Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 05, 1896, Image 3

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C. H. King, Water Valley, Hiss., cured by
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
"For five years, I suffered tintol.l misery
from muscular rheumatism. I tried every
known remedy, consulted the best physi
cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times,
spending siooo there, besides doctors' bills;
but could obtain only temporary relict. Jly
flesh was wasted away so that I weighed
only ninety-three pounds; my left arm and
leg were drawn out of shape, the muscles
being twisted up in knots; I was unable to
dress myself, except Willi assistance, and
sould only hobble about by using a cane. I
liad no appetite, and was assured, by the
doctors, that I could not live. The pains, at
times, were so awful, that I could piociire
relief only by means of hypodermic injec
tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged
tn clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but these
gave only temporary relief. After trying
everything, and suffering the most awful
tortures, I began to take Ayer's Sarsapaiilla.
Inside of two months, I was able to walk
without a cane. In three months, my limbs
began to strengthen, and in the course of a
year, I was cured. My weight has increased
to 165 pounds, and I am now able to do my
full day's work as a railroad blacksmith."
Here and There
Ben Patterson is down to Portland.
John Troedsoo is np from Douglas
Tom Stnbblefleld is in from Monument
Tbe Heppner Transfer Co.,
for sale.
ban wood
37 -tf.
visited one merchants
rae np from Alpine
Tom Marshall
O S.. Andrews
last week.
More rain, more grain, more grass,
more hay.
Marvin Smith will shortly leave for
J auction City.
Thos. Carle was np from lone a few
days this week.
See fall returns of election for tbls
county in (his issue.
H. W. and C. V. Filkins were np from
Douglas Wednesday.
Mrs. Wtn, Hughes was quite ill ont on
cutter creek last week
The Only World's Fair Sarsaparilla.
AYER'S FILLS cure Headache,
gT!r22 1 231 MTg5l26 f 27
Qambrinus Beer,
City Hotel Bar!
rs. Call
and Smokabla
on Tad.
Ho, ye vn'in men ol Murrow, whlntle up a
lively tune
for the "t'miillilnte." I'm free to lUte, will stay
with ( ti l Juue;
Then Irthtmnll hit auger blale, with "Sporry'i
UiiwimmI Kye;"
TU e-t to think, of that fowl oM drink, lor
voiIiik nien are dry.
Sold only at tbe Belvedere anlono.
Dnn Hirl and brother were in from
Butter creek tins week.
Put Kelebar intends to start for tbe
East in the near future.
The country folk were well represent
ed at the oirouB on Wednesday.
A. Roderick Grunt, representing the
u. vv. K. ittaut. Uo., is in town.
uiareuoe snnrte, of Arlington, was
seen on our streets last Tuesday.
Drink tbe celebrated J. H. Cutter
whiskey. On tap at Chris Borobers'.
Dr. Hnnlook and wife were overTaes-
day nod Wednesday from Lone Bock.
La Grande Marble Works. La Grande
Ure. a. (J. Smith, ntlemau, Heopner
Born To fie wife of Ed. Halloway,
near Douglas, on Monday, June ldt, a
girl. -
Jerry Brocnan and wife were over from
their Butter creek ranch tbe first of this
Tbe ladies of the M. . oburoh served
ioe cream on oircus day and were well
Peter Brenner was in from Eight Mile
Wednesday, bringing bis boys plong to
attend tbe circus.
J. O Williams came in from his Soring
Hollow ranch yesterday. Jim hia not
ttuished Ms shearing yet.
T. W. Marshall came in from Portland
yesttrday morning and spent tbe day in
lervitfwir.g Our cbniiy dealers.
H. P. Uarrigues is treating bis rest
deoou to a beautiful coat of paint wbich
addii much to its Httraotivetiens
Bui Willingbam writes from bitter
warning sbet pmeu to look out f,r poison
and eult-putre on the fliortb JJork.
Mrs. J. N. Brown and little, eon Viv-
ian, departed on Wednesday evening for
Salem to visit Mrs Brown's parents.
brown, one of the oonsorls of a demi
monde here, is reiving term in jail for
whipping bis woman a few days ago.
Tbos. Morgan and wife, of Eight Mile,
accompanied by Mis. Morgan' mother,
Mrs. liejmer, were in town on Wednes
day. June showers in Eastern Oregon at
Ibis season of the year are not of com
mon ocourreuoe. Tbis seotion is abun
dantly blessed tbis season.
