Tee Oregonian says: The cry that 'Vanderburg has been counted oat' is silly. He never was in, Dever was elected. The disappointment of his sup porters is due to their own fault They claimed too big pluralities for him in Linn, Clackamas and other counties, which were not sus tained upon the actual count There has been no thought of try ing to 'count him out.' Such a thiDg would not be possible, eveD had it been thought of. Honesty is not so scarce an article as this clamor would make it appear. But if this clamor is to be continued, its authors would do well to make some specific statemeuts. . Let us know in what county or counties the returns have been falsified." Why doesn't the Oregonian show a little decency and say what it believes that Mr. Ellis was just as fairly nominated and elected as was Mr. Tongue. The Pendleton E. O. makes some surprising insinuations ed itorially in a recent iesue. It knows full well that no one has been counted out for congress, or for any other office, nor can this be done without being delected. That wrong estimates have been made on pluralities is no fault of the republicans. In Morrow coun ty the official count showed three votes less for Ellis and two more for Quinn than had been previous ly given out So far as Ellis is con cerned, the old leaders of the ma chine opposed him, and with their handiwork to be seen in every county in the district, it is not likely that any wrong could be done even though it was contem plated. Let the E. 0. find one thing wrorg, then its sweeping as sertions will have weight and it will appear loss ridiculous. Simon and the morning paper outraged the republican party in Oregon. They disrupted the or ganization tote it limb from limb. In Multnomah county decency was debauched at the primaries, at the state convention and later by knifing of several of the nominees of that convention at the behest of Joseph Simon. The conduct of the "bosses" originated the Mitch ell republicans and defeated good men nominated lu Joseph Simon's convention. Bulldozing and treachery has been rebuked. Mer cury. The Oregonian is not content with the ruin it has wrought in the rauks of the republican party, but is yet busily engaged in the work of "rule or ruin." If the Or egonian were a republican paper it would have more influence, and as it is it may force Oregon into the populists ranks iiext November. Voters will not be driven like sheep by the Orecouian. Mr. Si mon or by any henchman of mo nopoly and corporations. On the other baud if the party can unite lue samo old plurality will be roll t'd up at the coming presidential election. JrDOlNd from the way that Mor row county Las gone bchinJ, finan cially, there should be a great de mand for retrenchment and amors business-like ad mi nut ration. If we mutake not, there is. In th pen. eral investigation of tb affairs of our county we eipect to find ererv thing in fairly good shape, except leak Lore and there which ran U ranily remedied. Hot th Ga zette should consider that it is a part of it duty to call err rtlhiog by its right name and to tell tb truth, let it fall where it may. Tin Orrgmiau dig at John, than lUmrno in WedoemUv's iu is diagottirig. It shows just hat there is in that old grilled pirate, HoutL lit U mean enough to scut tle a ship, if h wasn't to much of coward. To ri.oul consider that Mr. Bourns is other than plcoM at Mr. Tonga' tUtory U absurd and poetile. CorxTT officials are gettiog more money for their serf ice than th oik ortb, compare! with lrlce paid fur oiler things and tb peopl ar very correct ia ad. Vacating reduction. Th Cieiett hall q its Bttnoel endeavor to iet io th work of bringing alout a mor economic admibi. tralioo of tffir TRI IMtegoeUa Ms her ( Llli' 8.U1J plurality of two years g)f It rrr U It billed wttS r.e pr n Jo tutii.Mi. Hut