NOT A SICK DAY For Over Thirty Years! EESTTIT of versa AYER'SPBLLS "Ayer's Catliartiu Pills for over thirty years have' kept mo lu gooil licalili, never having Lad a sick tiny in all tliut time. Before I was twenty I Kttffered almost continually as a result of con stipationfrom dyspepsia, headaches, neuralgia, or hoi's and other eruptive diseases. When I became convinced that nine-tenths of my troubles were caused hy constipation, I began the use of Ayer's Pills, with the most satisfac tory results, never having - a single auacic tnat uiu not readily yield to tuts remedy. My wife, who had been on invalid for years, also began to uso Ayer's Pill", flnd her health was quickly restored. 1 I'ith my children I had no ticed that nearly all their ailments were preceded by constipation, and I soon had the pleasure of knowing that with children ns with parents, Ayer's rills, if taken in season, avert all danger of flii'lrnn TT AVirTTRTiriv Tlvrini Tit AYER'S PILLS Highest Honors at World's Fair. Ayer'i Sarsaparilla Strengthens the System. CALENDAR ran rgTr2irg3T23rsy"i Here and There. Tomorrow is ciroas day. rims. Halei ia down from Ellenebnr.?. WbsIi. D. A. Herren is visiting over at Pen dletoD.' The Heppner Transfer C J., ha wood for sale. 37 tf. F. H. Cnpper was in town yesterday from tua Ciirtv & Kilkeny ; Frank Ft de was over from tha John Uny Monday to fakj id the election. Jnbq Mnyera was in Saturday to at tend l be Q. A, R memorial services. Drink the celebrated J. H. Gutter H.'hihAV. On tun uf. fllii-ia Rnrithpra' Mrs. E. J. Boyer and daughter Ethel, are visiting with friends at Pendleton, . Born Near Lexington on May 13, to the wile of Cubs Yuleutlne, a boy. La Grinds Marble Works, La Qrande Ore. ti. 0. Smith, Dalesman, Heppner. Mr. George Folsom, a brother of CIrj Folsom, Is here ou a visit from Cleveland, Ohio. Won. Ruark's cattle passed through town today, en route to the Okauoican country. "... ' Jeff Hayes and wife cutne over from Lone Bock Sunday aud will remain in town till after the cirous. - D. n't forget that P. V. Thompson Oo. keep uiKnrs during OdtnpHittut) tnu aUo at other tunes. ' 2t Bon. Henry Blackman came np from Portland on Siiudny morning to partici pate in Morrow county's eleotion. Mrs. Gei. W. Conser departed for Portland on Saturday eyeniug to be bb- dHut a short lime visiting friends. John Kusberirer is now fireman on the b anoli hue hioomotive in plane ot Tom Duihrnn, who is tiikiuix a lay off. Mrs. Andy Stevenson departed 00 last evenii'ft or Pendleton nu a viit to her daiiKhier, Mrs. Mollia Crawford, lie v. J. B. Chamberlain will ooonpy 'be i ulpit at tbe M. E. ohnrch, Soaih, I b i'b morning aud evening on next Hun- Qi-t. Rea attended the pioneer renn. on at W eetou last week aud nu "o dn- iohI dy" made a speeoh to tbe people tb-re. Al mjrson returned Satnrday morn. fiia a visit to lbs valley. He uriiUKhi bis 11 year old son, Roy, -borne mtii him O. U. rlatt. the tnnsorial artiet, oho tie fiinnd at big purlin p, Mmlii'-k comer. here b will dispense atpipqlar prions. I hIihVhh. Rimini) mix Imirants. !. ' ITTl rv n Nerves are weak, many people say, and yet they do not seem to know that they ore literally starving their nerves. AVcnk, pule, thin blood can not give proper sustenance that Is why you are nervous, tired, exhausted. The euro for this condition is to purify, vitalize nnel enrich your blood. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla fairly and faithfully, mid the rich, red blood, which it makes, will soon feed the nerves the elements of true' strength they require; they will cease tlieir agi tation and will resumo tlieir proper place being under the control in stead of controlling tlio brain and body. Read Miss Bartley's letter: "I want to express my gratitude for what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for. me. My health has been very poor tor three years, due to trouble with my Kidney s I was nervous, had pains in my back.' 1 cannot tell what I suffered. My eyesight became affected and I was so despondent I did not have any interest in life. I bad two physicians, but my complaints be came worsel I was told that I Was affected with Bright's disease. A relative urged me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I did so and in a short time I began to notice a change in my condition. Things began to appear brighter, my eyes improved and mm sic He did not trouble me so severely. My appe tite returned and I gained strength every day. I am now able to do my own work, and feel perfectly well. I cannot flnd words to express my graiuuae lor wnai Hood's Sarsanarilla has done for me and I gladly recommend it." MtssEiXA Bart ley, 213 X 8. Grant Ave., Columbus, Ohio. CDoocfl' Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. $r Prepared only byC. I. Hood &Co., Lowell, Mass. nii ure Mver Ills; easy U, HOOd S PlllS take - , - !M A VEKYS.DCASK. KES0LUI10N3 OF SYMPATHY. Heppner W. O. T TJ. at their last reg ular meeting appointed tbe ouderaigurd to draft resolutions of sympathy with Brother aod Sister Thompson and tbeii son Ralph on tbe death of tbe onl) daughter and sister. Whbbius It has pleased Al might) God, in His infinite wisiom, to remove from the home of onr brother and sister. their dear daughter. Alma Irene, who passed to tbe higher v.U pn the ebininu hills of Paradise ou May 21, 1895. We would lovingly and earnestly di-eot the sorrowing ones to "look to the nil ' whence cometh tbsir he'p," that they may real zj that when earth's jiys grow dim lha heavenly Presence will oomeio and abide with them and be their stay; that tbey may feel that "Sometime wheu all life's lessons here bnve been learned And sun ond stars forevermore have set, The tilings which our weak judgments here haye spurned Tbe things o'er which we grieved with lushes wet Will fl sh before ns, oat of lift's dark night, As stars shine most in deeper tints of blue; -: And we shall see bow all God's plans were right, And how what seemed reproof was love mnet true. Therefore, be it Risolved, Tbat we tender onr loving Sjmpaihy to tbe family Inns bereaved, and with all ot onr loved Union b w onr heads in sorrow