Wben tbe hair begins to fall opt or
turn gray, the soalp needs doctoring,
and we know of do better speoifio than
Jail's Vegetable Hioiliau Hair Renew er,
Thomas Nelson and mother are ran-
log the Whit hotel and restaurant in
rendieton. when you go there give
them a call. They will treat yon right.
Preaching both morning and evening
on Sunday at tbe M. E. eban-b. South,
by It-v. J. B Cbsmtwrlaia. Morning
ulij ot, "Seed Sowing "evening lubjeot,
Tom Cat le got baok from Indianapolis.
lad., lant Hurirtny ja-t in time to get In
hia v te. While tn Indiana's big city
IVm viaitrd the parent of tba Patterson
Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier and build
ing np medicine leads everything ever
produced. It is positively the best. Other
may make the same claim. But there's
this difference: We prove it. Not bv an
tiquity, but by Merit. Not by what
we say, but by
what f ?S Hood's
Sana- TP parilla
does. trVj t 1 Ei "It has
Cures unequalled in medical history.
It positively, perfectly and permanently
cures when all other medicines fail.
That the keen discrimination of
the people recognizes its merit and
the cures by Hood's Barsanarilla. is
the fact
buy Hood's
the ex
all others.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has a larger sale than
all other blood purifiers. It wins con
fidence everywhere because the state
ments In its advertising and testimonials
are verified by all who take it. No other
medicine has ever received such praise, or
so many voluntary testimonials of won
derful cures. No other medicine possesses
shown by
that they
elusion of
pars 1 la
the peculiar combination, proportion and
process used in preparing Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and wbich give it merit peculiar to
itself. Tbis is the secret of its wonderful
power, of its wonderful sales, of its won
derful hold upon the confidence of the
people.- ThiB is why it cures Scrofula,
Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Rheumatism, all
Humors, Kidney and Liver troubles, Dys
pepsia, That Tired Feeling, builds up the
nerves, creates an appetite and strengthens
the whole system. Its merit, its sales, its
Make Hood's Sarsaparilla the One True
Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists, fl.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hrtrui'c Dillc tle best family cathartic
11UUU rilia and liver stimulant. Enty
to take, easy to operate. All druggist. 25 cent.
Next Sunday promise to be a big day
at the opera bouse. In tbe morning at
10:00, there will be a program rendered
by tbe Sunday school. This is a beau
tiful children's day exoroise and bns been
quite well prepared. Following this El
der Jenkins will preaoh a sermon, tbn
tnbjeoi of which is "Strength through
Christ, or tbe Gospel ot I can't sod I
can.'" In tbe evening the pastor will
alk on the subject. " 1'be Need of tbe
Hour." Ton are kindly Invited to these
set vice.
If it required an annual outlay of $100
insnre a family against any serious
oonseqnenoea from an attack ot bowel
complaint during the year there are ma
ny who wonld feel it their duty to pay
it; that they could not afford to risk their
lives, and tbose ot their family for such
an amount. Anyone can get tbis Insnr
anoe for 25 cents, that being tbe prioe of
a bottle ot Chamberlain's vVilio, Cholera
and diarrhoea Remedy. In almost ev
ery neighborhood ome one has died
from an attack of bnwel oomplaiot ba-
ore medicine cooid be procured or a
physician summoned. One or two dose
ot tbi remedy will core any ordinary
oas. It never fail. Con you afford tn
take the risk tor so small an amount?
For sal by Conser & Brock, Druggist.
