Mitmiuuui m MriM.ltM.u OFFICIAL PAPER MY SUCCESS Is owing to my liberality in ad verting Robert Bonner. FREQUENT AND CONSTANT - Advertiiing brought me all I own. A. T. Stewart. ! ......... iaaae luiiiniiuiraiiniiiiiiiiitmiiin .1111 If i r FOURTEENTH YEAR SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. rUBLlSHKU "Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATCERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, '. . . - Editor A. W. PATTERSON. .. Business Manager At $ 2.50 per year, $1.25 for biz months, 75 CU. cor three minims. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPKR is kept on tile at E. 0. Oake's Advartisinir Affenoy, A4 nnd 65 Dlorohants Exohang, ftan FrnnoiBco, California, where oou tacta for advertising can be male tor it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Hepn"er 10:4! p. m. daily, except Sunday. Arrives 5:00 a. m. dully, except Mon day. West bound passenger leaves Hi ppner Junc tion 1 :ll a. m ; east bo mcl 1 a. in. Freight trains lenvK Heppner Junction Roinn east at 7:U p. in. and :10. m.; going west, 4:U0 J. in. and 6.15 a. m. United BtotesOfliulals. Viasident ..Grover CleTnland Vira-l'resldent Ail ai 8'evennm Heo-B'ary of State Itinhnnl 8. Olnev Hnemtary of Treasury John G. ('arlinl.. 8eerntary of Interior..... Hoke Binitli Hecmlury of War Dnninl H. (jimimi Swretarynf Navy Hilar? A. Hrhert Posttnaster-Gleneral William 1.. Wi son Att'rnty-'nonil J mlaon Harmon Uocrotaryot Agriculture j, Sterling Morton State of Oregon. s-iovernor Peomtary of Htate Treasurer Rnpt. PuMio Inatruction. Attorney General Senators W. P. l ord , II. tt. Kincald Phil. Melnntmn H. M I'Win C. M. Id eman I?: W. Mtiilnde If. Mitehali Congressmen Printer , I llinirer Hermann W. K. Ellis ...W. H. Leeds !K. 8. B nu. F. A. Moore, C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Cirenit Judge 8tephen A. Lowell troaxoutin? Attorney John II. Lawroji Hot-row Cnnnty Official". Joint Senator... . .- lteprntative. iloonty JuiIka Coromiwrionars.. J. M. Haker. " Tlerk " Hherifif " Treaenrer anneaor.. " Hnrveyor , " Hohool Bup't..., " t'orouer A, W, Oowan J. B. Booihbjr Julius Keiihly J.U. Howard , .T. W. Morrow ...0. W. llarruietnn Frank Uilliaiu J. Willi. Ow. l-ord Anna Halaiger T.W.Ayers, Jr hkpfnkb town orriosaa. wayot Tho. Morgan C MinrilinaM O. K. Farnsworth. M. l.ioh.tntlial, (His Pattorson, T. W. Ayars, Jt., H. H. Horner. E. J. Bloonm. Keoonlar F. J. Hallnck rreaaurar E. L. Filnd Marshal A. A. UoberU Precinct Offlerp. Jnatins of tha Peaoa E. L. Fraeland l on.tabt N. 8. WheUtons tailed HUtea l-and 0 IB Cera. TBI DLLEa, oa. J. t. Moore.., A. H. Iligga ... B. F. Wilson. . . lli'isr .. lioeiTir ...Rwitr Ik OBAMDB, OB. J.U. Ilobbina. ..lteoeiver SX3SXT S33IZTXSI. UAWUNtJ I'Osr.NJ.IL O. A. R. M'WU at Llinum, Or., the but Baturday of rmrh month. All Tetonuia ara Invited In Join. () C. Horni, Uao. W. Hmitr. Adintaat. tf (Vimnianilar, LUMBER! WI RAVI FOR BAI.K ALL KIXDfl OF CM drened Lumber, l Bailee oi lieppuer, at what la known aa the HOOTT SAWMIZili, FIB l.ono FI IT, KOUUII, CLKAK, - 1 1 00 - IT M r DKUVKRl'l) a HKPPNER, WUX ADD l w per i.vm raw. anaiuonau Tba above qnoutlona are strictly for Cash. L HAMILTON, Trop. National BanK oi Mwi WI. FINLAND, 10. K.BMB0P. frwlaeat. Caikler. TRANSACTS 1 CENTRAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLKOTIONS Uad oa FtvonbU Tarma. EXCHANGE BOUGHT 4 SOLD OEITNER. If ORF.OOS Ofltario-Uurns Slime Line A. t l BUBKS-SHKYOK STHGEUKE H. A. WIL'.IAWJ, P-op os'TAitioiiunss ! lln'na I)il tl 0 r. m. Bud ar- rivet al UuUi k la 41 bora. Sinqlo Faro S7.B0. Round Trip $10.00 ttfTlttmt fret 1 1 nia f kM4. BURS'S-CASVOS SI I itv IH MtAr. ( fix, n 1M I f'-nt. 1 .4 iik IK iMtaitn, FrlBWllia a4 al larM, Na la thm lie t- gl (ha VTmHf I ha WmI iik Ik ft. a-4 ! i iirist p.