Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 12, 1896, Image 3

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The Danger is Averted by Using
"Nearly forty years ago, after
some weeks of sickness, my hair
turned gray and began falling out
so rapidly that I was, threatened
with immediate baldness. Hearing
Ayer's Hair Vigor highly spoken of,
1 commenced using this prepara-
as'. V
tici, and was so well satisfied with
the result that I have never tried
any other kind of dressing. It stop
ped the hair from falling out, stimu
lated a new growth of hair, and kept
the scalp free from dandruff. Only
an occasional application is now
needed to keep my hair of good,
natural color. I never hesitate to
recommend any of Ayer's medicines
to my friends." Mrs. II. M. IIaigiit,
Avoca, Neb.
Ayer's Hair Vigor
Aycr't Sarsaparilla Itemoves 1'implcM.
was mrrzrn
Qambrinus Beer,
Hotel Bar!
ra. Call
and Smokabla
on Tad.
Lircl Elleobnroauu bail the credit or
disoreJit of hsvintj rnineJ a joiiou in no
by ao outburst of ttntirlo bnraor. "The
ooforluoate olifot for itbom it ii my
privilege lo appear," paid a young bar
rister, mult inn U easoy 10 West
minster 1111 "lb abfnrtntiala oiirot.
my l"rd, for bom I appear bom! brml
I My, my lord, 017 unfortunste client
" Leaning forward and tt-skiog in a
soft, cooing voic Ibat 111 all lie mora
derisive btesuaa it was to Mile. )ea
boroagb said : "Yon may go nt, air, ao
far tbe Court is wilt) yon." Tbia Judga
was famous for saroasiio spreoliea lo
eoaoaul wbo tonaomed bis lima to no
purpoaa. Mr. Preatoo wis a grant 000
veyaucrr, bol cot a brilliant sJrocets.
Oo 00s ooraioo. bating Inflicted 00 lb
ooorl aa unspeakably dry oration, to
wards tbseloa of Ibsdsy lit saksd abeo
it would ba tbelr lord. Lips' pUsaara to
bear Iba remainder of bis srgamsot.
Lord Ellroborongb nil red a sigh tf rea
Ignatioo sod ansaarrd: "V's ara boood
lo basr )on, and wa will endeavor lo
gla j on oor undivided elirntioo oo Frt
day aril; but, aa for pleasure-, tfast, air,
bas been long ool of Iba qortlion."
Wbeo, in trial shoot soma liroeetona
anarrlra. a beirieUr named GIJreoll
bad ssld over and over sgaia with dull
erboeity Ibat tby "aers l ratable.
beoeoae Iba limMlona coilJ ba reached
oolr by boring, abicb was a matter of
acWoc," Eilenborongb grae!j Inquired
"Would yott, Mr. WMo', ba oaba.
litva that tvery kind of boring Ut mat
ley of scleaet V
Here and There.
Heory BUckwell is back from Wallula.
Tbe Heppner Transfer Co., bas wood
for sale. 37-tf.
E. C. Warren is looking after onr mer
chtnta needs today.
T. D. Mathews was over from Pine
Oity last Wednesday.
Niok Linguil.of Hamilton, was in town
ibis week on business.
Asa Thompson is taking in the Mason
ic grand lodge this week.
Tbeo. Anderson, of Eight Mile, was in
Ueppner Wednesday last.
Mrs. Jerry Cobn is np from Portland
visitiog friends and relatives.
Tom Matlock and Harry Hays are in
irom tee Matlock ranch today.
Gos Stalter got back Thursday from a
anearing tonr of want oonnty.
Heppner will celebrate. This decision
was reached sinoe our last issue.
Bill Ingrom and Wes Brannnn were
over Irom Eiebt Mile last Thursday.
M. Williams and J. R. Ntuamaker
were up from lone last Weduesday.
Ioe oream dinners at the Grand Cen
tral every Saturday at 25 cents. 47-60
Drink tbe celebrated J. H. Cutter
wlliskflv. On tun lit flhria Rnrnliora'
La Grande Marble Works. La Orande
Ure. a. V. Smith, salesman, Heopner.
Col. Cbas. Reioheooauh. of Seattle.
was in ueppner on business last Tues
Old Hatt. Dave McAtes and Bill
Tillurd left last night for tbe Portland
John L. Sperry is talked of for tbe
position of chief of police down at Port
Miss Cora Rbea departed for Walla
all 00 Weduesday night to visit with
Mrs. Jus. Dodson, daughter of Uncle
Cbas. Kirk, is over from Wallowa visit
ing relatives.