Tbe Willamett Valley Chautsnqna
Association announce their third annnal
artnbly, to be held at Gladstone Park,
Oregoo City, Oregon, July 7-17, 18'.C,
"Tbe Third Annual Assembly ot lb
Willamette Valley Chautanqu promis
es lo open under tb brilliant at.,
pice. By omlinliig with the other
ooaat aMMmllii tba very best talent ba
boon secured at reasonable Ognrea. For
tbis year promised a "(lunsatilus ev
ery day;" the promise bid lair to be ful
filled. On tl onaaod dollar baa bee
ipeoded nn tbe platform aloo, guaran
teeing a speaker of eatiuoal oIbrity
cb day of lb eeasiuo. Tba Hal lo
lad suob men ot fam a Dr. Carlo
Uertyo, the peer Ira writer, aitbnr,
prsarbr, returner and platform orator
ot Chicago; Frank Lincoln, tl Inimit
able hutuoriat of Nw York City, who
baa just return! from a fir year' co
taring toar abroad, emvnrd with Ian
rl;lUv. AoeaShaw, t,f Philadelphia,
tall to M lb ! brilliant Speaker
amoag Atnrrioaa woman ; fnan 11. An
tbnay, bHM tiama la a bouarhutj word;
Mortiaier Wl.lt. bf a 1. tba silver longqed
orator of New J.-raaj; Mr a. Marno B
Halter, lb fifUj 0-laborer of Ffaorrt
WillarJ tn Cbleai v, E lward Dtvl. Ih
U y orator of Oakland, etilrd lb aoming
T:masaof II. WmI; F, hrt U. D.1I-,
tb miwt popular trttr of 8o Fraarlaco;
Htab Urown, i.f I,. a AiigW. who ba
r4 mora b k, bkw Ub-1 and
d aaor mm than ar y otlaf falif ;
Alio llamill-tta y-ek. ilsngbivr of
Ih g't liamitl, l ic'Hl-.r.ia, of Cbi
(agn,l4 E l llii(ma o, tb ol, tf
Wbalrom, Wabieg ia, en t4 lb ria
ing lilrt t l.wlay "
Hm Hal Ayr at Ik mM a tt
Aiet'a Hra.Miil tt J It. ttrr.f
dlriaiy i),iit r(i. nf bar. fig ll. l t
.'ififl low. an lti.t l lb
W..f I I fair, ni'" Molaeti
,f p(hf rartli .riM y t'J
aao lo a '" ibif at "'!,
hot it all lirp-l n l ll
atl allf of tt rl f.l'iug lb
nty of !il hjadfit-ra atxl a,atrna.
Ik .l.e i f It. tta)H'fif til
nt I fa Al' Xfa,a)i!
In rt aa f..! "?' i'p'
till l )l a atel sr.la-li. It n
o l I'" to t !! f n t'i'nt. It t
tfa r tl mf la,"
l 'a l !' l r ! j i i. alii a d
xy tuff b ti r.l
Kail' "!... Kl I f ) f
' Wi i We-a.
Tb Colnmbia river i rising at a rap
id rat sod Is causing ranch noeaeines
on tba part of peoi.1 rrsidiog along tb
river a they tear a repetition of tLe flood
of two year ago.
Fr n.m I will sell a drat claa. high
grade, high arm sewing mat-bin guaran
teed for 10 year, r or further partiou-
4r oall on or addreas, N. A. leacb.
Lei Ingtoo, Oregon. 8-tf
1 bit 0hn i now associated with tba
firm of tl. ileppoer A Go., In tb for
warding boalnea. Tbej pay tba highest
market prir for pelt and bide and at-
taoj to all forwarding.
This sbop aokonwlitdge tb receipt of
aom very fin radiaham at tb band of
Masters Owo and Paul Marl. Tbey
were qui largo, bat Im1 and balk and
BM1 lb right plan on lb tditor'a la
bia. lim again, bo) a.
Moat Coogh may b tared in a few
hour or at any rata in a tw day, by
th na of A)tf Cberry Pectural. Wilb
itrb a prompt and anra remedy a tbi
at bead, Iber I o need ot prolonelac
ih gny for week and roontba. Keep
tbi remly io year boo.
K. O. Won-UII ears I froes Ixmg
Crrek no Tbaraday vn(D, brteging bw
(tuny with bira. and will remaia la lb
eity a fw dai. KIylrtto) relarsa
war nol all wbn b left boas tot
ennnvh bad b) rft4 lo oolpr
him lhal thing wr badly mUad.cbuW
lag lhal a gml dl of promiMnoo
scrab biag bad been doa.
CTTto ArratT-Oa Wdn-lsy
Tenlng last Ed Ual and Clia. IJkibbio
bream looJed la a flbl at Iba iWlve
dr (Ka, deneg ahieb Hat alMia4
tVibbie la lb arek, nearly rohlg tba
jlg'il. Itubbin (sad good fitbt.bflW
ter, wild aoibleg bt batar' wpnn
t'tt df. Hal w a'reiJ bat U
Oat-tl era Ibal time ft of a tll
mnt rased!
Fatbaf'a flaf, fk lat dy of lb
regular r rg saw lo fJ fo
li. la lb a"tltitia bait mil r
lb aii asf" Ml I) , Oartro'U
Mim w,OlJft4 rgtia. kf
Beacoiufleld and 8pnrg;eoa War Both
Liberally Endowed.