-.,Tr.,c b.'-l'..-r''-' ' - r - The j; M.; RUSSELL Co- The Dalles, Portland, To Th Public i ; . , The following facts have decided us to open wool growers will feel an interest in our proposition to handle their wool. THE DALLES MARKET. --In 1895 six which brought extreme prices, The present outlook is that not less than eight million pounds will be miirketnl there this season, and we believe for the following reasons : ( 1st. t he large amount of wool handled not The Dalles their headquarters for the season, causing a brisk competition. Tha Oregon mills use not less tha i two million pounds, so wools In The well as (or the East and California markets. .; 2d. The location of The Dalles Is such that five guaranteeing the shipper a low rate; In 1895 wools rate cf 90 cts. per hun 'red pounds. - .. 3d. Arrangements have been made with the The Dalles when added to the freight from The from local points direct East, and in many case highest piwsib'e price. "., " CONSIGN M E NTS. --While we fully believe growers will do well to consider our proposition, especially this season as there la every reason to believe It will be a slow, dracgy year. ur business in the past has been buying forOregon and Eastern mills and dealers. Realizing how slow the mills and dealers will be in placing their orders this year, we think our method of handling wil' be an advantage to the grower, and considering the wool will not be moved from the home market nor from under your control without consent; you must not look upon our prouosit'on in the lipht of shipping on consignment, . -.. ',. s r. '; For ten years past, "excepting 193, the year of In the home markets, as the season advanced, thau especially so this season. When growers are rot In a position t hold bills, we will make an advance at a liberal rate of teamster s and other charges when requested to do so. a id when woola are to be shipped to The Dalles by rail, we will ta e care of the railway freights from point of shipment to The Dalles, and at such polii' s as Heppner and Arlington, we will Ihn u m.l Inn... .l I, You will keeD 1 1 mind thst when shlnninir to yon, nod considering the low price of wool, we pound b'nkermre. W ill he pleased to hear ficu you, and send when requested. T. R. HOWARD DfrALS IN Groceries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Supplies, Etc., And Wants' Your Trade! He will make it ao object for you to trad with lira aa Lis price are right, and all goods that he handles are of the very best. Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, Eloppner, (rPm Don't . rut All these can be procured at Thompson ft Binns, Lower Mala Street, . i ... neppoer, TtuM H. H.H..B .M Ball .a.ll 1 ft and can save muuey a'd lime In making these rncn in keeping ik ths times. THOMPSON The Lancashire Insurance Co. O MANOHHalTtCHi NULANI) I W PlTTTRSnX. AGF.NT. i? tj ti, wot-i.i II p : WITH pins Bill V Youro BOUND to Tnko 9Ktn, Leaves No Constipation., ,ta C'stea K .all a. all !Uilt.s. ft! ffaM m4 Malaria. Tk- al. OnroBTtBia pi to i be w.i4. fc.14 by ail H ai hr ! 