aaaaiaaaeaaiiuiii in mm uwmmswm BanjwasasaiiajiMntBjw1iiBsinB ' E. McNEluL, Receiver. TO THB B m T GIVES IBB CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT- , NORTHERN Ry. , UNION PACIFIC RY. 0PULAR-MAGA1INES FOR THE H0I3E. f ran H?-Da kru I 13 I pel .VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City TABLE TRICKS. Such a dear LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland tvery 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details call on 0. It. A N. Agent ta Heppner, t r address W. H. BURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Obboon. FRANK LESLIE'S OOPULAR JT MONTHLY Contains each Month Orlrlnel Water Color rrontHplecei 128 Quarto Pages ol Reading m inn Niw and Hlffh.cla.s lllustra. 'Ions; More Literary Matter and Illustra tion thaa ony otner marazmo iu auciim, 2) cis. 5 W a Year. IFnuik LqsKq's Pleasant Hours FOR DOTS AND CIRLS. , y-ii. v Yr.loAtA. Juvenile Monthly. Fmlv wiis'irnied. The bert writers for young ! jool.10 e iit,rin"T.B it ii. i ' S33 ALL eUBSUUriJUito IV .a u FB1NK tout's PilPULUl H13THI.Y at. m.o liaajtte, bath lor o.u yr fjr j.OJ. FBANK LSSUS'S PuMK H?ORS F9 B1T oue year $;i.oo. Undoubtedly the Best Club Offers 1 ry Send fo Frank tMUe'i PublUMna Haute. T, for Aleut lUvntrateit Yemlum Lttt, es. GET THE BES V When you are about to buy a Sewing Machine Jo not be deceived by alluring advertisements find be led to think you can get the best made, tlnest nnisnca ana ,. .. , . Most Popular' for a mere song-. See to It that you buy from reliable manu facturers that have gained a reputation by honest and sq uare dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura Dility. You want the one that is easiest to manage and ia Light Running There to none ta the world that can equal in mechanical con. The Old Lady Was Not Up on Modarn Customs. old rustic lady sat next me at a dinner the other night. It was quite a "swell" affair, in a fine restaurant, and when the coffee stajre was reached the declined it and asked for a cup of tea, which had to be brewed expressly for her. I saw her fidgeting around, says a writer in the Louisville Post, so I asked her: "Can I reach you anything?" "I can't find ;my napkin ring," she whispered. ''There are none," was my next re mark. "Ain't none? Mercy me! Why not?" s"It's not the custom," I answered "Well, it seems kind of slouchy," she said. "We always have 'em at home, "A napkin ring implies that the napkin is to be used again," I explained, "and that would not be considered good form." Ilcr tea had not come, and the poor old soul felt grumpy, I suppose, so this is what 1 got m sections: "Uoocl form! Mercy mel I never saw such a lot of fads as people are getting. Must not cut fit-h with your knife and can't have butter unless you ask for it, and having ice cream in the middle of your dinner." She had received a punch be tween the sweetbreads and the duck. "And no tea unless you disturb the whole' tabic, and four or five kinds of liquor" she meant wine "and women drinking it and men smoking right Complaint That Good Work Is la Demand While the Quality Is Poor. There ia an increasing demand for pood American fiction. With all due respect to the galaxy of bright writers in Great Britain who have achieved such prominence hero during the last few years, it is, nevertheless, a fact that publishers are looking eagerly for novels and novelettes dealing with American people and scenes. Said one of them to the Literary World the oth er day: "We have been publishing English and Scotch stories simply be cause we could not procure American fiction of corresponding worth. It is needless to say that there is a far greater demand for American novels than for those written about