Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 05, 1896, Image 2

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The contest of ballots for Jane,
1896, is over and now defeated can
didates have the extreme pleasure
of running the gauntlet of well
meaning, though indiscreet, friends
who meet yon, look vise as chip
munks and say "I told yon so."
Considering everything, the re
publicans in this county have done
welL That two of the best county
offices went to the democrats, who
are the minority party in Morrow
county, must be particularly grati
fying to the democrats, and to the
bolting republican?, especially
those of the latter who were under
Simon influence. However, no one
will certainly claim that Messrs.
Hood and Patterson were not as
good men as their more fortunate
Going down the list of success
ful republican candidates it will
be observed that Hon. J. N. Brown
has again been chosen to represent
Morrow county in the legislative
halls of the state. This is partic
ularly pleasing from the fact that
he has had much experience in
legislative matters and will do his
duty well. Furthermore he is
elected as a Mitchell man, and this
sentiment expresses the will of as
many as nine-tenths of our citizens.
Good republicans are also pleased
to see Mr. Gilliam succeed him
Belf and also to hear of the success
ful candidacies of Messrs, Petty s,
for assessor, John Horuor, for sur
veyor, Vaughan, for corouer, and
Shinley, the independent repub
lican candidate for school superin
tendent. But the people of this
county of every political faith must
certainly feel like throwing up
their hats over the election of Bar
tholomew, for county judge, and
Beckett, for commissioner.
The Gazette can say now what
modesty forbade before the elec
tion. It can say honestly that the
people of this county have a right
to know more about our affairs.
They have a right to know why
this county has gone in debt at the
rate of $5000 a year for the past
six years. They would like to
have an opportunity to see a state
merit of affairs every six months,
as prescribed by law under penal
ty for neclect to publish same. In
fact there are a great many things
that they do not understand. They
can depend upon Messrs. Barthol
omew, Beckett and Howard to d
their duty towards the people.
without any regard as to whose
toes are pinched.
The Gazette charges no malfeas
ance in offico on the part of any
person, nor do the people of this
county. All they ask is more
economical management and
clear exposition of matters in de
press, for we believe that Hermann
was the man the people wanted, if
he did not suit the bosses.
The Oregon ian's candidate did
not win. The people are against
the Oregonian.
Ex-Govebsob Campbell, of
Ohio, is spoken of as a presidential
possibility on the democratic side.
He has stated that he would ac
cept the nomination.
The newly elected legislature of
Oregon will be republican by a
good working majority and from
present indications it will be fa
vorable to John H. Mitchell for U.
8. senator.
Ex-Govebnob Pennoyeb, the
newly elected mayor of Portland,
made no promises to the people
before election, but he now states
that be will take but one-balf of
bis salary. Such action as this
after" election is worth dozens of
promises before election. Pen
noyer will make Portland a good
The success of Vanderburg, the
populist, in the first congressional
district, is a big victory for the
peoples party. From reports we
have at hand he has defeated Ton
gue, republican, by at least 1000,
and thie, too, in a district that
heretofore gave Hermann a plural
ity of 10,000 votes. This landslide
cannot be accounted for in any oth
er way than that the people of the
hrst district are strongly in favor
f the free silver movement and
voted their sentiment.
It is apparent from the returns
as they come in that the populists
have ghined in every county in the
state with hut one or two excep
The house of representatives
have passed the river and harbor
bill over the presidents veto.
Now that the election is over we
should direct our energies toward
the advancement of Henpuer'a interests.
Bom," m Big Newfoundland Tramp
Dot af Pnt-In-Bay.
There is a Newfoundland doir at Put-
In-Bay that Is certainly a curiosity. HU
name is Bover and he is known at
every house and hostelry on the island.
Years ago he was named Dy Mr. jay
Cooke, the millionaire banker and
owner of Gibraltar, the cliff -irirt little
island that nestles in the bosom of
Put-in-Bay, hardly yet separated from
its parent mother by a narrow line of
shoals. Mr. Cooke had no use for Eover
and gave him away when he was quite
young to a family on the island of the
name of Koeifing. in we course oi nme,
says the Buffalo Commercial, the Boel
flng family moved away and Eover, who
had grown into fine proportions, was
left alone without a master. Several
times attempts were made to domicile
the brute, but they were of no avail.
He either would not forget his old mas
ter or else had determined to be true to
his name and lead a roving life. At
any rate, for the past three or four
years Bover has been the tramp dog of
the island, without any home. Every
body likes him, and there is not a child
that does not save him a piece of meat
or crust of bread. He makes the rounds
from house to house, and always seeks
the kitchen door first. He is round,
fat and sleek, and lives on the fat of
the land and is the common property of
the island.
Having Decided to Go Out of Business, We
Offer Our Entire StocK of
How Little Fellow Stopped a Street Car
in Baltimore.
