WW M n m it i mini mill MiutiHKmwmtM' I ............ I OFFICIAL P A P E R I 1 MY SUCCESS Is owing to my liberality in ad-: vertis;ng. Robert Bonner. t I FREQUENT AND CONSTANT I Advertising brought me all own. A. T. Stewart. I ) t M 1 1 M l!M I I I III ftiM 111 1 1 1 1 lil til Ml iM.m IM.4iM uimim wimniiiiiimiat FOURTEENTH! YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1896. , WEEKLY NO. 6931 J SEMI-WEEKLY NO 44BI SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY TEE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, . . . Editor A. W. PATTERSON. . Business Manager At 2.f0 per year, $1.25 for six months, 75 ots. tor three mourns. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPEB is kept on tile at E. C. Dake'e Advertisinir Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants Exchange, Ban Franoiaoo, California, where oou raoU for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 10:45 p. ra. dally, except Sunday. Arrives 6:00 a. m. daily, except Mon day. west bound passenger leaves Heppner Junc tion 1:11a.m.; east bound 1:33 a. m. Freight trains leave Heppner Junction going east at 7:4o p. m. and 9:10 a. in.; going west, 4:30 p. ra. and 0.15 a. m. oarr'icx.A.x xnxsECTOTSTr. EuttedBtates Officials. President Grover Cleveland Vice-President Ad ai Btevenson Bwetary of Htate Kiohard 8. Olney Secretary of Treaenry John G, Carlisle Secretary of Interior Hoke Bmith Becrelary of War Daniel B, Ijiniont Secretary of Navy Hilary A Horbert Postmaster-General William n Wi'son Attornsy-Gnneml Juilson Harmon Secretary o Agrionlttire J. Starling Morton State of Oregon. tiovernor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. R. Kin call! Treasurer Phil. Metenhan Knot. Public Instruction O. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Id'eniau Benators , ( fi. W. Mnllride "J J. H. Mitchell I Hinirer Hermann ( W. ft. Ellis W. H. Leeds SR. 8. Bestl, F. A. Moore, C. K. WoUrerton Congressmen Printer Supreme Judges Sixth Judicial District. Circnit J mice (Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney John II. Lawrey Morrow County OHciale, Joint Senator .-. Uepreenntntive I 'onnty J udge ' CommiMioners., J.U. Baker. " f!lerk " Sheriff " Treasurer ,. A, W. Gowan .. J. 8. Boothhy ..Julius Keithly ... J. H. Howard .T. W. Morrow .G. W. Harrington .... Frank Gilliam J. Willis Surveyor, Geo. Lord " Bohool Bup't Anna Halsignr " tloroner T. W.Ayers, Jr BEPFHEB TOWN OFnTJKBS. Mayor Thou. Morgan C "inrihnoM O. E. Farnaworth. M. Lichtenthal, Otis Patterson, T. W. Avars, Jr., 8. 8. Horner, E. J. blooom. . . ,. L Recorder 7. 3. Hallock TrAunmr K. I.. I'rerland Marshal A. A. Roberts Precinct Officers. Jn.tir nf tha Paaoe E. L. Freeland Constable. N. B. WheUtons United States Land Officers. TBI DALLES. OB. J. t. Moore Register A.M. Biggs Receiver LA OSAND1. OB. B. F, Wilson Register J.U. Robbina Reoeiver glCSII BOCISTISB. KAV7UN3 POST, NO. II. O. A. B. Meets at Lexington. Or., tha last Bat unlay of art month. All veterans ara invited to Mo. (." C. Rooa, Geo. W. Smitb. Adjutant, tf (Viuitnaiiiier. LUMBER! rt ITAVB FOR BALK ALL KINDS OF ON If dressed Lumlier, It miles ol Ueppner, al what la known as the HOOTT 0m-WlVXZXs3Ls. flA IfiV FKKT, KOUOH, " - CLEAR, - i too - 17 40 F DKIJVERKD IS HRPPNIB, WILL ADD L 1&.UU per l.uuu feet. erMkUoual. The shore quotations are strictly fur Cash. L