and with trembling lips prsy "Thy will b done." Renolved, That three resolutions be oread ou tbe minutes of tbe Union, that a copy be sent to the family aud to llle Heppner Gazette for pihiiOHU"n. 1VB8. .;LKTINB HC8H, Mhs H. F- Baidos. Mas Mattib 3 jihad. f of all Cough Medicines is Dr. Acker's English Rem edy. It will stop a cough in one night, check a cold in one day, prevent croup, re lieve asthma, and cure con sumption, if taken in time. It is made on honor, from the purest ingredients and con tains neither opium nor mor phine. If the little ones have croup or whooping cough use it promptly. Three Sues 25c, 50c.and $1 per bottle. At Druggists. ACKER MEDICINE CO, 16 and x8 Chambers Street, New York. It Saves lives Kvery Day. ThmiHands of cawes of Con-uroption, Asthma. Cnns'tiH. Colds nnd Croup ae cured every dsv v Shiloh's Cure. For I sale by Wells & Warren. For your Protection. Catarrh "Cures" or Tonics for Catarrh in liquid form to bo taken internally, usually contain either Mercury or Iodide of Potussa, or both, which are injur. ious if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not a blood disease, caused by sudden change to cold or damp weather. It starts in the nasal passages, affecting eyes, ears and throat, Cold in the head causes excessive flow of mucus, aud, if repeatedly neglected, the re sults ot catarrh will follow; severe pain in the head, a roaring sound in the ears, bad breath, and oftentimes an offensive dis charge. The remedy should be quick to allay inflammation and heal the membtne. Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for these troubles and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug, rnce, tu cents. HAVE YOU HEARD THAT THUKU'HMaor Bess a Change in Business ill kill! ED. R. BISHOP Has bought out the General Merchandise Business of the McFarland Mercantile Co., and the stock is being disposed of at Wholesale Slitter Prices ! REGARDLESS OF COST. All wodleij goods, boots, shoes, overshoes, ete., are being sold below wholesale cost Great discountson hardware, tiuwnre, glassware, hats, caps, blankets and in fact everything kept in a general mercantile es tablishment. Call and see the stock before it is too late. EO. R. BISHOP, Prop. The National Bank Building, Heppner, Ore. FRANK M'FARLAND, Manager and Salesman. rcagjL3oiijaia SHERIFFS SALE. vrOTICF. 18 HEREBY mVEN THA UNDER T and bv virtue of a'' ex'-cntlou Ixs ieil out of the circuit eouit of the Slate ot oreuou. Tor I the oiiuly of Morrow, on M-y '11. IX'U nnd lo "eairreiei ana oei vrrn, ui'tm a jihikiubn rnmlrrpd and entiTwl III mill court on the '.'lid .Imv of MHrfh. 