Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 09, 1896, Image 2

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    WR Ellis
Every reader of the Gazette will
recognize the aboye as a good
likeness of Hon. W. R. Ellis, the
successful candidate for congress,
opposed by Simon, Oregonian,
stroDg corporation influence, more
You Must Feed the Nerves, Not
Strain Them; Build Them up,
not Stimulate Them; Coax
Them, not Drive Them.
Ordinary Foods do not Supply Sufficient or Proper
Nourishment for Wasted Nerves They
Must be Carefully Treated on
Scientific Principles,
The Case of a Paralytic Whose Nerves Were so Nourished
That he was Cured.
We invite your attention to our Immense
Line of Summer Dress Goods of the Very
Latest Styles. Our Salesman, Price, who recog
nizes no cost or value, will offer these goods
Whit you aeap jour robtoription paid up yea
eaa keep toot brand in freaof charge.
an. T. J., lone. Or. Horeae GO on left
shonlder; tU. me on left h,? wrier bit on
right ear, ana npper uit uu wiw h .-.".
row oonnty.
Biird. D. W. and eon. Horses Dranaea u a
on the left hip; osttle the WM M leu nan.
crop on right ear, nnaercruy ui .. o
in Morrow County.
Bartholomew k. Alpine.
branded 1 E on either ehoulder. Range in Mor-
" i" i ot H.Mman. Or.-CatUe brand.
IB on left hipand thigh: epUt
branded " P left shonlder. Cattle .am. on
"Kan. Jerr,. Lena, Or -Horse, branded 7
on right ehonlder; cattle B on the toft side.
Left ear halt crop ana n"iu uu. "t-
Barton, Wm.. Heppner. -ffWS-iS
right thigh; oattle. same on right hip; .put in
Hones W. bar
Cattle same on left
From the Courier-Herald, Baglnaw, Mich.
Do vou see those two men walking up
than two-thirds of the banks in I tbe street? Oae baa a vigorous, firm,
OregOD, and a large following of elastic step, bis head well up, bis eyes
pap-suckers and political leeches.
will get there all
The price of silver bullion is
It will take economy to pull
Morrow county out of debt
bright a piotnre of a sound and perfeot
mao. The other ia bent, bis koeea weak
and unsteady, a listless air about bis
whole make-up. He baa the appearance
of one who ia broken in health and who
baa to wbip himself to every taek. The
difference between these two men ia a
difference of nerve power. With nerve
power cornea energy, enterprise, foroe,
vigor all things which make existence
enjoyable; without it the mueoles oan-
m ,. - ,., , ' not aot, the braio oannot think. Bear in
The Boltegonian s candidate for mind tbat Jife ,g nerTe power( and i yon
mayor, D. Solis Cohn, Was third in wish to keep it you must feed the nerves-
the race down at Portland. Do not simply stimulate them, but coax
them feed them. Qive them the food
It IS to be hoped that the pro- which will renew their life and make
jected Ileppner-Mitchell road will them onn'1 BDd healthy, that they may
be completed as soon as-possible, "ara on a.aease.
mm Probably paralysis ia the nearest di-
THE latest' fronTGrant county MM' -deBtb that w- koow. aod
, ,. . we therefore one a oaee of it below, to
indicates the election of Chas Par- .how wUt , oertBin fBmoui Derve.build.
rish, candidate for district attor- jDg preparation oan do to feed and abso-
uuiiBAH tor longnel lie is
supposed to be elected by a small
plurality. lie will make a good
lutely restore almost hopelessly wasted
There are but few in the tiaginaw Val
ley but who have known personally or
made the acquaintance indirectly of W.
H Dawson, 618 Union Avenue, Saginaw,
Mich.. West aide. It is here tbat the
band of sickness bBs fallen heavily and
caused a man to beoome widely known
iog period of my existence waa lived
after my return to Saginaw. I some
times prayed that my worthless life
might be taken away tbat my Buffering
might be ended and tbat the care I was
to otbeia might be brought to a close.
I did not then dream that Qod bad yet
a mission tor me to fnlBll. Tbat work
which I oan now pat all my soul into
with wbioh my being is thrilling, ia pro
claiming to aiok and suffering humanity
the wonders of Dr, Williams' Fink Pills.
They have given me new life.
"It waa in April of '94 that a friend
told me of the Dr. Williams' P nk Pills
and asked me to try them. I bad no
faith in anything, in tact my life was
now burdensome and I beted to take
anything that might cbanoe to prolong
it. I waa at length persuaded and the
pills were obtained. When I began tak
ing them I waa pale, weak, helpless and
almost without life, as before stated,
waa oompletely paralyzed from my waist
down, my limbe were simply bonea and
akin with no life or feeling in them and
had been so for one year. Before the
first box waa used I oould move my toes
little and oould begin to feel new life
all through me. This was encouraging
and I continued to use these marvel
ous pellets.
"in two monina time i could move
ow the Regular Mark
Tale a Lool at Tfyese Goods,
You can find a Bargain it) tlen).
r n unnp Or. Horses.
r, with dot in oei ter on left hip; oattle. same.
Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon.
over It, on the lew snouiwu.
nip. . r nnn hoi
""boTp. O.. Heppner. Or.-Horsee, P B on left
ahnnlrlflr- cattle, same on left hip.
Carsner WarieTWagner, Or.-Horsej brand.
d O on right stifle ; cattle (three bars) on
Sght ribs"Srop and split in each ear. Range in
r3n E (?eb Or Y D on horses onleft etiBe)
O wHhonKrt o role oyer it, on left shoulder,
"nd CTeft stifle on all oolto nnder jrears; on
left shoulder only on aU horses over 5 years. All
range in Grant oonnty. f norma
vita Chaa. B., Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; oattle same on right hip.
i v "" , rimtlll mmnties.
,jf eaohear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead;
horsed hSf circle C on left stifle. Range Mor-
ow and Umatilla oounties. .
Curl, T. H.. John Way, Or.-Double cross on
ch hip on oattle, swallow fori : and "ndeiln
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Brant
ioun?y. On sneep, inverted A and epew pomt
n .honlder. Ear marko.u ewes .crop , on left ear
wnched upper bit in right.. Wethers, crop in
right and under half orop m ion
in lirant couuct.
Ill rang.
(STa J. Lena,Or.-Hoe..)onriaht.houl.
..rV'fii- ..m.onrinhthiD: ear mark square
oropoff left and split in right.
Currin. R. Y., CurrmsTilie, Or. -Horses. on
We have a Large Line of Glassware, Crockery and Tinware that we are
closing out. Don't buy these goods till you see our prices.
The Minneapolis Journal wants
McKinley for president and MoAl-l and extremely pitied
pin for vioe president. This is a I I' 'nfl b8D(l ' 'nt often nip
cood combinntion. ln the bud hat wbioh nature baa started
I with the greatest predictions for the
future. Until three years ago W. H.
:i.. i! Dawson baa known but little of aioknesa
out ror silver in convention assem- , . . . , , , .
, , , r, i. i ,. .. and pain but the last few years have
uieu. ariibio couium cracn me brooght wilh tbem uotold infferlD.
Wbip over tnem any longer. With many doctors taxing their brains
fur aomethina that misht benefit, all
HON. 1. J. V AUOHAN, lather of I remedies known to the scientific medi
our coroner-elect, was successful oina man were applied and without
in nnntnat r nnft rf ia ronra. avail. The patient meanwhile faded
sentativeB from Iace county.
Tnit rnnnliliflRn rmrlv will l.nvn D UM of 0M offering among bia
, j 4 T t4
IC11UW OIV.IUIP-, AH WH uaw uusovu
and beoame worse but still lingered to
fultill a wonderful mission which will
Yours for Cash.
people and ia ever ready and willing to
meet those wants and earn in a laudable
and honorable wry all the glory and
my limba about on the bed and by tbe bonora which bia constituents and the
time another montb bad seen me awal- tBte of Oregon have bestowed
low this medicine, to whioh I owe my UP0D him Tbe ,tate did weI1 when il
life, I waa able to gel out of bed alone. ,M Senator Mitchell to Washington lo
It baa been just about one year siooa I urd ,u Meruit and oura, too, and we
learned of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla and hope and trust it will oontinue io well-
daring tbat time I bae make auoh doing and return bim again as bis own
marked improvement tbat I gladly pro- auooessor, and not try lo swap norsea
claim what tbey have done for me to all bil8 crossing the stream. Senators
the world and aak you fellow sufferers B(a,re nd M"D.ll ,re tDe beet o'
to try them and receifa new life. My I 'r'ei" alaya have worked in the
life, mv all. I owe to Dr. Wllliama' bwX 01 barmooy, ana wDiie muoneii is
a t.n L...t In. ..,'!.) :n I -
uU. .u v.oKuu vnnu dr0Bg tb,D-t wLo mMeJ
li is bv present 10 carry me state th on, ran to lie in misery so that tb
in Novemlor. Just benr tbat in world might beoome enlightened
rniniL To bear tba pitiful atory of one wbo
baa Buffered, wbo cauld not move
rorri.lHTH, democrats and re- muscle for one whole year and who ia
nnUicana. oven anrrhfi,! ronnML Mw oonale.oent through tba aid of
. i ., . I wonderful niediom might lead one to
cans, can rent nnsured that Bar- L(n ha ,f t(orwti ,
moiomew win uo uis iuii aoiy aa ,, d,, Mj ,,., Tds, , bntnolaa
county judge. 10 times of old. Tbia lima it la through
the band of mao tbat life la restored,
TUE (J a .otto .egrets that Gen. "Until the tall of W aald Mr. Daw
Boelie was not elected mayor of ". to a reporter, "I waa aa hearty and
Portland, but between Tcnnoyer- " foU of ,n'1 ,iof M " onn"
: icj':-.! -i Ban could hnpa la be. In fact slokorss
lam and bimontm, civo us the . k v" . .