HAMILTON, l'rop. WM. PKXLAKD. KD. K. BISHOP. frtaldeal. Cashier. TR1NS1CTS 1 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLL MOTIONS Mad oq Favorabls Tana. EXCHANGE BOUGHT h SOLI) BEITS EH. If OREOON Onlario-Iurns Siaje line A. IV l B0BH5-GHHY0H STH3EUHE H. A. WILLIAMS. P-op. OS'TAHIO-DURSH leaves Tinrne Daily at 6 p. m. and ar rive el Ootailo la 41 boars. SinalG Faro $7.BO. Round Trip $10.00 rwnxs CASYOS mS SnlM Ultf Htllw rve si no i'h i .f...t a. . tilrft li e -Muni-V na itnlarvs ttitfiutm a4 litaevlaw ai S'iim. vnasasawawjwBawBaaawBaHBaawsawawawaBnsBaMBBwaiaw No U It lima U g-t l Wskty Ore-atan, hm rfa spawf ttf l, VTeet. W ilh I U (!.'. t-b Hr, If a4taB,wa lew, II &a Wf o-frNna'tn) l spapeea est l a ra4e a b iliU. tlMi.l will lt as rr-!tnn mm a-l.liiktoaJ atsl. 1 1 ! llaaUe, a si enwilf.re r, UeM to eaWfth THE OFFICIAL RETURNS. Giving the Vote of Each Precinct of Morrow County at the Election Held June 1, 1896. CANDIDATES. For Congress A. S. Bennett W. R. Ellis F. McKercher H. H. Northup Martin Quinn For Supreme Judge Robt 8. Bean John Burnett Joseph Gaston ... For Circuit Judge T. J. Hailey Stephen A. Lowell R. M. Turner For Pros. Attorney H.J Bean. ;. Wm. Parsons ,'. O W. Kea For Member Board Equalization r. uavis Chas Johnson Geo. D. Peebler For Kepresentative J. N. Brown Thos. Morgan J. L. Swift For Clerk J. W, Morrow ,. A W. Patterson......... St.. E. B. Stanton For Sheriff J. C. Hayes E. L. Matlock Andrew Rood... For Judge A. O. Bartholomew W. A. Kirk Oeorge Noble For I roasnrer Frank Gilliam. J. L. Veager For Assessor William Crabtree. , A. C. Petteys W. P. Snyder For School rinpertntendent J. D Brown Addle W Cnnlee , J. W Shipley For Commissioner J. W. Beckett J. T. McAlltBter For Surveyor John W. Hornor R. W. Turner For Coroner J. T. Mitchell B. F. Vaughan J. Jones T. R. HOWARD -DEALS IN- Grockries, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Stockmens Supplies, Etc., And Wants: Your Trade lie will make it an object for you to trade with him as bis prices are right, and all goods that he handles are of the very best Store on Main Street, Next Door to City Drug Store, Hoppnor, H All these tan be procured at Thorn A m f r Heppner, Oregon. Thee (nllemon ara well emntttl4 with Orant, ttsms. Cmnk, Olltlsss and other cuuulM and eaa sat mowr and una la ssasinf tbm Frtrea la kHnf wtih las times. THOMPSON Ss BT3STNS, The Lancashire Insurance Co. MANUIIICStTttH, NUbANII W PiTTEra. ACEVT. 0"jLjLi-j-Unt?wofl?i : "WITH wm Youro BOUND to Talco 'Km. Lcnves No Conillpntlon,. . .va Coere , s )) no all H)Hras tar tafsata aii m ihm afii swossit s4 fvtow, 'At attb ae W"t. " 9 J b ST I a Z S 9 r - a 5 : : B ? es i : '. : : f S p : : ? : c : :. .: ; : ,. : :. ? : : : ; 2 9 5 34 20 9 36 5 8 26 2 53 6 224 53 87 28 21 41 41 3 81 17 13 26 24 106 22 513 11. 2 1 3 8 7! 28782 12 1 68 43 1 89 52: 22 5 40 18 3 48 6 4 42 60 54 4 858 64 , 83 30 26 39 85 4 68 12 12 24 28 103 21 499 ! 3 7 6 84 24 : 9 4T 4 7 22 8 84 4 259 47 22 6 36 18 2 49 6 8 42 54 40 6 830 10- 7 7 11 39 89 10 60 6 8 23 5 104 7 836 64 87 31 25 89 24 8 68 17 12 33 25 107 20 505 40- 14 4 31 16 3 45 3 4 42 49 36 5 2U2 64 30 28 20 38 87 4 48 15 13 6 28 70 17 448 49' 20 12 87 18 7 4 51 , 6 4 87 55 35 10 840 8 11 4 13 38 23 5 79 7 7 0 6 147 4 371 ' 1 8 2 82 19 10 47 4 6 23 8 71 2 237 64 35 31 81 81 85 2 70 15 10 31 80 116 22 623 46- 22 4 38 16 5 1 47 8 6 48 51 46 7 345 49 38 26 18 41 45 4 87 16 14 32 26 158 21 672 7 1 4 25 8 8 19 3 2 4 83 3 117 64 24 17 49 27 16 1 68 9 9 59 66 65 9 483 14 20 8 17 59 43 11 69 13 14 35 14 UH 13 475 43 30 26 19 23 23 63 13 7 26 21 79 18 3tr2 64 11 9 36 13 8 42 8 4 36 66 36 4 317 3. 