UNTOLD MISERY FROM Rheumatism C. H. King, Water Valley, Kiss., cared by Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For five years, I suffered untold misery from muscular rheumatism. I tried every known remedy, consulted the best physi cians, visited Hot Sprlng3, Ark.,tlfree times, spending 1000 there, besides doctors' bills ; liut could obtain only temporary relief. My flesh was wasted away so tnat I weighed only ninety-three pounds ; uy left arm and leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles Here and There. . P. Sine is in from Lexington. June showers and crops looming. A. Andrews is np from Alpine todsv. The sprinkler wagon wan started yes terday. Eli Eeeney is sojourning over at Pendleton. Jas. Morel and Friday. was in Heppcer last Tbe Heppner Transfer C o., bas wood for sale. 37-tf. Bob Johnson was in from Gooseberry Saturday. & Slocum's new ad. in being twisted up In knots. I was unable to dress myself, except wilh assistance, and could only hobble about by using a cane. I had no appetite, and was assured, by the doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at times, were so awful, that I could procure relief only by means of hypodermic Injec tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged In clay, In sulphur, in poultices; but these gave only temporary relief. After trying everything, and suffering the most awful tortures, I began to take Ayev's Sarsaparilla. Inside of two months, f was able to walk without a cane. In three months, my limbs began to strengthen, and In the course of a year, I was cured. -My weight has increased to 165 pounds, and I am now able to do my full day's work as a railroad blacksmith." AYER'S The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla. J-YER'S PILLS cure Headache. r7 in sTrrcogij i-EDS raitf2gTg3rgrgii 261137 Notioe Wills this issue. Tom Williams got in yesterday from Liong Creek. Mrs. Wm. Hughes is ill at her home aboye Henpner. Frank Holmes was over from Goose berry yesterday Ed. Doherty end wife were in from Alpine yesterday. Henry Coats was down from Hard man Sunday last. M. 8 Onrrigall was over from Gallo way last Monday. Euiroett Coohrau was in from tbe John D.iy Saturday lest. T. R. Lyons left last night for a brief stay in Wells Walla. H. E. Warren aDd wife were in from Eight Mile Saturday. Mrs. Clark, mother of Mrs. 'Geo. Swaggart, is quite ill. Frank Lee came home Sunday from Portland and Tbe Dalles. Lew Howeth left the first of this week for the Greenhorn section. lee oream dinners at the Grand Cen tral t very Saturday at 25 cents. 47-60 0. D. Allison and wife were among our Eight Mile visitors yesterday. Drink tbe celebrated J. H. Cutter whiskey. On tap at Chris Borohers' Al Windsor aod family and Pearl Jones and family have moved to town La Grande Marble Works, La Grande Ore. S. 0. Smith, salesman, Henpner. Harry Bennett an 1 Geo. B. Tedrowe are seeing tbe sights down at Portland. 5 SOD"S In combination, proportion and process Hood's Sarsaparilla is peculiar to itself, and unequalled in true merit. No other medicine ever possessed so much curative power, or reached such enormous sales, or made such won derful eures, as Hood's Sarsaparilla. . It is undoubtedly the !)est medicine ever made to purify, vitalize and en rich the blood. That is the secret of its success. Read this statement : -"When my son was 7 years of age, he had rheumatic fever and acute rheuma tism, which settled in his left hip. He was so sick that no one thought there was any help for him. Five sores broke out on his thigh, which the doctor said were arotfuDa sores. We had three