11 fmtf e4 HK swale ft bV rCt.1 TIsJI MfniCl t, CO . rUsj rrseiMs, C)al. O k P;i fiKfin .NII public ,m 1 dlu-liU1J . CONVEYANCER T HEPPNER, MORROW Heppner. PORTLAND, Oregon, April 20, 1896. . . . ' " . up an office at The Dal'es, and we believe the million pounds of wool was marketed there. wools sold lu The Dalles will bring full values . . only attroo'a buyers, and the most of them make , Dalles have the benefit of this competition, as transcontinental railroads compete for freight. from The Dalles to the East were taken at a railroad companies whereby local freight to Dalles East, will not be higher than the freight less. Theao facta alone assure the growers the v ' - realize consigning wool is a thing of the past, we the panic," wools have brought better prices at the opening, and. we believe thla will be their wool, or feel Inclined to sell to nay their interest; will take charge of the wool, pay the have a representative who' will take charge of The nulla. tha will t tin have concluded to do thla work at li cent per v regular accounts of eastern ad local markets iHi j. M. KUtWELL CO. A iw. t .1, 1 Oregcfri, You Want a Place to nn Yntir Mm w as Arc You in Need of a Saddle orse ? Lregon. M H , II.hum - k . ... eactloue ltb IrateilBg dm a. & BINNS, FILLS t i ' Plenty of them at the Gazetto Office. . ' . COUNTY, OREGON, QUECEC'S DEFENSES.' It la Said They Would Not Stand Against ." ' Modern Guns. The time when Quebec could be called the Gibraltar of America and the key to the St. Lawrence, and its much vaunted citadel an impregnable fort ress, is long since past. , A scries of re markable admissions upon this score has just been made in an interview with a New York Sun correspondent by a high oQcial of the Canadian army. The whole system of fortifications is so obsolete that they are now positively valueless, and under the modern methods of attack and defense it is crtaitf that they would never be re formed. At a distance of ten miles from the citadel, whose fortifications, designed by the duke of Wellington, cost England some twenty-five million .dollars, modern ships of war could silence and destroy the entire fortress within an hour. The outer walls of Quebec, which cost the French govern ment bo much in treasure that one of the kings inquired if they were built of gold, are !cven more worthless than the works upon the citadel. Not half a dozen modern guns have been mounted upon any of Quebec's fortifica tions within the last century. As a fortress ,the whole place is being gradually abandoned, ' nnd three hun dred and fif tyCanadian troops stationed in the citadel would be withdrawn, but for the fact that the ample barrack ac commodation affords better facilities for housing them than those to be had elsewhere. , "There are no possible means for pro tecting Quebec from the operations of a hostile fleet, the advance of which must be checked by a naval defense at the mouth of the St. Lawrence or in the gulf. , ' ; One of the results of the neglect of yueDecs lortlncations of late is that tourists and vWtors find it mucli easier to obtain admission to the citadel and its works, and the once famoua but now crum bling towers, than heretofore, in Btrik ing contrast to Ilalifax, where no foreigner is permitted to view its splendid new system of fortifications, and nobody but officers In uniform is admitted inside Its citadel. CUMBERLAND TALK. Odd Expreaaloaa In Ca Among ' ' ' Native. "Whims" is the local name in Cum berland for furxe, and appears to be the Oaelio word quins, sharp points. "Heaf is a very peculiar word, (de rived from the Old Norso hacfl, a share,) and is applied to the part of a fellside common allotted to a particular flock of sheep, says tho Ucntlcmun's Magaaine. Each Uock keeps to lU own "heaf." Somo very quaint expressions are "bride-loaf, " a wedding cakej "stMs-ing-glaas," a mirror; "clout-hat," a woman's sunlmnnct; "rlddlng-out kcam," a hair combj fireworks." a mngic-lantern dUployi "moley-man," a niolu-catcher; "li