Rev. W. E. Potwine will hold services
Rt the M. E ohurob, Tuesday, June 16.
All ure invited.
Arlington Record : 0. A. Rbea, of
Heppner, was orossing sheep at the
Arlington ferry today.
I. N. Sargent, father of 0. O. Sargent.
arrived this morning from Tbe Dalles I
and will remain today.
Mrs. S. P. Garrigo.es returned Sunday
from Salem, Oregon, where sbe bad
b-en visiting tbe past month.
Greon Mathews and wife departed
today for McUntne springs wbere tbey
go tor alio. Mathews' bealtli.
Our pntrons will please bear in mind
that tbe shop is 10 serious need of mon
ey. Tbe paper oannot rnn without it.
A flood a few days ago at Canyon City
direly tnreatena 1 the town tor a fei
hours, but finally resulted in no serions
Preaobiog morning and evening at tbe
M. b church, south. Morning subject.
Duty; evening subieot. "fbe Sura
Mre. T. W. Warmotb. sister of Mrs.
GeorgD Swaggart, arrived this morning
from California. Sbe was aocompamed
by her daughter.
Wm. t letober, wife sod son are over
10m Pi It. I Rock lo visit Tom Matlock
and family. Mrs. Matlock and Mrs.
letober are sisters.
Complaints ara being made Ibat the
uong Creek road through Spring Hoi
low ik 10 Dad snape. j be supervisor
boold look after ibis.
Jos Woolery and Sun Ritobie were
np from lo ie Wednesday last. Jos re
port crops in good oondition bat the
staud of wheat is bad.
J. Grooms and Chae. Barnetl cams in
yesterday from the Peulaod ranob. Tbey
have undated lo shear out 20,000 bead of
sheep np there this year,
Arlington Record : Attorney J. H
Lyons, of Coodon, took the train at
Arlington Wededy morning for a few
teks visit at Walla Walla.
EJ McDahl and Tboa. OilBllen wera
in town last Thursday. Ed bid just re-
earned from Camas creek where ba bad
taken bis sheep tor the summer.
Word oomea from all quarters that tha
neatest ami unit satistaotorv dye for col
oring tbe baard a brown or black it Book-
logbam's I'ys for lbs Whiskers.
W mm era
Who are nervous, weak, worn out
with local troubles find cure blood.
nerve strength, and perfect health in
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
We do not say tho above to raise
false hope. It has been the experi
ence of many, very maujf women in
those intensely trying periods which:
demand and consume so much
force those special physical trials we
delicately indicate by merely using the
words Maid, Mother, Matron.
Like a confidential friend we suggest
tho use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, a reli
able blood purifier and tonic; it has
helped many others and will help you.
" I was in poor health five years, broken
down in strength, and appetite all gone.
Local troubles and other weaknesses In
tensified my misery. Nervous sick
dizziness, heartburn and pains In my
back made me think I should never be
well again. A friend prevailed upon me
to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I soon began
to improve and in six months it restored
me to better health than for years. I
have found Hood's Sarsaparilla a grand
medicine for all troubles peculiar to
Maoris el Xew Zealand Embrace and Bob
There Is one habit which the Euro
peans have not been able to introduce
among the Maoris, that of kissing; and
when one looks at the mouth of a na
tive woman it -is evident, says Dem
orest's Magazine, that an osculatory
caress might not be pleasant, for the
lower lip is covered with tattooing on
the inside, which must be a very pain
ful operation. But what will not a
woman do to be in the fashion? In
New Zealand a native woman would as
soon think of dispensing with her
tattooed under lip as an American belle
would think of wearing an unfashion
able bonnet.
The natives are very affectionate, but
have not learned the habit of kissing;
instead, they throw their arms around
each other, and pressing their noses
together move their heads up and
down, mamng at tne same time a
crooning sound which is changed to
suit the occasion, being mournful if a
mutual friend has died since they last
met, but always somewhat sad, for it
is intended to convey the idea of the
sorrow they have felt at their separa.
tion. When two Maoris meet they
stick their spears, or war clubs the
latter being also used as walking staffs
in the ground, as a sign that they are
at peace with each other, and then
throw their arms over each other's
shoulders and rub noses.