an i le, I. n is n tfC. Iftt Ld hlUa i iUr all riLL Ibai U UI Una U Iv.U, Ellis has 441 plurality over Quinn. Congress adjourned yesterday and the country can now take a good long breath. The scrap this year for president promises to be icterestine-. and or numerous bolts will occur all along tne Jine. The Oregonian cannot rule the people of this state which fact has been demonstrated very often dur ing the past two years. McKini.ey gets away with the contest for seats in the convention. The McKinley wave will not stop till Mac is in the presidential chair. The negro deleeates to thA Rk Louis convention were denied lodg ing in the hotels, but the matter I I t nas Deen adjusted so that all will be entertained. The Oregonian opposed Mitch ell, McBride and Ellis. That paper is not largely represented in the congress of the nation. Should Vanderburg win it will be out en tirely. Mercury. The Gazette is clad Toncne is elected because Oregon needs nro. tectionists in the house of repre sentatives. Mr. Tongue is a man of great ability and will ably rep resent his district. Messes. Oubdane and Davis were to be defeated over in Uma tilla couuty by Northup republic ans for their part in the fight againBt Senator Dolph, but the little game didn't work. The fishermon's strike down on the Columbia is making some trouble. Numerous murders have occurred and for a time it was con templated that it would be neces sary to call out the militia. St. Louis does not deserve anv. thing and it is no wonder that it has fallen far in the rear of pro gressive cities. Its treatment of negro delegates to the republican national convention is worse than shameful. It was not necessary to associate with them, but they could have been treated like human be ings. A letter, from Chairman' Hirsch to the Gazette, of recent date, re fers briefly to the oft-repeated claim that Quiun and Vanderburg wciBuounifu out Air, liirsch is known far and wide as a fair mind ed gentleman, and he rlmll any person to produce the least bit : l 1 1 . . . i eviuenco mat otuer than honest victories nave been won. Aboard bhip. Re eoyaire era nanalla JmnJ ... motive of Dealt u. Hi tlmv ar. in , eaee. Uui II mar well be doubted if Ibt shaking an aboard atiin. h.ik n.i. .1 .try ftagil conaiitnlioa and weak nerve uui pn-jqniriai ir l eDet era Hot averted nr nnlhflad h a ma.....i afegoerd. Tbe brat. If we are to believe lha les'lmony 0f oeaan traveler. brib er Ibejr so abroad (or beallh, pleasure or unauiMia, ia iioaieuer e Stomach Uitier. invanoa. ooromercial traveler, ae cap- -uu iionianirg eonoar io reoom mrnjina? Ibia flna dt.rna t,.i u.. ao emigrant to h fronliar. Ilia lohab - - . . w ."llllli , w name 1.1 meiaru.n regtone, and all wbo arioaed lo hardship or rigors st ell- mate. rt malarial. rhanmati.. nr a i.i Dev trouble. ktrVnHBnaaa1 r1hMaU lis. er eonidalat and eonailpaiioD It I emi nently rmeeoluna, bdI eomuendad by iuuiciai iraiarniij rar and ar. ri-owm mimion sravicra. Tb Worn' Christian TamrjeranM Onto will boJ their eoaal Bower ct le sion service ia b M. E. cbarrh on Han. day, Jan 1Kb, omasneiof t 1 A p. m. lb following program will b iflv : Pinging by tbacbotr. Heading eriplor. Treyer. Daeit, aire. Potion od Mis Brow. Reading, Mia (lleeecoek. Anlbea, Cbolr. Reeilatb. Mia RL Hoi", Mr. Hloeata, Bileg flowerO foar llltl girt. Daelt, Mr. Ihttlo aod 1U. r P. Ureen. iUeiutioB, Ml Myrtle Dorser. Mieglag by ebolr. lUaJiag. Mr. Drlgt. Hub, nVaal.Ur lb LilUe." U Drows, Addreea, Re. K. P. Ore. Tfrraaf IV.iology. twMMii.m, All are sjm r4illy InvtUd ia aL lend. win ue 1 ro. hrM. IfrtUUa ..4 r"- Ka'l's Clover tiaut Taa (. well 4 bsr.fr , , ... Ms R. R, Woaca. for at by W.lla A W arte. Tbmtb ri ea iHe IL 11 A W m via. I'w .tills. Wall m.n. uj rra4l4.i. e"4 elaaa, Will ru is natai Wit tie ibhi rariae. lha easae ae bt Jwe. A