s. Popular Magazines FOR THE HOME. E. McNElLL, Receiver. .. . i rw lev to the: THE LARGEST "LENST Amer- And GIVES THB CHOI0B Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION NORTHERN.Ry- PACIFICJRY. !VU VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA -AND St. Paul Kansas City LOW BATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. FRANK LESLIE'S iOPULAR MONTHLY Contain, each Month I OHelnal Watel -Color I Frontispiece; 128 Quarto Page ot i Matters tOO New ana mgn-ti """--Uonei Wore Literary Matter and lllu.tra tlons than any other Magazine In America. Frank Leslie's Pleasant lours FOR BOYS ANDCIRL5. .TnvenllB Monthly. TullT Illustrated. The best writers Jor young SEED ALL uum v THE GAZETTE, HEPPNER, ORE. , oazette, Dora lor uuo jo-' t ! Frank Lkbli-'s Pa.ant Hoom fob j Boys ivn fiRiJt ana ma rviuv, w outs yw fu,Wi Undoubtedly the Best Club Offers . for New IUuttratedlTemiumlAtl, Free. Ooeflj Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For tall details oall on 0. R. A N. Agent ta Heppner, tr address W. H. HTJRLBTJRT, Gen. Pbs. Agt. Portland, Obboos. GET THE BES1 VThftx von are ftbont to btrva Sewing Machine An nn Vie H OZ I VP ft h nlliirinir advertisements and be led to think you can got the best made, imcst nmsnea ana Most Popular for a mere song. See to It that you Duy irom, rename umuu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest andsquare dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for Us dura bility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and i Light Running There Is none In the world that can equal In mechanical con struction, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, beauty in appearance, or has as many improvements as the CRUELTY CORONER. Cim 1,1 4 If AND GASOLINE TCNfrTNTCS MARINE ' ' " Ifyootbink of bnying an enirma of any ilea or kind send for onr Catalogue JVo. 30, containing illustrations and prloes of eery kind of engine from one up to 25 horns power, at bottom prioes, or Lint No. 29, for yacht engines, boil er! and machinery. Either sent tree. .nn&co., New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Peed, alike on both sides of needle Ipatmttd), other has it New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hmRed on ad Justable centers, thus reducing friction to 11119 U1IU1IUUUM WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE SEW HOKE SEIIKG MACHINE CO. Sam KSAKcidOO, 'u Atlahia, u h. rOB BtT. BY C. THOMPSON CO.' Agents Heppner, Oregon. The Splendid Achievement of an lean Manufacturer. The Clarks have accomplished what has lonfc been regarded as an Impossi ble thinjr, and one which no e.uropean manufacturer of lenses coma De inauceu to attempt. This is the making of a per fect lens of more than three leei acrots the face. No one but this American manufacturer ever thought of exeeea- tng the twenty-six-inch lenses which are in use at several observatories on both continents, one at the naval ob servatory at Washington, through which Mr. Hall discovered tne tong- sought satellites of Mars and many double stars. The highest power was nnnosed to be reached when the Lack telescooe in California was put up with a tbirty-six-inch lens. The difficulties to be met in the production 01 a penecuy clear lens of trreat size are so many that the, 'Enrrmean observers who nave wanted anvthintr above the twenty-six' inch lens have had to taice tne renecir in- telescooe. which has a concave mir ----- . . ror. It requires, of course, a mum larger reflecting telescope to get the same amount of light ana tne same magnitude of object. The makmcr of this forty-one ana a half-inch lens, says the New York Com mercial Advertiser, is regarded as tne crowning work of Mr. Alvan Clark s life. It is probable no larger lens will ever be made. Under existing condi tions a larger telescope than the Yerkes the telescope of the Chicago university observatory for which the lens is made would be of no great value. To increase the magnifying nower is at the same time