The Celebrated and Well
Known Specialist
I am now strong and healthy and can do
a good day's work. I stand by Hood's
Sarsaparilla, for it cured me after other
medicines failed." Mrs. Lvs Dieb,
Carlinville, Illinois.
This and many similar cures prove that
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. It.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood &Co., Lowell, Mass.
11 . 11 r!ff ire purely vegetable, cara.
flOOa S PUIS tulj prepared. 25 cents.
a Limited Time Only:
June 20 to July 13.
ft Mat rs at Ik WatM s for
Kym tUranptrilU t.y Iha eitraof
dloarv diattnrtioa or hav.fta1 "
hlfxi.t tariflr elinH an mUiIhI al lb
W.hM's fair, Cbioai. Mrtofrluf
of tbr arapartiia -"i,i by ty
nekbUtaethniat (4tbtr r"d
bat lli'T tu all lorl
ftllratMl of lt tula f .fto.l lief lb
miry of paiMtt m.tir,. an fHtnm:
Tb dM, of M.a WntM'a flf lb
ntt la Uv.if ff Af' HtnUs
la r7wt f..l...: r s Hrspa
rilta la sol s .ien jlin'. II
ant twlo; to il ll dt tfOO. It M
brs urn IU B)-f.i."
in IK "rMi " al Sm.
lit f"4 f lav!' ( I":
I lie mi l tt l (.
1 in.lo nn i !
Tfc Hi f'nf In lh Ui.
Bll IM Imm It KWl (
It s Unlnf tM 4 k'luiilBt '
M pttt l"IJtll"
Bold om'f al lb Ur 8lwe.
Ha. Im . Ir t-f A r t ' t,u
motor, on teoafiani4 ru, Htina
dump, ami one iteelfiam rakt, foot
dump. It ill tell at cot I for Co ft. 11.
11. 0. Jobnsoa t Sons bvs eompletad
Ibeir sbeannc operations ool at Mabog
oy Kidua. Mr. Jobosoo aod his soo,
0. P., and wife, are at prwenl sojourn lug
In too.
Tboma Nelson aod motbsr are ran-
Ing iba Whits hotel and restaorant in
rnidleion. when ya go tbera lv
tben a call. Tliy will trsal yon rbibt.
E. O : Mr. Drmerls of Diiia todsy
old lo Iba soonrinc aula bis soliraelip
of IM wool for 8 enaU. Tbls is Iba bigb-
I ptioa paid Ibis soa anya-bera la
Eaatrro Orrgon.
Fr S22.C0 I will a II Brat claaa, blab
rsd. bigb arm stoles' marbles gnaran
td lor 10 yoara. fat furlbr peitico
Urs ell on or addraa, H. A- laob,
I i log too. Oregoo. B-H-tf.
Hltn lmi: Mrs. H. P. Oarrigaas, of
ll'por, mhn bs bo vuuicg hr
iirs. sir. Klla MeDuaall. Mr. T. 11.
Wit.no, and t lh.r rvlatlvaa bars, lad for
bar bo oi Iti is morning
W. P. rVrDr la prpart4 lo do all
kind of bUek.mitbioc. borMnomg,
m.cblna rvpairipg, go oik, In ft
aatlblAg la b(hust r"bl Sh.rgM
asd atfrtn gaaraat4. Mil
H". E If. Tboeapaoa, rpraalii)g
Iba llrid.l Vrll LomUflng Co., visa l
ll.nimar Tow1sf ll oa baalnMM. air.
- ..... . i
l b mtt ana of Mfl)iooan a rp-
rMt)tal al Iba lat lgi.llivt
With Iba blind fall of bm-r. Iba
r.iJ l.rm U all Iba ' Mflva,
(livs iba .m ibofimga l.n.ing
a lib Ai'a H.f.apariila aal d of
lao ft Aim's pills. a4 tiill '
inrrf a v.f blor) la oa lif.
J.iiff ibis fuf . m4 fa II ixi
fpM II
Mf".! Nuaflfavorjboly a lr
Mothers will find Chsmberlain'sConeb
nemedy especially valuable for oronp
and whooping cough. Il will give
prompt relief and is safe aud pleaannt,
Wa have sold it for several vears and it
has never failed In trive tbe moot perfect
satisfaction. G. W. Richards, Duqueene,
Pa. Sold by Conser & Brock. Diuuaists.
