Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 12, 1896, Image 1

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    gmi mi MiKtMU'MSifti'iiMJiW n ritiitri in mm
j f
i i
- I
Is owing to my liberality in ad-E
vertismg. Robert Bonner. i
Advertising brought me all
own. A. T. Stewart.
I l:lii:ilt.l:l:a:l:ltliriiltlll:lif'l:lll.liliiaill-lil(lilM.llllltltlfa lliu
1 "0F
Tuesdays and Fridays
. . Editor
Business Manager
At $3.90 per year, 1.25 for six months, 75 ota.
tor three monons.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Paine-s Celery
Mrs. J. A. Sample Owes Her Strength to This
the Best of All Remedies.
metio finger movements. Katherine, fair
ly overcome by this, took baby to ber
and smiled, at whiob baby began to clap
lta bauds and to orow, tracing this time
the coarse of the tears down its sister's
cheeks. This pretty nursery piotnre cer
tainly seems to illustrate a rudiment of
genuine fellow feeling. Similarly it . is
hard not to recognize the signsif a sin
cere concern when a child of two runs
spontaneously and kisses the place that
is hurt, even though it is not to be doubt
ed that the graceful notion has been
learned through imitation."
THIH PAPKK is kept on tile at E. C. Dake's
Advertising Aiiency, 04 and 65 Ulnrohants
Exohanffs, Ban Franoisoo, California, where oou
raota for advertising can be made for it.
", 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 10:45 p. m. daily, except
Sunday. Arrives 5;00 a. m. daily, except Mon
day. West bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc
tion 1:11 a. m. ; east bound 1:33 a. m.
Freifiht trains leave Heppner Junction frolne
east at 7:45 p. m. and IMJO a. in.; going west, 4:30
p. m. and 6.15 ft. m.
United Btatos Offlclnls.
President Grover Cleveland
Vice-President Ad ai Stevenson
Hnnrnhirv of State Richard 8. Olney
Neorotary of Treasury John G. Carlisle
Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith
KnnmlHrv of War Daniel 8. Iduuont
Secretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert
Postmaster-General WilliHm L. Wilson
Attorney-General Judson Harmon
Secretary of Agriculture J. Bterling Morton
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. K. Kincaid
Treasurer. Phil. Metsohan
Hnpt. Puhlio Instruction ; G. M. Irwin
Attornev General C. M. ldleman
" i G. W. McBride
oouinA.ni j H. Mitchell
J Ilinger Hermann
HongrBcauimi j u Km,
Printer W. H. Leeds
( K. 8. Bean,
Hiinroina .1 niiana... F. A. Moore.
( C. . Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circnit Judge Stephen A. Lowell
Prosecuting Attorney John H. Lawrey
Morrow County Officials.
.mint Hen lit or A. W. Gowan
llnprnsentntive J. 8. Boothby
I'onnt-f Jmlge Julius Keith I
'' Commissioners J. K. Howard
.1 M Ullr.
Clerk J.W. Morrow
" Sheriff U. w . Jtumngton
" Treasurer Urank Uilliara
J. P.Willli
Surveyor.- Geo. Lord
" Hohool Bup't Anna Halsieer
" Coroner T.W.Ayera. Jr
nuppNia towm omoma.
Mayor Thos. Morgan
r!n,,n.:iuinLi O. K. Farnswiirth. M.
LiohU-nthal, Ctls Patterson, T. W.Aysrs.Jr.,
8. 8. Horner, E.J. Slooum.
n. i... F. "J. Hallock
r.n E. L. Frwlsnd
Marshal A. A. Huberts
Precipe! OSloer.
InrfiM nf fhm Pan E. L. Freeland
Constable '. N. B. WheUton.
Called 8Utl Und Officers.
Tita riAf.i.ca. am.
J mim ltegistet
A. 8. ilian lleoeiver
1.4 asisbs. OK.
D.F, Wilson HegUUr
J.H. Kobliins... lleoeiver
G. A. B.
Most at Lsxingum. Or., ths iMt Satorday of
Mkch month. All TOtorans sr. lnvltl to Joia.
!. C. Hooa. Uso. W. Bhitb.'
Adjutant, tf Commandor.
V drMl LumlMir. I milea oi Hw.pner, at
bat Is known as th.