to increase the obstructions to clear vision. When the object is magnified the atmospheric agitation is increased to such a degree that distinctness is virtually sacrificed when the object glass is larger than fortv-one and a half-inches. It is doubtful if the Yerkes will be any more useful than the Lick. Some day it may be possible to remove the ob stacles to clearness in the case of a powerful lens, though the only reason for suggesting it is that Prof. Tyndall was able to construct a glass by which the blue of the atmosphere was dissi pated in looking through a deep space. If the Yerkes glass answers expecta tions it will enable an experienced ob server to catch occasional glimpses of the Mars canals, which, though drawn ftrmly on the Vatican maps, are vagoa and wavering and almost imaginary through any glass. They can be seen at all only by the trained observer. The great telescope will be most useful in the study of double stars, which Is now a matter of special interest to many observers. Aa English Police uutii Treats Him wltn Amaalng Disrespect. The police of Denbigshire are a grace less and irreverent lot, says London Truth. One of their number at Wrex ham lately spied a chimney on fire at the residence of W. wyan n.vans ana straightway took out a summons for the offense. II Mr. Jivans nau oeeu uu ordinarv citizen this wculd have been a proper proceeding. But Mr. Evans is not an ordinary citizen, and he speedily reminded the chief constaDie 01 me fact. "I am, as you are aware," wrote Mr. Evans, "one of her majesty's coroners of this county. By virtue of my office I am also a magistrate for the county. Do you suppose that it can do the po lice any good, or further the cause oJ law and order in this borough, that 1 should be subjected to the indignity oi being fined one shilling and costs for a technical breach of an obscure provi sion of the public health act for which personally I am no more responsible than vou are? I come into almost daily relationshin with your officers in the conduct of my official duties as coroner, TTithfirtn this relationshio has been a pleasant one and free from any friction, Is it wise on vour part to create a feeling of a grievance on my part and 'bad blood' on both sides" - This is sufficient to -show the coro ner's sense of dignity and calm judicial temper, but there was a further hint that, if the summons were proceeded with, he might make things disagree able for the police. Instead of trying to annease the affronted official the chief constable replied that he consid' ered the letter "in the worst possible taste. The police," he added, "cannot favor one and punish another." How ever, the magistrates can and they dismissed the summons. ALU HER HUBBY'S. 6he Had Ko Children Why the Agent Got Bis Answer. Such a nice quiet neighborhood! They had just moved into one of the new, Bootless, shining, "no children al lowed" fiats and the agent was de lighted with his new tenants, says the New York Recorder. Such nice peo nlel So refined and quiet! They would be sure to raise the standard of the Vmildintr not a dog or cat in the f amilv: no musical instruments; and the lady of the house had assured mm inai she had no children. Rnfnr he had eaten breakfast the THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O. BOUCHERS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. T. R. HOWARD following morning his joy received a setback and by noon he was in de spair. First one of the other new peopie in the flats dropped in, then another and still another, until all the families but one had been represented, and they were unanimous in their complaints of the noise made bv the children in the flat of that especially nice couple. So the agent went and his hair stood on end when he heard the noise com ing from that flat. But when he knocked at the door it suddenly sub sided and when the woman appeared she was so calm and quiet-looking that he hesitated and his courage would un doubtedly have weakened if he had not