different doctors. Pieces of bone came out of the sores. The last doctor said the leg would have to be cut open and the bone scraped, before he could get well, Howard became so low that he would eat nothing, and one doc tor said there was no chance for him. " One day, a newspaper recommending Hood's Sarsaparilla was left at our door. We decided to try this medicine. Howard commenced taking it the last of February, after having been sick for a year and a 5 lire d sheep And wool notes. The number of Morrow county sheep on tbe road eastward this season is esti mated at about 110,000. This is proba bly the largest drive ever made from Morrow county tor one season. Wool is coming in pretty lively now and it is estimated that fully 4,000 sacks are boused in both warehouses awaiting sale and shipment. Heppner will receive abont tbe same amount of wool this year as last 8,500, 000 pounds. Had the Parrish oreek road been completed last year the amount wonld have increased considerably this season. Tbe price this season tor wool will be lower than last, from what the Gazette oan learn. This is owing to the large amount of oheap wools now on band in Eastern warehouses, tbe light demand from manufacturers owing to tbe uncer tainty of tariff matters, the general de preteion in business oiroles and the "el egant" effeots of free trade in wool. D. A. Herrin leaves tomorrow tor Cold Spring, Idaho, to witness the work of a patent shearing machine. It is said to be a grand suooess and is being exten siyely introduced. half. He hadn't taken it a week before I saw that his appetite began to improve, and then he gained rapidly. I gave him five bottles, when the sores were all healed and they never broke out again. The crutches he had used for four years were laid aside, as he had no further use for them. I give all the credit to Hood's Sar saparilla." Mrs. Ada L. Moody, Fay Street, Lynn, Mass. This and many similar cures prove that ilruOOd' Sarsaparilla T. J. Hagenborth baa bis 50,000 head of sheep well on the trail towards Idaho. Ed. and Fiank Holland and 01 Colvin were np from the lower oountry outur- day List. F. M. Conrter and wife and Miss Fan nie lugrabatn were in from Eight Mile yesterday. Geue Jones left this week to assist in piloting a band of t-ueep over tbe Greeuboro section. At a recent meeting of tbe school board, T. It. Howard was awarded the wood oontraot for this year. Bud Willingham is laying off from the sheep drive, owing to illness. He will re turn as soon as be gets better. W. B. Lacy and wife and Mrs. J. L. Yeagnr departed yesterday for Mitobell to attend tbe Baptist association. Sheriff Harrington bss collected $2,- Ma.4n taxpa this vear and tbe same has s5QljCSfl0!ll b,e1 taruea ver to tua treMnrer" Annual ounaay scnooi oouveutiun, iur Morrow conntv. will be held at Pelteys' grove, Thursday, Jane 1Kb, 1890. Cbas. Johnson, memberelfOt of the board of eqna'iiation from this judicial district, was up from Lexington Satur day. On tbe night of tbe 3rd Inst., See Dris- keifs clothes line was robbed of every thing. Bond Bros.' gang are accused of being tbe culprits. Is tne One True Clood Purifier. All druggists. $1. Prepared only by C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hood's Pills cure l'vir Ills: ens? I l;lW J. W. Morrow ha8 just sold bis clip for 9 cents a pound. Will made the sale some time ago and it is better than tbe market prioe. , THE SIZE OF THE HUN. u. Will be in HeDDner June 20 To July 15, Stopping at The Palace Hotel. AN EMINENT SPECIALIST. 