lrk fl elM alMfwy fv Ian4 I ftakae, aeetig wilfe tne - ' - . . ' aUeiwt rMtla4 h HI rl, w, sa ) e.fieHi witk the tlreet Mcwtbera railway . u 1w m rwaare Is SI, 4.4 s tar A tiilw'tJ ...k Patl..aia IVm trM .k u.n. a. wW. " ( A WOED WITH THE DOCTOR. When nursing tbe sick it is great help if lb dootor will writ or diotate to yoo tba treatment of tbe oae, for it ia not well io many eaaes to trait one' memory only. AgsiD, io serious ease of illness, "diet sbeet" should be kept, tatiog at wbat time precisely food Dd medioine should be given ; also, if possi ble, mentioning tea, milk, etc. Clover tea is excellent for pnrifying tbe blood, clearing the complexion and removing pimple. Dried olover may be osed for tbe tea. A simple and effeotive month wash for sweetening tbe breath oan be made with single crystal of permaogafiate of pot ash io half tumblerful of water. Use frequently daring tbe day. Recent investigation, according to Boienoe, establish the fact tbat tbe es sential poison of tba poison iyy cao be nothing bat an oil. Henoe water will not remove tbe poison from tbe surface bat eloobol will it applied freely. To remove tbe fire and relieve the pain of barn, soak at onoe io cold water io wbiob plenty of soda has been dissolved. Essential oil of garho bag been used to onre consumption by Dr. Sf j mrnet of Ravin, io the Ardennes. Mizad with two hnodred times its weight of steril ized olive oil it was injeoted nnder tbe skin, prodaoiog marked improvement in tbe sixteen patieots on whom at was tried. Tbe opinion tbat hurry in eating is a prolific cause of dyspepsia is founded on common observation. The ill results of bolting the food bave been attributed to tbe lack of thorough maatioBtioo, and to tbe incomplete aotioo of tbe saliva up on tbe food. Two-thirds of tbe food which we 4at is starch, end staroh can not be utilized in the system as food un til it has been cooverted into sugar, and this change is principally effected by tbe saliva. Bat there is a third reason why rapidity of eating interfere with diges tion. The presenoe of the tali vary se cretion in tbe stomach acts as a stimu lus to tbe seoretioo of tbe gastric juice. Irrespective of lbs meobaoical function of the teetb, food wbich goes ioto tbe stomach incompletely mingled with sa liva passes slowly and impeifeotly through the process of stomach diges tion. Therefore, as sanitary mxxira of no mean valne, teach the children to eat slowly and In giving this instruction by enmple, tbe teaoher as well as' tbe pu pil may receive benefit. Good Health And a good appetite eo hand In hand With tbe loss of aDDetite. the avatem oaonot long snstaln itself. Thus tbe for- tmoationa of good health era broken dowo and the system is liable to attaoks or rliaeaae. It ia In auoh ease tbat tbe medioine! powers of Hood's Harssparilla ra oinariy anown. xnoiiaaods who have takso Hood's 8arsaparilla tenlify to it great merile as purifier of Ibe blood, ita bowrra In feature mnA .h.pnBn u. appetite and promote bealtbv actioo of . I. j : ii iiik-rauTB organa. i no 11 la, not what we say, bnt wbat Hood' Barsapa rilla rlors that tell tb atory and eoo- iiiuii id strongest r oomrnendaiion tnatean be orired forany medicine. Why . It c. ... " oui iaae uoou a oarsapanua nowT WI8C andothehwi.se. That "all th world a lotar tores," Does not protect him from themlttea; Th sad sicep Inn to th rut. Is olt ths (Irl with whom h's smitten. Fretob millioirs hvbeo deoorallng bts with ariifloial mistletoe tbi winter. Think of thai I It is aot a s eoeral trim ming In London or New York ; not rt 111 Tblok of tb poeaibilitie it woold afford I A story i told of a parson wbo bad a cm irora a niti country car ah to a a'e and wealth 1 n in a hi il 17- - u . . . . . w . a . i um ror p'yer aod eon deration. ii am doi 11 ar of bis llgbt, A month peeeed. Finally