One little kitten, about five Inches in
length, held in check one morning re
cently the down-town traffic over the
City and Suburban railroad, says the
Baltimore Sun. A summer car stopped
to take passengers, when the kitten,
standing on the sidewalk leisurely in
specting the car, suddenly determined
on a personal investigation of the inside
workings of rapid transit. She ran out
into the street immediately underneath
the heavy battery of the car and began
clambering about the machinery. The
conductor and several of the passengers
saw her, and an effort was made to
chase the kitten away. Canes and um
brellas were thrust underneath the car
at her, and many emphatic commands to
nVnvt wpra o-ive,. .lit. it. wnu Avlflunt I
uons, ana iney nave arawn more she was too new in the world to under
from the republicans than the dem- st-md English,
ocrats. While we are not ready to The passengers enjoyed the joke at
concede them tha first oIam in tha fir8t- but when 11 seemed that the kit-
uf a ia itof (rtatf a ra wii KK. rt r ai r.
",D K . hurrv to Win thn rlav'n tnil Wn
n.ntln . n k.t
F.CVtj viwoo iuoj, puiui, ouu ni o impatient, and the number of the res-
now preuy easy winners, especial- cuers augmented rapidly. More canes
y when the strength of the domi- and more umbrellas were thrust at her,
nant party is divided between two likewise more speeches of a wicked
r.anriirinr.(n far thn mn nlorn turn. But she remained undisturbed
I .1,.! .IK.Ia1 Itn a u 1 c Vi u il,!.,r,a tn
L . . 1 " i .A II 1 1 V. 4 , , U Vitiligo 1U
1 1 i. . . .1 . I . .1
m I -. f IL. "t U I Kcucrul B"u KICctQl UJ MKnU llie UUV
are coming to light every day, and hurried passengers and irate conductor
me innuman treatment or. tne cm- that the only thing to do was to start
bans by the Spanish Boldiers is the car and crush out the poor little
sickenincr and almost too tarrihla kittens life, she came to the conclusion
I 4 I .l 1 i IV
kix ronnnf If a t . rt rl a r, wim. uiwrc io -juicr uitrnaura ill uie
. . . - V I writ!! twMw1f rnniil trnnuit onrl wuitrurl
1 1 'n i.:..u i ...,.,. UIIU mv,u
massacres in Armenia, many oi completely set at rest the cravings of
tne neipiess Victims BUtloring the curiosity. Then the car proceeded.
same treatment as administered to 1
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots,
Shoes, Hats, Caps, Etc.,
The CHobe-Demo( rat shrewdly
With regard to McKiuley's re
fusal to talk it is worth mention
ing that no candidate for public of
fice was ever defeated on account
of a speech he didn't make or
lotter ho didu't write. The speech
es that are made and the letters
that aie written do the mischief.
the Armenian Christians, and for
no other reason than that they
dared to take up arms aud oppose
a despatio and unjust rule of an
other nation over them. It is no
wonder that the heart of a true
American beats in sympathy for
the dowutrodden people of this
little isle, and their cause should
receive prompt assistance from the
American government in this time
of severe trial aud estreme sulTer
Many people are surprised at
the shipments of gold to Kussia.
A VenatUe Actor.
A theatrical manngor had consider
able trouble with his star actor, who
was constantly meeting with accidents
or falling hick. One duy, as the story
ir.s. the star was hurt in a Doner cx-
n , ; . ,
plosion. When the manager ncaru oi
It he remarKeU to nis ageni: i um bii-b
of this sort of thing. Advertise hira us
usual and sdd that we Intend bringing
out a new piece in which the great star
1 he solution oi this can likely be I w. U known Mirrktitim. and among
ound in the fact that Lonlaudl others of that Mi-ret rixmi in the amUe
Imva a lart nnantitv nf wlinntl i ilaml. which Sir Walter Scott
rom Kussia, winch must
n either the Kusaian
ver rouoio oi wuicu sua uas no to .n:i.l. On. .,f ....r ,.h.
amount, and consequeiitly has to t,.l,l us. aays a writer in the Chicago
The ltottegonian's fight in this
state on tli financial qaestion has
arcomplishod just what every trne
repntilicaa iupixinod it would. IS
putting the real issue of protection
in the background many tepubli.
rana have revolted and voted for
ttoputiatfl, but it has settled once
for all tlm controversy m to wheth
er or but Oregon is a silver state..
The rank and fits of voters stand
mora than two to onu for silver.
In urging Lis objections to the
river aud tiartmr lull, rreidit
Cleveland xsV of such appnv
priationa lMmg Htnixcilly unauit-
i-d to theNA times of drreid hu
ineaa and resulting dinappnintmetit
of C"V-rninrnt revenue HI
that is cit, to coma from so o(ll
cial Im U rliietljr rmpoiitiblA for
"the tunes of depressed bust.
nr; it ! as if a man ahouu!
burn down his lodging house, an
then urgn its ! m an ricuss fur
not Vefinnif holel. A lien bn aled
PiM'ske of "diapNiintinent of gov
rrminMit reveou',' one raunot but
recall his determinetl r(T.rt to rut
that reTfou don stdl more by
his opiMwition to tliM incotn ti
feature, ai.d hie iH-tilnt lalmrs
Id iv Ids Vilin bill M tli
oatA a it pnaoed the hotiae, (n
The lllililea Chamber In the Ancient fai
lle of Macbeth.