9 (jjamDrinus tseer, T a.HALF PINT BOTTLES City Hotel Bar! Drinkable CI Liquors ars. Call and Smokabla on Tad. THE ItESi'LT IN OUKUUN. From the Spokane Review. There is hardly a silver mine in the state of Oregoj; ao tbe free silver vio tory at Monday's eleotion can not be aaoribed to (he influence of silver mln- eompenied by 11. T. Dagjsy, ing intereat. Th On setts acknowledges a eall yes- For Teats tbe Orrgooian, with its wiJs rday form A. L Walker and George Usird. Geo. is stilt saffuring from tba Eagle: The eard aononocemont of Dr. W. T. Miracle oooupies tbe plaoe of that formerly occupied by Dr. Iieoder son. Dr. Henderson is arranging to shortly return to Whatcom, Wash., and surrenders bis medical field here lu Grant county to Dr. Miracle, and recom mends him to all his friends and pa trons. Tbe Dr. is a pbysioisn of ex perience, aod will enjoy a good prac tice in this looality. Now the "Candidate" li out of date, . The crops are looking fine; 1 1 li a treat to view the wheat, The melon on the vine. The horn of plenty's In the land, But the horn for which we lnh li a winning hut and a brimming glass Of Sperry'i "Linwood Bye." , Bald only at tbe Belvedere Saloon. Tbe ohildrens' day program at tbe Christian Sunday school on Sunday morning was very well rendered, and the little folks deserve much praise for tbe part taken bv them. The attend ance was good aod a nice oolleotion was taken tor tbe cause of foreign missions. Tbe Gazette is nnder obligations to Bert Dsnner for an invitation to attend tbe oommeooement exeroines of tbe Fes body High Hebool, Little Hook, Arkan sas, June 4th. Bert was "io it" bimself v.ik.ni. aiuhr.ii,ui thia (ir and tns uazette ioroe woaia nevs neen at Heppner. Now let us bear from Lex- pieaseo v nave ueen prewui button, lone, Eight Mile or Uardmao, Several articles sent in recently for Who will be nrstr I publication io tba Gazette nave been ni..i. ci,n i.rt fn. WU Walla . overlooked beoaase ot tbe tact that the .th team Io brine- down Mrs. O. proprietors were very Dnay Gates' household goods. He was ao- To Journey Across It By Train Wonld Take Two Years and a r alf. The sun, provided we measure only tbe disk seen with the smoked glass, is eight hundred and sixty-six thousand miles in diameter, i. e., one hundred and eight earths oould be comfortably rang ed aide by side across tbe disk. To oov- er tbe surfaoe wonld require many thou sands. To fill tbe interior we should need one million three hundred thou sand. On a smaller scale we might rep resent the sun by a ball two feet in di- meter and the earth by a good-sized grain of shot. Let tbe son be hollowed out, then place the earth at its center, and let the moon revolve about it at its real diet ance of two hundred and forty tboussnd miles. There would yet re main nearly two hundred thousand miles of space between tbe moon's orbit and tbe inclosing shell of the sun. In deed, to journey from one side ot the sun to the other, through the center, would take one of our swift express trains nearly two years and a half. 80 vast a globe must be heavy. Since its It is reported that a jug of applejack density is only one-quarter tnat of tne was taken to tbe polls at bautiam pre earth, it onlv weiitbs as much es three olnot, in Jjinn oonmy, ana e large niiin bnndred and thirty-two thousand earths, or two octillions ot tontl- The attraction of gravity on Its surfaoe would cause a man whose weight was one hundred aod fifty pounda to weigh two tons. Alden W. Qnimby in Jane Ladies' Home Jour nal. baa been hammering, with all its con ceded foroe and vigor, against free coin age and for lb single gold standard ; so it can not be said that the people voted without knowledge of