13 9 38 21 2 43 5 8 37 47. 45 12 813 23 19 6- 16 64 62 11 98 If 10 85 5 158 7 519 67 30 30 17 21 6 2 83 8 7 27 37 67 14 Sod 5!V 80 80 29 81 39 4 96 19 U 87 27 127 23 562 64 26 12 41 50 23 7 72 9 13 57 61 97 7 642 31 17 5 3 6 1 2 25 2 56 7 4 -81 -84" 69 51 7 110 18 16 44 88 MS- 25 729 51 16 10 36 29 12 6 61 8 1 54 54 65 4 3'J6 46 33 H 88 21 15 62 7 85 62 72 8 397 6 26 80 19 39 81 4 69 15 13 18 28 106 24 4X8 2 518 81 13 10 85 6 643 8 63 6256 21 8 14 31 40 26 8 78 11 6 44 18 112 16 447 2 V 8 2 10 4 8 1 9 1 4 29 8 1 1116 50 40 26 19 8 81 6 79 13 1! 47 39 124 ,15 550 71 86 33 28 45 88 7 89 16 15 53 43 146 21 611 47 24 l 44 87 16 4 69 8 8 44 46 69 6 431 66 i 84 31 23 40 32 S 85 13 13 86 84 133 1 26 568 64 - 27 8 46 43 24 7 75 10 10 60 65 92 6 616 65 23 t 42 26 14 S 56 7 8 64 60 ; 64 " 6 128 59 87 31 26 57 40 6 102 17 16 41 27 156 23 616 , 1 I 2 Oregon. Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle orse peon k Dions, Lower Main Street, awtlun with Iravellaf a. , Mm k ftlaho aa Malaria. aaha 4 Malaria. TV rlf rV,j tv l : ram : PILLS STATUE TURNED GREEN. Astonishing Transformation In On Night Caused by Arid; A klnffnlar tranaforniiitltm In the ap pearance of a statue of lite great mu bicibu. npour, that Van18 in tlie mar ket plaue of the town ot CaH;l, In Ileaite-aitfiau, Gvrmany, recently cautM-a conntcrnatiou anumff the Inhal lUints of that Hlueply little municipal ity, nay the New York World. The ff'xxl hl burifhcrH, the ata id mittitms and the frivoloun yonnff H-opU' h!1 mbbt'd their eye, They wmld hardly iKMieve it, but there va tin ilotiht that the nt utile hod, over niht. turned green. Hitherto the fljrure hud atood In the market place, a atatoly nifinurlal in bronze. The CaHMllitea concluded that npr natural uit-auN wun not an explanation of particular value, and they in Tent I (faU'd. It wait found that an artful 'prentice boy had liecn the nircnt. The statue was dirty nnd the limn ofllciaU decided that it needed a thor ough cleanaitifr. They pave Uio fib to a painter, and he thought the matter of no little Importance that lie turned it over to imu of Ida ujiprctiticin. with the hlmple Inatrui'tiiin to clean the statue well. The boy hnd taken the matter mrl oualy to heart and. perhnp. wan In spired by h!n Ku'ij.'ct. It M-cmed to him that Np'.hr waa dewrviiirr of more thn lucre wnl r and a brnnli sr etoili. lie coti.iilti-d a c!t inL.I. who was a friend of hi, aa to wlial v.miM Ih-i elean b.NHiie, and tlm eliemUt Mi;f'rst ed liyilru?ltlftrlj m-Ul. hpttUiw f How. In-iUi appii.'tttkon hpohr lx-cr tint- a beautiful iftwN tint. The trrriflnd 'prvntloe ooafenaml tin a pnnnliMt of tin tuutiity. A TERRI3LE OUN. Mw Isssm That ( an tlr.imw a aaip Tea Nil's llUtaat. Maxim the guu.iiakr. anil lr. Hcbnppbaua, t'.m guupiwder expert, have InvanWd a nw cannon and Uir- pmlo puwdarr which will Uo k all iimhI- er) war fM la U pi--e like rfK In 1U This l.lg gun will throw a hir autn.ii boll fall of esilmlvia ten rtilli. an 1 when It atrlhea It will allien h Int.. kin. I llnr w.d vrythhig within haadred of fwt. In fa.