seen a couple of childish faces peep ing at him around the door. That settled it. He gathered his forces to gether and becran the attack without delav or quarter. "Madam," he said, with what he be lieved to be a withering glance: "Madam, I thought you told me you had no children. Whose are these I see?" "Not mine," she answered, calmly; "I have none, but my husband has six." -DEALS IN Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens' Supplies, Etc., And Wants Your Trade ! He will make it an object for you to trade with him as his prices are right, and all goods that he handles are of the very best. Store on to Main Street, Next City Drug Store, Door Heppner, Oregon. OILED DOWN. I;- J. L, U M. r J ' 197 Canal Street, . CHICAGO I ATHLETIC HUES.. rrrp : QUIOlt TX3VXX3 ! Hauvenir of K Yean n Htuiiuu, SA Compute Set, ' s Istlng of five llMiTu imiVt.- Be Hall I'lsyer. root Bull l'lynr, lnlf riayer, Tennis Hayer 2 1 and Blrycle Klder, will be sent to any address upon receipt of 10 cents, to pay t'lurid'i. TIikk flmiros are nsoiuwiy peneri, hMiitilnllv polnred and mounted, and ' arraiiKPd U stand iiprlKlit.sndarean eft- oi'lli'iit souvenir i( our a yrs as leaders of the athlelln supply worm, nmiauis fur club, reading room, olllceor home. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Neil lor Vhtento rHilmulplHa Continuous Kails a Necessity. A serious trouble, causing many rail road accidents, is that our rail is not continuous, being broken in a number of places by switches and frogs. Per haps only a higher wisdom than ours can tell us how to avoid accidents caused by open switches, as long as these dangerous devices are not elim inated from the track. This should be done, even if the cost of otherwise set ting off the cars be more expensive Let us make our rails absolutely con tinuons, says the Engineering Maga zine, and transfer cars bodily to adja cent tracks by the use of hoisting ma chinery. Such devices are used in bng' land of course under the control of a block system and are found very safe and satisfactory. Particularly should tracks on which very fast trains are run be made continuous, as accidents to such trains are much more serious than those that happen to slow trains, Steel Ropes Known In Pompeii. While conducting a serifs of tests with a one hundred-ton testing machine at the Yorkshire college In knglunu, which Included the testing of a steel wire rone. Prof. Goodman stated that such ropes were not a modern inven tion, and that he had recently seen a HONOR AMONG GAMINS. Tonchlne Storv Related of the Boot- blacks of Glasgow. A gentleman, going through a crowd ed part of the city of Glasgow, Scot land, noticed a palefaced little boot black waiting for hire. Touched by the delicate look of the child, he thought he would give him the black ing of his boots to do. Accordingly, says the Children's Record, he gave the little fellow the signal. The boy at once crept lamely toward the gentle man, and, as he pulled himself along, was nimbly supplanted Dy anotner little bootblack, who was immediately at the gentleman's feet and already to begin. What's this for?" said the gentle man to the intruder, somewhat angrily. It's a' richt," said the newcomer, briehtly. "Jamie's jist a wee while oot o' the hospital, and the rest o' us take turns aboot o' brushin for him. Jamie smiled pleasantly by way of assuring the gentleman that his com rade's story was true. The gentleman was so gratified by his act of brotherly kindness that fee gave Jamie's friend a whole shilling for his work, telling him to give sixpence to Jamie and keep the other sixpence to himself. "Na, na, sir," quickly replied this little hero, giving the shilling to Jamie and hurrying from the spot "na, na, sir; nana o' us ever take ony o Jamie's iller." a-i -er fltllllltlfStXtSUitMttSij bronte wire rope one-half Inch In diam jli nuiuiBUU v . twenty to thlrlT feH And all points U California, vie (he MU BbaoU ruuieoi uie Southern Pacific Co CHICAGO. Tha erant hlhw thronh