was then onknowa to me. About this
firat IVnnoyer will give Portland m i ,M Ui,0 pk,k Wllh u grfpp, Mj
an economical rulmiuiatration. after having two relepeea nrapinaba-
eama affected. This trouble arew worse
TlIE lUting Aatoriao and Ore- rapidly and lo Manb of to I waa eom-
gonian are io mourning. They ran pletely faralaed frMn my waist down.
no longer givo adrico lo the repub- u11 Ui,n '"yiblog "-tra
liraaa of Oregon becau.e they have 0'f V'"" ',hfttJ1 M
.i . i i- i deeldatl lo go to Ibe lodlaoa atale Instl-
left the party. Tho diagrac, de. uU iBjiiMpi,e bopiu lo rw.,,ff
feat and humiliation are well earn- t MI amna txoeni from tbet- eperiel
hL iata. I waa I bar. for period of tea
moot lit daring wbioh lime I wee tekeo
TlIE question of economy in the etrk with sosrl.t fever wblrb Ifft ma in
administration of ountr afTairs la J'o ao mi bfora.
firat and forcinoat tn-fore the peo- "&t H ? 1 w", 1 WM, 1Nn,0?pJ
, , ... . ...i.i la nagioaw for mr friemla oould mH see
pie and Will U agitated Until u improvement aod.r tills Ir.slaisiil
omi'thtng ia done for their relief. ,4 brsidw Ibeeipena. waa eolltely too
Too much money ia Meg waated great fur ma la eetertelo Iboagbta of
and the Ixhm.1 know it lof there ltM. Tba axt annoy.
DrwrtTE the Northup boltcra
I'.llia ia once more electod. The
aame cliiue that fought Kllia
lated t bring about the defeat of
ippubliran candidates io this coun
ty. Home opU Lave gotkl mem-orice-
othrra Lave letter.
Jon Powell has again lwo
lsHt(Hl clctk of (Irant cuoty.
Chas. Parriah and 11. Hall, re
jirtirly, candidal for proae
ruliDg allrney and joint rrpre
artitalive, r re id a, in (Irani cvun
ly, Lave tin t defeat at the handaof
Mel Iulin aid Chaa. lulin.
Pink Pills.
"I am now comparatively fleshy with
good oolor and bigh spirits, and every
day brings new atrengtb and mora bappy
life, tbroutth the continued use of Dr.
Williama' Pink Pills." W. EL Dawsom.
Hnbtoribed and aworo to before me
this 27tb day of May, 1895.
P. J. Evans.
Notary in and for Hnginaw Go., Miob.
Tba foregoing ia bat one of
in tbe senate we have a friend.
,W. C- Paintbb.
Walla Wella, Wash. '
Piles! riles! itching Files,
bymptome Moisture; intense Itohirjg
and atinging; most at nlghtj worse by
scratching. It allowed to oontinue
tomora form, wbioh often bleed and
ulcerate, becoming rery sore. Bwainb a
Oi irr at snt stops the itching and bleed
maoy DR be(4, noeraion, and in most oases
At drnggiets, or
Dr.Bwayneal Hon,
Danger Signals
Mart than half tit victims of eonsump
Hon do not know tbey lavi it. llere is a list
of symptoms by which consumption can
certainly be detected :
Cough, one or two slight efforts oa
risinff, occurring during the day and fre
quently during the night.
Short breathing after exertion.
Tightness of toe thest.
Quick pulse, especially noticeable ln the
evening ana auer a inn men.
Chilliness in the evening, followed by
Slight fever.
Perspiration toward morning and
TaUface and languid in the morning.
Loss of vitality.
If you have these symptoms, or any of
them, do not delay. Tliere are many
preparations which claim to be cures, but
Dr. Hcarr! Cifllltk Rkv for Consumption
bas the highest endorsements, and has
Stood the test of years. It will arrest con
sumption in its earlier stages, and drive
away the symptoms named. It Is manu
factured by the Acker Medicine Co., 16
and 18 Chambers St., New York, and Sold
by til reputable druggists.
Land Filings and Final Proofs Taken,
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
At J.
M. Hager's Residence.
ty. Honestly anil honorably bora
iuated and elected by the beet ele
ment of Oregon republieauiam, it
U Tictory of which to t promt.
The wealth of Oregon waa against
him, corporation owtr opposed
him, tut the common people rat
liinl to hie reacue. Kllia frienda
would have rather loot a tbousai d
local conUnila than to hare met de
feat in this rocgreaabnal fight.