charac ters and incidents European and Brit ish. But it looks as if we could not succeed in our endeavor. We do not want a novel, for instance, that is dashed off, three or four chapters at a time, by a woman after she has given an afternoon tea before dressing for the evening. But we want American novels written by men and women whoso brains surge and swell while they arc at work. And I see no hope ful outlook excepting in the newspa- ncr offices." The publisher does not understand the conditions of newspaper worn now adays, or he might not be hopeful. There arc young men and young women scattered through newspaper offices here before us,-and you mustn't take, hero and there who are capable of de- prowess plays the better part. He told the age of any man in the crowd who was learned enough to add, substract and divide a series of compound figures, which John furnished, and nine times out of ten hit the mark. But one feat which he performed, and In which he believed with the fervor of an idolator, says the Washingtoi Next door to City Hotel. . - Successor to u. b. an uujn, uwi v w f , Has everything in the line of Fresh Groceries, Candies. Nuts, and also keeps crocKery, Lamps and Tinware. . . ... ; ingtonPost, . . Ma;c o Q nori Q f goes into the marvelous. It involved IS WOlIlU I t5lC. MVUt-mo w www..j. I I ' " structlon, durability of working parts, fineness of finish, benuty fn appearance, or has as many improvements as Uie AND STEAM GASOLINE New Home It has Automatic Tension, Double Feed, alike on both sides of needle (talented), no other has It t New Stand ( patented), driving wheel hlnRed on adjustable centers, thus reducing friction to the minimum. ; . . WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. your fowl in your fingers. Well, I do wonder how I ever lived all these years not knowing any of these tricks! Her tea reached her then and I heard no more from her. THE EW HOME SEWISG MACHIKE CO. PO M If yon think nf bnying an ernrina of any rm or kind and tr nnr Catulpgut jvo. 30, contMinirg nintrntioug nun Drlopa of every kind of r.oin" from on np r 25 hnm power, at bottom prioea, or Lut No. z9, i 'T yacht englnp. boil era Hud machinery. Either lent free. . P. Willarfl & Co.. CP 197 Canal Street, . CHICAGO BAM fSASCIIKJOt VAb. .rij.ijJ r?n sate av P. C. THOMPSON CO.- Agents Heppner, Oregon. Qvmmmwmmtmm-f.'mmxmQ 1 HIAL.UINU'N JTKIEIIG FIGURES.. 5 fbuvtnir of to Venn (a llutlneu. 9 A Compute Set. eosilug of live 9 llffllke Im.iiu.- HH.e Hall flayer, A BEAUTIFUL MIXTURE. Japanese Johnny's Heroic Effort at Com posing. An English teacher in a Japanese school has given for . publication this essay on the whale, written by a Jap boy: "The whale lives in the sea and ocean of all the country. He is a large and strong in among of kinds of all the fish, and its length reach to ninety foot from seventy foots, and its color almost is a dark, and he has a large head. When swim in the up water he 13 so large as island. When struck the water on angry he is so voice as ring great deal thunder. If ho danced make the storm without winds, and also blow the water almost lay down the fog on the weather. Ilia the form ia proper to live, for his front legs make hire and aftcrlcgs is no, and the tails ia a hire that open on the top waters, and the mouth have no leaves, but have leaves that is a bard, narrow beard, n3 with horns. Ilis bodys though is a fish, but he is not a fish, but a creatures. Iliu leaves is named whales-leaves. The men make the everything with it. Every years to seven or eight month from four to five month, the whalemen catch on the sea or osean. Uo may live on the sea of North-sea-way or Five island, of Ilirado on Iligcn coun try in Japan. Written