The Woman's Ghristian Temneranee
Union will meet, aa usual, in the M. E.
ouurob on Wednesday next at 2:30 p. m.
Some good musio is expected, and read
ings anu disoussion upon lbs evangelis
tic department cf the woik. All are
earnestly invited to be present.
A healthy appetite, with perfect diges
tion and aMirailatioo, may beeeonred by
the use of Ayer's Pills. Tbey cleanse
aud strengthen tbe whole alimentary
oaoal and remove all obdraotions to Ihe
natural fuuotiona of either aex, without
any on pleasant effects.
Arlington Reoord: Agent F. 0. Uindla
returned last night from a week's onting
tu this and Morrow counties. Lie report!
an excellent lima with bis wheel eijoy
ing tbe invigorating mountain air, aod
says that ba la sorry be didn't stsy
another week.
Lost Oo Wednesday morniug, some
where on tbe Eo bo stage road between
Ueppner and Milt Powell's pUoe, a light
colored overooat. Finder will oonfer a
tvor by retorting same to Ibis ofllce or
lo iba owoer, lienry Tbomsoo, of butter
oreek. It,
Meroary : 3. W. Ivey, deputy district
attorney, made reoord for bimwilt thai
wilt euioe ttirough years lo oome. Mr.
Ivey is ooa of Iba best oaupaigo speak
ers in lbs slate. Ha bss been eulogised
by all wbo listened to bis brilliant ora
Charley Jooea, tbe well-koown "old
timer" in Iba lonsorial line, baa again
located la Ueppner, bsvicg parebaerd
Qreeo Mathews' shop, Minor building
One of the Schemes of the Future I
Highly Alluring.
One of the schemes for future engl
neers to work at, says an article in Cur
rent Literature, will be the sinkinjr of
a shaft twelve thousand to lifteen
thousand feet into the earth for the
purpose of utilizing1 the central heat of
the globe. It is said that suh a depth
is by no means impossible, with the im
proved machinery and advanced meth
ods of the coming engineer. Water at
a temperature of two hundred degrees
centigrade, which can, it is said, be ob
tained from these deep borings, would
not only heat houses and public build
ings, but would furnish power that
could be utilized for many purposes.
Hot water already at hand is neces
sarily much cheaper than that which
must be taken when cold and brought
up to the required temperature. Once
the shaft i.i sunk all cost in the item of
the hot water supply ceases. The
pipes, if good, will last indefinitely,
and, as nature's stokers never allow the
fire to go out, there would coma in the
train of this arrangement many ad
vantages. When, by sinking a shaft in
the earth, we can secure a perpetual
heating apparatus which we can regu
late by the turning of a key, one trial
of life will fade into nothingness.
to Prevent Ae-
d Sloevm have one fiv footrW"9. c7 bom.i. coariey
Tbs Osteite la last issne slated Ibat
Btier ff Harrington bad collected f i.iXi .
id tale! this year aod lbs same bad bean
turned over to lb treasurer. Ibis was
lbs amonot oollectsd last Thursday, Fri
day and Halardsy.
T. A. Bbea got lo reoeotly from a
Iweoty-six day trip onl buying eatils
lis delivered lo all 1200 bead. KTiO to
Jobo Itocb, of Mino , 800 to Mr. lleaeb,
of Helena, aod AM) bead to Il.ory Biebaa,
oi Ueisoe.
B. a fioitb Bro., opposite P. 0.
Tbuaipeoa Co. 'a. la beadqoartera for
scrven doois, window o re.ua, etc Call
ou tbto for all work la tbs lioe of csb-
iuel making, BDdsrtakiag and plot are
i bll Cuba la now asoeiat4 ailb Iba
Qrm of il. Ueppner A Co . la Iba for
warding Imsloeea. Tbl pay b blgheal
mark! prlre lr pelts and bidea and at-
lead lo Ml rorwardmg.
Tbe Sunday arbool pie sia at Pallets'
grot fester ley wss a eooipleia sore...
rally eeveaty Dv of Hrppuei s daatooas
west dowo oB Iba gpeeial Irain.