-t. this new trr.iv; drn't even he to la bit a warship to iloll.la. lh shot lan.la In the wal r bear by it will s'nk tho ahln and atunrvcry tmly Mt I oard from tn f.trcw of the ea pb . Th diaesiTrry la railed 'tl, Maslin K liaJiau svstem of throw leg atrial Inrpenlora frMn guns by hhdi. i.t a apmUl pins4r wht-h starts the pn jertHe wlih a lo prvMqrw and In rrwaaa lu wlnrity by ktwfiitig tli pfpMiirra well up thrnih'Mil (he whole Irnth of the gtin." I'atrnla ooj tht sytt tiasw Ns taken out in tin t alta-d NaiX and Karopraa eoaatrlv 1 he am ial prwJ.-r smplovrd ta al n't pure gn-HUM, eoi.rtiad with anrti a sjna.l j r n! ..f nlr. glyewrilt as l fMs D.Mia of the di alientar nf altr'iflyrwrtn powtara. and wai rvrd fr.Hn r1mmpsitbia) thmwrh a alight a-lrriittor of or re It la per frllr taf lo handle, and ran I beatrn wuh hy hsi.imer on an aalt without e ipl at.ng lUrwrt Mrlan. of frnrr, M C, was uses peart Mr. lf iAf Tuwrgvw.when M tst Ma Urar al aun rlHf a4 a4 'imm elant etpreaaiim. lastafttly IH Judgw anWt: ' Mr. Mt lan. tl.a rmr d. ixii 4e tatwl y.ni. fc. y.rn trxan to Mi hw UsnMr. M. U!.n ewiltT1J f.nr the itl lvvtfr. h'a trrnr. . Iso. !ng l.'inm If. I. u ! "I fcHrt iat4 U . WOMAN'S WAYS. Dear Bummer maid, I'm balf afraid, Despite my store of reason, Again you'll take my beart to break, Just as yon did last season . For be you fair or dark of hair, I flad myself enraptured; Tour sidelong glance outs like a lance, And I straightway am oaptured. At other times, wed to my rhymes, I well may laugh at Cupid; Oouteut that girls should shake their ourls And pass me by as stupid. Bat when the hsze of wsrmer days AnnouDoes summer burning, I'm out of sorts and feel my thoughts Loveward go lightly turning. And while I know you'll bring mo woe, With beart light as a feather, At your dear call I give up all, So we may be together. How time will flyl You say good-bye With some word lightly spoken : For well you may be blithe and gay- It's not your heart that's broken. James Jay O'Ooo Dell. We mustn't infer that every snd-faoed voung woman is a dyspeptic; for there are other onuses. She may have loyed and lost, and she may have loved and eot him. Every day of the yeBr Queen Margber its, of Italy, bas a dish of strawbenies served to her upon a gold plate. Indeed, the king and queen always dine from golden dishfs, and the king's favorite vi and is artichokes oooked with liver and oombs of ohiokens. Women who lead sedentary lives need to be much more atten live to their diet than those who get plenty of outdoor exercise. They should drink good deal of oold, but not iced, water before break fast and more before going to bed. Fruit should form part of every meal. Steam ed figs are excelleut for tbem. The lean red meats are more nourishing than otb em. Green vegetables are exorIleut,iud simple salads dressed with oil are also good, Jenny Lind and I'utti still figure in a good Traviata" story. Palti bad Just Qnisshed one of Violetta's at a piivate bouse, when a little old lady trotted op totbeiann. ' Uhe came to praise, but remained to find fault with oneof Patti'i bravura pssseges "But," said the lit tle old lady, "that you may not think me a blind man quarreling about colors, I give you my oard." It read, "Jenny Liod Qoldeohraidt.'' Patti winced onder the Issh of ber critic, but was quite equal to tne ocoasion. "Alt, yes, I re member, I have beard my grandmother speak of