by T. Ilirakawa, P, . The tell of tho whale is more but I do not know fully to tell." quioij: Tijvria t r,ut m ( lull I' Ilnlf I'lavrr. I'Biiiils i'laver 8 and Rlcyi'le Klili-r, will he sent to any m amireM upon receipt 01 iu emu, w pay eooruce. Theo flmires are atnnliitrlv perfect, bemiHliilly rulored ami niniinliil. ami arrxiimi Id stand miriitht.aiid are an ex- relit ill toiiveitrol it ii year as leaders I the alhleiie supply world. Hullable ' for dub. reading mora, ollice or home, j A. G. SPALDING a BROS.. M S'tw lure ITiicn.o VhiUvM)iMa 4 Hern J?vi nclsco 0 wiiriiirtt 'J AQdsUpoinUUCalir.HTia.vUth Mt Bhaau rouiaut me Southern Pacific Co the snail fclahway thronah California in all points Kwt and Mtmlh. brand Hnantit (Untte of the I'arlBe t. I'nlltnaa HnRat Hleapara. tUotmd-euMe Hlaers Attaehad loespraaa trains, altordine; anpariar mntnaiiiitalltwa ftf ammdlaMi paaaaoaw. tut rr. brkata. alaikg oar rasar valines, eta, eall ntKfi t.r atldnaa H. KOKHLEH. Manaser. I. f. ft (X J ILK, Asst. (ran, V. V. Aft., fortland. Orecoa OIIIOAQO. Mae's Rejoinder. The captain of a Cunard liner one a ay while crossing the "herring pond,' found that his ship was not doing the speed he considered she ought to, and, nuttlntr on his best frown, he went down to the room of the chief engineer, a hard and dry Hcotchman and an amateur violinist. The captain knocked at the door: tho gay chords of a Scotch reel played on a Udilie was the only an swer to his summons, so he burst the door open. "Mr. Mae," ho thundered. "what are you about? I am not at an satisfied with your englnos; we go llko Himils, sir." Mr. Mae made a flourish with his bow, and, after a lolly chord, said: "Hair, my engines should hae been in Liverpool these three dny s. Its your alow old ship that's at fault!" t ValtXaf iwaiKee & si Paul mm mm tam sW mm mwm I Mill H EBlji Alt W. W . t I mm . nffitTiinri - V X ll SM m a rm VHJmm J rrof. W.H. "tj,-j" makes a A I ll Kpllepsy, h assfl vAv doubt treal LbV ed more ran living Vhy II 1 I enecM ia 1 . . k ILisasw' v eve h ol so jresr .e" rt mm MM - U V 11SL eared by vcloping into novelists; but they have no chance, while on morning papers, at least. The average reporter goes to work at noon, and then until midnight, or an hour later, he or she is hastening from one point to another, oftentimes unabln to eat recrularlv or to secure sufficient sleep. By the time the after noon assignment is covered and the "story" written tho reporter has a chance to breathe sometimes; and then when he reaches the office with his evening assignment covered, provided he has but one, he sits down and writes when too often he is greatly latignea. At midnight, or one or two o'clock in the morning, he goes home. Is it rea sonable to expect a man or a woman after such a siege to write fiction 1 now can it be done? Leaving entirely aside the fact that newspaper work, with its plain statement of events, precludes tho development of thought and lit erary style, the reporter's very exist ence, with its hurry and rush and ex hausting physical labor, makes it very loubtful if we can loon to mm as a ;lass from whom to expect fiction. With men and women on evening pa pers tho case is uuicrent i ncy uu more leisure, in the evenings, at least; but tho fact remains that as a usual thing tho brightest men and women prefer morning papers, because they pay so much more. STORY OF A MISSING BABY. Carious Experience of a Parisian Lady of . Position. The recent experience of a Parisian lady of position, writes Miranda in the Lady's Pictorial, may serve as a useful . J V warning to some 01 my rcaacrs wno reside abroad. The lady in question returned from a ball one night much earlier than she had given her servants