If il reiiir4 aa aaaaal oallsy of l )
t. lasara fatttlf agataM any asriwa
is iitMi fruts) aa altaek t lww4
rwmi'lal.l tlar. Ina Jtmt tbara ar. ma
at wbo maold fl U ll.ir d.tr la iav
Ir lua Ixoii aid lime and again n; tb.t ll y rl-l ! afl..fj fcifUlib.if
ddfiui the reevnt ramxiigQ that Um, and tboao f Ibelf faniily fe such
therrault ia Oregon would late a,oaa e.a gH tbia iaear
n f? ... .. .1... I.,,, tl r, auea Kw 23 eeata. Ibal Mng lb fla ol
an asltH'l utn shaping lue uoait- .... , . , , , .r,, ... ,
,,,,, . . i i a bmUnlCHat)Ut'a IVIta, ( boUra
Clal plat.k to U svlopUsI by the re. Mi Um.,( I,
pultiean national convention. If My .ia!(hsa..i aa r. Itae ft4
this ia troep tl. pUtUm will have "" V1" " hm? -
a eilmy ting alut It. Timee- .i.t.wta n. x i. do.
f..iu.lainM.r ol laa ! will eaa a ',vt
il rs.ua. wa yasj in.m ia
I lka lhai Mk l,tt an snail aa aabaaalf
I'rllIE the Dreg u tats, the 1 fu sale bt tVaf A I krauts.
la.llyif a Jim Kimna Lba tvtf.risua.ta
,,, ,. , . . HawFaee taasx-Wm. OL-a baa
" ' , " .H Ike fJ yar4 Mil la
piiMiara" that . devil wool lo t !U Oaa-u rl a4 s- l e la
t, P.lUe ta agnin re-Wtd lo ..!. f font afaas 1.;lf la f)ftl
' ' "' " t.f a ll b-wl af.. I r
Ctvin Lira cans a frot Lia 08 tU-1 sasl.iav be aa4 fae l aatak IL
a . a a a a.
wonueriui oures msi nave Deeo oreunea ,emovea tba tumora
to Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla for Pale Pe- by mail, for 50 oenta.
pla. Dieeasea wbioh heretofore have rluladalpbl
been anppoaed to be inonrable, such aa
tnenmnlnr ala.ia anl r..r.l..l. .n,,mK UKHOLI'TIONH.
lo tbia wonderful medicine aa readily ae Ai , r,MDi me-uoa 0f A. Llneolo
tbe most trifling ailment. Io maoy Qorpa. No. 6, of Walla Walla, Ibe follow
cases tba reported en res have beea in- 1Dg rMOlotioos were adopted io memory
veatigated by tbe leading newspapers 0f Mra. N. B. Oregg:
and venn-d lo every poaaibla manner Whbbiab, Ood in bia auprema wisdom
and io no case baa tba least eemblaooe kM tMtA ,ba flrit on, o 0Qr beloved
of fraod beeo discovered. Tbelr fame Oorp to Ihe better land, ba il
baa spread to Iba far ends of civiliislioo e,lv,il, Tbat II ia with feelioga of
and there ia hardly a drug store lo this profoond sorrow tbat we. tba membera
eountry or abroad where tbey esonot f a. Llooolo Corpa No. Bbowour heade
I found. 0 n,, loflaila command which leaves
Dr. Williama' Tlak Tilla eoolaio, lot , Tif tot cbair io oor oorpa and a void ia
condensed form, all tba elements necae- oar b,,u that cannot be filled. Ona baa
s.ry lo give new life and rleboeaa to ll.a M oi oot jltMt aod bands were aver
blood and restore sbatter.4 nerves. t(kj, lo 90, for lh) TrrtB ,D1 bia
Tbey are aa unfailing specifle foe aarb depreased ooee,,, and wbo loved tba
diaeaae aa locomotor alalia, partial grtnj orjM l0 whieh aba- belonged. A
paralysis, PL Vilos' danea, aeiaiiea. neu- cbsrtr member of A. Llooolo Corpa No.
ralgia, rheumatism, nervous beadaehe, &, klty( kt bar post of doty, onleaa da-
Ibe after effeel of la grlppa, palpitation Uow b, ,0knee aod at tba lima ot
of tba heart, pale aod aalhiw eom- DM ,jt,th department socr.tary, a po.i-
pleiinns, all forma of w.akneas ailbae to 0 booor and trust, flaw moch abo
mala o female, link nils are sold by .in mUaul ia know a onlv to bar eo-
all dealers, or will be aeol pool paid oo Vorkrs lo tba order to wbicb aha prov
reeelpt ot prira, (50 eeota a bn, r sit J aneh a faithful member. Therefore
boiee fir S2fi0-tby are never euldli ball
bulk or by tba 1(X) by addreswiog tr. Jumfrt.l, That we, Ihe memoera of A.
Hilliema Medieioa Co, Hobeoeetaly, tJoOolw Corpa N ft eiWad lo the tarn-
T. In. bt sot ilrrwast eUlefoorbearlf.lt
ejmpalhy io Ibia lh.tr Oral aod great b-
r.av.m.aL eed pray thai loay may
ha etra(tb.a.d and eomfrUMl by tba
Holy Oo, Iba Comfort., fertberatura,
lirmlrfl. Thai a eopy of Ibaa rawolo
ttio. be epread ormo Iba rervwde r4 tbia
eorpa, alao priDi. I la tba Iailv L'oloa,
aoJ lael but t sal, prvMeUd lo Iba
aorraaitig family of oor lratll ai.Ur.