FIR 1,000 FEET, ROUGH, - - - I 00
- - CLEAR, - -17 60
If it required an annual outlay of $100
insure a family against any serious
consequences, from an attaok of bowel
complaint during the year there are ma
ny who would feel it their duty to pay
it; that they could not afford to risk their
lives, and those of their family for snob,
an amount. Anyone oan get this insur
ance for 25 oeots, that being the price of
a bottle of Chamberlain's Oolio, Cholera
and diarrhoea Remedy. In almost ev
ery neighborhood some one has died
from an attaok of bowel complaint be
fore medicine could be procured or a
physician summoned, One or two doses
of this remedy will cure any ordinary
ease. It never tails. Gn you afford to
take the risk for so small an amount?
For sale by Oouser & Brook, Druggists.
For the unfortunates who lie awake,
staring at the coiling and ooonting the
strokes of the olook, every sleepless
night is an eternity.
Mrs. J. A. Sample of 1558 Broadway,
New Tork oitr, was afflicted with insom
nia until her nerves were on the verge of
prostration. She thinks ber condition
is due to indigestion. Here is what Mrs.
Sample says:
I have used Faine's celery oom-
poand with marked and deoided benefit.
It is especially useful in insomnia, aris
ing from indigestion and poorly nour
ished nerves.
"I should add that my granddaughter,
Vera Haueigh, was so thin and puny
at the age of ten as to cans, ns the great
est anxiety. We bad no difficulty in In
ducing ber to take Faine's celery com
pound. Today the roses bloom iu tier
oheeks, and 1 never saw a healthier,
stronger child than Faine's Celery com
pound bas made ber."
The brain Is the center of the nervous
a) stem. Sleep alone rests this vital or
gan, together with the ; nerves. During
the waking hours the nervous system
works inoetsantly. Poor sleep means a
poor nervous condition, and prolonged
insomnia leads in every case to prostra
tion, and too often to dread insanity.
The mieohief that results from weaken
ed nerves is muoh greater and more de
structive than most folks even dream of.
The all-important thing for nervous,
run-down persons, and for those who are
losing sleep is that Faine's celery com
pound builds op the whole physical sys
tem, and by Improving the digestion and
regulating the nerves it insures sound,
retresbing sleep.
In winter most women and many men
lead hothouse lives. A flagging appe
tite, a disposition to piok at this dish
and that, rather than to eat a square
meal, is among the early indications of
failing health. Then ooroea delay in fall
ing asleep and the fretful, nneasy feel
ing the next day.
Deliverance from suoh a miserable
condition by the use of Faine's celery
compound has Caused men and women
from every section of the United States
to write sincere, hearty words of praise
and thankfulness for this grand invig
orator. People enjoying perfect health
sometimes wonder at this gratitude, but
whoeyer bas suffered trom prostration of
the nerves, of which insomnia is one of
the symptoms, will understand how bard
it is to overstate the torment of this oon
dition. And whoever has been made
oompletely well by Paine's oelery oom
pound feels that no words can overstate
the joy and gratitude such persons feel.
This is the stats of mind of thousands
of nervous, sickly, broken-down persons
who have naed Faine's celery oompound
aud bden made well.
Mrs. Sample tells of the bsppy result
in ths oase of her grandchild. One of
the most conspicuous instances of lbs
remarkable power of Faine's oelery oom
podnd over deiilllly is shown In lue re
lief it bas afforded children. Of oonrse
the dose is adapted to the age of the Ut
ile patient. The oumoonnd purifies tbs
blood and cornets any tendency to cou
stipatinn. Pale, pony children are made
vigorous, rosy and healthy by this in
comparable remedy.
Highest of all in Leavening Power.--Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Absolutely pure
The Power and Influence of the Supreme
Court of the United States.
' The supreme court is not an elective
body, and I suppose that might seem to
the English radical a sufficient reason
for sweeping it away, says the Nine
teenth Century. The judges are' ap
pointed for life by the president and
they are responsible to no popular tri
bunalnot' even to public opinion.
Thev sit as a court of rmre law. the
final authority from which in all Amer- bought live bird and killed it, or had
ica there is no appeal. . Their jurisdic-' 11 uea, lor such a purpose.
one of the taxidermists of the Smith-'
sonian institution, carrying with her
cage a bright canarv bird. "T
have hunted all over the citv for a hfrd
of just this color," she explained, "be
cause I want him to match a gown I
am having made." She wished the tax
idermist to kill it and set it up, that she
might wear it as an ornament! Thou
sands of women wear birds on their
hats, the more is the pitvt but Tirol..
bly no civilized woman ever before
. ? Sixxitlx & Bro..