reason to expect, and to her consterna-, tion found three members 01 ncr household missing, the nurse, the housemaid and tho babyl Greatly terrified, she rushed to the concierge to mako inquiries, and after some pre varication the man informed her that the two servants, fancying their mis tress would not return for some hours, had gone to a notorious dancing place, taking tho baby with tlicm, ana mere tho ludy would bo ecrtain to find all three "quite safe and sound." A t,,c muKter of the house was absent, the distracted mother went to seek a male relative, and together they visiU-d the locality indicated, where they found the two women drinking with friends, but no baby. In reply to frantic in quiries after her child, tho housemaid Impudently told licr mistress w none 1 she liau borrowed by the way "that excite herself, the 1 hands." At first where; but by dint dragged from her boon taken to a low the telling whether the firstborn ol a given couple was a boy or a girl. The way that this feat was accomplished was a profound secret with the pugilist, but in a burst of confidence he disclosed tho method to the writer. To solve the problem the only neces sary data are the full maiden name of tho mother and the full name of the father.' According to Mr. Sullivan's formula, if, after counting the letters in both names, the sum is an even one, the firstborn is a boy, if odd tho issue of the union is a girl. For example, all the letters in Mary Jane Brown and Iliram Smith form a total of twenty- three, an odd number. Result, a girl. If this formula is reliable it will serve forecasting purposes as well as the establishment of post-facto results; but no editorial guaranty goes with the pre scription. FOUGHT FOR THE HAIR. A Barber and His Customer Stand Up for Individual Rights. "Now vou have cut my hair," said the shorn countryman to the barber, "kindly collect the hair from the floor. wraD it uo in a naper and hand it to me." "I shall do no such thing," the bar ber replied, firmly. "That hair belongs to me. I cut it off, didn't I? That makes it mine." The customer got excited, says the New York World. "Don't you know," he exclaimed hot ly, "that under the common law of the land anything that grows upon my head is as much mine as are the con tents of the head? In every copyright case it has been settled that the prod uct of a man's brain is his. Don't yon know that?" Now was the barber's turn to get mad. "If hair is the product of your brain," he shouted, "I guess it's about all it does produce. What do you want the blamed hair for? I don't need it my self, but I'm fighting for a principle, and I'd spend my last cent to do you out of that hair." "None of your business what I want it for," howled the countryman. "Per haps I need it to stuff pillows with, and perhaps I am a wholesale manufac turer of wigs. That s none of your business. I'll admit that I don't need the hair. What then? I'm fighting for principle, too. Gimme my hair." They shook their fists in each other's faces. It took a policeman to separate them. Such are the ills of life. For these trifles do men wildly battle. AN ' ; - ' ' 1 (svi GOVERNMETO ... IS .... r" '''' reJ The U.S. PAYING MILLIONS A MONTH To persons who served in the wars of the United M-or - Widows, Children, or Parents. Do You receive a pension ? Had You a relative in the War of the Rebellion, Indian or Mexican Wars on whom you depended for support ? THOUSANDS ARE ENTITLED UNDER THE NEW LAW . To receive a pension, who now do rot! Thousands under the new law are entitled to an increase of pension. The government owe it to you and is willing and Anxious to pay. Why not present vour claim at this preseni ume r 1 our pciuiuu time you