The prompt wit of the late Lord
Beaconsfield is well known. On one
occasion when he was a member for
Bucks, he presided at the annual din
ner of the county agricultural society
at Aylesbury. Among the company,
says the New York Post, was a farmer
in the neighborhood, a son of the Em
erald Isle, and a red-hot radical. The
commencement of Mr. Disraeli's
speeches was frequently characterized
by an almost painful hesitation, and on
this occasion the faltering was even
more noticeable than usual, but the
restless eyes were very bright, and the
master of fence was ready with parry
or point. "Speak up," cried the Irish
man; "get on faster." He had fallen
into the trap. "Wait, my friend," said
the member; "it takes some time to
bring my ideas down to yours." Many
anecdotes, more or less apocryphal,
have been current as to the wit of the
late Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. One, how
ever, which is perfectly authentic, is
characteristic of the man. On one oc
casion he was much annoyed by three
young men, who persisted in wearing
their hats. He appeared for the time
not to notice them, but proceeded to
tell his audience of a visit he had paid
to a Jewish synagogue. "When I en
tered," he said, "I took off my hat, but
was Informed that the great mark of
respect was to keep it on. I did so,
inougu i can assure you l iclt very
strange wearing my hat in a place of
worship. And now, as I paid this mark
of respect to the synagogue, may I ask
those three Jews in the gallery to con
form equally with our rules, and kind
ly uncover their heads?" The men col
Culture and Refinement to Have Prece
dence Over Birth and Rank.
High moral character and education,
whether it be of book -lore or that of
observation and good example, polish
of manner and good habits are the
requisites of good society. One whose
ideas of social equality were rather
democratic than exclusive, says the
Philadelphia Press, was heard to re
mark: "One man is born just as good
as another, and a great deal better than
some." Unless the son of a gentleman
be a gentleman he is no more entitled
to the name suggesting refinement
than a man is entitled to the name of
general whose father before him was a
general. One must win his own laurels
or go uncrowned.
Birth to a marked degree is an acci
dent, and those who are considered to
be well born are oftentimes the most
objectionable elements of society and
the most dangerous associates. One
need but watch closely the daily record
of those on both sides of the Atlantic,
whose birth gives them prestige in so
ciety, to prove that education and cul
tivation of high morals go further to
ward making refined society than all
the good or blue blood that ever flowed
through the veins of royalty and the no-
Diaty. tn course, it would be the height
ot absurdity to argue that all men are
born equal, and would be as illogical to
argue against the superiority of blood-
ea animals of the race course over the
ordinary draft horse. However, the
nobility of culture and refinement
should have precedence over the nobil
ity of birth and rank.
will stop a cough in a night, check a cold
in a day, and cure consumption if taken
in time. If the little ones have Croup or
wnoopmg uougu,
Croup is a very
tat.ii disease.
utiliy one
halt of
those at
tacked die.
The erreat
The disease progresses so rapidly that
the loss of a tew hours iu treatment is
often fatal. Acker's English Reme
dy will cure Croup, and it should al
ways be kept in the bouse for
emergencies. A 35 cent bottle may
save your child's life. '
Three slzesi 3.1c, 50c, $1. All Druggtit.
16 & 18 Chambers St., New York.
a Change in Business All Around ?
Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland
Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at
All wooleii goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below
wholesale cost Great discounts on hardware, tinware, glassware, hats,
caps, Blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es
tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late.
ED. R. BISHOP, Prop.
The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore.
Manager and Salesman.
Those contrmplHtiufreoine east, ebould
cull 00 or dddrpsa the Union PaniScCity
Ticket Offioe. 135 Third Street, Portland,
tor rates to tbe following meetings:
Republican Notional Convention, St.
Lnnis, Mo., June 16th.
Democratic National Convention, Chi
obro, Ills., Jnly 7th.
Peoples Party Convention and Ameri
can Silver Convention, St Lou in, Mo,
July 22nd.
National Convention Young People's
Sooiety Christian Eudeavor, Washing
ton, D. C, July 7th to 13th.
National Educational Association
Meeting, Buffalo, N. i ., July 3rd to 10th.
Encampment Grand Army ot tbe Re
public, SI. Paul, Minn., September 14th.
B. W. Baxter.
46 tf. General Agent.
Gilliam & Bisbee
Are Yon Hade
Miserable by Indigestion, Constipa
tion, Dizziness, Lose ot Appetite, Yellow
Skin? Bbiloh's Vitalizar is a positive
are. For sale by Wells &Warren.