the alli'ged bene fits of the gold tt mdard. Bean, tbe republican oaudiJaU tor en pre me Judge, an office io 00 sense in volving tbe money question, is elected by tba normal repoblinsn majority of be tween &000 and 10,000; so It ean not b aid the republicans arsio tbe minority. What, Iheo, ara tbe rrasoos for the ra publican repulse Monday io Oregon? Why was EHis, tt offer republican, elected 10 one district, and Tongas, straddle republican, defeated in tba other? Wby was N'orthop, running as tba gold standard candidate io tba seO 00 d district, fourth io tba r ara at the polls, although b wm the sols repre sentative ot tba single gold etaoderd, sprained wrist, received Isst (all Mrs. Geo. Oonaer returned from Port land thia morning, accompanied by Mr. Oonser'a niece, Miss Gertie Oonaer, who will visit in Heppner a few weeks. Wbeo tbe Lair begios to fall oat or tura gray, tba scalp Deeds doctorlog, aod we kuow of do belter speoiflo than U all's Vegetable Hioiliaa Hair liens wsr. Clarence Van Winkle got lost while ont fishiog on Itbea ersek last Sunday, lead of tbe were very Dnay with other matters. Having resumed business sgaio due attentioo will be glveo to tba details of newspaper work . Rev. J. T. Hnskios. ot Galloway, eall ed at thia office Saturday last long enough to inform tbe scribes that be was todeed thankful tor a soit of olotbes of elereymao'a olotb. a present from frieods on Lower Batter creek. Csa Matlook today reoeived tba gold medal for winoiog tba ooe-mlle bicvol raea al tba Rosebnrg tournament. It la veined at SIS. Eiflhenge. Mr. Mat lock is a aoo of Joa Matlock, ot Eugeoa Hocai BiawsD. J. XI. Lock nans, wbo lives 00 tha east fork of Willow L . 1 M . 1. lU. OOI Dl rrKumi wg la u" -J l . . . .... ft. tn arti-r all. even if he did bsvs to . un. '- . vr mill. I oer, uam uim buhh, whu bii viwl Thomas N.Loo and mother ara rno- deelroyed by fire ao Friday last. He bed lot Iba While hotel and restaurant to beea at work ta bis Deld aboot two ao- Pendleton. Wbeo yoq go there give Atmd yards from tba house, aod retoro- tbemaesll. They will trsat yoni right. it an ... AU -ffort, to His Baccess in Treating Diseases Simply Marvelous. The Gazette is pleased to announce that the renowned physician, Dr. Darrin, will soon be in Heppner. Dr. 'Jarrin is not simply a medical praolitioner, but physician of a very high order of merit, one whose years of olnse study, close observation, oloee practical expert enoe, has enabled him to draw not only testimonials, but tbe highest persoual endorsements from the leading men of the country congressmen, judges, etc. and wboae suooess in tbe medical field is today withoat a parallel. Dr, Darrin bas an enviable rank in his pro tession as a wonderfully sooceosful phy sician.' He is essentially original in his method of praottce, and those who have been under bis treatment are surprised at tbe newness and novelty of bis sys tern ot practioe by electricity. His honesty and straight-forward adyice be fore taking a oase has won for him tbe confidence of his patients as well as the general public. The Dr. is a gentleman ot genial, sooial nature, and bis private practioe is marked by tbe formation of a personal friendship with those with whom be comes in professional contact. Dr, Darrin makes a specialty of all diseases of tbe eye, ear, nose and throat, catarrh and deafness, bronohitis, la grippe, consumption, dyspepsia, con traction, heart, liver and kidney diseases. He permanently oures all diseases ot the genito urinary organs, in either sex. snoh as loss of manhood, blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonorrhoea, strict