:AsirirTr aiss ado dbslsss id:
Do All Work tn This Una. Contracting and Job Work. Picture Framing,
all kinds, at prices to suit. He ns bofur. ordering as ws (.ttarautce utilisa
tion. Prices reasonable. Ttrms Cash.
Store Opp. P. O. Thompson Co. Main 8t, Heppner.
S&.SU hi 1.0U0 tet additional.
Ths alwrs quotations art strictly (or Cash.
nf tainp.r t
fT) Don't You Want a PI
f ' A Put up Your Team ?
acc to
wa. rixLAVD. to. &. imnof.
Frwlssat. Caster.
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
All thwia can be procured t Thorn jwo A Ndm, Lower Main Street,
Heppner, uregoo.
Thm nl!ma an ll aroiwlnt4 Ith Orant, Msmef, front. OMIiara aa4 olhs count Is.
SB4 een sat Bum? ss4 Un la naaitig itiss skuuhs iravsiinf wa.
rrksa In katlif ! U ttuwa.
ti-iompson & Bosnsrs,
Made oa Favorable Terms,
he rr sr. it. tf Oregon The Lancashire Insurance Co.
Ontario-Hums Slaac Line k
H. A, WiUUMS, Piop.
1m Diirfts Iiailv at fl p. b. m4 r-
rt ! OoUfie la 42 boar.
Sinqle Fore $7.50.
Round Trip $10.00
f ayTkrH )st rT mp4.
nuns'H casyos
at rTM ' iv Hf" , ,
l lWl I" Nt4
nk iNikitx, frt.. 4 !
M' Rsros.
t4 A--m-sa U fmnjm.
1 3 1
Ths boy who's slwsrs wishing
That this or that might b.
But Devsr tries bis msttla.
Is ths boy that's bound to sr
tils plans all cons to failure.
Ills hopes sni tn dsfsat,
tot that's what rotnsa whso wishing
And working fall to !.
Ths boy who wlshs this thing
Or that thing with a will
That spurs him on to action,
And ktv him trying still
Whsn sfTurt msvts with Islltira,
Will some day saraly win,
for hs works out what hs wtshss
And that whsrs "luck" eomss In!
Ths lork" that I bstlsr In
Is that which mism with work,
And no on tf tads It
Who's Mmtnt to wish and shirk.
Ths mtm ths world calls "lucky,"
Will toll ru, stwy on.
Thai iikcisi tmmr. not by wishing,
Kul by hard work, hrarly dons.
- Ebsa E. Rslofd
"Tommy, who was Joan of Are?
asksJ ibm Issohsr. "Nb's wife," I4
Torn my. who it oubatJre4 irsal at
CbilJfw ere oflsa alarel in lb.tr
sltp If dfssms, are rMtlM a4 start
p fmm Mom te Hw. This sUonlJ ot
be dMr.flrds), m It k pmbabty law rw
salt t walersl taeare, aat assy stly be
rwli4. IrntailoQ aaitsl Ly Iwrtb
leg or torn, etostaab lrobl t oflo tb
ra io, ao4 II Is a gwl la to aJniata
Ur a aall4 pargsdve. s Ibki sea dn mo
barn aa4 nay 4rt aaay lb "boft-Ua,
Ka la IU ti U r lb. Wssbly
I!.. Hlmt, (lb th. !--,
ly la 4taM,. ys. M & ! bi
vispMa ,f stkf a h r.'
la lb. sisU. uit w ant git a
a.aii m at lttl".al ..st,l
foot 11.u, .a .rtMHa!i(,rti it.
Omm la aw aa4 abwriba.
Youro HO TJKD to Take 9 Km.
Lonvc No Comtlpntlon, v
!'. I', wsll mm all 1i"-a"'a. fli.k tfa4'ha a.4 M si art a Th atf
craratMa aM la th. ai J. Hwi4 by ail ! by saatl mm
rsrU , tfMHHtbi.t ) til 114 Mri'ICAL UK
ta f raataaa, Cai.