In a certain drawing-rmnn the other
afternoon we werti talking of some I
I iji;siit
Tow will HuA on ceapoa
Ida eaelt two oueo bc
ad two ooapons Inside each
roar oane hmf of Black
well's Darham. Daf baa;
of this celebrated tobacco
and read the eon pun which
give a llet of valuable pree
mmia aad how to gel (hem.
ast be paid u k",,"n. "" tu the The Dalles,
I Strathmure, his heir apparent, and one -riw,
i ",,"'r tM,rm,, to whom the earl may
PORTLAND, Orcfnn. April 30,
remit sold or silver at the actual
bullion value. If she sends silver
she is compelled to go into tha
market snd buy it, and necessarily
put up the price, which, of course,
would autttt immediately her In
dia exchange In other words, all
advances in silver cause an apprtv
Tribune, an amunlng story concerning I To Tin Prsur :
thm MTrtt rhaniiH-r of (iinmi. Once,
when Mopping at the raMlr in autumn.
a riirlniu and in.ll-T'i-t visitor tMik ad
vantage of the hoot's ilwni-e toMig-gi-M
a plnn ly whli'h the when-atNiuU
uf the hiildi'n rhamlHT should be re
The caMle va full, and It was pro
Land Filing! and Final Proof! Taken.
While joo aetp roar aabeoriptioa paid np rem
oankiep your brand in free of charge.
Ally. T. J., lone. Or. Horeea GO on Uft
thoolder; oatde tame on left hip, nnder bit on
right ear, and opper bit on tha left; range. Mor
row oountj.
Btird, D. W. and eon. Horaej brandod D B
on the left hip; ee'tle the earns on left 9 -ink,
erop off rinht ear, nndererop in the left. Bangs
in Morrow Cotmtr.
Bartholaraew, A. O-, Alpine, Or. Horeea
branded 7 E on either hoolder. Bansein Mor
ow nountv
tMnniKter, i. W., Harrtman, Or. Cattle brand
ed H on left hip and thigh: split in each ear.
Brenner. Peter, (-toosebeiTT Oregon Horeea
Smndxl PB on left ehoulder. Cattle aama on
pifjht !Ha
riroeman, Jerry. Lena, Or. Horeea branded 7
m right shoulder, cattle B on the left aide.
Left mr half orop md right ear upper elope.
Barton, Wm Hfppner, Or. -Horeee, J B on
fight thigh; cattle same on right hip; split in
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, enrols
n- with dot in net ter on left hip; cattle, same.
Brown. W. I., Lena, Oregon. Homes W. bar
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Bover. W. G., Heppner, Or.-Horses. box
rand on right hip cattle, same, with split in
a-h ear. ,
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
honlder; cottlo. same on left hip.
Tarener Warren. Wagner, Or. Horses brand
A O on right stifle ; cattle (three bare) on
ight ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range ini
Cain.E., (;aleb.Or. Y D on horses on left tlflef.
T with qnarter circle over it, on left shoulder i.
ind on left stifle on all eolts n-der 5 years; on
ft ehonlder only on all horses over 5 years. All
unge in Grant oonntv.
Oete.rhas. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Hoi-see
1 0 on right shouldnr; cattle same on right hip.
lange Morrow and Dmatllla nnanties.
Corrigall. M M. Oa'loway. Or-t-attle crop ont
.f fch ear and nnderbit, wattle in forehead;-.
iores half oin-le C on left stitle. Range Mor
nwanrt Umalilla connties.
Onrl. T. H.. John Day. Or.-Donble cross on
aoh hip on cattle, swallow fork and undei bit
n right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
nnnty. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
-in shonlder. Ear markoa ewes,crop on left ear
nnohert npnw bit in right. Wethers, crop in
rigrt and nnder half orop m left ear. All rang
in C4rant oonntv. . M . . , . .
Cook. A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, DOon rightshonl.
ler: Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
imp off left and split in right.
Currin. H. Y., CnrrinsviUe, Or. -Horses. on
'e't stifle. t uu
Cox Ed. B.. naniraan, or. hio, j
t in oenter: horses. CK on left "lip.
Coohran, R. E.,Mnnment. Grant Co, Or.
loreee branded oircle with bar beueath, on left
ihonldor: oattle same brand on both hips, mark
mder slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H.. Hardman, Or.-Horses branded
Ion right hip. Cattle brauded the same. Also
rands CI on horses right thigh; cattle same
wid on right shoulder, and cut off end of
1 Uonglaas. W. M . Galloway. Or.-Cattle, B Don
-ight side, swallow-fork in eaoh ear; horses, B O
mEyBTn., Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY
m left shoulder, oattle tame on lefthip. hole
,PEmery!(J.' 8.. Hardman, Or.-Horses branded
l reversed C with taill on left shoulder ; oat
lesame on right hip. Range in Morrow opnnty.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or.-Cattle, LF on
-ight hip; horses, F with bar nnder on right
'hF?nce. B. P. Heppner, Or. Horses, F or
right ehocider; oattle, F on right hip or thigh.
Gentry. Klmer, EohoO' -"'!"0'1!.,-
1. with a quarter ciruiu uir u "
lange in Morrow and TJmatillaoounties.