1HK. In fsvur of lieoree W. II nr rliiirtnu nil Hmliilalr itor of Ihe esliite nf Iftiiic i ..' . . ki. r..... . i. ....... .. . i..i...ii -.. ik For sale-H cbap team good roadsters. b' Umle, tx,mlra as to lr - - XrY. 1 1 a in 1 1 1 oi i. J s Br vit. i lie itif fund wutuli Ami hull! liollhlrt liur- caniry I'i.iIkv. Nor.b.m 4 ounti' liiveslmeut Trust (l.liiiiteill i u u r 1 ir. h-.1i. vrn o.i . I mut Adclltt I'Hrvln. aeleiniHiiin. lor ino mini i I at M. tj pursouaite. Ou a trleKran) from Spokane Sheriff the rtenl ten per cent, per aniinni from June Thomas N.lsnn and n, tber are run- EUlngsworth arrested Msa Linda L. .arffii iif Wbite hotfl and restauraut lu I Burnley on the train Tuesday iveuiuit. ihiry-nix and w-iiw imiiarnit:. anrl . fn-re- .... u. , , ..! .... . u hy hi lurtnient It WHru;rei alio Kni'Hix r -,. "ru , "ii. Mii iiinv aiT I orealtviarrl hnilnd ' ' 1 ...i . i:... .1... rni 1 . .ui .....u.,.. .. . 1 .' , , rii 1 nni iiib ill oniim .iiti 1 hit-', ivm ,..i'v.i.. Ueiu a OmII. iliev will treat ion nubt. ..... ... ... , ia.mli: Xu i mwu.mEU o' BU and HW( of 87-lf. """ wuwr sK1. . Se,.onl) d us., k. E. w M ; olio I ... 1 . j i a. . I Jir ..I tUK ....I VL'l' nr UVI'L. hiAi.ttitli 1 iM ... . , ' . arrroieii irw imv' ago in ouoihiib, 1 1 " " ' . ..' . Mla Anna floodon rimiahler f Ru. . . r 1 NM U Kprtlini 10 Tn. S.. K. Vi E W. M . be mil I W F Cottdfii well known to a-iite a I wuo oernif in nnaonon mmn, alio i to ntlufy iild. JtidguiGiit, coin and accruing Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THK DV I.EA OREOOV I j Mnv2i. lH'.Hi. Notice li hereby glveii that the folliiwinir-iiiiHicil vnttler Iihh filed, notice lit his inlt'iilliin to make Until irnnf in aupp'irt nf inn cliilin. Hint inn. hi1 proi win De niHiie hv fun- the ronnly clerk of Morrow county at Heppner, Oregon, on July a, iwxi, vii: TRUMAN CHA EL, , ltd. E. No, for te S4 fK, Fee. i, and El', NE'n, Bee. W, "I . 5, S. K. 20. E . M. lie nnnifs the full -wiiig wltueaaet to prove hliiCoiitlniiiiuH resilience upon aud cultivation of an I1 lauil, vl: Orln K Karmworth, Anson E. Wright, Jesse Enuy and Wesley Steveus, all of ' ardman, Or. J AS. P. MOORK, . 52 Kegister. hi Tucooia on May tbe 10. b, of coueuuip- iu tbe difTireut newsparert. tion. number at tl.i i.oe, diM, Mt her borne Ubont b"in nonih baa been publibhed to,u- ,h ...NP ..a(t nt 2 o'cliii'k I' M .of titildnv. at the frontdoor Mial Uaraley had an extmina'ion last the court honaeln Heppner. Mo row Comity, ' (Ih... . ...II Ik. .(..1.1 HlU ulul Ii.IuhmIiiI .lllil WBtfc before Jadye iillOk, Of Hpokane d.-leiiduiitsluanit to the alKive rtfiMT biil n o- fuiiiln Miction m tne iiii!iii-i aim dcii r i ih In hand, the iirncceda Ml up llHtnley, ot Kendriek, Idaho, advleinn l''d to the Ht'sim tlnn of mM execution, nt- , ' . , I torncy's Ice and all conts ami runs Hint iiwy Qambrinus Beer, DfV. J. B. ClinrDherlain and danah- ler JiiHiMibe nf Uavlon, W'atih., arrived lii-m n, ia moruinR Tbey will remnln I nil-. ut a Mfi-k Mtiu visit old fritnJ and acqiuut note. '. hil Onbn ia now associated With tbe lirtn of il. tifiipner & On, tn the (or- nidiiif hnHiueae Tbe pny the liihest Mies Hani ley to reet and regiio her (ail. ing atrenstb. No aooner had Mita Hnmley reached Kendriek when the pnoked ber trnuk t-nd II IUHKI Sti l l IN, , . . i 1 Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated Say 11, inlsi. k . Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICK AT Til E D VI.I.KS, OREION, a Muv A. ixml. NotlcH l herclir liven Ihal the follo'iviug-iiiimcd Ketilcr hits tiled notice of In liitHiitio i to iiiAku Hnul nrool in siipmirt of hlscliiliii, ami that uttlil proof will lie mncte before J W Mnrrnw, county clerk, at Heppner, uregiin, on June lwt, vu: NATHANIEL U8H.VW, lid. E. No. 8JBI. for the V. XE!4 and EV4 SEU, Sen IK. In. 2.rt. R Si K. lie naiiies tne umixviiig wuneiwes to prove hi-cmitliiumiH residuiice upou aud cultivation of. s-ild land, tlx: (li'iiru i-hlck, Arthur Hunt, hlierman bliaw and Roy Hunt, ull oi tieppiuir, uregnn JAS. F. MOORE, 4:H-M Kegister, Some people want the earth, you can get a goodly portion of it at GE0. Ai BROWN'S HAEDMAN STORE!, With1 very little money. He keeps a full line of -general merchandise, including dry goods, groceries, boots, shoes. GEO. A. BROWN; HARDMAN, OR. Gilliam & Bisbee Notice of Final Settlement. lOTICE 11 1IKRKHY OIVEN TI1ET THE 1 iiiiilemlgucil adiiiinlstriilnr oi the estatroi Sarah I'iiIhiiiiiii. iiii'caiieil. w ill umke H al 11' I tleiiicut nf his ai'i'iiunts u lthsiilil Kstnteas such Aiiiiiliilstratur. at Hie next ermnlthi County l oin t nf Morrow Ciiunn , nt Id nYliH-k a m., to he Im'ili'li nt the Court II use 111 lleppnerln said CountY. ou the Hu duy o July. A l M. Uko. w en ' VIM, 41 If, ' Administrator. .HALF PINT BOTTLES ram ket price l..r pelt and bidea and at- Li.,i.,i tn, PnriUr.,1 lni.n huA . Otf Wntcil Par I eud UbiI forwarttiuit. . . I mimiion to perform iu tbt elty, nulwilh- viiy i iwwi uui Drinkable Llqusra and Smokable CI era. Celt on Ted. Ho, ye vo nig men of Morrow, vt lilatlu up lively tune For tha "Cauiliilntc," I'm free to state, will stay tin us It I June: Then ii-t him nil hi anger blade, with "Sporry'i UiiwoihI Hve:" 'TlssMeettotiiliK, of that gout olil drink, tor wtiiiR lueu are dry. 'Bold outy at the Belva Icre ealooo. ltv. O. K IlinmrJ nnd wif accom panied ly a liroilier of Mra. Howard, re- luruei linm Una mnrMng from Peodle lou vtliere Air. Howard baa been assist in iu a rotraoted SBtvioe. WaUmo Ithea, of the firm ot Uorner k KUi-a, ti( HeptKier, came over f.-om deppuer Iruit wek. lie drove to Mor- o O'linty a baud of Oatlle pnronaaed ot Mra. Mary Carrey. Louie Creek file. Atva Unyuton left tor P rtland on Hal- nrday oigtit with the racing Onlt, Paul Jonea and will entrr liim to tha raoea there Ihe latter part of Una month. This 0 dt waa reoi-mly pnrebaaed by O. li. IVdrowa and E. Q. hperry. Ll.t of PafaU QraoteJ tn PariSo ta'a Inrentora tbia week. R-porfad by O A. 8oow k Con anlicitora of Americao ai d fnreluo paten la, nppo. U B. palrntiOice, Wash-1 two too tn tMunmemiiraU tha MtandiDg the ifforla ol ber farully to tbe contrary. " . The examination of the ODtortanMa lady oconrred at 2 o'clock Ihia afternoon before Judge Upton, the fxaininiuf pliysioiatu lieing Dra. Krylor knd T. 0. Dlaloek. Miaa II it in ley told ft rambling atory to Jude Upton ot her tronbli a in Hpokane, giving an aroount of tbe rxaminatioo at to ber aaoity. ft'ben aked if (bar waa inaaulty io ma lamiiv ana elated toil (he had a I I Mil III II I 1 1 H I I l II I I I I l III I I I I III I I HIIWI .IU L-v , .