apply. Now Is the accepted hour. 4 i' rewrite for laws and complete information. No Charge for advice; No Fee unless successful. " . '.. Pi. fa 'i sfL.teiurij Ivice. MU ' The Press Claims Company PHILIP W. AVIRETT, General Manager, 618 F Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. K S.TMl Company U controlled by pearly one thousand leading new. 1 paper in the United States, and is guaranteed by them. I! Attorneys at Law, HEPPNER, All business attended to iu n prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. " ' - mrwiflP. TV VATTfYNAT. HANK BTJILDINO.V 1 1 fl 1 1 ' . : ; ukkuuii s WHITE COLUAR LINE; rnnnia Rivprann Pmmt uiuwiui 111 1 vi 111 vs. a. . n 1 it aviff 1 vii ru uu vs. i 1 v 1 Steamers TELEPHONE, BAILEY GATZERT AND OCEiN WAVE. lAfVlVll 6 1 An ancient controversy has recently been revived in England bythoqucs' tion as. to what really constitutes a classic. Some define it as "an ancient author, highly approved, who is an au thority on tho subject he treats of." Goethe on tho other hand, protested against tho confusion of what is classic with what is merely old, ana tieciarea that all "healthy work," no matter whether modern or ancient, Is classic Tho French Academy, speaking cx cathedra, defines classio authors as those who have become models in any language," while Santc-lieuvo declares '.hat a true classic is an author who lias 'enriched the human mind." Indeed, no two opinions on the subject seem to jolnclde, and what appears to be a classic to one sort of people is refused that qualification by others. Lesvios Alder 8reel Dock. Portland, for A'tnrin, Ilwson, Loo Beseb, Ocean Park aud Nshcotta. Direot oonneoiion with Ilwsoo atonmerg and rail road; also at Yonou's Bay wlih 8eabore Railroad. , , , TUIiBPnOTNTja Leaves Portland 7 A. M. Dally, except Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, except Sunday. HAItiEY GATKEIIT Leaves Portland P. M. Dully, except Sunday. Saturday nlpht. HP M. Leaves Astoria Dally S , at 6:10 A. 11., except ounuay ana iiommy. sunaay mgm, 1 r. u. Leaves Portland and runs ritreet to rwcn. Tuesday and 1 hursday at ft A. M. Sntnrday at 1 P. M. Leaves llaaco, Wednesday aim frtuay n. uu auuaay nigni ai e r. m. Baggie Cheeked lo Railroad Destination Bolt Beaches Free (f Expense. " - For Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on the Telephone, Bailey Oatzert and Ocean Wave. A WOOL MARKET. Ss'-st. Uicntest, Top 5TIfjj3S' A"r, Receiver. Co-pact. Una tie ol a Is anant'ita ear, free te snv surTereif ha ma aantl their ' (1. and Banres aunreaa. V'e a-tl" an te wlahlnw a enre t ed'lre rt.W. 0. rUU, r. 4 CUr LUBcwTot I inmirnnraTOiCTM EAST AND SOUTHEAST Glance at this MaP YllTasniOHACIFIC SYSTEM. Thmtiih ftillmaa Palare Hlttr, Tmirut aiwpa-e and ftm karllnlnf fttal' Cars 1 AlLV iu bhafn. Msaf klrs aated via this lla Plol ta Kaataf STfaM MtT. PINTSCM LIGHT. LOWItnr MATKM. R. H. BAXTER, Gn Agtmt, Vrf'taJ, Qrtyon, J. C. HART, Agent, Unntr, Otgo. Of the Chtrata, Mlltsawiee eal M. Pattl Rail ay and nets lis umaeritons Ha all trsuafoa tlnenlal Una and St, Petti and ataha, end reffietatiee last Its trelBssre lle4 lth elae- Irlrlly tad Seated fey steaaa. Its Hlpmral Is saparb. lfat Iktfst, tlh'sry , ajntostrtf and atMpttif rare, ajuk trtm rerlulni rhsirs. Ea sawelnfl l Swtlh ass aa elertrte reading laatp. iM Hsdlalat ears are the Seal In I he nerld (Nner lines am lontt than tkaV, Vl an are hnrMf , and etkwf the shots IniettoM SnwtaamtalbMM. TMaeara snntn trtmmt hit IM pusntlatUi a41fceMUesnk ." rnepen lb set sevts In e'y tatlmad oltlre 111 gtt )ua ImtMt lliisiltt, vt addreaa & J. iriT, Itenend Ateut, t, W.CAIIt. Tree, htse, Afnt, rVstitsa. Oisaea. 