om ana mat bi loongeai aon I lb sireet. "Howie it, JoslahT said tb neighbor. "I your father nin la My" "IV. II ... swerej tb yonngsler. Judiciously, pew I still prsyla' for ligdl, bol Boat of lb (blags i packed." It la related of a oeoeeefol Glasgow merebant tbat. eigbieeeia In I'ari nnea. be lost bis way. For a considerable time b wasNlered about trying to gl back la b boUI. Tb boor went by. II nev er ennld epeak Frenrb, aod bl Olaow togiub only brongbl emlle od a Sbsl nl lb bead. "t)b, for body wi' a said rVwIeh tne la bl hir be etgteJ. Tbe ram a "harry IhonahL" n eign be boagbl a baeket, revaeor J berrie of a trim Frenchwoman, aod, bontlerle lb t. tk, west ali.ng tbe tree! ebootieg: "tin groeaett, a bawbee tbe plot, fine groawle. bawb- lb plat" Tbe erowJ lab4 el th wad Unl- ,bl the familiar cry eon a braaabl nee Bt men r tb ee, aod Ibe erebaat wa abla o retire fr,a bust a aad amok bis rip la tb btmtm of bi family, Ibaakfal teal be bed loan J raJ Seilame la b ( br of 4. Mia M'llhn Itladbl, baagbiUr Toar pr.U are raibr-rthr rei, are ibry a-.tt .How I am Dangbter of the lUvnlnlio. Mia Nubenly of M bre-klerrt t llow well fin eetry year yft!" rtteet riNal rkla fltv bym-Mmeiore; taWea itebi J stinfteit ta.it I at ifbl werae by exraUhieg, If alkw4 U fnatiaw femora Ma, wbleb eft UmJ aad akrewete, btealf very sore. Hwatv Oirrsy eir.p IHe IM)if aad tle4 . kt tlt, aad la m-wt a r lb taajNW At 4rgMa,ee ! matt, f.T OWata K.tyway , FtUlaeJ.bl, CLOSING OUT rr We invite your attention to our Immense Line of Summer Dress Goods of the Very Latest Styles. Our Salesman, Price, who recog nizes no cost or value, will offer these goods Tale a Lool at Tiese Goods, You can find a Bargain it) ti)en). We have a Large Line of Glassware, Crockery and Tinware that we are closing out. Don't buy these goods till you see our prices. Yours for Cash WTM EIGHT MILE NOTES. Vegetation is fine. Fine growing weather. Frnit trees look enoonraging. Eight Mile Centre sobool is progress fog finely, Mr. M. A. Faqua, teaccher. It is reported that Rev. Sherrill and Elder Clspp will debate in the near fu ture Have not learned wbat tbe topics re. Tbey will leotare at Hail Ridge. On Sunday afternoon, May 10:b, at tbree o'clock, there will be meeting at Eight Mile Centre, for the purpose of re organizing tbe Sanday Sobool. It is very desirable to have large andieooe, as an interesting time is expeoted. Why can't Morrow oonoty bave an old fashioned ooaoty fair, where grain, veg etables, stock, etc., and ladies' fancy work, bread, butler, oake, etc., oan be exhibited T Wbat do Ibe young folks of Morrow county know about auoh tbiogst Nothing. A good fair would be an edu cator to them. The editor of (he Gscette said that now as lbs eleotioo waa over it would be right to torn Io the improvement of tbe county. We bop some of (he improve ment witl be to atop gambling, quarrel iug and drinking, and not give aoy more opportunities for men Io rob tbeir f ami lit of abet i Justly Ibeirs, and Io drsg Ihelr frmilies d iwo to want, and them selves to disgrace. Qow cao men rest easy for on moment when tbi awful work I goiug on right nnder Ibeir eyes, nd east their vol to keep it op, Instead of voting against it? What will the ris ing generation think of tbi generation Ar they not weaving a cord that will be almost impossible to be broken Will it not oanse tbe neil generation to suffer ootold agony Oh men, arooe your rlvee, yoo wbo r tb voters; do wbat yon cao Io llgbt old King Alcohol; whil mro ar drinking, talking silly, swear ing, gambling, quarreling, spending lbir mooey, tbeir loved one ar at borne, oh Io soob deep trouble. Hj pea cao de scribe and where cao poeaibl excuse be brongbl Io to show that there I no bara io ibee thing. Uav men o io fluenoef Can't they pol a atop to Ibis iaomwey . M. 3. Btati or Oh 11, Cirr