Hiatt A. B., Ridge, Or.-Cattle round-top K
ith anartw oirole under it on the right hip.
lanee in Morrow and Omataiaoountma.
Hnghes. Bamnel. Wagner. Or-F (T F L
lonnectedlon right shonlder on horhes; on oattle,
n right hip and on left side, swallow fork in
ight ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack
ist.rtot. Morrow oonnty.
Howard J L, Oilloway, Or.-Horaes- (cross
vith bur above it) on right shoulder; cattle same
.n left side. Ranga in Morrow and Umatilla
"FallTEdwin. John Day, Or.-Cattle E H on
ight hip; hors"S same on right shoulder. Range
n Orent county.
Hnghes, Mat, Heppner. pr.-Horaes shaded
wart, on the left shonlder. Range Morrow (x.
Hnnwker. H Wagner, wr.-nunm, on icii,
Dl I P I a 4 r-v Hnnaaker. n e. naanr.yr. ut
J Mfraill M ll I Aonlder: cnHlo, on left hip.
. vJ. IVIUldUl, I VI. U. Hnmphreva,JM. Hardmau.Or.-
M. Hacer's Residence.
Notice of Intention.
J MaV 26. 1WM. Notice is hen-hr riven tha
the following named settler has tiled notice o
his Intention to make final proof In support n
his clslm, and that said proof will be mad
before J. . Morrow, county clerk, at Hennnei
Oregon, on July . lw. vi :
nd. E. No. Xf.. for the Lots 1 and 1. and Ru
He names tne following witnesses to prov.
his ron tin nous residence upon and culilvatloi
of said land, vis:
Harvey C. Rush. William Ollllsm. Reuhei
Oauntand Benjsmlil MaiUMon, all ol Heppner
4 51 kegister.
Notice of Intention.
eiation of th rtirme. and rnUtivolv I""-1' M1 a"" hohl haalrn U
. , 1... ... i.... .... , ...
a iliuMinA in tha i.nri'liauii.rr tmwsr " """" "r
,.f 1- wi 1 ii... P"",w m" ",r 'n.i-w. wnna on-
lorn tonus vnui, wuicu sue secures ,..w a-dlM-lav.-d no hltr aurnal. I,
from the Unite! Mates, as her dun ilu mUidir ( i-arrvln nut thiatirrtu
on balance of trade. Commercial il th mUT.f tUr castle rrtnrnrc
HCVIOW. I unexiwH-trdlj'. and g-n-at hU mth
at I hii uiiM-vn.lr ciiriinlii'. Ncvrr hai
tlir iiwni r f (IbihU apiM-an-il In at
toncrinif a iawim. The ilUnUr i.f
tiMiito-r U lunlly ! W iinl'Ti-l at. fm
tin- l.laiiiia finl U rrjnritrd with an
rlrj.irlniiiry i i I.iiimi- t thr Ntralh-mun-
fam'ly. mid whrn liiMr1vd Uith
ln-.r )m U-rti known ! fill him with a
A. . . I .ll..... k.B.I I.. .1
com trotioua aeaiu. Hut there ' '"
u now a great agitation about thai NOT OAME FORTUNE'S WHIEL.
money nueation and many IIiidi
We ara firm believett in tlia pro
tective) policy of the reimblican
party, and think that if proper pro
tective law are panned and main,
taioed, bnaineaa confidence would
l rwUired and times would I-1
that ahould Iw tttls firat and
(hit aentiment la growing; it ia to
thougbt quit probable that both
the democratic and republican par
ties will tie very badly disrupted
la their iiational conventions
over this iiueation. It U atronglf
a ' ' a a a a at
iin win tieciare lor ire etircr,
ftltile on the other Land itiaex-
. a . s . . a ... i
vi4Hi mat the ot. Uiui4 oinven-
- . a a 1
lloo Will ailopl a fxmml money
platfortn. It tide is done it will
It.. m
it i. plain that if it l.a I m p.d. l" ' o-iwa op M
it.. .,,.L,.n. .....t.i ..-i !,Ul'util lifoie the American
rertainly have Urn materially lra
than thry are now. In ttb point,
tho pfrai.lctit 'toaU the Ifgitiniato
ati.t fftf mitt fTrt.'fa i.f t.i .l-
......i.f. .i,....-. "! we ...Uf
, I--" iBKi..f he.im. Hi Ibef lamwl
rsxtt) wny ric" ahoui.i but
d hat in lU jitlk'ment i ncra.
ary f .r tho protn li.m and de.
i'1'ineiit ft th country. For er?
lmn lii itK iith ahouM hare rloe.