- a in i.i siat.asiamK., mhtl4 raff i ': . i , AT aW Ingion, D C. J. F. Barnard. Beatlle, Wfb , mag Dttio aeparatur; K. O. Dennett, II ay- warda, Cel., rotary eegim ; F. J. Donra, OaalaU, Cal ,. axlo nut wrrnob; 8. F Cronsaeau, 8n Fr anoisas valva (or et.'stn engine; A. J. Cdlsr, trek, Cal hydraulh enloe; A A Diytnn, Hatt Francisco, I a eitraotm; K J. D'lfaot l'aaaileoa. fl tor; U. W. Durb row. 8 il'oo. CU dei-rl filter 0-a ut; 11 li. Kfar Cot, Iliversila, Cd... f,-iitr guida and Ii..IJi;0 J. Kimr, Cl.. brothel- who la of nnaonod mind, bull A meeting of lha it. A. 11. asqj W. K.U.I.I II... . n .. k-l.l l ll-r,r... .... M.ln. l.a .1. I "w " ' Vm' I iletiarled I um" """ miiii". Ied. A lama tinmher nt veteraoa wera "I am no mr Way fo Portland to clear id io and a profitable meeting waa Up little matter lo oooriectfoo with the had. Toe mealing waa held la Metlook'a h.uill. T.m are il ia this aa. I Lave never bad eredit fur tha money I torned l iiaa. Annit'ooj tn from Alplna ,oto thNt foitifotioo, and lo briag lo Jtia tloa Ibe pernio who mlaappropiUtad thai ball. in Ma'nriUy. II baa jual returned Irotn near Ontralla, Wash., wberaboapeul lti winter. Cnaa. reporta trial Iba erop "Ullonli over Ihara Is (ir, bul bai brao ilatDNgihl mmi by cut worma. 8iro a st'ansiva repaira aod improTe- rnenta are ben g oiaile lo iba Firat Na tNitial Uitik. .'Iba Inlerinr tabelogta I ered aud lepaintrd Hsro Ls tf M do icg Iba ifecratltig and B C Bmnh ia U.; A. R., "fr- ".rg. o. .u. repair 8blbo, Wash., n ilo; W. Loo, C""dno O'obaj O'O. W. Ilarringbw, Kebalem. Ore., awlamtng defior; 11 -'ffot Mrrow eunnif and adm ota- M.lloow.Lia Ai.le..lrmo rg-rj "ZZ F ., ' ,T'. Z f". r'':. ' 1 maila Daal fwif rn a llmrief qi fur II. llsiafll. twn O4I., refrigr rating iha eaiata Moeday bftre Coeoty Clk arparatot; W. L. Ulit'pbef, Nan Fran. Fr-r. wiib Cbaa. Lieoellea and Mr, Pl.oo, wieorh; V. n-ff. ran Fran'-. Bl'MUt.iiiitilsia, arooopilogjJ 8aw. W.Kxlhnr... O , Co'l Kbea, ymng ana of 0. A. Rhea. drawbar for rail a ay cars; J F. Khul'l I waa quia a-rmnaly uJ f-4 Of kirn fUe Jeetntrt.C-1, at abaara; II. I nm Uim Mm tar. Ha waa riling Y . g . n . . 1, 1 s I'f'ir nn nri ins pnran pii w ' h.,tv. K..I- isniaiiis I la rl.l.r . , .... ... I asi he f4'lirg nt na bun, A pbl I eta waa aalUal Ia allrtiil bin aaJ ha ia Kan a wv-r nr ia pin-i in raonrta J aa d.iinir wll al mswbL Tha ee'rioa in iba as'rb ra at tt btii-l anit aiv-a a e'e.r ! b--'i'nl aomtllMn. Puf ! by lUAVr. te. t EST with a big II. BlackweU'a Genuine Dull r Jiurham ta In eclaae by lUelf. You will nnd ona - enunoa Inside aai b two ounce UI. aud two COtt- pona loalda aacb four ounce bag of Blackwcll's Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco Dura bar of this eslebralaH lonamo and raad the eoopon wblcbglvtaa llatof valuaoia prswaou auo bow io warn We are not email men, lbs. We are email men, Xs. we are not Largest merctiants in tle ttim But when the people of all the surrounding country are In need of Hardware, Tinware, Crockcrjrware, Glassware, Wood and Willowware, Nails. Iron, Earbwlre, Cumberland