or Toudo, lACAsCmrrr. Faam J. Cninit m.k oath tbat ha la lb mr trtnrr of lb firm of t. J. Catair k Co. d'mg boaio la tba Citf of Toledo, Cntiy and ttai alnra sald. and thai said firm will pay tba q of ONE I1UMUUEU INJLLAIUI for aeb and every re of CTan that eanaoi be crej by tb tw of Hall's CTiaN Ciaa. rltANK J. CIU NET. Bwoea to befor ra aod oboribJ la my prMMiee, Hits 6 b day of Deabtf, . l , lam. aai, A. W. OLEAON, Nulary Poblle. Hall's Catarrh Cor I taken luUroeilv atd eel directly on lb M J and mo O-'ns sarfao of lb yWta. Bead fur Wctiawolala. frve. r. J, CUESET k loleda. O. iWd by Draggista, lit. To Riraia rai Riaso Foar mor fe f water will waab away lb track al CaaeUll ad I varloaa place along lb O. IL A N , let torn) blag ra b doe Io pretest It, ? th Tioh lttsUiwr . T tbi eaj e work Wales wee pat 00 Malarday, lb eleaaj ebovel was benbl ieto aad lb waik nj4 of loaJlag re wltk roek foe al lb roadb4 al C.1 A Irala enttelatiag of 8 ear pallet on I for that point M today, loaded wllb rork wbleh wa peurd al IM ew l aear th fnrmef big ifeetle, wt of Ibeeity. Tb abotrt brwt wb 17 tar of lb 4 traia wetw .-Ut, aad tbw are I tb yard wilia avv bWd ears I east op tbe full tiaie. A 6val W. t frrwrtl- tWi b'-l e.Ml ( aad lid. fey lir a. ! lenblae ae eard Kail's Ci..r Wvi T t b 1 sere. k Regula & SLOCUM. DOCTOR. ENGLISH for Coughs, Colds, and Consumption Is beyond question the greatest of all modern medicines. It will stop a Cough in one night, check a cola in 1 day, prevent Croup, relieve Asthma, and curt Consumption if taken in time. " You can't afford to be with out it" A 25c. bottle may save your life I Ask your druggist for it Send for pamphlet H the little ones have Croup or "Whooping Cough use it promptly. it tun to curt. TkrM SIim sc., jas. ati tu All DratfUU. A CKER MEDICINE CO., 16 A 18 Chambert St., N. Y. LET I Kit MUX. T ETTER8 AnVEHTlBED AT HEITKER I J Or.. Junes, im. Brown, J. B. furl (cm, Ira Haley, Eldon M. Hteele. Jas. H. Wilms, Frank J. When calling lor thvso Mtar pleas say aclvurtlned. J. P. William-. P. M. BEOUCED BATES. Those con templatiog goiog east, should call 00 or address the Uoloo PsmfloClty Tioket Office. 135 Third Btreet. Portland, for rate to tb following meetiogs: Republican National Conveolioo, 81. Loola. Mo Jan lGtb. Democrtio Niionl Cooventioo, Cbi cage, Ills., July 7lb. Teople Party Cooventioo aod Ameri can Hilver Convention, 8t Lools, Mo., July Kod. National Cooventioo Young People' Society Cbrtatiao Eodeavor, Wuhiog toa, D. C, July 7th to 13;b. National EJooallooal Aaaoelalioa Meetiog, BofIlo,N. tHJoly SrdtolOtb. Encampment Oraod Army of lb Re public, St real, Minn., ffeptember Mb. It. W. DaxriB. id IL Oenrral Agol. HQTirg. U1 b allowed on oor A. R. Flobimcb, H. P. Flobiucb, I A. I Loaasca. No fishing plaee. lot. rtoEKrostAUC. I have a aannlv af n.m.lla hv.1. eo say band for sale. Very eiiote va- rtetie. Apply to M. U Carrwau.. Wiu, CxiaaT-It era stated la lb laat iao of lb OsseiU Ibal I bar woolj be 00 UbrlkB at tleppoer Ibie year beeaoa or lb f act lbl tb more ment was ebeeked oa Meooot of ooi aaleaodrtaadiog oa b perl of some of lb mnaiit. However, iee Ibal lim liberal donatio b bee tob eonUd by oor eillieoe aad a oil lim eelebraUu) I bow assured. Ooe of ibe mal feel era will b a grand display of ore work, tb beat vr o I Ilepp. r. Every rllis of Morrow ooly should make 11 a point Io pd tb day I lleppoee. Mr. Jaeao Perdue, as eU aoldl r et-la at M ieeoe. Mich., wa evrly sfl-ll wim rtxaastina bol rtved eWipt rlt fmej pale by atn (baoi. boilaia' I'ala lUm. Ileaate: -AlllnM say barb !! aehe et h.ly thai eUI aarely rale an. If I bad X f-t. tm flif t wnald t b bra l w.jia h few Ilea CbasaUrUla' Tal Malej baa rB M gral Ual ef gv4 ! I e-l very iWaekfnl foe II.' for ! by Cwaeee k tVork, Uhle. fo ealawa cbM laa md rna taUra. oa rr4 wm aad H hi doatM hae 's aly aew. R. r. Oaaava, l at at. C fere-. I a a h. . . . I I . - . . t . 