Proper Care In Handling
A good sportsman Is familiar with his
piece, and brave enough to be afraid of
it, says Harper's Round Table. From
the time he takes it out of the case the
muzzle of the barrels is on his mind un
til he has taken it to pieces, cleaned it,
and put it away in his case. When
he starts out in the morning, he takes
out the barrels, and pointing them to
wards the earth aa ha holds them In
his left hand, he springs the stock into
its place with his right. Then having
fixed on the little piece of wood which
clinches the two parts together, he
passes his right arm around the barrels,
ao that aa he carries it the stock points
up and behind him at an angle of about
forty-five degreea, and the barrcla
point down toward the earth at a aim
ilar angle In front of him. Around his
waist or in his pockets he carries enrt
ridges. No charge goes Into his gun
until he has not only left the houae,
but actually arrived on the grounds
where he expects to find game. If he
has to drive to tbe proper woods or tho
shooting-stands or blinds, be places the
piece In the bottom of the wagon,
pointing out toward tne rear, never
once allowing It to point towards him
sell or anyone else who may be stand
ing by. If be ia near enough to the
woods or shore to walk be carries the
gun aa dincrilivd, unloaded, until be
reaches the proprr place. When climb
ing over fences, whether with cart
ridges in place or not, he pi ores the
gun nndrr tbe fence Oat on the ground.
climb over or under, and then picks it
up from the other aide. Keating a
shooting-piece agalnut a fence or wall
in ao upright poailloo show the green
horn or the careless and therefore poor
The Tendeery ef I'eople te Protect loer
ef Ell.
Not long ago, to one of our smaller
American ciliea. a bank cahler was
found to be a defaulter fur a large aum
nearly or quite a hundred thoiinatid
dollar. rrpviininly to hi fall ba I
aid to have beeo the mt popular
man in the -place, and "noted for bia
rhnrvh work."
There wa no question a'mt this
man's guilt. Indeed ha confeeeetl at
once and without reservation.
Now Minn the remarkable part of
Through tbe earnest request of many
in this vicinity, as we learn, one of tbe
celebrated Drs. Darrtn of Portland, bag
been prevailed npon to visit Heppner,
Or., and will have bis offices at the Pal
ace Hotel for a limited time only, June
20th to July 13th.
Those wishing to oonsnlt the dootor
find it to their advantage to call on
him while here. Ue comes to us with
testimonials throughout the whole North
west, and the authentic report of some of
bis oures seem nothing short of the mir
aculous. There are few ills to which ha
man flesh is heir that cannot be relieved
and permanently cured by Dr. Darrin's
Electro-Mngnetio treatment, and oases
that have resisted tbe efforts of ordina
ry physicians have yielded to his power,
Tbe oases embraoe almost every kind
of disease, and, as said before, no man
woman, nor child need despair of relief
and cure while Dr. Darrin offers bis in
valuable servioes.
Unlike most physicians who bave be
oome eminent in their profession, tbe
doctor's charges are extremely moderate
and reasonable, acoording to oiroum
stances and ability to pay He will not
undertake any osses that he cannot cure
or benefit. Consultation is free, to;
should there be any oases that are in
curable, he will immediately disoover
them, thus saving bis patients any fur
ther expenditure of time and money,
wbioh they might otherwise squander.
For tbe benefit of those wbo are not
already acquainted with tbe doo tor's
mode of operating with eleotro-msgnet-
ism, and who mny be seeking aid, though
distrustful, after many failures of every
body aod everything, Dr. Darrin makes
tbe extraordinary and most generous of
fer to treat the worthy poor free, between
the hours of 9 and 10 a. m., dally, lo
prove to tbe community at large, bis
ability and skill.
All peculiar female troubles, irregular
menstruation, luoorrbnea, displacement,
etc, are confidentially treated, as wsll ss
acute, chronic, privste and nervous dis
eases of whatever nature, if onrable; no
oases it not curable. Consultation free.
Uffloe bours are " s. m. to s p. m,
Charges for treatment low aod rensoo
able aoonrding to ability to pay.
Most oases can be treated at home af
ter one visit to tbe doctor's office. All
business relations with Dr. Darrin ars
strictly confidential.
err. vv
ST lleVBVe I TO m
i 17 1
The highest claim for other
tobaccos is "Just as
good as Durham."
Every old smoker
knows there is none just
as good ad
a a
Yon will find one coupon inside
each two ounce bag, and two cou
pons inside each four ounce
bag of Blackwcll's Durham.