you." The little old ladv made no further leniark sod trotted back to ber sesL Mr. James Perdue, so old soldier re siding at Monroe, Mioh., was severely afflicted with rbeoma'isrn but received prompt relief from pain by nsing Cham berlain' Pain Blm. He. ays: "At tiroes my back wonld ache no ladlv that I eoold scarcely raise np. If I had not got. ten relief I wonld not be here to write these tew DM. Chamberlain's I'ala Balm has dona me a great deal i f good and I tW very thankful for It." For sale by Uooser Urn k, Dra?gtU A rilAPTr.ll AlKitTI IIII.DItk.N. Bi.l.y is going to Shut Er loan, Khd for the trip In I rr Itlite a bit goh. KheltereJ and safe and si.iw and warm, Cuddled up close in l.rr minima's arm, Site's on the way In Vt Iiikam. O'Elpg about an baby wise, Now she cloare bet iuaoma e)ea. Wbe! esree she if the minds do blow, Or Ibsl ibe ground Is covered with soowT She's past the plica eslled lllloklum. Over Ibe flelde where (be pcippiee gmw, As mamma reks ber lo and fro, Ur nmf plak lids ars freighted down Wilh sleepy aead by fairies sown, VVubia Ibe gates ol Hbnl Eye town. -Bella Lowe Htalbem. Ulve Ibe baby and earb ebitj a b lo blms. If. Hssa the sleeping room cool sad clean, and ae bar of famllem m eelL IU thai th elolhlrg of of the lit tle sleeper l"oa al Ibe aetk. wale! ee j srrr.a, and keep hie bead anver. If lb era Is anytbleg Joong snlttisls ranaot do iibont. It is fiesh air, and baba gel laws Ibse Set btbar staas Tbmegb Ibe poree nf Ibe skin Ike body e .atiuaally tbrooiag iff pifm one vapor. If lb bal la eotartd Mb lb Ud elotl.lag the abfortttnel it.fsat III b bfeall.ifis bd air. Fnabton or an fashion. It at a eteel ehame In trios t etarsb Ul.ie's eMa il, g. Tba sverssa eLil.l soffere ff nt over flin e.d ova d'saaieg I blaa leara to be a lifl kesfft. Half the Ito lb sl.il J erie k weals frb air t frsob water. nft the due ol a ervieg tmbf Hb nuol watae will cfla) (! SO I rsfraali bim. Coluv ll sJ giijs arssxd aearlyen rare, a.4 Ju g la slatialk mi Ik a jt, a eJf Mm4 Ufa, U elan ai4 In be tery ram In lad a aalnrally sblof blial vesoo, nt h f ir I ha mailer In I a ,f sails 4l 't.tdl Ti.a f.stMr. bif 8 i ' II, small eaiU i ls t ., an I il,ir . (..M( sag irons eMMM as naisiM rtuis.a, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PURE silks and all sorts of gewgaws, are given as probable reasons for their advantage over their brothers in this regard. The training at the kindergartens, where etnsll girls aod boys alike study oolor, is going to equalize matters in the future. Aunt Dorothy How many command ments are there Johnoy? Johnny (glibly) Ten. Aunt Dorothy And now, suppose you were to break one of tbem? Johnny (tentatively) Then there'd be nine. The following represent the best meats for ohildren, in the order of their digest, ibility : Oold mottou, mutton chops, ven ison, tenderloin, sirloin, steak, lamb ohops, roast beef, rabbit meat and ohiok en. Veal, pork, turkey, goose and duck should be exoluded from the children's bill of fare. If yon eat what you like, and digest it, you will surely be strong aod healthy. Bat if yon don't digest it, you might almost as well not eat. for what iriind pan yonr food do you if it doesu'l Hour- isn your If you find that you oan't digest It, there is a simple help for your stomach. It ia shaker Digestive Cordial, made Dy tne Beakers ol Mount Lebanon. It