ure, spermatorrhoea, Beminal weak ness or loss ot desire of sexual power in man or woman. All peauliar female troubles, irregular menstruation, luoorrboea, displacements etc., ara confidential and successfully treated, as well as all acute ohrooic and Dervous diseases of whatever nature, it ourable. No oases taken it not. Aocordmg to bis time honored cus tom Dr. Darrin will give free treatment to tbe worthy poor from 9 to 10 a m. daily. Those who are able and willing to pay will receive treatmeot between the hours of 10 a, m. and 1 p. m. Uon- sultatinn strictly ooufideutial and free. Charses for treatment low and reason able, acoording to circumstances and ability to pay. Tbe afflicted should not lose tbe opportunity to consult this emi nent pbysioian while here, 9 JS Ill II . m III The Best I SmokingTobacco Made To Be Given Away this year in valuable articles to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham Tobacco You will find one coupon In side each 2-ounce bag, and two coupons inside each 4-ounce bag. Buy a bag, read the coupon and see how to get your share. Seen HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THBRB'Ssaasr a Chango in Business All Around ? ED. 11. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock iB beiDg disposed of at Wholesale 'Uttr Prices ! REGARDLESS OF COST. All woolen goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. (Jail and see the stock: oetore it is too late. FRANK MTARLAND, ED. R. BISHOP. PrOD. Manager and Salesman. ' ' The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. Gilliam & Bisbee ber ot voters beoame quite hilarious be (ore tbe day was ended. It is said that wbeu tbe count was made, 30 Danots were found to be not anonrdina to law. One voter wbo had imbibed quite freely, ben be attrmuted to mark bis Daiiot (onnd the job too diflionlt tor him, so bs Inrned the back ot tbs ballot and wrote "Utraight demioratio, be sob,", and then signed bis name thereto. ATTEMPTED SH'IEP POISONING. Krora the EkU. Bud WillinRhem and Mr. A. Fosber, of Wyoming, drove two large bands of shorn, comprising abont 13,000 bead through Northern Grant last week While they were driving tbrongh on a trail between the Middle and North Fork of tbe John Day liver, Mr. Willingham informs the Eagle tbat be came near getting a laage number of his sheep poi aoned. Be happened to ride ont is front of bis band, and disooveted tbat some one had just pnt ont salt petre acmes tha trail. He eismined the trail thoroughly and borird all that be found, being for tunate, he said, to Bad all tbat was pot ont, as his sheep passed over tbs terri tory without any loss. Tba large band is being driven tbrnngb tha country quite rapidly, and will be takrn to Leader, on tbe 8 losbooe res ervation, io Wyoming. We are not small men, lbs. We are small men, Xs. we are not ifie Larosst Fnercrianis in tne VJonai But when the people ot all the aurroumUng country are In need o( Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, OlaMwara, Wood and Willow ware, Nulla, Iron, Barbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Oaaa and Water Ftps, Pipe fittings, Stoves and Ranges, Wagona, Hark., Bugglea, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axea, Hammers, Bawa, Hledgos, Wedges, Ouna, l'latola, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran lteware, Plowa, Harrowa, Rakes. Mowera, Tubs. Waah Boll lira . and Boarda, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc., Should call and Examine our Goods and Get Trices. Ws hare Ooon Good, at Fia Prices, and Cheap John Gonda at Chep John Trices. n.TT.T.T A AT AV PTttir V. ' a j j a 1 v it a. kmj a a k .a.