Mr. Haiiy, la ba lalxawiiag aa4 pip
Blar bcx.h oa ,la4i of CbtMran, da-
oia a food p-atioa or bis aiwaiUa la
Ilia arlfia ftf spaibf la Ibatr ssarli
sad la di4, a Ibink, to asrita
asova l It la Ua.Ltivtassa ib.a
sboul4 IbUh r-.Ua. Tt stsatpla.
b to la toa lbs fullooiag very laWraat
ing atory, a44i.g a rk. l abkb
aUU a,i.u.,a lbs Ir.tblb.l na.ras
s i tai'li l'fi;
"A txby, sg.4 oaa saf a4 taa
tautilM, WMrrsalinf mi Iba 8r, Aa
I Jf a Ksltsrihs, . tig, aba
M WMkiac al a mmA (Ml, tnald a4
ri oa 9t U s4 bsgsa to ary. tia
tf klal ap sa4 praaM, nal aaf aad
kl 4isaia Ha 8sfra daa la
tbks. tla Iba aval .!U4 Miaa
Kbfi't attttn la baby, a dVaka
I WU rl fa as 4 a fissfc .'l qtt ,f
lar Wttiaa bsby ,wU4 la
I biib fslf si U Ka4snaa ailb aa
mf ft" d Ifaa p aaia aa4 Iba ta
The school olosed last Friday Mrs.
Mollis JohnsoD, teaoher.
The entertainment 'given at the Six
Dollar school house last Saturday night
under tbe auspioes of Mrs. Mollis John
son was a grand suocess in every respect,
and was highly appreciated by all pres
ent, and we oan give her praise for ber
faithfulness and tutorship. Tbe entire
exhibition was gotten up with many
drawbacks on account of disappoint
ments in connection with the recitations,
dialogues, essays, eto. There was music
by the organ and violin, and songs with
ban') aooompsniment, also quite a num
ber of songs were sung by the Six Dol
lar Glee Club, which were selected for
the oocasion.
Below we give the names of tba par
ticipants whiob we think is the largest
programme ever given in the oounly.
Opening romarka by Mr. Orabtres.
Bong by the Glee Club.
Recitation ot welcome by Wave Crab-
Recitation by Mary Blewart. -Recitation
by Alonso Wright
Song by Mary Tressie and Eva Stew
Music, violin and organ, Bob Walking
and Jefl Jones.
Dialogue by Birdie Gilliam and Vie
Bong with banjo accompaniment, Mr.
Recitation, Loren Tolbert.
Recitation, Pearl 11 an by.
Reoitation, Naroissa Johnson,
Tableaux by Ilia little folks.
Hong, Mrs. Btewait
Recitation, Vie Tolbnrt.
Recitation, Eddie Broaa.
Recitation, Traasie Stewart.
Musle, violin and organ, Watklos and
Boiig, Mr. and Mrs. Crabtres.
Raoitatioo, Myrtle Btowa.
Recitation, Jannia Kirk.
Bong by school and Glee Club.
Essay, Jnbnnie Htewart.
lUoitalion, Ira Brown.
Hong, -Msrtnad.," by (Ilea Clob.
lUeiUiion, Lao Crabtrea.
IUeltatl()n; Ulrn Jones.
Mosio, violin and orgso.
Dialogue, I'.arl Hsnhy and J.fiUwart,
Hong by 1 1 .as little boys and girls,
limitation, Mrs. Williamson,
llsoilaliou, VA Kirk.
lUeilatiop, tirdia Gllllsm.
Tableaux, rUila M ttttaoa aod J. SUw
Hong by la lisV qqarlatta.
Ilsoilallos, Walter (lilliatn.
lUeiUlma, Cora Hnydor.
lUeitalloD, Arlia Broaa.
lUail.Iion, MynlaToltwrl.
"KbUrlaloln- Big tV.Ur'g Baaoi,"
Jsenla Kirk a4 Jobsala Hieaan.
Hong, Tratwia Hlswsf t
lUaiuthm, J.ma Tlbrt.
Uilllini, to CrslHr.
lUrflalinn, Mr. Enma Jobs.
rVg, Mr. Hi.aait.
Mnsia by W.ikins and Joaaa.
IlUlogna, llirdta Oillisra, Myrtls
Broaa sad Via Tolbart.
lUctlattoa, Paarl llsaby.
Usa Halloa, AIU Kltk.
f"if, Mrs. Tsrraat,
lUrilati.ift, HUlla MaliUna.
RmiUIIim, Mr. Crablraa.
rfilsii".. My rtl. Broaa.
Masie, aiulia ea4 ofgsa.
Ne fmitm, Jea. TvlUn, Cbaa. T4-
tarl, Mf, CraMrta.