nas never railed to onre the worst oase or Indigestion. Btreugin aed health come from the food you eat, after it bas been digested ana nas gone into the blood. The best tonic is digested food. The best aid to digestion, Shaker Digestive lioraisi - When you have sold eructations, nan sea, beadaohe, wind, dizziness, offensive Dream, or any other symptoms of dys pepsia, rjhaker Digestive Cordial will cure yon. At druggists. Trial bottle 10 oenti ASSISTANT CUlKf st'ATEE. Takes as Active rosltloa With C. F. Cloaca 41 Co. From Spokesman-Review. ' Mr. Li. J. MoAtee, who tor several yeare bas creditably filled the office of assistant chief of Spokane's fire depart ment, has recently resigned that cflloe and will today take an aetive position with O. F. dough A Co., recently in corporated, of which oompany be is the vice preeident rod treasurer. Mo, as be is familiarly called, Is a rustler, bas lots of friends, is so tire, energetic aod rell able and bis friends will be greatly ear prised it be does not make a success as a business man. The company doea a general brokerage bualness. At present it Is largely oonflned to mining proper ties, stocks, and real estate, its office be ing la the Wolvertoo block. DISEASES OP THE SKI!f. The Intense iuhing and smsrtlng inci dent to eroenia, tetter, salt-rheum, an J other diaresrs vt the skin u instantly sllared by applying Cliamberlain's Kye end Kkin OintmenL Many very bad case have been parmanenlly eiirvd bv IL It Is equally ellicient for itching pile and a favorit r-m- edy for aore liipplisj rliaiqu-d bstnls, cbil Diains, irmt i.iies, an. c nrtmie sore eyes. for aaie ny dms-Kins at z) rents per bos. Try Dr. fadj's Condition Pondera, they ar Just what liotM mTl when In bail cnvll- Uon. I unic, binod puriner and varoufug. For sale by Oooser k Brook, drnggiste KtarKHN UHKMON WKaT. EK AMI! CltOIH. Tba temperature baa made a material rla daring the past week. InthaCulom bla river valley lb maeo letnperatar lor Ibe week baa been 7 dag. b Inner tbss In Ibe prer!iog week, wbile to lb seat and aontb of th Bla mountain ibe mean tscaperefare rose li deg. The day temperature In lb valley vrags4 77 deg., the afght 11 deg eoqtb of the Bine monnUlos tb day temperstur sv erased TX dg., and Ibn olghl 47 deg ibe blbet Umpsratore durieg the week a M deg, on the 7n.bjaod4l drg lb IowmI. A sprinkle of rein oreurrel In Ibe anrthoaatera portion of Ibe district on Ibe fttb and 271b. C .e- eral rain, from Ibnnder storms, oeeur fed aonib and east of Ibe Blue snoon lalas on Friday IU and Matnrdar amrelog, aed on fosdsy night similar rstas occurred. The dorado of lbs rainfall nas brief, end th sutsbin wa about bornial. Tbs oatinned fair ntatbar l.a peo doeej wondsrs la Its sfl I npoej lion, Wbaal le inakief a raptd nnd aenlthy growth; wlelor nl.eat In Ibe Colen.bi ritsr valley k4ig, en 1 le la piaea ft) ineha blfbl la th (Irond ltnd valley ibe geowtk In slower, y It is good and fre tnm any tejtrr. Tb soil I ia ie!: eoedition, and snoe taiafall will net be D4d lot eavaral aeks yel, Koeje erlr sprit. g eona grain I la 0rl Joint. Correr pnodeats report Ike grain eeUraly free fmsa ear evtdtnen nf iaaasl of wtssoae. I tb enrlia pnrt of Ibe graJ ntad Ilk. II groalh, trql il moled S l tfcxiM ell n.li In Ih eaat -n dsv the wart. ei.bl..e) b ns le -( ate .a'astiag ixawps, an I l.a pr. e s e' 0iMs l g. I'.yn