Buy a bag of this cele
brated tobacco and read the
coupon which gives a list
of valuable presents and how
to get them.
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Meroantile Go., and the stock is being disposed of at
Wholesale S
All wooleu goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, e.te., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, classware, hats.
caps, blankets and in fact every thing kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment, can ana see tne. stock before it is too late.
ED. R, BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Ueppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
Gilliam & Bisbee
Catarrh Cured,
Health aod sweet breath seonred, by
Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, l'rios 60c.
"I bsv nstsr bad a day's to knees Is
By hf." said a Biddl-agd a so Iba
other day.
-Wbl a eomfi It would b," sighs
sou p lelid. "to be la bia l-
fof aiearor two." Tel half of the In
valid w see might be Jt a bealtby as
be, if tbey Would ool lake proper ear
i.f thatelvee, sal rwr food-o4 dl-
e it.
It's SO Street tbsl sorb slfepUt ll.lag
are nvMii k4 tf Hf ano want beelkai
Fod asakea bHb
Il sskes strength and streegib wrd
on akea. 1 b m bo l v
beea ttek rmg Iwssiim be alwti
4lgll bl load, d tea aoatd tteenm
1 In Ihe rw I elertma ; hot tl te ery
i1onl.f.il M Ilr fteott will f si peiiel
iht ba Km ba st d-wa aa ol
tsnsbt teeen.
Notice of Intention.
J Mkt S. Irani. Nutlm In 1'iti'I'V ill en thai
Ihe following iiained (.tiler hu lllud tlnllce ill
till Inli'iitlfiii tu malt Anal proof In support o(
lit claim, aim that aalil priMii will Iik man
before J. W. Morrow, roiinty clrk. at Ili'iMiiior.
uregou, on June i, imi, vii:
ltd. E. No. m. tat the t'i SfM and t'i BEU.
8er. '"i To. 2. H., K ?S ..
Henanir in following witnexw to prov
ni comimiom mnciaur upou ami cuuivaiiun
of. Mill IkucI, vl:
(ienrge Khlrk, Arthur limit, Sherman 8bw
aod Hoy Hunt, all of HeppiK-r, ln-gon
i'W-W KrglaU-r,
We are not small men, fi)s. We are small men, Xs.
i we are nit tie Largest itews in tiiewoiiii!
But when the peopls ot all the surrounding country ara In need ol
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Olaaaware, Wood and Willow ware, Kalla, Iron, Barbwlre,
Ciimberiana Coal, Qaaa and Water Pipe, Pipe Kitting, Stoves snd Raugrs, Wagoni,
Backi, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axe, Hammer, Sawa, Bledgct,
Wedge, Uuns, Plttolt, Cartridge aud Ammunition, Maton Jan, Oran
Iteware, Plowa, Harrow. Rake. Mower, Tuba. Wuk Botllera
and Boarda, Sheet Iron, Ztno, etc., etc,
Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Trices.
W hsv Ooou Ooodi at Fit Prices, sod Cheap John Good at Chep John Price.
Notice of Intention.
t and orricR at the daixm. okkoom.
June II. IK'.rt. Nolle I hrrrl.r alvea
that th following iiemed rttl,-r ha alnf no-
lire of hi Introtion In mak final proif In au
pott ol hit claim, and that aalil proof will :
made bHor R. I. Kreeland. I'. H. f 'nmmlaalnn,
er, al Ueppner, Oirgoti, on inly ath, in.m, !
Administrator of the atat ol Aletander Rich
ie, lrra..
II.; K. No. 1. for lha IWU. See. SL To. I X
R. .'4 R . W. M.
Manama th followtn wltni ra to lrn
Ma roii'liHiona rnalilome utxjtl enJ cullliallna
of. aald land, vll
A.T. MrN. ol lleonnor. Or. rrnk U.itl
nd Frank Holland, of Inn, Or., and Kdward
Holland, ot leaiiigtita, ur.