Coal, Oast and Wster Pipe, Pipe KlttliiKS, Stoves and KauRis, Wagons, Hacks, Roughs, Wagon Materlsl, Hardwood, Axe-, llmnmcrs, Saws, Hlcugca, Weilgrs, Uuns. Plstnli, Cartridges and Ammunition, Mnson Jars, Grmi - itewara, Jlows, Harrows, It 11 kes. Mowers. Tubs. Wash Ilolllen and Boards, Sheet Iron, Zinc, etc, etc., Sliould call and ExamiDe our Goods and Get Prices. We have Oood Goods at Fiia Priori, ind Cheap Inhn OixmIs at ( hep John Prices, MAIN STHEKT - IIKPPNKU. OltK ii QON isSa.3 WOOLG110WE11S! Cipany rs4l I banks. We tteaira lit 1 1. auk inf fuwala n,( srlKbbn f.i' a k t -Hr ..i-. na .lur bg tint t fH rll. l.a n I lr.f anl. la and Vaa tt l I ''ik C airtf. rteallk) a'l 'h t, IJ In ii K m lr I'.hv UU M elia A . .il lit-f.iit air. 1 b a aai tf I 1ni ra bfl t Ml ilSt l li.l ' p'.'-ra rialxa apilv't I. t"vfsU.. All K. rmm-i II As yoer ptimia. ! tiUl ail yar f r i Is fV.-l !,' t a t t'iiai.ll n T keaa4 IL. fuf ' fijMhl tit li. nt tn M rf4 m art IM a 1 ! s ml m M4 I ia 4 I I - I I M a. i 4 I K.i.-s lc HsIfil'V wr I'mII., Jahvlote lie el. an 1 Hoi Si I'a ldr we fl'sl o y aa1 liib e0fl Time, twe- l.a f mil. 0 ri Tbia wait n Iba raere al lb' ll'Hr l-ack and kloiid- ?'! a ii. m i f iba rea-b-ee aae lepatted t-ir fiirtiauil wiiki lbir al-wk. M'. Cr'i F'kr 4 Mr. A, R lliiie aa4 art4 la llviipaer ie .tn'ly .i n ft m llfl. xinl. ... Mia I' ik -rn l Wa DiH-e a i.ia nt M'a J. W Knai. 4 this ao l ana ae Iba a a? MarlfMi l.IM, tn ! Ihrlr paan Tf Ml l-fiirr t-f panb4 by Mra, Iti.ta'M a . .lans'.'.r. Lai l, aad will lue Uml in'i II. money ia my mission. " litre Mie Ilsmley asked prrmi.aioo lo read erieaere lo Iba arilolea lo Ida dit trrrnt paprra tbat aba baa written but, aa ba axplaloed, baa not bad time to arnd tor polilicalioO. Tbee wrre well aorded bat ebowrd a diaaaed condition ot Iba mind at a re- llglnoa traud. Jadge Upton aJvUad aliaa Ilamlay to ret aod alataj tbat ba would dtUlo bar tor Ibat pnrpoae. "Where are you golog to od toaf aaked Miaa llamley. "Ityoi aaod ae to Iba Insane a')lao I aball most aorely go an tr, aad too (lorelog to ihe pbjai iaaa) will be reetonstble." Dotb Dra. lllaluek aod K)lor aadeavorad lo lee- eon with Miee Utmlry with vi ramnrillog ber li going to Ibe aa)loa Toaraa't tail aae aotlbiog about Iba M)lom, 1 bave eeraad Ino long tot n Una all a boa I il. (I m kaoaa Ibe l.oe pita's are bad aanogH, bat Ibe aavlaea, aw ..... . tiirvrn'Ti iMtin that .be migbt be east to aome IH h IINI I 1 1 II P ANII llPilirit I IKIIXll. . . lawaasiaavas s a . . m m piara in r. Tbfru-tdi t the iffle'sl deaonoeaa el baawiaiiili ia.l wiib before dsfl aii amine ta taken te Ibe tiaf, aad ia Mia m-aninaa kl is laly la la abarga i.tHlirt ff E litigsamlh. Ibe 4aiMe I welt ednaaUd, pbuaal lui'klOaf lady ebo gi.a bar aga aa ii, The wool market is not yet nffectpd by tli McKtnley lioorn, and re pott a are not encouraging. We Lave a tuple btorngn capacity at in ramiiRS' warbhouse for tho who denire to bold, for higher pricea, and by iotroducioe Eastern boyers, secure for uoae who wihu to Bell, the uigbeat market price. We pay teamsteri ana