(1 i.g rarke by W. I. Hnydsf.
fl'-it. ., -Uwi S gbl," by OIa
A. Fata 6
tion, strictly defined though It be, Is
coextensive with the whole union. It
is the one instance in history in which
popular sovereignty, acknowledged as
supreme in the long1 run for every other
purpose and every other authority to
which it has delegated power, submits
to a master whom it did not appoint
and cannot remove and cannot escape.
Everybody submits; . the states them
selves, sovereign as they still are ior
certain purposes, submit; congress and
the president, the army and navy, the
people themselves, all submit. !
In the hands of the supreme court de
mocracy itself, if it seeks to pass an un
constitutional law, is powerless. A
unanimous vote of the people, a unani
mous vote of the house and senate and
the approval of the president would not
make a statute law if this tribunal says
it is not a law. But do you ever hear
of a proposal to abolish the supreme
court? Why not? It is not only that
the court has been a great court of
great Judges, its honesty and ability
and wisdom alike recognized, but be
cause the American democracy has the
good sense to see that, under a written
constitution like that of the United
States, such a tribunal is essential to
the working of all its parts, and that,
check and all-powerful check though it
be upon democracy, it is also a guar
anty to the American people that, in the
words of the preamble of their great
charter, justice shall be established
and the blessings of liberty preserved
to themselves and their posterity.
tUsv. y
sad Fata
How a JasUe. of th. Fiwca Mulcted Bl
cjsl. Ktdfira.
There's a justice of the peace in a
country town not far from here, said
a bicycler to a Buffalo Express man re
cently, "who has a scheme that will
make him a millionaire if he sticks to it
for a year or two.
"You see the town has an ordinance
forbidding bicycle riding on the side
wants, a gixKi many wnecimen go
that way, so what dues this juatlue do
but scoop out a hole and make a great
big mud putldlo clrar across the atrert
right in front of his oflku. Of course,
when a wheelman c times along, rather
than ride through the mud, he turns
upon the sidewalk. That's what the
Justice ia waiting for. lie ha a con
stable on the watch, and the two rush
out and nab the cycler.
'I was caught in the snare one week.
Though I pmtoated I only intended to
keen on the walk till I pasard the mud,
It was of no avail. I was finr-d five dol
lars and had to pay it. I got a chance
to km ia at nia mk when lie waa re
cording ray fine, and there was a rec
ord of some twenty wheelmen who
had been served the same way that
day, and it waa atill early in the after
"It made ma mad, and I began abu
lag the old fellow fia having such a
mud puddle In tba street.
"'Why don't you fill It apr I aaked.
II ym want whealmen to keep In the
"Ha grinned In a most exasperating
manner, aod anawerad wilhoil so much
aa a blush:
" Hpuae we're aoln to destroy eoch
a eourca of revenue aa that mudpaddie
Is? I p-uea. not -'John,' turning to the
ermstabla, 'you In-tier take th. bnae and
soften It up a Utile bit ready for th.
nest sucker."
With One Dollar and Forty Cents a Week
a Man Meed Never Starve.
One-half the world does not know
how the other half lives, says the New
York Recorder, nor do the well-fed
thousands in this prosperous city, who
daily consult their menus of many ex
pensive and rare courses, comprehend
that many other thousands of hard
working, active, healthy, energetic,
bustling people live for a whole day
upon the price of a plate of oysters in
a fashionable restaurant. Let one man
a letter-carrier speak for himself:
I have three meals a day coffee.
cakes, and either ham and beans or
corned beef and beans at each meal
at a cost of not more than twentv
cents a meal. Thuy give you bread
and butter with the meat, nud a fellow
has plenty to eat in three such meals.
If a fellow ia hard pushed, he can cet
along on thirty cents a day with two
meals, with meat, beans, bread and
coffee at each. I have known chaps,
who have been idle for a long time, to
live upon twenty cents a dav corned
beef, beans, bread and butter, and
water for one meal, and pie and coffee
at the other in the evening. A fellow
could live all winter on those two
meals if he didn't have to juggle cases
and barrels and bales of cotton or do
heavy work. Thus it may be seen that
man needn't starve who has one dol
lar and forty cents a week to spend on
Wait. Thompson runs stags between
Heppner and Monument, arriving every
day except Monday and leaving- every
day except Sunday. Shortest and cheap
est route to the interior. Oonser A
Brook, agents.
arts' Is ths rasurl el colds and
suddsa climatic chances.