Catarrh t'ni-fd,
Health aud sweet breath seonred, by
Shiloh's Uatarrh Remedy. Prioe 60c.
IIorhi Btomk. Oo last Wednesday
Diitht, A. A. Wren'a pony waa stolen
(rum his baro ont on tbe Long Creek
road, near tba city limits. It ia d
scribed as being a sorrel, blszs In taoe,
bobtail, two ssddla marks on eaob side,
bind feet both white, branded W oo
left cheek, 81 00 left aboolder, long bair
on fetlocks, aii or seven years old. Tb
young man who drove Jaa. Jones' milk
wsgoa and Harris, the man wbo took
care of rant Jo tee, are charged with
being tba culprits. Tba first named
went away wi'b tba clrous and tba latter
is supposed to bava taken tba borse
down io Tba Dalles. Us left riding one
boras and leading Mr. Wrso's animal
Wren's pony runs a pretty good race,
KmalUTrll lb uy.
A vast mass ot dlroot. ooimpesobabls
testimony proves twjond aay ptmaibility
or doubt llial linotle Harsaparilla sot a
ally doea perfectly and permanently ears
iI mhi oauawl by Impure bl'od. Ita
rtoord o caras Is aar q ialed and th
ear bava ofien bo eoooraoltahed
alter all otbef preparations bad failed
Hood's Pills sore all llvei ills, killiooa-
dmb, jaoadios, Indigestion, sick bead.
Hn. Srarns!) A. Lovilu kfesara. II
J. iVao and C'tiaa Jobosuu, repablioao
candidate fur a'reuit Jadg-a. proeecatiiig
attorney ami turiibvr of lb board
qualigatloo for I be silt It Jodioisl die
not, 'Mpectivsly bava be a saoceeafai
by goodly plsfalitie.
71m Ills 4 .
GuostlrUa, tee mot Ibaa bait
tb ilia f euiwo. Karl's Clover IUhA
Te is a pleaaabl rnr f.r Cutslipetlvq
fut ! by Walls A W arras.
Ihfoogh treies oa tha (). II A N. V
foa via. I'mallUs. Walla Malls aad
I'endUbia. Tsr-.ob slw-prra. Oral a
avm1 rlae, wtl fuo la ObaeettoS) wit
le Lau a l'arina. lb earn as berate
'lira A lUrossa firal claas elrpr I'ofV
lar.1 U fipokeae. OoaaeHieg wilb lb
B'aMlaaa sleep to fl. Teal. Sad
Ihrmta-li fcrt4 slpf fuellsad lo Ml
rsji. ar,n ran la s .a sect ma wild it.
Orvat StMlbvre railway, If
I have a supply of Clematis roots left
nn my banns lor sain. Very choice va
rieties. Apply to M. L Cantwkll.
II Took the Totnlilo and Got th Dleaa-
luff Too.
A wheelman who waa scorchlnff
through Washington park rounded one
of the curves just nn a little erlrl about
lour years old started to run across the
road in front of him. Ho set his teeth,
says the thicupo Tribune, turned his
bicycle sharply to the loft nnd flew out
or the saddle In one direction, while
the rrmchino was tumbling iu an other,
the little girl cuoaninir bv a hair'a
, . . ... . .
iou rareiciw nruioi" exclaimed a
nharp-voieed matron, who camo run
ning up. "You monkey on two wheels.
whut do V'i t i. lean by racing nlwrnt the
pnru i,i ti,, , tlnredcvll kind of a way?
Haven't to 1 any consideration for other
folks? Wi't ym know you are always
name to run over aomclKHly? Do you
wanit.iuoare people to death? Home
ptHiplchnven't tbe aen.se they were born
1111. it 1 bad my way about It I'd
slop this buitinPHs mighty ruiclc. You
mi(,'ht have killed my child."
t . u .. .
ica, ma am, replied the young
man, wno nua gathered himself up and
was making an inventory of bis dam
ages, "uul I didnt. 8he got off
without a arrati'h, and I've a skinned
dbow. a brulwd knee, a sprained ankle
and a lame shoulder. Thcre'a a nlm
of skin as big a a half dollar gone from
the palm of my band, my hair Is full
of dirt, I mined a suit of clothes.
ana 11 will cost me Cften dollars to
have the marhine mended. If I'm not
Uieklng, ma'am, I don't think you ought
to kkk."