- ajaj 9 MAIN STHEET IIEl'PNKll. OUK WOOLGllOWEllS For vour rrotectlon.-Catarrh "Cures" or Tonlcsfor Catarrh in liquid f"rm to be tuken InU-niaUy, UBually cotitaiu ettln-r llonury or Iodide of Potjwaa, or both, which are injur, ious if toolong tukon. Catarrh is a local, not a blood diMttse, raiwml ly smlilcn diaiure to cold or damp weather. It starts in thn nsml pannages, affi-rtinK ryrs, caia and throat. Cold in the hvwl rauws fxocsnive flow of mucus, and, if r'x!cdly neglect d, the re sults of c atarrh will full"w severe pain in . I. - l 1 - - -J .. ,. ,1 In t.m Mr. I .Art breath, and ofuutimus an onVnalve dis. The wool market is not yet affected by the McKinley lioom, and marge. iuereuimiyanniiuiTimiai.iiy reports ere not encouraging. e nave ample storage capacity at innniniiiniiiiu wia um iiiv iiimn'iiiun. Cream Halm Is tbe acknowKHigi'U cure iur tliose troubles and contains no mTcurv lHr any Injurious drug, l'rice, W cents. I'PTOUiTCINM. 87-lf. Mrs. U. 3. Haling relumed on Bator save tba premises were of bo avail as Mr. Lorkosos was alone and eoulJ not aooceasfolly battle will tba flaaea. Thia it a bard bio 00 tba old geollemso, bo is alooa in tba world, aod tba so da; from Waitaburg, Wash., wbsre aha bas besa no a lb res weeks Tlail K rel atives. Hhs went oa out to bar tight Mile boms yesterday. v. s vi an 1 .111 Mil flra. rlaaa. hlflh omolstioo of several years ot bard la- . . ' I . . . . . . . , , aoa a mao ot nigo cuaracw ana I frt4, tigh arm eewiog rnatblao guar an-1 bor baa lxsa aeairoysd, ioavtag mm 10 aod tba frra silver vole sgsiost blm was ih1 for 10 yaara. For forth pertieo- Dajy etreomsUoesa. How tba Bra Ura eall on or MJrasa, n. a. .imh, laslsd is a taysty to Mr. Lock- I bil Cuba la now alatd with tba flrmof li. llipor A Co. la tba for- H4 a rruuly rarva. warding bosieMa. Tbeypeythar.lghe.il plaasaat UiiL Ore. May t, K Wason News: Itev. J. M. Dei.ison bresobsd a very eloqaent a rinon Hon dsy, on the aims sort purposes of ti e or dsr of Knights or I'ibim frnm Hie three words frl itv and Itenevoleiioe. and bis porlrsyal n( their meaning was inasti-rftil. Tbs me 11, Ura of Aurora dge alteo led lb a hody. Ilro. Unuiann wss made a Keighl at tha iiia'itution 01 Aorora Indite, and its mrmbers bv a very warm regard fr biro, lis is to them, a brother Io t-oth. They have hiaedoj.tioo Tba most complete Tariff Teit n.k trMnt, and bsvs boond biro to them wtib .... 1 im iji si it aa. k lalo.l a sua ai liAN tt 1 " " ' - Pv uuuiisiumi iw un a w tvun'w v "Tariff Facts For Speakers aod Hln deote," IXsodsr Doeomeot No. -2"0 psgos, )nal 00L I'ablishsfs, Tba Amer- lose Prolactiva Tariff Lesgoe. Cam paign toil books leaned J'let before Iba sleolloo ara of little vslua. Tba Tariff Lsfue Is to ba eongrslotatad no its foresight io getting out ila bao 1 book Sn aarly la tha year. Order by oumUr 00- ly. Hsot to aoy address tor tseely flvs ceata. Address W. F. Wakemso, Oso. Baex, Mi Weal 23rd H New York. in wmmi' WAREHOUSE Urn I III' ru a 1 u aj T7 pre'sebsd 'or luo8fl wuo Jo,,'lre to uo,t' 'or J'8nr pticoa, and introducing rieodxhip, Char- Eastern buyers, securo for thoae who wish to sell, the highost market split botweoO three csndidsUe? IVcsoas Iba pewpla-lbe quia! v4ers wbo regt.ur tbeir will at tha poll ' not bsvs tba single gnJ slsodarJ. Ila- esoea I bey realise (bst practically tbeir properly, tbeir products bate b0 red ore J to ll.eallver standard, and ara delermioed that tba forces bicb bsvs fito4 lUm tn Ibis baala ball Corns t ubs same baeis with their erediis and traasportslioe cbargaa Tba reeult