ed-hlt I a Tribune,
txMi le at an early dat, and
Li'jm that it may I artlle.1 ariglL
aa. l sav Well ha ..aM If he
hsliej up Ur. ai.i.t. ah twipl tt
jf f fiegtl ruaMa.li. sa.t k ftefyee
( a I rJa t. 14 if lit f ffMt are
m'I avfW4 aallifl! br a a al i
fesr,t. Th be, If MIKM rlf
I ha lea'lssoey at oB Iravalara, btb-
lh go aliat l health, !Qre o
tnsiiM. ta ILaUiiM-f Mi.naarn lliuers
lavaik.la. waaemal travelara, aaa Hr
lata a4 h'eaeaj l faim
aa 111 g Ba flaa dleMlv W1 H-
4a migtania U Iba rrettttaf, lt lat.ab
I I II . . .... I ' ' '
ii tj win yi.tw i r-.n t!r, i (i T . at ei..l to -a.Mpr.t l-a f
t T P s r.lr.i Ull.li f. r t ) Par Y'-t met artel, faeaajaltv f i
1 1 !l. l I' Hi tl. ltli.f hat,. I t'--M ill-l-'. I't
lr must bow b apparent ti the
r.- obheata f the futt diatrirt
that thry madi a mistake whro
II. i ) turt iHidoan I'li'trr HrriuatiD.
t:,vr..ul Lae bad tf tt and
ui an I ...i. .j ...
Lokt-I I. !. a.. I!. . vy
ttat II Was Ike f eaaa f I s. aa4 lnM
Jmrt the Baaaa.
It was alt al'iit a hl. y. U and It was
nt aa lM n.li l rlihrr. n was It tha
rvtl i( til.n.mrry Waaly. It was a
whet't that w.mlil have ma.U tif tlrut
junk, and It was prtit-al.ly tha ol.lrst ot
tta kind In rsUli-orw.
Thr (arte, huttrvrf. made little
telievcl that the Chicago conven-1 di(T. rrm-a t.i lha w balrvd nr. hln
who had CMoa Into MMrain uf It,
and ha was tha ttrntof the hour ann(
his r.nritanlma, taint, eftrr lha Mian
per uf all t cphanls. pralr.t hi mta
what t.Mlwtma aad rrpantlna nwthtal
f ttvtttM.it km.
All lul m rr.1 hr.tr.t. frwrVla fatvd
tad, plainly lit MimecM of lha nun
munlly, aava lla t hla Tritmna.
Jay, lliily. why d ml rvt a
hump till ycr" ha ytlt drrtaivrty.
"Ara y tralnia fe th' fat ma a ' ra- T"
ituh, urVU ya think yu twald
"Jlrt.hs I d Y alait tired aVrady.
era ir IU"; ' ! w a pillowrj
la tha irniur
Tra avi.ta later tha tw-o ware mil
Inf r and iti tha a'.Uf In m.tal
(ncslt aalJ. aa Hilly aaasnt-d W h
frttmf tba worat ot It, hi I 1 lower.
Mtttulfut pf ttwil',a rl.lra, fell t)xiw hi
advrrarv and f"id him. tba thy
rvtariMwl In Mawijih l the WliaaL
'My. tn;',y."aa4 otttof than,!
this yrra whwl pfiaairalrr"
;ut lw f-wa ha had Umm Wt rvply a
hra frtwa a fcethhrwlnf '!
!. d !. lUil
Nw, II thmU. dat'a sht It k
A i I In t!. tint Uurvai uf a (w
The following fat-U have decided ui lo open np an offloa at Tba Dalles, and wt bellevt tha
wool growtrt 111 ltx an liilemt In our proposition to handle Uielr wool.
THC DALLES MARKET. In lnvsli million pounds ol wool a mrket4 there,
which bruuiht sxtrem prlca. The present outlook ll that not leas than tl-hl million pounds
will he markrted there this season, and wt believe wools sold In The Dalle will bring full value
lor th following reasons :
1st. 1 b lam amount of wool handled not only attract buyer, and lha most of them mak
Th Dalle their headquarter lor lh season, rauslw brisk competition. Tba Oregon mills us
not leas tha two million pounds, so wools la Th Dalle ba th bene tit of this competition, a
well a lor th East and California market.
3d. Th IneaUnn of Th Dalle Is such thai 1 r transrontliieatal railroads compel lor freight,
guaranteeing lb shipper a low rata; la 1MB wool from Th Dallr la lh East were taka al a
rat rf M eta, per hundred poind.
d. Arrangements have been msd wild Ui retimed eompanle hereby local freight U
Th Dalles wMn added to lh Irtish! I rom Th Dalle East, will not be hither lhaa th freight
(rata local point direct East, and In many case lea. Tlire farts aloo aasur lb grower tba
highest possible price.
CONSIGN M ENTS. nil '""T realls consigning wool I a thing of tba past, a
believe growers will do ll to consider our proptwltkm. eplally this aeaaoa as Iher Is every
reaaoa lo bellev It will ha a slow, draggy year.
Our business In tha past ha been bttyln lor Oregon and Eastern mill od dealer. Realising
how slow the mill and dealer will be In placing their order this year, w think our method el
handling will be aa advent to th groaer. and cnelderlng the wool will but be moved from
lh horn market nor from nnder your control Itheut consent, you must not luuk opnq aur
proposition I lb light of shipping an ronslgament.
Foe lea year past, "esrapllng l. the year ol lb pante," wool bar Kraushl betw prtre
la theaememsrkfU.es th teaana advanred. Ibaaal the opening, and aellev this III be
especially tbl eoa.