44 !W. Krfltter,
sitEKirrs SALE,
I and ht virtue of an rutln laaued onl
of Ihe circuit iwift el Ihe male "4 trnn. for
th I nunly of Mormw, an Mar fi, l and to
ma dlrcrl4 ai1 ncivrvd. uenn a )ii1fmenl
rendered and ntM4 In aald curt on il, ;nd
! of March. I. In lavtif nf l.corr w. Mar
rititon. a dmlnlatraiot nl the acuta nf Jam
M aifi ilrawl vlaluilS. and eai,at Jae It
Hanililain. iHiraC, Hamilton. J H Ht we. Th
Kurtrrn I oontfe Invcalmetil Trust fUtnlled
and Ad.ll I'artln, dfn1anta. lor the ut of
( lh.d Ik'llara wllh Intvrvet lliran al
th r t,f leu Nr rent, per finum Irom Juna
II. ll. I..f me humih .! Twenir Hi
Ix'llin aibMncf ' and ! tha furlhcr m ef
- u , j.,.inni ii aa NII.IM aixl vl I at
rlt 1.1 1 ttifcel.n many piil sh- 4 that ih f..iiiti dwriiad wi jH-Knt,
ilj-lr rW.,-.l U, belieeebim. thief. LVVUVni V S
' J.i'l.T In i'ie rharc be era ut ' Hv. and Sr', at aertlun t ad
l.,1..:...,l ll,--l, l.lr,,or. II.I..J, Mav.atlo.no. Tp a.H,R . M , ,.I4
, . . . . , , ; i MBtrt"uiniiia iMiar owa . a 'l . nr
ir.,T, aniani. h aatd iidnwel II ea r.red and dmU
I H'kpiT
ll.tiv il..:i!.l In l.M-U l.im nn lie l.-J. MS V cctl.l . Tf II.HSI. M , 1.
toe u mum r turn vwa inmw bqii Ilea I el. will. ftt
him eat bia fn- al there.
Tba nest day many tit the Iradinir
rioifcaaUmal and btmlneaa nwn railed
apm him to estend their reatimi and
thrlraympttthy. Ilia churrh aatuctale
did tbe aame. IWMit to twenty time the
reuirt"l aum were ollered Ui eecure bia
rvleaae tirr'n-e trial.
Tbe lendi-nry almwn In tliia ea I
nut oncfmiiiKin. 1V1 ,,nt a a man ha
ebeeriul. omptiWnlj nualittes .m
many ;i ara apt to k by hi m
rtm clcfud.
Jim i vn was f to trie fyaar. vaa
th refrain of an old oot by whit), a
mati'IUn attrrnttt Hard to m tiu,.! Ut
c t tl the l.'i'ncii) rsllroed irtle. Jl
it caay I) ti c n-rn) vrilH oat d-a
rt'. Im I'.nf lo .ii a a. If it la equally
ty l' tiae a t hm vr tf ga.il i
treble a f-r Aif7' tu rn.t.
ATtOOAY. 171 itr, ISM.
I a'clnrk r St , nf eld dar. In lmn tmt
M Ihe cwH hmaw n II .,.(.Hf ktitmwfmtnt
orrf-n acll lha rlfhl lllla and ln4 M a
dfvnnatta In n. lo th t,e Arm fttit e
fwif at I'll hi lo tiKlliui In Ihe hlh and Ut
1 1 .r ! r a.h In hand, Ihe tmt an he a
eluM In Ihe aalia'. Il.m nf aald nutlnn, l-
hn a and all eo and a'a that M
ware H4anlM.ini,
Snerliynf M'H rww ( siv. (Mvcwa,
fieied May , t. U a.
Rll Ml rm HALE.
t m t
.. , t ...
Ibirg lb Dreffnwlea Uerired were defeat-1 Ihe ti by blM( fnmt alnmasb lo
work a wn aa ai. mager ihft
Cnltal will beta you iiomacb a.! will
enake y-a alfnog and bH by by saaklbg
lb f.Kt na eel asak yna ft,
!( sl it. If 11 bonis 10 teats
SJaa4 reagkrtelf reeea
I iaaeaai mil, tree. mj . Tee Ilk a laui.
I ..14 l.k ey e-l!y, .d -y , T eje rnc f.n, Ooa.tiaatl..
am .. ea ' 1 1 w.agfl.el ) ngl fWsOl ij I '
't - ZJ-iT a.i by
nr ,1 " i m j w ' w " ' - ,
, l.lK.tf II d Maai.il', "blrli
t.t: Jj Warrea.