la Orsgoa was tha voice of tbe per pi. Tba G oey plank adopud at tbs F.te(rlt cnxeolloB la tbia stsls wa Iba voiee of tba ClefeUod admieis trsli'io.of Walt strw l sad tbe pliik laus. Colrss tba rpollica parly la tbe siste of Waebing'oa rpn !lta this lalUr ot traMa, ski r" '" toarband sympathy aMb Iba t-pls, II Suay soffer surprta la S'.imH.f rve n.fe alartiir g tbao I be Jona aorpfieea la Ureg-o F. a api'il t dp oaresl ' C. ail lu Ian I. '.Td Z r isbor r".1: p:r: ,nf t". b", i bad tb .hoping sad Ibair labor UoJ u ,,i f,w,rdiog. I . ... ... . . ... . r. ! rs al ik H t- Ar's He..HU rys It.a stifsor Ait.n d .in.ctK-s ft l avmg ta lb lf blod toriflr alia4 an esbihit at lts u.-i.r. ri. tti.Mi. 5lof'tifs J Mhe awaat.smUa I f eo.aaluol UiaSa'i..R flhir fnt: 11 they wm all tari. ! lr ' Sppliratma ot tb ' "' tdieg lha miry ol at tnf. ai. Tba deei.l n ff Wf.ri l a f aaih filx la ! "f Al a Hif'l is was la !! as .!...: A,.f h i nUa U Ih I a I t awl"-".. ' 4 i ,1 . I .1 ,J L.if a j.s. It IS ' Ulsa Anal J. llalsiger bas saarded Jay W. Hblpiey's plsea la Iba llepi oer schools, made vassal by Mr. Shipley's elBctioa to iba scboot sapsrio Uodeory of Ibis CoOoly, W. P. rVrttoer Is pre par J lo do all kinds ot bleeksmitbieg, borwaboalrtg. esarbiao repairing, wagas wotk, Io fact aaylbiag la bis ho at rs able sbarg and satttisciioa gaarsataad. II S. M. Ors4a, aa old llppni, earns la tbla miraiag tmm F.varMt, Wash., an I iray bf ! miitos ahep, Mr. Orsdea as la saaflh btir baallb tbaa ba ba left llppaf aigbl ysara ago. T. R. I!'niia cama to (rem Iieg C-p-k ai Friday with Ir. U. F. H- der aaa aife won oa Ibair way U New Whsiooia. Wash. Tha doctor and wif ktt llppnr oa faaday for tba V1B'I. . . U aoaU anay U aar4 la a few b-mrs r al any rata la a law date, by ih na uf Am a srry Wi..rai. fi iib ao. b a pmnft ad sara rady aa Ibis at bead, Is ao i4 pf4urtg ib ag'Hiy t-t wks sad KoeUta. K this roJy ta J oaf boa. U ,lhrsalll en4Cbsinrf1aia'stagb IVwedf fpaily vaiaabla i" troop aM abvtrtg II ' a . . . . ..J . I - f-e rff ss w f asi la a I U t,t 1 1 II f f twl tts aal II oogb, wblcb left dm almost blind, aod I would lake SolJ very saatly. aod toy yes would tMima tery aora. I coo Id ot flod aaylhieg to help ta until 1 be so taking Hnod s Harssparilla, wblob has caaplatoly sored ssa." Lewis V biUd. IJ.d s Fills ear all hver Ilia. I llllewg (H4 Miiwa. A blot of the mt tnmmt odabla asr to t mad f old inafin t ta " talmd la tba r frt of tiH lilrarlan nl th lm Aogvlra public ilrary. Alllbv matraatopa that ara nH swM f biiflinir and ntlirr u are lak n b-urt and tb ISInatratWm ml out ar WouoUd im rarda of grsr t-riatol Uard Tltra olcltirra are riaaafiHl awd form arts f.tr illoirting t"tis In gwigra' pliT. hUtory and litrratnr. Tha il' tares nf art snd lb ir wink ara valiiahl to aoilhr rlaaa tA talnla tlta first art of great aitn Wi tha ta bra la tha pt;ut a. I,..la Tba frtney rH-turra ara Ukeo U tl bmiH ala In make th patWnU ami. Mr. James Ferdue, so old soldier re siding at Moor , Mich., was severely efllirted wilb rbeornaliam bat received i.romnl enliaf from bain bv nainir ('bam- brlaio's Fsioltaltn. lissavs: "Allime HeDDner. Or. m, luk wuld eeheao badly that I could anaroely raisa op. If I bad oolgnt- ten rslief I woald P'l b her lo wrlta ibeM fsw tiaea. Chanberlslo's I'slo lialm baa dons ma a great deal of good and I le very thankful for It." For sale by Ooscr A Uiw k, Druggists. pnea We pay wamnterii and uout wool iuujoci 10 oruer. No coiumisBiun chargod for sr-lling. We pay hinlifst price for hiili's and aliccp (H-ltii. Rolled barley and fwd for toamstem. WG fK fQ6ntS tor LITTLE'S