g-weory," tln'd; "log up." to trip up) "snack up," to wind (literally to laUih np) a clock. The verbs "feel" in tho sense of to smell, and "lauie," lu tho aenwj of to injure any part of the body, arc peculiar. We may add "pipe-stopple," the stem of a tolmceo pipe; "but tM-k," a footstool; "thlnkler," tho gj-paies; "Just dress," a ahroul, whli li children are taught to work at school, and aftorwarda ti prvmnt lo their grandparents and other aired rt-l.itivea a kindly net, but one n Midi iH-traya that lack of humor and senae of the ludhTotia which Is charactrriatio of northern folk. A Cumbrian who goes to have hla photograph Ukcn announces that he bas eoiue to be "truck." HOW MILK IS ANALYZED. A rrnreae That la Mother Dinirall Not -Me That la Mother lumrall ( ipllrateo. Tht clieml' al analyala of milk ia not eompll-utMl n d'l'.h-ulL First th chcinUt Wi lgna a amull dUh, cup i aaueer. and carefully noloa down Hit reaolt in ounev. grains and frBctlmu of grains. Nixt ho jiuiira In sumo milk to iw analystd ami again rarvfully t.otr down llio reault, Ity aulitrin.nlnjf mo weight of Iho dUh from that both tho weight of lb milk U found and rwounlrd. Nest, the rocH-ptoolo ia pluctKl i-r a aU'iuti jot, wUU-h vap- ntirs ma wsicr oi the milk. Iratiiig only llio nmidiis or "aollda." Again the dUb and ila r mtrnta are welghr.l. and ly a aimple raloulstUm tbs prr.Tulagis of aoliila U f mniL Tho " !!.t- f lbs milk h lireo found r Innamrnibls analyars lo aver ageaUiul U nr rnt., and, w kits tbo fat varlm. In milk tnun difTm-ril rrm. ft Dfi-r sktractlng the fat la found to h a iry euttatatit quntity, arl.lotD falling twlww 10 p, t ernl, uver 14. Tbia glee m rhr nisi s hI llvs msi bla al.-taiione ao-1 rn al.lra bint to atau with grost rvtialnty whether or nH tbs milk bas Uwa ws lrwl. Th fat or oil la milk Is determined by UUsvdvIng It hf mesne i.f rtber, the rrl.lue r, maii.lni after aifb . U lug loranrd "v.lUa other tits fat" These crsgw M or oil f.mnd Id milk frura -w U I r Dtiit. and any artxrant Iras Utsn s prr crni. t... ikai almost lo a "'If Ums sul'.k Us Iwrn ai.hauM-4 If aaaJyalsahwwa a dfeiBav of fat. It lnUraua that lit tiiik has tllfl.V,!l If fats and trtbrr eoiUe UitrUer arw t r yit nay Infer tbat t'. aklmmr Ms Ann Ma s-rwh. a . . ... -r4 In uk f ebU Jr, d, aod ( MMt Dftermvton ,t rall.rf U 1 fragnvent Brmt4 raitwmtx rJ bnowi- -1g. A l.uls auid nf flee. b9 l.tvl . IWesf irtly U, thD pwMlS db4 i-lriMa i.f tu ol U tbil.lreD. ewki al LmI lsliiD Dm UMil c4! Utiifbl, DAked "Wbal (wmiI'I vrMi g 1 a ewvy higb. etp aiitiar 1 ua ivat r,. SglrV;!,, UajrDnaDiDSVta.f M DD f-. at4 IK ftka. to all 4 mhUh lha . . , . , " , V MU. UlUyDk,. bf tevl . " MDa'aHlteHH IM.-f U let- " . :! m 4 ' ,r :,i -liji j-k Hi. t ll ist? mrrf bj J U. iVra, .t U-Vt. "IkaatiM tr m e I Ci BIS IImfw TUErfDAY:iJUNE'9,!l8. As yon sail through life lake pains and steer . . , , Away from the ieland that lies too near. The isle of Boredom, which all men fear. The island seta np like a shelf of rock, But woe to the sailor who lands at the dock. ! . And offers the people a obanee to talk. 1 For they tulk all night aod they talk all day; And Iry as you will to get away, Tbey ptn yon down and they make yon They talk of the things they have done i and said, Tbey talk you awake and tbey talk yon to bed, . . ' ' Till yon almost wish the? would talk you dead. Aod the queerest thing, aod one to de- plore, About the dwellers upon that shore, Not one of tbem knows thai be it shore. Sn stter sway from tbtt island shelf, ' That is governed, they Bay, by a wicked elf. -- r ,i ... Lest yon be a bore and not know it