Faaaiia K. Hipbll,
Ad lUi.Tia.
Those eoolemplating going east, should Oregon.
call on or add rase tho Union Paoiflo City mm
Tioket Office. 135 Third Street, Portlaad,
for ratea lo the following meetings:
Republican National Convention, St.
Louis, Mo June lf.tb.
Democratic Naiiooal Convention, Chi
eeP, tile., July 7th.
Notice of Intention.
lj May 'it,, lHtfft. Notlre Is hereby alv.n tbsl
the (ollowlnn named settler has (Ilea notlre ol
bis Intention to make nnal proof in support ol
his claim, and that said proof will be madr
befors J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on July 6. iwxt. vit :
NK V Hee. 1. Tn. 5 K. 26 K.
H. names th. followlni witnesses to prove
Ills continuous residence upon and cultivation
ol said land, vis:
Harvey 0. Rush, William Gilliam, Reuben
flaunt and Benjamin Maiteson, all of Ileppuer,
Notice of Intention.
Laud Ornca at Thb Dallm. Oaanox,
May Wh. lwM.
follnwtni-named settler haa flled notice
of his IntenUon to mak. Snal proof In support
nt kla Kl.lffl mrA 1Kb. a til hMnl will Ka n,mAm
Peoplea Party Cooventino and Ameri- before County Clerk, of Morrow County, at
ncpncr, mr,n, itn uiivi'in, vis;
Kit n anu mi ei.i.iooi T,
Hd. I. No. m. lor th. bW w Bee. IT. To. 1 a.
R. n I.
He names th. following witnesses tn prov. his
continuous resld.nca upon and cultivation ol.
said land, vis :
Memo A. Ol'len, James M. nak.r, rrsnk M.
Cox Ed. B., Hartiman, nr.
in center: horses, w on f. n.
HoSee branded circle with bar beneath, on left
thoulder: oattle same brand on both hips, mark
indor slope both ears and dewlap.
ChapinTV Hardman. Or.-Borsea branded
Von Hunt hip. ( lattle brauded th. same. Also
brands VI on norses nra '7, ,
brand on right shoulder, and out off end ol
rlDWas.. W. M.. Galloway. Or.-Cattl. D on
rinht side, ewailow-fork in each ear; horses, B D
""nA. Douglas, Or.-Horse. branded ELY
in left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip hole
in right ear. , Or Horses branded
reversed & with tail) on left shoulder s oaU
tfraame on right hip. Range . m Morrow oonnty.
Florenoa, L. A., Heppner, Or.-CatUe, LF on
ight hip; horses. F with bar under on right
,hFore"ce. 8. P. am-lrontfa
right ahou der; oattle. F on right hip or thigh.
Gentry, Elmer. Echo, Or. -Hon, branded H.
with a quarter circle over It, on left stifle.
Range in Morrow and Umatilla oonntiea.
HiS A.B., Kidge, nuf
with qnarter oirole under It on the right hip.
Range in Morrow and Dmatdla counties.
Hnghes. Bamnel. Wagner, Or-T (T F L
jonnected) on right shoulder on honws; on oattle,
t..v.. Mr, nrl on left side, swallow fork in
-ight ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack
listriot. Morrow county.
Howard J L, Galloway Or.-HoraeaT (oroas
with bar above it) on right shoulders cattle asm.
n left side. Range in Morrow and UmaUila
'"Halll'Edwin. John Day, Or. Cattle EH on
right hip; horsos same on right shoulder. Range
in Grant oonnty.
Hughes. Mat, Heppner. Or.-Horses shaded
. ,v. up. ahnnlder. lianas Morrow (.
Hunaaker. R , Wagner. Or.-Horses, on left
moulder: oaftle. on left hip.
Humphreys, t M. Hardman, Or.-Horses, H on
tofol!"."li Fiaht Mile. Or.-Hors. Hon
the left shonlderand heart on the left stida OaU
M aam. on left hip. Range In Morrow county
Jonea. Harry. Heppner. Or.-Horse. branded
K J on th. left shoulder; cattla bratjded J on
nght hip. also nnderbit m left ear. Bang. In
Viorrow oonnty.
J an kin, rj. M., Heppner, Or Horses, horsa.
ho. J on left nhtmlder. CatLls. th. sams.
Inuwrn KIMMila. , .
Johpaim, Feli, Lena, Or.-Horaaa. oirnlaT on
left stifle; oattle, same on right nip, nader half
iroo in ri-t- and solit '.n left ear
Kenny. Mike. Heppner, Or.-Horsee branded
ICNY on left hip oattl. sam. and crop oft left
ear: nnder slop, on th. right
Kirk, i.i.. Heppner. Or. Horses Ml .n left
thonlder; oattle. Ml on teft hln.
K nmberland. W . G .. Mount Vernon. Or.-I L on
sattl. on right and left sides, swallow fork in Ifft
ear and nntler oiop in right ear. Horses same
brand on left shoulder. Hang. In Grant county.