V"Ti'nrrsYf.tvit that rtig
a' d fcv H a4 an n-inl..n la',l
M lha rir-rlf t'tti 4 II a ( nl t,
thai t m ea J in !. a m'4
m mm lrtf a - n 4.1l.anMJ Mwq Iti'lfm
rw4rH nd aid In ai. cH n the
ll'"ii4 I "1, Il fa 4 I '. A tW. J
M.rfMie ,1 at M r w Nmif
. t.,a yi'id f W aaarra-t. I . tu-.id
aian mm il4, I r f
Kh ini r,n.-i a,.d y w a..lntiff
4 aal lha fat .4I ( m,rv-.( 4alat
! it Ikaiitanl Im thmmmt l.tlf aMk
IntanMI lha.awl Ima ISa M af nt 4 mm v.
th rata nl Wn mmtt r.. a nnnm H tan
Thft wool market is not yet nflected b? the McKiulev boom, and
reports are not encourRRiDg. We have ample strige capacity at
r those who dosira to bold for bicher Drifioa. and b intrrxliirlnfr
Eastern bujora, Rocure for those who wish to soli, tbe bichest market
We pay teamatera and bold wool subject to ortler.
No commission cbargid for elliii(.
We pay highest price for Lides and sheep pelts.
Rolled barley and feed for teamaters.
We Are floents lor little's dip,
The best sheep dip in tbe mniket
We bave 6,000 shingles which we will sell at cost.
Mark your wool 0 and direct tamstr to lower warehouse.
Heppner. Or.
R. F. HYND, AUnaocr.
Oh I Where Did You
Get Them Pants?
SI faiiy
boa I aal I Rinmvera and are r Inetng en I h Rvrnlahlnf (Innd a ad (
Suing up m wiwailM, Nardeare, linear and wihaf Ihln.
Patronaae Solicited. Satlslactlon Guaranteed.
lde"ita and enatwea M aa'4 1','iaiM'
II eaa ftda;-.!.! Ih IK ..,MV
fa Jr rrwtrtlotl,-relrrl Cam of
Tok f.j CelecTg la 11 u4 I tl Wt te Uka
ltrftJlr,jntil rUa itlc Vlfny at t. - " i
t i i. it.. .. . . . .,. .ii.li,,!,,, . " fc..ha4 n M1MM,
timm U at. luog Lean. titniHiiaj,M H,v' mJ n-r-m.
a tl i -nl d ne ra r I L aoHUa a liMar ie i " l- " M
t vaa, afeHtngl ey, mmrm. 14 ll.rel. I he mt-A in aai a'a tm
l-i. 1
4 l'rWM,
rtittasi i f 9iA H f beUa-f fctt mnm h -4 t)M - 4 te,
.f . . "s fctH Met IsvaM IKw at, mm h hA tt mt4
Ilk fUfei MM Mmm r .4 W4fn1 v I iM h
rrti mwf
I 4t
BBi'"i", osva m rw w-"s- j P1 iaa j w ' - - " ' ''WW '
.il. iT e.U ..;i"W severe r.a la '. ,' i Ike lc-
. t , , . . , , ' , . ii., ncH iii. I atM, M' .-m I
Ult,mA.m rwdng al U IMairsM Vll . ,.. .,.
Fl Lt I NOLI . II cot 1? r.
raiiui Ar o ctsimi
M,tM iiu4(f:Hfi
r.OrWKtlf1NG( Sltf,Hf,tASL, TllK.MfMY.
fiflistur. rtPifeTxcuTi. 1 liter
C,mtmAJ fl'l
1 ..jif I
til !.. a a '
- 1 ' '
lava Itia I I k, .- l a 1
an mh i mm r , '-
. " I
I- a i'1(iU:y
Vt kiU4.
! m." L
. lt.M.1.. ...I.lt..nul...'
I 'I, B llafl, Ibe teriJ ai, l.ievoMIHe.ia.-. 1 1, .'llVwitV.tTi Ai . lKUee.M NOTARY PlJRI O & ,
be,I l I,., frec!., Mail -, (r,NM a tM teaHH r4v T4 ITuJ ,"4 ... . , d "i J.g 1 1 I V' .illDKAfl ,V-'IHr, rUa3L-IV- -VAI.Ie
, abeve be 4mpmm 4 s-.f,.le g;ar, Ut-m Ire. I- a4 taW e ' ..,.. n II II I UUtl uUiJ . dCl IM I F V A M H C D
);-- ,-t ti 1 ,
-4 ) i
'j IUaA i ttU nrt mil lfi 5v
m- aa.