W ben growers er aot la position 1 1 bold their went, or feel Inclined to sell a say their
bill, w a III mak s advance al liberal rale of Interval, a III Ink chart of tb wont, par t
eawtetvf snd othr rkargw a be reneeted la da aa, aad when word sr la be shipped lo The
talle by rail, a will las ear ol th rallaay Iretghl from nnt of shlpeMBl la Tb Dalle, and
1st h pnins as Herpner sod Arllngtu, a all) hsr fFpeeaentatlva aba a III Uke caaraeat
h nH eo1 lufwat.1 II
Xon mil lp It mind that wbea shipping at The Dalle there will be no sttra etpenee ta
yon. efi cm.ilattng I be low pfU ol auol, bs ckw I .).! la 4a tbl lul st cent swr
pott. tn.ere.
We a III be pleased la kenffio yna, and send regular anwants tt eaetem d Wat market
aaea rii4.
J April . iMitt Notli e Is hereby (rivet
(hat Ihe following-named settler has Died not lo
ot his Intention to make dual prool In suppor
of his claim, and that said proof will be mad
brloie Jowpb L. i.lbeon, I'. H. Cum., at Lexlug
ton, Ortfon. on Jtne m. vis t
Hd B No. 3m, lor lb eEl. Sec 11, Tn. 2 B. I
Z K. W. M.
He name lh following witnesses to prnv
his continuous rretdenr upon and culilvatloi
of said Isnd. vis:
John T. Voiinf. William Este. Cvrn N
hlnn. ll of Heppner, Ore ron, and Edwla K
beach, ol Lexington, Oregon.
e An. F. gntlKr,
41-M Kctrister.
la i. M. Kl MtU tu.
Plenty of them at the
Gazette Office. . .
Notlc$ of Intention.
Li D Orrica at Tag Dlii. Ossno.
Msv th. live!.
ll follnwlng-nametl settler ha filed nolle.
of his Inlenlloo In make Rnal proof In stippnr
of his claim, and that said proof will he madi
before t'ntiniy Clerk, ot Morrow C-nttnty, al
Heppner, Oreon. q June rth. iwa, vis:
Kit IIIHIIPill l lliuir,
Hd t. ha. m. lor the SW W bee. 11. Tn. f 1
R U B,
He name the following wltneeer tn prove hit
continuous mldeoc apoa and culUtetioaaf
saot leoa, tic r
Mensa A. Olden. Jams M. Raker. Frank M
Onmn. ftamuel W arfield. all of lone Oreeon.
Jas. F. MiMiKR.
4-Wlt. Realster.
Wood Wanted.
NoTtr i nrp.MY nivrn tiiattmi
Mr honl board n lMstrV-1 o. I. Heppner
or , alii rerviv bid for the delivery ol .lilt
im ennle at anmt at the ecbol premises el
Heppner, asm ta be epened on June a, I wet
wa In be delivered oa nr beloce Orl I. st
The board reserve tha ncbl In relet an of
ilMda. Ry Osfssor la Ro.ab.
J, Rnaaav. Clerk
Du4, Heppner, ur , My t las.
in-Juiy ta,
Ntrrttt t iiramr riivitw tiiit
nlef and by virtue of dinw and or-tet
l sale A 'tit rne-le end entr4 nm May lib. Ias
In the eMIker ( Ota eetela M Tnutna f sunns)
dare! by the I o-itily (Mtrt nf the pteta er
t ra.M. f.rf Mnreaw Connie, setting In pnite
Ibe awtertvnd a .lmlUtrtf ef the said
estate will l.rf sale ptihite an-l on. In
Ibe kirtml bitter bw eae In bend ew Ralnr
rf.v Jene. t al II acl-wk In the b.rvoe
a4 that aer ss Ihe tnelee nf eeld i.r.s.i I all
the tolUle 4e-cMlw rvnt pr,4ny beln
In In tbe i...e named ee"te .liuaied la sl
AbnaH bk p.
rile.! rtteat I ark leg file, I
n)mitM MiMatora; lelena lleliic(
J mng ngi exwl al algtit; voraa t y
eralrriiaf. If ll'e. ta ODlma
lamor fore. Ufh offae it4 aad
alrarata, ber..ml g vary Hwitai
OltrHBxT lop b Itch'H and btad
. Real nlrwralma, aad la row I
ctavtwa lha ln..f Al draggM. ar
r maiL f.a? Wa-wl. ! Maayaaa) rbno,
X rflre beeM ffvei Ibsl la n4emae4
bee M. eettti s4ait.lelthw 4 Ibe en.
tale t liei A m. n. 4wm I l- iKe ..
It luvri k4 lln I .-,ty atat al itn e-a
All petnun ke.ing riaiwe ete4 14 Snteta
b.e.-y r-iiv4 I" imm'.i t ifc nn.
itW(n4 el tbetf e I anaa S.ima
iv. iwf- .. r ve14, wiebia Ml
sj.-M.taa fwi tie At bewi
lie4 tbl 2;n4 day a4 May, lM
J i Rs,
Rte r.aasa.