Lorten, Htephen. Fo, Or. H Ij on left hip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses
sam. brand on lert .nooiaer. nang urans
Lienallen, John W Umlnatw Or.-Horsea
hrandnl half-oircl. J I, eonosoted on teftshnnl.
der. CatUe. sains on left bio. Hangs, near Lex-
Lrnhey, J. W. Heppner Or. Horse, branded
L and A on left shoulder; cert I. aam. oa left
hip, wattl. over right eye, three slit, in right
oan Silver Convention, 8L Louie, Mo,
Joly 22nd.
Naiiooal Convention Young People'a
8ociety Cbiietiao Eodeavor, Washing
too, D. Q, July 7tb to 13th.
National Educational Aaeoolatioo
Meeting, lluflalo, N. X.,July 8rd toloib.
Enoampmeot Oraod Army of lha Re
public, 81. Taul, Mine.. Raptember 14th.
li. W. UAITBB.
M If. ' Oaorrat Aol.
l.ord. Oeorg. Heppnw. Orllorses brandsd
douhl. H oot.nent.d Homstima. eailsd a
swing H. on left shoulder.
Maria, M. C Hefipner. Or. CatUe branded
circle on right hip; nor", same oa right slide.
Rang, in Murruw county.
Minor, aoar, neppner rr.-4attia, II O oo
fight hip; hra M on left shoulder.
Morgan, H. H.. Heppnac. Or. Horaas, kt )
09 left ahnnlilet oattle hum on left hip.
Mitchell, (ewar. lima, T.-nartfl, il on ncn
Or! Bin, oamti.1 WarOsld. ell of lone. Oregon.
ixn. w. minikk.
hint oatue,77on right sida.
Nntlns Is herrhy riven that th. undenlgnsd
bars been appointed administrators of th. as-
tat. ol (tenrs A Brown, dereeaefl, by th. Coun
ty Court ol Morrow County, atata of Oregon.
All persons having claims againai salti asuu
Frta lb. Walla walls t'oloa.
To tMB Ki'iToa,-Tte raeleclkte) of
Heaahw Mitrbell, ot Ofi.o, ta Ibe full
ed Hleiee eeuste le of greet and vilal Idj.
porlaare . Ibe elate of YVeebiPgtoa, for
lo bias il baa always fouod a Iroe aad
eleoeeb ftleed, a pleaalrg past, In wbieb
evwry delegate end eeeir frixu oor owe
atale will ebeeifutlt beer wtlaeae.
. , , .1 A ri.tsrai IWaatiltr.
maionueftco sad power wmtb lb I Karra Clevae IIh 1m pun flea the
Iroe aad tried aervaal ol lb food pen- bbaal aad aivea o eUar and beaaltfal
pla ol Orefoo bae.KfrUad aal wlIJd, ollti. tot sale by Welle A War
while orcopy ing lalthfully tbat e. ailed ,.
pmiikis, cwold aol fed i to rvengetaed ye lytaaa
by tba f real slate of Dreg Millar ood Lieef eno.lal.l yoo have a (.rioted
bate bia assay eele pf kla tnaae toaatd. aoaraawo oo evwry b-.ttl. ol Hbtlob'a
Vila liar u avr taiie to tore aer
Kt'a Ctaeee Raat Tea
. . . . ere herehv reonlred tn preeent thetn io the un
it a tore enra for Headacbaaoa o.rvooe nenttnad st their tints in Hardman. Mormw
tMtnly, Oregon, nuly veriOea, wlUila Si I
I saonins irota in. naie nereni.
iialed this tod day ol May,
J'Miia rtanwg,
lis Paaasa,
4e U Administrators.
dieeeiaaa. Nlhiog retieveo ao quickly
rut aaio by Welle W
No Ashiog
vl'.l bo allowed
oo oor
A. ft. Fuwbmcb,
a P. Flobbwcb,
L. A. Ktoaanca.
Notice Of Intention.
Laaa Ornrs at Taa Dalls. Obskhx.
Jtin. ih. i
following named settler ha. Bled OotW-e
ol bis Intenlioa to nke anal prouf In Support
at nweiaiat. an1 mat saiti pnaif will be made
11 Havre llvre Rv.ry Day.
Tbooteadeof eaae. of Ooaaaplioo,
Astbma, CoOgl.e. Col.la aod CroOO aro belor. :wnly M.rb ot Mormw rinty. tregtm.
ryd.ybv tthilob'a Cora. For " ,v-";
I a -en, for the wu sww, Bsc St. aad
sr.i.a. ai,Tp s, a. I
ft. Swtae. tb. Mlnwtng wllneaaaa tn bfnve
bis enaiiniHMis reatdence upoa aa4 eultltailoa
cored ever ,
aalo by Welle A Werree.
riiiA roa sAiJC
1 bava a aopply of Clenatia roots e said lead. vu.
oo oi beede for sal. Verr rtiotcw va-1 Atthar mmt.
rietire. apply to M. L. Cawtwbu..