He pl.-ked np bis broken bicycle, put
It over hia slumMer and limped alowly
away In tba dlrwUm of tba neartwt r-
palr shop.
Its OHg ta
by a rtrlgki
No fiBbing will
be allowed on onr
H. P. Florence,
L. A. Florence.
One of the Dm. Dtrrin, Hpenialists, of
Portlaod. Or.t will be at the Pslaoe Ho
tel, Heppuer, Or., Jnoe 20, to July 15.
We are not email meD, lbs. "We are small men, Xs.
we are not tie Largest Hiercnanis in tne vofid i
But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need ol
Hardware, Tinware, Crockery ware, Glamware, Wood and Willow ware, Nails, Iron, Barbwire,
Cumberland Coal, Oass and Water Pipe, Pipe Fitting!, Stores and Ranges, Wagons,
Backi, Buggies, Wagon Material, Hardwood, Axes, Hamtneri, Saws, Sledges,
Wedges, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mason Jars, Gran
lteware, Plows, Harrows, Rakes. Mowers, Tubs. Wash Boillers
and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc., etc.,
Should call and Examine onr Goods and Get Prices.
We have Goon Goods at Fais Prices, and Cheap John Goods at Chep John Prices.
I'llls Do Nut (.'ore.
Pills do not cure constipation. They
only aggrnvasat. Karl's Clover Hoot
Tea gives pnrleot regularity of tbe
bowels. For sale by Wells and Warren
Miss ZoAPxItersnn returned from Wal
la Walla on Wedoeaday morning after a
short visit with ber relatives in that city
For your Protection. CuUrrli "Cures or
Tonics for Catarrh in liquid foirn to b taken
lntcruully, usually onutniu eitln-r Meri-ury or
Iodide of Piituiwit, or both, which aro injur.
luus if too long ttiki'u. I ut un U is a 1 x-al, not
a blood diseiuH), caiiiw-d by sudden change to
Cold or damp weuther. 1 1 shirts in th nawd
puwi'cs, aOW'tiiig eyeo, curs and throat.
Cold in the head cmis- s cxciwivn flow f
tiiwns, aud, if rcx iclly ni-liTb d, there.
suits -r rutiirrb mil follow; ai-vcre pain In
the hi-otl, a nnring tumud 1 1 the iunt, bad
breath, and oftuiilimna an i.fT.-n-five dis.
cliarge, Tbereniedyi'hiiuldl'(uicktosllay
inflammation sod lmd tlienn-nrlirr.un. Kir's
Cream lialm Is the aok now lodged cure fir
thoso troubles and contains w mercury
Lor any injurious drug, l'rice, 00 o-nta.
The wool market ia not ypt affected by tbe McKinley boom, and
reports are not encouraging. We have ample storage capacity at
for tbose who desire to bold for higher prices, and by introducing
Eastern buyers, secure for those who wish to sell, the highest market
, We pay teamsters and hold wool subject to order.
No commission charged for felling.
We pay highest price for bides and theep pelts.
Rolled barley and feed for teamsters.
Ne Are fluents ior little's dip,
The best sheep dip in the market.
We have 5,000 shingles which we will sell at cost
Mark your wool (7) and direct teamster to lower warehouse
R. F. HYND, Manager.
Notice of Intention.
IJ Mr J. I't. Notli la hrrrlir Ilteii lhal
Uie (olldWIns namfl aclili-r liaa lllt-il turtle
of hi Inlrtiilun to rnaki final rHi( In Uifwirt
( hia rlnlm. thai l'l ir'il will ha malt
rH-nra tna coiinijr rlrra tl M'rnw euiiniy at
iit'ppiier, uron, on my a, vrm, n:
114 T. tin SM. tor the S'i hi-',, S, f, ai4
E' M.v,Hm. ft. a. K. K W H.
llananifa lha tollowlns wltiu-Mr u. rns
hlapoiitlmioiia rrai.lriiia upon au-l cultivation
ol aaid laiio, l
Orlo K. riinr1h. Anann K. WrlrM, Jrw
Emry anil Wnlry Hlotana, all ul Hanliuan, Or
JAA. r. M'KiKR,
lift Kaiau-r.
Notice of Intention.