your. self. , , : . , ' . i . Tbe American, Photographer "Yunr prwa is all fgh. my friend; but dn't yon think a smile would ba an improvement?" ! i Jersey man "On ess it wonld. Fetoh on tbe neotar." , "Some of these daT1," mnttered the oaoDibal 'Vnma of these days li will tin ringing hors moat in on me in plao of corned missionary." Fart of the cruel and oansnal pnnisb orient urged Ngainst her husband t,s a grnninl for divutoe bv a woman of Sao J e, Oil., is that lis throw ber pies out of the window aod mads her vliitori en ter the house by tbe biok djor. Foet (to farmr)-"8a what a beauti ful prospect ia unfolded ia ooder bit loy flelil.j snd baik! lbs voles of tbe plnnithmau t" Farmer "Yes; lie's beeo onatlng of that mute sinus da) light, aod it's one o' them Germao mules thai need to pull a beer wagon; so be oeu't ooderstsod a ordo' HI" , Years and years he spent at college, Filling op bis bead ith knowleds, Learniug Hebrew, Latin, Crack, Growing wiser week by week ; But one thing be did not learn How Ms daily bread to earn. Now bia litns be dors employ liuoting f .r J jb, poor bur, Wbeo lbs lecturer inquired dramallo- a'ly, "Can anyone in tba room tell me of a perfect man? ' There was a dead lenrs. "Hss any noe," h continued, "beard of a perfect woroao?" Tbeq a patieot kwiklng liUle wnmao ia a black d'ss it-sb op in the back of Ilia audito rium ana Bnswerea: - there was oof. I'vs olten beard of ber; but she's dead bow. Bbs was my boabsud's Oral lf." A pnoy lulls man one dst aal l to Nat QiKMlvin, "IM lik It lall - he's 'so man,' but ba's so annoh sirnoger than ms I f ar he'd knock my head off." "Troe." said Nal, "bs might 'go fur yon,' bnt you ean tall him thai, B'.J el lo a way he won't bars lbs wit 1 1 perorir qnick snongb to bit yoa lf re yna are out of barm's way," "Uow?" liqmrad the Utile man. -T.II bm h. s lbs fel low Ibat lime sad lid bar beeo wait- lag for so lung. HesT" A song wlili tbs liile: -There's a Rigb ia lbs Uesrt," was sit by a young sat lo Lie sveelbearl; bal tbs par fell lo o ins Bsons of lbs girl s letbev, a very MDeeBtimeotal pbjsiciaa, who fiolsiej 4: "What wrwlrliad DtaclMlits robblsh Is tbw? Wbs vf beard al Bflb SSaeeT a wmiB e lbs oslU: "M iiiln 4iarrM; do a gb U tb la.rt raibi ltgU fwlale slsmel s Metly lo tbs laegs sad dUokreg !" IV. tbaliws, I be eialr diviBS, was I oft of llli"g lbs fo'e-Bii g ebtey; Ldy IWUy Caiblngbasa, bavieg bs4 Bn i ffessw of eplnlnej wilb lbs sr Lb Bsli Uier, osiea4 of f-aHleg bef se aal tVDt'ibsiiinsi Is lb rIUekn taia, aaetaly (sva a StaUty bnw. This ka- te g r erarred a, vetal Meadaj sis W, I he tLler d sbefge ft lb Dial lee! Wl fa. iaane, bs4 Maft4 owl. M 4 d I lews ' e BtatikarS SS)' toBJf s yer lle, tns W4f." ID DC e ww a! Ib tmae f a Bi.M, he tVai-D4 Id repeal I K t.tA..t .lu..M Sk la 1 ' ---r-" " " ' 9m m . . 1 . IbaJ U'' u " 'f "I was d awaee, af 11, ri Iu4 lbs Arn "bs', wilb tr tmim; tball BseallMI IM ft Ibo DSllbsjsf att lbs swet N A f .f MsaeheetSf r : eilf i sg tlaUf k-d I- SH t.l "f'.i.L .Uaa dais. Was LLa ta. - Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest TJ. S. Gov't Report My . Sittings began, aod the artist entered so heartily into his work tbat in eleven days ths portrait was dooe. ' "' ' " Wby," asked tbia Croesus of Cotton opolis, when tbe fact was announced to bim, "do you iuteod suppressing fonr days' wotk?" "It does not matter at all; the portrait is finished," answered lbs painter. " "' 'Well, sir, tbat is not bnsibesa;" we said a bnndred guineas aod fifteen days' work. I sm quite rsady to stand the price, but yon oogbt'not to spend an bonr less opon tbe work than ire agreed for." ' -' " !