00 wttia uvty MvnK tst reft J I teste. ciutinr j tm ft full site M mU of U . fc.,... . b U... . .. ..1 " I hKtfufit, tutsj wsl a4 lf,tumoul. lawa y m in atuM euf nf smbsmt, aft (NMtne foot tsifs sire Pwostts. j CAf mfnCitM. te Awan -a Mimtnins --3 '( l(l.ll CUTTM9. r3 TMf 1EW YORK MUtlCALECHO CO. IWnasaev I news I'm rw ruiuy, 3 camvassf n aa)T0). w 1 is saaassssii 1 I IIT . iL...ri QPjTJi AWAY TO IXVlKTORS. HI n I f Mil 7!BB ifi3 M616V " i&SUUllO I he ti r. .1 .ft- bunny lm . . T? t T'fcT aa.a aasaaj SfNnv 4sappefl SSf 0Hs) tsnqSje aa sjss sjfsaafJMsspneSSi fSSSjasJsnsj sjp iiV'V-" TSSOS saaast. I csviir. TSsos saaast. (.LiSXBtCMta. mt v9 hi 4w.ii -t a 1 t II. . ,M fc. ks a . .t ... .. I' 1.44 t.- 1 r a-- . t m 1 m;,r. ft fl1N.t.t k. IMtMt-t Hi M-S ncutiuc tucwn t w ml mt ftmt m re a-. ft, r t -Mm.) a u..'--s M 1- nkM It !, I SMt The Nfitlsr sntaMsribttcMi Cvranai sat the rV. Ve.sly IteS'ttn to $iM s. las rnler piloa e-i lbs Uresis Ornin. I ft W. Aey en"tlia fne In. 11. .'Ma r Iwflt-g ff ya It ! i' a a-i at llsietla nm V.t.tlt Uctla f- It &l Allolleab. Ki.t mii4 tHf salaaeeitr le f,M yai ueli 0i la atWUs-J 3 aa4 Traas-Msraa ataatanl sad all Pas-! mm t.iniann' if Iteetaaes ft fa. . ovaOeetetteOeeaetnW, f .to"t t eautMHlbaskaM K-a t MkL 4a.l a (Mta, s iM. St -wi4a a a-t. !' at M NM'-l b.l - atawri, Jt aaaWVtae V. ft. aad anas eaaaara. aal liaa. Ail'-, o.A.snow&co. OS. aav t. aaas. ft. ft aaaiaaaaa"aaa-a' UMw"'i I Te saaaataMeeeatae eft Seas Is Taep UlaM.etf tkat raef ejaaatttf I) Ht elaare aaast to to) dsattaaV. .. f seas sat As eeptaas IM leaaftttal eaa My at" Rlp&nfTabulcs As t a pared arttft eap pum tp II peas TsWlas 1 fttea. pa ieato a ftas, Vt antf ia, ee a4. A."a) tt4atva4 CVt It ftpapss Ha ' WANTED-AN IDEAaTtZ ktaa as aataat f rivr piatr Maa 1 tf tnar U fiK r7i ait ti-Wi WaaaiiM1 1 Uut-tiWHr""" r-k at sea leee f!ppe ln ltS, WtHlaeadatsaad rrMat. lart I. rnrclata, Tsalsys e1 Sialaid.S. p-ae 13 esefe stay. 0, ia A Wsrtea.llespsev. E4. UlsiltlU TMp. IJalr.eotneiiA.fta- sevs settee w) Ifta eaM siJ ft MatSl f-4. la lb ftejti1ip I p bm4 ht tb 0ss ea).. TkF t laae-4 l Be Mtr rl4 raaafa, II fives. NetHlleas to say, the two wretches were dismissed on the spot. A RABBIT PArUMMENT. The Prallrle Aalraal ItaOlee Law and I arlrara. A rabbit parliament was held In Ana- trail. This was ut a convention of the animate, but a great gathering of irenili'mt'n who are) engaged la their exlt'rnnnstion. r'or four days, says the Philadelphia Hi-card, rrprearnlativr from every part c.f the etihmy held high di-l'ate over the anlmat'a pfrformsnees. Hut a-U of parliament Brent vain In this mattrr and at'leno ltatlf bsnkmpt. The New Notsth Wales (fi'trrnmrnl at ene prrlod had mire titan throe tlnu annd men employ t In killing raliblta. It has ereitrd flf'een tHottkand tttilra f rsbbit priaif feocitig. twenty five for a ajweitle tliimf h t'lirmrt, tH tiphtsl over them all, and si tlx p. .uni motttrnl tlia Isnd t psrtment ff New South Wales ha n snilllou acres of sbandiHied land, thrown tin in e.nMMiit'in tf the rewkUwa march of the rs'-lilt. Tlia rabbit parliament ein t hsva failAI tt rmaln.-) snr euar and strik Inf raattlla, A tf .f Infallible" Bia-rlfli-a. ranf ing- fr,nn f-fTvla t4 lank Blauchti-f, bad Ilnlf advtvalra, trtit alt-mt t!t d.l-fitl ej.'ti.n.i nisd" th drlrasW eliake llie'.r hrada. If the rabbit rtil J W tnttc-Hl ini a pruCt a'-le eiprt tU qatl as il4 W aadee.1, bttt 1M et-in eut nf the attrv ikm. The rwiW f f4oea4 bf llie frrea-w ia t,at tf 'fr iniitl' Ids e4 tmf Willi rsbbit pTa,f f.-n rsnsf. r. flr.aT IhS daty nf S'i;;i-.