I i Mar a. Il X.m.- la h.t.-l.f rlrn Ida
lha Mi nf naisMt arlllar haa Ala.1 not Ira t4
hia InivnUon lo naM final .fi.l In aui.tmrt "I
hlailaloi, ant that aal-l prrnA will tm tna.l
U-lura J W Morr'.ar r-ninlr clalk, at Hvpimtr,
iri-Knn, on jtin ,
IMC No h.f tha t'i NTV at fT,
tl 1 v t. a , k I . K
Manarora lha t..l,.t tta allnrwa tn t"'ra
hi. MllillHIUMM IMI.I.IU. UI.IU ..til lllall..M
j ol. aaM lan-l l
i, ...if. mil, i, annnr num. "nrrmaa Shaw
II t
tkK t.
Notice 0 final Settfment.
NrrTH ts lirarav tlVH THKT T"
H'tr'altfta4 at'ttnlaffalo t4 the aatat'ot
rah ul'iniii. lll H-l (h
tinfit A hia artotiMla allhaaWI t .t aa a h
t mlMl.i'ab. al lha msI 1 91 m M Ilia Imal
I on ft of MirfMitf mmif, al u o rlf a. a sv. to
Im Kil.i. al lha o.trl tleoa In l.nr In
aaul luajlilf, oa Ilia Mb 4af ol Jul J, It . aa
(,. I h iria,
II St , Aitmli-laifaUrf.
Wa aartno. tl'M, ('Mali's
ilt tir waa -al at 4 (ltad;s s.sd; Karl's Ctr IUn Ts baa n.sd.
aua wan a ax aaupj.
Maa C B. Wnsi.f.
T sal. by Watts Warraa.
tin 0 . 3 May, Ula. CbUr aa I Out
r aetit nat It it s nr aad ra-balf
farl -nsa, CM'alr alualr.g la 0L? will.
Way ae X wMb tba riavtkisi ol Ita
Matrh faMf na HalSf.laf lbs
eina4 Vary raiaaai fal tavavttsf
M-fUraiil fl4CfcaMtiaHUia'aCnib
lUm.df etly SalaaMa fr -p
a ! b'"t'''tf ' It aiil
(..mil f.'klaft h) ( a4 .Ioaaii,
H i b I M f r Vtal ta,s af It
la fia fait" 4 fa" SB 4 ff'
.M'rM i. V Ji. haJa. t-ai,it-.i's
tTiari ;,, lha ia.aa "ul l
t'"r" la tba Inaanrial I ma, baa again
bvataxf ta Hrppm, bavtr f pm'tk4
(t'Ma Ual ' stxp. I4inr kaddlnc
tmait lbs rlty tv.M C'Uaflay B 1 1 J
Sf f r-U's a rail aba ia tna.
TaatVat rMarae
a kiliikib'e (f 4 fi,al a mrk
aoe-a, Kf-B il ai mm It
Cr, wt sat by WaJ.s
Ravallf r.ilallM4
finsa; I'lnnrHy waa a U4 with a phll-' " ". siii Mf"'. wa
otaophicai miii'l and a tin.Uen VaHb,
aays tha New York World. It waa Una
"buaUd Unit," aa he railed It, tbat rve
hint tliia frvMy litlla pet urns of
They wer atandlnir on rmer one
day when a bt tsmaln man pawml. "I
wonder," aaid Snsj-. "wbaU-wr mad
m rail drn tini?a lomalraT" "nt
you Wn.mraVil MliUey. "Naw! n
yotj dm t needi r." "Vra, I dM ami
111 tell yer If f-r wsnta tr-r kuiw. I y
bnow tally liynn?- "Yerir "Well,
fully waa r jfiMn up drr IPiwery onr
nitfht m Id bla pal and ! kai, alia waa
hungry. C all ,d il.-r riv. an ba trim
irtty and Mrf'Mwim' and drmrs b-r
lnt.-rs rratranl and ait ln-rd'in U-ra
Ul.la. I'artitnrt di r waiter and aat.
rtbst d fsas wsntr iK-rfala tiame
waa MiJIla and al aya ado waitta rr
fl'" hit a o an' tt rup rr ei(Tce,
f ull aays h wanU a rid mum; and
rr titl! ff lwr. Inr rrnif Wauta W
jTit rial ord. r straight, ki be sata; 'J..t
aay that aria ' Nif ullaay,. -lirf
t-r M4li and d re.,l irr Cully, ar"
Well h ,T'ta awsf aayllJ4? Vt .irf.
11.4 tr ll Jli. iid lor tuii.'a.ist
hell rtl It ri(fl.L Wltoa h nmiet b' l
with It h MIS
tues? Aw. fo on "
"Dal Hifht; ar sine dat tlttm
they rails 'em KM trf rno!la,"
fay aail 'Id lika l-r Jtt
rarva my Initial Inton'-tr, tw ir rw !