Doia wom bodjocc 10 orucr. No oommUgion charged for aelling. We pay highest price for bides and sheep pelts. Hoi led barley and feed for teamsters. We fire fluenis lor little-s dip, The best sheep dip in the maiket We hare 5,000 shingles which we will sell at coal Mark your wool (7) aod direct tearuater to lower warehoaae. Oh ! Where Did You Get Them Pants? i) n rri.iui , V, 11MU Onw't a1 !ftomrs. aad ara ftn.f anl fnrnl.hlna Cn1s snd sra ailing upon i.rrilrs, llsnlaara, 1 1naarv an4 otbtr Ihlna. Patronaoc Solicited. Satlslactlon Guaranteed. Heppner, Or. R. F. IIYND, Manager. 3. O. Smltli c&s Bro si rsin sias tpj (.i.lsss i. New Blacksmith Shop. i 1 anMirrm Tba onJeralgoaJ baa opaaad op m aaw blaekmih atop pppo aile Iba npero boose, aad ta prepeied lo do aoy kind et work is hla line, la coaaeetke be will ran a FIRST CLASS WAGON SHOP I Work d aa at Topolar I'rlcae aod io a aatlafaelory msnosr. I hae arr".'d lha arvbwa f aa aiprbnit tnrmhner, . J, MMon, of Klrm, and boraee will be abnd aa aa to pi lnter'rii'g ai.. nr reaeblag, Of so eat W. I. H UtIV.SKIt, ll'PPoer. Or. .- .i ttal nf li'i tasa, Maexta. amasWii, W.a kixir tn t ear if 1 Ka pMi'a ael lo lake a 0"re 4 lliawl'a n'aaMie al lhassa l.vl ibal rait 4-iea ad d-tiilit'. .l it t-e wi bb ievlt'a diaaaaa. Tba l v.d a a I'alf a Ai tn b-lle if ll"1'a Karaaaarilla w II e-ima bak wie l-'aa ria la Ibe haaMH aod l.if id bt; a4 trg b t.f arvaa. It jftt'a M1 era ssv lo bey, ar la lake, f lo opasala. Cere all Mr Hla. f. tito m sue II .f ! I , (I ri. saitisla, af l l' l f) , el l lie a lt I'aUna IU. Maa wal S far a al Iba laUl fair Atar'a rire-prilt at ) ita lha ritfs' ilibMf ilisti.irti.ia if bat eg ta 1 1. mi' l....l .irifl-r a''neei aa tifcii at lbs Wnl4'a fair, Cttgi. Maaalalr-r iA tr.r ereattjriie eiag'it l-y saaaaslonlilaia aabuwiag 7ibir g ., onl iher were all !' I awy oita Iba aiplMaiia ( ba rale tWtn..ipg Iba entry of pairvl aaadtelaaa aol rati. 1 be dHie ol H a Worid'a fair aeih- filia la favor al Arer'a Karaspailla waa le !fat aa fiJIoas: Ar'a Ws.sst.a riila w bit e peiref a4iaMe. It t tltg hi b list o ftnatrewie. f I W bare hi Ma aaaeiie." m ail Wmb In thks Una. I'mil'si llnf sl l"b nk Vtttxi fran-li.e. ailklM al ilr ia mil. sa m iari. a4sili as at (iMfauir sailla llua, ft- fao'iiauta. 7ras I ash. HtortiOpp. I. Q.Thofnpwm Co.. Main Ht- Ufppn G. W. UTT & SON, IHGLISH'-BUSINESS .-J'.-'r-.'irnni t pcp' f-, v'd' fT'rii""! r-r",i cS0 f iu tM.u 1 c a;?-:. tm 'n il m-j r,t U H I'lrvTl. .',! . P'fsjfKf tnvr, $ r 1 T , 1 v0, 71 ttr.upMv. . ia Ma i . A I !. IU t I T I rHt.Ul, U.ju.(,Ul.;wa Ja,ta.a li soli I br s Te la a a f Ila4-rta't avw. l -i lf .ti.v a4,t It .1 eie if VsaUa A M airae. m i i a . ',. Nil. its- I 1 . ; . 1 LOOK AT THESE PHICES 1 Hjol -i HO i tn. Kiinli; Tt Cin. Knvhl a xifti fi-M nr anil H' "() i-wM'ii. All aOisr emkla rtt.tiMt aM Alt. "i'K Vr.M.Hfi G W. UfT A SON. naiaf a w kl Uxiea t fVtl " T11K 1'AIiACK 1IOTHL 1JAK, j. o. none 1 1 io its, Pioi). a . aaasaass M Keeps the Finest Wines Lwtinrs nnd Cigars. :,:;j!LttiiL BLANKS. Plenty of Hit. m GaZwttc Office. t tl.c