I NfHiMi. tirana Hostile nnis all California to tMtluta and OI lite I mm no i . I'unman linnet KiMDwa, Hoitnil-e!aM Hleepors Attached In aspraae trains, alfurdin an peril armxuainiUtlntM for sammd-elase t a"'nr. Fi rata. Urkaia, Upuia ear reaarvaUoMt eta,, rail nti or addrnas R. KtiKHI.KH. Mtnutr, I. P. KOOIM, Asst. (lau. I- A P. All-. Portland. Oregon If waato & 31. Paul M long, which had been found buried in the ruins of Pompeii, and which must have been at least nineteen hundred years old. -TO THE- . v A t 0 w A "V XX Sro. drfi rV0H AND SOUTHEAST VUTflECMON PACIFIC SYSTEM. Tnnrnitt rNtltman fsUfe lwr'. Tmittat "lr-' and free Refllnlm rfcalr CrstAlt.V tothkea. Mae? fcoere estsd rle this tine e f str Feints Glanco at this Map Of the rhU'stfl. Mllaaukae and KL rani Rail- ay and not lie encwerlluM with all tranerofr tlrwtital tins iM M, fs'il emt mane, end rmmlr thai lie trains era lighted theli- Irtrllv s4 kstd steam. Its ei'ileewet Is sotwrH, Urgent Buffet, Wlrary. Hewslng see Mvrplnf rait, Willi frse rerllnlng chairs, terfc sieln rt has sa tartrtf raadlad tamp. sad Us dining rare ere the tet In lbs world. Other lliwe are loege thee I his. feel Bona are swmfttv I k.ai,,t.ii nf rumrifsi run nave ltth uiwur rermanently cured. .V rroot-positive sin i of hi power Hat I comkier It my duty to i h.jiu Tret io uvne ui vuur irvici oimrtkirLThrosL Brooch ul of i um Trouble. If ttiet mlU writs me their ..nmt and rsKkitlke adirrtS. Sinreretv, T a. aXOCTrBL Rblll remit mi mrm Tta l,tllorwl aaS Bmlmnm ...in m I raff UwimM mm - -l 111 Ml III III III III III III - ' i MESSENGERS OF THE SKY. About the Remarkable Kites Made by the Japanese and Chinese. In the making of kites shape is no consideration. A square, circle, man, star, fish, dragon, horse or shield will fly equally well, but they must De equally proportioned. In Japan one s-es a whole menagerie at once in ine air horses, cows, monkeys, bats, fishes, crows and unukes, as well as dragons, babies which cry, boys with their arms and legs spread out, hunters and sol di era. Fighting kites" are seen everywhere In both China and Japan. The armed kite is usually made about two and a half feet high and covered with cambric or silk. The tall may be made of strips of bright-colored cloth about one Inch wide, securely tied in the middle to a strong twine. The de structive part of tbia kite lies In the tall, to which are attached sharp pieces of broken glass called knives. FaU-n three of these knives together with wax, so that each shall point In a different direction, bind on three slips of thin wood lengthwise to hold the wax and glasa firmly, and cover with liith or kill. A much simpler weapon la made by dinning the trn feet of string next to the kite in glue and then rolling It In An Operation That It Is Frequently Nec essary In Case of Elephants. To the general public the elephant house in the Central park menagerie was a closed house. The fact was, says the New York Tribune, the ele phants, at least two of them, were to be oiled down. This is necessary from the fact that the caged , elephant can not from day to day throw great sprays of water over his thick hide and so keep it from cracking, as he would do if in his native forest, and so it was determined to anoint these great pach yderms with neatsfoot oil. Small Tom was the first to be experi mented on and obeyed orders to tun to this side or the other more meeklj than a fractious babe. He was anointed fore and aft, only trumpeting when his leirs were being attended to. The reporter was in the pen and helped to hold up the legs of the animal while "Billy" Snyder rubbed in the oil, and it was a wonderful illustration of man's power over the lower brutes. Tom or his bedroom partner, Jonas, could in a moment have killed the two men in the pen, but as each was being operated on, except for twining the nroboscls round the nearest leg in a sort of grateful kiss, these great beasts seemed thoroughly to understand that man, who had made him captive, was trying his best to ameliorate his condi tion. When all was over the elephants stood up glossy and black, and if ever one elephant spoke to another in scornful tones It could be gleaned from the eyes of those two elephants who looked at one another. Successor to C. 8. Van Duyn. Next door to City Hotel. Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Candies, Nuts, and also keeps Crockery, Lamps and Tinware. Stock is Complete. Notions a Specialty, ICll A Bamboo Organ. A bamboo organ has been built for the Jesuits' church at Shanghai, and is said to surpass organs made of metal. As bamboo can be obtained of alldimcn- Hlon. from the thickness of a pen to pieces of a foot in diameter, this natural material costs little more than the sim ple labor, and the notes are beautifully soft and pleasant to tne ear. TMU.S. GOVERNMENT! PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To nersons who served in the wars of the United States or to tneir Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had YOU a s relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars J J.J tr xnnnrf tW on wnom you uepeuucu suffv,., . i --. r-'a-TTTlT'I r?T UNDER THE NEW LAW To receive a pension, who now do not. Thousands under the new law are entitled to an Increase of pension. The government owes it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present your claim at this present time? Your pension dates from the time you apply. Now is the accepted hour. j-rWrite for laws and complete information. Ko Charge for advice. No Fee unless successful. The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AV1RETT, General Manager, 618 P Street, WASHINGTON, v nTnls Comvanv it controlled hi nearly one thoutand Uading paper in th United Statet, ana U gwranuea ot wtm, fa i , D.C. neve- r Hron.t.f.fYTVf4 Wt-klne, Rlvrf. Viivp CMt.ert, Attorneys cut Itxw, I BEPPKER, All bnainesa attended to in prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL HANK BUILDINQ. t OREGON Mwt Modern end progressive tut UIm or Monnsttoe rtte to nm marun nun arms co.. New Hate. On. pounilidglaMontilUiicklycitedwlth O Call Bglbtenlng armor of sharp point. The OUmiTIingS OC rdll, oh ect with both W, oi tirarw, mj roi jr- tf I f 00 wn,m f ferferty- eC 1 1 1 . . Ceels, cnnutiMg j m ft a I W u. Mn Shw4 MuK M -1 fi sOMttnas. k mil aM at ml. C fMrti w M -H eWf M asM, ks (l4Ml in latg I" ' lTlaM HT. MtWICMT P.NTSCH LIGMTJ, HATItHi .hrw, end m! E TMl NEWTORK UIICALtCNO CO.: Inrlaelarlif of-rhehllles.k-" Cose esNVSteiee wstsTIO. JR. II. UAXTlll, AO'nt. jVrftm.l, (ryosj. J. C. IIAHT, Agtnl, Hw, Vrtgo. tUkrt efnti la erf railroad efRre will ie ftm luithst ULrtwailna, mt eddrsae C. I. IDDT. tisaerel AfnV I W.CASKT, Trav. res, Ageel, FoSTts, Osso 4 loWetiet AwrtM I jr TJr Taoa esenia. , Msioej ?? i, &g aw- eisf ntOMT. aeetJ . ii w.i m s4 r- mm, , m i a i.i, m .. -e, liHl X eSBBBBSjaeaai 'fitnlinc tactuaa IvglHxIllHIM tot e SM r i a - i- kM a iUM ,. 1 "e S Tm rele elwiMtsi frw nf the rW.t YYwIli t.etto te littl a4 the i. i!.i MM it the Weekly t ' is 1 1 Ml. AateXHi tpiltet th tiat fe erd iatif l eee fe l a.l.ar r g, l4l lw listslle n4 Vp.,'v itnt-mimm M It tel. All44sb pilte miik li.eir eit-iii .. tt ee tM la a4f mm ke anise4 eel I tsrisi Is they ltteefee taet frees rMOSJty li flat etoere awet te e eeetred, .. f sees sa.s eeaes the teaeteieJ ee. Hf e !pan$Tabu!e$ A erl sHth Mt eweteeety .'s re t.wt- ee tmm a 4l etee, et f te4. mm mmm. ti rmm Mwe eaad end U oMnM'44 1 his. I andostaa" fi SB e t yseteoige, Sa iMM ,' , W. a. e4 Mee mm A' . C.AeSNOW&CO. ft e. WANTEO-AN IDEA' k4 ate Mtre L. .W tM le. vour onincnfs string. The akUHul maneuvering which this require Is very go! practice In training one tc act quickly. It la considered dishonor able to cut an unarmed kite. QUEER MEXICAN MONEY. Traveler Many tenre Age Gets Hie Ks rkange la Son a. Here Is an amusing account from Harper's Round Table of a traveler who went many years ago to Mexico, and found the native nainf a strange kind of currency. .Hart