4 its. t .7! W-l.ie.toe. p. 0. w,ll fa J II 1 hi. tsiMtatttslssweiafw! riT wee, sal I W SALE! Mar. d E. L. FREELAND, COLLECTIONS, waiTE INSURANCE, ABSTRACTS. U. S, LAND COMMISSIONER. Land Filings and Final Proofs Taken. STENOGRAPHER. NOTARY PUBLIC. D. J. McFaul, M. D. OPPICB I At J. M. Hager's Residence. Notice of Intention, T SP LFI01L AT THE DAtt.ES, OREOON Aw . f.'T ?6' im- No,lo harehy given tha' the following named settler has tiled notice o' h s Intention to make final proof In support o' his claim, and that said proof will be md. before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Ueppner Oregon, on July . lxoe. ru : 1 " . , ."ARKIN HAt.R Hd. E. No. I'i0, for the Lot. l (Qd 2. and 8 NEH. Bee. 1, To. 5 8.. H. M It. H He names the following witnesses to provi hlseontiiiiiou.retldeiice upon and culilvatloi of ld land, vim Harvey C. Rush. William Gilliam, Reuber Gaunt and Benjamin MatUiton, all ol Beppuer Oregon. rr ,. JAS. F. MOORE, " M Kegltter. Notice of Intention. Un Owes at To OtLLIS, OanooK. TyroTirg n hereby oivethatTiif iiK..1 0l"-n"iH settler has Sled nolle, of Ms Intention to make final proof In euppon Olnlalalm anil IK.I mtA . . ' - . . ., - y,ym WMI n mull hefora (ounty Chrk. ol It ..r row County, al HIIHIIinUrLIIIin..' Hd. E. No. w, for tbe avvi, oo.'l7, Tp. i 8.. II names th followlne wltniws to prove hi. Id UnTvlT UPB "n1 ulUr""on o' Menio A Olden. Jam M. Raker, frank II Orlffin, bamuel Wsrfleld. all ol lona 'r,.n J, f. MiMiKK. Kralatar. ADMINISTRATORS' KOTICB. Kotlee la hereby siren that th anderalsned - 1-. b, 1,1 1 11 i.i r m u.rr 01 tne I;'",''""'" ann dd.bythe(kwn 7,i n ' ,0,ro t-onnty eiats of Orecnti k nZn r"T,n5 ''alms sealnai eald ( J -' .t'J. prr.t.i mem 10 in nn . .mm,, rrrn, ouir rertfle. lUila sli baled Ibis Hod day ol May, 1M. J'ia Raowa, ia.M " ". AdmlnUtralur. Notice Of Intention. Ua Omti it Taa Daxs.. Oatona . . ....7 ..... Mi.rmw O.IIHV. urwn al Mrppoar. Urro, on JT w, 14, u: JAMUW. MOBEUNO, Mil Wa IV. ik. m-. . .. . .. R blamM lha f.kllaaklH 1. . mr"!2lv Notice for Publication. , ' "t la l.-.r ... lha. v e'iwir MiVLi. U4 tWB In Ika h ' lluui Bun,. "ItMltni w"M,"'aaii4 WHII Ha aaa I tea Imioalnf 1, , a,, penr. mia. MisU ail al M.t,rM oJ, a r. nn. Mat WpVa Notice cf Intention. TVt.f'lf,rM Tt" Pn4Pat-wi 2 Vr.V''r.r r- ri7.VeS MrrauM, Ua. mm tmtt K m, tWi ' I hl IAlrUt I , M. S mH U.t Vu ' taraMk. It4 Imm tmn aa-l T a t f U Ji ... u Ja r. Mae, . r I tee.. 9nt !. Ma. T... i . ll ! . K" CWf 'l ' ' r t ai.nl r i u. rwalbf WwiaHew ETOCA B BANDS. While yon aoep you subscription paid ap yew sen keep your brand in fraeof charge. AUro. T. J., lona. Or. Horse Gtt on left thontder; oattl same on left hip, nnder bit on -Uht ear, and upper bit on tha left; range. Mor row 000x1 tj. Bwrd, D. W. and sin. Horses branded D H ontheleff hip; oa'tls the same on left flank, crop off ritht ear, nnderarop in tha left. Bangs in Morrow County. BArtholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horsea branded 1 E un either shoulder. Bang in Mor row ooiintr nannlater, J. W., Hardraan, Or. Cattle brand. ad H on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. Brenner. Peter. Gooseberry Oregon Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on ripht side. Rroeman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 1 m right shoulder; cattle B on the left side, fjeft enr half crop nd right ear npper slope. Rarton, Wm Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on -ieht thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in wh ear. Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horsea, oirole n with dot in nei tr on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horse W. bar iver It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. Rover, W. G Heppner, Or. Hones, box irsnd on right bip cattle, same, with split in arh ear. Bor, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horsea, P B on left ihonlder; cttlo. same on left hip. Oarsner Warren. Wagner, Or. Horses brand. ri O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on 'ieht ribs, cmp and split in each ear. Bangs in Irant and Morrow connties. flain.E., Caleb.Or. Y D on horses on left stifle! 1 with anrnter circle over it, on left shoulder ind on left stifle on all oolta nider 5 years; on oft shoulder only nn all horses over 5 years. All -anee in Grant oon"ty. Tate, Chas. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses f 0 on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. tange Morrow and Umatilla counties. Corrigall. M M. OaUoway, Or Cattle crop ont f f ach ear and ntiderbit, wattle in forehand; -loreen half circle 0 on left stifle. Bangs Mor. ow end Umatilla counties. Curl. T. H.. John lay. Or. Double cross on ach hip on cattle, swallow fork and undei bit n right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant onniy. On sheep, inverted A end spear point on shoulder. Ear markou owes, crop on left ear winched upper bit in right. Wethers, orop in rigi t and under half orop in left ear. All raQgi in ftrant countv. - , . . Cook. A. JLena,0r. Horses, Won right shoul. ler: Cattle, sameon righthip; ear mark square .trop off left and solit in right. Carrin, R. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, on 'eft etifl". Cox Ed. 8., Har.lman, Or. Cattle, Owlth in center; horses. CE on left Mo. Cochran, R. E., Monument. Grant Co, Or. 'Torses branded oircle with bar beneath, on left honlder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark 'nder slope both ears and dewlap. Chaoin, H., Hardman, Or. Horsea branded on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Also .rands CI on horses right thigh; cattle same hrand on right shoulder, and cut off end of Donglass, W. M ., Galloway. Or. Cattle, B D on -ight side, swailow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, B D m left Md. . . . Ely. Bros., Douglas. Or. Horsea branded ELY n left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip, hole p right ear. Emery. C. B.,nardman, Or. Horsea branded - freversed Cwith tail) on left shoulder; cat. lraarae on right hip. Range in Morrow oonnty. Florence, L. A Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on -ight hip; horsea F with bar under on right honlder. Florence, B. P. Hepnner, Or Horses, F on -ight shoulder; cattle, F on right hip or thigh. Gentry, Elmer, Echo. Or. Horses branded H, I. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle, langein Morrow and Umatillaoountiea. Hiatt A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top A vith qnarter oirole nnder It on the right hip. tange in Morrow and Umatilla oonntiea. Hnghes, Hamnel, Wagner, Or-J" (T F L lonnected) on right shoulder on homes; on cattle, n right hip and on left side, swallow fork in ight ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack Itstriot, Morrow oonnty. Howard J L, Galloway. Or. Horses T (oross vith hw above It) on right shoulder; cattle same n left side. Bangs in Morrow and Umatilla ;onntiee- Hall. Edwin, John Day, Or. Cattle E Hon iirht hip; horse same on right shoulder. Bange n Grant connty, Hnghes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horsea shaded wart on the left shonlder. Range Morrow Co. Hnnaaker, B t , Wagner. Or. Horsea, ( on left ihmiloWt cattle. 9 on left hip. Humphreys, J M. Hardman, Or. Horses, H on Isf flank Hnaton. I.nther, Fight Mile, Or. Horse H on ihe left shonldorand heart on the left still Cat le same on left hip. Range in Morrow nonnry. Jones, Harry. Heppnr, Or. Horsea branded H J nn the left shoulder; cattle braudnd J on ight hip. also anderbit in left ear. Hangs in Vforrow connty. Jnnkin, 8. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse hoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, th earns, tanire o" fl'ht Mile, r.thraon, Feltx, Lrna, Or. Wnrawa. dmleT on aft stifle; cattle, sameon righthip, under halt iron In rii and at.lit 'n left ear K nor, Mik, Heppner, Or. Horses branded NY on lefthip cattle same and orop oft left r: nndr alone on tha right Kirk J.T.. Heponer, Or. Horsea 69 en left roiMn cattle. on left hln. Kumherland.W.G.. Monnt Vernon. Or. I Lon 1M1 le on n ght and left side, swallow fork in U ft Mr and nnder mnp In right ear. Horsea same vend on le't shoulder. Range In Grant eonntv. Lnftffn, Hteptien, Fox. Or. H L on left hip m cattle, crop and split on right ear, Uoraea ma brand on left shonlder. Range tirant "iintr. Lienallen. John W., Lextnrlrn Or. For mndd half-clrola JLoonnaclad on leftahnnl ler. Cattle, earns on left lilo. Kanga, near Lex. ngton Leahey, J. W. Heppner Or. Horsea branded t. and A on left shnnldart rttl mmmm m p, wattle over rmht eye, three slita In right mr. lnrd, Oorga. Heppner. Dr. Horses branded kmbla II 001 narti Mnmatimaa ealled a w'n H. on le shonlder. Maria. M. C. Il.(..n.r. Or. Cattle branded lrcl on right hip; ho'aos same on right stifle. Hange in Morrow onanty. Minor, Itacnr, naponar rr. I attia, M D ea iht hip; honw M on Ufl ahonMar, Morgan. 14. N llappner, TTr TTiusis. M I Inft ahnnldw naltl same nn left hip. MitrhII.Orr. lona. Or, Hors-e. Tl oa right lint eaiile.TIon right aid. Naal.Andraw. lona Hork Or. Horaea A N eon. M"d oa lft ahnnldari oattl anna oa both hln. Ol l-e. Perry. Utlngtoa, Or.-P O ew toft .nnn ,4m, Ushnrn, J. W.. Donglaa. Or.t hnrsea 0 oa Uf thontHer; raltle aam nn r'ght hip. Pearaon, I Mav. ICiaht Mils, llr. Horaea. qnar elrrle h'alH on left ehonldar sad M on Uft lip. Cauls, fork ia Uft anr. rt.ht eroDiad. U H-UriMo. Hwaeon KUht M.la. Park A niaaaaa. Hardnaa.Or.-HorsaslPoa lri ahnaldar, J'!T:,y 7-U !-"l-;1oo Or.-Hor- brand, o a ILK ennnecixll a ("ft stxaaldar 1 asxtla wana right hip. lUoga. kiirma aosn'r. I'trM. 1. M., iMlnrtna. Or.-Hnraas. JR ana. Mriad m Uft .hnvl.Uri eaul,aaaMaa tor hln. Widr bli ia aa-h aar. latra. A. C lona. Or.t horaae dtantond P oa shKloWi oat tie, J H J mmm, an tha hlp.vpparaWiiaU tort aw aad alia ta tba Rant. Andes. Hardnaa. Or. Horaas, anaare sr with qoanarirrlaovar il oa toft stltU. Knab Hnak. Hennaar. Ov-Horsa brajntad I a lbarlM hoaM-n Mtla, IX on Um Uft am n rt mr and dawlapn Back. l'MmwaadaHnlaeananiiam. Rn-y Aadraw. Usiiigins Or-ltaraas Vaadad A H on niM annalnW, vaat beandi aUto saaae a rteM bin, H"T. W. H. llairrrllU. Or-IIR mm. "h rt"l tna mi nafti.na nM aia ad rr-it riahi aae and atlii u in , , , anta araad nn toft hml4ar. " la 'Irani and tlilltaa.en.nl! aw w arrow IWtnr J. W llappawr. Or -Rara, tort ssMktor. CaiUa, o rtU kl tO aa Btratgnl I W. , H-t.pf. Or -Ronaa eHU4 fj! t-f aiin. .mix J No. Uft klp,ewii. '"k la rM ear. torl4t la tort. . pi. Unw, !, Horaaa. I kPmm toft kiPiaaiaesaas-tonalar " atorara, Rotoarl, ttoatav Ur -TalU T oa M alp and H na rtoM loW I n.i mm n.M Akto. lun la M.wrtrw anlatT Hj.il H- nWavtlla. In-. LnA UJL " I-W, m. m.mm un e..M awii u-- la -wa-l i,i,M M--t a m th m aaTS aa rwfct kit 1 riim .). ,a uft aa n ft, W Mpf- llr - aa aa W. If. HavMaav. I ft , . f.L. a m u .UfUn-,l4, Ttoawa.J a II . to" afc,tA WU I mm im4t 1 Ti-ll,l,itaai,,.,-,r ,l ,. iMt tart k tv...... n. at . rw-n T nn.l. n U1 MtAa, -- i , , k-4. H f ana. a naM w ojm aa on i. taa pan WaJH4a. M... .. a. u C.U . M a .4 r.M ' M mTfT1?- "- Sm r 2"!TTWM J aa tort rti i I iii. laaaaw " aUK. Aa-TaMU W ,a . N mrnt W4 - -W-t-r. atonal . ry. Rta, IW - Haraai UaU ' " M Urt a, "'' KM,na Ul aOiaaal aa .t-T"a - ' r-. -?ZZ mmm - n i x " m , t m--m0 f mini sto-.ci- a a -j t " - - - . Tl a aa aja aaajiaVa waai awaaaaay