lef t shonli W. Morgan. H. N. lieppner. ur. norm, a I on lft honldai cattle same on left hip. MitrheU.Ower.lona, Or. Hors. Jl oe right hip: eattle, 7? on right side. Neal. Andrew. Uime rkiri.or. notwea a n eon aertMl on left shonhler: cstUe eame oa both hi pa. Oiler. Parry. LaxUiaion, VT.-r u en left shnutdeff. o.l rn. J. W Doaglaa. Ifr.t nnraeau on laf shieiliW; rattle seme nn rght hip. I'eannn, (liar. Eight M lie. I r. Hnrsea, oner tar elrrle.hild on left shoulder and 24 on left hip. ( aids, fork la left ear, right cropped. M on left hip. Hangs on rtighl M i le. Parker A Oleasoa. Hardman.Or. Hones IP on left shoulder, . I'ilier, Krre.t. Islington. Or. Hors brand' xl WK (L K eonnertl) en left etioalda i eattle ameoa right hip. lUnge. tnt enant. I'lP. J. M., Ittnte. Or. Horaes, JK ena. eeeted m lef t shnnldsri eaUle, same ue lef kip. ander bit la each ear. rettr. A. i I one, Or.i bnrsaa dlamoed P ea etmalnWi eaill. J H i eoeiwetfd, oa tha eft hip, upper elope la left ear aa4 slip tn tbe right. Hnod, Andrew, Hardman. Or. Bursas, soware sr. mih qnartf-mrcle nr it oa Ufl etitu. Kx.h Hr.M.. Heppttar, Or. Moreea bnuuM I ea the right ehuubleri ret tie. I a. mim i hip. rn.p ufl Uft ear and lUclap nn each. Mange La .mtw and aritotnlngenanuaa. Haaney, Ami r. Llin1', Or. Horaat brmmUd A H oa right shnller. veal aaaris rlrrle mg brand i oUk aaiae right kin. Raie gnrtm ianty. H.m Wat. II. Dairnllla, IW II n MUMa With quarter vifrle ml Up am eattlena nM hie and emp .t right ear and split la left. Hums bra nil on ten .hooi-w. laanee la e-row (Intel an4 IiiIImub aietnuaa. Hertur i. W . HeppiMW. trr.-nnrsae. JO a left sbmU. lalUe, Q wa rWM klia, Ntratatil W. ll.i tn-r. Or.-H.fmm eheed I H e Ufl etilU. eJi. J oe t-ft kip, tvaikrw htk ta r-t.l ear. eB.ta.UI la iafu N,p. IV . Happaw. Iir.-Harasa, I A P ae left hi pi raili. aataa wa Waft bib. Hayara, IVWt, Doaeiaa, Or.-altls M on rir,l hip 4 H rWrhl t k.a"a M nht hm)'tar. Hanaa In M.irrow enainlr. H-nilh . MowHi.llle. Or. Hon, braeiteal N 1 oaeK.a.ktari raMla. aama mm Uaft atwaiMae. a,atraa. Jum ArtiBA-tna, (ar.i Bones htaadaa! IK na Mt Havl.U! eat tie Ika aama, mimt mtmm arLlla. Harca ta MiMnweavl Uilluueieneeiuav Hatiaane. 1, A Ilrrt-aa. eN4 hmaas lies n.t afiflai ra'tle k41Su.;taJ L I ha rifhl la Mm A, J- Hwae ( . A alOa, g ea nM hit HnmJmh la tafl aa, Ban (I. W Mrraar. far -Uanaa,M M tart efcnnl'la. , aaola. u ae Mt kip. er-rry k. . Mntaa. . I artle W f a lai Nip. m "f n'.t "d f.aWtnl a tafl year, eVaiac, Roraas W I e af eannklar, J t. Happar. ln-H iayae ri s-aiMti aallla a UTI aVakW I l -aJl r.teiarV.iamJJ..-l(un-. C-aa Ml aV.atiav. Tanaw K W. Hpaar Oe.. giaiej eapllaj t Un elMUtar. Uaa, aaeue aaaae w Wltls mptii la aaaa. rvw. H. M , la IV-HaM ta-aa'teel H PI aa lad a. br SUbWi ill am 1.1 l"4. Veaaryant N T lMl"-IUalllH aaataaj 1M ttmm i UaawMUa, aaane we rteM l.!h4aJ Wm , Bu i ass. Oe. B .ea. r. ta e k U aWaawtart rm'I'm Ma. raj ftehl klgt. mrm a Ufl aw e4 HM eat tmpmL Wilaaai. a, u, Sua a W rear, fK1 . S.kwlatnlM W Biaula. a.ayS St: in.s away. Warra W n I UK Oa Tallla W aHIk eaarta eir aat He lari alia, er!t la raai aa, H.aaM aeae aa4 k Ml alaveklat. kae I (n aaaaiy. Wala. Iaary. laTa. Or - ft w II a. a'ae' "4 a,aUa a W a;Aa eav laT kia Te stre All pa.fa a.4 im 4r) n WH sat M pa lee la4 ml Ihe aiH, la all Ik. y.rf l. -I al t aB eat .,.rM r4 aarlla H la T I S a m t"ar Mil r a I I a aMaraani. H b, H. -. La itrante Wat lie ttnrks, U Of ao-t. Ore. K, C Hntiln, saaMSsaa, llr ft. ( V a aaaartae aa. mm Ian ate a4 Ian sip OyMaraaa. CP D. J. McFaul, M. D . S rrLS EHS - ! a k is.W. t 4f M. HiCH i Stt CHCt. ilXU'mZ i. taaaa, Pa.. a l (ttaa Wa mm n .fs W-tt aa(a a4 iri le - M pw raael.g A A rrw.Hma