he: "In one ot the email town I bought some lime, and gave the girl cm dol lar la payment. Hy ay of change, ahe returned tne forty-nine piece of iert the else ot a email biacull. I looked at her In aatonishmrnl, and he returned my look with trqual aurprU. when a p.,llce office, who had eiltorBaexl the In rUnL hattened to lef'-rtn me that fur amall nim ! legal Under la many rirtun of the country. i esamlned tny change, and found that re h rake was slaitipssi Hh the name of a low a and of a manofs'-tnre authorierd ly the g prnnvrol. The rake of s.p serr w.irth thrve farth ing rach. Afterward, la tny lrvrl. I fmivrnUy reelvr4 similar change. Many of the rake ah. need igr ot h Ing lrea la the wh tubi bat that 1 dhMVrverrd U ftot at all sscnmiina, Irowls4 the atantn was nH r..IHr ted, the anepdwl b hi any ! as eurrvnr. tkaiiaa'i'.y man "!! I.vm a rake .f a frlrn l, wean hi ben t and Msrs it wh t?ank- I mail nf tny pie. a"r tlaa iwt tn my h. and enUeiuatly apeat them PROPRIETORS 01 the Old RetUMe Gault House, CHICAGO, 1LU. Half blnrl ! el the Tnlo rtt : of C, B. A r wv, , ,V. m nt. p .v.m and the M. M. Uif, W. A C, Katlroada. MATICM aU. IttM DAY Co. W. atsdlan and Dlntea !.. COIOAaO. X $1800.00 0ITN AWAV TO INVENTORS. tisaeasipfr ea e ee e Bet ees fa WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and M Soil Navigation Co SUiiers TELETDONE, BAILEY GiTZERT AND OCEAS WiYE. Leafing Alder Street Dock. Portlaod, fur Astoria, llesoo, Loaf Beseb, Ocean Park end Kabcotla. Uirecl eonneeuon vita iiwaoo eieamers aaa rail road; also at Young's Uajr with Heaehore lUilroad. LesTee TerUand 7 A. M, Pally, wpt Sunday. Leaires AttorU T P. at. Pally, eieept laaday. Uarse Portland I P. M lll)f. irl S'in.t.r. "alorday nhrht, It P M. Learse Astoria Dally a ate A. a., esceil auuuaj um mmftmj. mvunmj win H I. m. Leane Portland sod rent dlrr to Hearo, Tuesday and ThorUT si I A. M, liMT t I P. M. learet Ileacv neansMaj aaa rimaf at , mi a. m. vs wvwimj aigaia r. m. Biji Ckit4 to EW Dr.itiiioi Both rVvcbfi Fro tf Erpetst Pet Hatety, Ppeed. fonifnrt, Pteaetira, Trarel a the Telephone, Bailey CaUerl sod Ore War. 1 Eeeley Mis i.MBlBBsaenie sad ih af mmimmm Bs em a swfc akHtengat w ' J,i.MaiiMtMteslMM IT'S THE SlMPLtTONTAL W1?fTKWS THAT VUXO IWtNCS. aw as the "eseerfeaW" ee s For tho Ouro 04 Uquor. Opium iU Tobacco Habits 11 It lorale at Bale, Orefoa, Tkt Mutt Bmmtifut rotra on fXe Cooet Call al the Ottrrr eStxe See eartBralar trtrtlr wwitileeiuil. If i an a I yrlst sd sat ear. a wt ew r ?' lajpsajsjaveajat ajiwlat fclaaV 0MaVCBl tfafll HaavS rM ett lee llPP Weta4f e e4 frWeye. 1 r.h Tetae, TeUe 4 nnMie rare II B Om. IBeKe k tartea.tif (. U. IttoleU, Yrp. saw. mUrnt mmmMi w""l t e u i I , I, w im ajpjfc Mf bws 11 as B sas IT IS NOT SO (1AKS AS IT SUMS. ysiBl- ttwwiiiisii le I h in si a. i i C . s ejaeisaVBa a) fjaaaa aalaafegfaV a e. a V.B MM l . I ' Hi.ii-a I mna t pwB4 al w mSmmm f iai 'ww ip "X7n i. m sg Sag rtty aasAAiealat VsU lift . ne a4 rrrs f i. .i i. .J siimI. la ll.e hil,t,k Nimetlt oelM kf ll Ue i W . ' . . . . ' ft .. th.y di j zi. tt age mt a are tt rtpFTlnsenla has rnl2r grta le l deet-l Hm fa jWr eaa , ana a a remit of the Inraattfttinae II baa been dterms4 tHt lh-y ne a ranr of Wa of at rt a f-d. It U not !; jfcit.' i,i trlU hniwreer, trhe t'e W-srer auiniai firele H a-tfM et hearing? r b tt, BrUsi t.i, h mr la tvdhn haa ia ihwr toxtir. ta twal tea. lt ah.r hml nik art ni,e id yHt -h f tt a r Sikh In ! I J slili a JOHN WrDtJrRRVRM A CO.. g r n - el tee rmm aad I fe . lil' Hret.N.V .. V . akla(ia.n. C UgT A ..s"r;- ' OUR STOCK OF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING Fata Ta-V. CW4a eeed It e4 H egt r I he OsB t.fl - e4 eli e a ghH of yr fe'roe. H '.lf t t'il I tMae at th taeieee. and hneee ill ta t I.e4 kfi-e. frteee raaseateig, ! a4 r''a tot taJ. M. TO UNLOAD It to Advertisers at a Rrcat financial sicri- - at at - fjec. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we must fell It. Tun Patterson PunusHiKG Co. Mnesf ell Ibeseeie.