nill t-egiti l.ling b f' r IM iw 4 U rrel n4. .Oanj kwrl Baffin! good growth. The corn is oomioir ud and bas a good growth and very healthy eppearanoe. All correspondents are very much pleased with the exoellent grain and bay prospects. The fruit in the Columbia river valley has been somewhat injuriously effected though not so much ss in Eastern Ore gon. Very fair yields of all fruits are promised in the valley. To the eouth and east of the Blue mountains the fruit trees are faet coming into bloom, and in this seolion the weather has done no in jury. The first orate of strawberries was shipped from Hood River on May 25, since when the berriee have ripened rnp- ldly, and largesbipments are being made. The email fruits and berries are most promising. Taken as a whole, Eastern Oregon will have a more prosperous fruit year than will Western Oregon have, while the grain crop over the entire state was nev er more promising. Should the weather for the next six weeks be free from the dry east winds, the grain crop will be perfeot. The weather conditions have not yet assumed a settled state; hence showers may b expeoted. Mr. Pngue returned to bis offloe from his inspection trip on May 28 and as sumed charge. Portland, Or., June 1, 1898. Statu or Onio, Citt of Toledo, ) Lucas County, 89, Fbank J. Cuknbt mikes oath that he is the se ior oartner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business in the Oil of Toledo, County ami state afore said, and thai said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLAIW for eaob and every ease of Catabrii that cannot be on red by the use of Hall's Catarrh Curb. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me aod subscribed in my preeenoe, this Gtb day of December, A. D , 18H6. beal A. W. OLEASON, Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure le taken Internally atid acts diroctly on the blood and ma oons surfaces of tbs system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toleda, O. hold by Druggists, 750. Love's Awakening. I carried her out In my new ramie, As summer's .lay towards evening itrew, A wooIiik. bashful lover. I kled her on her ll divine. And asked ber softly to be mine When Ui darued old boat turned over. Walt. Thompson runs staffs between Heppner aod Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day axoept rttinday. Shortest and obeap- t ronte to lbs Interior. Oooser k Broek, agents. tan LOCAL DISEASE aaSlalKa rn at seMs and svesea alleistia cttsnass. Il eaa bs enra by a plMMitt reamlv wbxa lssii.lted ) fwilf lata ibe enxnla. It. Issqakkly absorbed U stvas r-nrf stonra, Ely's Cream Balm la erkniwlarffed la he ths mM Ihnrnerk Care fnr h seell star? h, Cold la Head and llsy fen ef ail rHnadlaw. Il at" s.dlia Ibe asl nui s, ailars Min and lnttsmntaOiHi, aeaw Ibe snna, in. Sins the aw Inane fna colds. iauns lbs sa of taeaeds-M4l. Iba. si lrarrtu by aiaii. til lMUl Utll.MAarlrK,hrw teik. Your Face Will he wralhw w'lb a mess ( amna, after tw latest In a fvierts ' I'S SIS PINCH TENSION, TENSION INDICATOn AUTOMATIC TEHSTOH RELEASER. Tb " tnwirdr) S"1 wf .1 VK e a ided say alr( Sua. hrna. Ttin hiiiti: is ttrtVl a4 Ksadaoaifly Isllt, Of fie rialsk as4 ferfset Agistment, lw ALL tiwsk't Ari ses. A4 o l aew aed j t p t Ik fell m ad 'rr ii.uimi. Arm, f'fsttss Vsifitl li S4 wi"y I .i'l lm. fWlio', WHITE SEV1K3 tlACKKIE CO., CVKVIUkMO. Os