DIP, The boat gheop dip in the market. We have 5.000 bhinclea which we will sell at cml Mark your wool Q) and direct teamster to lower warehouse, R. F. HY1ND, AUnaacr. Oh! Where Did You Get Them Pants? BOII0 BRIM'. SHOW. Tba show ber ao Iba 8rd last, was only fair. The sseesgeria was very com moo, tb sidoahow bal on feal organ, Iba sbsll "boys"' flimtlamojers and eon- fldsaea aeo wars baldly op lo Iba stsod srd.sod gsorlly It was a bote dwap- polctotar.t, Tbs cireos bad a tarns lot of elowaa, bot Iba acting waa very good. Bond Urn, wars aell patrnoitwl bars sod weal away faellsf kindly towards Ueppoer. feKUuiorontaaTK. Flder Oapp, of h LalUr Dsy Haints, aod Rv. Hbarrtll, iA Iba Adteaii.i. will bold a alt day duwaak at Hail iUJge arhool hme, tieglobiag Tady, J SO 9ik, lorlM Iba following faeday. If Iba bin fail to bold Iba eodl-oca leal will b provliled for Iba oeris. f; Nolle ot Intention. Air nrri' it t the iui.t r .nnrnnn, t a. l- W'il' la keri-f gxan irai Ih loll., wing twniHal rlll.l boa Sie4 li .H..l hw Intrnlloa m Snal i-ol l ".rt n hiaelal. aiM thai 1I I l..r J, W , M'lf rr,w eontilr elell, t H-'plr, !, na ii I". KAlUAXIkLUSIUW, HI ft Kn l.rf lha I aod t 4r4. Sr IT I, . H In S HtMiM lb Wll tllatl I" lila efMiii,iHua eMlleur aim u4 eulU b eali lail, via. i,...f(. ei.b k. AHloir Ninl, eh-f maa Shaw and Hot lUm, all H llj-p'i. -ti w aitf. I) 1 mm f In I aell Hlonntera. and ar rl-1nf Ml SIII(Mun bto.llH, llar laaie, Itli r.ifdl.Mi.f clnr.1a. and ar linear and tlt llilno. . Patronaoe Solicited, satisiactlon Guaranteed. WiliUry e.rlrti U innMftv4 at aa rar'.ier p ta Torltry than lo any !f iwt! .--! r-mr.lf y Vti U, Sipirsol 1.0 tol'.Hary bon- . ttita Tbmagb iraia aa ih O. H A N. will raa Sia. fr at ills. Walla Walls aod I'eodMna. lbroogb le-p. Br and awormd Claea, Will M la a)Oaatla SHI IH I'sma Farifta. Iba aasaa aa kew Inra A Ifcenasb eat elaa tpr Pert- a Im,I..a -4 . - .tik 1 nralsluaa Uref lo M I'anl, and a I Ihrnagtj too 'let aeaep l'rttad to HI. I I'aal, wdl raa la aHoa) with ih (r mtbra railasy. If iv-r r; s;;--7: v h.tnUtiU. rwswtvaa . aelt .. . I"' '. lawieiaa, . I l a. Hold by Ct( i brock, ltt i H ra of (jMtraJbjK A fart Wnk fcawla r ai-f-o, f i'i'i", faeamibia and i Tl)" and l-ai.f 1 ! a anted r.y nb. fc s Car, fat sale b Waiia Warrs). HtiKRirra balk. NoTKf is Mrrrsr giTiTiiTi utn l lf iliw lit an tlln ti4 ! t.4 Ue rler.ill rnt mt lh 4 tm. ! in 1 nr ul M-.rt-." m Mar tt. I anl In mm iiwiH anH 4Mt4, . j,l Hn4-'M awl enteral I aaUl . "HI the In4 it i4 Ma"k !, In nt ttmnrta W Hat tir.fi.M. m almiiilai'' "I lha nl Ja M mil, itmrmm A i,t.lillS an'l aea'Ml t l Hamuion, !. t lUnllton. , TM '.A liln tarttt. rt-l-nanla, ! 4 , 1fc.,tat lnri a nil wl ihen-Mi al r-l- if i ff -'ii pmt annum lr-wi J im II le.l . I iim M4 I a-.-l 1elr ! ('.Hat UnT a I e4 b4 IHe tflh mm M 1 hint m. a4 an I-' Mi.if wt ; i4. n. aa ai4 )t't m r..l tl n4r-l atw4 mAA9 M th.l (...... n. 4Mrli-l fal nxfoMf In all l..4ik !. , m4 ir.nia.ualii.ii nl m. a 4 aa v. l ! ' I e4 Mi, ai,. m, I, aa. h M,-4 la mift at4 rlMil, e-t 4 arii. 1.4)4, I niii. n kUTvooav. ink it, a i. last, t I !. r W . m4 Sat al in f"l nllkeaoarl !...., In Ntrwr I'l"!". Innnlt, '. m i it'' at. ..l.-l 4 aai'l .i. . I- a-" o ei -k4 r a tn ihe M.i a -.'ll-al 4 (. l.it ,Mh I . la fc o. 4 a;,l . a a I 4 mm '-" i ar . " a! no v'.o wra. , Xi4 Rr it, tV EHGLISIIBUSINESS Vs 0 M 3 wy fLU tS.ll ii corpsl . ltS.M ANt f.f KHM tlfMlsTliM,' Ht IVrrtCitllfiv,, .nfHvtiHMi, tllt'.IHV. . . . ..... m. 9 m k a. u e it V. .1 IllfP t jr rrr -Tr u I r l NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER OA!.l orrictw here m its taenia.