- - , There was no nse argniog with1 suoh man, Tbe painter took bis brush again and spent fonr sittings more in lengthening, little by hills' io "the por trait, tbe ears of bis patron I DISEASES OF THE SKIN. 1 The intense itching and smarting Inci dent to eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, and other diseases of the skin is Instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye sod Skin Ointment Many very bad .cases have been permanently cured br it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem edy for sore nipples; chopped liund chil- oiains, irost Ditea, ana tlironio sore eyes. For sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. Try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, thav arejmit what a norss needs when in bad oondi- uon, , ionic, blood purilierand vermifuge. For salt by Coueer t Brock, dmggists A W0ED WITH Till DOCTOR. . ' ; Tbs most stubborn oases of nsnrslgia ars apt lo yield to a bol-water treat ment. Wherever, ths pain is located, there a hot- water bag should be applied. Tbs sufferio part should be wrspped in a blanks!, and tbs nnfortonats natient should be put to bed and covered wil'i mora blankets and induced to drink al least tbres copt of water ss b"t as tbs nalats can stand. Tbia treatment may seem severe, bnt it ia sur to bring re lief. ........ ' 1 i Dandelion Issvsa ars said lo bs a sars ears tor los-imola. Before going to bed chew two or tbres of tbs leaver, and they will always iodjos sleep, do mat ter bow osrvons aod worried a person may bs. Msny physicians, according to a leo- torer on dietetic, are ordering tbia bread and butter for delioata petlaols, especially tboae sofTiring from dyspep sia, consumption and anaemia, or aov who need to lake on fleab. This tbia bread aod baiter insensibly indaees per sons lo esl macb more batUr tisa the bsvs any idea of. II is eitrsordlosry, saya tbs I'Oturer, bow abort a way a pat ot irrsn natter win go it spread oo a nnmber of tbfo slices of bread. This is one adveotags sod a great one, io the feeding of Invalids, for they ars Ibsrebf provided wilb as eirellsot form of ths fat which Is aa eeaenliel fir their Ditri loo In D wsy tbat lares them lo take II wit knot rebellion. But tbs Ibis bread and baiter baa sonlharsd vantage equal ly as great II Is vary digestlbls sod Bas il ssslmllslsd. Freeb batlsr mads front erssna Is very moeb mors dlgestibl wbeo sprssd opoa Ihla sliess of breed Ibao lbs sams smouel of oresm saisn ss tresna, ir ss, wonJJ bs. 1'ersoe.s h. bss caisrrb or wbt ess- ily ealob "stlarrb eild nod linmadists sad pvrsaasfit relief by soofTlieg a Hi ll lakswvm water Into tbs dosi rOs ev ery morniog sflar rvelng. Oral elesBslsg Ibem Iborogbly by blosleg lbs Does. Tbs wsier si ay be bld Id lbs palm of tbs hand ssd lb as applied lo lb 111. Iorieg bd altsek ef i'd i lbs bead tble DMibod of talml will b fa sod vert ffrtv. A ll'll sail sM 4 M lbs "slef I vary gl, and a drop of sbls Dri-I s also reomeDild, bat Bsael be seed DtWatlf. Tbs bat Dele rewsedf Is lsts lb we Dfte of snablag lh BomlsiioB besatifBl, It i rry sapl sod rqqsl- ly ais,ls god poiais I It fsvnr. If peled la, Maebbeif will erne depart aad lb eBWl will aseasss lb piak sa4 bu Bpper. Uby. The bs wstsf Ueai'BsasI stvsld N In lqlal la every pigbt and s'faig. At Bltbt lbs fM ebotiid bs ibl Id aier as bo a ss ai4 asd lis llKafbr itW4 witb d s"4 So II ereesD. f eaefl M Be a Slrestsr iUm U rabt'ief. Id Ik paorslsg lb rreas Wtf b isH4 aad tbs fas B't U'b4 I Very bl wsiar sod lbBj daeUd wilb Sold s Ibt. Tb 414 ab'Hs'4 U DaUUd wilb a and Mh frs'l should b hub, Orapai frl I piHy .t.4 fo s giwad ff H Dpsw lb roejb'eilOD, I! at Wets' (S BD OS DDI Ut fn1 al BDU, A bit ba(b fiU I ti vd la ih twl MM ef mm , m b-iw re ll ' t,niU las t rt t"i. H I I wi I fl'rn U si lt It . I.!