Ika HfSt lit t;:.:r at-r.il ratlft
alius .( MoLar.-ry." An-I tlw (wr
ti afifla-a aruu4 Uwavaauala
Ilrv yrr hA Ut M4
N'oTfi 1 1 tmrnv fait rv that i-kmi
li lit tlilin ul vtarolli.a la'l4 ax
nl lha rtrrull murt ot lha ala .4 W
lo i .rt, lift ot If 'ttmm . tn Mar tl. I" aa4
-a rtl.alav a"! rial oa.,a ft in4gm
rn.r 1 a-1 a(fa o i4 t..-irt oa, I t.a ?n4
1, nf ataxh l If la.K ,4 t.ama m Ha
rli.ff..o aa .ilililaairf ot lha attafa art lao.aa
M atit. amH ,.,.. i a at a",at iaa
llaniMt.io. I.fa I lla.t'i-. Kf M Th
Hr,i , iqin.,,i-i.,,im,il T"iaf llimlia
a.4 A-lia l'art-, rttaota. Ir lha l-im of
In hwwa-Ml lMara faj Inlaaat Ihiiwia ,i
lha rf ot fa-o f9 rati! aa aoOMm front Jitoa
II loal tiif In. a M .,-!. a1 laaola t
llant a'lrnaa, a aa ao-t ha) lha furlhrj a4
Ihtrt anrl mi r-w .iiaraa.)4a a4 ahta-
aa h aai-t -Hwof h aaa r.i.lr ft 4 alla
ad that tha l.nrtr narrtM-l fattl )f.flf
to an h 4 M w at -4 ' a ' i a-t aa j ol
Ual H'Hi U l li.l n I at : oiat
a 4 v, a 4 r , t a w aarti-M, a
all.. , II la a a . a I I H . h fcrl
ta aaiiair aalrj t-i-ls .-aol, -a a4 ar-rlwlof
a.v I am aa
ATvat-Av. IJta itr, mm,
Itaiial r a of aia f at tha ImI t
of K ho.aaln M .1 -.. aoai rrftl
lm t a. 'I i ,M a a -1 hrialnl
4 i a.-n In aM i. Is lra ar t fawt a a
ar a al i 1 'o . ll.a h ai-4 a "t haa
N -a f- ! t- aa -f. t- f -a w.la f- tag
ti A l. taa aa--a a i M aa,4 a t.Maj
Erieppner, Or.
New Blacksmith Shop.
Tba nuderslitned bas opened op a new blseksmilb sbop opio
aita tba opero bonsa, and la prepsied to do any kiud of
work lo hia lios. Io coooeolioa ba will ran a
Work df us al ropolar Prices and io a satisfactory manorr.
I bava seen red tba services nf ao riperienoed Loraeshoer, rf. J. II at Ion,
nf Halem, aod boraea will ba shod so aa to prevent interfering and over
rracblog.or aoaay W. I. HUUIVMEIt, Heppner, Or.
J. C. J30ROI1JCLIS, Prop.
Keeps the Finest Wines, Li(iiors and Cigars.
0h ! Where Did You
Get Them Pants?
hs I aall lllnoitiara. ami am tlinfr mil that! Furnlahlnf flonla an4 ars
Slllug nauaj (armia, llanlaar. Ilaaafa aiot olhaf thlosa.
Patronaoe Solicited. Satlslactlon Guaranteed.
Sxxiitlx ec Bro.,
aaair.itt asaa aia l-s.lsaa la
lot Ail Wait In Vhta tin l'irttrr lln( ael nti t of t firtora fraoilnf,
ail llii't. al attr-a w, aill aa aa Mm ut4au( Mat (uaiaoiaa aalia-at-!.
ffWaai raaaniMihla. t'tthtlaah.
HIoixj Opp. 1. O. TlininpMiti Co.. .Main Ht. lli'ppnt'l.
I a raw a4 a I
a ' . -
V I ! i
at aivl
I l Ur) t'
I lajiaa tut tt. md tv ai
i i . i s
SFl ar
POLAfiO a:(G0:J
I I'll. I s. i t ii c. n ;m .
UIt i A' Ot.l 4H,
bl . .! tll,MI III
W ar K a. I 1 11 V,, Mn , f 'H'..), Il llt.'AillV.
A 5 r N.V-t. r- m,- Va-