Otis Sbanev. Be i j..
steary Hnw.il, ail of llardmaa. Orvgo.
UT ReglMer.
Notice for Publication.
Is Mar I. l bal. la sm'.l (it-n lhal
For sal ct-p too. r-vd ro adatevw, lXV. 2
CaUrrb Cared.
health aod lessl breath aecnrej, by
Hhllob'a Catarrh K-eaady. I'rtow W)
eeota. Nasal Injector free, for aale by
Welle A werree.
owe road en Bad lst dooble bar
Beea. a.erty saw. F.. r. tlaaawa.
If at M. JL frerexmet.
aaie by Wa4ia A Warewow
oor eoa stale eoeeped Iba loll appro
ei.tioa ol oar people, eaj b.aoa lhav
eior.rwly bopo aad trnet Ibal rWaatr
J..bo 11. Mitobell ottl U eastUd al Ibe
Ooosiag erasta to eorrw.J bioseelf, fur be
ewrteialy le tba nbt aao ta tba rigbl
plaee an J bard lodeplweto. IliatnVial
arewr wbtle lo H e eaie will tr ll.el
eereb!tle aad Iba X ray a, ht bo baa
Wa a J al, faiibUI eaj Iraa. Ha baa
IbareepeH a.1 e-.6 lesteo of bu evL HfOIXl Opp. 1. O. ThotnpPOtl Co
Vaagoao. Wbea bio fab o is board la Ike
belie of a-eirea. mi mt f aa aa
ravtaia eoa a J, bl always oo lb. ai'la uf
jtslkw atxl ngbi Ida pi eipaeleoee
aod vaal la(1aesx le a kwe f"f lf fe
bleb oibr faao eao wtswly ul ae
at.it! be bao availed Ihe aia, aaj tbat
lake liava, pa'leaew Bad poroateraauw.
rWaalir lliielall la al buaao la Ibe eea
ate eaaaaWr, I a tba waate ol bia
Aay loveotor lo EeeUwo Orgi wbo
Jeairew bo ervtrwo ol ao otlnrnoy to
Waebiogiraa, V. C , will fled it to bia
edveotaga lo rail oa or addreaa tbia pa-
S. O. S mi tlx & Elxro.,
etsi rrrr ssas sse pssasm i
he 'l k le TVts tl rrwree sed l rwms fnat.
el sle4e at rvw In euli . Me ereeflng as a. eerael. aatieiae
txa. rV mwiatil, tevax (aeb.
Mnln Ht, Hi-ppncr.
J. C. UO UCI-IKHS, Trop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Litjuors and Cigars.
bis t.alm. and thai aat.t anx-l alii ba tuate be
tM B 1. yeelettd. eiMweiiaalnner I) a rtrrnlt
emitt,at s)tpp. on J m aaa, aa
vu Mtim r Kttuii
M4 C Wa ta l the sa Vsnd WHI
t iTriii ri w a
Ha aaaua tba smlawlng situ i is I to nrve
bts enetiniHMM nadttin apnO aa4 eiUaU
a aaM lad, eta.
Il A Ms-hum. N X Mltwll iMautevroppla,
Wl.ilaai Mtbesail. all ml MP.lf
a r. ii't.
Andrew. lma Ruck .Or. Horse. A N eoo-
aerted oo left ehtmlilert eattl. aam on both hlpa.
Oiler. Farrv. Laulnatoa. UT.r u oa ken
(Kahorn, 1. W IVmglas, trr.t norsea u oa M
slmnlder; rattle same nn raht hip.
Pearson, Olava, Right Mila. Or. HfWaaa, qnar
ter slrrle shield on left ehnaldar and M oa left
bip. Cattla, fork la left ear. tight cropped. M
on left hip. Range on Elaht III la.
I'arkar A tiisasoa. Haminan,ur, norsea ir OO
ft ahHil ler.
I'ltr. Krraa. tilngtno. Or. Hor-ea brand,
d K (1. K armnecleil) aa left alwialdar t eelUa
same no rigtil hip. Ranga, Mormw enanti.
Piper, . M.. loimgf . tir. nnraea. a eon.
aened onleft sboaltiari .aula, earns oa IW kip,
ondar bit la ea-h ear.
I'ettya. A. t ., looa, ur .1 noraaa auuannej r oo
ahualder; esula, JHJ anaaaeled. oo the
aft bip, upper slop, la left sar aad alio lo the
Hand. Andrew. Hardman. Or. Horaas, etjaara
raw wiih qoanar-nue over tt oa left stifle.
Knee) Hma, Heppner. Or-Hoveaa brawtad I
ao tbe rigM ebaaLUr: ealtia, IX tbe left bip.
rrp nfl left ear and dewlap oa Serb. Ha now ia
Mormw and art Joining enniw.
Keener. Aadrew. Lesiagtn. Or Harass
Brantad A U oa right atooai.iar, vast aaartat
mrrte over brantl; eattU saaa. eo ngbt bip.
Har ."Our eaniy.