- D il BO'I I lie -f lal B 4 Wstet. I SEMI-WEEKLY K0 4471 nil very prompt cheoker ot bleedingt and. besides if it is olean, and it should be, it aids lo sterilizing wonuds. A riotous stomach will nearly always receive gratefully a glass or more of hot water. ,! ;-.r r , ..... , i 1 A mustard plaster made socordiog to the following directions will not hlil the most sensitive skin : Two teaspoon fuls of muslard, two teaspooofnls of fliur, two teaspoonfnls of ground gin ger. Do oot mix too dry. Plaoe between two pieoes of o'd muslin and apply. If it burns too muoh at firaf, lav ao utra piece of mnvlm between it and the fkin as Ihs kln b,conaea sccmstomed to the heal, take tbe extra pieoe ot muslin awsy.' ' ' Rhubarb shnnlti he sdded to the daily bill ol far during Ihe early spring. It is a healthful fruit, and very muoli valued for its medicinal qualities. The skio is said to contain tbs nutritions properties ami the fl ivor; so tbe mlka should be pulled and need when jonng nod tende', liefore'the outer kin becoma totiKhsod stringv and it Is necessary to peel them. Rbnbarb is so exoellent tonic, and ftU clous and ar petiz'n di"he may bs mad with i'.: Always use granitefertben or porcelain vessels fur cooking it, as tbs sold of Ihe fruit mill be aflVoted by tin or Iron ware." Tb leaves should bs cut (mm tbe stalks ss soon ss tbey ars pull ed, and should bs kept in a ooul plsoe. j The thinner the gaatrio Juice ths mor rapid snd efficient will be the digestion of meats snd other proteids. Tbs pres ence ot digested food io tbe stomach hinders tbe setinn of tbe gastri juieson ths undigested portion. Digested food should tberefnrs be removed ss qniokly as posalble.' Noiblngacoomplisbe this so well ss wster. Ilence it is good to drink plenty of wster with onr mesls. Don't wssh down the food with it. 8waU low ths food and then drink as mocb water as yon liks. It osn do no hsrra. X wish to rmpbasisa Ibis bet ansa I believe tbs prevailing notino is that little or do water should bs drni k si onr meals. This error has probably srisen from a mlsnmlerstsuding or misstatement of ths Inleniled Silvio not to tsks water into Ihe mouth before the food is swallowed, a this practice wonld oertsiuly lea tbs Hw of salivs snd bene imped di gestion. Wslt. Tbompaon runs slave between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day rsnpt Monday and leaving every day eioepl Sunday. Hlmrteal and oherp m root to tbs Interior. OuLeer A Brook, agents. tsa LOCAL DISEASE SaStstaerMaflef eMs a SeM chat! I caa. Ilraa a ran Syefilwt rcatvti wkKk siiiIm4 Ui. frvf let in an.ui is. Ite. tngjtrkif auautbaaagtrss Ely's Cream Balm Is arBanwM ta k tha swwt Iharaar Bare fnr I .Unk, loi4 la Mm s II. f nt sf a I eaaiMliia, It iw .i.S ta a nlp.iin, aUare tMa 4 InSammait-ai, Itrai Ik aotM, bra. Wria lh. as.iMlnaa Inmt cwla. nhmm ta mums Cf liSi4 "II I'rtc.kT, AU.I UUlUi:ilA,HstraaBui,pwta. Vow Face rill be weit4 wttn a sgagg emile, stftar teas limal la s WLiieSewiDgliTacliiiiB ewers s wit" tt sjsw nacH TENSION, TENSION INOICATQM AUTOMATIC TENSION RELEASER, tk nt CMitiVis el Wefl tteaksssw S444 14 say Steiag Baaaktae. lo WIIITH I CsriU asl rta4isstty Hi 111, Of ris llsUa tsi ftrfKt ArjsitsMaf, Irwi m ttwasl Art el, A4 I ti f' f-'B ? t fil I mH tf s j,fc.t, . A'trst t'sttfit Vtii la - 4 f. SI.I I ! W''Tf fe-ii tlt t'f f1 Mil wLwi . J !i. w ...L U'.f - w . i - aw . ww b4dv si a i . ,. .... , ,