-.inf the rab bit frnn tfio a'ale I t im ita'e lanlmn era, an t gl'i-r the Uo I arf every pitMjM br'.p lit mi -S) IV MM- 'sn sfat ftU furry sttJ ftir-l"irs:d tccnit. It Was a Mast Madera and progrsaalva For estaloue ee Information write to TrlC MA RUN FIRE ARMS CO., New Haven. Cetia. Cummings &c Fall, PROPRIETORS Of tbe Old Rsllebls Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL. Ilalf blork feet t the I'nlon fVpot of C, I. y , C M a H. P , C a , T, ft W, g, sad Uie C S4. L. a. P. kallroada. I A.T IC M ftU.oo lRH DAV Cat. W. Msdlsoa sad Cllntoa tts $1800.00 OPiTJi AWAY TO INVENTORS. This has beeoms an asuhltthed market for Eea'em Orrpon, P'ashlngton and Idsha wools. Last season three million pounds were reoelved hers by rail from Huntington, Baker City, Heppner, Arlington, and from Yakima, Spokane, Lewlilon, Walls Walls sad intermediate stations. Low freight rates are glren on shipments to Pendleton for scouring and parking la transit. Many of the leading buyers maka this plaee headquarters, and sll large opera tors frequently visit Pendleton warehouses. As a market this place Is equalled only by The Dallrs la quantity of wool which attracts coin petition, with this sdvaotsga : From no point in the Northwest, Portland included, is wool shipped East at less ex pense than from Pendleton. Water competition has not afforded suf ficiently low r&tes upon wool in thegrease and dirt, to equal the lower expense in curred by shipping only clean, scoured wool from Pendleton. Owing to this fact rendleioa boyert are enabled to pay as moth or more fne wool at this point than Is twwH St other pleres bsr( g reputations as "high markets." based npoo eseeptianel sales of faney lota of light wools. Considering eharaetar at wool, sad shrinksge. It ssay aalely be claimed that the aerrape sales la Peadiotoa , Net the Grower more Cash for the same amount of wool than can be obtained in any other Market in the State. tealdawlniMklHS At msm aaas aa tTITtlE SlHIITBmLl'OTOtS THAT Villi) IWVNES, sarftassas'f aUAie" waahasa WaaaSf sM SB) VbasJysaV tsasat 4 t(sBsWoslaftsni' VKaMsV gsWaa (SslssJ SMft tafrsss T m mm aVsaS f mi f i- 1 $ t mmmmm mmf mmt araff lsTfSW fafAsastoj I For tho Curo o. Liquor. Opitin vA Tobacco Habits It Is kwaled at Ba learn, Oreeaa. fid itit Beautiful Town on fAd Gxut rail st the e.lervt adlea lee sarOeaUet StrteUyeatiSdeaUal, prUstaaea ears eata. fa tia fcUlUVAN-3 Hew tie IryMftaatat, IT IS NOT SO HARD AStTSCDlS. isWg CMl sfrTft Vt aSseaV tpsfft Sasl tft"BBSTsJ tk J-ii T jfftfttlfc fat sdai tss?salal sabsawflsVwt war smtmM0 a ax aaww ul an w na a . Ima a paat . t SssHft rfs'sjsgpsjlasliw ajsgllst, taNs tjsV?fPftMBft fasf CsssjsalBW (fsf tarsal Jfc 9tmHmWm m ABsaWJesSaaj (pasMMasaaaa 4) swwfc tai ifc. m mm, a4 s n t te to, m S9s& hat tsaaMNf ttafaaa IbBIMI Isfatf , MlaiMsl llaWw fpaVaeala I haft gSssNplft, a Massasassni saawaattfw mmJamWrnmuL ... iatHiltars mt aawesiae) Bad Paratga) PaSsaO. f V ftlll' fttrret.N.W., ev VVrll Itot s. aahlt. I. C A tltoat-Jtoe'M. la. ft s- , tPi-Z, a Ml , nmii. a.4 i-4 to dtte b-d ' S Mk . f . U at -t-r... 'I j ft ft. ttt Wltotftat ftaf ae a tMtm, j ttftea John L lallivsa m la tfaaft. Ipgosi abrml ft fed ftffn kd amsarj $' asst. .aaa A 1 1 ,'- awsk safe IVa He,- Ia I efft rt-tr liiW'?'y vrlrp ta. t.t a eatfn ftuil s-l la.'rS) t ""' ' " T rlr .lit iba (t-at W 1 fl , fl Ilia laaaeial sl that tt mm, with an s a 'uLi t.f aU fca .mi4 Si ka ftatbtra, Ma'Wi sneseav bees ke il duress at h,Ib feat v- v . v - j st a OUR STOCK VOF . . . SPACE IS TOO HEAVY AND WE ARE WILLING H. C ftesttft a4 tk fteea Iese4 Is) b beilMlBC sappeai1 P. C, TftaSlaS) i Cm. sad era fteper t ft esNaet o ft, pMmt f'BSki. aadeetattttf, CM1 St ptares a eit ftea td eteeaaa I UUuU-a tsl Uft ta'ssUaiiAavftaaiWw ftsa, TO UNLOsD It to Advertisers at a great financial sacri fice. You need it in your business, and as a matter of business we mint all it. Tin; Vauzsx Co. r