It can hs cured by a Dioanant
ronwdy which Is swilled rtl
rsctlr Into ths nostrils, n-
Inprqukkly stwortieiiit gives
IwW at on Co,
Ely's Cream Bain)
Is srknowlsdESd to hs th most thnrnayj) Cars for
Nasal ( start U, Cold In Head and lisy Isrer of all
raiDdi. It ins snd cleawwi ths nuaalpaasaya,
SJlays pain snd liifUramUn, hssla tbosnrss, pro.
lot the mmihrsti from sol. I,, mtnr. the stow,
of is' snd smell, VrU S"c. st lltwf lata or by mill.
kXI BMOTuinUi, S4 Warn Direst, rttw IMS.
pff-r amis smw
...... ' ' "7 - v , ( ,
I Irft lortiiHiv th in- . ,1
IBS Csrvt'o ds. Iinsil !
Uu rj otrars, Vt mt luf W r' 1
fbnnT 9
ft 1ffl, IlfiMlftil ft VnltMaf $ i
'3 .J
tf !! ! J
I ls fey
o. m. rr niiy a
Mtm. BUca.
Your Face
FoUl at th AatsMl Taaa la Very
Mr.,BiA or tiic !.
The intettsa it, blrg sad SSMrlief Inrt-
d(4 !.", blf, esll rhxtm. snd sshf
4vm 4 ! stia ss lawtaiiily ails
etfJrin! CtisatUvUi. s Era sa4
tittmt. Msay wry 14 ksse b-a
arwMS)ly rnrsd r-y It. It la sslly
t4 lt l.ir sa4 a fsvnrfta rov
A f afa aitti tksr f4 katxta, t M
taa. ass " ktws, snJ thfuittto mnrm ayna
cr aU by dtttuMs 4 Vt fowl, fwf wt.
Tf f t ailtUa raatx ihf
j I ki I . w-W l. in l.wl i nii.
Isms, !.!., Ikmri J li,l-f Slrl
tmt sU by Oaaof A tweak, draggl.
A sprsrUmaa'a Ufa waa oaea aavad by
his koowtoxlga of aa. sf tba phyaleal
isM-ullarllloa of tba boar. (it. IlaitiU
Um, who Ulls the aUiry ia bis "Hpurt
la Htrath.ra ladia, waa out on a War
shooting etpaditkta wtlb a bmtbrr
ofll-r. The boaters drove the feaar
front bis bkliag filaxa, aad a shot from
Hi. onVcr Oirsw hiia oa tba froaadi
bat b got as with a grant and made
Aa tba boar naaaad aa ora bit of
rroun.t tn llsirolton aala (trad, bat
mlaaod, aad tba lxaat larnrd arosa bim.
When ba waa within a Um yards lha
(oaral cava him tba hf barrvl. As
tbla did not t"P blaa Hamilton start.!
to ran, bat tr!pt4 over a rurk aad foil
fiat on bla faea.
Tba boar waa apon blm Instantly,
aad tba eaurtaasaat. taikiaf tyvar hm
mktwMmt, saw Into t boar a wxrath as
tba brut, a.svi. a grab at blm, Tba
aalasal eaagbt bim by tba tblf h and
tlaao4 kita. Kaowlaf that a Wear's
ansa ia aery aa.lUr., llamiltsas kit
blm aosoral hard bl'"s oa th. rn.
Tba ber, aaaMa li eadara taa pain,
let ga, aad, bafora aa ana id f a Wd
agata, llaatiltuw waa aa tba hut.
ilaaoaspaaw ma aa aad ktllad laa
boar try a baU tbrossgb b'-a aaart. Bat
tba rsr1f:i M4 laid vpm liaaiil
ioaa U'.gn VIK tsnea, aad ba waa In
b4 1-0 a ifs.
arm aa aaathsa wiia a est o-gsfisg
.mia, afW taa lost la a
tevsoaaa wttw rvt as
no W nia.s's Mat
A el.aevf'.t s'.-oy. a story Ihst rsnpl.l
lo t iKf-l l !. U rintu fi lr b In
Kat IMt Wal .t ,-t A Wall ,
drK yori woaaaa rowsio,iir w,t I
Tba ssost emftVe sad ass fl dkat roay
dt4 ta soy atoiog
Tb T!I!Ti: l
CaTialy Mitial lillt
Cf ru ritiek Ml ftrfrtt AfitlBMaf,
Irwi ALL Itaabla Artiaku,
As4 will arra sad aUoss yi en as lbs rail
knd ft fnt .spsttoltoaa.
Arms I'tstisi Wsatirt la
Md WftM jry, t.ilistal loo t. A! ',