M A4e.lnMtra-ra
w aeled al Otka, tew
Alfred tUaaWnt, a Mac! ah deaad-1 w i ta I a a r i
aal. ad 29 a II nt lo Waah
a bi !-! aa. e i tikii-a tl a ea.1
Ka ftin TaB W, OmJ ha
Opened VP lh fea yatd Rett tl'f la
Ibe llala pfRrw, and Ra uli l
.l.ra hf hi.ai aalt.ia.aa ttnla In attfkt
at tx.ra al lb a l asi.-ee. an t naf t1 R at
Korwea tl p well (caokad alia. ytw WH l, 0r. aal Ra a!
tabk. Ilsfaadftat f.y taJa. U. beat 4 fra fof foaf year. tia afa4
" i I tnnlbar I tety aali-w In lnw If ta I
Any iav.l.i la Ewter (w.fnaj wo;l,,l.tt. Any t sao-a la.diaa In kta
al'Mpey i t ... , . . ,,. . .
,1 ;i la Li. I ....r r.i.rt
Can (onnty. Ueerai, n wit p. aawafeae
H. Te IS. a H r M. at k'.
tMka'"l- HTl la, 1 nl.
k. Ill ta liaif. ilnt,. Sntd sale to
ate ew ' la all Ha and nran,l.aan.
paw etanin apna Ibe eatd real pmpaHy, a 4
vhtart In la ei.lta.ilne mi all a. la a
made by lb abev enltUed t'waaly I wtarl.
i & TtM'RO.
Admlnlelesbw af lb aetala nf Tbeana f.
Rena 4. I
Imted Uti Kb aay af Mf, taav r U
Horse. H on
Huaion. t-nther, Rnrht Mile, Or.-Horsn H on
he left shonldarand heart on the left stifl CaU
le name on left hip. IUne in Morrow oonntv
Jones. Harry, lltppn-r. Or Homes branded
-Jnn the left .hoolder; cattle bra ided J on
iht hip. alwi undnrbit in left ear. Kange la
lorniw county.
JnnWn, 8. M., Heppner, Or -Horses, horn,
hns i on left shoulder. Cattle, th saint,
tanee " ft-'htMile. . ,
iohr .n. Felix. Lena, Or.-nonwa. eirjlaT on
.ft etiHe; cattle, same on right hip, under half
tron in ri"' and atilit 'n left ear ...
Kuur. Mik, Heppner, Or.-noree branded
INT on lefthip oa'tl same and orop off lsft
w- nnder slooeonth rlaht
Kirk J. T.. Heppner, Or. Horse 69 an left
honld'M'j oattle. on left hln,
Knmherland.W.H.. Mount Vemon. Or. I L on
Itttlaon nehtand left sides, swallow fork in lift
nr and nnder oion In rlaht ear. Horse earn
trend on left should"'. Kange In Grant eountv.
Lnftan, Wepnen. Foi. Or. H L on left hip
m cattle, erop and split on right ear. Hnrana
4m brand on left ht aider. Hang Urant
Lieoallen.John W.. wlnm O.-Horae
raadnd hsifiircle 1 1. connected on leftshmiU
ler. Cattl. same on left bio. Kana. near Lax
"Jenhey, J. W. Heppner Or Home branded
'.and A on left shoulder; cattle nam on left
dp, waul over right eye, three slits la right
twd. Oeortr, Heppner. Or. Horae branded
Inn tile U oot.nertt- Homettme called a
win H. cm left ehonlder. ...
Maria. M. C. n.ppner. Or. Tattle brandod
IrcU on nirht hipt homes sam on right atifl.
Une in Morrow eminty.
Minor, iNcar, netpnr rr, t atUa, H D oa
ir'it hip: bora U on left shonlder.
klonran, rt- N.. Heppner, Or. Horse. M )
m left ehimldai cattla seme on left hip.
Mitchell. IVwwr. lone. Or. Hursa. 77 oa riaht
lln; entile. 77 on nht eid.
Na.1. Andrew. Imna Rttck .Or. Horaa A N con.
Mvtad oa left abonldar: cattle eame on both hip.
Oiler, ferry, lexiogtoa. Or. f O wa left
Oebt-rn. J. W Toolae. Or.t hone O ua lef I
dionMeri ceitlesemenn Celit hip.
Penmon. Ol, Kilt Mila. Or. Hnraea, qnar
ar eln-le.hiald on lt shoulder aad i4 on left
tip. 'aula, fork ia Uf) ear. rteht eropiwd. Rt
eil.fthln. lunar on rich! Mil.
TVrkar A Olaaeua. Hardmaa.Or, Boras IPoa
left shrml'lar.
I'lpar. r'feat, Islnetnn, Or. Hncam brand.
1 K (L R ennnecterl) an Wt shnaltUr I aatUa
mm. on rWM hip. Kaaew, worr.w eonnty.
I'lpar.J. H, tilntnn. Or.-H irnae. JK ann.
tarta4 ot let! .Hoal'tart oatxia, ata oa 11 Rip.
red" bit In each ear.
Petty. A. t. !., Or.t nnrasa diamond P nm
ehuoidari salt la, J Hi ammeeled. tm th
eft hip, appsr slop ta left war aad alia tn tba
Rood. Andrew, Hardmea. Or. Homes, tartar
sr wtib qaanernrvie near it aa Uft etirle.