K-a, Wa. H. OalirvllU. Or HB anaaaete,,
with oaartav cirrle over lH oa eel tie oa rwM bia
end eff-p rtgbt ear aad epltt ta left. Haraa.
aaaee brand oa Watt aboaMar. Haagw la aturrow
l,rnl and tlilluua enaaUaa.
Her4a i. W Heppcjer. irr.-riaraea, jq a
Wft abewldar, I el lie, () aa rtl,t bin.
fUrataht W. R, neppoar. Or -Harass sbadaat
f a) oei Ufl eti(U; ealt i. J B ne kaft kip, swailow
fork la rM sar, eadariiM la laft.
K.fp. llMa ueppaer. it- Hureaa, lira
brt bap) MlUe aauaa eo left bio.
Harare, tVibart, JVanglaa, Or.-TalU. 1 Oo
rlM bip aed Ml riht aluadder hnraaaTn oa
nlt ahuaWlar. Raaga la M.wruw enantr.
0-nilb rWna, Oawaevtlla. Or. Horaas, WaJflad
Z. eab.l.lari rattle, aaana oa left aK.t.Ur,
eV,atrra. JaaMa A fit , Or.t boeaaa braodad
IN w lrt ahoat-Uri ranta Oa aarna. aiao ana
wwklta. harga ta Mewaad UtliuwaeanetMa.
eM,.l,-na. V. A., Merri-a, (-, I in OS oaj
MM ennei eaxle bansnniai Ixua rtgbt eats
etewaea. St 'a A. i- MsaMr. Or. uia tf
ea nM biit ewaJlrw4a ta baft ear.
weert. 0. W Nevp.av.tlr - II rasa. M ao
left w.-el-W'ieettla.Mee M kip.
err K. O. Ilat-wvar. ). - aula W O aa
left bia, eet '.! sed andertm t IbTI faar.
laeiawaaWtMbniliNlea'. '
rWeia. J A. H-t-tHM, " S. t a
let ee-atiAtt fawiia. I aa laA abnaldar,
TirHMjAr,BaeviKaa.(r.-Huraaa,C-ao baf)
Notice of Intention.
ad rrri-t at tub pau ra. obrki.
d Mar as, taaa, " k-r.l v lt-a Ikat
tee bmwiaa ease4 eewiar baa Bi4 aMie
ef bia iateiios ta aaAe Inal armf la earrn
a, bia riaia aa4 tbat ea!4 fl will
tmtnf I a eeif rwil nf p t
H-ri eat. (Nasrvex ae eit S, lav tls
TBt mab turn,
W t a ejSB, Aw tba e- -t. Ba, y, tn4
I t bl Bate M, 1 A a I V g W. al.
Me aaaa tea I... Ing etna. aa,a tn aeav.
bia ea.iiaarae raa Isaa. .Smw a4 .alUisUwe
af a4 laat ts
ttia K yfweria. Aaana g Wrt,Vl. Jraes
ery eed ej sta.ene, S4l eC Oei-te.ee. tn
JA4 r. Wia
AM Bee xsd It
Al yejtir rl fSM-.se. drorit aal
aot frtea I. atel btl ,b'a Core for
(We a (. T'-a Will raOosaaaeod
II. fet aalo by WeUa A Wane.
Taraaw B W. Wfta Or.-OaaJ aarHaJ T
left euv b-aaaai aatUa aaaM est teft bta
wb ar.1,1 le fcn eera.
TVnMt, N. M . I a Or-Roeaaa brae .lad
HT ew.iini a left eiai ilira. -mi braad,
fee. t-nwl. M. T. laaalirf Hms H f aa
aanial a rt4 aboattlar gaMUa. aaai. ao ngaA
VaibrVtae, Wa . H'lrnar. Oe. Horaas. P. ta
a Uta hi ebaabtar, eaitle aaais eaj rbibA Stat,
ar.- ta mmt ee4 reM ea tn-a I
tlaa.lt U., P a a Hataaar, M
a-M J, ea tfca leA st,eai,,tar. fca.wa
B'tats eMar.
baea .W 0 CaUK V-Va W Mb aaaraar
ein.ia wra mm aaft avta, alrt la reM mr.
rt.aaaa eaaaa beaa4 a baft atavoalar, iaaeaje.o
Uraat aaaiatg,
W a.ia II rf. Mataer, Or - Hraae bait4
aa 4 mmtttm mm imlt abriAe ea4 laft Ai.
t a'ta t.aa a aaaM mm la) ewle ae4 laTt kip
"air t rt1""r ,' ma, tl
W ats.-e. aka ' Or.-Heeaas Waaasad
t e.aei Uri a,, a.
W ,l.aaaa lam, ftatna.l -OwrtaT Mei
tie mm tknm mrm mm tmt ba laatA saat. aa4
i' ',aa teaHtMHiS
""a. A 4 . .tt. I f - eaaaieg A A
eat a... I eaaa a ruttt aa.
leaa I 0 , aii.Ufc-
TB oa abo i