Knah lime.. Hennnav. (r-Horeai beaaxlad 1
a tb Heht abonlilari am I la, II oa the Uft kip.
.row oB lafi ear and dawlap nej seek, f-lgt im
n-emw and a-IVnalugannntias.
RaenaT. Aa.ltM. lsiasVna, Or H irsaa
braadad A n oa rt4l ebnni.Ur, na qaartat
rrle nvtar brendi eattla aama aa nUl Rip,
Renew M.tw enMr.
H.T-V Wm. H. Dairy-villa, Or 111 Connantai.
With qnarlar eivl near l"V na ealU. o rleM kia
and eme a rtM ear and aplit In laft. H-Kaat
aama brand on left aemnMar, sUn) ta Mumnr
Umnl and (titliaaeoentiea.
Nartnr J. W . Happwav. Or.-n.nwa. JO aa
lafl abnnidar. ( atOa, II aa rtcbl kip.
Rirl.M W. t Tlapvnee, Or - Haeaa ah4ad
I a oa laftetinaieMttajHMbwXkigstwailww
ml la rM war. aa.Wt.ll la left.
vatpw. IV. , Ueppne. Or,- H ram, A P aa
aft Rtpi eatlie aata a lafl kip.
rUynea, IVtbert, raala. Or -CU"T a
rti blp a4 H m rMl eb,l.te I aneeaaTh oa
iM aS-in Haesa In M-waow Snwaty.
n-nttb W . mnatiils, Or. H.aans. brae dad
. nnea.akdari aaltia. naa lafl aVnlW,
a.,., ma, J.awa Atliwtna. Or.i kiieam brandad
lln. Ml .awnkta" eailin Ibe aama. aiew Bona
a.Vt'.a. kV. I lonn 1.4 tlillnaaaaatMa
StavlaM, I. A, Maraa, ( btwnaa P na
rtM atttla, eattle b"ieuta L no tbe riebl ekb
SMeiaaa-a. Mm A, j,Hne Or -4e4Uo, tt
a r..t ait I ewniinna I
Sauevt O.
11 Mane.t4eMI
SHavry II. Ii-t-vaar. Or. - t .U WCV
tat kp, eeoa " 4 aaWai Ut Ufl paar,
l-ala,., buenaa W t ! " batl eta-aWlar.
TV-aiaa. J A . Ilaaa, '" ft ram, lis
et ahneta-! aatlla I an lafl akanUar,
r.l-aaa a.r.t.atatpvlw II earn. Uaa left
tie. aa aa in bin
Inraar R W. Unlaw Or, . Rmaa
enrtaj T
t baft Imp
Notice for Publication.
I ,fl rtfyti R T 14 MUM. otton
tt Mar T. ! e kaeahr pn, ,i
ha a,n.a Meat SMliea kaa Sla4 MlM al
k. Intent l In nut. Sn.1 y-nil n snrparl al
b a. aire e4 t. mid el. I la aata Wa
be R I, rrelen4 eanntam.e a elarnll
Mtv4 Meva fa-aM an J-.ee ana. naa.
IU Pt.lllll I IIIUI I
M4 f R te. a4 tTtall.
H. banwe Ik Inilawlna Wllaeaaaa an
kw an'l.naH nai.at fL CWJU
a a. m n-, ...
Aeai-snl IM set -. t-f ka
Wat,it,a.M. II. V . Will It.
For ante. rhaap l.asa fov( f" I. lees,
- S . - . . . I . , . aS ..tt. .
k a. -t .v- j.t a . " --ll kn.l t .-.a. Il.k. W.a-.. a- -a"n a-m - " war-
maw-ww van l-'-w waaawntrtee Myawa Mil w pf -4'a IRiR fw' I ' " " " . - www (ae, sitly .). J p OaaaeR.
a -k ea-i'i ta bn
rvne, tt. W laaa. Or -Mnas Lraa4a4
R t an. a i m a nf ana, 1 1 a l aanae bra4.
la. I H T laaav Ik Haraas NT em
sanad a MeVI (IwntelareaMtM, aaea a rVrM
Wmn-Wn, Wat f Or. Naeawa P I.
a. ta. Ia. at.-a.-iar. aattin aama eat ngU blp.
pen. -4 sart aa and NM ear bwma4
Wlana Jan U . p.. i a) ae 11 -) iat, tie.
.Ts"4 J na ika A tam.fe.. Uae
am-nTw"' H I'alaK -V-faMta W aik anatrkaf
aata wan H an UH a.tn. et-l.t la ta t aa,
a, brand m laft .-a.la, kange ta
Mn nana
Wwla. Maarf, R ayt.ee, rte . H n a k tsji 14
v. . . . . . . . .1 an an aa rwn.a; aavf awra kaw
1 m -i" "21 I aWwaaa.bnn.iMlaft k.p
C a 1,,., m .aa
WiKmma Saarnat ita -Q.isn.ar eae-
tkm. baa. aa laft I. -a, la.k enrUe k-4
" j-4. a
W-a I , la -tte.i,,4
........ au.s ,m m,v '! vt pji sa,a rtatwartf rt til
IU1 lleU . ir, . I. ... ... .. ... f I I l,nR. V'tlt 'r I' U II N t tl